How to sending data from matlab to arduino?
I tried to learned some basic a sending data from matlab to arduino with a LED. i tried to turn on and off the LED if i changed some value in matlab. but the result that the LED is gived was always same. please help me to correct. my MATLAB code is
arduino=serial(‘COM3′,’BaudRate’,9600); % create serial communication object on port COM3
fopen(arduino); % initiate arduino communication
answer = 0.2
fprintf(arduino,%f%,answer); % send answer to arduino
fclose(arduino); % end communication with arduino
and my arduino code is
int ledPin=13;
int matlabdata;
void setup()
void loop()
if(Serial.available()>0) // if there is data to read
{; // read data
digitalWrite(ledPin,HIGH); // turn light on
else if(matlabdata>0.2)
digitalWrite(ledPin,LOW); // turn light off
}I tried to learned some basic a sending data from matlab to arduino with a LED. i tried to turn on and off the LED if i changed some value in matlab. but the result that the LED is gived was always same. please help me to correct. my MATLAB code is
arduino=serial(‘COM3′,’BaudRate’,9600); % create serial communication object on port COM3
fopen(arduino); % initiate arduino communication
answer = 0.2
fprintf(arduino,%f%,answer); % send answer to arduino
fclose(arduino); % end communication with arduino
and my arduino code is
int ledPin=13;
int matlabdata;
void setup()
void loop()
if(Serial.available()>0) // if there is data to read
{; // read data
digitalWrite(ledPin,HIGH); // turn light on
else if(matlabdata>0.2)
digitalWrite(ledPin,LOW); // turn light off
} I tried to learned some basic a sending data from matlab to arduino with a LED. i tried to turn on and off the LED if i changed some value in matlab. but the result that the LED is gived was always same. please help me to correct. my MATLAB code is
arduino=serial(‘COM3′,’BaudRate’,9600); % create serial communication object on port COM3
fopen(arduino); % initiate arduino communication
answer = 0.2
fprintf(arduino,%f%,answer); % send answer to arduino
fclose(arduino); % end communication with arduino
and my arduino code is
int ledPin=13;
int matlabdata;
void setup()
void loop()
if(Serial.available()>0) // if there is data to read
{; // read data
digitalWrite(ledPin,HIGH); // turn light on
else if(matlabdata>0.2)
digitalWrite(ledPin,LOW); // turn light off
} matlab to arduino, arduino MATLAB Answers — New Questions