Exploring DTFT concept using MATLAB
I am trying to understand the concept of DTFT using MATLAB. So I am doing the following experiments:
plot X1[n]=COS(2*pi*201/1024*n) where n=0 to1023
plot X2[n]=rect(N) where N=1024 i.e. X2[n]=1 for n=0 to 1023; else X2[n]=0
plot multiplication of both i.e. X1(n).*X2(n)
plot magnitude plot of Y1(w)=DTFT of { X1(n)*X2(n)} for -pi<w<pi
In figure 7, I expect the peak of sinc function (due to convolution of cosine and rectangular pulse) exactly at the location of the tone freq, but it does not. What may be the issue ???
My code is as below:
clear all; clc; close all;
Nfft = 2^12; % FFT size
%%%%%%%%%%% Generate single tone sine wave %%%%%%%%%%%%
tone_bin = (2*floor(tone_num/2)+1)+0.5; % prime wrt Nfft
n = [0:Nfft-1];
xsin = cos(2*pi*tone_bin/Nfft*n);
%%%%%%%%%%% Plot single tone sine wave %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
figure(1); plot(n,xsin);
%%%%%%%%%%% Plot DTFT of single tone sine wave %%%%%%%%%
[X1 , W1] = dtft ( xsin , Nfft) ;
plot( W1/2/pi , abs (X1) ) ; grid , title( ‘ MAGNITUDE RESPONSE ‘)
xlabel( ‘ NORMALIZED FREQUENCY omega/(2pi)’ ) , ylabel( ‘ I H(omega) I ‘ )
%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Generate rectangular pulse %%%%%%%%%%%%%
Nsampl = 200; % number of samples
width=100; % width of the rectangular pulse
sampl_offest=40; % offset from first sampple from where pulse will start
xrect = [zeros(1,sampl_offest) ones(1,width) zeros(1,Nsampl-width-sampl_offest)];
%%%%%%%%%%%%%% PLOT rectangular pulse %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%%%%% Plot DTFT of rectangular pulse %%%%%%%%%%%%
[X2 , W2] = dtft ( xrect , Nfft) ;
plot( W2/2/pi , abs (X2) ) ; grid , title( ‘ MAGNITUDE RESPONSE ‘)
xlabel( ‘ NORMALIZED FREQUENCY omega/(2pi)’ ) , ylabel( ‘ I H(omega) I ‘ )
%%%%%% Generate product of sine & rectangular pulse %%%
%%%%%% Plot product of sine & rectangular pulse %%%%%%%
figure(5); plot(xpdt);
%%% Plot DTFT of product of sine & rectangular pulse %%
[X3 , W3] = dtft ( xpdt , Nfft) ;
plot( W3/2/pi , abs (X3) ) ; grid , title( ‘ MAGNITUDE RESPONSE ‘)
xlabel( ‘ NORMALIZED FREQUENCY omega/(2pi)’ ) , ylabel( ‘ I H(omega) I ‘ )
ylim([-5 max(ylim)+5])
plot( W3/2/pi , abs (X3) ) ; grid , title( ‘ MAGNITUDE RESPONSE ‘)
xlabel( ‘ NORMALIZED FREQUENCY omega/(2pi)’ ) , ylabel( ‘ I H(omega) I ‘ )
k_tone=tone_bin/Nfft; % normalized freq. corresponding to sine tone
xline(k_tone,’:r’,{‘sine tone’}); % plot normalized freq. corresponding to sine tone
wk=1/(Nfft); % freq. bin width
ylim([-5 max(ylim)+5])
xlim([k_tone-30*wk k_tone+30*wk]) % zoom around sine tone freq
%xlim([0 0.5])
%%% generate xticks at every freq. bin w(k) = 2*pi/Nfft %%%%%%%%%%
xwtk=[-0.5 0 0.5];
while i*wk < 0.5
xwtk = [xwtk i*wk];
%xline([-k_tone k_tone],’:’,’c’,’sin_tone’);
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% END %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% DEFINE FUNCTION dtft subroutine %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
function [H, W] = dtft(h, N)
%DTFT calculate DTFT at N equally spaced frequencies
% Usage: [H, W] = dtft(h, N)
% h : finite-length input vector, whose length is L
% N : number of frequencies for evaluation over [-pi,pi)
% ==> constraint: N >= L
% H : DTFT values (complex)
% W : (2nd output) vector of freqs where DTFT is computed
% copyright 1994, by C.S. Burrus, J.H. McClellan, A.V. Oppenheim,
% T.W. Parks, R.W. Schafer, & H.W. Schussler. For use with the book
% "Computer-Based Exercises for Signal Processing Using MATLAB"
% (Prentice-Hall, 1994).
N = fix(N);
L = length(h); h = h(:); %<– for vectors ONLY !!!
if( N < L )
error(‘DTFT: # data samples cannot exceed # freq samples’)
W = (2*pi/N) * [ 0:(N-1) ]’;
mid = ceil(N/2) + 1;
W(mid:N) = W(mid:N) – 2*pi; % <— move [pi,2pi) to [-pi,0)
W = fftshift(W);
H = fftshift( fft( h, N ) ); %<— move negative freq components
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%I am trying to understand the concept of DTFT using MATLAB. So I am doing the following experiments:
plot X1[n]=COS(2*pi*201/1024*n) where n=0 to1023
plot X2[n]=rect(N) where N=1024 i.e. X2[n]=1 for n=0 to 1023; else X2[n]=0
plot multiplication of both i.e. X1(n).*X2(n)
plot magnitude plot of Y1(w)=DTFT of { X1(n)*X2(n)} for -pi<w<pi
In figure 7, I expect the peak of sinc function (due to convolution of cosine and rectangular pulse) exactly at the location of the tone freq, but it does not. What may be the issue ???
My code is as below:
clear all; clc; close all;
Nfft = 2^12; % FFT size
%%%%%%%%%%% Generate single tone sine wave %%%%%%%%%%%%
tone_bin = (2*floor(tone_num/2)+1)+0.5; % prime wrt Nfft
n = [0:Nfft-1];
xsin = cos(2*pi*tone_bin/Nfft*n);
%%%%%%%%%%% Plot single tone sine wave %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
figure(1); plot(n,xsin);
%%%%%%%%%%% Plot DTFT of single tone sine wave %%%%%%%%%
[X1 , W1] = dtft ( xsin , Nfft) ;
plot( W1/2/pi , abs (X1) ) ; grid , title( ‘ MAGNITUDE RESPONSE ‘)
xlabel( ‘ NORMALIZED FREQUENCY omega/(2pi)’ ) , ylabel( ‘ I H(omega) I ‘ )
%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Generate rectangular pulse %%%%%%%%%%%%%
Nsampl = 200; % number of samples
width=100; % width of the rectangular pulse
sampl_offest=40; % offset from first sampple from where pulse will start
xrect = [zeros(1,sampl_offest) ones(1,width) zeros(1,Nsampl-width-sampl_offest)];
%%%%%%%%%%%%%% PLOT rectangular pulse %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%%%%% Plot DTFT of rectangular pulse %%%%%%%%%%%%
[X2 , W2] = dtft ( xrect , Nfft) ;
plot( W2/2/pi , abs (X2) ) ; grid , title( ‘ MAGNITUDE RESPONSE ‘)
xlabel( ‘ NORMALIZED FREQUENCY omega/(2pi)’ ) , ylabel( ‘ I H(omega) I ‘ )
%%%%%% Generate product of sine & rectangular pulse %%%
%%%%%% Plot product of sine & rectangular pulse %%%%%%%
figure(5); plot(xpdt);
%%% Plot DTFT of product of sine & rectangular pulse %%
[X3 , W3] = dtft ( xpdt , Nfft) ;
plot( W3/2/pi , abs (X3) ) ; grid , title( ‘ MAGNITUDE RESPONSE ‘)
xlabel( ‘ NORMALIZED FREQUENCY omega/(2pi)’ ) , ylabel( ‘ I H(omega) I ‘ )
ylim([-5 max(ylim)+5])
plot( W3/2/pi , abs (X3) ) ; grid , title( ‘ MAGNITUDE RESPONSE ‘)
xlabel( ‘ NORMALIZED FREQUENCY omega/(2pi)’ ) , ylabel( ‘ I H(omega) I ‘ )
k_tone=tone_bin/Nfft; % normalized freq. corresponding to sine tone
xline(k_tone,’:r’,{‘sine tone’}); % plot normalized freq. corresponding to sine tone
wk=1/(Nfft); % freq. bin width
ylim([-5 max(ylim)+5])
xlim([k_tone-30*wk k_tone+30*wk]) % zoom around sine tone freq
%xlim([0 0.5])
%%% generate xticks at every freq. bin w(k) = 2*pi/Nfft %%%%%%%%%%
xwtk=[-0.5 0 0.5];
while i*wk < 0.5
xwtk = [xwtk i*wk];
%xline([-k_tone k_tone],’:’,’c’,’sin_tone’);
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% END %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% DEFINE FUNCTION dtft subroutine %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
function [H, W] = dtft(h, N)
%DTFT calculate DTFT at N equally spaced frequencies
% Usage: [H, W] = dtft(h, N)
% h : finite-length input vector, whose length is L
% N : number of frequencies for evaluation over [-pi,pi)
% ==> constraint: N >= L
% H : DTFT values (complex)
% W : (2nd output) vector of freqs where DTFT is computed
% copyright 1994, by C.S. Burrus, J.H. McClellan, A.V. Oppenheim,
% T.W. Parks, R.W. Schafer, & H.W. Schussler. For use with the book
% "Computer-Based Exercises for Signal Processing Using MATLAB"
% (Prentice-Hall, 1994).
N = fix(N);
L = length(h); h = h(:); %<– for vectors ONLY !!!
if( N < L )
error(‘DTFT: # data samples cannot exceed # freq samples’)
W = (2*pi/N) * [ 0:(N-1) ]’;
mid = ceil(N/2) + 1;
W(mid:N) = W(mid:N) – 2*pi; % <— move [pi,2pi) to [-pi,0)
W = fftshift(W);
H = fftshift( fft( h, N ) ); %<— move negative freq components
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% I am trying to understand the concept of DTFT using MATLAB. So I am doing the following experiments:
plot X1[n]=COS(2*pi*201/1024*n) where n=0 to1023
plot X2[n]=rect(N) where N=1024 i.e. X2[n]=1 for n=0 to 1023; else X2[n]=0
plot multiplication of both i.e. X1(n).*X2(n)
plot magnitude plot of Y1(w)=DTFT of { X1(n)*X2(n)} for -pi<w<pi
In figure 7, I expect the peak of sinc function (due to convolution of cosine and rectangular pulse) exactly at the location of the tone freq, but it does not. What may be the issue ???
My code is as below:
clear all; clc; close all;
Nfft = 2^12; % FFT size
%%%%%%%%%%% Generate single tone sine wave %%%%%%%%%%%%
tone_bin = (2*floor(tone_num/2)+1)+0.5; % prime wrt Nfft
n = [0:Nfft-1];
xsin = cos(2*pi*tone_bin/Nfft*n);
%%%%%%%%%%% Plot single tone sine wave %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
figure(1); plot(n,xsin);
%%%%%%%%%%% Plot DTFT of single tone sine wave %%%%%%%%%
[X1 , W1] = dtft ( xsin , Nfft) ;
plot( W1/2/pi , abs (X1) ) ; grid , title( ‘ MAGNITUDE RESPONSE ‘)
xlabel( ‘ NORMALIZED FREQUENCY omega/(2pi)’ ) , ylabel( ‘ I H(omega) I ‘ )
%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Generate rectangular pulse %%%%%%%%%%%%%
Nsampl = 200; % number of samples
width=100; % width of the rectangular pulse
sampl_offest=40; % offset from first sampple from where pulse will start
xrect = [zeros(1,sampl_offest) ones(1,width) zeros(1,Nsampl-width-sampl_offest)];
%%%%%%%%%%%%%% PLOT rectangular pulse %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%%%%% Plot DTFT of rectangular pulse %%%%%%%%%%%%
[X2 , W2] = dtft ( xrect , Nfft) ;
plot( W2/2/pi , abs (X2) ) ; grid , title( ‘ MAGNITUDE RESPONSE ‘)
xlabel( ‘ NORMALIZED FREQUENCY omega/(2pi)’ ) , ylabel( ‘ I H(omega) I ‘ )
%%%%%% Generate product of sine & rectangular pulse %%%
%%%%%% Plot product of sine & rectangular pulse %%%%%%%
figure(5); plot(xpdt);
%%% Plot DTFT of product of sine & rectangular pulse %%
[X3 , W3] = dtft ( xpdt , Nfft) ;
plot( W3/2/pi , abs (X3) ) ; grid , title( ‘ MAGNITUDE RESPONSE ‘)
xlabel( ‘ NORMALIZED FREQUENCY omega/(2pi)’ ) , ylabel( ‘ I H(omega) I ‘ )
ylim([-5 max(ylim)+5])
plot( W3/2/pi , abs (X3) ) ; grid , title( ‘ MAGNITUDE RESPONSE ‘)
xlabel( ‘ NORMALIZED FREQUENCY omega/(2pi)’ ) , ylabel( ‘ I H(omega) I ‘ )
k_tone=tone_bin/Nfft; % normalized freq. corresponding to sine tone
xline(k_tone,’:r’,{‘sine tone’}); % plot normalized freq. corresponding to sine tone
wk=1/(Nfft); % freq. bin width
ylim([-5 max(ylim)+5])
xlim([k_tone-30*wk k_tone+30*wk]) % zoom around sine tone freq
%xlim([0 0.5])
%%% generate xticks at every freq. bin w(k) = 2*pi/Nfft %%%%%%%%%%
xwtk=[-0.5 0 0.5];
while i*wk < 0.5
xwtk = [xwtk i*wk];
%xline([-k_tone k_tone],’:’,’c’,’sin_tone’);
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% END %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% DEFINE FUNCTION dtft subroutine %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
function [H, W] = dtft(h, N)
%DTFT calculate DTFT at N equally spaced frequencies
% Usage: [H, W] = dtft(h, N)
% h : finite-length input vector, whose length is L
% N : number of frequencies for evaluation over [-pi,pi)
% ==> constraint: N >= L
% H : DTFT values (complex)
% W : (2nd output) vector of freqs where DTFT is computed
% copyright 1994, by C.S. Burrus, J.H. McClellan, A.V. Oppenheim,
% T.W. Parks, R.W. Schafer, & H.W. Schussler. For use with the book
% "Computer-Based Exercises for Signal Processing Using MATLAB"
% (Prentice-Hall, 1994).
N = fix(N);
L = length(h); h = h(:); %<– for vectors ONLY !!!
if( N < L )
error(‘DTFT: # data samples cannot exceed # freq samples’)
W = (2*pi/N) * [ 0:(N-1) ]’;
mid = ceil(N/2) + 1;
W(mid:N) = W(mid:N) – 2*pi; % <— move [pi,2pi) to [-pi,0)
W = fftshift(W);
H = fftshift( fft( h, N ) ); %<— move negative freq components
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% dtft, dft, matlab, fft MATLAB Answers — New Questions