I have a spreadsheet that uses XLOOKUP to pull data from one tab into another. I have matching references on each tab to identify the data. However, I now need to add data from a new date. How can I adjust my XLOOKUP to only pull the data from a particular date? An example of one of the current formulas is XLOOKUP($C8,’DATA ‘!$B:$B,’DATA ‘!Z:Z). C8 is the refrence and DATAB:B is the reference column. My new date column is DATA!B:B.
I have a spreadsheet that uses XLOOKUP to pull data from one tab into another. I have matching references on each tab to identify the data. However, I now need to add data from a new date. How can I adjust my XLOOKUP to only pull the data from a particular date? An example of one of the current formulas is XLOOKUP($C8,’DATA ‘!$B:$B,’DATA ‘!Z:Z). C8 is the refrence and DATAB:B is the reference column. My new date column is DATA!B:B. Read More