Same error values are copied for different input parameters when using MATLAB Experiment Manager
I am trying to run the find gains for PID controller for a powertrain using genetic algorithm. In order to find optimal generations and populations of the genetic algorithm I run almost 1600 experminets in which the following parameters change. So, the input of the model is a WLTP drive cycle (1800s) long. I want to see if I train the Genetic Algorithm on only 30s and find the gains and then using those gains run the whole cycle to calculate the error.
But when I run the experiment I get the same error for all the 3 times with same population and generation combinantion:
However, when i check the simulink model the gains are different for each iteration which means the errors are somehow not updated in the table. I have tried different changes in the code but noting works. Here is the code, if someone could suggest some improvements:
function [mean_abs_error] = Experiment2Function1(params)
tend = params.time;
% Measure the current time before running the simulation
start_simulation_time = tic;
no_var = 2;
lb = [params.lbP params.lbI];
ub = [params.ubP params.ubI];
%GA options
ga_opt = optimoptions(‘ga’,’Display’,’off’,’Generations’,params.generations,’PopulationSize’,params.population,’PlotFcns’,@gaplotbestf);
obj_fn = @(k) optimization_PID(k);
%GA Command
[k, best] = ga((obj_fn),no_var,[],[],[],[],lb,ub,[],ga_opt)
% Measure the simulation time
simulation_time = toc(start_simulation_time);
% Calculate Error
tend = 1800;
driveCycleTime = DriveCycle(:,1);
driveCycleSpeed = DriveCycle(:,2);
index1800s = driveCycleTime <= tend;
driveCycle1800s = [driveCycleTime(index1800s), driveCycleSpeed(index1800s)];
% Extract the simulated result for the first 1800 seconds
simulatedTime = tout(tout <= tend);
simulatedSpeed = v_act_lim(tout <= tend);
% Interpolate the simulated result to match the drive cycle time points
simulatedSpeedInterp = interp1(simulatedTime, simulatedSpeed, driveCycle1800s(:, 1), ‘linear’);
% Calculate and plot the error
error = (driveCycle1800s(:, 2) – simulatedSpeedInterp)./ driveCycle1800s(:,2)*100;
abs_error = abs(error);
% Exclude Infinite Values
validIndices = isfinite(abs_error);
validAbsError = abs_error(validIndices);
mean_abs_error = mean(validAbsError)
The objective function is as follows:
function cost = optimization_PID(k)
assignin("base", "k", k);
itae_values = ITAE.Data;
cost = sum(itae_values);
endI am trying to run the find gains for PID controller for a powertrain using genetic algorithm. In order to find optimal generations and populations of the genetic algorithm I run almost 1600 experminets in which the following parameters change. So, the input of the model is a WLTP drive cycle (1800s) long. I want to see if I train the Genetic Algorithm on only 30s and find the gains and then using those gains run the whole cycle to calculate the error.
But when I run the experiment I get the same error for all the 3 times with same population and generation combinantion:
However, when i check the simulink model the gains are different for each iteration which means the errors are somehow not updated in the table. I have tried different changes in the code but noting works. Here is the code, if someone could suggest some improvements:
function [mean_abs_error] = Experiment2Function1(params)
tend = params.time;
% Measure the current time before running the simulation
start_simulation_time = tic;
no_var = 2;
lb = [params.lbP params.lbI];
ub = [params.ubP params.ubI];
%GA options
ga_opt = optimoptions(‘ga’,’Display’,’off’,’Generations’,params.generations,’PopulationSize’,params.population,’PlotFcns’,@gaplotbestf);
obj_fn = @(k) optimization_PID(k);
%GA Command
[k, best] = ga((obj_fn),no_var,[],[],[],[],lb,ub,[],ga_opt)
% Measure the simulation time
simulation_time = toc(start_simulation_time);
% Calculate Error
tend = 1800;
driveCycleTime = DriveCycle(:,1);
driveCycleSpeed = DriveCycle(:,2);
index1800s = driveCycleTime <= tend;
driveCycle1800s = [driveCycleTime(index1800s), driveCycleSpeed(index1800s)];
% Extract the simulated result for the first 1800 seconds
simulatedTime = tout(tout <= tend);
simulatedSpeed = v_act_lim(tout <= tend);
% Interpolate the simulated result to match the drive cycle time points
simulatedSpeedInterp = interp1(simulatedTime, simulatedSpeed, driveCycle1800s(:, 1), ‘linear’);
% Calculate and plot the error
error = (driveCycle1800s(:, 2) – simulatedSpeedInterp)./ driveCycle1800s(:,2)*100;
abs_error = abs(error);
% Exclude Infinite Values
validIndices = isfinite(abs_error);
validAbsError = abs_error(validIndices);
mean_abs_error = mean(validAbsError)
The objective function is as follows:
function cost = optimization_PID(k)
assignin("base", "k", k);
itae_values = ITAE.Data;
cost = sum(itae_values);
end I am trying to run the find gains for PID controller for a powertrain using genetic algorithm. In order to find optimal generations and populations of the genetic algorithm I run almost 1600 experminets in which the following parameters change. So, the input of the model is a WLTP drive cycle (1800s) long. I want to see if I train the Genetic Algorithm on only 30s and find the gains and then using those gains run the whole cycle to calculate the error.
But when I run the experiment I get the same error for all the 3 times with same population and generation combinantion:
However, when i check the simulink model the gains are different for each iteration which means the errors are somehow not updated in the table. I have tried different changes in the code but noting works. Here is the code, if someone could suggest some improvements:
function [mean_abs_error] = Experiment2Function1(params)
tend = params.time;
% Measure the current time before running the simulation
start_simulation_time = tic;
no_var = 2;
lb = [params.lbP params.lbI];
ub = [params.ubP params.ubI];
%GA options
ga_opt = optimoptions(‘ga’,’Display’,’off’,’Generations’,params.generations,’PopulationSize’,params.population,’PlotFcns’,@gaplotbestf);
obj_fn = @(k) optimization_PID(k);
%GA Command
[k, best] = ga((obj_fn),no_var,[],[],[],[],lb,ub,[],ga_opt)
% Measure the simulation time
simulation_time = toc(start_simulation_time);
% Calculate Error
tend = 1800;
driveCycleTime = DriveCycle(:,1);
driveCycleSpeed = DriveCycle(:,2);
index1800s = driveCycleTime <= tend;
driveCycle1800s = [driveCycleTime(index1800s), driveCycleSpeed(index1800s)];
% Extract the simulated result for the first 1800 seconds
simulatedTime = tout(tout <= tend);
simulatedSpeed = v_act_lim(tout <= tend);
% Interpolate the simulated result to match the drive cycle time points
simulatedSpeedInterp = interp1(simulatedTime, simulatedSpeed, driveCycle1800s(:, 1), ‘linear’);
% Calculate and plot the error
error = (driveCycle1800s(:, 2) – simulatedSpeedInterp)./ driveCycle1800s(:,2)*100;
abs_error = abs(error);
% Exclude Infinite Values
validIndices = isfinite(abs_error);
validAbsError = abs_error(validIndices);
mean_abs_error = mean(validAbsError)
The objective function is as follows:
function cost = optimization_PID(k)
assignin("base", "k", k);
itae_values = ITAE.Data;
cost = sum(itae_values);
end experiment manager, genetic algorithm, error MATLAB Answers — New Questions