Create a dax to find time difference
I have a requirement to create a dax for below data:
we need to find the difference between setpoint temp column and current temp column:
Then make sure that difference falls in range of > -1 and less than 1. If the above condition is met then 1(which means it meets the set point) else zero(not met the setpoint).
Finally we need to count those that has not met the setpoint for more than 6 hours(Updatedon column).
PFA file here Heatsense.pbix
Please advise!
Thanks in advance!
Hi, I have a requirement to create a dax for below data:we need to find the difference between setpoint temp column and current temp column:Then make sure that difference falls in range of > -1 and less than 1. If the above condition is met then 1(which means it meets the set point) else zero(not met the setpoint).Finally we need to count those that has not met the setpoint for more than 6 hours(Updatedon column).PFA file here Heatsense.pbixPlease advise! Thanks in advance!@SergeiBaklan Read More