What can I do if I get the following error?
[X, Y, T] = ndgrid(xspan, yspan, tspan0);
R_pre = interpn(X, Y, T, u_history, x, y, tref, ‘linear’);
Incorrect use of griddedInterpolant.
GridVectors must define grids whose size is compatible with the Values array.[X, Y, T] = ndgrid(xspan, yspan, tspan0);
R_pre = interpn(X, Y, T, u_history, x, y, tref, ‘linear’);
Incorrect use of griddedInterpolant.
GridVectors must define grids whose size is compatible with the Values array. [X, Y, T] = ndgrid(xspan, yspan, tspan0);
R_pre = interpn(X, Y, T, u_history, x, y, tref, ‘linear’);
Incorrect use of griddedInterpolant.
GridVectors must define grids whose size is compatible with the Values array. 2dpde MATLAB Answers — New Questions