App designer Locks me out of editing things I need to change
I should be able to edit comments or add a comment at the top of an app created
% Button pushed function: SavingFolderButton
function SavingFolderButtonPushed(app, event)
% Set up the folder and files for output
% Have user browse for a file, from a specified "starting folder."
This is just ugly
2. I accidently got a ‘state’ button when I dragged the push button icon to my design view I have no idea how or when that happened:
% Create RandomizeTrialsButton
app.RandomizeTrialsButton = uibutton(app.TrialsListInput, ‘state’);
Now I can’t change it back to ‘push’ by editing the Creator. Is there some other magic place I can do that?
Thanks,I should be able to edit comments or add a comment at the top of an app created
% Button pushed function: SavingFolderButton
function SavingFolderButtonPushed(app, event)
% Set up the folder and files for output
% Have user browse for a file, from a specified "starting folder."
This is just ugly
2. I accidently got a ‘state’ button when I dragged the push button icon to my design view I have no idea how or when that happened:
% Create RandomizeTrialsButton
app.RandomizeTrialsButton = uibutton(app.TrialsListInput, ‘state’);
Now I can’t change it back to ‘push’ by editing the Creator. Is there some other magic place I can do that?
Thanks, I should be able to edit comments or add a comment at the top of an app created
% Button pushed function: SavingFolderButton
function SavingFolderButtonPushed(app, event)
% Set up the folder and files for output
% Have user browse for a file, from a specified "starting folder."
This is just ugly
2. I accidently got a ‘state’ button when I dragged the push button icon to my design view I have no idea how or when that happened:
% Create RandomizeTrialsButton
app.RandomizeTrialsButton = uibutton(app.TrialsListInput, ‘state’);
Now I can’t change it back to ‘push’ by editing the Creator. Is there some other magic place I can do that?
Thanks, state to push MATLAB Answers — New Questions