Month: September 2024
Teams 2.0 on VDI, Teams Meeting Addin, tm889514
Anyone else experiencing the issue described in advisory tm889514? Or have a workaround?
Anyone else experiencing the issue described in advisory tm889514? Or have a workaround? Read More
Microsoft Copilot Academy now available to all Microsoft 365 Copilot users
In our effort to enable more customers to upskill their Copilot capabilities, we are excited to announce the Microsoft Copilot Academy is now available to everyone with a Microsoft 365 Copilot license. This academy – curated by Microsoft experts – provides a comprehensive, structured learning experience designed to help users master the use of Copilot through hands-on learning activities and experiences. Click here to learn more about what Copilot Academy includes.
To access the academy in Viva Learning, users must have an assigned base Microsoft 365 or Office 365 license (in order to launch the free version of Viva Learning – see appendix 1 for a complete list of licenses that grant Viva Learning access) and a Microsoft 365 Copilot license (in order to view the academy). A paid Viva license is no longer required to access Copilot Academy. No additional registration or administrative action is required to start using Copilot Academy.
How to access Copilot Academy
There are two ways to access Copilot Academy – directly through the Viva Learning webapp, or from the Viva Learning Teams app by using the Academies dropdown navigation menu. Copilot Academy is available in 8 languages: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese and Chinese.
Navigate to Microsoft Copilot Academy from the dropdown menu in the Viva Learning app
Admin setup and configuration
Copilot Academy does not require registration or special steps to configure tenant access for users. While there is no access enablement necessary, for admins and knowledge managers that prefer to disable the Copilot Academy, they can do so in the admin tab of Viva Learning.
Admins can disable Microsoft Copilot Academy from the Admin tab in the Viva Learning app
Looking ahead
We are continuing to enhance the Copilot Academy end-user experience. The following improvements are being made to improve the experience for all Microsoft 365 Copilot license holders:
Academy content updates and refinement: We continually assess the value and impact of individual courses. We will periodically add new content as it becomes available, and are always working to ensure the materials provided are helpful and of the highest quality.
Copilot Academy nudges (2024 Q4): these Teams notification nudges will encourage new users to try Copilot Academy and keep existing users in the loop for new Copilot Academy updates on a monthly basis.
The current Copilot Academy experience is the same whether or not you have a paid Viva Learning license. However, we plan to offer a few additional features for paid Viva Learning licensed organizations looking to customize their Copilot Academy experience. See below for a sneak peek at some upcoming premium features:
Copilot Academy duplication (2024 Q4): the ability for admins to duplicate and customize Copilot Academy. This will allow admins to copy the default Copilot Academy, customize the content according to their needs (including removing content and adding net-new content), and re-publish to their organization as a customized academy. This will also allow admins to duplicate learning paths and featured sets within the academy.
Multi-layer structuring (2025 Q1): the ability for the Copilot Academy to organize content and learning paths under multiple levels or tiers. This allows for a greater level of control and structure in the Copilot Academy experience.
Appendix 1: License SKUs that include a free version of Viva Learning
Microsoft 365 E3
Office 365 E1
Microsoft 365 A3 – Unattended License for faculty
Microsoft 365 E5
Office 365 E2
Microsoft 365 A3 for faculty
Microsoft 365 E5 without Audio Conferencing
Office 365 E3
Microsoft 365 A5 for faculty
Microsoft 365 F1
Office 365 E5
Microsoft 365 A5 with Calling Minutes for Faculty
Microsoft 365 F3
Office 365 E5 without PSTN Conferencing
Microsoft 365 A5 without Audio Conferencing for faculty
Office 365 A1 for faculty
Office 365 Education E1 for Faculty
Microsoft 365 Business Basic
Office 365 A1 for faculty (for Device)
Office 365 Education E3 for Faculty
Microsoft 365 Business Basic – Prepaid Legacy
Office 365 A1 Plus for faculty
Office 365 Education for Homeschool for faculty
Microsoft 365 Business Premium
Office 365 A3 for faculty
Office 365 F2
Microsoft 365 Business Standard
Office 365 A5 for faculty
Office 365 F3
Microsoft 365 Business Standard – Prepaid Legacy
Office 365 A5 with Calling Minutes for Faculty
Office 365 G3
Office 365 A5 without Audio Conferencing for faculty
Microsoft Tech Community – Latest Blogs –Read More
Quickly Diagnose Issues with Email Threat Policies
The Microsoft 365 commercial support team resolves customer support cases and provides support to help you be successful and realize the full potential and value of your purchase. Our support services extend across the entire lifecycle and include pre-sales, onboarding and deployment, usage and management, accounts and billing, and break-fix support. We also spend a considerable amount of time working to improve the supportability of Microsoft 365 services to reduce the number of issues you experience as well as minimize the effort and time it takes to resolve your issues if they do occur.
Today, we’re excited to share some insights on working with Exchange Online Protection (EOP) and Microsoft Defender for Office 365 (MDO).
Exchange Online Protection (EOP) and Microsoft Defender for Office 365 (MDO) provide cumulative layers of email security that include multiple threat policies. Some organizations choose our quick, “set-and-forget” preset policies, while others choose to customize their email threat policies for different sets of users, groups, domains and business requirements.
Determine your protection policy strategy.
Which policies apply to which recipients?
In Microsoft Customer Service and Support (CSS), we often hear from administrators who create custom policies and find it challenging to determine which threat policy applied to a user or a message, especially if the recipient is part of multiple groups or policies. Consistent and effective policy management can lower administrator overhead, confusion, and even security risks, (e.g. bad emails being delivered to users due to overrides, or good emails being blocked because of aggressive blocks.) With that, we’re happy to announce two new tools to help you diagnose policy issues quickly and efficiently!
Introducing: Email Threat Policy Diagnostic for a Recipient
Requirements: Network Message ID, Recipient address
Run the Email Threat Policy Diagnostic as an administrator in any admin portal (Microsoft 365 Admin Center, Microsoft Defender XDR, Exchange Admin Center, Compliance portal, etc.).
The quick link will 1) open the Microsoft 365 Admin Center and 2) prepopulate the Get Help field (“?”) with the diagnostic query.
Provide a Network Message ID and a recipient address for the Email Threat Policy diagnostic to show which policies applied when the message was received, and what policies covered the recipient.
Example 1: Testing Safe Links user exclusions
Your organization has three Safe Links policies defined. Joe works in the Threat Intelligence department, which commonly requires access for testing malicious links from email messages in a virtual environment. You decide to exclude Joe from Custom and Built-in policies to skip Safe Links processing.
Figure 1: Safe Links policies screen in the Microsoft Defender XDR portal
Figure 2: Safe Links policy details and exclusions in the Microsoft Defender XDR portal
Figure 3: Safe Links policy details and exclusions in the Microsoft Defender XDR portal
Upon further testing, Joe still sees Safe Links applied to email messages with malicious URLs. After you collect a Network Message ID from Joe’s last test message, run the Email Threat Policy diagnostic. In this example, we will use these two pieces of input:
Network Message ID: 42715389-04ae-4577-d1a3-08dcbad6af8a
Recipient email address:
Figure 4: Email Threat Policy Diagnostic in Microsoft Defender XDR portal – input
Figure 5: Email Threat Policy Diagnostic in Microsoft Defender XDR portal – results.
From the results, you’ll learn that the Standard Preset Security policy applied to this message. This is because Standard and Strict preset security policies take precedence over any custom and built-in policies and apply to your entire organization. To learn more about policy order and processing, see
Solution and validation:
Since your organization requires a higher degree of customizations, you decide to turn the Standard Preset Security policy Off .
Now that you only have two policies remaining (Custom and Built-in), and Joe is excluded from both, new test messages go through bypassing Safe Links.
Example 2: Testing why anti-malware policies fire on excluded attachments
You have multiple malware filtering policies that block different file attachments. The Custom malware policy is your latest policy that blocks all media file types, such as .mov, .mp4 and .mp3.
Figure 6: Anti-malware policies screen in the Microsoft Defender XDR portal
Joe stopped getting voicemail messages. You know your voicemail provider uses an .mp3 file type and upon investigation, you find these messages are quarantined unexpectedly. You collect the Network Message ID and recipient address and run the Email Threat Policy diagnostic to verify which policy is applied to the message.
Solution and validation:
Since the custom policy was recently defined to block all media file types, you decide to modify the policy and remove .mp3 from the list of restricted file types. To confirm, you can run the diagnostics using the Network Message ID from the quarantine, provide Joe’s recipient address, and find out that the “Custom Malware policy” applies.
Email Threat Policy Diagnostic in Microsoft Defender XDR portal – input and results.
Email Threat Policy Diagnostic in Microsoft Defender XDR portal – input and results.
Why Network Message ID (NMID)?
A network message ID is a unique message ID value that persists across copies of the message that may be created due to bifurcation or distribution group expansion. Here’s what one looks like in message headers:
X-MS-Exchange-Organization-Network-Message-Id: 185a3445-695c-464a-d44c-08dcb7d88102
OR a different x-header that links to the same NMID value:
X-MS-Office365-Filtering-Correlation-Id: 185a3445-695c-464a-d44c-08dcb7d88102
Learn more about NMID.
When providing a recipient, use an Exchange Online (Microsoft 365) mailbox which received the message. If a message was sent to a group, trace the message to the individual recipient first, and then provide the recipient Network Message ID.
The diagnostic also works for outbound messages and similarly requires the Network Message ID and the recipient address.
In addition to threat policies applied to the message, this diagnostic can also be used to help you troubleshoot which inbound connector was used to receive the message. This information is available in extended message trace reports, but it is surfaced in the results for your quick reference, which is helpful if you’re using multiple connectors and inbound routing configurations.
Tip: Other self-help diagnostics are available for Exchange Online, Outlook and Microsoft Defender for Office 365. While these diagnostics can’t make any changes to your tenant without your consent, they offer insights into known issues and provide instructions to fix those issues quickly.
Introducing: Threat Policy Checker PowerShell Script
Requirements: No parameters are required to perform general inclusion logic checks. Provide a recipient address for the policies scoped to a particular user.
Use the Threat Policy Checker Script to identify and resolve policy inconsistencies, and to ensure threat policies in your organization apply as intended. The script performs several checks to help you find inconsistencies in user membership and policy application without needing to provide a specific Network Message ID. If issues are found, the script provides guidance on how to resolve them. It can help with such questions as
Are there confusing policies with conditions that lead to unexpected coverage or coverage gaps?
Which threat policies apply to a recipient, or should have applied but did not? No actual detection or Network Message ID needed.
Which actions would be taken on an email for each policy matched?
The script only runs in “Read” mode from Exchange Online and Microsoft Graph PowerShell. It does not modify any policies, and only provides actionable guidance for administrators for remediation.
Quick link: *
Parameters and Use Cases
Run the script without any parameters to review all threat protection policies and to find inconsistencies with user inclusion and/or exclusion conditions.
PS C:UsersxDesktop> .MDOThreatPolicyChecker.ps1
MDOThreatPolicyChecker.ps1 script version
Connected to EXO
Session details
Tenant Id: aaaaaaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaa
No logical inconsistencies found!
Script Output 1: ‘No Logical inconsistencies found’ message if the policies are configured correctly, and no further corrections are required.
PS C:UsersxDesktop> .MDOThreatPolicyChecker.ps1
MDOThreatPolicyChecker.ps1 script version
Connected to EXO
Session details
Tenant Id: aaaaaaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaa
Policy Custom antispam policy:
Type: Anti-spam Policy.
State: Enabled.
-> Illogical inclusions of Users and Groups.
The policy will only apply to Users who are also members of any Groups you have specified.
This makes the Group inclusion redundant and confusing.
Suggestion: use one or the other type of inclusion.
Script Output 2: Inconsistencies found in the antispam policy named ‘Custom antispam policy‘, and consequent recommendations shown — illogical inclusions as both users and groups are specified. This policy will only apply to the users who are also members of the specified group.
Add the parameter -IncludeMDOPolicies to view Microsoft Defender for Office 365 Safe Links and Safe Attachments policies:
PS C:UsersxOneDrive – MicrosoftAttachmentsDesktop> .MDOThreatPolicyChecker.ps1 -EmailAddress “” -IncludeMDOPolicies
MDOThreatPolicyChecker.ps1 script version
Connected to EXO
Session details
Tenant Id: aaaaaaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaa
Connected to Graph
Session details
TenantID: aaaaaaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaa
Policies applied to…
Name: Custom Malware Policy
Priority: 0
Default policy
Default policy
Outbound Spam:
Default policy
For both Safe Attachments and Safe Links:
Name: Standard Preset Security Policy
Priority: 0
Script Output 3: Parameters -EmailAddress and -IncludeMDOPoliciesEOP specified to validate Microsoft Defender for Office 365 Safe Attachments and Safe Links policies, on top of Exchange Online Protection policies.
To see policy details, run the script with the -ShowDetailedPolicies parameter:
PS C:UsersxDesktop> .MDOThreatPolicyChecker.ps1 -EmailAddress “” -IncludeMDOPolicies -ShowDetailedPolicies
MDOThreatPolicyChecker.ps1 script version
Connected to EXO
Session details
Tenant Id: aaaaaaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaa
Connected to Graph
Session details
TenantID: aaaaaaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaa
Policies applied to…
Name: Custom Malware Policy
Priority: 0
Properties of the policy that are True, On, or not blank:
EnableFileFilter: True
FileTypeAction: Reject
FileTypes: ace apk app appx ani arj bat cab cmd com deb dex dll docm elf exe hta img iso jar jnlp kext lha lib library lnk lzh macho msc msi msix msp mst pif ppa ppam reg rev scf scr sct sys uif vb vbe vbs vxd wsc wsf wsh xll xz z txt
QuarantineTag: AdminOnlyAccessPolicy
RecommendedPolicyType: Custom
IsValid: True
Guid: ff6ba341-625a-4a0b-b32a-65e5625a6627
Default policy
Properties of the policy that are True, On, or not blank:
Enabled: True
ImpersonationProtectionState: Automatic
EnableMailboxIntelligence: True
TargetedUserProtectionAction: NoAction
TargetedUserQuarantineTag: DefaultFullAccessPolicy
MailboxIntelligenceProtectionAction: NoAction
MailboxIntelligenceQuarantineTag: DefaultFullAccessPolicy
TargetedDomainProtectionAction: NoAction
TargetedDomainQuarantineTag: DefaultFullAccessPolicy
AuthenticationFailAction: MoveToJmf
SpoofQuarantineTag: DefaultFullAccessPolicy
EnableSpoofIntelligence: True
EnableViaTag: True
EnableUnauthenticatedSender: True
HonorDmarcPolicy: True
DmarcRejectAction: Reject
DmarcQuarantineAction: Quarantine
RecommendedPolicyType: Custom
IsValid: True
Guid: bf512d2b-bc3b-4843-a01c-433a02fd6bab
Default policy
Properties of the policy that are True, On, or not blank:
QuarantineRetentionPeriod: 15
TestModeAction: None
MarkAsSpamEmptyMessages: Test
MarkAsSpamBulkMail: On
MarkAsSpamNdrBackscatter: On
IsDefault: True
HighConfidenceSpamAction: Quarantine
SpamAction: Quarantine
BulkThreshold: 7
ZapEnabled: True
InlineSafetyTipsEnabled: True
BulkSpamAction: MoveToJmf
PhishSpamAction: MoveToJmf
IntraOrgFilterState: Spam
HighConfidencePhishAction: Quarantine
RecommendedPolicyType: Custom
SpamQuarantineTag: Notification policy
HighConfidenceSpamQuarantineTag: Notification policy
PhishQuarantineTag: DefaultFullAccessPolicy
HighConfidencePhishQuarantineTag: AdminOnlyAccessPolicy
BulkQuarantineTag: DefaultFullAccessPolicy
IsValid: True
Guid: 191b78dc-9221-4a2c-b51c-208a186e931a
Outbound Spam:
Default policy
Properties of the policy that are True, On, or not blank:
IsDefault: True
ConfigurationType: HostedOutboundSpamFilterPolicy
ActionWhenThresholdReached: BlockUser
RecommendedPolicyType: Custom
AutoForwardingMode: On
Guid: 5a6504d0-b3e8-4dda-8060-94e03f9813c6
IsValid: True
For both Safe Attachments and Safe Links:
Name: Standard Preset Security Policy
Priority: 0
Preset policy settings are not configurable but documented here:
Script Output 4: Parameters -EmailAddress,-IncludeMDOPolicies, and -ShowDetailedPolicies list all EOP and MDO policies applied to a user and their full details.
* Please read the disclaimer when running the script. The scripts are not supported under any Microsoft standard support program or service. The sample scripts are provided AS IS without warranty of any kind. Please use GitHub to report issues to the developers.
We hope these tools help you evaluate and diagnose issues related to the order and precedence of email protection policies better. Do you have questions or feedback about Microsoft Defender for Office 365? Engage with the community and Microsoft experts in the Defender for Office 365 forum.
Important resources:
Email Threat Policy Diagnostic
Threat Policy Checker Script
Get started with Microsoft Defender for Office 365
Order and precedence of email protection
Preset security policies
Anti-spam message headers
Message trace in the new EAC in Exchange Online (NMID)
Self-help diagnostics for issues in Exchange Online and Outlook
Alex Hudish is a Senior Supportability Program Manager in the Customer Service & Support (CSS) Supportability Team focused on Security and Microsoft Defender for Office 365
Ross_Parkel is a Senior Technical Support Escalation Engineer in Customer Service & Support (CSS) focused on Security and Microsoft Defender for Office 365.
Mithun_Rathinam is a Senior Technical Support Escalation Engineer in Customer Service & Support (CSS) Beta Team focused on Security and Microsoft Defender for Office 365
Marc Nivens is a Senior Technical Support Embedded Escalation Engineer on the Microsoft Defender for Office 365 Team.
Microsoft Tech Community – Latest Blogs –Read More
Join us for OneDrive Office Hours | September 2024
Are you ready to connect with OneDrive product makers this month? We’re gearing up for the next call!
Join the OneDrive product team live each month on our monthly OneDrive Customer Office Hours to hear what’s top of mind, get insights into roadmap updates, and dig into a special topic. Each call includes live Q&A where you’ll have a chance to ask the OneDrive product team any question about OneDrive – The home of your files.
Use the Teams link to register and join live: link to register to webinar. Each call is recorded and made available on demand shortly after. Our next call is Wednesday, September 18th, 2024, 8:00am – 9:00am PDT.
This month’s special topic: “OneDrive Picker integration in Office Web apps” with @Liz Scoble, Senior Product Manager on the OneDrive team at Microsoft.
OneDrive Customer Office Hours – September 18th, 2024, 8am PDT. Special guest, Liz Scoble, to share more about our special topic this month: “OneDrive Picker integration in Office Web apps.”
Our goal is to simplify the way you create and access the files you need, get the information you are looking for, and manage your tasks efficiently. We can’t wait to share, listen, and engage – monthly! Anyone can join this one-hour webinar to ask us questions, share feedback, and learn more about the features we’re releasing soon and our roadmap.
Note: Our monthly public calls are not an official support tool. To open support tickets, go to see Get support for Microsoft 365; distinct support for educators and education customers is available, too.
Learn more on our upcoming event: Microsoft OneDrive: AI Innovations for a New Era of Work and Home
Stay up to date on Microsoft OneDrive adoption on
Join our community to catch all news and insights from the OneDrive community blog.
Follow us on X: @OneDrive.
Thank you for your interest in making your voice heard and taking your knowledge and depth of OneDrive to the next level.
You can ask questions and provide feedback in the event Comments below and we will do our best to address what we can during the call. 😎 Register and join live:
See you there, Rob Nunez (Product Marketing Manager – Microsoft)
Microsoft Tech Community – Latest Blogs –Read More
Consolidating update management for enterprises
Update management for enterprise customers has been unified into a single solution, Windows Autopatch. The functionality formerly known as Windows Update for Business deployment service has been woven into Windows Autopatch, offering a more cohesive and streamlined update experience. With this change, you can use Windows Autopatch to simplify all aspects of keeping your Windows devices up to date—automation helps ensure seamless update deployment for the Windows OS, Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise, Microsoft Teams, and Microsoft Edge.
How Windows Autopatch simplifies update management
In the fast-paced world of IT, efficiency and simplicity are not just goals—they are a necessity. As an IT professional, you’re tasked with managing complex systems and ensuring that those systems are up to date and secure. This is where Windows Autopatch comes in, offering a unified approach to update management that streamlines your update processes and enhances system reliability and security.
Windows Autopatch features a new, unified dashboard, designed to make update management easier and more efficient. When you access Windows Autopatch in the Microsoft 365 admin center, you’ll see four main sections:
Update policies: Create and manage update policies that define when and how updates are installed on your devices. Choose from predefined policies or create your own custom ones. Assign different policies to different update groups, giving you more flexibility and control over your update strategy.
Update groups: Organize your devices into tailored update rings, or Autopatch groups, based on criteria such as device type, location, department, or function. Apply different update policies and schedules to each group to help ensure updates are delivered in a way that suits your business needs and minimizes disruptions. Monitor and manage the update status of each group from the dashboard.
Update status: View the update status of all your devices at a glance. See which devices are up to date, which are being updated, which need updates, and which encountered issues. Drill down into the details of each device, such as the update history, current version, and error codes. If needed, take actions such as retrying or pausing updates, or downloading update logs for troubleshooting.
Update reports: Generate and download update reports for insights and analytics on your update performance and compliance. Choose from various report types, such as update compliance, quality, deployment, and inventory. Filter and customize reports by date, device, group, policy, or update. Use reports to evaluate your update effectiveness, identify issues, and optimize your update processes.
The benefits of a unified update management system
The move to unified update management with Windows Autopatch offers tangible benefits that go beyond simplification:
Reduced complexity: With Windows Autopatch, the days of juggling multiple update tools and policies are over. A single, streamlined service manages everything, freeing up your IT team to focus on more strategic initiatives. Additionally, Autopatch deployment rings and careful rollout sequences minimize disruptions, allowing for updates to be planned and executed with minimal impact on the organization.
Enhanced compliance and security: With Autopatch, maintaining compliance with industry standards and regulations becomes more manageable, as updates are consistently applied across the board. Timely updates are also crucial for security. Autopatch’s automated system ensures that all devices receive the necessary updates as soon as they’re available, closing security gaps more effectively.
Better resource allocation: By automating update management, IT resources can be reallocated to areas that drive innovation and growth for the business. Automating routine tasks also reduces the need for manual intervention, cutting down on labor costs and the potential for human error.
Embrace the future of update management
Fully integrating the Windows Update for Business deployment service into Windows Autopatch reflects an important evolution in Windows update management. By utilizing a unified dashboard with centralized control, you can more easily manage updates for devices across your organization so they can be kept current and secure.
With Windows Autopatch, you’re not just updating your systems; you’re upgrading your entire update management strategy with an effortless shift to a unified service. And, you’re able to leverage the benefits of this change without any new licensing. The licensing requirements are unchanged from today. Looking ahead, as our endpoint management systems continue to evolve, you can be confident the familiar, trusted features, including API access, will be preserved.
Come learn about the benefits of unified update management in person at Microsoft Ignite November 19-22, 2024, in Chicago. You can also check out the Windows Autopatch documentation or watch a demo.
Stay tuned for more updates and thank you for being a part of this exciting journey!
Continue the conversation. Find best practices. Bookmark the Windows Tech Community, then follow us @MSWindowsITPro on X and on LinkedIn. Looking for support? Visit Windows on Microsoft Q&A.
Microsoft Tech Community – Latest Blogs –Read More
Work Smarter: Copilot Productivity Tips for Secure Insights
With the slate of enhancements for Microsoft 365 Copilot just announced, I thought it’d be interesting to take a look at some everyday use cases and see how you can take advantage of some of them. Today, we’ll briefly examine what enterprise data protection (EDP) in Microsoft 365 Copilot and Microsoft Copilot can help you to confidently do, and why we think it’s so important.
First, what is EDP? It refers to controls and commitments, under the Data Protection Addendum (DPA) and Product Terms, that apply to customer data for users of Microsoft 365 Copilot and Microsoft Copilot. It applies to both Microsoft 365 Copilot and Microsoft Copilot when you’re signed in with your Entra ID.
Check out the link to get the details, but at a high level, it means your data is private and secure and is not used to train the foundation models. This allows you to confidently leverage Copilot to get your job done without risking data leakage. Now let’s take a look at how this can come in handy!
Tip 1: Find out how your product stacks up with competitors
Let’s say you have an internal document that lays out the specifications for your latest product and you need to figure out how to bring it to the market. EDP means that I can attach the file to my prompt knowing it will stay secure as Copilot reasons over it, combining information from my data with the latest information on the web, to provide me with a response.
1. Here I am, in the “Web” scope of Microsoft 365 Copilot.
A screenshot of Microsoft Copilot
2. I enter the prompt,
“ Use the product specifications from this document, and create a table comparing my new ebike to other offerings on the market. I want to find out how my product stacks up, and get ideas for what I should price my bike at.”
3. I select the paperclip icon on the bottom right of the chat window and select the product specification document from my files.
A screenshot of the chat window with a prompt and file linked
A screenshot of the results returned by Copilot in a table
A screenshot of the response provided by Copilot with analysis on competitor offerings
Copilot provides me with the table I asked for, while also providing some of the analysis and pricing strategy I had asked about and the information in my exchange with Copilot is not going to train foundation models or be risk being leaked.
Tip 2: Simplify collaboration further with Microsoft 365 Copilot
If you have a Microsoft 365 Copilot license, you can further simplify collaboration with your coworkers using Copilot Pages.
1. In the work scope of Business Chat, I put in the same prompt, this time in the Work scope of Microsoft 365 Copilot. This time, to link my file to the prompt, I simply use the forward slash button.
A screenshot of Microsoft 365 Copilot Business Chat
2. With the response from Copilot, I then select “Edit in page”. Copilot automatically brings over its response to a Page.
A screenshot of the response from Copilot, with the button “Edit in Page”
3. On the page, I’m able to either select share on the top right, or directly tag my coworkers by @ mentioning them and immediately collaborate on the content.
A screenshot of Business Chat and a Page component
Alternatively, I could share either a link to the page, or copy the page component into an email, the same way I would a Loop component (If you want to learn more the experience, we explored using Copilot in Loop in my previous blog here).
For instance, I could @ mention Bri, and ask her to take a look and add her thoughts and ideas. She could do this directly on the page, and even ask Copilot to help her.
These small but simple ways to use Copilot have significantly improved and changed the way I work, tackle challenges, and collaborate.
I’d love to hear what other ways you might find this helpful to you!
Microsoft Tech Community – Latest Blogs –Read More
Stopping notifications for comments in a spreadsheet on a sharepoint site
I’m the owner of a sharepoint site at my company. The site works as a document repository that helps keep supervisors and managers to a singular source for reports, reviews, etc…
I have a few people that leave comments in documents and every time they do it I get an email notification.
I do not get notifications for anything else (Editing a file, etc.) ONLY when they make a comment to a file.
How do I turn this off? I searched here and it seems it wants me to make the changes to my (personal work) one drive, but that is not where this sharepoint page lives. It’s a site made by our IT that I am considered the owner of, and no thread I looked at so far seems to address this setup. To help, here’s what the main GEAR MENU looks like from the main page of the site. Hopefully someone can guide me from here because I looked at several options but none seem to be right and I know how deep these settings areas go….
I’m the owner of a sharepoint site at my company. The site works as a document repository that helps keep supervisors and managers to a singular source for reports, reviews, etc… I have a few people that leave comments in documents and every time they do it I get an email notification. I do not get notifications for anything else (Editing a file, etc.) ONLY when they make a comment to a file. How do I turn this off? I searched here and it seems it wants me to make the changes to my (personal work) one drive, but that is not where this sharepoint page lives. It’s a site made by our IT that I am considered the owner of, and no thread I looked at so far seems to address this setup. To help, here’s what the main GEAR MENU looks like from the main page of the site. Hopefully someone can guide me from here because I looked at several options but none seem to be right and I know how deep these settings areas go…. Read More
Live translations Teams
Does any one know what some language are in the preview state such as Korean or Portuguese ?
Does this mean is not perfect transcript yet? Is there any road map on this ?
Does any one know what some language are in the preview state such as Korean or Portuguese ?Does this mean is not perfect transcript yet? Is there any road map on this ? Read More
Excel Formula | Filter out a word from a table of words in another sheet Hi MS Community,
Hi MS Community,
I have the following worksheet. In the Orders Tab, I need to be able to filter out the “Fruit” from the “Sentence”.
Sheet1 = Fruits
Sheet2 = Orders
In Fruits:
In Orders:
SentenceFruit1James buy appleapple2Peter sell pearpear3Banana from japanbanana4apple keeps the doctor awayapple5Do you sell durian?Invalid
Preferably, casing can be ignored. I was trying out Index & Match but it didn’t work (pls ignore the rows and column number as I was trying to simply using fruits).
Kind Regards
Hi MS Community, I have the following worksheet. In the Orders Tab, I need to be able to filter out the “Fruit” from the “Sentence”. Sheet1 = FruitsSheet2 = Orders In Fruits: A1apple2pear3banana In Orders: SentenceFruit1James buy appleapple2Peter sell pearpear3Banana from japanbanana4apple keeps the doctor awayapple5Do you sell durian?Invalid Preferably, casing can be ignored. I was trying out Index & Match but it didn’t work (pls ignore the rows and column number as I was trying to simply using fruits). =INDEX(fruit!A1:A3,MATCH(“*”&fruit!A1&”*”,C1:C4,0)) Kind Regards Read More
Join the Microsoft Fabric & AI Learning Hackathon Kickoff AMA happening today!
Get ready for the Microsoft Fabric & AI Learning Hackathon! We’re calling all Data/AI Enthusiasts and Data/AI practitioners to join us for the kick-off event where we will give background on the Hackathon challenges, provide links to get started, and give you a preview of what’s to come in our upcoming Microsoft Fabric & AI Learning Hackathon Workshops! Plus, you’ll get to meet other hackers, mentors, and experts who will help you along the way. Come with ideas or come for inspiration, we’d love to hear what you’re planning to build!
Microsoft Fabric & AI Learning Hackathon Kickoff AMA: Ready, Set, Hack! – Microsoft Community Hub
Get ready for the Microsoft Fabric & AI Learning Hackathon! We’re calling all Data/AI Enthusiasts and Data/AI practitioners to join us for the kick-off event where we will give background on the Hackathon challenges, provide links to get started, and give you a preview of what’s to come in our upcoming Microsoft Fabric & AI Learning Hackathon Workshops! Plus, you’ll get to meet other hackers, mentors, and experts who will help you along the way. Come with ideas or come for inspiration, we’d love to hear what you’re planning to build!
Microsoft Fabric & AI Learning Hackathon Kickoff AMA: Ready, Set, Hack! – Microsoft Community Hub Read More
Color coding cells based on results from 3 other cells
I have some rows that I would like colored based on what is inputted from 3 other columns.
In row 2 I want the cells A2, B2, C2, and D2 to be colored green if F2 is Yes, red if G2 is Yes, and Dark Red if H2 is red.
I then want this to be applied to all the rows in the sheet but with the color of cells of rows A, B, C, and D reflecting what value F, G, and H have in their rows.
I have some rows that I would like colored based on what is inputted from 3 other columns.In row 2 I want the cells A2, B2, C2, and D2 to be colored green if F2 is Yes, red if G2 is Yes, and Dark Red if H2 is red.I then want this to be applied to all the rows in the sheet but with the color of cells of rows A, B, C, and D reflecting what value F, G, and H have in their rows. Read More
Can we create Channels like Teams in Viva Engage Communities?
I was wondering whether is it possible to create Channels like in Microsoft Teams inside a Viva Engage Community? Or is it achieved by something else? It will help in a broader community to have channels, which are focusing on a small part of the whole community goal.
If this can be done in any other way in Viva Engage, that’s also okay.
Thanks in advance. 🙂
Hi,I was wondering whether is it possible to create Channels like in Microsoft Teams inside a Viva Engage Community? Or is it achieved by something else? It will help in a broader community to have channels, which are focusing on a small part of the whole community goal.If this can be done in any other way in Viva Engage, that’s also okay. Thanks in advance. 🙂 Read More
Mail Merge from Access
Hello everyone,
I am having a problem when merging into word from Access.
I am trying to set up a document that is a work diary that merges from access. The first 3 columns are ID, Day and Date and the next 30 columns are the names of the staff members.
I want to be able to group by Staff Member so that all the jobs are shown together for each date I.e. Staff Member 1 – Monday 01/01/2024 08:00 Job 1 13:00 Job 2 / Tuesday 02/01/2024 – 08:00 Job 1 13:00 Job 2 / Wednesday 03/01/2024 08:00 Job 1 13:00 Job 2 Thursday 04/01/2024 – 08:00 Job 1 13:00 Job 2 then Staff Member 2 – Monday 01/01/2024 08:00 Job 1 13:00 Job 2 / Tuesday 02/01/2024 – 08:00 Job 1 13:00 Job 2 / Wednesday 03/01/2024 08:00 Job 1 13:00 Job 2 Thursday 04/01/2024 – 08:00 Job 1 13:00 Job 2 etc.
Please can someone help!
Hello everyone, I am having a problem when merging into word from Access. I am trying to set up a document that is a work diary that merges from access. The first 3 columns are ID, Day and Date and the next 30 columns are the names of the staff members. I want to be able to group by Staff Member so that all the jobs are shown together for each date I.e. Staff Member 1 – Monday 01/01/2024 08:00 Job 1 13:00 Job 2 / Tuesday 02/01/2024 – 08:00 Job 1 13:00 Job 2 / Wednesday 03/01/2024 08:00 Job 1 13:00 Job 2 Thursday 04/01/2024 – 08:00 Job 1 13:00 Job 2 then Staff Member 2 – Monday 01/01/2024 08:00 Job 1 13:00 Job 2 / Tuesday 02/01/2024 – 08:00 Job 1 13:00 Job 2 / Wednesday 03/01/2024 08:00 Job 1 13:00 Job 2 Thursday 04/01/2024 – 08:00 Job 1 13:00 Job 2 etc. Please can someone help! Read More
Announcing API Management and API Center Community Live Stream on Thursday, September 26
We’re thrilled to announce a community stand-up – a live-stream event for users of Azure API Management and API Center, hosted on YouTube. Join us for an engaging session where we’ll delve into the latest industry trends, product updates, and best practices.
Event Details
Date: Thursday, 26 September 2024
Time: 8 AM PST / 11 AM EST
Format: Live stream on YouTube
What to Expect
Insights into the API industry: Our product team will share their perspectives on the criticality of API security and securing APIs with an in-depth defense using Microsoft Defender for APIs.
Azure API Management and API Center updates: Discover the latest features in our services, including workspaces, tiers v2, and more. Learn how these advancements can benefit your organization and enhance your API management practices.
Interactive Q&A session: Do you have a burning question about our products or are you looking to provide feedback? This is your chance! Join our live Q&A session to get answers directly from our team.
Networking opportunities: Connect with fellow API management practitioners in the chat, exchange ideas, and learn from each other’s experiences.
How to Join
Simply tune into our live stream in the Microsoft Azure Developers channel on YouTube at the scheduled date and time. You can select the “Notify me” button to receive a reminder before the event starts.
Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity to engage with our product team and fellow API Management and API Center users. Mark your calendars and we’ll see you there!
Microsoft Tech Community – Latest Blogs –Read More
Learn how Copilot agents enhance collaboration within your team on Microsoft Teams
Microsoft brings you the goodness of Copilot across apps that you use with Teams. Several of the apps available to you are meant to enhance your productivity. Some of these are now Copilot enabled. What does that mean? They can be used with Microsoft 365 Copilot chat. You can easily invoke these apps on the Copilot chat, use it seamlessly across M365 products and enhance your productivity. This integration of Copilot with some of these apps is going to make searching, querying, and getting prompt support on next steps super intuitive. These will be available to all our users with Copilot license, starting from mid-September. More details are shared below in the form of examples in the subsequent sections.
Benefits of using Copilot agents
Using Copilot agents can significantly enhance your overall Teams experience. They help automate routine tasks, improve efficiency, and foster a more collaborative environment. Best practices include regular updates, leveraging analytics for insights, and encouraging user feedback to refine functionalities. To further enhance your Teams experience, we’ve curated a selection of innovative Copilot agents that address various business needs. These agents re designed to streamline processes, foster collaboration, and provide valuable insights, helping your organization run more smoothly and efficiently. Below, we introduce four transformative Copilot agents that can elevate your team’s productivity and engagement.
Identifying Copilot agents in Teams Store
To maximize the capabilities of Teams, it is essential to incorporate the right Copilot agents tailored to your business needs. Teams Store is the gateway to accessing these powerful tools. Here’s how you can identify and select the most beneficial Copilot agents:
Teams Store navigation:
Open your Teams application and navigate to the App Store by clicking on the “Apps” icon located on the left sidebar. This will take you to the main interface where you can browse through a wide range of applications, including the Copilot agents. Every Copilot agent contains a Copilot logo, making it easy to spot them among other apps in the app store. This logo serves as a visual indicator that the agent is powered by Copilot’s advanced capabilities.
Copilot agents category:
From the app store landing page, you can go directly to the Copilot agents page from the left tray. This dedicated page provides a curated list of all available Copilot agents. Here, you can explore detailed descriptions, and installation instructions to find the right tools for your organization.
Installation and permissions
Once you have identified a suitable Copilot agent, select ‘Add’ on its description page to start the installation. In case the app is unavailable to you, it might show ‘Request’. Trigger the flow and request your admin to enable the app. Your admin can review the permissions requested by the agent, as this will outline the data it will access and the functionalities it will integrate within your Teams environment.
Enabling and using Copilot agents
1. Enable Copilot agents via Plugins [refer image below]
After you have installed, some of the Copilot agent might not be auto-enabled for usage. You may have to go to the Microsoft 365 Copilot chat and enable them through a toggle. You can find this on the bottom right of the Copilot chat. The chat is present on the top of all your chats page on Teams. Once you open the plugin page on this chat from the bottom right as show in the image below – you will see a curated list of plugins. To enable or disable an agent, click on the toggle button next to the respective plugin. You can acquire more plugins through the side panel.
2. From the Right menu on Copilot chat
Not all apps can be enabled through command invocation and Copilot agents chat. You can find these distinct types of agents in the right menu on the Copilot chat. You can access the right menu on the Copilot chat to find available agents directly from the menu. This method offers a centralized location to manage all your Copilot agents, allowing for streamlined configuration and oversight.
3. Invoking by command
After installing and enabling the , you can use it with a command. Users who like command-line interactions can activate Copilot agents by typing ‘@’ and the agent name on the Copilot chat. This approach is particularly helpful for experienced users who know the specific tools they require.
4. From the agent’s chat
Open the chat area within Teams and navigate to the installed Copilot agent tab. Simply click on the desired agent to enable it. This method provides a quick and efficient way to activate necessary tools without leaving the chat interface, ensuring seamless integration into your daily workflow. Refer the image below to know about this.
5. From the command-line on the
Some Copilot agents can be invoked from the command-line on the Copilot chat. After accessing the Copilot chat, type ‘@’ followed by the agent name in the input field. Once the agent is activated, you can then type in specific prompts to trigger the desired actions.
Four Copliot agents and practical case studies
To further illustrate the ability and versatility of Copilot agents, let’s delve into four prominent apps: Microsoft Meetup, Proximity Matrix, Viva Goals, and Mural. Each of these agents offers unique functionalities that can be enhanced through targeted prompts. Below, we examine individual case studies demonstrating how these prompts can be effectively utilized.
Microsoft Meetup
Overview: Microsoft Meetup is designed to simplify the process of organizing and managing meetings, ensuring seamless coordination among team members.
Case Study: Knowing guests for the today
Jane, a project manager, uses Microsoft Meetup to keep track of her guests for the day. She has previously invited and scheduled several meetings with different stakeholders using the agent. To see who all the guests for the day are, she types ‘@Microsoft Meetup’ into the Copilot chat, which activates the agent and shows the view prompts option. She clicks on ‘View prompts’ to see the sample prompts. She then clicks on ‘List my guests for the day,’ which triggers the agent to display a list of all the guests she has invited, along with their names, roles, and meeting times.
Overview: Priority Matrix is a smart tool for managing high-impact work, improving team productivity and focus. Track personal tasks, balance workloads, and align team goals easily.
Case Study: Managing personal and team tasks
John, a team leader, seeks better management of personal and team tasks. On the chat page of Priority Matrix in Teams, he activates the agent, views the prompts, and clicks ‘Open PM’ to see the integrated projects in his workflow. He can use the 1-on-1 view to access Outlook emails, calendar events, OneDrive files, and Planner tasks all together.
Viva Goals
Overview: Viva Goals is a powerful tool for setting, tracking, and achieving organizational goals, aligning team efforts with strategic objectives.
Case Study: Seeing snapshot of goals
Sarah, who leads the marketing team, used Viva Goals to set ambitious quarterly objectives. She wanted to track the progress and alignment of her goals with the company’s vision. She goes to the chat page of the Viva Goals agent and selects the option ‘Show me snapshot of my goals.’ The agent shows a dashboard with the status, completion rate, and impact of her goals, and feedback from her team members.
Overview: Creately Teams is a collaborative diagramming tool that allows teams to create and share diagrams, flowcharts, and mind maps with ease.
Case Study: Checking project management templates
David, a product manager, needs to set up a project timeline using the available templates for a new feature launch. He selects ‘Show Project Management Templates’ from the given options. The agent provides numerous templates, shapes, and icons, allowing him to create a concise and professional timeline. Additionally, he can invite his team members to collaborate and give feedback on the diagram, ensuring everyone stays aligned.
These case studies highlight how Copilot agents can be harnessed to streamline tasks and enhance productivity through targeted prompts.
Microsoft Tech Community – Latest Blogs –Read More
.NET on Azure Functions – September 2024 roadmap update
Our last roadmap update was in March 2024, in which we outlined the plans for the in-process model for .NET 8. That has since been released, and in this post, we’ll cover what you can expect throughout the rest of 2024.
.NET 8 option for the in-process model
Since our last post, we have released support for .NET 8 on the in-process model! Apps already using .NET 6 on the in-process model can move to .NET 8 by following the steps in the updating to target .NET 8 on the in-process model guidance.
Please keep in mind that support ends for the in-process model on November 10, 2026, and you’ll want to begin planning your migration to the isolated worker model in advance of that date.
.NET 9 (Preview)
The isolated worker model now supports .NET 9 as a Preview on Linux, starting with .NET 9 Preview 7. Windows support is forthcoming. Please see Preview .NET versions for up-to-date information about OS and version support. As with all .NET major versions, we will aim to have general availability (GA) support aligned with the .NET GA release.
As part of targeting .NET 9, your project will need to use new V2 versions of the core worker dependencies, discussed in the next section.
V2 packages for the isolated worker model
We’re introducing a set of V2 packages that adjusts the framework targets and the major versions of transitive package dependencies. For example, the 2.0.0-preview1 Worker package now targets .NET 8, .NET 9, and .NET Standard 2.0.
These changes bring in new .NET APIs, such as those needed to support integration with .NET Aspire. Like many in the community, we’re very excited about .NET Aspire, and we’re working toward a preview of support for Azure Functions projects in Aspire orchestrations.
We plan to move the 2.x versions to GA alongside the .NET 9 release. There will be a few iterations of these packages while the V2 versions remain in preview. These will add new features, and there will be a few minor breaking changes for bug fixes. However, the primary intent of the V2 packages is to address dependencies and .NET API support, so these other changes will be limited in scope.
Reminders about version support
Per the .NET Official Support Policy, .NET 6 will reach end of support on November 12, 2024. You should update any applications targeting those versions to .NET 8 (or .NET 9, when generally available) prior to the end of support.
If you choose to exercise in-process model option for .NET 8 for any of your applications, it’s still a great idea to begin planning your migration to the isolated worker model in advance of support ending for the in-process model on November 10, 2026.
Since the last roadmap update, support for .NET 7 has ended. If you have any resources still targeting that version, you should update them as soon as you can.
Closing thoughts
The updates covered in this post will take us through the end of 2024. We have additional enhancements planned for the isolated worker model, and we’ll look forward to sharing those in our next roadmap update!
If you encounter any issues with the previews or with any migrations, please engage the team on GitHub. As always, we thank the community for sharing your experiences and helping us make .NET on Azure Functions ever better.
– The Azure Functions team
Microsoft Tech Community – Latest Blogs –Read More
Generating links to maps using Copilot in Excel
Hi everyone, over the last few weeks we have had a series of posts to show you some of the things that are possible to do with Copilot in Excel.
I have a table that I downloaded showing meteorite landings, including latitude and longitude.
Table of Meteorite Landings including columns, Name, Meteorite ID, Recclass, Mass, Fall, Year, Latitude, Longitude.
I would like to make it easy to see where the locations are on a map so I ask Copilot:
Create a column with a hyperlink to bing maps with the latitude and longitude
Copilot in Excel Pane with the above prompt
Looking at B2:L500, here’s 1 formula column to review and insert in Column M:
Creates a clickable link to Bing Maps for each meteorite landing site by combining the latitude and longitude coordinates.
=HYPERLINK(““&[@latitude]&”,”&[@longitude],”Bing Maps”)
I click on the button to insert the formula column and my table is updated to include a column with hyperlinks for each of the locations.
Table of Meteorite Landings including columns, Name, Meteorite ID, Recclass, Mass, Fall, Year, Latitude, Longitude, and new inserted formula column with Bing Maps links.
Over the coming weeks I will continue to share more examples of what you can do with Copilot in Excel.
Thanks for reading,
Microsoft Excel Team
*Disclaimer: If you try these types of prompts and they do not work as expected, it is most likely due to our gradual feature rollout process. Please try again in a few weeks.
Hi everyone, over the last few weeks we have had a series of posts to show you some of the things that are possible to do with Copilot in Excel.
I have a table that I downloaded showing meteorite landings, including latitude and longitude.
Table of Meteorite Landings including columns, Name, Meteorite ID, Recclass, Mass, Fall, Year, Latitude, Longitude.
I would like to make it easy to see where the locations are on a map so I ask Copilot:
Create a column with a hyperlink to bing maps with the latitude and longitude
Copilot in Excel Pane with the above prompt
Looking at B2:L500, here’s 1 formula column to review and insert in Column M:
Creates a clickable link to Bing Maps for each meteorite landing site by combining the latitude and longitude coordinates.
=HYPERLINK(“”&[@latitude]&”,”&[@longitude],”Bing Maps”)
I click on the button to insert the formula column and my table is updated to include a column with hyperlinks for each of the locations.
Table of Meteorite Landings including columns, Name, Meteorite ID, Recclass, Mass, Fall, Year, Latitude, Longitude, and new inserted formula column with Bing Maps links.
Over the coming weeks I will continue to share more examples of what you can do with Copilot in Excel.
Thanks for reading,
Microsoft Excel Team
*Disclaimer: If you try these types of prompts and they do not work as expected, it is most likely due to our gradual feature rollout process. Please try again in a few weeks. Read More
Line cut at preview in Excel
Hy everybody!
I hope you’re fine !
I have a little problem with the preview of my Excel Sheet…
When I go to the overview tab, the last lign of my cell is cut in two horizontally…
In my Excel sheet :
In the preview tab :
I know that I have to stretch the height of the cell to fix it, but it’s an invoice template and I can’t stretch the height of the cells in all my invoices…
Thanks for your help !
Have a nice day !
Hy everybody! I hope you’re fine ! I have a little problem with the preview of my Excel Sheet… When I go to the overview tab, the last lign of my cell is cut in two horizontally… In my Excel sheet : In the preview tab :I know that I have to stretch the height of the cell to fix it, but it’s an invoice template and I can’t stretch the height of the cells in all my invoices… Thanks for your help ! Have a nice day ! Read More
My shared Bookings page no longer shows services, staff, or calendar entries
In the last day or two, my shared Bookings page, if accessed from my Bookings account page, does not display any of the customizations, staff, services, or calendar appointments.
If I login to Bookings, the shared page still appears, but it’s reset to default somehow.
BUT, if I click on the customer-facing link, it still brings up the correct page with the services listed, the correct calendar, and the ability to book.
No idea what’s going on, but I rely on that for scheduling appointments, so I need to figure it out quickly. Help?
In the last day or two, my shared Bookings page, if accessed from my Bookings account page, does not display any of the customizations, staff, services, or calendar appointments. If I login to Bookings, the shared page still appears, but it’s reset to default somehow. BUT, if I click on the customer-facing link, it still brings up the correct page with the services listed, the correct calendar, and the ability to book. No idea what’s going on, but I rely on that for scheduling appointments, so I need to figure it out quickly. Help? Read More