Why do I get an error in bateman_Radon220 example file?
I am trying to understend the following examplefile (bateman_Radon220.m). But when I run run code I get an error:
Warning: Error updating FunctionLine.
DataSpace or ColorSpace transform method failed.
The problem is that the A_sum does not plot entirely right, so I guess it has something to do with that?!
Kind regard Brian
% Rn-220 (Thoron) decay chain
% For the basics have a look at bateman.m.
% (r41=64%)-l4-> Po-212
% / l5
% Rn-220 -l1-> Po-216 -l2-> Pb-212 -l3-> Bi-212 —-> Pb-208 (stable)
% /l6
% (r42=36%)-l4-> Tl-208
% 1: Rn-220 t(1/2) = 55.6 s
% 2: Po-216 t(1/2) = 0.15 s
% 3: Pb-212 t(1/2) = 10.6 h
% 4: Bi-212 t(1/2) = 60.6 min
% 5: Po-212 t(1/2) = 299 ns
% 6: Tl-208 t(1/2) = 3.05 min
% l = lamda = decay constant
% t(1/2) = half-life
% N0 is the initial quantity of substance that will decay.
% N(t) is the quantity that still remains and has not yet decayed after a time t.
% dN/dt = -l*N
% N(t) = N0*exp(-l*t)
% l = log(2)/t(1/2) (log means the natural logarithm)
% A = activity; is the number of decays per unit time of a radioactive sample
% A = l*N
% A0 = l1*N0
% rxy = branching ratio
% et = elution time
clear all;
syms N1(t) N2(t) N3(t) N4(t) N5(t) N6(t) l1 l2 l3 l4 l5 l6 r41 r42 N0 A0;
eq_1 = diff(N1(t),t) == -l1*N1(t); % decay of Rn-220
eq_2 = diff(N2(t),t) == -l2*N2(t)+l1*N1(t); % decay of Po-216 and formation from Rn-220
eq_3 = diff(N3(t),t) == -l3*N3(t)+l2*N2(t); % decay of Pb-212 and formation from Po-216
eq_4 = diff(N4(t),t) == -l4*N4(t)+l3*N3(t); % decay of Bi-212 and formation from Pb-212
eq_5 = diff(N5(t),t) == -l5*N5(t)+r41*l4*N4(t); % decay of Po-212 and formation from Bi-212
eq_6 = diff(N6(t),t) == -l6*N6(t)+r42*l4*N4(t); % decay of Tl-208 and formation from Bi-212
% solve the system of diff. equations
% conditions N1(t=0) = N0; N2 to N5(t=0) = 0
sol = dsolve ([eq_1 eq_2 eq_3 eq_4 eq_5 eq_6, N1(0)==N0 N2(0)==0 N3(0)==0 N4(0)==0 N5(0)==0 N6(0)==0]);
A1 = sol.N1*l1; % transform N to A
A2 = sol.N2*l2; % transform N to A
A3 = sol.N3*l3; % transform N to A
A4 = sol.N4*l4; % transform N to A
A5 = sol.N5*l5; % transform N to A
A6 = sol.N6*l6; % transform N to A
A1 = subs(A1,N0*l1,A0); % substitute N0*l1 with A0
A2 = subs(A2,N0*l1,A0); % substitute N0*l1 with A0
A3 = subs(A3,N0*l1,A0); % substitute N0*l1 with A0
A4 = subs(A4,N0*l1,A0); % substitute N0*l1 with A0
A5 = subs(A5,N0*l1,A0); % substitute N0*l1 with A0
A6 = subs(A6,N0*l1,A0); % substitute N0*l1 with A0
A1 = A1 / A0; % divide by A0 to get relative activities
A2 = A2 / A0; % divide by A0 to get relative activities
A3 = A3 / A0; % divide by A0 to get relative activities
A4 = A4 / A0; % divide by A0 to get relative activities
A5 = A5 / A0; % divide by A0 to get relative activities
A6 = A6 / A0; % divide by A0 to get relative activities
A2 = simplify(A2,’Steps’,40); % simplify
A3 = simplify(A3,’Steps’,40); % simplify
A4 = simplify(A4,’Steps’,40); % simplify
A5 = simplify(A5,’Steps’,40); % simplify
A6 = simplify(A6,’Steps’,40); % simplify
% ———————————————————————–
% values to change
l1_v = log(2)/55.6; % l for Rn-220 /s; l=log(2)/t(1/2)
l2_v = log(2)/0.15; % l for Po-216 /s; l=log(2)/t(1/2)
l3_v = log(2)/(10.6*60*60); % l for Pb-212 /s; l=log(2)/t(1/2)
l4_v = log(2)/(60.6*60); % l for Bi-212 /s; l=log(2)/t(1/2)
l5_v = log(2)/2.99e-7; % l for Po-212 /s; l=log(2)/t(1/2)
l6_v = log(2)/(3.05*60); % l for Tl-208 /s; l=log(2)/t(1/2)
r41_v = 0.64; % Bi-212 branching to Po-212
r42_v = 0.36; % Bi-212 branching to Tl-208
% ———————————————————————–
% symbolic substitution of constants with "real" values
A1s = subs(A1, [l1,l2,l3,l4,l5,l6,r41,r42], [l1_v,l2_v,l3_v,l4_v,l5_v,l6_v,r41_v,r42_v]);
A2s = subs(A2, [l1,l2,l3,l4,l5,l6,r41,r42], [l1_v,l2_v,l3_v,l4_v,l5_v,l6_v,r41_v,r42_v]);
A3s = subs(A3, [l1,l2,l3,l4,l5,l6,r41,r42], [l1_v,l2_v,l3_v,l4_v,l5_v,l6_v,r41_v,r42_v]);
A4s = subs(A4, [l1,l2,l3,l4,l5,l6,r41,r42], [l1_v,l2_v,l3_v,l4_v,l5_v,l6_v,r41_v,r42_v]);
A5s = subs(A5, [l1,l2,l3,l4,l5,l6,r41,r42], [l1_v,l2_v,l3_v,l4_v,l5_v,l6_v,r41_v,r42_v]);
A6s = subs(A6, [l1,l2,l3,l4,l5,l6,r41,r42], [l1_v,l2_v,l3_v,l4_v,l5_v,l6_v,r41_v,r42_v]);
A_sum = A1s + A2s + A3s + A4s + A5s + A6s; % sum of all activities
% plot section
hold on;
hold off
% plot options
ax.Title.String = {‘Decay of Rn-220’};
ax.YLim=[1e-15 3];
ax.XLim=[1e-4 5e6];
ax.XLabel.String=’t /s’;
ax.YLabel.String=’rel. activity A/A_0′;
grid on;
grid minor;
legend(‘Rn-220′,’Po-216′,’Pb-212′,’Bi-212′,’Po-212′,’Tl-208′,’A_{sum}’,’Location’,’best’);I am trying to understend the following examplefile (bateman_Radon220.m). But when I run run code I get an error:
Warning: Error updating FunctionLine.
DataSpace or ColorSpace transform method failed.
The problem is that the A_sum does not plot entirely right, so I guess it has something to do with that?!
Kind regard Brian
% Rn-220 (Thoron) decay chain
% For the basics have a look at bateman.m.
% (r41=64%)-l4-> Po-212
% / l5
% Rn-220 -l1-> Po-216 -l2-> Pb-212 -l3-> Bi-212 —-> Pb-208 (stable)
% /l6
% (r42=36%)-l4-> Tl-208
% 1: Rn-220 t(1/2) = 55.6 s
% 2: Po-216 t(1/2) = 0.15 s
% 3: Pb-212 t(1/2) = 10.6 h
% 4: Bi-212 t(1/2) = 60.6 min
% 5: Po-212 t(1/2) = 299 ns
% 6: Tl-208 t(1/2) = 3.05 min
% l = lamda = decay constant
% t(1/2) = half-life
% N0 is the initial quantity of substance that will decay.
% N(t) is the quantity that still remains and has not yet decayed after a time t.
% dN/dt = -l*N
% N(t) = N0*exp(-l*t)
% l = log(2)/t(1/2) (log means the natural logarithm)
% A = activity; is the number of decays per unit time of a radioactive sample
% A = l*N
% A0 = l1*N0
% rxy = branching ratio
% et = elution time
clear all;
syms N1(t) N2(t) N3(t) N4(t) N5(t) N6(t) l1 l2 l3 l4 l5 l6 r41 r42 N0 A0;
eq_1 = diff(N1(t),t) == -l1*N1(t); % decay of Rn-220
eq_2 = diff(N2(t),t) == -l2*N2(t)+l1*N1(t); % decay of Po-216 and formation from Rn-220
eq_3 = diff(N3(t),t) == -l3*N3(t)+l2*N2(t); % decay of Pb-212 and formation from Po-216
eq_4 = diff(N4(t),t) == -l4*N4(t)+l3*N3(t); % decay of Bi-212 and formation from Pb-212
eq_5 = diff(N5(t),t) == -l5*N5(t)+r41*l4*N4(t); % decay of Po-212 and formation from Bi-212
eq_6 = diff(N6(t),t) == -l6*N6(t)+r42*l4*N4(t); % decay of Tl-208 and formation from Bi-212
% solve the system of diff. equations
% conditions N1(t=0) = N0; N2 to N5(t=0) = 0
sol = dsolve ([eq_1 eq_2 eq_3 eq_4 eq_5 eq_6, N1(0)==N0 N2(0)==0 N3(0)==0 N4(0)==0 N5(0)==0 N6(0)==0]);
A1 = sol.N1*l1; % transform N to A
A2 = sol.N2*l2; % transform N to A
A3 = sol.N3*l3; % transform N to A
A4 = sol.N4*l4; % transform N to A
A5 = sol.N5*l5; % transform N to A
A6 = sol.N6*l6; % transform N to A
A1 = subs(A1,N0*l1,A0); % substitute N0*l1 with A0
A2 = subs(A2,N0*l1,A0); % substitute N0*l1 with A0
A3 = subs(A3,N0*l1,A0); % substitute N0*l1 with A0
A4 = subs(A4,N0*l1,A0); % substitute N0*l1 with A0
A5 = subs(A5,N0*l1,A0); % substitute N0*l1 with A0
A6 = subs(A6,N0*l1,A0); % substitute N0*l1 with A0
A1 = A1 / A0; % divide by A0 to get relative activities
A2 = A2 / A0; % divide by A0 to get relative activities
A3 = A3 / A0; % divide by A0 to get relative activities
A4 = A4 / A0; % divide by A0 to get relative activities
A5 = A5 / A0; % divide by A0 to get relative activities
A6 = A6 / A0; % divide by A0 to get relative activities
A2 = simplify(A2,’Steps’,40); % simplify
A3 = simplify(A3,’Steps’,40); % simplify
A4 = simplify(A4,’Steps’,40); % simplify
A5 = simplify(A5,’Steps’,40); % simplify
A6 = simplify(A6,’Steps’,40); % simplify
% ———————————————————————–
% values to change
l1_v = log(2)/55.6; % l for Rn-220 /s; l=log(2)/t(1/2)
l2_v = log(2)/0.15; % l for Po-216 /s; l=log(2)/t(1/2)
l3_v = log(2)/(10.6*60*60); % l for Pb-212 /s; l=log(2)/t(1/2)
l4_v = log(2)/(60.6*60); % l for Bi-212 /s; l=log(2)/t(1/2)
l5_v = log(2)/2.99e-7; % l for Po-212 /s; l=log(2)/t(1/2)
l6_v = log(2)/(3.05*60); % l for Tl-208 /s; l=log(2)/t(1/2)
r41_v = 0.64; % Bi-212 branching to Po-212
r42_v = 0.36; % Bi-212 branching to Tl-208
% ———————————————————————–
% symbolic substitution of constants with "real" values
A1s = subs(A1, [l1,l2,l3,l4,l5,l6,r41,r42], [l1_v,l2_v,l3_v,l4_v,l5_v,l6_v,r41_v,r42_v]);
A2s = subs(A2, [l1,l2,l3,l4,l5,l6,r41,r42], [l1_v,l2_v,l3_v,l4_v,l5_v,l6_v,r41_v,r42_v]);
A3s = subs(A3, [l1,l2,l3,l4,l5,l6,r41,r42], [l1_v,l2_v,l3_v,l4_v,l5_v,l6_v,r41_v,r42_v]);
A4s = subs(A4, [l1,l2,l3,l4,l5,l6,r41,r42], [l1_v,l2_v,l3_v,l4_v,l5_v,l6_v,r41_v,r42_v]);
A5s = subs(A5, [l1,l2,l3,l4,l5,l6,r41,r42], [l1_v,l2_v,l3_v,l4_v,l5_v,l6_v,r41_v,r42_v]);
A6s = subs(A6, [l1,l2,l3,l4,l5,l6,r41,r42], [l1_v,l2_v,l3_v,l4_v,l5_v,l6_v,r41_v,r42_v]);
A_sum = A1s + A2s + A3s + A4s + A5s + A6s; % sum of all activities
% plot section
hold on;
hold off
% plot options
ax.Title.String = {‘Decay of Rn-220’};
ax.YLim=[1e-15 3];
ax.XLim=[1e-4 5e6];
ax.XLabel.String=’t /s’;
ax.YLabel.String=’rel. activity A/A_0′;
grid on;
grid minor;
legend(‘Rn-220′,’Po-216′,’Pb-212′,’Bi-212′,’Po-212′,’Tl-208′,’A_{sum}’,’Location’,’best’); I am trying to understend the following examplefile (bateman_Radon220.m). But when I run run code I get an error:
Warning: Error updating FunctionLine.
DataSpace or ColorSpace transform method failed.
The problem is that the A_sum does not plot entirely right, so I guess it has something to do with that?!
Kind regard Brian
% Rn-220 (Thoron) decay chain
% For the basics have a look at bateman.m.
% (r41=64%)-l4-> Po-212
% / l5
% Rn-220 -l1-> Po-216 -l2-> Pb-212 -l3-> Bi-212 —-> Pb-208 (stable)
% /l6
% (r42=36%)-l4-> Tl-208
% 1: Rn-220 t(1/2) = 55.6 s
% 2: Po-216 t(1/2) = 0.15 s
% 3: Pb-212 t(1/2) = 10.6 h
% 4: Bi-212 t(1/2) = 60.6 min
% 5: Po-212 t(1/2) = 299 ns
% 6: Tl-208 t(1/2) = 3.05 min
% l = lamda = decay constant
% t(1/2) = half-life
% N0 is the initial quantity of substance that will decay.
% N(t) is the quantity that still remains and has not yet decayed after a time t.
% dN/dt = -l*N
% N(t) = N0*exp(-l*t)
% l = log(2)/t(1/2) (log means the natural logarithm)
% A = activity; is the number of decays per unit time of a radioactive sample
% A = l*N
% A0 = l1*N0
% rxy = branching ratio
% et = elution time
clear all;
syms N1(t) N2(t) N3(t) N4(t) N5(t) N6(t) l1 l2 l3 l4 l5 l6 r41 r42 N0 A0;
eq_1 = diff(N1(t),t) == -l1*N1(t); % decay of Rn-220
eq_2 = diff(N2(t),t) == -l2*N2(t)+l1*N1(t); % decay of Po-216 and formation from Rn-220
eq_3 = diff(N3(t),t) == -l3*N3(t)+l2*N2(t); % decay of Pb-212 and formation from Po-216
eq_4 = diff(N4(t),t) == -l4*N4(t)+l3*N3(t); % decay of Bi-212 and formation from Pb-212
eq_5 = diff(N5(t),t) == -l5*N5(t)+r41*l4*N4(t); % decay of Po-212 and formation from Bi-212
eq_6 = diff(N6(t),t) == -l6*N6(t)+r42*l4*N4(t); % decay of Tl-208 and formation from Bi-212
% solve the system of diff. equations
% conditions N1(t=0) = N0; N2 to N5(t=0) = 0
sol = dsolve ([eq_1 eq_2 eq_3 eq_4 eq_5 eq_6, N1(0)==N0 N2(0)==0 N3(0)==0 N4(0)==0 N5(0)==0 N6(0)==0]);
A1 = sol.N1*l1; % transform N to A
A2 = sol.N2*l2; % transform N to A
A3 = sol.N3*l3; % transform N to A
A4 = sol.N4*l4; % transform N to A
A5 = sol.N5*l5; % transform N to A
A6 = sol.N6*l6; % transform N to A
A1 = subs(A1,N0*l1,A0); % substitute N0*l1 with A0
A2 = subs(A2,N0*l1,A0); % substitute N0*l1 with A0
A3 = subs(A3,N0*l1,A0); % substitute N0*l1 with A0
A4 = subs(A4,N0*l1,A0); % substitute N0*l1 with A0
A5 = subs(A5,N0*l1,A0); % substitute N0*l1 with A0
A6 = subs(A6,N0*l1,A0); % substitute N0*l1 with A0
A1 = A1 / A0; % divide by A0 to get relative activities
A2 = A2 / A0; % divide by A0 to get relative activities
A3 = A3 / A0; % divide by A0 to get relative activities
A4 = A4 / A0; % divide by A0 to get relative activities
A5 = A5 / A0; % divide by A0 to get relative activities
A6 = A6 / A0; % divide by A0 to get relative activities
A2 = simplify(A2,’Steps’,40); % simplify
A3 = simplify(A3,’Steps’,40); % simplify
A4 = simplify(A4,’Steps’,40); % simplify
A5 = simplify(A5,’Steps’,40); % simplify
A6 = simplify(A6,’Steps’,40); % simplify
% ———————————————————————–
% values to change
l1_v = log(2)/55.6; % l for Rn-220 /s; l=log(2)/t(1/2)
l2_v = log(2)/0.15; % l for Po-216 /s; l=log(2)/t(1/2)
l3_v = log(2)/(10.6*60*60); % l for Pb-212 /s; l=log(2)/t(1/2)
l4_v = log(2)/(60.6*60); % l for Bi-212 /s; l=log(2)/t(1/2)
l5_v = log(2)/2.99e-7; % l for Po-212 /s; l=log(2)/t(1/2)
l6_v = log(2)/(3.05*60); % l for Tl-208 /s; l=log(2)/t(1/2)
r41_v = 0.64; % Bi-212 branching to Po-212
r42_v = 0.36; % Bi-212 branching to Tl-208
% ———————————————————————–
% symbolic substitution of constants with "real" values
A1s = subs(A1, [l1,l2,l3,l4,l5,l6,r41,r42], [l1_v,l2_v,l3_v,l4_v,l5_v,l6_v,r41_v,r42_v]);
A2s = subs(A2, [l1,l2,l3,l4,l5,l6,r41,r42], [l1_v,l2_v,l3_v,l4_v,l5_v,l6_v,r41_v,r42_v]);
A3s = subs(A3, [l1,l2,l3,l4,l5,l6,r41,r42], [l1_v,l2_v,l3_v,l4_v,l5_v,l6_v,r41_v,r42_v]);
A4s = subs(A4, [l1,l2,l3,l4,l5,l6,r41,r42], [l1_v,l2_v,l3_v,l4_v,l5_v,l6_v,r41_v,r42_v]);
A5s = subs(A5, [l1,l2,l3,l4,l5,l6,r41,r42], [l1_v,l2_v,l3_v,l4_v,l5_v,l6_v,r41_v,r42_v]);
A6s = subs(A6, [l1,l2,l3,l4,l5,l6,r41,r42], [l1_v,l2_v,l3_v,l4_v,l5_v,l6_v,r41_v,r42_v]);
A_sum = A1s + A2s + A3s + A4s + A5s + A6s; % sum of all activities
% plot section
hold on;
hold off
% plot options
ax.Title.String = {‘Decay of Rn-220’};
ax.YLim=[1e-15 3];
ax.XLim=[1e-4 5e6];
ax.XLabel.String=’t /s’;
ax.YLabel.String=’rel. activity A/A_0′;
grid on;
grid minor;
legend(‘Rn-220′,’Po-216′,’Pb-212′,’Bi-212′,’Po-212′,’Tl-208′,’A_{sum}’,’Location’,’best’); bateman, decay, radioactivity, radon220, examplefile MATLAB Answers — New Questions