Connecting mesh to merge two surfaces
Is there a way to connect the mesh of these two surfaces, transforming into just one(surface)?
Thanks in advance.
clear all;
% Welding parameters
U = 33; %Voltage (V)
I = 325; %Current (A)
n = 0.75; %Efficiency
Q = U*I*n;
% Goldak Double-ellipsoid
a = 4.645; %Metade da largura (mm)
b = 6.5; %Penetração (mm)
C1 = 4.645;
C2 = 16;
FF = 0.6;
FR = 1.4;
x = [-10:.2:10];
y= 0;
z1 = [-10:.2:0];
z2 = [0:.2:10];
[xx,zz] = meshgrid(x,z1);
A1 = ((6*sqrt(3)*FF*Q)/(a*b*C1*pi*sqrt(pi)));
B1 = exp(-1.7*(xx.^2/a.^2)).*exp(-5.0*(zz.^2/C1.^2));
[xa,za] = meshgrid (x,z2);
A2 = ((6*sqrt(3)*FR*Q)/(a*b*C2*pi*sqrt(pi)));
B2 = exp(-1.7*(xa.^2/a.^2)).*exp(-5.0*(za.^2/C2.^2));
q1 = A1.*B1;
q2 = A2.*B2;
[X,Z] = meshgrid (x,-15:.05:15);
hold on
shading interp
colormap jet
xlabel(‘ x (mm)’)
ylabel(‘ Welding direction (mm)’)
zlabel(‘ Power Density (W/mm³)’)
Is there a way to connect the mesh of these two surfaces, transforming into just one(surface)?
Thanks in advance.
clear all;
% Welding parameters
U = 33; %Voltage (V)
I = 325; %Current (A)
n = 0.75; %Efficiency
Q = U*I*n;
% Goldak Double-ellipsoid
a = 4.645; %Metade da largura (mm)
b = 6.5; %Penetração (mm)
C1 = 4.645;
C2 = 16;
FF = 0.6;
FR = 1.4;
x = [-10:.2:10];
y= 0;
z1 = [-10:.2:0];
z2 = [0:.2:10];
[xx,zz] = meshgrid(x,z1);
A1 = ((6*sqrt(3)*FF*Q)/(a*b*C1*pi*sqrt(pi)));
B1 = exp(-1.7*(xx.^2/a.^2)).*exp(-5.0*(zz.^2/C1.^2));
[xa,za] = meshgrid (x,z2);
A2 = ((6*sqrt(3)*FR*Q)/(a*b*C2*pi*sqrt(pi)));
B2 = exp(-1.7*(xa.^2/a.^2)).*exp(-5.0*(za.^2/C2.^2));
q1 = A1.*B1;
q2 = A2.*B2;
[X,Z] = meshgrid (x,-15:.05:15);
hold on
shading interp
colormap jet
xlabel(‘ x (mm)’)
ylabel(‘ Welding direction (mm)’)
zlabel(‘ Power Density (W/mm³)’)
<</matlabcentral/answers/uploaded_files/81300/DE.jpg>> Hello,
Is there a way to connect the mesh of these two surfaces, transforming into just one(surface)?
Thanks in advance.
clear all;
% Welding parameters
U = 33; %Voltage (V)
I = 325; %Current (A)
n = 0.75; %Efficiency
Q = U*I*n;
% Goldak Double-ellipsoid
a = 4.645; %Metade da largura (mm)
b = 6.5; %Penetração (mm)
C1 = 4.645;
C2 = 16;
FF = 0.6;
FR = 1.4;
x = [-10:.2:10];
y= 0;
z1 = [-10:.2:0];
z2 = [0:.2:10];
[xx,zz] = meshgrid(x,z1);
A1 = ((6*sqrt(3)*FF*Q)/(a*b*C1*pi*sqrt(pi)));
B1 = exp(-1.7*(xx.^2/a.^2)).*exp(-5.0*(zz.^2/C1.^2));
[xa,za] = meshgrid (x,z2);
A2 = ((6*sqrt(3)*FR*Q)/(a*b*C2*pi*sqrt(pi)));
B2 = exp(-1.7*(xa.^2/a.^2)).*exp(-5.0*(za.^2/C2.^2));
q1 = A1.*B1;
q2 = A2.*B2;
[X,Z] = meshgrid (x,-15:.05:15);
hold on
shading interp
colormap jet
xlabel(‘ x (mm)’)
ylabel(‘ Welding direction (mm)’)
zlabel(‘ Power Density (W/mm³)’)
<</matlabcentral/answers/uploaded_files/81300/DE.jpg>> merge surfaces MATLAB Answers — New Questions