Does the MATLAB has a convolutional LSTM layer
I am trying to implement a convolutional lstm network for image classification. As the existing lstm/bilstm layers are for 1D vector/series, I am unable to have an lstm layer rigt after a convolutional layer. May I know is there any ways to implement a convolutional lstm in Matlab.I am trying to implement a convolutional lstm network for image classification. As the existing lstm/bilstm layers are for 1D vector/series, I am unable to have an lstm layer rigt after a convolutional layer. May I know is there any ways to implement a convolutional lstm in Matlab. I am trying to implement a convolutional lstm network for image classification. As the existing lstm/bilstm layers are for 1D vector/series, I am unable to have an lstm layer rigt after a convolutional layer. May I know is there any ways to implement a convolutional lstm in Matlab. image processing, video processing MATLAB Answers — New Questions