3D poisson for electrostatics using solvepde
These are coordinates of atoms:
[1.8150 3.6300 6.2895;
3.6300 1.8150 7.5000;
3.6300 1.8150 5.0789;
-2.7225 4.7186 6.2895;
0.9075 6.5336 7.5000;
0.9075 6.5336 5.0789;
2.7225 4.7186 6.2895;
6.3525 6.5336 7.5000;
6.3525 6.5336 5.0789;
0 9.4373 6.2895;
3.6300 11.2523 7.5000;
3.6300 11.2523 5.0789;
5.4450 9.4373 6.2895;
9.0750 11.2523 7.5000;
9.0750 11.2523 5.0789;
2.7225 14.1559 6.2895];
There are 16 atoms. I get a row matrix of charge density(rho) from negf solver of size 1×16. x axis is the transport direction with bias voltage 0.5V. in z axis I apply electric field of 5V. In y axis electrostatic doesn’t change. I want dirichlet boundary condition in x axis. Neumann boundary in z axis. Periodic in y axis. All atoms with lowest & highest x values correspond to boundary in x direction. And atoms with lowest & highest z values correspond to boundary in z direction. Poisson equation to be solve is in form Del^2U(x,y,z)=-rho(x,y,z)/epsilon. Any guide on how to do it using solvepde?These are coordinates of atoms:
[1.8150 3.6300 6.2895;
3.6300 1.8150 7.5000;
3.6300 1.8150 5.0789;
-2.7225 4.7186 6.2895;
0.9075 6.5336 7.5000;
0.9075 6.5336 5.0789;
2.7225 4.7186 6.2895;
6.3525 6.5336 7.5000;
6.3525 6.5336 5.0789;
0 9.4373 6.2895;
3.6300 11.2523 7.5000;
3.6300 11.2523 5.0789;
5.4450 9.4373 6.2895;
9.0750 11.2523 7.5000;
9.0750 11.2523 5.0789;
2.7225 14.1559 6.2895];
There are 16 atoms. I get a row matrix of charge density(rho) from negf solver of size 1×16. x axis is the transport direction with bias voltage 0.5V. in z axis I apply electric field of 5V. In y axis electrostatic doesn’t change. I want dirichlet boundary condition in x axis. Neumann boundary in z axis. Periodic in y axis. All atoms with lowest & highest x values correspond to boundary in x direction. And atoms with lowest & highest z values correspond to boundary in z direction. Poisson equation to be solve is in form Del^2U(x,y,z)=-rho(x,y,z)/epsilon. Any guide on how to do it using solvepde? These are coordinates of atoms:
[1.8150 3.6300 6.2895;
3.6300 1.8150 7.5000;
3.6300 1.8150 5.0789;
-2.7225 4.7186 6.2895;
0.9075 6.5336 7.5000;
0.9075 6.5336 5.0789;
2.7225 4.7186 6.2895;
6.3525 6.5336 7.5000;
6.3525 6.5336 5.0789;
0 9.4373 6.2895;
3.6300 11.2523 7.5000;
3.6300 11.2523 5.0789;
5.4450 9.4373 6.2895;
9.0750 11.2523 7.5000;
9.0750 11.2523 5.0789;
2.7225 14.1559 6.2895];
There are 16 atoms. I get a row matrix of charge density(rho) from negf solver of size 1×16. x axis is the transport direction with bias voltage 0.5V. in z axis I apply electric field of 5V. In y axis electrostatic doesn’t change. I want dirichlet boundary condition in x axis. Neumann boundary in z axis. Periodic in y axis. All atoms with lowest & highest x values correspond to boundary in x direction. And atoms with lowest & highest z values correspond to boundary in z direction. Poisson equation to be solve is in form Del^2U(x,y,z)=-rho(x,y,z)/epsilon. Any guide on how to do it using solvepde? solvepde, 3d poisson for electrostatics MATLAB Answers — New Questions