Can I use the fitcensemble function to create a Random Forest model?
I am new to machine learning classifiers.
I want to develop a Random Forest classification model with my IMU data.
I used the code below, and my question is: Can I call it a Random Forest model, or should I just call it a bagging ensemble model?
baggedEnsemble = fitcensemble(data_train(:,2:end), data_train(:,1),’Method’,’Bag’,’NumLearningCycles’,100);I am new to machine learning classifiers.
I want to develop a Random Forest classification model with my IMU data.
I used the code below, and my question is: Can I call it a Random Forest model, or should I just call it a bagging ensemble model?
baggedEnsemble = fitcensemble(data_train(:,2:end), data_train(:,1),’Method’,’Bag’,’NumLearningCycles’,100); I am new to machine learning classifiers.
I want to develop a Random Forest classification model with my IMU data.
I used the code below, and my question is: Can I call it a Random Forest model, or should I just call it a bagging ensemble model?
baggedEnsemble = fitcensemble(data_train(:,2:end), data_train(:,1),’Method’,’Bag’,’NumLearningCycles’,100); machine learning, random forest, ensemble, bagging, classification MATLAB Answers — New Questions