What to do with document “content” from docx file
I can successfully connect to and call a Graph API to retrieve a document from a sharepoint document library using
there is a screenshot below of the returned value using postman for a sample
What exactly is this?
What am I supposed to do with this?
A lot of googling seems to imply I need to write this to a local docx file on my system, but is there no way to convert/parse this to json or something so I am query it directly
Ultimately the end goal will be do something like
“external system places a document in a sp folder”
“use graph to get the document”
“do some magic with the document gotten from graph”
write a test to say “does the document contain the text ‘my string value'”
I am using typescript with playwright to write automated tests
Hello,I can successfully connect to and call a Graph API to retrieve a document from a sharepoint document library using https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/sites/{siteId}/drives/{driveId}/items/{itemId}/content there is a screenshot below of the returned value using postman for a sample What exactly is this?What am I supposed to do with this?A lot of googling seems to imply I need to write this to a local docx file on my system, but is there no way to convert/parse this to json or something so I am query it directlyUltimately the end goal will be do something like”external system places a document in a sp folder””use graph to get the document””do some magic with the document gotten from graph”write a test to say “does the document contain the text ‘my string value'”I am using typescript with playwright to write automated tests Read More