Issue with parameter estimation in Battery(Table-based) block
I am in between estimating the parameter of 1RC battery model(using battery(table based) block). I have set initial parameters for V0,R0,R1 and Tau1. Since i have experimental pulse discharge data values of 6190 seconds, my paramters for estimations are also column vector of size 6190X1. i am using parameter estimation toolbox for optimization and least square algorithm. in new experiment tab, i have set pulse discharge data values as "Output" variable. in parameter, i set V0,R0,R1 and Tau1 with initials guess of all paramters. when running the estimation, the app shows its estimating (at bottom), and the model is running the iterations. but at the end, the the estimation output is "Initial point is local minimum" and iteration=0 and F-Count=513. also the estimated parameters plot is empty. I am unable to guess what is happening?? please help. ThanksHi,
I am in between estimating the parameter of 1RC battery model(using battery(table based) block). I have set initial parameters for V0,R0,R1 and Tau1. Since i have experimental pulse discharge data values of 6190 seconds, my paramters for estimations are also column vector of size 6190X1. i am using parameter estimation toolbox for optimization and least square algorithm. in new experiment tab, i have set pulse discharge data values as "Output" variable. in parameter, i set V0,R0,R1 and Tau1 with initials guess of all paramters. when running the estimation, the app shows its estimating (at bottom), and the model is running the iterations. but at the end, the the estimation output is "Initial point is local minimum" and iteration=0 and F-Count=513. also the estimated parameters plot is empty. I am unable to guess what is happening?? please help. Thanks Hi,
I am in between estimating the parameter of 1RC battery model(using battery(table based) block). I have set initial parameters for V0,R0,R1 and Tau1. Since i have experimental pulse discharge data values of 6190 seconds, my paramters for estimations are also column vector of size 6190X1. i am using parameter estimation toolbox for optimization and least square algorithm. in new experiment tab, i have set pulse discharge data values as "Output" variable. in parameter, i set V0,R0,R1 and Tau1 with initials guess of all paramters. when running the estimation, the app shows its estimating (at bottom), and the model is running the iterations. but at the end, the the estimation output is "Initial point is local minimum" and iteration=0 and F-Count=513. also the estimated parameters plot is empty. I am unable to guess what is happening?? please help. Thanks parameter estimation, simulink, optimization MATLAB Answers — New Questions