Month: December 2024
Kemkomdigi dan Microsoft Luncurkan ElevAIte Indonesia: Bekali 1 Juta Talenta dengan Keterampilan AI
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Kementerian Komunikasi dan Digital (Kemkomdigi) Republik Indonesia bekerja sama dengan Microsoft meluncurkan ElevAIte Indonesia, sebuah inisiatif pelatihan kecerdasan buatan (AI) untuk membekali 1 juta talenta Indonesia dengan keterampilan yang relevan di era transformasi digital. Menggabungkan makna “elevate” (meningkatkan) dengan “AI”, program ini menjadi simbol kolaborasi multi-sektor untuk memperkuat posisi Indonesia di kancah global melalui pemanfaatan teknologi AI.
ElevAIte Indonesia akan melibatkan mitra dari pemerintahan, industri, institusi pendidikan, dan komunitas. Program ini dirancang untuk menghubungkan talenta Indonesia dengan peluang baru yang tercipta dari teknologi AI, seperti peningkatan produktivitas, kreativitas, dan kualitas pekerjaan, serta percepatan inovasi yang bertanggung jawab.
Menteri Komunikasi dan Digital, Meutya Hafid, menekankan pentingnya pendekatan yang bijak dalam pemanfaatan teknologi, khususnya AI, yang semakin memengaruhi berbagai aspek kehidupan. “Teknologi modern, seperti AI, menuntut kita semua, khususnya para pemimpin, untuk menjadi lebih bijak, sabar, dan akomodatif. Perkembangan AI memberikan peluang besar untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup, tetapi juga membawa tantangan yang harus dikelola dengan hati-hati,” ujar Meutya.
Lebih lanjut, Menkomdigi menjelaskan bahwa kolaborasi, komunikasi, dan negosiasi adalah kunci untuk memastikan teknologi dapat dimanfaatkan secara maksimal dan bertanggung jawab. “Pemanfaatan AI tidak bisa dilakukan secara sepihak. Kita memerlukan sinergi dengan berbagai pihak, mulai dari pemerintah, pelaku industri, hingga masyarakat. Melalui inisiatif seperti ElevAIte Indonesia, kami ingin menunjukkan bagaimana teknologi AI dapat digunakan untuk memperkuat ekosistem nasional sambil tetap menjaga nilai-nilai etika dan kepentingan bersama,” tambah Meutya.
Program ElevAIte Indonesia menjadi salah satu contoh nyata dari pendekatan kolaboratif tersebut. Dengan melibatkan mitra ekosistem yang luas, inisiatif ini dirancang untuk membekali generasi muda dan tenaga kerja dengan keterampilan AI yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan industri dan masyarakat. Selain meningkatkan kapasitas sumber daya manusia, program ini juga menjadi landasan bagi Indonesia untuk bersaing di tingkat global dan menuju cita-cita Indonesia Emas 2045.
Inisiatif ElevAIte Indonesia menjadi semakin penting mengingat meningkatnya kebutuhan keterampilan AI dalam dunia kerja. Menurut laporan Work Trend Index yang Microsoft dan LinkedIn keluarkan di awal tahun 2024, 69% pemimpin di Indonesia menyatakan bahwa mereka tidak akan merekrut seseorang tanpa keterampilan AI. Sebanyak 76% bahkan cenderung merekrut kandidat dengan pengalaman kerja yang lebih sedikit namun handal menggunakan AI, dibandingkan kandidat berpengalaman tanpa kemampuan AI.
“Dengan sekitar 70% penduduk Indonesia berada dalam usia produktif, membekali mereka dengan keterampilan AI yang tepat menjadi kian penting. Sebab, kita sebagai talenta Indonesia lah yang akan mampu membawa Indonesia melaju, menuju Indonesia Emas 2045. Untuk itu, ElevAIte Indonesia akan berfokus pada pembekalan keterampilan mengadopsi AI secara bertanggung jawab. Mulai dari menggunakan tools AI agar dapat menyelesaikan pekerjaan dengan lebih cepat dan dengan kualitas yang lebih baik, hingga mengembangkan solusi AI untuk menciptakan nilai tambah dan menjawab permasalahan nasional yang paling mendesak. Penting untuk diingat bahwa transformasi AI bukan hanya transformasi teknologi, melainkan transformasi nasional. Kami merasa terhormat dapat bermitra dengan Kemkomdigi dan segenap ekosistem nasional untuk memberdayakan talenta Indonesia,” ujar Dharma Simorangkir, Presiden Direktur Microsoft Indonesia.
Guna mencapai target 1 juta pembekalan keterampilan AI bagi masyarakat Indonesia hingga tahun 2025 mendatang, implementasi ElevAIte Indonesia akan terbagi ke dalam lima pilar utama, dengan Biji-Biji Initiative dan Dicoding sebagai mitra pelatihan. Kelima pilar tersebut:
- Menyiapkan lembaga pemerintah untuk mendorong kecakapan AI nasional. Pilar ini berfokus pada pemberian pelatihan keterampilan AI bagi aparatur sipil negara, penguatan kapabilitas keamanan siber di lembaga pemerintahan, dan inisiasi pelayanan publik berbasis AI.
- Integrasi AI di industri strategis nasional. Pilar ini berfokus pada percepatan transformasi AI bagi pelaku industri Indonesia, mulai dari UMKM hingga enterprise, guna meningkatkan inovasi dan menciptakan nilai ekonomi AI baru.
- Keterampilan AI dalam dunia pendidikan. Pilar ini berfokus pada revolusi pembelajaran dalam berbagai sistem pendidikan di Indonesia, pembekalan keterampilan AI bagi pendidik, dan pengembangan generasi developer baru di Indonesia. Indonesia sendiri memiliki jumlah developer yang signifikan. Laporan GitHub menunjukkan bahwa Indonesia merupakan rumah terbesar ketiga bagi komunitas developerGitHub di di kawasan Asia Pasifik, setelah India dan Tiongkok. Indonesia pun diproyeksikan menjadi salah satu dari lima komunitas developer terbesar di GitHub secara global pada tahun 2026. Tidak hanya itu, Indonesia juga merupakan salah satu kelompok dengan pertumbuhan developer tercepat di Asia Pasifik, dengan peningkatan jumlah developer di GitHub mencapai 31 persen dari tahun ke tahun (year-on-year) pada tahun 2023.
- Peningkatan keterampilan AI bagi komunitas: Pilar ini berfokus pada pemberian keterampilan AI bagi kelompok masyarakat yang kurang terlayani, kurang terwakili, dan termarginalkan secara digital. Termasuk di antaranya adalah perempuan, penyandang disabilitas, dan masyarakat yang berada di daerah-daerah terpencil. NUCare Global dan Microsoft Innovative Educator Expert merupakan mitra program ini, dengan lebih banyak mitra akan diumumkan secara terpisah.
- Demokratisasi AI bagi setiap individu: Pilar ini hendak memastikan setiap individu memiliki kesempatan yang sama untuk belajar AI. Untuk itu, sebagai bagian dari ElevAIte Indonesia, Microsoft telah meluncurkan AI Skills Navigator, sebuah platform yang menyatukan seluruh konten pembelajaran dari Microsoft Learn dan LinkedIn Learning. Dibekali dengan asisten AI dan dapat diakses melalui, platform ini dapat mempermudah individu menemukan materi pembelajaran AI yang sesuai dengan tujuan, minat, dan gaya belajar masing-masing. Versi Bahasa Indonesia dari platform ini akan tersedia dalam waktu dekat.
Rashvin Pal Singh, Group CEO Biji-biji Initiative mengatakan, “Selama dua tahun terakhir, kami telah banyak bekerja sama dengan Kemkomdigi dan Microsoft untuk menyelenggarakan program-program keterampilan AI. Dari program-program tersebut, kami sudah melihat langsung bagaimana sebagian peserta dapat memperoleh pekerjaan yang lebih baik, ataupun memiliki kehidupan yang lebih sejahtera. Kini, dengan adanya ElevAIte Indonesia, kami berharap dapat semakin memperluas kesuksesan yang ada, dengan pendekatan yang kian terintegrasi dan terukur.”
Narenda Wicaksono, Chief Executive Officer, Dicoding mengatakan, “Sebagai platform edukasi teknologi, kami sadar bagaimana kapabilitas baru AI telah menjadi terobosan teknologi terbesar dalam beberapa tahun terakhir. Kami sendiri telah menggunakan AI untuk melayani lebih dari 1 juta member dicoding. Kami percaya bahwa dengan keterampilan AI yang tepat, individu dan organisasi dapat menciptakan solusi inovatif yang berdampak positif bagi masyarakat, industri, maupun negara. Itulah sebabnya, kami senang dapat bergabung dengan Kemkomdigi, Microsoft, dan segenap ekosistem digital Indonesia lainnya di inisiatif ElevAIte Indonesia.”
Menkomdigi mengakhiri dengan mengutip Presiden Prabowo Subianto saat Pertemuan APEC 2024 di Peru, yang menekankan pentingnya keseimbangan dalam memanfaatkan teknologi: “Kemajuan besar dalam teknologi menuntut para pemimpin untuk lebih bijaksana, sabar, dan akomodatif. Teknologi memiliki kekuatan untuk membawa kemajuan luar biasa, tetapi juga dapat menghancurkan kehidupan manusia dengan sangat cepat. Oleh karena itu, kolaborasi, komunikasi, dan negosiasi adalah jalan terbaik. Kita harus menaati hukum dan aturan internasional, namun juga memahami kepentingan bersama.”
Dengan semangat tersebut, ElevAIte Indonesia diharapkan dapat menjadi langkah strategis dalam membangun ekosistem digital yang inklusif dan memberdayakan.
The Ministry of KOMDIGI and Microsoft Launch ElevAIte Indonesia to Equip1 Million Talents with AI Skills
The Ministry of Communication and Digital Affairs (KOMDIGI) and Microsoft today launch ElevAIte Indonesia, an AI skilling initiative to equip 1 million Indonesian talents with the AI skills needed in the era of AI transformation. Combining the words “Elevate” with “AI”, this initiative brings a spirit of collaboration between various elements of the society, to elevate Indonesia’s global achievements with AI technology.
In its implementation, ElevAIte Indonesia will be executed in collaboration with governments, industry, educational institutions, nonprofits, and civil society, to connecting Indonesians with new opportunities created by AI. Starting from supercharging productivity, amplifying creativity, increasing quality of works, to accelerating innovation responsibly.
The Minister of Communication and Digital Affairs, Meutya Hafid, emphasized the importance of a more responsible approach in utilizing technology, especially AI, which increasingly influences various aspects of life. “Modern technology, such as AI, demands all of us, particularly leaders, to become wiser, more patient, and more accommodating. The development of AI offers great opportunities to improve the quality of life, but it also brings challenges that must be managed thoroughly,” said Meutya.
Furthermore, the Minister of KOMDIGI explained that collaboration, communication, and negotiation are essential keys to ensuring that technology can be utilized with full capacity and responsibility. “The utilization of AI cannot be done unilaterally. We need collaboration with various stakeholders, such as the government, industries, and the community. Through initiatives like ElevAIte Indonesia, we eager to show how AI can be used to strengthen the national ecosystem while maintaining ethical values and common interests,” added Meutya.
The ElevAIte Indonesia program is a concrete example of this collaborative approach. By involving a wide range of ecosystem partners, this initiative is designed to equip the younger generation and workforce with AI skills that meet the needs of industry and society. In addition to enhancing human resource capacity, this program also become a foundation for Indonesia to compete in global-level and achieve the vision of Indonesia Emas 2045.
ElevAIte Indonesia is becoming increasingly important given the increasing need for AI skills in the workforce. According to the Work Trend Index report released by Microsoft and LinkedIn in early 2024, 69% of leaders in Indonesia stated that they would not hire someone without AI skills. As many as 76% are even more likely to recruit candidates with less work experience but are reliable using AI, compared to experienced candidates without AI capabilities.
“With around 70% of Indonesia’s population in productive age, equipping them with the right AI skills becomes increasingly important. It is us, the Indonesian talent who will be able to drive Indonesia moving forward to achieve the vision of Indonesia Emas 2045. Therefore, ElevAIte Indonesia will focus on equipping skills to adopt responsible AI. From using AI tools to complete tasks more quickly and with better quality, to developing AI solutions to create added value and address the most pressing national issues. It is important to remember that AI transformation is not merely a technological transformation, but a national transformation. We are honoured to partner with the Ministry of KOMDIGI and the entire national ecosystem to empower Indonesian talent,” said Dharma Simorangkir, President Director of Microsoft Indonesia.
In order to achieve the target of 1 million AI skills for Indonesia by 2025, the implementation of ElevAIte Indonesia will be divided into five main pillars, with Biji-Biji Initiative and Dicoding as training partners. Each pillar will also collaborate with different institutions, organizations, and communities, in order to connect people across Indonesia with the AI opportunities inclusively. The five pillars are:
- Enable government agencies to drive AI fluency. This pillar focuses on providing AI skills training for civil servants, in order to provide even better public services.
- Scale reach through strategic national industries. This pillar focuses on accelerating AI transformation for Indonesian industry players, ranging from MSMEs to enterprises, in order to accelerate innovation and create new AI economic value.
- Unlock AI for education. The pillar focuses on revolutionizing learning in Indonesia’s education systems and nurturing a new generation of Indonesian developers with AI skills. Indonesia already has a significant number of developers. The GitHub report shows that Indonesia is the third largest home for the GitHub developer community in the Asia Pacific region, after India and China. Indonesia is also projected to become one of the five largest developer communities on GitHub globally by 2026. Not only that, Indonesia is one of the fastest-growing developer groups in Asia Pacific as well, with an increase in the number of developers on GitHub reaching 31 percent year-on-year in 2023.
- Enable social, environmental, community, and impact organizations: This pillar focuses on providing AI skills to underserved, underrepresented and digitally marginalized communities. These include women, people with disabilities, and people in remote areas. NUCare Global and Microsoft Innovative Educator Expert are partners of the program, with more partners to be announced separately.
- Empower individual learners. This pillar focuses on ensuring every person has the opportunity to learn. To kick-off, Microsoft has launched AI Skills Navigator, a platform that brings together all learning content from Microsoft Learn and LinkedIn Learning. Equipped with AI assistants and can be accessed through, this platform can make it easier for individuals to find AI learning materials that suit their learning goal and interest. The platform will be available in Indonesian language soon.
Rashvin Pal Singh, Group CEO, Biji-Biji Initiative said, “Over the past two years, we have worked closely with the ministry of KOMDIGI and Microsoft to organize AI skills programs. From these programs, we have seen firsthand how some participants can get a better job, or have a more prosperous life. Now, with ElevAIte Indonesia, we hope to further expand on our existing achievement, along with an increasingly integrated and scalable approach.”
Narenda Wicaksono, Chief Executive Officer, Dicoding said, “As a technology education platform, we are fully aware how AI new capabilities now become significant milestones over the last few years. We have used AI to serve more than 1 million Dicoding members. We believe that with the right AI skills, individuals and organizations can create innovative solutions to bring positive impact for the community, industry, and the [nation. Considering these objectives, we are pleased to join Kemkomdigi, Microsoft, and the entire Indonesian digital ecosystem in the ElevAIte Indonesia initiative.”
The Minister of KOMDIGI concluded by quoting President Prabowo Subianto ‘s remarks at the APEC Summit 2024 in Peru, emphasizing the need of balance in utilizing technology: “Great advances in technology demand leaders to be wiser, more patient, and more accommodating. Technology has the power to bring extraordinary advances. However, it could cause significant harm to human life in a short time.” Therefore, collaboration, communication, and negotiation are the best ways forward. We must adhere to international laws and regulations, but also have to understand common interests.”
The existence of ElevAIte Indonesia is expected to be a strategic measure in building an inclusive and empowering digital ecosystem.
Office 365 for IT Pros December 2024 Update
Monthly Update #114 Now Available to Office 365 For IT Pros Subscribers
The Office 365 for IT Pros writing team is delighted to announce the release of monthly update #114. Current subscribers can download copies of the updated PDF and EPUB files for the Office 365 for IT Pros (2025 edition) eBook from through their account or by using the download link in the receipt emailed to them. For more details about how to get the latest files, please visit our FAQ. Details of the changes made in update #114 can be found in our change log.
Automating Microsoft 365 with PowerShell Gets an Update Too
The Automating Microsoft 365 for IT Pros eBook has also been updated and is now at version 6.0. We’re particularly pleased with the progress this book has made since its launch. It now spans some 270 pages and contains more content about using PowerShell to automate common Microsoft 365 processes than anywhere else.
Updated files for Automating Microsoft 365 with PowerShell are included in the Office 365 for IT Pros eBook bundle. Those who bought standalone copies of Automating Microsoft 365 for IT Pros eBook can also download updated PDF and EPUB files using the download link in their receipts. We’ve also updated the paperback edition of Automating Microsoft 365 with PowerShell on Obviously, paperback copies are one-off purchases that cannot be upgraded. If we had the technology to update paperbacks with new content, we’d consider using it, but no such facility exists.
Digesting Ignite 2024
As expected, Microsoft made a bunch of Microsoft 365 announcements at the Ignite 2024 conference. Many of the announcements were focused on making their AI tools more manageable and useable in customer environments. Disappointingly, many Microsoft 365 tenants won’t see the product of that work because they don’t have expensive Copilot licenses. Let’s hope that the results of the new technology show up for everyone in the future.
Most of the Ignite 2024 announcements haven’t shown up in production tenants yet and won’t appear for several months. That’s just the nature of marketing events, a category that Ignite is now firmly in. But we’ll keep a keen eye on developments and make sure that important changes show up in Office 365 for IT Pros as soon as features are available in production.
Speaking of AI, I received quite a response from the article published about the affect AI tools like ChatGPT and Microsoft Copilot exert over sites that publish articles about technology. Companies like Microsoft will continue to publish documentation for their products. The danger lies that sites specializing in independent commentary and insight might cease operations because their sources of revenue are being choked.
We live in interesting times, or so we’re told. AI isn’t going to go away and will become more embedded in technology as years go by. The question is how knowledge sharing within the technology community will evolve. It would be a pity if knowledge started to be hidden behind paywalls, but that’s what might be necessary to stop AI reusing knowledge without payment.
Off to Stockholm
This coming week I shall be at the ESPC conference in Stockholm, Sweden. I’m speaking about decoding the Microsoft 365 audit log at 10:30am on Tuesday (session T7) and the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK on at 10:15am Wednesday (session W3). If you’re at the ESPC, please come along and say hi. I’d love to hear your comments about how we can improve the Office 365 for IT Pros and Automating Microsoft 365 with PowerShell eBooks. The great thing about eBooks is that we can respond to user feedback by tweaking the updates we incorporate into our monthly updates, starting with update #115, our first of 2025.