Category: Microsoft
Category Archives: Microsoft
Preparing labels
I want to prepare a group of labels, using the Word tool. But, the system is restricting me to one label at a time. How can I prepare a group of labels, each one being somewhat different, at one time?
I want to prepare a group of labels, using the Word tool. But, the system is restricting me to one label at a time. How can I prepare a group of labels, each one being somewhat different, at one time? Read More
Windows update don’t download Windows 11 Insider Preview 10.0.26120.961 (ge_release)
On 15th September the build I have now installed will expire. But windows update can’t download the new version. it has been 0% for more than two weeks.
On 15th September the build I have now installed will expire. But windows update can’t download the new version. it has been 0% for more than two weeks. Read More
Mb 280 – Coming out of beta version
Does anyone have any idea when is Mb 280 exam coming out of beta version.
hey, Does anyone have any idea when is Mb 280 exam coming out of beta version. Read More
Among the Word templates is one for name tag labels. Unfortunately, it provides for only 8 labels per page and therefore does not accord to the Avery shipping label (J8163) that you would use. It permits 10 labels. And I see no way to use the label template to prepare labels using the label tool under Mailing. Any suggestions?
Among the Word templates is one for name tag labels. Unfortunately, it provides for only 8 labels per page and therefore does not accord to the Avery shipping label (J8163) that you would use. It permits 10 labels. And I see no way to use the label template to prepare labels using the label tool under Mailing. Any suggestions? Read More
Workflow Messages are Empty when Posting to Mobile App Private Channel
I have a workflow setup on my teams private channel. I modified the workflow to post as “User” (otherwise it does not work). I am able to post message to the private channel successfully but the message is empty only on mobile private channels. The messages contain an adaptive card.
I am able to see the message on my desktop application private channels, but not on my Teams mobile app private channels. There is just an empty message display on the mobile app.
Is there any settings that I need to change to fix this? Or should be the payload be different in this case?
This payloads works for desktop private and public channel and mobile public channel. The issue seems to be on mobile app private channel.
“attachments”: [
“contentType”: “application/”,
“$schema”: “”,
“version”: “1.4”,
“content”: {
“msteams”: { “width”: “full” },
“type”: “AdaptiveCard”,
“body”: [
“type”: “Container”,
“style”: “warning”,
“bleed”: true,
“items”: [
“type”: “TextBlock”,
“size”: “medium”,
“weight”: “bolder”,
“text”: “Test title”,
“style”: “heading”,
“wrap”: true
“type”: “TextBlock”,
“size”: null,
“weight”: null,
“text”: “Test description”,
“style”: null,
“wrap”: true
“type”: “FactSet”,
“facts”: [
{ “title”: “custom:stringKey”, “value”: “value-string” },
{ “title”: “custom:stringSetSingleton”, “value”: “singleton” },
“title”: “custom:stringSet”,
“value”: “forth item, third item, tenth item, sixth item, eighth item, eleventh item, eighteenth item, second item, twentieth item, ninth item, seventeenth item, first item, nineteenth item, seventh item, fo…”
“actions”: [
“type”: “Action.OpenUrl”,
“title”: “View Item”,
“url”: “”
Hi, I have a workflow setup on my teams private channel. I modified the workflow to post as “User” (otherwise it does not work). I am able to post message to the private channel successfully but the message is empty only on mobile private channels. The messages contain an adaptive card. I am able to see the message on my desktop application private channels, but not on my Teams mobile app private channels. There is just an empty message display on the mobile app. Is there any settings that I need to change to fix this? Or should be the payload be different in this case? This payloads works for desktop private and public channel and mobile public channel. The issue seems to be on mobile app private channel. {
“attachments”: [
“contentType”: “application/”,
“$schema”: “”,
“version”: “1.4”,
“content”: {
“msteams”: { “width”: “full” },
“type”: “AdaptiveCard”,
“body”: [
“type”: “Container”,
“style”: “warning”,
“bleed”: true,
“items”: [
“type”: “TextBlock”,
“size”: “medium”,
“weight”: “bolder”,
“text”: “Test title”,
“style”: “heading”,
“wrap”: true
“type”: “TextBlock”,
“size”: null,
“weight”: null,
“text”: “Test description”,
“style”: null,
“wrap”: true
“type”: “FactSet”,
“facts”: [
{ “title”: “custom:stringKey”, “value”: “value-string” },
{ “title”: “custom:stringSetSingleton”, “value”: “singleton” },
“title”: “custom:stringSet”,
“value”: “forth item, third item, tenth item, sixth item, eighth item, eleventh item, eighteenth item, second item, twentieth item, ninth item, seventeenth item, first item, nineteenth item, seventh item, fo…”
“actions”: [
“type”: “Action.OpenUrl”,
“title”: “View Item”,
“url”: “”
} Read More
Get certified with Learn Live GitHub Universe series!
GitHub Universe is coming, and Microsoft and GitHub are partnering to offer a new special Learn Live series in English & Spanish: GitHub Universe 2024. From October 8th to 22nd, you’ll learn how to make the most of GitHub Copilot, automate with GitHub Actions to create websites and APIs, and more. You will also receive a discount voucher to take one GitHub Certification* for $35 USD (the regular price is $99 USD). Register now!
*Offer good for 48 hours after a session. Limit one GitHub discount voucher per person. This offer is non-transferable and cannot be combined with any other offer. This offer ends 48 hours after a session and is not redeemable for cash. Taxes, if any, are the sole responsibility of the recipient. Microsoft reserves the right to cancel, change, or suspend this offer at any time without notice.
Learn Live GitHub Universe
Whether you’re just starting out or looking to improve your skills, this is a must-see event for anyone interested in growing their career in tech. All our sessions will take place in Pacific Time. REGISTER HERE: Learn Live GitHub Universe 2024!
October 8, 9am PST
Build powerful READMEs with Markdown
Find out how you can make use of the Markdown markup language and create impactful content that explains everything about your repository.
October 15, 9am PST
Create a website using GitHub Copilot
Build a website using the latest GitHub platform technologies like Codespaces and GitHub Copilot. Create a solid example that you can use as part of your portfolio, enhancing it with solid examples and best practices.
October 22, 9am PST
Automate your repository using GitHub Actions
Use GitHub Actions to build automation and avoid repetitive and manual tasks while enhancing your productivity and your project! In this session, you’ll gain the skills necessary to implement automation using GitHub Actions in a code repository.
If you want to join the Spanish speaking series, please, visit our Microsoft Reactor website and regístrate ahora!
Exploring the GitHub certifications
Achieving GitHub certification is a powerful affirmation of your skills, credibility, trustworthiness, and expertise in the technologies and developer tools utilized by over 100 million developers globally. Currently, GitHub offers four certifications, and in October, the fifth certification focused on GitHub Copilot will be launched.
GitHub Foundations: highlight your understanding of the foundational topics and concepts of collaborating, contributing, and working on GitHub. This exam covers subjects such as collaboration, GitHub products, Git basics, and working within GitHub repositories.
GitHub Actions: certify your proficiency in automating workflows and accelerating development with GitHub Actions. Test your skills in streamlining workflows, automating tasks, and optimizing software pipelines, including CI/CD, within fully customizable workflows.
GitHub Advanced Security: highlight your code security knowledge with the GitHub Advanced Security certification. Validate your expertise in vulnerability identification, workflow security, and robust security implementation, elevating software integrity standards.
GitHub Administration: certify your ability to optimize and manage a healthy GitHub environment with the GitHub Admin exam. Highlight your expertise in repository management, workflow optimization, and efficient collaboration to support successful projects on GitHub.
Join us this October for Learn Live GitHub Universe and claim a special discount voucher for a GitHub certification.
Microsoft Tech Community – Latest Blogs –Read More
Mouse hover in cell to display text LARGER code is very slow
The following code works fine on a small Range..
But when i expand the Range for the whole runs very very slow
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim x As Range
For Each x In Range(“B4:BI84”)
With x.Validation
.Add Type:=xlValidateInputOnly, AlertStyle:=xlValidAlertStop, _
.IgnoreBlank = True
.InCellDropdown = True
.InputMessage = Target.Value ””First Name of Sales Rep”
.ShowError = True
End With
Next x
End Sub
The following code works fine on a small Range..But when i expand the Range for the whole runs very very slow Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)Dim x As RangeFor Each x In Range(“B4:BI84″)With x.Validation.Delete.Add Type:=xlValidateInputOnly, AlertStyle:=xlValidAlertStop, _Operator:=xlBetween.IgnoreBlank = True.InCellDropdown = True.InputMessage = Target.Value ””First Name of Sales Rep”.ShowError = TrueEnd WithNext xEnd Sub Read More
Partition order
could you rearrange the partitions ?
please please please !
When we want to expand partition C, we can’t because we have the recovery partition on the right.
We have to use a third party tool or diskpart with partitions in the right order………..
Hello,could you rearrange the partitions ?please please please !When we want to expand partition C, we can’t because we have the recovery partition on the right.We have to use a third party tool or diskpart with partitions in the right order……….. Read More
Sentinel – Analytic template – MFA Rejected by User
Hi, we are having a few issues with the Sentinel templated analytic rule – MFA Rejected by User (version 2.0.3) –
Over the last 30 days this analytic rule has generated 98 incidents which are all false positives.
The analytic rule works on looking at Entra ID signinlogs against result type 500121 with one or more of the following additional details reported “MFA denied; user declined the authentication” or “fraud”.
It maps UEBA identity information then join the behavior analytics data summarised by IP Address. It’s the summarising of the IP address data which has me questioning the code.
When we get an event in the signin logs it also generates an event in the UEBA behavior analytic table along with a IP investigation score. If you have multiple events in the time period of the rules query period then the summarizing does a SUM() against the IP investigation data which can turn into a high which breaches the threshold.
The default threshold is 20 but I have seen IP investigation scores summed again being between 60 and 100+ but the individual event record for the MFA rejection gives a score of 3 or 4.
Anyone an expert with UEBA and KQL be able to tell me if the original code looks ok? –
Would to be better served by the following code?
let riskScoreCutoff = 20; //Adjust this based on volume of results
| where ResultType == 500121
| extend additionalDetails_ = tostring(Status.additionalDetails)
| extend UserPrincipalName = tolower(UserPrincipalName)
| where additionalDetails_ =~ “MFA denied; user declined the authentication” or additionalDetails_ has “fraud”
| summarize StartTime = min(TimeGenerated), EndTime = max(TimeGenerated), UserId = any(UserId), AADTenantId=any(AADTenantId), DeviceName=any(DeviceDetail.displayName), IsManaged=any(DeviceDetail.isManaged), OS = any(DeviceDetail.operatingSystem) by UserPrincipalName, IPAddress, AppDisplayName
| extend Name = tostring(split(UserPrincipalName,’@’,0)[0]), UPNSuffix = tostring(split(UserPrincipalName,’@’,1)[0])
| join kind=leftouter (
| summarize LatestReportTime = arg_max(TimeGenerated, *) by AccountUPN
| project AccountUPN, Tags, JobTitle, GroupMembership, AssignedRoles, UserType, IsAccountEnabled
| summarize
Tags = make_set(Tags, 1000),
GroupMembership = make_set(GroupMembership, 1000),
AssignedRoles = make_set(AssignedRoles, 1000),
UserType = make_set(UserType, 1000),
UserAccountControl = make_set(UserType, 1000)
by AccountUPN
| extend UserPrincipalName=tolower(AccountUPN)
) on UserPrincipalName
| join kind=leftouter (
| where ActivityType in (“FailedLogOn”, “LogOn”)
| where isnotempty(SourceIPAddress)
| project UsersInsights, DevicesInsights, ActivityInsights, InvestigationPriority, SourceIPAddress
| project-rename IPAddress = SourceIPAddress
| summarize
UsersInsights = make_set(UsersInsights, 1000),
DevicesInsights = make_set(DevicesInsights, 1000)
//IPInvestigationPriority = tostring(InvestigationPriority)
by IPAddress, IPInvestigationPriority=InvestigationPriority)
on IPAddress
| extend UEBARiskScore = IPInvestigationPriority
| where UEBARiskScore > riskScoreCutoff
| sort by UEBARiskScore desc
Hi, we are having a few issues with the Sentinel templated analytic rule – MFA Rejected by User (version 2.0.3) – Over the last 30 days this analytic rule has generated 98 incidents which are all false positives. The analytic rule works on looking at Entra ID signinlogs against result type 500121 with one or more of the following additional details reported “MFA denied; user declined the authentication” or “fraud”. It maps UEBA identity information then join the behavior analytics data summarised by IP Address. It’s the summarising of the IP address data which has me questioning the code. When we get an event in the signin logs it also generates an event in the UEBA behavior analytic table along with a IP investigation score. If you have multiple events in the time period of the rules query period then the summarizing does a SUM() against the IP investigation data which can turn into a high which breaches the threshold. The default threshold is 20 but I have seen IP investigation scores summed again being between 60 and 100+ but the individual event record for the MFA rejection gives a score of 3 or 4. Anyone an expert with UEBA and KQL be able to tell me if the original code looks ok? – Would to be better served by the following code? let riskScoreCutoff = 20; //Adjust this based on volume of resultsSigninLogs| where ResultType == 500121| extend additionalDetails_ = tostring(Status.additionalDetails)| extend UserPrincipalName = tolower(UserPrincipalName)| where additionalDetails_ =~ “MFA denied; user declined the authentication” or additionalDetails_ has “fraud”| summarize StartTime = min(TimeGenerated), EndTime = max(TimeGenerated), UserId = any(UserId), AADTenantId=any(AADTenantId), DeviceName=any(DeviceDetail.displayName), IsManaged=any(DeviceDetail.isManaged), OS = any(DeviceDetail.operatingSystem) by UserPrincipalName, IPAddress, AppDisplayName| extend Name = tostring(split(UserPrincipalName,’@’,0)[0]), UPNSuffix = tostring(split(UserPrincipalName,’@’,1)[0])| join kind=leftouter (IdentityInfo| summarize LatestReportTime = arg_max(TimeGenerated, *) by AccountUPN| project AccountUPN, Tags, JobTitle, GroupMembership, AssignedRoles, UserType, IsAccountEnabled| summarizeTags = make_set(Tags, 1000),GroupMembership = make_set(GroupMembership, 1000),AssignedRoles = make_set(AssignedRoles, 1000),UserType = make_set(UserType, 1000),UserAccountControl = make_set(UserType, 1000)by AccountUPN| extend UserPrincipalName=tolower(AccountUPN)) on UserPrincipalName| join kind=leftouter (BehaviorAnalytics| where ActivityType in (“FailedLogOn”, “LogOn”)| where isnotempty(SourceIPAddress)| project UsersInsights, DevicesInsights, ActivityInsights, InvestigationPriority, SourceIPAddress| project-rename IPAddress = SourceIPAddress| summarizeUsersInsights = make_set(UsersInsights, 1000),DevicesInsights = make_set(DevicesInsights, 1000)//IPInvestigationPriority = tostring(InvestigationPriority)by IPAddress, IPInvestigationPriority=InvestigationPriority)on IPAddress| extend UEBARiskScore = IPInvestigationPriority| where UEBARiskScore > riskScoreCutoff| sort by UEBARiskScore desc Read More
IF, AND, OR Formula Help
2.5 2.5ModifierModifierHQUPHQUN
Hello! So I have a spreadsheet I use for invoicing and depending on which box I input the hours in (2.5), determines what modifier I need to use (UP or UN). So I was wondering if anyone could help me generate a formula that if I input tie in the upper box it returns the value of UP or if there is a value in the lower box it would return the value of UN and if there is no value, it would just remain empty.
Thank You!
2.5 2.5ModifierModifierHQUPHQUN Hello! So I have a spreadsheet I use for invoicing and depending on which box I input the hours in (2.5), determines what modifier I need to use (UP or UN). So I was wondering if anyone could help me generate a formula that if I input tie in the upper box it returns the value of UP or if there is a value in the lower box it would return the value of UN and if there is no value, it would just remain empty. Thank You! Read More
Web content plug-in management in M365 Copilot
Referring to this announcement MC882258 in message center, MS informed that web content plug-in management will be removed from M365 admin center, rather it will be managed as part of Optional Connected Experience for M365.
We have currently disabled this web content plug-in in our environment but allowed Optional Connected Exp for the users. After this announced change, how web content plug-in will behave? Will it enabled because we have Optional connected exp. enabled? Secondly, what is the reason behind this change? Why MS has taken individual control setting away and mixed it with so many optional connected exp. where we do not have an option to choose which optional connected exp. we want to enable/disable. Its like all or nothing.
Hi,Referring to this announcement MC882258 in message center, MS informed that web content plug-in management will be removed from M365 admin center, rather it will be managed as part of Optional Connected Experience for M365.We have currently disabled this web content plug-in in our environment but allowed Optional Connected Exp for the users. After this announced change, how web content plug-in will behave? Will it enabled because we have Optional connected exp. enabled? Secondly, what is the reason behind this change? Why MS has taken individual control setting away and mixed it with so many optional connected exp. where we do not have an option to choose which optional connected exp. we want to enable/disable. Its like all or nothing. Read More
M365 mobile app and Copilot
Can someone please explain how Copilot option present in Microsoft 365 mobile app relates to Copilot for M365? We have currently disabled the web content plugin in Copilot settings and also disabled copilot for Bing, Edge and Windows via MS provided PS script but still Copilot option is available in the M365 mobile app. When i did some tests, I can copy paste the content from other Intune managed apps e.g. from Outlook to this Copilot prompt in M365 app (which is also Intune managed) and the other way around also. Ideally this copy paste content should be possible because both the apps (M365 app and Outlook app) are organization managed but if we look at Copilot there, then its not the Copilot for M365 isn’t it? It shows the icon of Commercial Data Protection in chat interface and also it does not search the data from organization resources. So can we somehow disable this Copilot option in M365 app or block copy paste data from other Intune managed apps? Any ideas or views on this?
Can someone please explain how Copilot option present in Microsoft 365 mobile app relates to Copilot for M365? We have currently disabled the web content plugin in Copilot settings and also disabled copilot for Bing, Edge and Windows via MS provided PS script but still Copilot option is available in the M365 mobile app. When i did some tests, I can copy paste the content from other Intune managed apps e.g. from Outlook to this Copilot prompt in M365 app (which is also Intune managed) and the other way around also. Ideally this copy paste content should be possible because both the apps (M365 app and Outlook app) are organization managed but if we look at Copilot there, then its not the Copilot for M365 isn’t it? It shows the icon of Commercial Data Protection in chat interface and also it does not search the data from organization resources. So can we somehow disable this Copilot option in M365 app or block copy paste data from other Intune managed apps? Any ideas or views on this? Read More
Error loading CoPilot for Sales in Teams and Outlook
We are facing this issue when I try to use copilot for sales.
The error message is this: Microsoft.SalesProductivity.ServiceFramework.SPServiceCustomErrorCode.ConnectionIdDeletedInPA,
We are facing this issue when I try to use copilot for sales.The error message is this: Microsoft.SalesProductivity.ServiceFramework.SPServiceCustomErrorCode.ConnectionIdDeletedInPA, Read More
DFE Web Protection vs Smartscreen for Edge IOS
Scenario I have is fully enrolled corp managed IOS devices I need to enable smart screen for edge automatically and make sure the user can’t turn it off. Problem 1 is I can’t seem to find a way to do that, problem 2 is trying to find the differences between smart screen and DFE web protection. Ultimately I want the SS protection of a nice “this site was blocked” type message to satisfy my cyber guys. Does web protection pop anything similar? or just block a malicious site? Any assistance or experience gratefully received
Scenario I have is fully enrolled corp managed IOS devices I need to enable smart screen for edge automatically and make sure the user can’t turn it off. Problem 1 is I can’t seem to find a way to do that, problem 2 is trying to find the differences between smart screen and DFE web protection. Ultimately I want the SS protection of a nice “this site was blocked” type message to satisfy my cyber guys. Does web protection pop anything similar? or just block a malicious site? Any assistance or experience gratefully received Read More
Empowering HLS Business Leaders with Copilot for M365
You’re invited to Microsoft’s Chicago Office or Virtually
Join us in person or virtually with experts from Microsoft and Accenture for an immersive and interactive session to show how Copilot for Microsoft 365 will empower an entirely new way of working. Discover how this cutting-edge AI technology is bringing the power of next-generation AI to work and transforming the way how your organization does business.
Hear from industry experts including Dr. Tej Shah, Managing Director at Accenture, and many other healthcare technology thought leaders as they share best practices and innovation case studies they are seeing across the globe
Attendance in person is limited to 25 people only. Reserve your seat today and enjoy complimentary lunch and exclusive swag!
Sessions include:
Executive Opening
The Future of Healthcare
Introducing Copilot for M365
Copilot Overview
Voice of our customers
Empowering HLS Business Leaders with Copilot for M365
October 3rd | 9:30 AM – 2:00 PM CST
Microsoft Chicago Office
200 East Randolph Drive, Suite 200, Chicago, IL 60601
9:30 am – 10:00 am
Registration, Check-in, and Continental Breakfast
10:00 am – 10:15 am
Executive Keynote Introduction by Jesse Washington
10:15 am – 11:00 am
The Future of Healthcare & Q&A by Dr. Tej Shah
11:00 am – 11:30 pm
Introducing Copilot for Microsoft 365
11:30 pm – 12:00 pm
Lunch & Networking
12:00 pm – 12:30 pm
Copilot for M365 Overview – Why Copilot
12:30 pm – 1:00 pm
See Copilot for Microsoft 365 in Action with HLS-Specific Use Cases
1:00 pm – 1:30 pm
Voice of the customer – Panel Discussion
1:30 pm – 1:45 pm
Closing & Thank You
Microsoft Tech Community – Latest Blogs –Read More
Learn about a AXImprove’s Microsoft 365 partner solution in Microsoft AppSource
Microsoft 365 lets you create, share, and collaborate all in one place with your favorite apps. Learn about an offer from AXImprove, a high-performing partner on Microsoft AppSource:
ConfigCompare: Gain an unprecedented level of control over system configurations in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Supply Chain Management with ConfigCompare. This solution from AXImprove identifies configuration differences between environments as they evolve with changing business requirements, helping manage costs while enabling enhanced governance, improved change management, accelerated issue resolution, and more.
Microsoft Tech Community – Latest Blogs –Read More
Unable to digital sign the pdf downloaded from sharepoint
Hello All ,
I have an pdf in my local machine, Normally I am able to digital sign that pdf using Adobe Acrobat reader as shown in below picture
When I upload the same pdf to Sharepoint and edit that pdf in sharepoint ad add some text on it like shown in in below image, and download the pdf to local machine and then the digital sign is not working
Digital signature is not being added after adding text into pdf using sharepoint
Here is some more info on error that i got from adobe
Hello All , I have an pdf in my local machine, Normally I am able to digital sign that pdf using Adobe Acrobat reader as shown in below picture When I upload the same pdf to Sharepoint and edit that pdf in sharepoint ad add some text on it like shown in in below image, and download the pdf to local machine and then the digital sign is not working Digital signature is not being added after adding text into pdf using sharepointHere is some more info on error that i got from adobe Read More
Sign In button stopped being shown within the Sign In prompt
Good afternoon,
Today we encountered the issue: the Sign In button stopped being shown within the Sign In prompt of OAuthPrompt class:
We use this class for SSO in MS Teams in our solution for several years without any issues and changes. The implementation is done exactly as suggested in samples and according to documentation from the links below:
Here is our code:
// Prompt for OAUTH
new OAuthPrompt(ComponentDialogConstants.OAUTH_PROMPT, {
connectionName: process.env.MS_CONNECTION_NAME,
title: ‘Sign In’,
timeout: 300000
The productive usage of our clients’ integrated bots is affected. The issue is reproduced in all the environments for old, new version of MS Teams and in Web, so there is no workaround. Therefore please consider this issue with the priority very high.
Thank you,
Best regards,
Good afternoon, Today we encountered the issue: the Sign In button stopped being shown within the Sign In prompt of OAuthPrompt class:We use this class for SSO in MS Teams in our solution for several years without any issues and changes. The implementation is done exactly as suggested in samples and according to documentation from the links below: Here is our code: // Prompt for OAUTH
new OAuthPrompt(ComponentDialogConstants.OAUTH_PROMPT, {
connectionName: process.env.MS_CONNECTION_NAME,
title: ‘Sign In’,
timeout: 300000
The productive usage of our clients’ integrated bots is affected. The issue is reproduced in all the environments for old, new version of MS Teams and in Web, so there is no workaround. Therefore please consider this issue with the priority very high. Thank you,Best regards,Darya Read More
macro to insert lines when comparing 2 lists or form to update 2 lists
i’ve currently got 2 lists :
list 1 is a catalog of toolslist 2 is a the tracking of orders from the catalog
my aim is to declare that there has been an order in the the catalog (list 1) by putting a “Y” in a column and then running a macro that will add the new lines into the list 2 without deleting the old ones and the sorting by “internal ref”
both lists are in the same work book just different pages
My main question is how can i update list 2 with out deleting the lines currently present, nor creating duplicates ?
i was thinking about going ahead this way :
1 – fetch last line of list 2
2 – copy/paste or advanced filter to fetch all the orders
3 – sort by internal ref
but that doesn’t solve the duplicate error … maybe it could be done with an “if” or ticking “unique records only” in the advanced filter?
if this option was to complicated i was thinking of a “place order” form that would update list 1 and then add the affected lines to list 2 … the form would need to be able to place multiple orders at once
list 1 looks like this :
Tool nametool versionInternal refTool priceOdered by XOrdered by YZTool 1ATool 1_ind A99 Tool 1BTool 1_ind B56 YTool 1CTool 1_ind C7Y Tool 2ATool 2_ind A456YYtool 3Atool 3_ind A456YYTool 4ATool 4_ind A46Y
List 2 looks like (once filtered by internal ref):
Internal refTool nametool versionClientinternal priceinternal order dateinternal delivery datecommentsclient ship dateTool 1_ind BTool 1BY Tool 1_ind CTool 1CX Tool 2_ind ATool 2AX Tool 2_ind ATool 2AY tool 3_ind Atool 3AX tool 3_ind Atool 3AY Tool 4_ind ATool 4AX
Hello, i’ve currently got 2 lists : list 1 is a catalog of toolslist 2 is a the tracking of orders from the catalogmy aim is to declare that there has been an order in the the catalog (list 1) by putting a “Y” in a column and then running a macro that will add the new lines into the list 2 without deleting the old ones and the sorting by “internal ref” both lists are in the same work book just different pages My main question is how can i update list 2 with out deleting the lines currently present, nor creating duplicates ? i was thinking about going ahead this way :1 – fetch last line of list 22 – copy/paste or advanced filter to fetch all the orders3 – sort by internal refbut that doesn’t solve the duplicate error … maybe it could be done with an “if” or ticking “unique records only” in the advanced filter? if this option was to complicated i was thinking of a “place order” form that would update list 1 and then add the affected lines to list 2 … the form would need to be able to place multiple orders at once list 1 looks like this :Tool nametool versionInternal refTool priceOdered by XOrdered by YZTool 1ATool 1_ind A99 Tool 1BTool 1_ind B56 YTool 1CTool 1_ind C7Y Tool 2ATool 2_ind A456YYtool 3Atool 3_ind A456YYTool 4ATool 4_ind A46Y List 2 looks like (once filtered by internal ref):Internal refTool nametool versionClientinternal priceinternal order dateinternal delivery datecommentsclient ship dateTool 1_ind BTool 1BY Tool 1_ind CTool 1CX Tool 2_ind ATool 2AX Tool 2_ind ATool 2AY tool 3_ind Atool 3AX tool 3_ind Atool 3AY Tool 4_ind ATool 4AX Read More
Addition & Multiplication in one cell?
I’m building a formula that tracks revenue as per piece counts. The table shown would need to calculate column B, while :heavy_multiplication_x: column C10
Is there a way to do this apart from a static SUM B4:B9*C10? As some routes will not use all service fields as shown in the attached photo.
Thank you.
Hi,I’m building a formula that tracks revenue as per piece counts. The table shown would need to calculate column B, while :heavy_multiplication_x: column C10 Is there a way to do this apart from a static SUM B4:B9*C10? As some routes will not use all service fields as shown in the attached photo. Thank you. Read More