Month: October 2024
The Future of AI: Oh! One! Applying o1 Models to Business Data
Read the blog about o1 on Azure OpenAI Service
Begin customizing your own agents with o1 using Azure AI Studio
Review the Azure OpenAI Assistants quick-start documentation
Microsoft Tech Community – Latest Blogs –Read More
Deploying .dacpacs to Multiple Environments via ADO Pipelines
This is the next post on our series covering SQL Databases. In the last post we walked through taking a single .dacpac and deploying it to one environment via an Azure DevOps Pipeline. In this article we will expand upon that and guide through the next evolution with building a dacpac w/ a configuration for a dev and tst environment and deploy that to multiple sql servers and databases.
I would venture to say this is where we will crank up the difficulty. We will discuss concepts such as pre/post deployment scripts which can vary for different environments. In this case we will have a post deployment script for security for each an environment as well as a seed script for our dev environment.
As with the other blogs in this series the full code is available via GitHub.
If you followed the last post then you should be all set after creating the appropriate SQL Server, SQL Database, and provisioned appropriate ADO service account permissions.
If this is the first post you’ve come across well then, no worries. Here is a complete list of requirements:
An Azure SQL Server and Database already deployed in Azure. We will require two, one for each environment.
The Azure SQL Server should have a managed identity with Entra Read permissions (this is for the security script)
An Azure DevOps Service Connection that has access to deploy the database (for me I like to have the Service Connection be a member of the Entra SQL Admin group, more on that later)
A .sqlproj that we leverage to build the appropriate dacpacs.
Network connectivity to the Database. For this specific example we will be using an Azure SQL instance and leverage MS Hosted Azure DevOps Agents. Variations of this process is possible leveraging either a Windows self hosted build agents or the newer Managed DevOps Pools.
For this one we should take a step back and talk through what our high-level workflow will look like. We want to leverage Pre/post-deployment scripts to setup Entra users and groups to the SQL Databases. The list of users and roles can be different from one environment to the next.
This is important as if reading the document on Pre/post-deployment scripts it says: “Pre/post-deployment scripts are included in the .dacpac but they are not compiled into or validated with database object model.” This is important. This means that we will require a different .dacpac file for each environment.
How should we do this? One concept that is more prevalent when developing applications is leveraging build configurations. These build configurations will effectively allow us to provide different configuration settings, i.e. pre/post deployment scripts, for each .dacpac that is created. Since I am using the SDK process for SQL Projects, I will be leveraging VS Code for this. Alternatively, you can use Azure Data Studio. Additionally, just announce this process is in preview within Visual Studio.
So let’s take these steps and outline what our deployment will look like. I am going to break this down at the job and stage level. Jobs will be able to run in parallel while stages will run sequentially. I have omitted the publishing task but we will go over that in our YAML file.
Stage build
Job build dev .dacpac job
Job build tst .dacpac job
Stage deploy dev
Job deploy dev .dacpac job
Run script to seed data
Run script to configure security
Stage deploy tst
Job deploy tst .dacpac
Run script to configure security
Post Deployment Scripts
The first piece we will tackle is creating the post deployment scripts. For this exercise dev will have two scripts. One to assign an Entra group
Security Script
USE [sqlmoveme]
IF NOT Exists(SELECT * FROM sys.database_principals WHERE name = ‘sqlmoveme_[Environment Name]_admins’)
CREATE USER [sqlmoveme_[Environment Name]_admins] FROM EXTERNAL PROVIDER
EXEC sp_addrolemember ‘db_owner’,’sqlmoveme_[Environment Name]_admins’;
Seed Script:
USE [sqlmoveme]
DELETE FROM [SalesLT].[Address];
INSERT INTO [SalesLT].[Address]VALUES(‘Apartment 5A’,’129 W. 81st St.’,’New York’,’NY’,’USA’,’10001′,newid(),SYSDATETIME())
INSERT INTO [SalesLT].[Address]VALUES(‘2311 North Los Robles Avenue’,”,’Pasadena’,’CA’,’USA’,’91001′,newid(),SYSDATETIME())
INSERT INTO [SalesLT].[Address]VALUES(‘742 Evergreen Terrace’,”,’Springfield’,’IL’,’USA’,’65619′,newid(),SYSDATETIME())
Lastly there is an interesting limitation when defining a pre/post deployment script. It can have only on command, i.e. leverage USE/GO. The workaround for this, as documented by Microsoft, is to create a generic script for the environment which will leverage sqlcmd notation to call the additional scripts.
Environment Script
:r [Environment Name]
:r [Environment Name].post.sqlmoveme.seed.sql
Script Location
These scripts should be located in the .sqlproj folder. This will ensure it is attached to the .sqlproj:
In my case I created a folder called ‘scripts’ to house all the environment scripts. It is important to understand that these .sql files are considered part of the project. As such we will need to make appropriate accommodations when building the project.
Excluding .sql Files from the Build
Here is a confusing part. Since the .dacpac will attempt to compile all the .sql files in the project we’d want to exclude these environment specific ones from our build. To do this we will need to update the .sqlproj behind the scenes. First we’d want indicate the `<Build Remove=/> tag on the scripts:
<Build Remove=”” />
<Build Remove=”” />
<Build Remove=”” />
<Build Remove=”” />
<Build Remove=”” />
<Build Remove=”” />
Without this part our build will fail. For information on this please check out this Microsoft Documentation.
Creating the Build Configurations
This is the part in the blog where we move to the more advanced category. We will be walking through how to do this in VS Code/Data Studio where one will be required to edit the raw .sqproj. Currently, in VS Code/Data Studio this is how you’d go about proceeding updating the project file for multiple build configurations. This isn’t meant to be overly intimidating. If you make a mistake, remember it’s under source control! We can roll back to the previous working version.
Editing the .sqlproj File
Open the .sqlproj file by double clicking. This should open up a VS Code window with the file. There should be already two default build configurations, Debug and Release. If preferred we can update these; however, I like to match these values to my ADO Environments. The first thing we will want to do is create a <PropertyGroup> and we will want to set this <PropertyGroup> to be available only on our desired build configuration. This is done with the following block:
<PropertyGroup Condition=” ‘$(Configuration)|$(Platform)’ == ‘dev|AnyCPU’ “>
We would then want the following properties defined in the conditional <PropertyGroup>
For the purpose of our exercise the most important one will be the <OutputPath>. This property tells the SDK what path to push the .dacpac into. We will want different paths for different environments. The rest of these were set by the default Debug or Release configuration.
At the time of this writing there is a documentation gap on what the properties are that can be set and what accepted values look like. Currently the closest can be found Database Project Settings – SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) | Microsoft Learn which discusses what settings could be set; however, does not provide the full list of properties. For the latest information on this I’d encourage you to visit
Repeat for tst
Now let’s repeat these same steps for the tst environment. I am going to make a small tweak just to illustrate the different configurations your team can have. We will remove the seed script as perhaps our tst environment will have a more complete set of data for testing and we’d like to ensure we do not override this. We still though would like to run our security script, this time with the ‘sqlmoveme_tst_admins’ Entra group having the dbo_owner role.
Just a friendly reminder that we are using Azure DevOps environments, and we should have one configured for out ‘tst’ environment. If this concept is new, you can review more about it on my previous blog: Azure DevOps Pipelines: Environments and Variables (
For the complete tst code base please refer to the following GitHub repository.
Updating the YAML Build
We will want to make to updates from our previous post on Leveraging DotNet for SQL Builds via YAML – Microsoft Community Hub. The first update will be passing in the build configuration as a parameter into the `dotnet build`. This is done by passing in the `–configuration` parameter. For a full list of what is available feel free to check out dotnet build command – .NET CLI | Microsoft Learn
– task: DotNetCoreCLI@2
displayName: dotnet build
command: build
projects: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/src/sqlmoveme/*.sqlproj
arguments: –configuration tst /p:NetCoreBuild=true
The second piece to this is we will want to replicate our build for a second environment and update appropriately. Those who follow me know that whenever we need to replicate something we should look at Azure DevOps Pipelines: Practices for Scaling Templates – Microsoft Community Hub.
For this post we are taking it step by step and will eventually walk through creating templates. For now, I am going to create a second job for the tst environment. For optimal efficiency this should be a second job so we can run these in parallel as opposed to creating an additional stage or series of task for these steps.
– job: build_publish_sql_sqlmoveme_tst
– task: UseDotNet@2
displayName: Use .NET SDK v3.1.x
packageType: ‘sdk’
version: 3.1.x
includePreviewVersions: true
– task: DotNetCoreCLI@2
displayName: dotnet build
command: build
projects: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/src/sqlmoveme/*.sqlproj
arguments: –configuration tst /p:NetCoreBuild=true
– task: PublishPipelineArtifact@1
displayName: ‘Publish Pipeline Artifact sqlmoveme_tst_tst ‘
targetPath: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/src/sqlmoveme/bin/tst
artifact: sqlmoveme_tst_tst
properties: ”
All call out here that looks odd, and I will explain my logic is the artifact name being `sqlmoveme_tst_tst`. This is me leveraging a naming pattern of [projectName]_[environmentName]_[configurationName]. You don’t need to do this; however, I follow this pattern for flexibility and accommodate for practices across tech stacks. i.e. In other languages one could have tst_android, tst_mac, tst_v1, tst_v2 type of scenarios.
Creating the tst Deployment Stage
At this point we have our build creating two artifacts, one for dev and one for tst. Courtesy of Deploying .dapacs to Azure SQL via Azure DevOps Pipelines – Microsoft Community Hub we have the YAML deployment stage for dev already done. So now we just need to add one for tst:
– stage: sqlmoveemecicd_tst_cus_dacpac_deploy
– deployment: sqlmoveemecicd_app_tst_cus
name: tst
dependsOn: []
– task: SqlAzureDacpacDeployment@1
displayName: Publish sqlmoveme on
DeploymentAction: Publish
azureSubscription: AzureTstServiceConnection
AuthenticationType: servicePrincipal
DatabaseName: sqlmoveme
deployType: DacpacTask
DacpacFile: $(Agent.BuildDirectory)sqlmoveme_tst_tst***.dacpac
AdditionalArguments: ”
DeleteFirewallRule: True
Take note of a couple tweaks here.
displayName: Though not required makes it a little easier in our Pipeline UI
azureSubscription: This is an important one as it defines the security barrier for access between dev and tst. For more information Azure DevOps Pipelines: Discovering the Ideal Service Connection Strategy – Microsoft Community Hub
ServerName: Feels like a no brainer
DacpacFile: This location is updated to reflect the .dacpac we built under the tst configuration.
Now let’s run the pipeline!
End Result
Let’s go through all these steps one by one and confirm what we walked through.
Let’s start by confirming all of the Azure DevOps changes we made. The first is confirming our build generated two .dacpac files as part of the pipeline artifact. One for the ‘tst’ configuration and one for the ‘dev’ configuration:
Check! So next, since we are in ADO lets just make sure we have two stages. One stage should have a job to deploy to ‘dev’ and the other stage a job to deploy to ‘tst’.
Alright ADO we can argue is the easy one to show confirmation. Let’s now go into SQL and confirm that our prescripts not only ran but they ran against the appropriate environments. Note here that the machine you are connecting from may need to be added to the SQL Server Firewall to be able to log in IP firewall rules – Azure SQL Database and Azure Synapse Analytics | Microsoft Learn.
Let’s start with ‘dev’ and confirm that our Entra group has the right access. We can do this by running the following query:
SELECT P.Name, R.Name
FROM sys.database_principals P
LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.database_role_members RM on P.principal_id=RM.member_principal_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.database_principals R on R.principal_id=RM.role_principal_id
WHERE P.Name=’sqlmoveme_dev_admins’
When running the query we see the below result:
Alright, it ran one script. But did it also run our seed script? In this example we deleted everything from the Address table and repopulated it:
Looks like it’s all there.
How about ‘tst’ now? If we remember a key component here is not only running a different script but a different number of scripts in our different environments. Let’s log in to the ‘tst’ server and run our user access script to see what results we get:
It looks right to me.
We successfully build a single .sqlproj into a .dacpac for each environment. Each .dacpac had it’s own post deployment scripts which configured such items as security including adding Entra Security groups as dbo. We then successfully deployed these .dacpacs to their appropriate environments where the corresponding post deployment scripts ran.
Next Steps
Now that we have covered how to build and deploy .dacpac to multiple environments we will move to creating YAML Templates, so we don’t have to copy and paste our Pipeline steps. Feel free to subscribe to this series on SQL Databases alternatively if you like my posts feel free to follow me.
Microsoft Tech Community – Latest Blogs –Read More
Copilot in OneNote can help you work more intentionally
Last week, I had the opportunity to deliver a presentation about Microsoft 365 Copilot. During the session, I noticed that some in attendance were taking notes in OneNote. I’ll note my love for the product (I use it every day) but will be the first to admit that I’m not the most organized notetaker. Knowing I have a wealth of information scattered across pages in my OneNote, I felt inspired to try and use Copilot to help me make sense of it and share a few tips about my experience in this blog so you might try it out too!
Tip 1: Use Copilot to make sense of your existing notes
Much of my content in OneNote is from meetings over the past year, and they typically start with the name of the person I’m meeting, the date, and then notes during the conversation. The first thing I tried was to ask Copilot in OneNote to make a table of all the people I’ve had spoken to, and a brief description of our conversation based on my notes.
I selected Copilot from the Home ribbon in OneNote and in the chat pane I entered the prompt, “Look over this page and put together a table of people I’ve spoken to and a column for what we discussed. Please only use first names because I might use parts of the table in a blog”.
A screenshot of Copilot providing a table with the individuals I have spoken to and a brief description of the discussion.
Here’s a peek at the response. I found this table incredibly helpful as a first step to remind me of the conversations I’ve had with the numerous individuals over the past year.
Give the prompt a try for any aspect of your existing notes and see what you get. Perhaps they are conversations with customers, stakeholders in different business functions at your company, or just great people you’ve met along the way. Copilot in OneNote can help organize these notes so you have a clean and succinct way to collect your thoughts.
Tip 2: Use Copilot to make new notes
For my next task, I wanted to see if Copilot could help me make stay organized going forward with better note-taking structure.
Here’s the prompt I used, “Create a table of the meetings I’ve had in the last week. In one column, add the title of the meeting, in another add a quick summary of the meeting, and in a third column add any action items that came out of that meeting.”
A screenshot of Copilot creating a table with my meetings from the past week, a brief summary of what was discussed, and action items.
I thoroughly appreciated how quickly Copilot was able to put this together. Not only do I have a quick reminder of the meetings I’ve had, but the action items will help me stay on top of what I need to do this week. I’ve asked Copilot to recap meetings in various ways in the past, but I had previously not thought to use Copilot to give me an overall view of my week for my personal notes. With this, I might never have to take my own notes ever again.
Tip 3: Type it or write it, or both
This one is for those who may prefer to take advantage of tablets and touchscreens to handwrite your notes. Recently covered in our What’s New blog, Copilot in OneNote can analyze both typed and handwritten notes. No matter how a thought is captured, Copilot will summarize, rewrite, or generate to-do list. In addition, users can handwrite a prompt in the Copilot chat pane, and it will be automatically converted to typed text.
In the OneNote app, user handwrites a prompt in Copilot chat pane to update content on their OneNote page.
I hope you give these tips a try and let me know what you think!
Microsoft Tech Community – Latest Blogs –Read More
Microsoft Purview – Free to Enterprise Account Not Working
I want to utilize the Enterprise account type of Microsoft Purview by using the Microsoft 365 E5 Compliance trial. I have enabled the Microsoft 365 E5 Compliance license along with a Microsoft 365 E3 license for a couple of different users. When I log into Purview as either of the users, it still shows the Free version, and I cannot work with many features due to this limitation, i.e. Data Map. I have tried Edge, Chrome, and Safari, cleared cookies, and restarted the computer several times. It has been more than 5 days, which should be plenty of time for replication to occur. The user accounts being used have Global Administrator, Compliance Administrator, Purview Administrator, Data Source Administrator, Data Governance, and Data Catalog Curator permissions. Additionally, I also started a Microsoft 365 E5 license trial, but it still won’t switch from the Free Purview account.
I want to utilize the Enterprise account type of Microsoft Purview by using the Microsoft 365 E5 Compliance trial. I have enabled the Microsoft 365 E5 Compliance license along with a Microsoft 365 E3 license for a couple of different users. When I log into Purview as either of the users, it still shows the Free version, and I cannot work with many features due to this limitation, i.e. Data Map. I have tried Edge, Chrome, and Safari, cleared cookies, and restarted the computer several times. It has been more than 5 days, which should be plenty of time for replication to occur. The user accounts being used have Global Administrator, Compliance Administrator, Purview Administrator, Data Source Administrator, Data Governance, and Data Catalog Curator permissions. Additionally, I also started a Microsoft 365 E5 license trial, but it still won’t switch from the Free Purview account. Read More
Error on screen when selecting fields from the same column
I’m trying to copy the content of a field to the rest of the fields in the same column.
The problem is that now, when I try to select the range of fields (with Shift+down arrow) the screen doesn’t scroll down. So I don’t know exactly which fields I’ve selected.
Is there a way to perform this simple copy-paste operation?
Hello,I’m trying to copy the content of a field to the rest of the fields in the same column. The problem is that now, when I try to select the range of fields (with Shift+down arrow) the screen doesn’t scroll down. So I don’t know exactly which fields I’ve selected. Is there a way to perform this simple copy-paste operation? Regard, Read More
How To: Get help, find an Business Central Partner, work together sucessfully
if you already have Business Central or Dynamics Nav in use, have some issues, then a helping consultant is often hard to find, especially soon. Business Central is like every ERP system a very complex system, where a consultant needs to know all the details, all processes from sales to purchase to inventory to finance and much more. Many customers think thats easy, but it is’nt. A good communication, explaining what is needed or whats the problem in detail is needed for a good collaboration. Also quick answers are needed.
Freelancers are mostly the better choice because many of them have better knowledge, more experience than employees from big companies, are much cheaper than big software companies, much more flexible and quicker in answering, solving issues. And they are more focused, more interested in “work is done”, because a satisfied customer is a customer. But they need really good support from the customer to do the job. Big software companies can wait months for answers, for informations and it does not matter, because they have enough other custumers. Freelancers have to plan their time and work accurate.
If you plan to implement an ERP system then Business Central is a great choice. The choice of the best partner is important, should be a friend, a buddy, someone a buddy knows or the IT partner who delivered the Windows and MS Office licenses. It takes time to find the best matching partner. So google for a matching Business Central Consultant. That can be a Freelancer or a small company. Talk to the people, tell them your issues and processes, ask for ad hoc solutions. Its not needed that the one selected knows your branche in detail, its much more important that he listens and understands, has ideas and solutions, is a quick-learner, can talk to people, to your employees, hears what they have to say and can deliver a solution, which is not only a nice tool for the CEO but for tha whole company. And sympathyor the vice versa as base for decisions is worst adviser.
My company DFK-Consult provides great support for companies which want clean processes assisted by the best possible matching software based on Business Central. From first analysis to adjustments and setups and data migration to trainings to golive and after golive support.
You like my text, you are interested to get in touch? Simply send me a PM, visit my homepage or send a mail.
regards Franz
Company Advisor, Software Consultant, Project Manager, Allrounder, Freelancer
Hi, if you already have Business Central or Dynamics Nav in use, have some issues, then a helping consultant is often hard to find, especially soon. Business Central is like every ERP system a very complex system, where a consultant needs to know all the details, all processes from sales to purchase to inventory to finance and much more. Many customers think thats easy, but it is’nt. A good communication, explaining what is needed or whats the problem in detail is needed for a good collaboration. Also quick answers are needed. Freelancers are mostly the better choice because many of them have better knowledge, more experience than employees from big companies, are much cheaper than big software companies, much more flexible and quicker in answering, solving issues. And they are more focused, more interested in “work is done”, because a satisfied customer is a customer. But they need really good support from the customer to do the job. Big software companies can wait months for answers, for informations and it does not matter, because they have enough other custumers. Freelancers have to plan their time and work accurate. If you plan to implement an ERP system then Business Central is a great choice. The choice of the best partner is important, should be a friend, a buddy, someone a buddy knows or the IT partner who delivered the Windows and MS Office licenses. It takes time to find the best matching partner. So google for a matching Business Central Consultant. That can be a Freelancer or a small company. Talk to the people, tell them your issues and processes, ask for ad hoc solutions. Its not needed that the one selected knows your branche in detail, its much more important that he listens and understands, has ideas and solutions, is a quick-learner, can talk to people, to your employees, hears what they have to say and can deliver a solution, which is not only a nice tool for the CEO but for tha whole company. And sympathyor the vice versa as base for decisions is worst adviser. My company DFK-Consult provides great support for companies which want clean processes assisted by the best possible matching software based on Business Central. From first analysis to adjustments and setups and data migration to trainings to golive and after golive support. You like my text, you are interested to get in touch? Simply send me a PM, visit my homepage or send a mail. regards Franz Company Advisor, Software Consultant, Project Manager, Allrounder, Freelancer Read More
Get ready now: One year until Office 2016/2019 end of support
One year from today, on October 14, 2025, support will end for Office 2016 and Office 2019 suites, standalone applications, and servers (see the full list of impacted products below). After that date, Microsoft will no longer provide security fixes, bug fixes, or technical support for these products. Continuing to use software after end of support can leave your organization vulnerable to potential security threats, productivity losses, and compliance issues. Because migrations can take time, we recommend starting your upgrade from Office 2016 or Office 2019 to a supported version as soon as possible. Read on for recommended upgrade paths and resources to help you get started today.
Office 2016 and 2019 products reaching end of support on October 14, 2025
Office suites
Office applications
Access 2016, Access 2019, Excel 2016, Excel 2019, OneNote 2016, Outlook 2016, Outlook 2019, PowerPoint 2016, PowerPoint 2019, Project 2016, Project 2019, Publisher 2016, Publisher 2019, Skype for Business 2016, Skype for Business 2019, Visio 2016, Visio 2019, Word 2016, Word 2019
Productivity servers
Exchange Server 2016, Exchange Server 2019, Skype for Business Server 2015, Skype for Business Server 2019
Recommended path: Migrate to the cloud with Microsoft 365 E3
Our recommendation for customers seeking a comprehensive, AI-ready solution is to transition to the cloud with Microsoft 365 E3. Microsoft 365 E3 provides an end-to-end solution for securely harnessing the power of AI in your organization, including:
Always up-to-date versions of familiar apps like Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook to install on up to 5 PCs + 5 tablets + 5 phones per user
Intelligent services like Exchange Online, SharePoint Online, OneDrive, and Microsoft Loop to help keep employees connected and in sync
Core security and information protection capabilities to help you safeguard your organization’s devices, applications, and sensitive data against threats
Streamlined endpoint management to enable faster deployment and help your workforce stay secure and productive across devices
Integrate generative AI seamlessly into core productivity workflows within Microsoft 365 Apps using Microsoft 365 Copilot (available as an add-on [1])
We know there is no “one-size-fits-all” approach for managing end of support – and we encourage you to explore our enterprise and small business offerings to find the right fit for your organization. As you do, keep in mind that only cloud suites (Microsoft 365 and Office 365) are eligible to be used with Microsoft 365 Copilot; on-premises versions of Office do not qualify.
Fallback for disconnected scenarios: Upgrade to Office LTSC 2024
For customers and devices that cannot – or cannot yet – move to the cloud, we recommend upgrading to the most recent supported on-premises version of Office, Office LTSC 2024. The Office Long-Term Servicing Channel (LTSC) is designed for devices that can’t accept feature updates or connect to the Internet. Office LTSC 2024 was released earlier this month along with new on-premises versions of Project and Visio.
Prepare to make your move
As Office 2016 and Office 2019 approach end of support, Microsoft is committed to helping you prepare. Check out the events and resources below to get started today:
Learn about other Microsoft products reaching end of support in 2025, and bookmark the Microsoft Lifecycle page to stay informed about future events
Join us online for the session “Are you ready for Office 2016/2019 end of support?” at Microsoft Ignite
Read the upgrade guidance for an overview of how to move from Office 2016 or Office 2019 to Microsoft 365 Apps.
Consider engaging Microsoft FastTrack, a Microsoft support service, for moving to Microsoft 365 E3.
Visit our Office End of Support Tech Community for more information and resources about the end of support for Office. Or fill out this form to get in touch with sales and have a specialist demonstrate how Microsoft 365 can benefit your organization .
Thank you for being a Microsoft customer!
[1] Microsoft 365 Copilot may not be available for all markets and languages. To purchase, customers must have a qualifying Microsoft 365 plan for enterprise or business.
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Everything you should know about Visio 2016 and Visio 2019 end of support
On October 14, 2025, Visio 2016 and Visio 2019 will reach end of support. After this date, Visio 2016 and Visio 2019 will no longer receive security updates, bug fixes, or technical support. Continuing to use software after end of support can leave your organization vulnerable to potential security threats, productivity losses, and compliance issues.
Customer installations of Visio 2016 and Visio 2019 will continue to run after October 14, 2025; however, due to potential security risks, we strongly recommend customers upgrade from these versions before the upcoming end of support date.
Our recommendation is for customers to upgrade to Visio Plan 2 to get the full-featured web and desktop apps. Additional options include upgrading to a commercial Microsoft 365 plan to get Visio in Microsoft 365, or upgrading to Visio Standard 2024 or Visio Professional 2024. See the Visio plans and pricing comparison and Visio deployment guide to determine which option is best for your organization.
Upgrading to Visio Plan 2
We strongly believe that you get the best value and user experience by upgrading to a Visio Plan 2 subscription. Visio Plan 2 includes Visio for the web and the always up-to-date Visio desktop app for up to five PCs. Users can also create, view, edit, and collaborate on Visio files directly in Microsoft Teams using the Visio app.
Additional features available in the desktop app with Visio Plan 2 include:
Export to Power Automate,¹
Visio Visuals for Power BI,²
Export to Word,³
Data Visualizer for Excel,³
and Slide Snippets for PowerPoint.³
Upgrading to Microsoft 365
Upgrade to a commercial Microsoft 365 plan to get Visio in Microsoft 365 for basic viewing and editing on the web. With Visio in Microsoft 365, users can create, view, edit and share basic network diagrams, block diagrams, business matrices, flowcharts, pyramid diagrams, and Venn diagrams via Visio for the web or the Visio app in Teams. For a full list of compatible Microsoft 365 plans, see About Visio in Microsoft 365.
If you’re upgrading to Microsoft 365, you might be eligible to use our Microsoft FastTrack services. FastTrack shares best practices and provides tools and resources to make your experience as seamless as possible. For more information about FastTrack, see Microsoft FastTrack.
Upgrading to Visio 2024
Visio Standard 2024 and Visio Professional 2024 are available as a one-time purchase through a volume licensing agreement and do not receive regular feature updates. If you’re upgrading to Visio 2024 from Visio 2016 or Visio 2019, you’ll have all the features you’re used to, plus new features as well.
Both versions of Visio 2024 include: updated shapes, stencils, and templates; a sleek and modern appearance that aligns with your favorite Office apps; and a new search bar for a better user experience. For more information, see What’s new in Visio 2024.
Related Microsoft products reaching end of support on October 14, 2025
In addition to the above Visio products, several other products (some of which are often used with Visio) also reach end of support or retirement on October 14, 2025. These include Microsoft Office 2016, Microsoft Office 2019, Excel 2016, Excel 2019, PowerPoint 2016, PowerPoint 2019, Project 2016, Project 2019, Word 2016, Word 2019, and more.
Learn about other Microsoft products reaching end of support in 2025 and bookmark the Microsoft Lifecycle page to stay informed about future events. You can also search product and services lifecycle information to get detailed information for your Microsoft products and services.
¹Requires a Power Automate subscription.
²Requires a Power BI subscription.
³Requires a Microsoft 365 subscription.
Continue the conversation by joining us in the Microsoft 365 community! Want to share best practices or join community events? Become a member by “Joining” the Microsoft 365 community. For tips & tricks or to stay up to date on the latest news and announcements directly from the product teams, make sure to Follow or Subscribe to the Microsoft 365 Blog space!
Microsoft Tech Community – Latest Blogs –Read More
Everything you should know about Project 2016 and Project 2019 end of support
On October 14, 2025, Project 2016 and Project 2019 will reach end of support. After this date, Project 2016 and Project 2019 will no longer receive security updates, bug fixes, or technical support. Continuing to use software after end of support can leave your organization vulnerable to potential security threats, productivity losses, and compliance issues.
Customer installations of Project 2016 and Project 2019 will continue to run after October 14, 2025; however, due to potential security risks, we strongly recommend customers upgrade from these versions before the upcoming end of support date.
Our recommendation is for customers to upgrade to Planner and Project Plan 3 to get the full-featured web and desktop apps. Additional options include upgrading to a Microsoft 365 plan to get Planner in Microsoft 365 or upgrading to Project Standard 2024 or Project Professional 2024. See the Planner and Project plans and pricing comparison, Microsoft Planner FAQ, and Project deployment guide to determine which option is best for your organization.
Upgrading to Planner and Project Plan 3
We strongly believe that you get the best value and user experience by upgrading to Planner and Project Plan 3. With Planner and Project Plan 3, you equip your organization with the Planner app in Microsoft Teams, Planner for the web, Project for the web, Project Online, and the Project Online desktop client. While final pricing for Microsoft 365 Copilot in Planner has not been announced yet, users with a Planner and Project Plan 3 license can also preview Microsoft 365 Copilot in Planner capabilities, such as creating a new plan, creating new goals, and creating new tasks.
Important! Given the upcoming end of support date for Project Server 2016 and Project Server 2019 on July 14, 2026, it is important to note that Planner and Project Plan 3 also includes the client software to connect to the on-premises Project Server and is a great option if this is how users are using Project 2016 or Project 2019 today.
Upgrading to Microsoft 365
Upgrade to a Microsoft 365 license to get Planner in Microsoft 365 for individual task management and project planning on the web. Planner in Microsoft 365 users get access to four unique views—Grid, Board, Schedule, and Charts—as well as editing access for premium plans created by users with a Planner and Project Plan 3 or Planner and Project Plan 5 license. This includes capabilities such as assigning a task, changing a task’s start and finish dates, and adding attachments to a task. However, accessing advanced capabilities with premium plans requires a subscription license.
If you’re upgrading to Microsoft 365, you might be eligible to use our Microsoft FastTrack services. FastTrack shares best practices and provides tools and resources to make your experience as seamless as possible. For more information about FastTrack, see Microsoft FastTrack.
Upgrading to Project 2024
Project Standard 2024 and Project Professional 2024 are available as a one-time purchase through a volume licensing agreement and do not receive regular feature updates. If upgrading to Project 2024 from Project 2016 or Project 2019, users will get all the features they’re used to, plus new features as well.
Related Microsoft products reaching end of support on October 14, 2025
In addition to the above Project products, several other products (some of which are often used with Project) also reach end of support or retirement on October 14, 2025. These include Microsoft Office 2016, Microsoft Office 2019, Excel 2016, Excel 2019, Outlook 2016, Outlook 2019, PowerPoint 2016, PowerPoint 2019, Visio 2016, Visio 2019, Word 2016, Word 2019, and more.
Learn about other Microsoft products reaching end of support in 2025 and bookmark the Microsoft Lifecycle page to stay informed about future events. You can also search product and services lifecycle information to get detailed information for your Microsoft products and services.
Microsoft Tech Community – Latest Blogs –Read More
End of Support for Skype for Business Server 2015 and Skype for Business Server 2019: T-12 Months
On October 14, 2025, one year from today, Skype for Business Server 2015, Skype for Business Server 2019, Skype for Business 2016 (client) and Skype for Business 2019 (client) reach end of support.
After October 14, 2025, Microsoft will no longer provide technical support for problems that may occur with these products, including:
Technical support for problems that may occur.
Bug fixes for issues that are discovered and that may impact the stability and usability of the server.
Security fixes for vulnerabilities that are discovered and that may make the server vulnerable to security breaches; and
Time zone updates.
Customer installations of Skype for Business Server 2015 and Skype for Business Server 2019 and clients running Skype for Business 2016 and Skype for Business 2019 will of course continue to run after October 14, 2025; however, due to the upcoming end of support date and potential future security risks, we strongly recommend customers act now.
Our recommendation is for customers to migrate to Microsoft Teams or prepare to upgrade your organization to Skype for Business Server Subscription Edition (SE) when it becomes available in early H2 of CY2025.
Migrate to Microsoft Teams
We strongly believe that you get the best value and user experience by migrating from Skype for Business to Microsoft Teams. Migrating to Microsoft Teams is the best and simplest option to help you retire your Skype for Business Server deployment. When you migrate to Microsoft Teams, you make a single hop away from an on-premises deployment, and benefit from new features and technologies, including advanced generative AI technologies that are available in the cloud but not on-premises.
If you’re migrating to Microsoft 365, you might be eligible to use our Microsoft FastTrack service. FastTrack shares best practices and provides tools and resources to make your migration to Microsoft 365 as seamless as possible. Best of all, you’ll have a support engineer helping you from planning and designing to migrating your last mailbox. For more information about FastTrack, see Microsoft FastTrack.
Prepare to Upgrade to Skype for Business Server SE
Earlier this year, we provided an update to the Skype for Business Server roadmap, and details on how upgrade to Skype for Business Server SE if you intend to continue to run Skype for Business Server on-premises.
If you are running Skype for Business Server 2019, we recommend that you keep your servers up-to-date and you can upgrade in-place to Skype for Business Server SE when available.
If you are running Skype for Business Server 2015, we recommend that you perform a legacy upgrade to Skype for Business Server 2019 now and then perform an in-place upgrade to Skype for Business Server SE when available. You do have the option of upgrading from Skype for Business Server 2015 to Skype for Business Server SE, skipping Skype for Business Server 2019 completely. But since there is less than 4 months between the release of Skype for Business Server SE and the end of support for Skype for Business Server 2015 and Skype for Business Server 2019, that might not be enough time depending on the size of your deployment and other factors. This is why we recommend that you upgrade to Skype for Business Server 2019 now and do an in-place upgrade to Skype for Business Server SE when it is available.
Skype for Business Technology Adoption Program
If your organization is running Skype for Business Server 2019 today and you want to test and evaluate pre-release builds of Skype for Business Server 2019 CU8 and later Skype for Business Server SE, you can apply to join the Skype for Business Technology Adoption Program (TAP).
Joining the TAP has several advantages, such as the ability to provide input and feedback on future updates, develop a close relationship with the Skype for Business engineering team, receive pre-release information about Skype for Business, and more. TAP members also get support at no additional charge from Microsoft for issues related to the TAP.
All nominations are reviewed and screened prior to acceptance. No customers are allowed access to any prerelease downloads or information until all legal paperwork is properly executed. Nomination does not mean acceptance, as not all nominees will be chosen for the TAP. If you are preliminarily accepted, we will contact you to get the required paperwork started.
Related Microsoft Products Reaching End of Support on October 14, 2025
In addition to the above Skype for Business products, several other products (some of which are often used with Skype for Business) also reach end of support or retirement on October 14, 2025, including Exchange Server 2016, Exchange Server 2019, Microsoft Office 2016, Microsoft Office 2019, Outlook 2016, Outlook 2019, and more.
You can search product and services lifecycle information to get detailed information for your Microsoft products and services.
Additional Announcements
For information on other end of support announcements, see the following blog posts:
Prepare now for key end of support moments in 2025
Microsoft Office 2016/2019 End of Support
Exchange Server 2016/2019 End of Support
Microsoft Project 2016/2019 End of Support
Microsoft Visio 2016/2019 End of Support
— Skype for Business Server Engineering Team
Microsoft Tech Community – Latest Blogs –Read More
Learning how to use Marketplace Rewards benefits to increase app sales
Our upcoming webinar “Use your Marketplace Rewards benefits to increase your app sales,” launching on Octobre 22, will cover how independent software vendors (ISVs) can accelerate solution sales on the Microsoft commercial marketplace. This is part of our Mastering the Marketplace webinars series, which features ongoing webinars.
Register now for this session to learn about how to transform your approach, and elevate your business in the competitive market landscape along with:
Marketing and sales benefits available to ISVs to accelerate application sales on Microsoft’s commercial marketplace.
The availability and eligibility requirements for Marketplace Rewards: did you know that benefits are available no matter how you choose to publish?
All ISVs with a transactable offer published on the Marketplace are automatically eligible for Marketplace Rewards without needing to sign up or enroll.
Marketplace Rewards tier-based model: “The more you perform, the more you earn.” Learn how achieving higher performance on the marketplace unlocks additional benefits for top-performers, such as Microsoft executive endorsement and social promotion.
ROI of activating Marketplace Rewards benefits: Partners who leverage Marketplace Rewards can earn up to 7 times more in Marketplace Billed Sales than partners who do not*
An explanation of every benefit including Azure Sponsorship- learn how to lower your Azure infrastructure costs and sweeten sales deals, enhance and develop your solution, and offer no-cost proof of concept demonstrations to your client base.
Resources and community space for ISVs to engage in discussions and maximize marketplace opportunities.
Q&A with subject matter experts
*Based on comparing transactable partners that used 1 or more program benefits to those that did not use any program benefits.
Learn more about Marketplace Rewards: Marketplace rewards – your commercial marketplace benefits – Marketplace publisher | Microsoft Learn
Join ISV Success: ISV Success Application | Microsoft
Microsoft Tech Community – Latest Blogs –Read More
Demystify potential data leaks with Insider Risk Management insights in Defender XDR
In today’s complex security landscape, understanding and mitigating data exfiltration risks is more critical than ever. Earlier this year, we announced the integration of Insider Risk Management (IRM) insights into the Defender XDR user page, offering enhanced visibility into insider risk severity and exfiltration activities. This integration empowers SOC teams to detect and respond more effectively to insider threats, enabling them to better distinguish between external and internal attacks.
Microsoft Purview Insider Risk Management adds significant value by identifying and mitigating potential insider risks — such as data leaks or intellectual property theft, covering key scenarios including detecting unusual employee behavior, managing data exfiltration risks from insiders performing riskier activities, and differentiating between external and internal attacks.
Detecting the real threat: Unmasking insider data theft
Imagine a scenario where a series of alerts are triggered for a specific user. Defender XDR detects suspicious activities such as potential data exfiltration and abnormal file access patterns, raising concerns about an external breach attempt. XDR automatically correlates these alerts into a single incident based on the user and the timeframe, allowing the SOC team to investigate the broader pattern of activities rather than individual, isolated alerts.
By leveraging the newly integrated Insider Risk Management (IRM) insights on the XDR user page, the SOC analyst gains a deeper understanding of the user’s behavior and risk profile. Rather than focusing only on the alerts, IRM insights provides critical context, revealing patterns such as frequent downloads of sensitive documents from SharePoint or sharing confidential data via Teams. At first glance, this activity may suggest an insider threat.
However, IRM insights also help the SOC analyst consider an alternative possibility: the user’s account may have been compromised, and an external attacker is posing as the insider to exfiltrate data. With the comprehensive user risk profile from IRM, including the user’s usual activity patterns, access history, and working behavior, the SOC can more accurately assess whether this behavior aligns with the user’s normal conduct or points to an external compromise.
Integration with deeper context for more informed decisions
This integration between XDR and IRM empowers the SOC team to make more informed decisions. If IRM insights indicate that the user’s behavior deviates significantly from their normal profile, the team may lean toward the theory that an external attacker is using the user’s credentials. On the other hand, if the behavior aligns with prior insider risk indicators, the incident may be treated as a case of malicious insider activity.
With XDR correlating alerts and incidents and IRM providing deeper context, the SOC team is well-equipped to investigate the threat holistically. They can quickly escalate the incident to IRM analysts or continue their investigation in the Purview portal to analyze the full scope of the data exfiltration. This seamless integration enables faster and more accurate response, whether the threat originates from an insider or an external actor posing as one.
The IRM insights integration into the Defender XDR user page, available for XDR and IRM customers, represents a significant advancement in our mission to unify XDR capabilities with crucial data security context. This integration, building on previous efforts such as the DLP integration into XDR, enhances visibility into data exfiltration risks and equips SOC analysts with the necessary insights to effectively detect and respond to both insider threats and compromised users.
This is an important step toward providing full data security context within XDR, with more exciting developments on the way. Learn more about IRM, and how IRM alerts, insights, and signals can transform your data security operations and bolster your IT and cloud environments’ resilience against evolving threats.
Microsoft Tech Community – Latest Blogs –Read More
Prepare now for key end of support moments in 2025
One year from today, on October 14, 2025, support will end for all Office 2016 and 2019 suites, standalone apps, and servers. This includes:
Office suites
Office applications
Access 2016, Access 2019, Excel 2016, Excel 2019, OneNote 2016, Outlook 2016, Outlook 2019, PowerPoint 2016, PowerPoint 2019, Project 2016, Project 2019, Publisher 2016, Publisher 2019, Skype for Business 2016, Skype for Business 2019, Visio 2016, Visio 2019, Word 2016, Word 2019
Productivity servers
Exchange Server 2016, Exchange Server 2019, Skype for Business Server 2015, Skype for Business Server 2019
What happens when a product reaches end of support?
After a product’s support period ends, Microsoft no longer provides:
Security fixes for vulnerabilities that are discovered and that may make devices, apps, or servers more directly exposed to security breaches.
Bug fixes for issues that are discovered and that may impact the stability and usability of the product.
Technical support for problems that may occur.
Continuing to use products after their end of support can negatively impact organizational security, compliance, and productivity. Because migrations can take time, we recommend starting your upgrade to supported versions of these products as soon as possible.
Find specific guidance by product
Microsoft is committed to helping you make the transition to a supported configuration. Across the Tech Community today, experts on each of the products going out of support next October have published specific guidance to help you plan your move:
Office 2016 and 2019 suites and applications
Exchange Server 2016 and 2019
Skype for Business 2016 and 2019
Project 2016 and 2019
Visio 2016 and 2019
In a rush? We’ve also put together a quick overview of all our recommendations and fallback options for all the products above: view below or download a clickable PDF.
Table showing recommended and alternate options for Office, Exchange Server, Visio, Project, and Skype for Business versions approaching end of support.
We’re always here to help
If you’d like additional hands-on assistance with your migration to the cloud, consider engaging Microsoft FastTrack, a Microsoft support service. Or fill out this form to get in touch with sales and have a specialist demonstrate how Microsoft 365 and our other cloud solutions can benefit your organization.
Microsoft Tech Community – Latest Blogs –Read More
End of Support for Exchange Server 2016 and Exchange Server 2019: T-12 Months
On October 14, 2025, one year from today, Exchange Server 2016 and Exchange Server 2019 reach end of support.
After October 14, 2025, Microsoft will no longer provide technical support for problems that may occur with Exchange 2016 or Exchange 2019 including:
Technical support for problems that may occur.
Bug fixes for issues that are discovered and that may impact the stability and usability of the server.
Security fixes for vulnerabilities that are discovered and that may make the server vulnerable to security breaches; and
Time zone updates.
Customer installations of Exchange 2016 and Exchange 2019 will of course continue to run after October 14, 2025; however, due to the upcoming end of support date and potential future security risks, we strongly recommend customers act now.
Our recommendation is for customers to migrate to Exchange Online or prepare their organizations to upgrade to Exchange Server Subscription Edition (SE) when it becomes available in early H2 of CY2025.
Migrate to Exchange Online or Microsoft 365
We strongly believe that you get the best value and user experience by migrating fully to Exchange Online or Microsoft 365. Migrating to the cloud is the best and simplest option to help you retire your Exchange Server deployment. When you migrate to the Microsoft cloud, you make a single hop away from an on-premises deployment, and benefit from new features and technologies, including advanced generative AI technologies that are available in the cloud but not on-premises.
If you’re migrating to the cloud, you might be eligible to use our Microsoft FastTrack service. FastTrack shares best practices and provides tools and resources to make your migration as seamless as possible. Best of all, you’ll have a support engineer helping you from planning and designing to migrating your last mailbox. For more information about FastTrack, see Microsoft FastTrack.
Prepare to upgrade to Exchange Server SE
Earlier this year, we provided an update to the Exchange Server roadmap, and details on how upgrade to Exchange Server SE if you intend to continue to run Exchange Server on-premises.
If you are running Exchange 2019, we recommend that you keep your Exchange servers up-to-date and you can upgrade in-place to Exchange Server SE when available.
If you are running Exchange 2016, we recommend that you perform a legacy upgrade to Exchange 2019 now and then perform an in-place upgrade to Exchange Server SE when available. You do have the option of a legacy upgrade from Exchange 2016 to Exchange Server SE RTM, skipping Exchange 2019 completely. But since there are less than 4 months between the release of Exchange Server SE and the end of support for Exchange 2016, that might not be enough time, depending on the size of your deployment and other factors (in-place upgrade from Exchange 2016 to Exchange SE will not be available). This is why we recommend that you upgrade to Exchange Server 2019 now, decommission your Exchange 2016 servers, and do an in-place upgrade to Exchange Server SE when it is available.
If you still have Exchange Server 2013 or earlier in your organization, you must first remove it before you can install Exchange Server 2019 CU15 or upgrade to Exchange Server SE.
Exchange Server Technology Adoption Program
If your organization is running Exchange 2019 today and you want to test and evaluate pre-release builds of Exchange Server 2019 CU15 and later Exchange Server SE, you can apply to join the Exchange Server Technology Adoption Program (TAP).
Joining the Exchange Server TAP has several advantages, such as the ability to provide input and feedback on future updates, develop a close relationship with the Exchange Server engineering team, receive pre-release information about Exchange Server, and more. TAP members also get support at no additional charge from Microsoft for issues related to the TAP.
All nominations are reviewed and screened prior to acceptance. No customers are allowed access to any prerelease downloads or information until all legal paperwork is properly executed. Nomination does not mean acceptance, as not all nominees will be chosen for the TAP. If you are preliminarily accepted, we will contact you to get the required paperwork started.
Please note that even if you do not join the TAP program, you will still be able to test the code equivalent of Exchange SE in your organizations by installing Exchange 2019 CU15 (when available), as per our announcement.
Related Microsoft Products Reaching End of Support on October 14, 2025
In addition to Exchange Server 2016 and Exchange Server 2019, several other products (some of which are often used with Exchange Server) also reach end of support or retirement on October 14, 2025, including Microsoft Office 2016, Microsoft Office 2019, Outlook 2016, Outlook 2019, Skype for Business 2016, Skype for Business 2019, Skype for Business Server 2015, Skype for Business Server 2019, and more.
You can search product and services lifecycle information to get detailed information for your Microsoft products and services.
Additional Announcements
For information on other end of support announcements, see the following blog posts:
Prepare now for key end of support moments in 2025
Microsoft Office 2016/2019 End of Support
Skype for Business Server 2016/2019 End of Support
Microsoft Project 2016/2019 End of Support
Microsoft Visio 2016/2019 End of Support
Exchange Server Engineering Team
Microsoft Tech Community – Latest Blogs –Read More
Auto allow consent to be recorded in your company for recorded calls
So our company added a new “Consent” thing to be able to unmute and talk in any meetings that are recorded. We have a bunch of pre-recorded meetings for a project we are working on. Obviously, I consent to be recorded, as I am in the meeting. Whats super annoying is that we have to press this additional button to allow our consent every time we try to unmute. Is there any way in settings, or maybe in the registry or something to auto “Consent” me to this recording so I can just speak up right away?
If no settings, is there an automation that can auto press that button for me? Our security team wants it on there for everyone else in the company, but I just want to say I auto consent or whatever as its just plain annoying.
So our company added a new “Consent” thing to be able to unmute and talk in any meetings that are recorded. We have a bunch of pre-recorded meetings for a project we are working on. Obviously, I consent to be recorded, as I am in the meeting. Whats super annoying is that we have to press this additional button to allow our consent every time we try to unmute. Is there any way in settings, or maybe in the registry or something to auto “Consent” me to this recording so I can just speak up right away? If no settings, is there an automation that can auto press that button for me? Our security team wants it on there for everyone else in the company, but I just want to say I auto consent or whatever as its just plain annoying. Read More
فكـ السحر بسرعه💞00.966540290.979💞الـــسـ جـلبـ الـحبيبـ ــعــودية
فكـ السحر بسرعه💞00.966540290.979💞الـــسـ جـلبـ الـحبيبـ ــعــودية
فكـ السحر بسرعه💞00.966540290.979💞الـــسـ جـلبـ الـحبيبـ ــعــودية Read More
华纳公司客服上分【微信-13542035】【办理业务请添加以上联系方式】【公司直属客服】【24小时在线服务】【资金】【大额无忧】公平公正公开关于我们广。 Read More
盛世公司客服上分【微信-13542035】【办理业务请添加以上联系方式】【公司直属客服】【24小时在线服务】【资金】【大额无忧】公平公正公开关于我们广。 Read More
Blasts of white noise when using Jabra Evolve 75 SE headset.
When in a Teams call or Teams meeting after a couple of minutes I get a very loud blast of white noise in my headset. The blast is continuous and sometimes I can just about make out speech noises in it. Othertimes speech is audible but garbled like it’s been scrambled somehow.
If I leave and rejoin the meeting it is okay for maybe 30 seconds or so and then happens again.
If I switch to another audio device (eg Laptop internal mic/speakers), even without leaving the meeting it all works fine through that device. Switch back to the Jabra and I get blasted eardrums within a minute or so.
This only happens when using the Jabra, and it happens regardless of whether it is a USB, Bluetooth or JabraLink connection.
The Jabra works fine with Zoom, and works fine as a bluetooth headset on my iPhone. No issues there. Only with MS Teams on Win11
System running Windows 11 Pro 10.0.22631
This headset is certified for MS Teams.
Teams Software last updated 14th Oct 2024
Jabra headset with latest firmware.
When in a Teams call or Teams meeting after a couple of minutes I get a very loud blast of white noise in my headset. The blast is continuous and sometimes I can just about make out speech noises in it. Othertimes speech is audible but garbled like it’s been scrambled somehow. If I leave and rejoin the meeting it is okay for maybe 30 seconds or so and then happens again. If I switch to another audio device (eg Laptop internal mic/speakers), even without leaving the meeting it all works fine through that device. Switch back to the Jabra and I get blasted eardrums within a minute or so. This only happens when using the Jabra, and it happens regardless of whether it is a USB, Bluetooth or JabraLink connection. The Jabra works fine with Zoom, and works fine as a bluetooth headset on my iPhone. No issues there. Only with MS Teams on Win11 System running Windows 11 Pro 10.0.22631This headset is certified for MS Teams.Teams Software last updated 14th Oct 2024Jabra headset with latest firmware. Read More
جـلب الــحبيب “للزواج “00.973334324935-🖤شيـخ روحـاني متداول
جـلب الــحبيب “للزواج “00.973334324935-🖤شيـخ روحـاني متداول
جـلب الــحبيب “للزواج “00.973334324935-🖤شيـخ روحـاني متداول Read More