Sequential subtraction using criteria and a starting amount
I’m having trouble creating a formula for this. I need it to sequentially subtract if equal to the selected date and if not then leave blank regardless if any value is entered. Need this to output as a horizontal spilled range and not use volatile functions (as my workbook is already fairly big)
Ex: Sum only if equal to value in today cell using the starting value in amount cell
today2024-01-27 amount500 Dates2024-01-272024-01-272024-02-272024-03-252024-04-14values1000.00800.00 750.00 output as spilled range-500-800
My thanks in advance.
Hi, I’m having trouble creating a formula for this. I need it to sequentially subtract if equal to the selected date and if not then leave blank regardless if any value is entered. Need this to output as a horizontal spilled range and not use volatile functions (as my workbook is already fairly big) Ex: Sum only if equal to value in today cell using the starting value in amount celltoday2024-01-27 amount500 Dates2024-01-272024-01-272024-02-272024-03-252024-04-14values1000.00800.00 750.00 output as spilled range-500-800 My thanks in advance. Read More