Write the lines (sentences) of a 1513 x 1 string into separate lines in a text file, keeping the whole length of each sentence, without breaking them.
This is the function I am using: writelines(newstr,"c:userslnitzdownloadstarnowagain.txt")
newstr is a 1513 x 1 string, consisting of whole sentences from a story.Many sentences are quite long.
The text below was two sentences (each in a single line) in the string document. but appears broken into four lines in the writelines output.
Sie hatte keine Kinder, und mir wurde daher
der ganze Reichthum ihres Herzens an Liebe.
Seit meinem zehnten Jahre war sie mir Pflegerin
und Erzieherin, und mein Herz liebte und ehrte sie wie eine zweite Mutter.
My ideal is to have either a text file with one sentence per line or a spreadsheet with one sentence in the first cell of each line. This woujld be input to a text program that focuses on sentences.This is the function I am using: writelines(newstr,"c:userslnitzdownloadstarnowagain.txt")
newstr is a 1513 x 1 string, consisting of whole sentences from a story.Many sentences are quite long.
The text below was two sentences (each in a single line) in the string document. but appears broken into four lines in the writelines output.
Sie hatte keine Kinder, und mir wurde daher
der ganze Reichthum ihres Herzens an Liebe.
Seit meinem zehnten Jahre war sie mir Pflegerin
und Erzieherin, und mein Herz liebte und ehrte sie wie eine zweite Mutter.
My ideal is to have either a text file with one sentence per line or a spreadsheet with one sentence in the first cell of each line. This woujld be input to a text program that focuses on sentences. This is the function I am using: writelines(newstr,"c:userslnitzdownloadstarnowagain.txt")
newstr is a 1513 x 1 string, consisting of whole sentences from a story.Many sentences are quite long.
The text below was two sentences (each in a single line) in the string document. but appears broken into four lines in the writelines output.
Sie hatte keine Kinder, und mir wurde daher
der ganze Reichthum ihres Herzens an Liebe.
Seit meinem zehnten Jahre war sie mir Pflegerin
und Erzieherin, und mein Herz liebte und ehrte sie wie eine zweite Mutter.
My ideal is to have either a text file with one sentence per line or a spreadsheet with one sentence in the first cell of each line. This woujld be input to a text program that focuses on sentences. text ouput, write string to line. MATLAB Answers — New Questions