Month: September 2024
Speed Mentoring: Empowering Startups at London Reactor
On August 8th, the London Reactor in Paddington buzzed with excitement as a group of startups, MVPs, and RDs came together for our inaugural speed mentoring activity as part of the Microsoft for Startups Founders Hub Connect series.
The event provided an invaluable opportunity for startups to engage with experts from the technical community, discussing their challenges, successes, and entrepreneurial journeys. Each startup had the chance to connect with three Microsoft Most Valuable Professionals (MVP) and Regional Directors (RD) for 20 minutes, allowing for focused and meaningful conversations. The session concluded with a general networking opportunity, further fostering connections and collaborations among attendees.
This networking session provided a relaxed environment for attendees to connect, share experiences, and build relationships. The informal setting encouraged open dialogue and collaboration, paving the way for potential partnerships.
A popular topic of conversation was the Microsoft for Startups Founders Hub which offers a wealth of benefits to the startup community, including access to Azure, M365, Azure OpenAI, access to business and technical guidance, and much more. The event highlighted the many ways in which the Founders Hub can support startups in their growth and innovation efforts.
Overall, the speed mentoring activity at the London Reactor was a good opportunity for startups to gain insights, share experiences, and explore the numerous resources available to them through the Microsoft for Startups Founders Hub. We look forward to hosting more events like this in the future, continuing to support and empower the startup community.
MVP Anthony Mashford, a mentor at the event commented, ”It was a great opportunity to share my expertise as part of the event. I also found it insightful listening to the ideas and challenges that mentees were facing with both the technical and commercial aspects of startups today.”
In addition to the valuable conversations, the event had a dynamic energy, reflecting a strong sense of enthusiasm and a keen desire for knowledge. Startups from various industries, each with their unique challenges and stories, gathered under one roof to seek guidance and mentorship. The diversity of the startups added a rich layer of depth to the conversations, as each founder brought their distinct perspective and experiences to the table.
The MVPs and RDs, with their vast knowledge and expertise, were instrumental in providing valuable insights and actionable advice. They shared their experiences, offered solutions to pressing problems, and provided a roadmap for future growth.
Throughout the event, the Microsoft for Startups Founders Hub remained a central theme. Attendees were keen to learn about the many resources and support available through the platform. The discussions around Azure, M365, Azure OpenAI, and other tools highlighted the immense potential for startups to leverage these technologies to drive innovation and growth.
Claire Smyth, Community Program Manager in the UK and Ireland.” We hope to deliver more events like this and continue to provide a platform for startups to connect with technical experts and explore the resources available through Founders Hub.”
Microsoft Tech Community – Latest Blogs –Read More
Este Mês no Azure Static Web Apps | 08/2024
Estamos de volta com mais uma edição da Comunidade do Azure Static Web Apps! Este mês foi repleto de ótimos conteúdos criados por membros da nossa comunidade. Se você deseja expandir seus conhecimentos ou está apenas começando, essa seleção de artigos, vídeos e tutoriais vai te guiar!
Para quem deseja ver o próprio conteúdo sendo compartilhado aqui, basta seguir os passos abaixo e quem sabe você estará nos destaques do mês que vem!
Como Participar
Crie um conteúdo sobre Azure Static Web Apps (artigo, vídeo, projeto, ou podcast).
Compartilhe nas redes sociais com a hashtag #AzureStaticWebApps.
Compartilhe também no nosso repositório oficial do Azure Static Web Apps no GitHub, na aba Discussions. Lá você encontrar um tópico chamado: This Month In Azure Static Web Apps. Compartilhe o link do seu conteúdo lá de acordo com o mês que você deseja que ele seja compartilhado.
Pronto! Nós iremos compartilhar o seu conteúdo no TechCommunity da Microsoft no mês seguinte!
Vamos conferir o que nossa comunidade trouxe de interessante em agosto de 2024?
Um enorme agradecimento a cada um de vocês que contribuiu com seus conteúdos em agosto! Vocês arrasam e estão impulsionando essa comunidade cada vez mais! 🚀
Destaques de Conteúdos da Comunidade – Agosto 2024
Agora, vamos para os conteúdos compartilhados no mês de agosto de 2024!
Vídeo: What are Azure Static Web Apps? | 1 Minute Overview
Autor: Frankie Riviera
Se você está buscando uma explicação rápida e direta sobre o que é o Azure Static Web Apps, este vídeo de 1 minuto do Frankie Riviera é para você! Ideal para quem está começando e quer ter uma visão clara das funcionalidades.
Artigo: Static Sites on Azure Storage vs Azure Static Web Apps
Autor: John Kilmister
Neste artigo, John Kilmister compara dois serviços da Azure para hospedagem de sites estáticos: Azure Storage e Azure Static Web Apps. Enquanto o Azure Storage oferece uma solução simples e direta para armazenar e exibir arquivos estáticos, o Azure Static Web Apps apresenta uma abordagem mais robusta com recursos como integração com APIs via Azure Functions, CI/CD automatizado, e autenticação integrada. A escolha entre os dois serviços depende da complexidade do site e das necessidades de funcionalidades avançadas, como a gestão de rotas, erros personalizados, e APIs.
Para entender melhor as diferenças entre esses serviços e descobrir qual é a melhor opção para o seu projeto, leia o artigo completo e tire suas dúvidas sobre como escolher entre Azure Storage e Azure Static Web Apps!
Link: Static Sites on Azure Storage vs Azure Static Web Apps
Artigo: Azure Static Web App vs Azure App Service?
Autor: Kuntumallashivani
Neste artigo, Kuntumallashivani faz uma comparação detalhada entre dois serviços da Azure para hospedar aplicações web: Azure Static Web Apps e Azure App Service. Enquanto o Azure Static Web Apps se destaca por ser uma solução otimizada para conteúdo estático, com recursos como suporte a APIs serverless, integração com GitHub e entrega global de conteúdo, o Azure App Service é uma plataforma mais flexível, ideal para aplicações dinâmicas que exigem suporte a múltiplos frameworks e escalabilidade avançada.
A decisão entre essas duas opções depende da complexidade da sua aplicação e das funcionalidades que você precisa, como integração com outros serviços da Azure, gestão de domínios personalizados, ou um fluxo de desenvolvimento simplificado com alta performance.
Para entender melhor essas diferenças e escolher a melhor plataforma para o seu projeto, leia o artigo completo e descubra qual serviço da Azure é o mais adequado para suas necessidades!
Link: Leia no Medium
Documentação: Tutorial: Build an image analysis web app with TypeScript
Autor: Microsoft
Nessa documentação atualizada, você aprenderá a criar e implantar uma aplicação de análise de imagens usando React/TypeScript e os serviços de Visão Computacional da Azure. O passo a passo aborda desde a configuração dos recursos no Azure, como o Computer Vision, até a integração com o GitHub para automação do deploy via GitHub Actions.
O tutorial ensina como desenvolver a aplicação utilizando React/TypeScript para realizar a análise de imagens com a Visão Computacional, explicando a configuração de recursos no Azure, como a criação do Computer Vision, e como adicionar variáveis de ambiente e integrar as chaves e endpoints necessários. Ele também detalha a execução da aplicação localmente, utilizando o comando npm start, e como fazer o push para o GitHub, ativando o processo automático de build e deploy no Azure Static Web Apps.
O código da aplicação é modularizado, separando as funcionalidades de Visão Computacional, a análise de imagens e a exibição dos resultados em formato JSON, garantindo uma implementação clara e organizada. Após concluir o tutorial, você será orientado sobre como excluir os recursos no Azure para evitar cobranças adicionais, utilizando o Azure CLI ou o VS Code.
Se você está buscando aprender a integrar Visão Computacional com React e aproveitar os serviços da Azure, não deixe de seguir este tutorial/documentação completo e prático!
Link: Build an image analysis web app with TypeScript
Documentação: Relocate Azure Static Web Apps to another region
Autor: Microsoft
Nessa outra documentação atualizada, você aprenderá como migrar um Azure Static Web App para outra região. A migração pode ser útil para aproveitar novas regiões, acessar serviços específicos ou cumprir requisitos de governança. A documentação aborda os pré-requisitos, como verificar a disponibilidade na nova região e ajustar permissões. Além disso, ele explica como preparar a aplicação, atualizando endpoints, chaves de API e templates de deploy. O processo inclui o redeploy na nova região e a atualização dos repositórios para garantir uma transição suave.
Se você precisa mover seu Static Web App para outra região, leia este guia completo para garantir uma migração eficiente!
Link: Relocate Azure Static Web Apps to another region
Blog: Using Environment Variables in Azure Static Web Apps
Autor: Poespas Blog
Neste artigo, você aprenderá como utilizar variáveis de ambiente no Azure Static Web Apps para proteger dados sensíveis e garantir uma configuração segura. Ele explica como criar um arquivo settings.json no projeto, onde serão armazenadas as variáveis em formato de pares chave-valor, como DB_HOST, DB_USER e DB_PASSWORD. O artigo também detalha como acessar essas variáveis no código através do objeto process.env para que sua aplicação possa utilizá-las de forma eficiente.
Além disso, são abordadas boas práticas de segurança, como o uso de Azure Key Vault para armazenar chaves secretas, controle de acesso baseado em função (RBAC) para restringir permissões, e monitoramento constante para identificar possíveis falhas de segurança.
Se você deseja aumentar a escalabilidade, segurança e manter a integridade das suas aplicações web no Azure, este artigo oferece um guia completo sobre como implementar e gerenciar variáveis de ambiente de forma segura.
Quer saber mais? Leia o artigo completo para entender como configurar variáveis de ambiente em Azure Static Web Apps e elevar a segurança da sua aplicação!
Link: Using Environment Variables in Azure Static Web Apps
Vídeo: Create Azure Static Web Apps API with C# Http Trigger
Autor: TechWebDots
Neste vídeo, você aprenderá como criar uma API simples utilizando C# Http e integrá-la ao seu Azure Static Web App. Uma excelente opção para quem trabalha com Backend e deseja explorar o potencial dessa tecnologia.
Artigo: Using AZD for faster incremental Azure Static Web App deployments in GitHub Actions
Autor: John Reilly
Neste artigo, John Reilly ensina a como utilizar o Azure Developer CLI (azd) para acelerar os deploys incrementais usando o Azure Static Web Apps dentro do GitHub Actions. O autor detalha as melhorias trazidas pela versão 1.4 do azd, que permite pular a reprovisionamento de infraestrutura quando não há mudanças, reduzindo o tempo de deploy de 3 minutos para 20 segundos.
O artigo também aborda as mudanças necessárias nos arquivos de configuração do projeto, como o azure.yml e o main.bicep, para garantir que o azd funcione de forma otimizada. Além disso, explica como substituir o comando az deployment group create pelo azd provision no fluxo de trabalho do GitHub Actions, simplificando o processo de deploy e usando variáveis de ambiente para autenticação e parametrização.
Com essas configurações, o artigo mostra como é possível acelerar significativamente o tempo de deploy de infraestrutura, sem precisar alterar o método de deploy do código da aplicação, o que permite uma transição gradual para o uso completo do azd.
Quer saber como otimizar seus deploys no Azure Static Web Apps e economizar tempo nas suas pipelines de CI/CD? Leia o artigo completo e descubra todos os detalhes sobre essas melhorias de performance!
Link: Using AZD for faster incremental Azure Static Web App deployments in GitHub Actions
Documentação: Step 3 – Deploy the search-enabled .NET website
Autor: Microsoft
Nessa outra documentação, você aprenderá como realizar o deploy de uma aplicação .NET com Azure AI Search, utilizando o Azure Static Web Apps. A solução inclui um Front-End em React e uma API no Back-End, gerenciada com Azure Functions para operações de busca.
O tutorial começa com a criação de um recurso do Azure Static Web Apps no Visual Studio Code com uso de uma extensão, onde você irá configurar o ambiente, criar os recursos no Azure, e preparar o workflow no GitHub para deploy contínuo. Em seguida, você adicionará variáveis de ambiente necessárias, como chaves de API, no portal do Azure para garantir a integração da busca.
A seção de resolução de problemas orienta como identificar e corrigir falhas na implantação, desde erros no GitHub Actions até problemas de configuração no Front-end ou na API. A documentação também inclui orientações detalhadas sobre como limpar os recursos criados e como deletar o grupo de recursos no Azure.
Se você está procurando implementar uma solução de busca poderosa em sua aplicação .NET, leia essa documentação agora mesmo para que você possa entender o processo passo a passo!
Link: Step 3 – Deploy the search-enabled .NET website
Blog: Blazor WASM in Azure Static Web Apps 404 when authenticating with Entra ID
Autor: Marius Solbakken
Neste artigo, é abordado como resolver o erro 404 que ocorre em uma Azure Static Web App utilizando Blazor WASM e Entra ID, ao tentar redirecionar para a autenticação/login. O problema acontece porque o arquivo web.config, comum nos projetos Blazor WASM, não é compatível com Azure Static Web Apps.
A solução proposta é simples: basta adicionar um arquivo staticwebapp.config.json na pasta wwwroot do projeto. Esse arquivo deve conter a seguinte configuração: { “navigationFallback”: { “rewrite”: “/index.html” } }, que redireciona todas as navegações para o index.html, resolvendo o problema de redirecionamento e autenticação.
Se você deseja entender mais sobre essa configuração e como corrigir o erro de redirecionamento nas suas aplicações Blazor WASM hospedadas no Azure, leia o artigo completo e descubra como aplicar essa solução!
Link: Blazor WASM in Azure Static Web Apps 404 when authenticating with Entra ID
Blog: Deploy a Highly Available Static Website on Azure Using Terraform
Autor: Baivab Mukhopadhyay
Neste artigo, é explicado como hospedar um site estático altamente disponível no Azure utilizando o Terraform. Existem várias opções para hospedar sites estáticos no Azure, como Azure Blob Storage, Azure Static Web Apps, Azure App Service, Azure CDN e Azure Functions. No entanto, a melhor escolha para garantir alta disponibilidade é usar uma combinação do Azure Front Door com uma conta de armazenamento do Azure Blob, oferecendo uma solução confiável e econômica para hospedar arquivos HTML, CSS e JavaScript.
Para aplicações de página única (SPA), o processo é simplificado, pois apenas o arquivo index.html precisa ser carregado inicialmente, enquanto o framework do frontend gerencia a renderização dos componentes e as chamadas de API.
Ao invés de criar essa infraestrutura manualmente pelo portal do Azure, o uso do Terraform é recomendado. O Terraform, uma ferramenta de Infraestrutura como Código (IaC), automatiza e facilita a criação e gestão de recursos na nuvem, permitindo reutilização, versionamento e compartilhamento dos arquivos de configuração.
Se você quer aprender mais sobre como configurar um site estático altamente disponível no Azure e como o Terraform pode otimizar esse processo, leia o artigo completo e descubra como aplicar essas práticas no seu projeto!
Link: Deploy a Highly Available Static Website on Azure Using Terraform
Vídeo: Add Custom Domain to Azure Static Web App | 4 Minute Tutorial
Autor: Azure Innovation Station
No vídeo, o apresentador ensina como adicionar um domínio personalizado a um Azure Static Web App em quatro minutos. Ele já tem um aplicativo web estático criado e usa um domínio externo do Namecheap. Para configurar o domínio, ele gera um registro TXT para validar a propriedade do domínio no Azure. Após a validação, ele cria um registro de alias no Namecheap para apontar o domínio personalizado ao seu Azure Static Web App. O processo é concluído com sucesso, permitindo que o site seja acessado pelo novo domínio.
Quer saber mais? Veja o vídeo completo e aprenda a configurar seu domínio personalizado no Azure!
Link: Add Custom Domain to Azure Static Web App | 4 Minute Tutorial
Vídeo: Okta + Azure Static Web Apps: Seamless Authentication for Angular Developers
Autor: Sparrow Note
O vídeo demonstra como autenticar um Azure Static Web App usando o Okta, um provedor de gerenciamento de identidade e acesso. Ele ensina a criar um aplicativo web estático no plano Standard do Azure, configurar o Okta para login e logout, e integrar as credenciais do Okta na aplicação. O processo também inclui a criação de uma pipeline de lançamento no Azure DevOps para implantar o aplicativo e testar o fluxo de login, verificando os detalhes de usuário e cookies após a autenticação.
Aprenda mais sobre como integrar o Okta ao seu projeto para uma autenticação segura e eficiente!
Documentação: Data API builder and Azure SQL database quickstart
Autor: Microsoft
Esse tutorial incrível é demonstrado como criar uma aplicação Blazor Web Assembly que utiliza o Data API builder para se conectar ao banco de dados Azure SQL. A aplicação faz uso do Azure Static Web Apps para hospedar o front-end e integra outros serviços da Azure, como Azure Functions para lógica de negócios e Azure Storage para metadados. O tutorial ensina como provisionar e configurar todos os recursos necessários usando o Azure Developer CLI e como configurar pipelines de CI/CD para deploy contínuo.
Se você quer aprender a construir aplicações usando Azure Static Web Apps e outros recursos da Azure, confira o tutorial completo!
Link: Data API builder and Azure SQL database quickstart
Vídeo: Make a blog site with Astro, Frontmatter CMS, and Azure Static Web Apps
Autor: Graybush Labs
O vídeo apresenta uma demonstração de como criar um blog usando Astro, Frontmatter CMS e Azure Static Web Apps. O autor escolheu essas ferramentas por sua simplicidade e eficiência na criação de sites estáticos, com o Astro atuando como framework flexível e o Frontmatter CMS permitindo o gerenciamento de conteúdo diretamente no Visual Studio Code, sem a necessidade de um banco de dados. O site é implantado via Azure Static Web Apps, com integração ao GitHub para automatizar o deploy. O autor destaca a facilidade do processo e convida os espectadores a darem feedback e se envolverem na discussão.
Explore essas ferramentas e veja como podem otimizar seu próximo projeto!
Azure Functions Community Standup – Performance testing and cost optimizing HTTP function apps
Neste Azure Functions Community Standup, foi apresentado como otimizar o desempenho e reduzir os custos de aplicativos HTTP utilizando a integração do Azure Load Testing com o Azure Functions. O destaque foi para a facilidade de realizar testes de carga em grande escala diretamente no portal do Azure Functions, ajudando os desenvolvedores a identificar gargalos de desempenho e ajustar a infraestrutura conforme necessário. Além disso, foi demonstrado o uso do novo plano Flex Consumption e da ferramenta Performance Optimizer para testar diferentes configurações de escalabilidade e concorrência, otimizando o desempenho e os custos.
O evento também explorou como integrar essas ferramentas com o Azure Static Web Apps, proporcionando uma solução completa para hospedar o front-end de suas aplicações e utilizar o Azure Functions para lidar com a lógica de negócios no back-end, garantindo que suas aplicações possam escalar de maneira eficiente e econômica.
Se você quer aprender a melhorar o desempenho e otimizar custos em suas aplicações com Azure Static Web Apps e Azure Functions, confira o conteúdo completo do standup e explore essas soluções!
Building Production Ready Infrastructure on Azure with ARM Templates Bicep Terraform workshop 2
Autor: Igor Iric
Neste workshop sobre “Building Production Ready Infrastructure on Azure with ARM Templates Bicep Terraform workshop 2”, foi discutido como utilizar ARM Templates, Bicep e Terraform para automatizar o deploy de infraestrutura em nuvem utilizando o conceito de Infrastructure as Code (IaC). O foco foi na criação de uma infraestrutura pronta para produção no Microsoft Azure, cobrindo desde redes virtuais e grupos de segurança até serviços como Azure Functions, Azure Cosmos DB e Service Bus.
A demonstração prática incluiu o uso do GitHub Actions para automatizar a criação e o deploy de aplicativos como Azure Static Web Apps e App Services, mostrando como é possível integrar o front-end e o back-end de forma fluida, além de monitorar o desempenho com o Application Insights. Além disso, o palestrante detalhou a utilização do Bicep como uma solução otimizada para projetos focados exclusivamente no Azure, comparando suas vantagens com o Terraform, que é mais voltado para múltiplas nuvens.
Se você deseja aprender como implementar automações robustas em projetos no Azure, utilizando ARM Templates, Bicep ou Terraform, e garantir que sua infraestrutura esteja preparada para produção, explore o workshop completo e descubra essas ferramentas em ação!
E aí, curtiu os conteúdos deste mês? Tem muito mais vindo por aí! Se você quer ver seu artigo ou vídeo nos próximos destaques, não deixe de compartilhar nas redes sociais e participar do nosso repositório oficial no GitHub. Quem sabe o seu trabalho estará em nossa próxima edição?
Fique atento e continue explorando o que Azure Static Web Apps tem a oferecer!
Até o mês que vem! 🚀
Microsoft Tech Community – Latest Blogs –Read More
Teams account on IPAD Pro
I have multiple accounts with the same email address on the TEAMS APP on my iPad. Ho do I get rid of them?
Hi, I have multiple accounts with the same email address on the TEAMS APP on my iPad. Ho do I get rid of them? Stéph Read More
Prepare your customers for Giving Tuesday, December 03
Become a trusted advisor to your nonprofits by helping them make the most of this critical fundraising season. Show them how Microsoft 365 Copilot with its intuitive, contextual AI can help lighten campaign workloads and make it easier to achieve their Giving Tuesday and end-of-year campaign goals. Plus, with Microsoft’s principles for responsible and safe AI built into Copilot, you can trust it to support their campaigns ethically and securely.
To discover what Copilot can help nonprofits accomplish, review this practical e-book, Nine Steps to Optimize your Fundraising and Marketing Campaigns with AI.
Become a trusted advisor to your nonprofits by helping them make the most of this critical fundraising season. Show them how Microsoft 365 Copilot with its intuitive, contextual AI can help lighten campaign workloads and make it easier to achieve their Giving Tuesday and end-of-year campaign goals. Plus, with Microsoft’s principles for responsible and safe AI built into Copilot, you can trust it to support their campaigns ethically and securely.
To discover what Copilot can help nonprofits accomplish, review this practical e-book, Nine Steps to Optimize your Fundraising and Marketing Campaigns with AI. Read More
Cannot connect to LocalDB (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 0 – No process is at the other end
I’m trying to manually connect to LocalDB (both, SQL Server 2019 and SQL Server 2022 services) creating a new application database using ADO.NET (Microsoft.Data.SqlClient).
Everytime I try to connect, I get a generic error telling me that the database file could not be attached.
2024-09-17 19:30:18.40 Logon Error: 15350, Severity: 16, State: 1.
2024-09-17 19:30:18.40 Logon An attempt to attach an auto-named database for file C:TempCvTest.mdf failed. A database with the same name exists, or specified file cannot be opened, or it is located on UNC share.
2024-09-17 19:31:02.66 Logon Error: 15350, Severity: 16, State: 1.
2024-09-17 19:31:02.66 Logon An attempt to attach an auto-named database for file C:TempCvTest.mdf failed. A database with the same name exists, or specified file cannot be opened, or it is located on UNC share.
Debugging into the Microsoft.Data.SqlClient source code, the following error turned out to be the real reason behind the issue:
A connection to the server could be established, but an error occurred during the
login process. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 0 – No process is at the
other end of the pipe).
What is causing this error?
This is my simple test connection setup. It’s a cheap connection string that every Microsoft sample is quoting:
using SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(@”Data Source=(LocalDb)MSSQLLocalDB;Integrated Security=SSPI;MultipleActiveResultSets=True;AttachDBFilename=C:TempCvTest.mdf”);
So, it should work off the cuff. But it doesn’t.
Using SSMS, I can easily connect to the LocalDB instance and create/delete databases promptly, even with the provided path.
I already updated from MsLocalDb 15 to MsLocalDb 16, but to no avail.
I’m trying to manually connect to LocalDB (both, SQL Server 2019 and SQL Server 2022 services) creating a new application database using ADO.NET (Microsoft.Data.SqlClient). Everytime I try to connect, I get a generic error telling me that the database file could not be attached. Error.log:2024-09-17 19:30:18.40 Logon Error: 15350, Severity: 16, State: 1.2024-09-17 19:30:18.40 Logon An attempt to attach an auto-named database for file C:TempCvTest.mdf failed. A database with the same name exists, or specified file cannot be opened, or it is located on UNC share.2024-09-17 19:31:02.66 Logon Error: 15350, Severity: 16, State: 1.2024-09-17 19:31:02.66 Logon An attempt to attach an auto-named database for file C:TempCvTest.mdf failed. A database with the same name exists, or specified file cannot be opened, or it is located on UNC share. Debugging into the Microsoft.Data.SqlClient source code, the following error turned out to be the real reason behind the issue: A connection to the server could be established, but an error occurred during thelogin process. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 0 – No process is at theother end of the pipe). What is causing this error? This is my simple test connection setup. It’s a cheap connection string that every Microsoft sample is quoting: using SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(@”Data Source=(LocalDb)MSSQLLocalDB;Integrated Security=SSPI;MultipleActiveResultSets=True;AttachDBFilename=C:TempCvTest.mdf”);
con.Open(); So, it should work off the cuff. But it doesn’t. Using SSMS, I can easily connect to the LocalDB instance and create/delete databases promptly, even with the provided path. I already updated from MsLocalDb 15 to MsLocalDb 16, but to no avail. Read More
Portfolio feature not appearing
Hi there
I subscribed yesterday to Planner Plan 5, and do not have the Portfolio feature appearing in Teams view.
Is this still in preview?
Or should I be accessing Portfolio through some other method?
Hi thereI subscribed yesterday to Planner Plan 5, and do not have the Portfolio feature appearing in Teams view.Is this still in preview?Or should I be accessing Portfolio through some other method? Read More
What’s New in Excel (September 2024)
Welcome to the September 2024 update. We are excited to announce that Copilot in Excel and Python in Excel are now generally available and ready to assist data-driven professionals around the world. In addition, we are announcing the public preview of Copilot in Excel with Python, enabling powerful advanced analysis.
Excel for Windows, Mac, and web:
– Copilot in Excel
Excel for Windows:
– Copilot in Excel with Python (Insiders)
– Python in Excel
– TRIMRANGE and accompanying trim references (Insiders)
– Accessibility Assistant #FIA
Excel for Windows, Mac, and web
Copilot in Excel
On September 16, we unveiled the next wave of Copilot including the announcement that Copilot in Excel is now generally available and ready to assist data-driven professionals around the world. Copilot in Excel is built into your workbook, enabling you to iterate with it quickly and easily. This integration allows you to continually prompt as you work, making it feel like you have an Excel expert right by your side. Read more here >
Copilot in Excel is asked to highlight marketing spend if it is higher than revenue. Copilot provides a suggested conditional formatting formula. The suggestion is applied and the highlights appear in the spreadsheet.
Excel for Windows
Copilot in Excel with Python (Insiders)
Now using Copilot in Excel with Python, you can conduct advanced analysis that was previously out of reach. You can use natural language to describe the analysis you want to perform, and Copilot will automatically generate, explain, and insert Python code into your Excel spreadsheet. Copilot in Excel with Python also renders stunning visuals that were previously not possible or were difficult to create. Unique visuals like heatmaps, pairplots, multiplots, and violin plots help you understand and communicate your analysis. Read more here >
Copilot in Excel with Python is asked to visualize data. Copilot creates and inserts Python code resulting in three chart types.
Python in Excel
Python in Excel is now generally available for Windows users of Microsoft 365 Business and Enterprise. Last August, in partnership with Anaconda, we introduced an exciting new addition to Excel by integrating Python, making it possible to seamlessly combine Python and Excel analytics within the same workbook, no setup required. Since then, we’ve brought the power of popular Python analytics libraries such as pandas, Matplotlib, and NLTK to countless Excel users.
With Python in Excel users can harness advanced analytics for visualizations, data cleaning, machine learning, predictive analytics, and now, even more! Read the blog and watch the video here >
Leverage predictive analytics with Python in Excel.
TRIMRANGE and accompanying trim references (Insiders)
We’re introducing a new function and a set of supporting references:
TRIMRANGE function – a function that removes empty rows and columns from the edges of a range.
Trim references – offer a more succinct way to call common variations of the TRIMRANGE function.
Calculate the length of text entered into column A with TRIMRANGE
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Special thanks to our Excel MVPs David Benaim, Bill Jelen, and Alan Murray for their contribution to this month’s What’s New in Excel article. David publishes weekly YouTube videos and regular LinkedIn posts about the latest innovations in Excel and more. Bill is the founder and host of and the author of several books about Excel. Alan is an Excel trainer, author and speaker, best known for his blog and YouTube channel with the same name.
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Support tip: Intune MAM users on iOS/iPadOS userless devices may be blocked in rare cases
Previously for iOS/iPadOS, you had to manually configure the IntuneMAMUPN, IntuneMAMOID, and IntuneMAMDeviceID app configuration values in order for Intune mobile application management (MAM) to determine if the device was enrolled with Intune per Create and deploy app protection policies. Based on customer feedback to simplify the admin experience, we’ve begun to automatically send these values to managed applications on Intune enrolled iOS devices. Starting with Intune’s September (2409) service release, we’ve enabled this change for the following apps: Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Teams and Microsoft Word. We’ll continue to expand this to additional managed apps over the coming months.
We were recently alerted that users may be incorrectly blocked in a specific scenario if these values weren’t configured. If you have iOS devices “Enrolled without User Affinity” and an app protection policy is enforced for a user in one of the listed applications, then the user may encounter a “Misconfiguration Alert” dialog with the following message:
“Your organization’s support team wants you to login with this account:. But you tried to login with Contact your organization’s support team for help.”
While there’s no workaround, we’re actively working to correct this issue.
While you likely already have the app configuration values configured to correctly enforce app protection policies based on management type, in the rare case that it’s not, this change will correct the MAM device management type state from “Unmanaged” to “Managed”. This means you may notice a change for MAM users with Intune enrolled devices in the following scenarios:
When using the managed apps deviceManagementType filter to customize your deployment of app protection policies (APP), if all user-targeted policies are for “unmanaged” iOS/iPadOS devices, the user will transition to a “no policy” state and APP won’t be enforced. To fix this, apply an app protection policy to all device types or specifically to managed devices.
You use the APP Open-in management data transfer settings to allow data sharing with other managed applications per Manage transferring data between iOS apps. These settings will now correctly apply to Intune MAM users. Please review the documentation, iOS/iPadOS app protection policy settings, for Send Org data to other apps and Receive data from other apps and ensure you’ve configured the MDM data sharing settings as appropriate to your organization.
We’ll continue to update this post as new information becomes available. If you have questions or comments for the Intune team, reply to this post or reach out on X @IntuneSuppTeam.
Microsoft Tech Community – Latest Blogs –Read More
Alternating headers of book not alternating
Okay, I had page number problems that I finally got resolved today (click on Header Section 2 box and unchecked “Link to Previous”) after 5 plus hours of tech help. Now I have problems with the title and author alternating on the header. Now, we had to turn off “Different Odd and Even Pages” for the pages to work (if I turn on the Different Odd and Even Pages, it removes the alternating page numbers instead of having them continuous). If I edit one header, it changes all of the headers to the same and not alternating title on one page and author on the other header. Argh. So, how do I rectify the alternating headers without messing up the page numbers??
Okay, I had page number problems that I finally got resolved today (click on Header Section 2 box and unchecked “Link to Previous”) after 5 plus hours of tech help. Now I have problems with the title and author alternating on the header. Now, we had to turn off “Different Odd and Even Pages” for the pages to work (if I turn on the Different Odd and Even Pages, it removes the alternating page numbers instead of having them continuous). If I edit one header, it changes all of the headers to the same and not alternating title on one page and author on the other header. Argh. So, how do I rectify the alternating headers without messing up the page numbers?? Read More
Mastering Planner: Tips & Tricks // Podcast
Hey Planner community! If you’re looking to level up your business or educational institution with Microsoft tools, check out our podcast, Mastering Mondays. In a recent episode, we dive deep into Planner and share tons of tips and tricks to help you get the most out of it. I also talk about some of the automations I’ve created to streamline my workflow, like improved comment notifications, plan backups, dynamic labelling, and more! (we don’t discuss my recent @mention solution for planner but i’m more than happy to talk about that more here.
Listen now on your favourite music or podcast platform. Enjoy!
Matthew James Davis
No More Bad Mondays
Hey Planner community! If you’re looking to level up your business or educational institution with Microsoft tools, check out our podcast, Mastering Mondays. In a recent episode, we dive deep into Planner and share tons of tips and tricks to help you get the most out of it. I also talk about some of the automations I’ve created to streamline my workflow, like improved comment notifications, plan backups, dynamic labelling, and more! (we don’t discuss my recent @mention solution for planner but i’m more than happy to talk about that more here.Listen now on your favourite music or podcast platform. Enjoy! James DavisNo More Bad Mondays Read More
AzureResourceId missing from streaming events
AzureResourceId field available on the DeviceInfo table is missing from events steamed. Any news when will this be supported ?
AzureResourceId field available on the DeviceInfo table is missing from events steamed. Any news when will this be supported ? Read More
MS Teams and Planner
We cannot connect an existing Planner plan to an existing Team.
We can go through the Team and create the plan, but we can’t connect an existing plan to an existing team.
In the Comments field of the task is a button saying “Connect to a Team” which suggests it is possible or intended, but it doesn’t work.
We don’t find any guidance on requirements, constraints, and/or how to make this work.
Any guidance on this would be helpful. Thanks in advance.
Alan Prochaska
We cannot connect an existing Planner plan to an existing Team.We can go through the Team and create the plan, but we can’t connect an existing plan to an existing team. In the Comments field of the task is a button saying “Connect to a Team” which suggests it is possible or intended, but it doesn’t work. We don’t find any guidance on requirements, constraints, and/or how to make this work. Any guidance on this would be helpful. Thanks in advance.Alan Prochaska Read More
Dynamics 365 and Power Platform User Group Malta September Meetup
This session covers a range of advanced tips and tricks that can significantly enhance your Power BI experience. It is tailored for both beginners looking to improve their skills and experienced users aiming to unlock the full potential of Power BI.
Topic: Power BI Hacks: Achieve More with These Expert Tips and Tricks.
This session covers a range of advanced tips and tricks that can significantly enhance your Power BI experience. It is tailored for both beginners looking to improve their skills and experienced users aiming to unlock the full potential of Power BI. Topic: Power BI Hacks: Achieve More with These Expert Tips and Tricks. Read More
I keep getting the error code that there are too many arguments for this function
=IF([@[Everything added]]=”X”, “DONE”, (IF(AND([@[TCO Ship Date]]<=TODAY()+3, ([@LAT]=”X”)), “Order PD”, “Order Motors”, (IF([@[TCO Ship Date]]<=TODAY()+8, “Order Motors”, (IF([@[TCO Ship Date]]<=TODAY()+15, “Order DTI Only”, “Wait”))))))))
=IF([@[Everything added]]=”X”, “DONE”, (IF(AND([@[TCO Ship Date]]<=TODAY()+3, ([@LAT]=”X”)), “Order PD”, “Order Motors”, (IF([@[TCO Ship Date]]<=TODAY()+8, “Order Motors”, (IF([@[TCO Ship Date]]<=TODAY()+15, “Order DTI Only”, “Wait”)))))))) Read More
Can EA have two partners ?
I have a customer who wants to check if they can have two partners on their current EA.
Is this an option?
Hi, I have a customer who wants to check if they can have two partners on their current EA. Is this an option? Regards,NK Read More
I have a Hybrid environment, AD on-premises, Azure AD connect and Exchange Online.
Currently using SSPR. Are there any risks enabling ForcePasswordChangeOnLogOn? This won’t impact the current accounts to change password?
PasswordHashSync : True
ForcePasswordChangeOnLogOn : False
UserWriteback : False
DeviceWriteback : False
UnifiedGroupWriteback : False
GroupWritebackV2 : False
Hi, I have a Hybrid environment, AD on-premises, Azure AD connect and Exchange Online. Currently using SSPR. Are there any risks enabling ForcePasswordChangeOnLogOn? This won’t impact the current accounts to change password? get-adsyncaadcompanyfeaturePasswordHashSync : TrueForcePasswordChangeOnLogOn : FalseUserWriteback : FalseDeviceWriteback : FalseUnifiedGroupWriteback : FalseGroupWritebackV2 : False Read More
Build and secure your apps with Azure App Service and Defender for Cloud
We are excited to share one of the latest security capabilities within the Better Together tab in Azure portal. It is now easier for Azure App Service customers to secure web apps by enabling Defender for App Service – part of Microsoft Defender for Cloud’s Cloud Native Application Platform (CNAPP) solution. The Better Together experience is designed to enhance your development journey by recommending and deploying the right services precisely when you need them, focusing especially on Azure App Service, Azure Container Apps (ACA), and Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS).
In this blog, we will discuss the importance of securing your web apps and explore the new enablement options.
Why secure my web apps in the first place?
Organizations of all sizes are moving their application development process to the cloud at a rapid pace, becoming more productive with the help of generative AI, and are therefore, developing and publishing apps at speed and scale. While this helps businesses grow and quickly get their applications in the hands of those that need it, it also creates a larger attack surface and more opportunity for bad actors to exploit their resources. In addition to the growing attack surface, users are downloading and inputting their information into apps every day – oftentimes, without thinking twice – thanks to the dramatic adoption of smart devices.
Cloud resources have their own identities, which developers use within specific cloud architectures, and without the right protections, these identities can be exploited by attackers. Securing web apps involves safeguarding both their front-end gateway and runtime through native and agentless detection methods. Compromised web apps can lead to data theft (e.g., storage, files, keys, databases), crypto mining, ransomware attacks, DDoS incidents, and significant disruptions to production availability. Securing these applications is essential to prevent unauthorized access that could result in serious consequences. By ensuring robust security, you can maintain user trust, safeguard business operations, and remain compliant with regulations.
Azure App Service and Defender for App Service are Better Together
Migrating and deploying on-premises applications to the cloud on Azure App Service provides you a level of built-in security safeguards out of the box. This includes platform maintenance, like staying compliant with ISO, SOC, and PCI standards, creating IP address restrictions, security patching, and more. Being a fully managed platform as a service (PaaS), Azure App Service automatically patches and maintains the OS and language frameworks for all supported software stacks be it .NET, .NET Core, Java, Node.js, PHP, or Python, including security patches. For a stronger security posture, you might need to manage, monitor, detect and respond to additional emerging threats in your environment.
To gain these continuous and enhanced security assessments and recommendations provided by Defender for App Service, we’ve introduced new ways to enable and find Defender for App Service in Defender for Cloud without ever having to navigate away from Azure App Service. Let’s look at some examples:
Enable in pre-create mode: When creating a new web app in App Service, you’ll now see the option to enable Defender for App Service in the Monitor + secure tab.
Enable in post-mode: If you’ve already created your web apps, navigate to the new Better Together tab on the lefthand navigation menu. Here, you can select Defender for App Service.
Get enablement recommendations in Copilot for Azure: Use Copilot for Azure to ask about recommended services that pair with Azure App Service. For example, you may ask “Which security tool should I use with Azure App Service?” and “What popular services are deployed with App Services like mine?”
By enabling Defender for App Service, you can gain peace of mind knowing that that your applications are being proactively monitored for security threats; while also providing the contextual information you need to investigate and respond to incidents. By incorporating security into your software development lifecycle, you can continue focus on what you do best, while automatically and seamlessly identifying potentially harmful attacks targeted at applications – – to get the full lifecycle protection you need and thwart bad actors across your environment.
Get started
The new Better Together capability in the Azure portal is an evolving capability designed to help admins more easily and quickly find guidance for building and deploying applications more efficiently and securely, helping boost productivity and performance. Your feedback is always welcome! With Better Together, we try to provide end-to-end guidance through three key pathways:
Service Recommendations: Personalized suggestions for the most suitable services to optimize your application performance.
Scenario Recommendations: Tailored advice based on specific use cases to ensure you achieve the best outcomes.
Issue Diagnosis: Proactive identification and resolution of potential issues to maintain seamless operations.
New to Azure App Service? Learn more about the features and benefits and try Azure for free. To learn more about protecting your web applications with Defender for Cloud, visit our Defender for App Service product documentation and try it for free with your Azure subscription.
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Partner Blog | Realizing the expanded partner opportunity with the next wave of Copilot
By Ann Choi, General Manager, Microsoft Commercial Cloud and Solution Areas
On September 16, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella, alongside Jared Spataro, CVP of Modern Work and Business Applications, revealed significant enhancements to Microsoft 365 Copilot, delivering key features that customers and partners have been eagerly anticipating. These updates include the debut of Copilot Pages, enhanced functionalities within Microsoft 365 applications, the introduction of Copilot agents, and branding changes.
These exciting improvements allow you to generate greater enthusiasm with new customers, while also providing an opportunity to revisit existing ones and boost those engagements. The full product details of the announcement are summarized in the Microsoft 365 blog post on the Wave 2 announcement.
Offers and opportunities for partners
Considering our great momentum, and based on my personal discussions with many partners, it is clear there has never been a better time to partner with Microsoft and capitalize on the AI transformation with Copilot. Partners are actively selling Copilot and delivering significant business outcomes to our customers. In the Microsoft AI Cloud Partner Program, we are here to help partners accelerate this journey by providing guidance, promotions, and GTM tools and investments, as well as tools built upon our own customer experience and feedback.
Continue reading here
Microsoft Tech Community – Latest Blogs –Read More
Location button in events missing on new outlook.
In the old outlook there is a location button under appointments and it lets our users pick which room they would like to reserve.
Under the new outlook it doesn’t give you that option and it is a difficult for some of our users. They have to type out the room and then select it. Is there a way to turn on that feature in the new outlook?
Thank you
In the old outlook there is a location button under appointments and it lets our users pick which room they would like to reserve. Under the new outlook it doesn’t give you that option and it is a difficult for some of our users. They have to type out the room and then select it. Is there a way to turn on that feature in the new outlook? Thank you Read More
Challenge to prove that you are not a robot during PC restore.
Choose “Crie uma”, and after that the challenge to prove that you are not a robot no longer appears.
What happens?
NOTE: I have already restored the PC several times.
Choose “Crie uma”, and after that the challenge to prove that you are not a robot no longer appears.What happens?NOTE: I have already restored the PC several times. Read More