ADSR Audio Envelope: How to get it?
How can I get the ADSR sample points of a audio file…Like:
"Fake" example:
[Amp, SR] = audioread(audio.file);
[a d s r] = get_ADSR(Amp);
% Results: The sample position of the Amp vector:
a = 85 % End of Attack -> Attack start = Amp(0)
d = 300 % End of Decay
s = 2456 % End of Sustain
r = 50000 % End of ReleaseHow can I get the ADSR sample points of a audio file…Like:
"Fake" example:
[Amp, SR] = audioread(audio.file);
[a d s r] = get_ADSR(Amp);
% Results: The sample position of the Amp vector:
a = 85 % End of Attack -> Attack start = Amp(0)
d = 300 % End of Decay
s = 2456 % End of Sustain
r = 50000 % End of Release How can I get the ADSR sample points of a audio file…Like:
"Fake" example:
[Amp, SR] = audioread(audio.file);
[a d s r] = get_ADSR(Amp);
% Results: The sample position of the Amp vector:
a = 85 % End of Attack -> Attack start = Amp(0)
d = 300 % End of Decay
s = 2456 % End of Sustain
r = 50000 % End of Release envelope, adsr, audio, wave MATLAB Answers — New Questions