Month: July 2024
Microsoft 365 is a product family of productivity software, collaboration and cloud-based services owned by Microsoft. It encompasses online services such as, OneDrive, Microsoft Teams, programs formerly marketed under the name Microsoft Office (including applications such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook on Microsoft Windows, macOS, mobile devices, and on the web), enterprise products and services associated with these products such as Exchange Server, SharePoint, and Viva Engage. It also covers subscription plans encompassing these products, including those that include subscription-based licenses to desktop and mobile software, and hosted email and intranet services.
Microsoft 365 is a product family of productivity software, collaboration and cloud-based services owned by Microsoft. It encompasses online services such as, OneDrive, Microsoft Teams, programs formerly marketed under the name Microsoft Office (including applications such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook on Microsoft Windows, macOS, mobile devices, and on the web), enterprise products and services associated with these products such as Exchange Server, SharePoint, and Viva Engage. It also covers subscription plans encompassing these products, including those that include subscription-based licenses to desktop and mobile software, and hosted email and intranet services. Read More
How to fix error 15240 in Q.B Desktop after update?
While attempting to update Quick-Books, I encountered Error 15240. The error message mentions an issue with the pay-roll update and suggests checking my internet connection and settings. I’ve verified my connection and settings, but the error persists. Can anyone help me resolve this?
While attempting to update Quick-Books, I encountered Error 15240. The error message mentions an issue with the pay-roll update and suggests checking my internet connection and settings. I’ve verified my connection and settings, but the error persists. Can anyone help me resolve this? Read More
Image Map Apps
Hi folks, fairly new to Devops in my new role. Previously been an Atlassian guy. I’m a big fan of using wiki for documentation. One of the things Atlassian had was you could buy apps to create image maps. Useful for things like software architecture so you could click an area to open up specific information on another page related to that area. I am struggling to find any apps in Azure marketplace though, anyone got any they recommend?
Hi folks, fairly new to Devops in my new role. Previously been an Atlassian guy. I’m a big fan of using wiki for documentation. One of the things Atlassian had was you could buy apps to create image maps. Useful for things like software architecture so you could click an area to open up specific information on another page related to that area. I am struggling to find any apps in Azure marketplace though, anyone got any they recommend? Read More
What is error 15270 in Q.B desktop?
I’m encountering Quick-Books Error 15270 during pay-roll updates: “The update is missing a file.” I’ve tried restarting Quick-Books and my computer, but the issue persists. Can anyone from the community suggest additional troubleshooting steps or solutions to resolve this error?
I’m encountering Quick-Books Error 15270 during pay-roll updates: “The update is missing a file.” I’ve tried restarting Quick-Books and my computer, but the issue persists. Can anyone from the community suggest additional troubleshooting steps or solutions to resolve this error? Read More
IIS Central Certificate Store and Windows containers
A while ago the .NET and Windows containers team investigated how our customers were using certificates for HTTPS connections when using Windows containers to run web workloads on IIS, either on AKS or not. At the time, we learned that the management of SSL certificates on Windows containers specifically for IIS is very manual and doesn’t align well with modern practices you would expect when running on a containerized environment.
We learned that most of our customers have scripts to load certificates into the Windows container environment, install the certificate, and have it configured as part of the IIS deployment alongside the application, its application pool in IIS, and its IIS bindings. The other scenario on which this is not necessary is when customers use an ingress controller, which handles the HTTPS traffic before it gets to the containers/pods.
At the time that we investigated this we missed an important feature that exists in IIS already from the pre-container era – Central Certificate Store. This feature was introduced in Windows Server 2012 as part of the at the time new IIS 8.0. It allows the server administrators to store and access the certificates centrally on a file share. Windows Servers in a server farm can then be configured to load the certificates from the file share on-demand. For Windows containers, this feature comes in handy as it is exactly what we need to decouple the storing of files (certificates in this case) from the container.
Proof of concept with Docker Desktop
To validate that Central Certificate Store can be properly used for Windows containers, I tested the feature locally on my machine. This is what the architecture looks like in its simplest form:
The main thing in the diagram above is that the certificate is not being loaded into the container. Instead, it sits on a local folder on my machine. To validate the above, here are the assets I used:
# escape=`
# Use the Windows Server Core image with IIS installed, targeting 2022 LTSC version
# Install the Centralized Certificates Module
RUN powershell -command `
Add-WindowsFeature Web-CertProvider
#Copy LogMonitor JSON file and download LogMonitor to the container
WORKDIR /LogMonitor
COPY LogMonitorConfig.json .
RUN powershell.exe -command wget -uri -outfile LogMonitor.exe
#Copy iiscentralstore.ps1 to the container
COPY iiscentralstore.ps1 .
ENTRYPOINT [“powershell”, “-File”, “C:\LogMonitor\iiscentralstore.ps1”]
The above Dockerfile will create a new image based on the Windows Server 2022 LTSC IIS image. It will install the Central Certificate Store (Web-CertProvider) feature. It will also download and configure LogMonitor so you can see the logs from IIS outside of the container. Finally, it will copy a PowerShell script that will be used as entry point for the image.
The most important aspect of this PowerShell script is that it will only be called when the container is executed from the image. The script is not executed when the image is being built. This approach allows us to defer specifying usernames or passwords until the container is launched. This is a security best practice as these could be tracked to the image history.
Here’s what the PowerShell script looks like:
#Create a new local user account
$Password = ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText $env:LocalUserPassword -Force
New-LocalUser -Name $env:LocalUsername -Password $Password -FullName $env:LocalUsername -Description ‘IIS certificate manager user’
# Configure the Central Certificate Store
$PFXPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText $env:PFXCertPassword -Force
$CertStorePath = ‘C:CertificateStore’
Enable-IISCentralCertProvider -CertStoreLocation $CertStorePath -UserName $env:LocalUsername -Password $Password -PrivateKeyPassword $PFXPassword
# Update the IIS bindings to use the Central Certificate Store
$siteName = ‘Default Web Site’; `
Remove-WebSite -Name $siteName; `
$newSiteName = ‘CCSTest’; `
$newSitePhysicalPath = ‘C:inetpubwwwroot’; `
$newSiteBindingInformation = ‘*:443:’; `
New-IISSite -Name $newSiteName -PhysicalPath $newSitePhysicalPath -BindingInformation $newSiteBindingInformation -Protocol https -SslFlag CentralCertStore
#Call LogMonitor, ServiceMonitor and IIS
C:LogMonitorLogMonitor.exe C:ServiceMonitor.exe w3svc
The script starts by creating a new local user. This user will be used later for accessing the folder on which the certificate is stored. Note that I’m not hardcoding the username or password to the script. The point of this approach is to remove all secrets from the container image, which includes credentials.
Next, we configure the Central Certificate Store. For that, we’ll use the user account and password from the previous step, but we also need the password for the certificate (PFX) file and the location on which the certificates will be stored. Traditionally, this could be an SMB file share. In our case, we’ll use a local folder. Later, this local folder will be a volume mounted into the container.
We then move to update the IIS binding to use the Central Certificate Store. To ensure only the website we need is there, we deleted the Default Web Site (note: this could be done as part of the build process) and built a new one with the right configuration. Most importantly, the New-IISSite command includes the -SslFlag indicating the certificate comes from the CentralCertStore.
Finally, we instantiate LogMonitor, which calls ServiceMonitor, which in turn checks for the state of the w3svc (IIS) service. As long as the service is up, ServiceMonitor will keep the container running and LogMonitor will send logs to SDTOUT, which will be captured by Docker or Kubernetes.
For a local deployment, that’s pretty much it. Now, we need a certificate. On my local machine, I ran:
# Create the certificate locally
$cert = New-SelfSignedCertificate -DnsName “” -CertStoreLocation “cert:LocalMachineMy”
# Specify the path where you want to save the certificate’s public key
$certPath = “C:CertCCSTest.pfx”
# Export the certificate to a file
$certPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString -String “MySecurePassword” -Force -AsPlainText
Export-PfxCertificate -Cert $cert -FilePath $certPath -Password $certPassword
The above created the PFX certificate file for the website I want to use. Next, we need to build the container image:
docker build -t iisccs:v1 .
With the image built, we can run a new container based on the image:
docker run -e LocalUsername='<Username>’ -e LocalUserPassword='<LocalUserPassword>’ -e PFXCertPassword='<CertificatePassword>’ -d -p 8081:443 -v C:Cert:C:CertificateStore iisccs:v2
The command above will instantiate a new container based on the image we just built. It will also map port 443 of the container to port 8081 on the host. I have provided the values for the environment variables needed, such as local username, username password, and PFX file password. Finally, it will map the local folder on my machine to the volume inside the container, resulting in the container being able to see the certificate we just created.
Since this is a proof of concept, I have manually changed the HOSTS file on my machine to include the FQDN of the certificate to the IP address of my machine. When I open the browser and type:, it brings up the website correctly. (Surely, I had to bypass the browser warning about the website, since the certificate is self-signed and not trusted by my machine)
This proved that we can have an IIS website with HTTPS configured with no certificates loaded into the container image. Now, if I need to change the certificate, I don’t have to rebuild the image. All I have to do is to update the certificate in the folder being mapped to a volume inside the container.
Don’t get me wrong and let me clarify something right away: The main drawback and absolute blocker here is the fact that I’m passing sensitive information when running the container. A simple docker inspect can reveal the username and password used as part of the docker run command:
PS C:Usersuser> docker run -e LocalUsername=’username’ -e LocalUserPassword=’password’ -e PFXCertPassword=’password’ -d -p 8080:80 -p 8081:443 -p 8172:8172 -v C:Cert:C:CertificateStore iisccs:v2
PS C:Usersuser> docker ps
72ee37d2088e iisccs:v2 “powershell -File C:…” 12 seconds ago Up 5 seconds>8172/tcp,>80/tcp,>443/tcp beautiful_ellis
PS C:Usersuser> docker inspect 72ee37d2088e
“Env”: [
Unfortunately, for Docker Desktop environments there’s not much to be done. Docker provides a great feature called Docker Secrets, but that is available for Docker Swarm environments only. Since this was just a proof of concept, it is ok to use it for validation or development/testing purposes.
For Kubernetes environments though, there are other more secure options available that allow us to take this approach and validated concept to production environments.
IIS Central Certificate Store on Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
Now we have an IIS container image able to use Central Certificate Store to load the certificate into the container. What we need is to validate that we can do it in a secure and safe way, enabling it to be used in production environments. This is what our architecture in AKS will look like:
The above architecture is more complex than the previous one, for the obvious reason that we want to ensure a few things:
– Images are available in a registry so AKS cluster nodes can pull it.
– Certificates must be stored in a highly available service and can be mounted into the pods inside the AKS cluster.
– Usernames and passwords are sensitive information and must be kept private.
To achieve the above, I started building this environment by creating:
– An Azure Container Registry (ACR), following the instructions here. You also need to tag your image and push it to the registry, following the documentation.
– An AKS cluster with Windows nodes, following the instructions here. You will need to attach the ACR registry to the AKS cluster. You can do that while you build the cluster or you can attach the registry to the cluster following the documentation here. This will ensure only nodes in this AKS cluster can pull images from the registry.
With ACR and AKS in place, we can move on to configuring Azure Storage where the certificate will be stored and presented to AKS nodes as a persistent volume. To do this, follow the documentation here.
Azure Files storage can be used in two ways for AKS:
– Dynamically provision volumes: This is ideal for scenarios on which the application running in the pod needs a clean volume/disk to use. The volume will be provisioned dynamically as the deployments happen.
– Statically provision volumes: This is used when you want to create a volume that leverages the file shares already present in Azure files.
For our scenario we will use the option to statically provision volumes, which allows us to load the certificate into Azure files prior to allocating it as a volume for the containers. Follow the documentation above and you will have a File Share available in Azure Files. You can then upload the certificate from your machine to the Azure file share by using the Azure portal or the below command:
az storage file upload –account-name <storageaccountname> –share-name <filesharename> –source ‘C:folderfile.pfx’ –path ‘file.pfx’
You should see the certificate in the share now:
With ACR, AKS, and Azure Files configured, we can move on to deploying the application. However, prior to deploying the application, we need to prepare the AKS cluster with the secrets the application will need – the username and passwords we saw earlier. To achieve that, we can run the following on the AKS cluster:
kubectl create secret generic iisccs-secrets –from-literal=LocalUsername=’Username’ –from-literal=LocalUserPassword=’Password’ –from-literal=PFXCertPassword=’Password’
This created the Kubernetes secret to store the sensitive information that will be used when the container is instantiated. If you remember from the previous steps, the container image has been created with a PowerShell script that will run when the container/pod is created. That PowerShell script expects to find this information as environment variables.
To deploy the application, we can create the iiscentralstore.yaml:
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: iisccs-deployment
replicas: 1
app: iisccs
app: iisccs
nodeSelector: windows
– name: iisccs
image: <your image from the ACR registry>
– containerPort: 443
– name: LocalUsername
name: iisccs-secrets
key: LocalUsername
– name: LocalUserPassword
name: iisccs-secrets
key: LocalUserPassword
– name: PFXCertPassword
name: iisccs-secrets
key: PFXCertPassword
cpu: “1”
memory: “500Mi”
– name: azure
mountPath: “C:\Certificate\Store”
– name: azure
claimName: azurefile
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: iisccs-service
app: iisccs
– name: https
protocol: TCP
port: 443
targetPort: 443
type: LoadBalancer
The above will create a deployment and a service. The deployment will be based on the container image you pushed to ACR. It also informs the deployment to use the Kubernetes secret we just created to provide the environment variables assigned. Finally, as part of the deployment, it creates a volume in the folder specified (In this example, this is the folder IIS will be configured to use as the source for the Central Certificate Store. You could either change this, or even use a ConfigMap to set this as a variable). The Service created is a standard LoadBalancer service with ports 80 and 443 open. Note that port 80 is not being used in this application so you can safely remove it.
Also, as part of the deployment, we have the information on the persistentVolumeClaim. We need the iisccs_pvc.yaml file to deploy that:
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
name: azurefile
– ReadWriteMany
storageClassName: azurefile-csi
volumeName: azurefile
storage: 1Gi
This will create a Persistent Volume Claim from the deployment to reach a Persistent Volume. The file above calls the volumeName by the virtue of another specification called iisccs_pv.yaml:
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolume
name: azurefile
storage: 1Gi
– ReadWriteMany
persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Retain
storageClassName: azurefile-csi
volumeHandle: iisccs-volumeid
shareName: iisccsshare
name: azure-secret
namespace: default
– dir_mode=0777
– file_mode=0777
– uid=0
– gid=0
– mfsymlinks
– cache=strict
– nosharesock
– nobrl
The above creates the construct of the Persistent Volume in the AKS cluster. Is uses the azurefile-csi with the nodeStageSecretRef which is a Kubernetes secret created as part of the deployment of the Azure Files storage (as in the documentation provided above).
With the PVC and PV specification, we can go ahead and deploy it:
kubectl create -f iisccs_pv.yaml
kubectl apply -f iisccs_pvc.yaml
You can check if the PVC has been created and bound to the PV by using:
PS C:Usersuser> kubectl get pvc azurefile
azurefile Bound azurefile 1Gi RWX azurefile-csi 24h
This confirms the PVC and PV have been correctly configured. We can then deploy the application:
kubectl apply -f iiscentralstore.yaml
This will create the deployment and service in your AKS cluster. Once the image has been pulled, it should run in one of the Windows nodes in your cluster. You can check the public IP address of the service by running:
PS C:Usersuser> kubectl get service
iisccs-service LoadBalancer XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX 80:32726/TCP,443:32215/TCP 23h
kubernetes ClusterIP <none> 443/TCP 7d1h
Remember that if you don’t have a real DNS record pointing to this IP address, you might need to change the HOSTS file in your machine so you can access the website with its name – that way IIS Central Certificate Store can match the website to the certificate in the store.
Once you do that, you can access the website:
In this blog post we analyzed how to create a Windows container image for IIS that deploys a website using HTTPS without having to load the certificate into the container image. We validated the concept locally on Docker Desktop and created an image that successfully deployed a website using HTTPS with the certificate presented via a local mount volume. While successful, this approach doesn’t meet the security bar for production environments, given the nature of Docker Desktop for local development purposes.
We then explored a secure way to deploy this concept in AKS, by leveraging Kubernetes secrets for sensitive data and Azure Files storage for storing the certificate and presenting it to the pods on the Windows nodes as volumes.
The main goal of this exercise was to enable us to separate the certificate lifecycle management from the container image. If we need to change the certificate, we can do so without changing the container image or re-deploying the pods. Furthermore, the pod lifecycle is also apart from the certificate. We can manage them independently now, which is helpful when thinking about DevOps practices and CI/CD pipelines.
We hope this helps you in the process of modernizing applications with Windows containers and AKS and offers a solution for TLS certificates lifecycle management. Let us know what you think in the comments section below.
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Vyapar Referral Code PNQ1G9
Use Vyapar Referral Code {PNQ1G9} to get extra 3 to 6 month subscription. Vyapar sign up bonus and 20% Discount, Download the Vyapar App now and use code {PNQ1G9} during sign up to get welcome bonus and additional rewards.
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AttaPoll Referral Code DUUWJ – Earn a $20 sign up bonus and 30% referral commission I’m inviting you to join AttaPoll. Get paid to take surveys. Download the app here: What is AttaPoll?AttaPoll is a mobile app that pays users for completing surveys. It connects businesses andmarket researchers with individuals willing to share their opinions and experiences. AttaPolloffers a simple way for companies to gather data and insights while providing a way for users toearn extra cashHow Much Do Surveys Pay on AttaPoll?Survey payouts on AttaPoll vary depending on the length and complexity. Generally, shortersurveys pay around $0.25 to $0.50, while longer surveys can pay up to $5.00 or more. Usersare notified of the amount they will be paid before starting a surveyWhat is the AttaPoll Referral Program?The AttaPoll Refer and Earn program allows users to earn 10% of the money their referredfriends make by completing surveys on the app. There is no upper limit to the amount that canbe earned through referralsHow Does the AttaPoll Referral Program Work?To participate, users invite friends to download and use the AttaPoll app. Once their friends signup and complete surveys, the user earns 10% of the money their friend makesIs There a Limit to How Many Friends I Can Refer?No, there is no limit to how many friends a user can refer to AttaPoll. The more friends referred,the more potential earnings through the Refer and Earn programHow Do I Refer Friends to AttaPoll?Users can refer friends by sharing their unique referral link found in the “Refer and Earn” sectionof the appHow Do I Get Paid on AttaPoll?Users can receive payments through PayPal or redeem earnings for gift cards to retailers likeAmazon or iTunes. The minimum payout threshold for PayPal is $3.00, while gift cards start at$5.00[4].AttaPoll Referral CodesSome popular AttaPoll referral codes include:- DUUWJ – Earn a $20 sign up bonus and 30% referral commission- DUUWJ – Earn a 10% commission on referred friends’ survey earnings- DUUWJ – Earn a $20 sign up bonus and 15% referral commissionIn summary, the AttaPoll referral program allows users to earn extra cash by inviting friends tocomplete surveys. Referral codes provide additional bonuses and commissions. The app offersa simple way to earn money by sharing opinions. Read More
Windows + D / far right task bar button to desktop
is anyone aware of how to make the small button next to the clock which goes to the desktop and minimises all of the programs open?
Recently I have had copilot appear and disable this setting and block the clock.
The copilot icon has been removed and disabled tenancy wide, with the clock coming back.
I have tested a few scripts to no avail.
Has anyone successfully brought this back via a script or an intune setting I am unaware of ?
Thank you,
Hello, is anyone aware of how to make the small button next to the clock which goes to the desktop and minimises all of the programs open? Recently I have had copilot appear and disable this setting and block the clock.The copilot icon has been removed and disabled tenancy wide, with the clock coming back. I have tested a few scripts to no avail.Has anyone successfully brought this back via a script or an intune setting I am unaware of ? Thank you,Jamie. Read More
Marketplace and other Incentives for ISVs in FY25
Marketplace Transact And Grow Incentive Campaign
Marketplace Transact And Grow Incentive Campaign (
ISV ACR Growth Incentive Campaign
ISV ACR Growth Incentive Campaign (
🟦 Azure Migrate and Modernize Partner-led & Azure Innovate Partner-led offers funding
Azure Migrate and Modernize and Azure Innovate (
Webinars to understand incentives & ask questions
MCILandingPage Listing Page (
—————————————Marketplace Transact And Grow Incentive CampaignMarketplace Transact And Grow Incentive Campaign (—————————————ISV ACR Growth Incentive CampaignISV ACR Growth Incentive Campaign (—————————————🟦 Azure Migrate and Modernize Partner-led & Azure Innovate Partner-led offers fundingAzure Migrate and Modernize and Azure Innovate (—————————————Webinars to understand incentives & ask questionsMCILandingPage Listing Page ( Read More
What is the fastest method to resolve Q.B Error 15102?
I’m encountering Q.B Error 15102 while trying to update my pay-roll, and it’s preventing me from completing the update process. I’ve attempted to restart Quick_Books and my computer, but the error persists. Can anyone provide a detailed guide or step-by-step instructions on how to fix Quick-Books Error 15102? I need to resolve this issue promptly to ensure my pay_roll updates are processed correctly. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I’m encountering Q.B Error 15102 while trying to update my pay-roll, and it’s preventing me from completing the update process. I’ve attempted to restart Quick_Books and my computer, but the error persists. Can anyone provide a detailed guide or step-by-step instructions on how to fix Quick-Books Error 15102? I need to resolve this issue promptly to ensure my pay_roll updates are processed correctly. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Read More
Detecting SIM card removal
Hi All,
I have been asked the question ” Can Intune detect and report back if a SIM card is removed/swapped etc for a device? This is currently just for Android tablets.
I have had a look in the admin centre and can’t not see a feature to do this.
Anyone able to help with this?
Many Thanks
Hi All, I have been asked the question ” Can Intune detect and report back if a SIM card is removed/swapped etc for a device? This is currently just for Android tablets.I have had a look in the admin centre and can’t not see a feature to do this. Anyone able to help with this? Many Thanks Read More
Troubleshooting Q.B Error 15222 During Software Updates
I’m facing Quick-Books error 15222 while attempting to update my software. It’s preventing me from completing the update process. What steps should I take to resolve this issue and successfully update Q.B?
I’m facing Quick-Books error 15222 while attempting to update my software. It’s preventing me from completing the update process. What steps should I take to resolve this issue and successfully update Q.B? Read More
Teams to Begin Automatically Hiding Inactive Channels
From mid-July 2024, Teams will begin hiding inactive channels for users. The inactive channels can be unhidden, and users can opt out of the automatic process. The new clean up routine can be invoked whenever users want and if a mistake is made, it’s easy to unhide a channel. Given the number of channels in use, it’s likely that a few in everyone’s channel list are inactive and deserve to be hidden.
From mid-July 2024, Teams will begin hiding inactive channels for users. The inactive channels can be unhidden, and users can opt out of the automatic process. The new clean up routine can be invoked whenever users want and if a mistake is made, it’s easy to unhide a channel. Given the number of channels in use, it’s likely that a few in everyone’s channel list are inactive and deserve to be hidden. Read More
FY25 ECIF resources
In past years at the start of Microsoft’s financial year, this site has been filled with posts pertaining to Microsoft’s latest funding. I can’t find anything newer than 2023, so I guess it’s all moved, but where?
Field-led calculator (that Excel file)The glossy slide decks explaining partner/azure credits (AMM/ECIF)Community Calls
Here’s an example of one such post:
Thank you in advance.
Hi, In past years at the start of Microsoft’s financial year, this site has been filled with posts pertaining to Microsoft’s latest funding. I can’t find anything newer than 2023, so I guess it’s all moved, but where? Specifically:Field-led calculator (that Excel file)The glossy slide decks explaining partner/azure credits (AMM/ECIF)Community CallsHere’s an example of one such post: Thank you in advance. Read More
Can I use simulink.signal in variant Subsystem?
I have an variant Subsystem. For the condition I would like to use and simulink.signal.
Variant1 = Simulink.Variant(‘ _simulink.Signal_==0’);
Variant2 = Simulink.Variant(‘ _simulink.Signal_==1’);
Is that possible?
Best regards
JanI have an variant Subsystem. For the condition I would like to use and simulink.signal.
Variant1 = Simulink.Variant(‘ _simulink.Signal_==0’);
Variant2 = Simulink.Variant(‘ _simulink.Signal_==1’);
Is that possible?
Best regards
Jan I have an variant Subsystem. For the condition I would like to use and simulink.signal.
Variant1 = Simulink.Variant(‘ _simulink.Signal_==0’);
Variant2 = Simulink.Variant(‘ _simulink.Signal_==1’);
Is that possible?
Best regards
Jan variant system, simulink.signal MATLAB Answers — New Questions
How to get the the arrow length as legend in quiver function ?????
I am plotting vectors using quiver function.quiver(x,y,u,v)
suppose u and v are wind components arrow should show something similar to this (—-> 3 m/s).
length of the arrow should show as legend.
how can I do this with the help of quiver function.
Thanks in advanceI am plotting vectors using quiver function.quiver(x,y,u,v)
suppose u and v are wind components arrow should show something similar to this (—-> 3 m/s).
length of the arrow should show as legend.
how can I do this with the help of quiver function.
Thanks in advance I am plotting vectors using quiver function.quiver(x,y,u,v)
suppose u and v are wind components arrow should show something similar to this (—-> 3 m/s).
length of the arrow should show as legend.
how can I do this with the help of quiver function.
Thanks in advance quiver, vector plot, legend, length of arrow MATLAB Answers — New Questions
How to modify the values and units of custom parameters in PBPK modeling using simbiology
In the PBPK model established using simbiology, the value of the parameter is not changed, and only the unit of the parameter is changed. For example, the 12 nanogram / day is changed to 12 nanogram / hour. Why does the output result not change ? The parameter values and units are modified together, such as 24 nanogram / day to 1 nanogram / hour, but the output results are changed ?In the PBPK model established using simbiology, the value of the parameter is not changed, and only the unit of the parameter is changed. For example, the 12 nanogram / day is changed to 12 nanogram / hour. Why does the output result not change ? The parameter values and units are modified together, such as 24 nanogram / day to 1 nanogram / hour, but the output results are changed ? In the PBPK model established using simbiology, the value of the parameter is not changed, and only the unit of the parameter is changed. For example, the 12 nanogram / day is changed to 12 nanogram / hour. Why does the output result not change ? The parameter values and units are modified together, such as 24 nanogram / day to 1 nanogram / hour, but the output results are changed ? simbiology, pbpk MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Cable parameters in Matlab simulink
I have a simulation in Simulink of a power plant. The generator is connected to the AVR block. The line connecting the generator with the AVR has parameters that can affect the result, which is why I need to include these parameters of the cable, such as the cable width, material, etc. How can I do this in MATLAB Simulink?I have a simulation in Simulink of a power plant. The generator is connected to the AVR block. The line connecting the generator with the AVR has parameters that can affect the result, which is why I need to include these parameters of the cable, such as the cable width, material, etc. How can I do this in MATLAB Simulink? I have a simulation in Simulink of a power plant. The generator is connected to the AVR block. The line connecting the generator with the AVR has parameters that can affect the result, which is why I need to include these parameters of the cable, such as the cable width, material, etc. How can I do this in MATLAB Simulink? cable parameters, simulink MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Plotting while skipping the middle point in a vector
Hi Matlab Family.
I have to deal with this trouble with my code.
I have a matrix and i need to connect the points in every row. However, when there is a blank between two points ( "blank distance" >1), the code will skip the blank and continue to the end. It is quite easy to solve if i use my code below, draw point to point.
v = [1 2 3 4 5 8 9 10 20 21 22 30 31 32];
c = [1];
for n =1:KK-2;
if v(n+1)- v(n)== 1;
x= [(v(n)),(v(n+1))];
y= [(c(1)),(c(1))];
%data1xy=[x’ y’];
axis square
ylim([0 2])
xlim([0 35])
hold on
elseif v(n+1) – v(n)> 1;
x= [v(n+1),v(n+2)];
y= [c(1),c(1)];
%data1xy=[x’ y’];
axis square
ylim([0 2])
xlim([0 35])
hold on
The problem is that the code becomes very slow and when the number of rows increases, the point coordinate files that are extracted from the code are too many. So please help to optimize the code by connecting a point to the furthest point as it can while ignoring the middle points. Thanks so much! Have a good day.Hi Matlab Family.
I have to deal with this trouble with my code.
I have a matrix and i need to connect the points in every row. However, when there is a blank between two points ( "blank distance" >1), the code will skip the blank and continue to the end. It is quite easy to solve if i use my code below, draw point to point.
v = [1 2 3 4 5 8 9 10 20 21 22 30 31 32];
c = [1];
for n =1:KK-2;
if v(n+1)- v(n)== 1;
x= [(v(n)),(v(n+1))];
y= [(c(1)),(c(1))];
%data1xy=[x’ y’];
axis square
ylim([0 2])
xlim([0 35])
hold on
elseif v(n+1) – v(n)> 1;
x= [v(n+1),v(n+2)];
y= [c(1),c(1)];
%data1xy=[x’ y’];
axis square
ylim([0 2])
xlim([0 35])
hold on
The problem is that the code becomes very slow and when the number of rows increases, the point coordinate files that are extracted from the code are too many. So please help to optimize the code by connecting a point to the furthest point as it can while ignoring the middle points. Thanks so much! Have a good day. Hi Matlab Family.
I have to deal with this trouble with my code.
I have a matrix and i need to connect the points in every row. However, when there is a blank between two points ( "blank distance" >1), the code will skip the blank and continue to the end. It is quite easy to solve if i use my code below, draw point to point.
v = [1 2 3 4 5 8 9 10 20 21 22 30 31 32];
c = [1];
for n =1:KK-2;
if v(n+1)- v(n)== 1;
x= [(v(n)),(v(n+1))];
y= [(c(1)),(c(1))];
%data1xy=[x’ y’];
axis square
ylim([0 2])
xlim([0 35])
hold on
elseif v(n+1) – v(n)> 1;
x= [v(n+1),v(n+2)];
y= [c(1),c(1)];
%data1xy=[x’ y’];
axis square
ylim([0 2])
xlim([0 35])
hold on
The problem is that the code becomes very slow and when the number of rows increases, the point coordinate files that are extracted from the code are too many. So please help to optimize the code by connecting a point to the furthest point as it can while ignoring the middle points. Thanks so much! Have a good day. matlab, plot, point, matrix, optimize MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Term store management overview of lists using terms.
We use term store management for some data. This therm set is used on multiple sites.
If the term is open for use, any site owner can use the term set in a managed metadata field.
I am looking for a way to create an overview of which term is used on what site and which list.
Because of the many sites, I can’t check it site by site, list by list. That is too much work. I want this overview because I want to see the risk of deleting or disable a term. (when you delete a term and it is still used in an item, this term will be replaces by a random other term, then the data won’t be correct anymore)
We use term store management for some data. This therm set is used on multiple sites.If the term is open for use, any site owner can use the term set in a managed metadata field. I am looking for a way to create an overview of which term is used on what site and which list. Because of the many sites, I can’t check it site by site, list by list. That is too much work. I want this overview because I want to see the risk of deleting or disable a term. (when you delete a term and it is still used in an item, this term will be replaces by a random other term, then the data won’t be correct anymore) Read More