“No module named ‘libmwbuffer'” error when converting to numpy
I am trying to convert an array into numpy, but I keep getting this issue:
Python Error: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘libmwbuffer’
Python function ” might not be able to accept input argument at position 1. The function may require a specific
data type that you can construct from the MATLAB array. For more information, see the documentation for Python
function ” and working with Python arrays.
I checked and I have this pyversion, which is supposed to be compatible with Matlab R2024a. what’s the issue?
version: ‘3.9’
executable: ‘C:Program FilesArcGISProbinPythonenvsarcgispro-py3python.EXE’
library: ‘C:Program FilesArcGISProbinPythonenvsarcgispro-py3python39.dll’
home: ‘C:Program FilesArcGISProbinPythonenvsarcgispro-py3’
isloaded: 1
I tried multiple different versions of numpy save
py.numpy.save(output_filename, data);
py.numpy.save(strcat(output_filename, ‘.npy’), py.numpy.array(data));
py.numpy.save(strcat(output_filename, ‘.npy’), data);I am trying to convert an array into numpy, but I keep getting this issue:
Python Error: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘libmwbuffer’
Python function ” might not be able to accept input argument at position 1. The function may require a specific
data type that you can construct from the MATLAB array. For more information, see the documentation for Python
function ” and working with Python arrays.
I checked and I have this pyversion, which is supposed to be compatible with Matlab R2024a. what’s the issue?
version: ‘3.9’
executable: ‘C:Program FilesArcGISProbinPythonenvsarcgispro-py3python.EXE’
library: ‘C:Program FilesArcGISProbinPythonenvsarcgispro-py3python39.dll’
home: ‘C:Program FilesArcGISProbinPythonenvsarcgispro-py3’
isloaded: 1
I tried multiple different versions of numpy save
py.numpy.save(output_filename, data);
py.numpy.save(strcat(output_filename, ‘.npy’), py.numpy.array(data));
py.numpy.save(strcat(output_filename, ‘.npy’), data); I am trying to convert an array into numpy, but I keep getting this issue:
Python Error: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘libmwbuffer’
Python function ” might not be able to accept input argument at position 1. The function may require a specific
data type that you can construct from the MATLAB array. For more information, see the documentation for Python
function ” and working with Python arrays.
I checked and I have this pyversion, which is supposed to be compatible with Matlab R2024a. what’s the issue?
version: ‘3.9’
executable: ‘C:Program FilesArcGISProbinPythonenvsarcgispro-py3python.EXE’
library: ‘C:Program FilesArcGISProbinPythonenvsarcgispro-py3python39.dll’
home: ‘C:Program FilesArcGISProbinPythonenvsarcgispro-py3’
isloaded: 1
I tried multiple different versions of numpy save
py.numpy.save(output_filename, data);
py.numpy.save(strcat(output_filename, ‘.npy’), py.numpy.array(data));
py.numpy.save(strcat(output_filename, ‘.npy’), data); numpy, python, libmwbuffer MATLAB Answers — New Questions