Rocket release time error
I made a previous post about a rocket simulation project I have. I am still stuck on the same project, but I managed to solve some of the problems. The current issue is some errors I get when I run problem c). My theory, after some debuging is that the issue is somwhere between row 260 and 271. Can anyone explain what these errors are from and how I can fix them?
Enter which problem ao run, a, c or d, enter problem: c
268 elseif tu<params_mini(3)
Index exceeds the number of array elements. Index must not exceed 4.
Error in testador>@(vx)(problem_main(5)*cosd(problem_param(5))-problem_main(4)*vx*V)/total_mass (line 311)
dvxdt = @(vx) (problem_main(5) * cosd(problem_param(5)) – problem_main(4) * vx * V) / total_mass;
Error in testador>Rungekutta (line 318)
k1vx = dvxdt(problem_param(3)); k1vy = dvydt(problem_param(4));
Error in testador>trajectory (line 269)
params = Rungekutta(params, user_inp, access_keys, dt_unrefined); % Runs mini rocket
Error in testador (line 32)
Height_distance = trajectory(params, user_inp, access_keys); % Pass params.c to rungekuttaHello,
I made a previous post about a rocket simulation project I have. I am still stuck on the same project, but I managed to solve some of the problems. The current issue is some errors I get when I run problem c). My theory, after some debuging is that the issue is somwhere between row 260 and 271. Can anyone explain what these errors are from and how I can fix them?
Enter which problem ao run, a, c or d, enter problem: c
268 elseif tu<params_mini(3)
Index exceeds the number of array elements. Index must not exceed 4.
Error in testador>@(vx)(problem_main(5)*cosd(problem_param(5))-problem_main(4)*vx*V)/total_mass (line 311)
dvxdt = @(vx) (problem_main(5) * cosd(problem_param(5)) – problem_main(4) * vx * V) / total_mass;
Error in testador>Rungekutta (line 318)
k1vx = dvxdt(problem_param(3)); k1vy = dvydt(problem_param(4));
Error in testador>trajectory (line 269)
params = Rungekutta(params, user_inp, access_keys, dt_unrefined); % Runs mini rocket
Error in testador (line 32)
Height_distance = trajectory(params, user_inp, access_keys); % Pass params.c to rungekutta Hello,
I made a previous post about a rocket simulation project I have. I am still stuck on the same project, but I managed to solve some of the problems. The current issue is some errors I get when I run problem c). My theory, after some debuging is that the issue is somwhere between row 260 and 271. Can anyone explain what these errors are from and how I can fix them?
Enter which problem ao run, a, c or d, enter problem: c
268 elseif tu<params_mini(3)
Index exceeds the number of array elements. Index must not exceed 4.
Error in testador>@(vx)(problem_main(5)*cosd(problem_param(5))-problem_main(4)*vx*V)/total_mass (line 311)
dvxdt = @(vx) (problem_main(5) * cosd(problem_param(5)) – problem_main(4) * vx * V) / total_mass;
Error in testador>Rungekutta (line 318)
k1vx = dvxdt(problem_param(3)); k1vy = dvydt(problem_param(4));
Error in testador>trajectory (line 269)
params = Rungekutta(params, user_inp, access_keys, dt_unrefined); % Runs mini rocket
Error in testador (line 32)
Height_distance = trajectory(params, user_inp, access_keys); % Pass params.c to rungekutta trajectory, matlab, differential equations MATLAB Answers — New Questions