The Problem with Scoped Audit Log Searches
Purview and Exchange Online Disagree about Scoped Audit Log Searches
Like many Purview solutions, audit log searches support scoping using Entra administrative units. In other words, an account holding the Audit Manager Purview role scoped for a specific administrative unit is only able to find audit records linked to the administrative unit. An account can be scoped to manage a single or multiple administrative units. Alternatively, the scope assigned to an account can be “Organization,” meaning that the role applies to all audit events created in the tenant. Figure 1 shows that two accounts hold organization scopes for the Audit Manager role while another is scoped for a single administrative unit.
Administrative unit support for Purview scoped audit log searches has been available since November 2023.
Audit Records and Administrative Units
Each audit record is tagged with the user account or service principal responsible for the logged action. If a user account belongs to an administrative unit, the audit event captures the identifier of the administrative unit in an array called AssociatedAdminUnits in the audit payload. If the account belongs to multiple administrative units, the audit record captures the identifiers of all the administrative units. Capturing administrative unit details in audit records is what makes scoping possible.
For example, this code fetches the audit payload from an audit record and converts it from JSON before looping through the administrative unit identifiers to return the display name for each administrative unit:
$AuditData = $Records[0].Auditdata | ConvertFrom-JSON
ForEach ($AU in $Auditdata.AssociatedAdminUnits) {
$AUName = Get-MgDirectoryAdministrativeUnit -AdministrativeUnitId $AU.toString() | Select-Object -ExpandProperty DisplayName
Write-Host (“Found administrative unit {0} ({1})” -f $AUName, $AU)
Found administrative unit Ireland (112f5e71-b430-4c83-945b-8b665c14ff25)
Limiting Audit Log Searches with Administrative Units
When a user with a scoped Audit Manager role signs into the Purview Compliance portal to run an audit log search, they can select one or multiple of the administrative units they are scoped to manage for the search (Figure 2).
Purview audit log searches only return audit records matching the selected administrative units. It’s easy to validate that this is so by checking that audit records returned by the search have the identifiers for the selected administrative unit(s) in their properties (Figure 3).
Inconsistent Scoping
Administrative unit scoping works for audit log searches performed through the Purview compliance portal and with the AuditLog Query Graph API. However, despite almost a year lapsing since the introduction of scoping for audit log searches, the Purview scopes don’t work for searches performed using the Search-UnifiedAuditLog cmdlet.
This is an odd situation. Despite Microsoft’s sometimes unexplained messing with the Search-UnifiedAuditLog cmdlet, it remains a very significant and popular way to run audit log searches. However, the Search-UnifiedAuditLog cmdlet is part of the Exchange Online Management PowerShell module. The Exchange Online cmdlets use Exchange Role Based Access Control (RBAC) to limit their functionality and apply scoping and non-administrator accounts must be enabled to use the Exchange Online Management PowerShell module.
The requirements to use the Search-UnifiedAuditLog cmdlet are obviously very different to those needed to run Purview audit log searches. The mechanisms used also differ. Search-UnifiedAuditLog are synchronous, and the results are usually available much quicker than Purview searches (unless you use the high completeness option). Both Purview searches and those run using the Graph AuditLog Query API submit background jobs to find audit records. Depending on the number of records found by a search, audit results aren’t usually available for at least 10 minutes and can take far longer.
It’s odd that Microsoft allows a situation to persist where the scoping mechanisms used by Exchange Online and Purview are unsynchronized. The likely explanation is that two different engineering teams are involved who haven’t yet figured out how to implement common scoping behavior. It seems like this is a problem that should be well within the capability of the world’s largest software company, but logic doesn’t always hold true when different teams have different priorities in large organizations.
The net outcome is that inconsistent scoping for audit log searches creates the potential for inadvertent PII disclosure in customer tenants. It also means that managing scoped access to data is more difficult than it should be. Both are unacceptable when it comes to access to audit data. Let’s hope that Microsoft fixes this issue soon.
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