Empty spherical plot – strange error
I find it strange that I get an empty plot with the give command, and get the given error:
Error using matlab.graphics.chart.primitive.Surface
Value must be a vector or 2D array of numeric type.
Error in surf (line 145)
hh = matlab.graphics.chart.primitive.Surface(allargs{:});
Error in polar_coord_soln_Manz (line 59)
surf(X, Y, Z, Psi);
% Constants
hbar = 1.0545718e-34;
m = 9.10938356e-31;
E_ion = 5.139 * 1.60218e-19;
k_f = 2 * m * E_ion / hbar^2;
% Define alpha (renamed to avoid conflict with MATLAB function)
alpha_val = sqrt(k_f);
% Radial wave function
function R = radial_wavefunction(r, n, l, alpha)
L = laguerreL(n-l-1, 2*l+1, alpha * r.^2);
R = sqrt((2 * alpha)^(l+1) / factorial(n-l-1)) .* exp(-alpha * r.^2) .* (alpha * r).^l .* L;
% Spherical harmonic (assuming it’s defined elsewhere)
function Y = spherical_harmonic(theta, phi, l, m)
Y = legendre(l, cos(theta)) .* exp(1i * m * phi);
% Total wave function in spherical coordinates
function psi = spherical_wavefunction(r, theta, phi, n, l, m, alpha)
R = radial_wavefunction(r, n, l, alpha);
Y = spherical_harmonic(theta, phi, l, m);
psi = R .* Y;
% Define grid
r = linspace(0, 10, 50); % Radial coordinate r
theta = linspace(0, pi, 50); % Polar angle theta
phi = linspace(0, 2*pi, 50); % Azimuthal angle phi
% Create grid for 3D plotting
[R, Theta, Phi] = meshgrid(r, theta, phi);
n = 1;
l = 0;
m = 0;
Psi = zeros(size(R));
for i = 1:numel(R)
Psi(i) = abs(spherical_wavefunction(R(i), Theta(i), Phi(i), n, l, m, alpha_val))^2; % Taking absolute value and squaring
% Reshape Psi to be 2D
Psi = reshape(Psi, size(R));
% Spherical to Cartesian Conversion
X = R .* sin(Theta) .* cos(Phi);
Y = R .* sin(Theta) .* sin(Phi);
Z = R .* cos(Theta);
% Plotting 3D surface
surf(X, Y, Z, Psi);
title([‘|psi_{‘, num2str(n), ‘,’, num2str(l), ‘,’, num2str(m), ‘}(r, theta, phi)|^2 for Sodium’]);
axis equal;I find it strange that I get an empty plot with the give command, and get the given error:
Error using matlab.graphics.chart.primitive.Surface
Value must be a vector or 2D array of numeric type.
Error in surf (line 145)
hh = matlab.graphics.chart.primitive.Surface(allargs{:});
Error in polar_coord_soln_Manz (line 59)
surf(X, Y, Z, Psi);
% Constants
hbar = 1.0545718e-34;
m = 9.10938356e-31;
E_ion = 5.139 * 1.60218e-19;
k_f = 2 * m * E_ion / hbar^2;
% Define alpha (renamed to avoid conflict with MATLAB function)
alpha_val = sqrt(k_f);
% Radial wave function
function R = radial_wavefunction(r, n, l, alpha)
L = laguerreL(n-l-1, 2*l+1, alpha * r.^2);
R = sqrt((2 * alpha)^(l+1) / factorial(n-l-1)) .* exp(-alpha * r.^2) .* (alpha * r).^l .* L;
% Spherical harmonic (assuming it’s defined elsewhere)
function Y = spherical_harmonic(theta, phi, l, m)
Y = legendre(l, cos(theta)) .* exp(1i * m * phi);
% Total wave function in spherical coordinates
function psi = spherical_wavefunction(r, theta, phi, n, l, m, alpha)
R = radial_wavefunction(r, n, l, alpha);
Y = spherical_harmonic(theta, phi, l, m);
psi = R .* Y;
% Define grid
r = linspace(0, 10, 50); % Radial coordinate r
theta = linspace(0, pi, 50); % Polar angle theta
phi = linspace(0, 2*pi, 50); % Azimuthal angle phi
% Create grid for 3D plotting
[R, Theta, Phi] = meshgrid(r, theta, phi);
n = 1;
l = 0;
m = 0;
Psi = zeros(size(R));
for i = 1:numel(R)
Psi(i) = abs(spherical_wavefunction(R(i), Theta(i), Phi(i), n, l, m, alpha_val))^2; % Taking absolute value and squaring
% Reshape Psi to be 2D
Psi = reshape(Psi, size(R));
% Spherical to Cartesian Conversion
X = R .* sin(Theta) .* cos(Phi);
Y = R .* sin(Theta) .* sin(Phi);
Z = R .* cos(Theta);
% Plotting 3D surface
surf(X, Y, Z, Psi);
title([‘|psi_{‘, num2str(n), ‘,’, num2str(l), ‘,’, num2str(m), ‘}(r, theta, phi)|^2 for Sodium’]);
axis equal; I find it strange that I get an empty plot with the give command, and get the given error:
Error using matlab.graphics.chart.primitive.Surface
Value must be a vector or 2D array of numeric type.
Error in surf (line 145)
hh = matlab.graphics.chart.primitive.Surface(allargs{:});
Error in polar_coord_soln_Manz (line 59)
surf(X, Y, Z, Psi);
% Constants
hbar = 1.0545718e-34;
m = 9.10938356e-31;
E_ion = 5.139 * 1.60218e-19;
k_f = 2 * m * E_ion / hbar^2;
% Define alpha (renamed to avoid conflict with MATLAB function)
alpha_val = sqrt(k_f);
% Radial wave function
function R = radial_wavefunction(r, n, l, alpha)
L = laguerreL(n-l-1, 2*l+1, alpha * r.^2);
R = sqrt((2 * alpha)^(l+1) / factorial(n-l-1)) .* exp(-alpha * r.^2) .* (alpha * r).^l .* L;
% Spherical harmonic (assuming it’s defined elsewhere)
function Y = spherical_harmonic(theta, phi, l, m)
Y = legendre(l, cos(theta)) .* exp(1i * m * phi);
% Total wave function in spherical coordinates
function psi = spherical_wavefunction(r, theta, phi, n, l, m, alpha)
R = radial_wavefunction(r, n, l, alpha);
Y = spherical_harmonic(theta, phi, l, m);
psi = R .* Y;
% Define grid
r = linspace(0, 10, 50); % Radial coordinate r
theta = linspace(0, pi, 50); % Polar angle theta
phi = linspace(0, 2*pi, 50); % Azimuthal angle phi
% Create grid for 3D plotting
[R, Theta, Phi] = meshgrid(r, theta, phi);
n = 1;
l = 0;
m = 0;
Psi = zeros(size(R));
for i = 1:numel(R)
Psi(i) = abs(spherical_wavefunction(R(i), Theta(i), Phi(i), n, l, m, alpha_val))^2; % Taking absolute value and squaring
% Reshape Psi to be 2D
Psi = reshape(Psi, size(R));
% Spherical to Cartesian Conversion
X = R .* sin(Theta) .* cos(Phi);
Y = R .* sin(Theta) .* sin(Phi);
Z = R .* cos(Theta);
% Plotting 3D surface
surf(X, Y, Z, Psi);
title([‘|psi_{‘, num2str(n), ‘,’, num2str(l), ‘,’, num2str(m), ‘}(r, theta, phi)|^2 for Sodium’]);
axis equal; 3d plots, spherical MATLAB Answers — New Questions