Author: PuTI
Creating a Rubric with Checkboxes and Auto Calculations
Hello all,
I’ve been trying to figure this out on my own, but to no avail. I would like to make a scoring rubric for faculty to use on student projects that auto-calculates. If a certain box is checked, it will assign a value and the section total will be tallied up at the end. I have the Sum function no problem. What I cannot figure out is how to get the check boxes formatted so they will create a certain value for that rubric item.
For example, if B7 is checked, that should return a value of 4. If unchecked, a value of 0. If D8 is checked, that should return a value of 2 (if unchecked, then 0).
Everything would be tallied up in H11 so the instructors do not have to manually calculate the overall score. They simply check a box for each criteria listed in 7-10 and get the sum total. (I have the SUM function inserted and working properly)
Any help on how to format the check boxes to return values is much appreciated. I’ve spent hours using tutorials and articles and am stumped! Thank you.
Hello all, I’ve been trying to figure this out on my own, but to no avail. I would like to make a scoring rubric for faculty to use on student projects that auto-calculates. If a certain box is checked, it will assign a value and the section total will be tallied up at the end. I have the Sum function no problem. What I cannot figure out is how to get the check boxes formatted so they will create a certain value for that rubric item. For example, if B7 is checked, that should return a value of 4. If unchecked, a value of 0. If D8 is checked, that should return a value of 2 (if unchecked, then 0).Everything would be tallied up in H11 so the instructors do not have to manually calculate the overall score. They simply check a box for each criteria listed in 7-10 and get the sum total. (I have the SUM function inserted and working properly) Any help on how to format the check boxes to return values is much appreciated. I’ve spent hours using tutorials and articles and am stumped! Thank you. Read More
How to use a template file in VBA when it is stored online (Teams or SharePoint)?
As many companies are on the brink of migrating to Microsoft 365 and moving all files from the file server to the cloud (OneDrive/SharePoint), I need to know how I can use templates stored in Teams, from VBA.
Here is an example:
I have an Excel file in which I generate a chart, using a chart template with VBA.
This works fine as long the chart template is on a file server, but when I move it to Teams, my code can’t use the template.
so the template path is:
(xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx = company id).
When I run the procedure, I get this error message:
How can I solve this?
GrtZ, BartH_NL
As many companies are on the brink of migrating to Microsoft 365 and moving all files from the file server to the cloud (OneDrive/SharePoint), I need to know how I can use templates stored in Teams, from VBA.Here is an example:I have an Excel file in which I generate a chart, using a chart template with VBA.This works fine as long the chart template is on a file server, but when I move it to Teams, my code can’t use the the template path is: = company id).When I run the procedure, I get this error message:How can I solve this? GrtZ, BartH_NL Read More
List all DL’s in on-prem Exchange with Zero members
We are trying to clean up our 1000’s of Distribution Lists before migrating them to 365.
Could somebody please help me with a script that would accomplish this?
I have tried everything I can think of and have struck out miserably.
Thanks in advance.
We are trying to clean up our 1000’s of Distribution Lists before migrating them to 365.Could somebody please help me with a script that would accomplish this?I have tried everything I can think of and have struck out miserably.Thanks in advance. Read More
New Outlook Personalization Background image
Hello – generally I like the Outlook Mail client but the new one which it seems I’m forced to switch to this year seems to be a retrograde step. I have tried all the settings and can not make it nearly as compact as the previous version. Perhaps the biggest annoyance is that the old client allowed the background image (full screen) to be a user selected photo. Now it seems the choice is a plain colour or a fairly bland microsoft background. This does not seem like a complex capability but the lack of it is stopping me switching and prompting me to explore other clients. Have I missed something?
Hello – generally I like the Outlook Mail client but the new one which it seems I’m forced to switch to this year seems to be a retrograde step. I have tried all the settings and can not make it nearly as compact as the previous version. Perhaps the biggest annoyance is that the old client allowed the background image (full screen) to be a user selected photo. Now it seems the choice is a plain colour or a fairly bland microsoft background. This does not seem like a complex capability but the lack of it is stopping me switching and prompting me to explore other clients. Have I missed something? Read More
Leveraging DotNet for SQL Builds via YAML
Welcome back and welcome to those who are new to this series of post on SQL Databases. In the previous one we discussed how to import an existing database into your local environment. For this section will talk specifically around building our database into a .dacpac file leveraging Azure DevOps Pipelines. This SQL .dacpac will then be used for deployments. Eventually we will get to leveraging YAML Pipeline Templates to achieve this with any database project.
Wait, Why?
As with anything, by starting with the question of why we can better understand the point in this exercise. The goal here is to produce a .dacpac which can be deployed to any appropriate Azure environment. To achieve one must write the automated process to take a .sqlproj and build this into a reusable .dapac.
One important step that often gets overlooked here. This .dapac should be static! That means, if we re-run our deployment process it should re-deploy the same dacpac. This is an important concept to understand when discussing multi-stage deployments and potentially any rollbacks.
We will carry over the same software requirements from the last post and add a few other details:
Visual Studio Code with the SQL Database Projects Extension OR Azure Data Studio
A .sqlproj under source control
For this demo it will be just a single .sqlproj, though we will review for multiple later in this series
Version Control
I want to take a moment and call this out. Yes, it is a perquisite; however, in my experience, this can be one of the biggest gaps when implementing any type of automated database deployment. Traditionally when we think of version control technologies like git or SVN we assume these are reserved for application developers. Technologies and roles have evolved, and this is no longer the case.
Data Engineers who are leveraging Databricks, Data Factory, or SQL Development should have the expectation that they are using a version control system. By doing so they can quickly collaborate, deploy code at any moment, and provide history across all changes that have been made which will also include the history and why the changes were made.
Build Steps
When writing one of these I have found it can be helpful to write out the individual steps required for our build. In our case it will consist of:
Publishing a folder of SQL scripts for pipeline use (I used security as a placeholder, but these could be any pre/post scripts)
Get the appropriate version of the .NET SDK
Run a DotNetCore Build against the .sqlproj
Publish the .dapac file for pipeline use.
So that’s 4 tasks! I took the liberty of color coding to show dependencies between the tasks. This will dictate that we should use two jobs to optimize our build processes.
Publish Scripts Folder
This job is really optional; however, it is my experience when deploying SQL Databases there is often a need to run a script on the server pre or post deployment. I am illustrating this as it is what I would consider a common ask and one that is typically required.
– job: Publish_security
– task: PublishPipelineArtifact@1
displayName: ‘Publish Pipeline Artifact security ‘
targetPath: security
artifact: security
properties: ”
Pretty basic right? We effectively need to pass in the name of the source folder and what we’d like the artifact to be called. We will be leveraging the PublishPipelineArtifact@1 task.
.dacpac Build Job
This job is really the bulk of our operations. As such it is a little bit longer but have no fear. We will walk through each step.
– job: build_publish_sql_sqlmoveme
– task: UseDotNet@2
displayName: Use .NET SDK v3.1.x
packageType: ‘sdk’
version: 3.1.x
includePreviewVersions: true
– task: DotNetCoreCLI@2
displayName: dotnet build
command: build
projects: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/src/sqlmoveme/*.sqlproj
arguments: –configuration Release /p:NetCoreBuild=true
– task: PublishPipelineArtifact@1
displayName: ‘Publish Pipeline Artifact sqlmoveme_dev_Release ‘
targetPath: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/src/sqlmoveme/bin/Release
artifact: sqlmoveme_dev_Release
properties: ”
Alright, this isn’t too bad. These tasks are included in the same job as one cannot run without the other. i.e. We can’t publish a file if it can’t be built. So, let’s dive into each one of these tasks:
This one is another one that is considered optional; however, it allows us to control which version of .NET Core SDK we will use to build our project. If none is specified it will use the latest version on the build agent. I’d suggest putting this in there as it will allow finer grain control.
This task will allow us to run a dotnet command on our build agent. This is important as it will take our .sqlproj and build it into a deployable .dacpac. As such we need to tell it a couple things:
command: build (the command we want to run)
projects: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/src/sqlmoveme/*.sqlproj (location of our .sqlproj to build)
arguments: –configuration Release /p:NetCoreBuild=true –output sqlmoveme/Release (Any additional arguments required. For this one we are saying what project confirmation ‘Release’. We are also describing this will be a ‘NetCoreBuild’. This argument is now optional as it is now the default; however, older documentation may still show it as required. Also we are specifying the output directory for our built artifacts)
If wondering what is this $(Build.SourcesDirectory) argument is, it is a build in Azure DevOps Variable. As defined by the MS documentation it is “The local path on the agent where your source code files are downloaded.” Put another way a build agent, where your code is running, downloads the repository to a local directly. This variable represents the local directory of your code on the build agent.
End Result
We have a pipeline that publishes the following artifacts:
And here is the complete YAML Pipeline job definition:
vmImage: ‘windows-latest’
– stage: bicepaadentra_build
– job: Publish_security
– task: PublishPipelineArtifact@1
displayName: ‘Publish Pipeline Artifact security ‘
targetPath: security
artifact: security
properties: ”
– job: build_publish_sql_sqlmoveme
– task: UseDotNet@2
displayName: Use .NET SDK v3.1.x
packageType: ‘sdk’
version: 3.1.x
includePreviewVersions: true
– task: DotNetCoreCLI@2
displayName: dotnet build
command: build
projects: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/src/sqlmoveme/*.sqlproj
arguments: –configuration Release /p:NetCoreBuild=true
– task: PublishPipelineArtifact@1
displayName: ‘Publish Pipeline Artifact sqlmoveme_dev_Release ‘
targetPath: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/src/sqlmoveme/bin/Release
artifact: sqlmoveme_dev_Release
properties: ”
All the source code for this can be found on a public repository
Next Steps
Now that we have covered how to effectively build a .sqlproj into a .dacpac for deployments our next step will be to deploy this .dacpac to our SQL Server! Feel free to subscribe to this series on SQL Databases alternatively if you like my posts feel free to follow me.
Microsoft Tech Community – Latest Blogs –Read More
Learn about CAST AI’s transactable partner solutions in Azure Marketplace
Microsoft partners like CAST AI deliver transact-capable offers, which allow you to purchase directly from Azure Marketplace. Learn about these offers below:
CAST AI Agent / CAST AI SaaS: Stay on top of your Microsoft Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) clusters without spending hours handling repetitive tasks. CAST AI automates Kubernetes cost and active optimization in one simple platform. Thanks to automated rightsizing and cost monitoring, customers around the world save up to 75 percent.
CAST AI Security SaaS: Get AKS security monitoring and automation in one easy-to-use platform. CAST AI uses CIS benchmarks and other well-known frameworks to fix and report vulnerabilities and deviations from best practices. Automation features include Node OS updates as well as policy enforcement.
Microsoft Tech Community – Latest Blogs –Read More
How to Resolve HTTP Error 500.35: ASP.NET Core Application Pool Conflicts on IIS
When hosting web applications on IIS, you may encounter the HTTP Error 500.35, which reads: “ASP.NET Core does not support multiple apps in the same app pool.” This error typically surfaces when you’re trying to run more than one ASP.NET Core application in the same application pool. The problem can be frustrating, especially if you’re unaware of the boundaries that lead to this issue.
Cause of the Issue
ASP.NET Core applications have specific hosting requirements, particularly when running on IIS. Unlike traditional ASP.NET applications, ASP.NET Core limit running multiple applications within the same application pool. The root cause of the HTTP Error 500.35 lies in how ASP.NET Core manages its dependencies and runtime environment. When multiple applications share the same app pool, conflicts arise because each application tries to initialize and manage its version of the .NET runtime, leading to instability and crashes.
To resolve this issue, you can follow these steps to assign separate application pools
• Open the IIS Manager.
• In the Connections pane, expand the server node and click on Application Pools.
• Right-click on the existing application pool or create a new one by selecting Add Application Pool.
• Assign each ASP.NET Core application its own dedicated application pool. Ensure the .NET CLR version is set to “No Managed Code” if using an out-of-process hosting model.
• Associate each application with its respective application pool by right-clicking on the application, selecting Manage Application > Advanced Settings, and choosing the appropriate application pool.
This should resolve the issue. You can also check event logs and stdout logs to identify where and why it’s failing.
The HTTP Error 500.35 occurs because ASP.NET Core limit running multiple applications within the same application pool on IIS. By assigning each application to its own application pool, checking system logs and enabling stdout logging if necessary, you can effectively resolve this issue. Ensuring that each application operates in a separate environment will prevent runtime conflicts and improve the stability of your hosted applications. For more detailed information and troubleshooting steps, you can refer to the official documentation Troubleshoot ASP.NET Core on Azure App Service and IIS | Microsoft Learn.
Microsoft Tech Community – Latest Blogs –Read More
How to Enable IIS and Key Features on Windows Server: A Step-by-Step Guide
Enabling Internet Information Services and its features is essential for hosting websites and web applications on a Windows Server. This guide will walk you through three different methods: using Server Manager, PowerShell, and the DISM command.
dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:IIS-WebSockets /all
Enabling IIS on a Windows Server can be done through several methods, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. Server Manager offers a user-friendly approach, PowerShell provides speed and flexibility, and DISM is a lightweight option that’s ideal for those comfortable with command-line tools. Choose the method that best fits your needs, depending on your familiarity with the tools and the specific requirements of your server environment.
Microsoft Tech Community – Latest Blogs –Read More
Azure bot as skill to PVA
Wondering what to choose Azure bot or PVA
You might be wondering whether to create an Azure Bot or use Power Virtual Agents (PVA). Which one is best for your needs? What should you choose? The article below will help you make an informed decision.
Let’s say you decide to use Power Virtual Agents (PVA) instead of an Azure Bot. But what happens if you already have an Azure Bot? Migration? Yes, but that will take time.
So, can we leverage PVA features while the migration is happening in the background? Absolutely! This article will guide you on how to use PVA alongside your existing Azure Bot.
Step 1: Identify Your SDK V4 Bot and convert to skill
Ensure you have an SDK V4 bot ready and that is working as expected.
We are going to add the same bot selected here as a skill to your newly created PVA bot
Open Your Bot Project:
Open the project that contains the bot you want to convert into a skill.
Export as a Skill:
In the Bot Framework Composer, go to the Create page.
In the bot explorer, find your bot and select the more options (…) menu.
Choose Export as a skill from the menu.
Describe Your Skill:
On the Export your skill page, provide the necessary details such as the skill name, version, publisher name, and a description.
Select Dialogs and Triggers:
Choose the dialogs that will be accessible to consumer bots.
Select the triggers that can start a task. By default, new skill manifests include an event activity as the initial activity sent by a root bot to the skill.
Generate and Publish the Skill Manifest:
Composer will create a skill manifest that describes your skill.
Publish your bot to Azure along with the skill manifest.
Step 2: Update Bot Configuration
Add Allowed Callers: Update your bot’s appsettings.json file to include the PVA bot’s ID in the AllowedCallers section.
“MicrosoftAppId”: “<your bot’s app ID>”,
“MicrosoftAppPassword”: “<your bot’s app password>”,
“AllowedCallers”: [ “<PVA bot ID>” ]
Step 3: Create a Skill Manifest
Generate Manifest: Create a skill manifest file (manifest.json) for your bot. This file describes the actions your bot can perform and how it can be invoked.
“name”: “YourSkillName”,
“description”: “Description of your skill”,
“msaAppId”: “<your bot’s app ID>”,
“endpoint”: “https://<your bot’s endpoint>/api/messages”,
“actions”: [
“id”: “YourActionId”,
“definition”: {
“triggers”: [
“type”: “event”,
“name”: “YourEventName”
“inputs”: [],
“outputs”: []
Step 4: Verify your keys in Azure
Azure AD Registration: Ensure your bot is registered in Azure Intra ID. The bot’s application ID and password should match those in your appsettings.json.
Step 5: Create your PVA and Add the Skill to Power Virtual Agents
Create PVA
Open PVA: Go to the Power Virtual Agents portal.
Manage Skills: Navigate to the “Manage Skills” section.
Add Skill: Click on “Add a skill” and provide the URL to your skill manifest file.
Validate and Save: PVA will validate the manifest. If everything is correct, save the skill.
Step 6: Test the Integration
Invoke Skill: Create a topic in PVA that triggers the skill. Test the integration to ensure that the skill is invoked correctly and responds as expected.
Additional Resources
Implement a Skill for Power Virtual Agents
Bot Framework Skills Documentation
Microsoft Tech Community – Latest Blogs –Read More
Why does my custom SAC agent behave differently from built-in SAC agent
I implemented one custom SAC agent, which I have to, with MATLAB deep learning automatic differentiation. However, when compared to MATLAB built-in SAC agent on a certain task with exactly the same hyperparameters, the custom SAC agent failed to complete the task while the built-in agent succeeded.
Here is the training process of the built-in agent:
This is the training progress of the custom SAC agent(alongwith loss):
Here are the codes for the custom SAC agent and training:
1.Implementation of custom SAC agent
classdef MySACAgent < rl.agent.CustomAgent
log_alpha%entropy weight(log transformed)
%training options
options%Agent options
%experience buffers
%loss to record
properties(Access = private)
function obj = MySACAgent(numObs,numAct,obsInfo,actInfo,hid_dim,Ts,options)
% options’ field:MaxBufferLen WarmUpSteps MiniBatchSize
% LearningFrequency EntropyLossWeight DiscountFactor
% OptimizerOptions(cell) PolicyUpdateFrequency TargetEntropy
% TargetUpdateFrequency TargetSmoothFactor
% base_seed NumGradientStepsPerUpdate
%OptimizerOptions(for actor&critic)
% (required) Call the abstract class constructor.
rng(options.base_seed);%set random seed
obj = obj@rl.agent.CustomAgent();
obj.ObservationInfo = obsInfo;
obj.ActionInfo = actInfo;
% obj.SampleTime = Ts;%explicitly assigned for simulink
obj.Ts = Ts;
%create networks
if isempty(hid_dim)
hid_dim = 256;
end = CreateActor(obj,numObs,numAct,hid_dim,obsInfo,actInfo);
[obj.critic1,obj.critic2,obj.critic_target1,obj.critic_target2] = CreateCritic(obj,numObs,numAct,hid_dim,obsInfo,actInfo);
obj.options = options;
‘options.WarmUpSteps must not be less than options.MiniBatchSize’);
%set optimizers
obj.actorOptimizer = rlOptimizer(options.OptimizerOptions{1});
obj.criticOptimizer_1 = rlOptimizer(options.OptimizerOptions{2});
obj.criticOptimizer_2 = rlOptimizer(options.OptimizerOptions{3});
obj.entWgtOptimizer = rlOptimizer(options.OptimizerOptions{4});
% (optional) Cache the number of observations and actions.
obj.numObs = numObs;
obj.numAct = numAct;
% (optional) Initialize buffer and counter.
% obj.rlExpBuffer = rlReplayMemory(obsInfo,actInfo,options.MaxBufferLen);
function resetImpl(obj)
% (Optional) Define how the agent is reset before training/
obj.counter = 0;
obj.bufferIdx = 0;%base 0
obj.log_alpha = dlarray(log(obj.options.EntropyLossWeight));
function resetBuffer(obj)
% Reinitialize observation buffer. Allocate as dlarray to
% support automatic differentiation with dlfeval and
% dlgradient.
obj.obsBuffer = dlarray(…
% Reinitialize action buffer with valid actions.
obj.actionBuffer = dlarray(…
% Reinitialize reward buffer.
obj.rewardBuffer = dlarray(zeros(1,obj.options.MaxBufferLen),’CB’);
% Reinitialize nextState buffer.
obj.nextObsBuffer = dlarray(…
% Reinitialize mask buffer.
obj.isDoneBuffer = dlarray(zeros(1,obj.options.MaxBufferLen),’CB’);
%Create networks
function actor = CreateActor(obj,numObs,numAct,hid_dim,obsInfo,actInfo)
% Create the actor network layers.
commonPath = [
meanPath = [
stdPath = [
% Connect the layers.
actorNetwork = layerGraph(commonPath);
actorNetwork = addLayers(actorNetwork,meanPath);
actorNetwork = addLayers(actorNetwork,stdPath);
actorNetwork = connectLayers(actorNetwork,"comPathOutLyr","meanOutLyr/in");
actorNetwork = connectLayers(actorNetwork,"comPathOutLyr","stdInLyr/in");
actordlnet = dlnetwork(actorNetwork);
actor = initialize(actordlnet);
function [critic1,critic2,critic_target1,critic_target2] = CreateCritic(obj,numObs,numAct,hid_dim,obsInfo,actInfo)
% Define the network layers.
criticNet = [
featureInputLayer(numObs+numAct,Name="obsInLyr")%input:[obs act]
% Connect the layers.
criticNet = layerGraph(criticNet);
criticDLnet = dlnetwork(criticNet,’Initialize’,false);
critic1 = initialize(criticDLnet);
critic2 = initialize(criticDLnet);%c1 and c2 different initilization
critic_target1 = initialize(criticDLnet);
critic_target1.Learnables = critic1.Learnables;
critic_target1.State = critic1.State;
critic_target2 = initialize(criticDLnet);
critic_target2.Learnables = critic2.Learnables;
critic_target2.State = critic2.State;
function logP = logProbBoundedAction(obj,boundedAction,mu,sigma)
%used to calculate log probability for tanh(gaussian)
%validated, nothing wrong with this function
logP = sum(log(1/sqrt(2*pi)./sigma.*exp(-0.5*(0.5*…
%loss functions
function [vLoss_1, vLoss_2, criticGrad_1, criticGrad_2] = criticLoss(obj,batchExperiences,c1,c2)
batchObs = batchExperiences{1};
batchAction = batchExperiences{2};
batchReward = batchExperiences{3};
batchNextObs = batchExperiences{4};
batchIsDone = batchExperiences{5};
batchSize = size(batchObs,2);
gamma = obj.options.DiscountFactor;
y = dlarray(zeros(1,batchSize));%CB(C=1)
y = y + batchReward;
actionNext = getActionWithExploration_dlarray(obj,batchNextObs);%CB
actionNext = actionNext{1};
[mu,sigma] = predict(,batchNextObs);%CB:numAct*batch
next_action = tanh(mu + sigma.*randn(size(sigma)));
logP = logProbBoundedAction(obj,next_action,mu,sigma);
y = y + (1 – batchIsDone).*(gamma*(min(cat(1,Qt1,Qt2),[],1) – exp(obj.log_alpha)*logP));
critic_input = cat(1,batchObs,batchAction);
Q1 = forward(c1,critic_input);
Q2 = forward(c2,critic_input);
vLoss_1 = 1/2*mean((y – Q1).^2,’all’);
vLoss_2 = 1/2*mean((y – Q2).^2,’all’);
criticGrad_1 = dlgradient(vLoss_1,c1.Learnables);
criticGrad_2 = dlgradient(vLoss_2,c2.Learnables);
function [aLoss,actorGrad] = actorLoss(obj,batchExperiences,actor)
batchObs = batchExperiences{1};
batchSize = size(batchObs,2);
[mu,sigma] = forward(actor,batchObs);%CB:numAct*batch
curr_action = tanh(mu + sigma.*randn(size(sigma)));%reparameterization
critic_input = cat(1,batchObs,curr_action);
logP = logProbBoundedAction(obj,curr_action,mu,sigma);
aLoss = mean(-min(cat(1,Q1,Q2),[],1) + exp(obj.log_alpha) * logP,’all’);
actorGrad= dlgradient(aLoss,actor.Learnables);
function [eLoss,entGrad] = entropyLoss(obj,batchExperiences,logAlpha)
batchObs = batchExperiences{1};
[mu,sigma] = predict(,batchObs);%CB:numAct*batch
curr_action = tanh(mu + sigma.*randn(size(sigma)));
ent = mean(-logProbBoundedAction(obj,curr_action,mu,sigma));
eLoss = exp(logAlpha) * (ent – obj.options.TargetEntropy);
entGrad = dlgradient(eLoss,logAlpha);
%return SampleTime
function ts = getSampleTime_(obj)
ts = obj.Ts;
%get action without exploration
function action = getActionImpl(obj,obs)
%obs:dlarray CB
if ~isa(obs,’dlarray’)
if isa(obs,’cell’)
obs = dlarray(obs{1},’CB’);
obs = dlarray(obs,’CB’);
[mu,~] = predict(,obs);
mu = extractdata(mu);
action = {tanh(mu)};
%get action with exploration
function action = getActionWithExplorationImpl(obj,obs)
%obs:dlarray CT
if ~isa(obs,’dlarray’) || size(obs,1)~=obj.numObs
obs = dlarray(randn(obj.numObs,1),’CB’);
[mu,sigma] = predict(,obs);
mu = extractdata(mu);
sigma = extractdata(sigma);
action = {tanh(mu + sigma .* randn(size(sigma)))};
function action = getActionWithExploration_dlarray(obj,obs)
[mu,sigma] = predict(,obs);
action = {tanh(mu + sigma .* randn(size(sigma)))};
function action = learnImpl(obj,Experience)
% Extract data from experience.
obs = Experience{1};
action = Experience{2};
reward = Experience{3};
nextObs = Experience{4};
isDone = logical(Experience{5});
obj.obsBuffer(:,obj.bufferIdx+1,:) = obs{1};
obj.actionBuffer(:,obj.bufferIdx+1,:) = action{1};
obj.rewardBuffer(:,obj.bufferIdx+1) = reward;
obj.nextObsBuffer(:,obj.bufferIdx+1,:) = nextObs{1};
obj.isDoneBuffer(:,obj.bufferIdx+1) = isDone;
obj.bufferLen = max(obj.bufferLen,obj.bufferIdx+1);
obj.bufferIdx = mod(obj.bufferIdx+1,obj.options.MaxBufferLen);
if obj.bufferLen>=max(obj.options.WarmUpSteps,obj.options.MiniBatchSize)
obj.counter = obj.counter + 1;
if (obj.options.LearningFrequency==-1 && isDone) || …
(obj.options.LearningFrequency>0 && mod(obj.counter,obj.options.LearningFrequency)==0)
for gstep = 1:obj.options.NumGradientStepsPerUpdate
%sample batch
batchSize = obj.options.MiniBatchSize;
batchInd = randperm(obj.bufferLen,batchSize);
batchExperience = {
%update the parameters of each critic
[cLoss1,cLoss2,criticGrad_1,criticGrad_2] = dlfeval(@(x,c1,c2)obj.criticLoss(x,c1,c2),batchExperience,obj.critic1,obj.critic2);
obj.cLoss = min(extractdata(cLoss1),extractdata(cLoss2));
[obj.critic1.Learnables.Value,obj.criticOptimizer_1] = update(obj.criticOptimizer_1,obj.critic1.Learnables.Value,criticGrad_1.Value);
[obj.critic2.Learnables.Value,obj.criticOptimizer_2] = update(obj.criticOptimizer_2,obj.critic2.Learnables.Value,criticGrad_2.Value);
if (mod(obj.counter,obj.options.PolicyUpdateFrequency)==0 && obj.options.LearningFrequency==-1) ||…
(mod(obj.counter,obj.options.LearningFrequency * obj.options.PolicyUpdateFrequency)==0 …
&& obj.options.LearningFrequency>0)
%update the parameters of actor
[aloss,actorGrad] = dlfeval(…
obj.aLoss = extractdata(aloss);
[,obj.actorOptimizer] = update(obj.actorOptimizer,,actorGrad.Value);
%update the entropy weight
[eloss,entGrad] = dlfeval(@(x,alpha)obj.entropyLoss(x,alpha),batchExperience,obj.log_alpha);
obj.eLoss = extractdata(eloss);
% disp(obj.alpha)
[obj.log_alpha,obj.entWgtOptimizer] = update(obj.entWgtOptimizer,{obj.log_alpha},{entGrad});
obj.log_alpha = obj.log_alpha{1};
%update critic targets
critic1_params = obj.critic1.Learnables.Value;%cell array network params
critic_target1_params = obj.critic_target1.Learnables.Value;
for i=1:size(critic1_params,1)
obj.critic_target1.Learnables.Value{i} = obj.options.TargetSmoothFactor * critic1_params{i}…
+ (1 – obj.options.TargetSmoothFactor) * critic_target1_params{i};
critic2_params = obj.critic2.Learnables.Value;%cell array network params
critic_target2_params = obj.critic_target2.Learnables.Value;
for i=1:size(critic2_params,1)
obj.critic_target2.Learnables.Value{i} = obj.options.TargetSmoothFactor * critic2_params{i}…
+ (1 – obj.options.TargetSmoothFactor) * critic_target2_params{i};
% end
action = getActionWithExplorationImpl(obj,nextObs{1});
2.Configuration of ‘options’ property(same as those used for the built-in SAC agent)
options.MaxBufferLen = 1e4;
options.WarmUpSteps = 1000;
options.MiniBatchSize = 256;
options.LearningFrequency = -1;%when -1: train after each episode
options.EntropyLossWeight = 1;
options.DiscountFactor = 0.99;
options.PolicyUpdateFrequency = 1;
options.TargetEntropy = -2;
options.TargetUpdateFrequency = 1;
options.TargetSmoothFactor = 1e-3;
options.NumGradientStepsPerUpdate = 10;
%optimizerOptions: actor critic1 critic2 entWgt(alpha)
%encoder decoder
options.OptimizerOptions = {
close all;
%create RL env
numObs = 4; % vx vy r beta_user
numAct = 2; % st_angle_ref rw_omega_ref
obsInfo = rlNumericSpec([numObs 1]);
actInfo = rlNumericSpec([numAct 1]);
actInfo.LowerLimit = -1;
actInfo.UpperLimit = 1;
mdl = "prius_sm_model";
blk = mdl + "/RL Agent";
env = rlSimulinkEnv(mdl,blk,obsInfo,actInfo);
env.ResetFcn = @(in) PriusResetFcn(in,params,mdl);
Ts = 1/10;
Tf = 5;
%create actor
algorithm = ‘MySAC’;
switch algorithm
case ‘SAC’
agent = createNetworks(rnd_seed,numObs,numAct,obsInfo,actInfo,Ts);
case ‘MySAC’
hid_dim = 256;
agent = MySACAgent(numObs,numAct,obsInfo,actInfo,hid_dim,Ts,options);
%train agent
close all
maxEpisodes = 6000;
maxSteps = floor(Tf/Ts);
useParallel = false;
saveAgentDir = [‘savedAgents/’,algorithm,’/’,num2str(run_idx)];
switch algorithm
case ‘SAC’
trainOpts = rlTrainingOptions(…
MaxEpisodes=maxEpisodes, …
MaxStepsPerEpisode=maxSteps, …
ScoreAveragingWindowLength=100, …
Plots="training-progress", …
StopTrainingCriteria="AverageReward", …
% SaveAgentCriteria=’EpisodeFrequency’,…
% SaveAgentValue=1,…
case ‘MySAC’
trainOpts = rlTrainingOptions(…
MaxEpisodes=maxEpisodes, …
MaxStepsPerEpisode=maxSteps, …
ScoreAveragingWindowLength=100, …
Plots="training-progress", …
StopTrainingCriteria="AverageReward", …
set_param(mdl,"FastRestart","off");%for random initialization
if trainOpts.UseParallel
% Disable visualization in Simscape Mechanics Explorer
set_param(mdl, SimMechanicsOpenEditorOnUpdate="off");
% Enable visualization in Simscape Mechanics Explorer
set_param(mdl, SimMechanicsOpenEditorOnUpdate="on");
%load training data
monitor = trainingProgressMonitor();
logger = rlDataLogger(monitor);
logger.EpisodeFinishedFcn = @myEpisodeLoggingFcn;
doTraining = true;
if doTraining
trainResult = train(agent,env,trainOpts,Logger=logger);
% %logger callback used for MySACAgent
function dataToLog = myEpisodeLoggingFcn(data)
dataToLog.criticLoss = data.Agent.cLoss;
dataToLog.actorLoss = data.Agent.aLoss;
dataToLog.entLoss = data.Agent.eLoss;
% dataToLog.denoiseLoss = data.Agent.dnLoss;
In the simulink environment used, action output by the Agent block(in [-1,1]) is denormalized and fed into the environment.
I think possible causes of the problem include:
1.Wrong implementation of critic loss. As shown in the training progress, critic loss seemed to diverge. It’s hardly caused by hyperparameters(batch size or learning rate or target update frequency) because they worked well for the built-in agent. So it is more likely the critic loss is wrong.
2.Wrong implementation of replay buffer. I implemented the replay buffer as a circular queue, where I sampled uniformly to get batch training data. From the comparison of the training progress shown above, the custom SAC agent did explore states with high reward(around 30) but failed to exploit them, So I guess there is still problem with my replay buffer.
3.Gradient flow was broken.The learning is done with the help of MATLAB deep learning automatic differentiation. Perhaps some of my implementation violates the computational rule of automatic differentiation, which broke the gradient flow during forward computation or backpropagation and led to wrong result.
4.Gradient step(update frequency). In current implementation, NumGradientStepsPerUpdate gradient steps are executed after each episode. During each gradient step, cirtic(s) and actor, alongwith entropy weight, is updated once. I am not sure whether the current implementation of gradient step has got the update frequency right.
5.Also could be normalization problem, but I am not so sure.
I plan to debug 3 first.
Please read the code and help find potential causes of the gap between the custom SAC agent and the built-in one.
Finally, I am actually trying to extend SAC algorithm to a more complex framework. I didn’t choose to inherit the built-in SAC agent(rlSACAgent), would it be recommended to do my development by doing so?I implemented one custom SAC agent, which I have to, with MATLAB deep learning automatic differentiation. However, when compared to MATLAB built-in SAC agent on a certain task with exactly the same hyperparameters, the custom SAC agent failed to complete the task while the built-in agent succeeded.
Here is the training process of the built-in agent:
This is the training progress of the custom SAC agent(alongwith loss):
Here are the codes for the custom SAC agent and training:
1.Implementation of custom SAC agent
classdef MySACAgent < rl.agent.CustomAgent
log_alpha%entropy weight(log transformed)
%training options
options%Agent options
%experience buffers
%loss to record
properties(Access = private)
function obj = MySACAgent(numObs,numAct,obsInfo,actInfo,hid_dim,Ts,options)
% options’ field:MaxBufferLen WarmUpSteps MiniBatchSize
% LearningFrequency EntropyLossWeight DiscountFactor
% OptimizerOptions(cell) PolicyUpdateFrequency TargetEntropy
% TargetUpdateFrequency TargetSmoothFactor
% base_seed NumGradientStepsPerUpdate
%OptimizerOptions(for actor&critic)
% (required) Call the abstract class constructor.
rng(options.base_seed);%set random seed
obj = obj@rl.agent.CustomAgent();
obj.ObservationInfo = obsInfo;
obj.ActionInfo = actInfo;
% obj.SampleTime = Ts;%explicitly assigned for simulink
obj.Ts = Ts;
%create networks
if isempty(hid_dim)
hid_dim = 256;
end = CreateActor(obj,numObs,numAct,hid_dim,obsInfo,actInfo);
[obj.critic1,obj.critic2,obj.critic_target1,obj.critic_target2] = CreateCritic(obj,numObs,numAct,hid_dim,obsInfo,actInfo);
obj.options = options;
‘options.WarmUpSteps must not be less than options.MiniBatchSize’);
%set optimizers
obj.actorOptimizer = rlOptimizer(options.OptimizerOptions{1});
obj.criticOptimizer_1 = rlOptimizer(options.OptimizerOptions{2});
obj.criticOptimizer_2 = rlOptimizer(options.OptimizerOptions{3});
obj.entWgtOptimizer = rlOptimizer(options.OptimizerOptions{4});
% (optional) Cache the number of observations and actions.
obj.numObs = numObs;
obj.numAct = numAct;
% (optional) Initialize buffer and counter.
% obj.rlExpBuffer = rlReplayMemory(obsInfo,actInfo,options.MaxBufferLen);
function resetImpl(obj)
% (Optional) Define how the agent is reset before training/
obj.counter = 0;
obj.bufferIdx = 0;%base 0
obj.log_alpha = dlarray(log(obj.options.EntropyLossWeight));
function resetBuffer(obj)
% Reinitialize observation buffer. Allocate as dlarray to
% support automatic differentiation with dlfeval and
% dlgradient.
obj.obsBuffer = dlarray(…
% Reinitialize action buffer with valid actions.
obj.actionBuffer = dlarray(…
% Reinitialize reward buffer.
obj.rewardBuffer = dlarray(zeros(1,obj.options.MaxBufferLen),’CB’);
% Reinitialize nextState buffer.
obj.nextObsBuffer = dlarray(…
% Reinitialize mask buffer.
obj.isDoneBuffer = dlarray(zeros(1,obj.options.MaxBufferLen),’CB’);
%Create networks
function actor = CreateActor(obj,numObs,numAct,hid_dim,obsInfo,actInfo)
% Create the actor network layers.
commonPath = [
meanPath = [
stdPath = [
% Connect the layers.
actorNetwork = layerGraph(commonPath);
actorNetwork = addLayers(actorNetwork,meanPath);
actorNetwork = addLayers(actorNetwork,stdPath);
actorNetwork = connectLayers(actorNetwork,"comPathOutLyr","meanOutLyr/in");
actorNetwork = connectLayers(actorNetwork,"comPathOutLyr","stdInLyr/in");
actordlnet = dlnetwork(actorNetwork);
actor = initialize(actordlnet);
function [critic1,critic2,critic_target1,critic_target2] = CreateCritic(obj,numObs,numAct,hid_dim,obsInfo,actInfo)
% Define the network layers.
criticNet = [
featureInputLayer(numObs+numAct,Name="obsInLyr")%input:[obs act]
% Connect the layers.
criticNet = layerGraph(criticNet);
criticDLnet = dlnetwork(criticNet,’Initialize’,false);
critic1 = initialize(criticDLnet);
critic2 = initialize(criticDLnet);%c1 and c2 different initilization
critic_target1 = initialize(criticDLnet);
critic_target1.Learnables = critic1.Learnables;
critic_target1.State = critic1.State;
critic_target2 = initialize(criticDLnet);
critic_target2.Learnables = critic2.Learnables;
critic_target2.State = critic2.State;
function logP = logProbBoundedAction(obj,boundedAction,mu,sigma)
%used to calculate log probability for tanh(gaussian)
%validated, nothing wrong with this function
logP = sum(log(1/sqrt(2*pi)./sigma.*exp(-0.5*(0.5*…
%loss functions
function [vLoss_1, vLoss_2, criticGrad_1, criticGrad_2] = criticLoss(obj,batchExperiences,c1,c2)
batchObs = batchExperiences{1};
batchAction = batchExperiences{2};
batchReward = batchExperiences{3};
batchNextObs = batchExperiences{4};
batchIsDone = batchExperiences{5};
batchSize = size(batchObs,2);
gamma = obj.options.DiscountFactor;
y = dlarray(zeros(1,batchSize));%CB(C=1)
y = y + batchReward;
actionNext = getActionWithExploration_dlarray(obj,batchNextObs);%CB
actionNext = actionNext{1};
[mu,sigma] = predict(,batchNextObs);%CB:numAct*batch
next_action = tanh(mu + sigma.*randn(size(sigma)));
logP = logProbBoundedAction(obj,next_action,mu,sigma);
y = y + (1 – batchIsDone).*(gamma*(min(cat(1,Qt1,Qt2),[],1) – exp(obj.log_alpha)*logP));
critic_input = cat(1,batchObs,batchAction);
Q1 = forward(c1,critic_input);
Q2 = forward(c2,critic_input);
vLoss_1 = 1/2*mean((y – Q1).^2,’all’);
vLoss_2 = 1/2*mean((y – Q2).^2,’all’);
criticGrad_1 = dlgradient(vLoss_1,c1.Learnables);
criticGrad_2 = dlgradient(vLoss_2,c2.Learnables);
function [aLoss,actorGrad] = actorLoss(obj,batchExperiences,actor)
batchObs = batchExperiences{1};
batchSize = size(batchObs,2);
[mu,sigma] = forward(actor,batchObs);%CB:numAct*batch
curr_action = tanh(mu + sigma.*randn(size(sigma)));%reparameterization
critic_input = cat(1,batchObs,curr_action);
logP = logProbBoundedAction(obj,curr_action,mu,sigma);
aLoss = mean(-min(cat(1,Q1,Q2),[],1) + exp(obj.log_alpha) * logP,’all’);
actorGrad= dlgradient(aLoss,actor.Learnables);
function [eLoss,entGrad] = entropyLoss(obj,batchExperiences,logAlpha)
batchObs = batchExperiences{1};
[mu,sigma] = predict(,batchObs);%CB:numAct*batch
curr_action = tanh(mu + sigma.*randn(size(sigma)));
ent = mean(-logProbBoundedAction(obj,curr_action,mu,sigma));
eLoss = exp(logAlpha) * (ent – obj.options.TargetEntropy);
entGrad = dlgradient(eLoss,logAlpha);
%return SampleTime
function ts = getSampleTime_(obj)
ts = obj.Ts;
%get action without exploration
function action = getActionImpl(obj,obs)
%obs:dlarray CB
if ~isa(obs,’dlarray’)
if isa(obs,’cell’)
obs = dlarray(obs{1},’CB’);
obs = dlarray(obs,’CB’);
[mu,~] = predict(,obs);
mu = extractdata(mu);
action = {tanh(mu)};
%get action with exploration
function action = getActionWithExplorationImpl(obj,obs)
%obs:dlarray CT
if ~isa(obs,’dlarray’) || size(obs,1)~=obj.numObs
obs = dlarray(randn(obj.numObs,1),’CB’);
[mu,sigma] = predict(,obs);
mu = extractdata(mu);
sigma = extractdata(sigma);
action = {tanh(mu + sigma .* randn(size(sigma)))};
function action = getActionWithExploration_dlarray(obj,obs)
[mu,sigma] = predict(,obs);
action = {tanh(mu + sigma .* randn(size(sigma)))};
function action = learnImpl(obj,Experience)
% Extract data from experience.
obs = Experience{1};
action = Experience{2};
reward = Experience{3};
nextObs = Experience{4};
isDone = logical(Experience{5});
obj.obsBuffer(:,obj.bufferIdx+1,:) = obs{1};
obj.actionBuffer(:,obj.bufferIdx+1,:) = action{1};
obj.rewardBuffer(:,obj.bufferIdx+1) = reward;
obj.nextObsBuffer(:,obj.bufferIdx+1,:) = nextObs{1};
obj.isDoneBuffer(:,obj.bufferIdx+1) = isDone;
obj.bufferLen = max(obj.bufferLen,obj.bufferIdx+1);
obj.bufferIdx = mod(obj.bufferIdx+1,obj.options.MaxBufferLen);
if obj.bufferLen>=max(obj.options.WarmUpSteps,obj.options.MiniBatchSize)
obj.counter = obj.counter + 1;
if (obj.options.LearningFrequency==-1 && isDone) || …
(obj.options.LearningFrequency>0 && mod(obj.counter,obj.options.LearningFrequency)==0)
for gstep = 1:obj.options.NumGradientStepsPerUpdate
%sample batch
batchSize = obj.options.MiniBatchSize;
batchInd = randperm(obj.bufferLen,batchSize);
batchExperience = {
%update the parameters of each critic
[cLoss1,cLoss2,criticGrad_1,criticGrad_2] = dlfeval(@(x,c1,c2)obj.criticLoss(x,c1,c2),batchExperience,obj.critic1,obj.critic2);
obj.cLoss = min(extractdata(cLoss1),extractdata(cLoss2));
[obj.critic1.Learnables.Value,obj.criticOptimizer_1] = update(obj.criticOptimizer_1,obj.critic1.Learnables.Value,criticGrad_1.Value);
[obj.critic2.Learnables.Value,obj.criticOptimizer_2] = update(obj.criticOptimizer_2,obj.critic2.Learnables.Value,criticGrad_2.Value);
if (mod(obj.counter,obj.options.PolicyUpdateFrequency)==0 && obj.options.LearningFrequency==-1) ||…
(mod(obj.counter,obj.options.LearningFrequency * obj.options.PolicyUpdateFrequency)==0 …
&& obj.options.LearningFrequency>0)
%update the parameters of actor
[aloss,actorGrad] = dlfeval(…
obj.aLoss = extractdata(aloss);
[,obj.actorOptimizer] = update(obj.actorOptimizer,,actorGrad.Value);
%update the entropy weight
[eloss,entGrad] = dlfeval(@(x,alpha)obj.entropyLoss(x,alpha),batchExperience,obj.log_alpha);
obj.eLoss = extractdata(eloss);
% disp(obj.alpha)
[obj.log_alpha,obj.entWgtOptimizer] = update(obj.entWgtOptimizer,{obj.log_alpha},{entGrad});
obj.log_alpha = obj.log_alpha{1};
%update critic targets
critic1_params = obj.critic1.Learnables.Value;%cell array network params
critic_target1_params = obj.critic_target1.Learnables.Value;
for i=1:size(critic1_params,1)
obj.critic_target1.Learnables.Value{i} = obj.options.TargetSmoothFactor * critic1_params{i}…
+ (1 – obj.options.TargetSmoothFactor) * critic_target1_params{i};
critic2_params = obj.critic2.Learnables.Value;%cell array network params
critic_target2_params = obj.critic_target2.Learnables.Value;
for i=1:size(critic2_params,1)
obj.critic_target2.Learnables.Value{i} = obj.options.TargetSmoothFactor * critic2_params{i}…
+ (1 – obj.options.TargetSmoothFactor) * critic_target2_params{i};
% end
action = getActionWithExplorationImpl(obj,nextObs{1});
2.Configuration of ‘options’ property(same as those used for the built-in SAC agent)
options.MaxBufferLen = 1e4;
options.WarmUpSteps = 1000;
options.MiniBatchSize = 256;
options.LearningFrequency = -1;%when -1: train after each episode
options.EntropyLossWeight = 1;
options.DiscountFactor = 0.99;
options.PolicyUpdateFrequency = 1;
options.TargetEntropy = -2;
options.TargetUpdateFrequency = 1;
options.TargetSmoothFactor = 1e-3;
options.NumGradientStepsPerUpdate = 10;
%optimizerOptions: actor critic1 critic2 entWgt(alpha)
%encoder decoder
options.OptimizerOptions = {
close all;
%create RL env
numObs = 4; % vx vy r beta_user
numAct = 2; % st_angle_ref rw_omega_ref
obsInfo = rlNumericSpec([numObs 1]);
actInfo = rlNumericSpec([numAct 1]);
actInfo.LowerLimit = -1;
actInfo.UpperLimit = 1;
mdl = "prius_sm_model";
blk = mdl + "/RL Agent";
env = rlSimulinkEnv(mdl,blk,obsInfo,actInfo);
env.ResetFcn = @(in) PriusResetFcn(in,params,mdl);
Ts = 1/10;
Tf = 5;
%create actor
algorithm = ‘MySAC’;
switch algorithm
case ‘SAC’
agent = createNetworks(rnd_seed,numObs,numAct,obsInfo,actInfo,Ts);
case ‘MySAC’
hid_dim = 256;
agent = MySACAgent(numObs,numAct,obsInfo,actInfo,hid_dim,Ts,options);
%train agent
close all
maxEpisodes = 6000;
maxSteps = floor(Tf/Ts);
useParallel = false;
saveAgentDir = [‘savedAgents/’,algorithm,’/’,num2str(run_idx)];
switch algorithm
case ‘SAC’
trainOpts = rlTrainingOptions(…
MaxEpisodes=maxEpisodes, …
MaxStepsPerEpisode=maxSteps, …
ScoreAveragingWindowLength=100, …
Plots="training-progress", …
StopTrainingCriteria="AverageReward", …
% SaveAgentCriteria=’EpisodeFrequency’,…
% SaveAgentValue=1,…
case ‘MySAC’
trainOpts = rlTrainingOptions(…
MaxEpisodes=maxEpisodes, …
MaxStepsPerEpisode=maxSteps, …
ScoreAveragingWindowLength=100, …
Plots="training-progress", …
StopTrainingCriteria="AverageReward", …
set_param(mdl,"FastRestart","off");%for random initialization
if trainOpts.UseParallel
% Disable visualization in Simscape Mechanics Explorer
set_param(mdl, SimMechanicsOpenEditorOnUpdate="off");
% Enable visualization in Simscape Mechanics Explorer
set_param(mdl, SimMechanicsOpenEditorOnUpdate="on");
%load training data
monitor = trainingProgressMonitor();
logger = rlDataLogger(monitor);
logger.EpisodeFinishedFcn = @myEpisodeLoggingFcn;
doTraining = true;
if doTraining
trainResult = train(agent,env,trainOpts,Logger=logger);
% %logger callback used for MySACAgent
function dataToLog = myEpisodeLoggingFcn(data)
dataToLog.criticLoss = data.Agent.cLoss;
dataToLog.actorLoss = data.Agent.aLoss;
dataToLog.entLoss = data.Agent.eLoss;
% dataToLog.denoiseLoss = data.Agent.dnLoss;
In the simulink environment used, action output by the Agent block(in [-1,1]) is denormalized and fed into the environment.
I think possible causes of the problem include:
1.Wrong implementation of critic loss. As shown in the training progress, critic loss seemed to diverge. It’s hardly caused by hyperparameters(batch size or learning rate or target update frequency) because they worked well for the built-in agent. So it is more likely the critic loss is wrong.
2.Wrong implementation of replay buffer. I implemented the replay buffer as a circular queue, where I sampled uniformly to get batch training data. From the comparison of the training progress shown above, the custom SAC agent did explore states with high reward(around 30) but failed to exploit them, So I guess there is still problem with my replay buffer.
3.Gradient flow was broken.The learning is done with the help of MATLAB deep learning automatic differentiation. Perhaps some of my implementation violates the computational rule of automatic differentiation, which broke the gradient flow during forward computation or backpropagation and led to wrong result.
4.Gradient step(update frequency). In current implementation, NumGradientStepsPerUpdate gradient steps are executed after each episode. During each gradient step, cirtic(s) and actor, alongwith entropy weight, is updated once. I am not sure whether the current implementation of gradient step has got the update frequency right.
5.Also could be normalization problem, but I am not so sure.
I plan to debug 3 first.
Please read the code and help find potential causes of the gap between the custom SAC agent and the built-in one.
Finally, I am actually trying to extend SAC algorithm to a more complex framework. I didn’t choose to inherit the built-in SAC agent(rlSACAgent), would it be recommended to do my development by doing so? I implemented one custom SAC agent, which I have to, with MATLAB deep learning automatic differentiation. However, when compared to MATLAB built-in SAC agent on a certain task with exactly the same hyperparameters, the custom SAC agent failed to complete the task while the built-in agent succeeded.
Here is the training process of the built-in agent:
This is the training progress of the custom SAC agent(alongwith loss):
Here are the codes for the custom SAC agent and training:
1.Implementation of custom SAC agent
classdef MySACAgent < rl.agent.CustomAgent
log_alpha%entropy weight(log transformed)
%training options
options%Agent options
%experience buffers
%loss to record
properties(Access = private)
function obj = MySACAgent(numObs,numAct,obsInfo,actInfo,hid_dim,Ts,options)
% options’ field:MaxBufferLen WarmUpSteps MiniBatchSize
% LearningFrequency EntropyLossWeight DiscountFactor
% OptimizerOptions(cell) PolicyUpdateFrequency TargetEntropy
% TargetUpdateFrequency TargetSmoothFactor
% base_seed NumGradientStepsPerUpdate
%OptimizerOptions(for actor&critic)
% (required) Call the abstract class constructor.
rng(options.base_seed);%set random seed
obj = obj@rl.agent.CustomAgent();
obj.ObservationInfo = obsInfo;
obj.ActionInfo = actInfo;
% obj.SampleTime = Ts;%explicitly assigned for simulink
obj.Ts = Ts;
%create networks
if isempty(hid_dim)
hid_dim = 256;
end = CreateActor(obj,numObs,numAct,hid_dim,obsInfo,actInfo);
[obj.critic1,obj.critic2,obj.critic_target1,obj.critic_target2] = CreateCritic(obj,numObs,numAct,hid_dim,obsInfo,actInfo);
obj.options = options;
‘options.WarmUpSteps must not be less than options.MiniBatchSize’);
%set optimizers
obj.actorOptimizer = rlOptimizer(options.OptimizerOptions{1});
obj.criticOptimizer_1 = rlOptimizer(options.OptimizerOptions{2});
obj.criticOptimizer_2 = rlOptimizer(options.OptimizerOptions{3});
obj.entWgtOptimizer = rlOptimizer(options.OptimizerOptions{4});
% (optional) Cache the number of observations and actions.
obj.numObs = numObs;
obj.numAct = numAct;
% (optional) Initialize buffer and counter.
% obj.rlExpBuffer = rlReplayMemory(obsInfo,actInfo,options.MaxBufferLen);
function resetImpl(obj)
% (Optional) Define how the agent is reset before training/
obj.counter = 0;
obj.bufferIdx = 0;%base 0
obj.log_alpha = dlarray(log(obj.options.EntropyLossWeight));
function resetBuffer(obj)
% Reinitialize observation buffer. Allocate as dlarray to
% support automatic differentiation with dlfeval and
% dlgradient.
obj.obsBuffer = dlarray(…
% Reinitialize action buffer with valid actions.
obj.actionBuffer = dlarray(…
% Reinitialize reward buffer.
obj.rewardBuffer = dlarray(zeros(1,obj.options.MaxBufferLen),’CB’);
% Reinitialize nextState buffer.
obj.nextObsBuffer = dlarray(…
% Reinitialize mask buffer.
obj.isDoneBuffer = dlarray(zeros(1,obj.options.MaxBufferLen),’CB’);
%Create networks
function actor = CreateActor(obj,numObs,numAct,hid_dim,obsInfo,actInfo)
% Create the actor network layers.
commonPath = [
meanPath = [
stdPath = [
% Connect the layers.
actorNetwork = layerGraph(commonPath);
actorNetwork = addLayers(actorNetwork,meanPath);
actorNetwork = addLayers(actorNetwork,stdPath);
actorNetwork = connectLayers(actorNetwork,"comPathOutLyr","meanOutLyr/in");
actorNetwork = connectLayers(actorNetwork,"comPathOutLyr","stdInLyr/in");
actordlnet = dlnetwork(actorNetwork);
actor = initialize(actordlnet);
function [critic1,critic2,critic_target1,critic_target2] = CreateCritic(obj,numObs,numAct,hid_dim,obsInfo,actInfo)
% Define the network layers.
criticNet = [
featureInputLayer(numObs+numAct,Name="obsInLyr")%input:[obs act]
% Connect the layers.
criticNet = layerGraph(criticNet);
criticDLnet = dlnetwork(criticNet,’Initialize’,false);
critic1 = initialize(criticDLnet);
critic2 = initialize(criticDLnet);%c1 and c2 different initilization
critic_target1 = initialize(criticDLnet);
critic_target1.Learnables = critic1.Learnables;
critic_target1.State = critic1.State;
critic_target2 = initialize(criticDLnet);
critic_target2.Learnables = critic2.Learnables;
critic_target2.State = critic2.State;
function logP = logProbBoundedAction(obj,boundedAction,mu,sigma)
%used to calculate log probability for tanh(gaussian)
%validated, nothing wrong with this function
logP = sum(log(1/sqrt(2*pi)./sigma.*exp(-0.5*(0.5*…
%loss functions
function [vLoss_1, vLoss_2, criticGrad_1, criticGrad_2] = criticLoss(obj,batchExperiences,c1,c2)
batchObs = batchExperiences{1};
batchAction = batchExperiences{2};
batchReward = batchExperiences{3};
batchNextObs = batchExperiences{4};
batchIsDone = batchExperiences{5};
batchSize = size(batchObs,2);
gamma = obj.options.DiscountFactor;
y = dlarray(zeros(1,batchSize));%CB(C=1)
y = y + batchReward;
actionNext = getActionWithExploration_dlarray(obj,batchNextObs);%CB
actionNext = actionNext{1};
[mu,sigma] = predict(,batchNextObs);%CB:numAct*batch
next_action = tanh(mu + sigma.*randn(size(sigma)));
logP = logProbBoundedAction(obj,next_action,mu,sigma);
y = y + (1 – batchIsDone).*(gamma*(min(cat(1,Qt1,Qt2),[],1) – exp(obj.log_alpha)*logP));
critic_input = cat(1,batchObs,batchAction);
Q1 = forward(c1,critic_input);
Q2 = forward(c2,critic_input);
vLoss_1 = 1/2*mean((y – Q1).^2,’all’);
vLoss_2 = 1/2*mean((y – Q2).^2,’all’);
criticGrad_1 = dlgradient(vLoss_1,c1.Learnables);
criticGrad_2 = dlgradient(vLoss_2,c2.Learnables);
function [aLoss,actorGrad] = actorLoss(obj,batchExperiences,actor)
batchObs = batchExperiences{1};
batchSize = size(batchObs,2);
[mu,sigma] = forward(actor,batchObs);%CB:numAct*batch
curr_action = tanh(mu + sigma.*randn(size(sigma)));%reparameterization
critic_input = cat(1,batchObs,curr_action);
logP = logProbBoundedAction(obj,curr_action,mu,sigma);
aLoss = mean(-min(cat(1,Q1,Q2),[],1) + exp(obj.log_alpha) * logP,’all’);
actorGrad= dlgradient(aLoss,actor.Learnables);
function [eLoss,entGrad] = entropyLoss(obj,batchExperiences,logAlpha)
batchObs = batchExperiences{1};
[mu,sigma] = predict(,batchObs);%CB:numAct*batch
curr_action = tanh(mu + sigma.*randn(size(sigma)));
ent = mean(-logProbBoundedAction(obj,curr_action,mu,sigma));
eLoss = exp(logAlpha) * (ent – obj.options.TargetEntropy);
entGrad = dlgradient(eLoss,logAlpha);
%return SampleTime
function ts = getSampleTime_(obj)
ts = obj.Ts;
%get action without exploration
function action = getActionImpl(obj,obs)
%obs:dlarray CB
if ~isa(obs,’dlarray’)
if isa(obs,’cell’)
obs = dlarray(obs{1},’CB’);
obs = dlarray(obs,’CB’);
[mu,~] = predict(,obs);
mu = extractdata(mu);
action = {tanh(mu)};
%get action with exploration
function action = getActionWithExplorationImpl(obj,obs)
%obs:dlarray CT
if ~isa(obs,’dlarray’) || size(obs,1)~=obj.numObs
obs = dlarray(randn(obj.numObs,1),’CB’);
[mu,sigma] = predict(,obs);
mu = extractdata(mu);
sigma = extractdata(sigma);
action = {tanh(mu + sigma .* randn(size(sigma)))};
function action = getActionWithExploration_dlarray(obj,obs)
[mu,sigma] = predict(,obs);
action = {tanh(mu + sigma .* randn(size(sigma)))};
function action = learnImpl(obj,Experience)
% Extract data from experience.
obs = Experience{1};
action = Experience{2};
reward = Experience{3};
nextObs = Experience{4};
isDone = logical(Experience{5});
obj.obsBuffer(:,obj.bufferIdx+1,:) = obs{1};
obj.actionBuffer(:,obj.bufferIdx+1,:) = action{1};
obj.rewardBuffer(:,obj.bufferIdx+1) = reward;
obj.nextObsBuffer(:,obj.bufferIdx+1,:) = nextObs{1};
obj.isDoneBuffer(:,obj.bufferIdx+1) = isDone;
obj.bufferLen = max(obj.bufferLen,obj.bufferIdx+1);
obj.bufferIdx = mod(obj.bufferIdx+1,obj.options.MaxBufferLen);
if obj.bufferLen>=max(obj.options.WarmUpSteps,obj.options.MiniBatchSize)
obj.counter = obj.counter + 1;
if (obj.options.LearningFrequency==-1 && isDone) || …
(obj.options.LearningFrequency>0 && mod(obj.counter,obj.options.LearningFrequency)==0)
for gstep = 1:obj.options.NumGradientStepsPerUpdate
%sample batch
batchSize = obj.options.MiniBatchSize;
batchInd = randperm(obj.bufferLen,batchSize);
batchExperience = {
%update the parameters of each critic
[cLoss1,cLoss2,criticGrad_1,criticGrad_2] = dlfeval(@(x,c1,c2)obj.criticLoss(x,c1,c2),batchExperience,obj.critic1,obj.critic2);
obj.cLoss = min(extractdata(cLoss1),extractdata(cLoss2));
[obj.critic1.Learnables.Value,obj.criticOptimizer_1] = update(obj.criticOptimizer_1,obj.critic1.Learnables.Value,criticGrad_1.Value);
[obj.critic2.Learnables.Value,obj.criticOptimizer_2] = update(obj.criticOptimizer_2,obj.critic2.Learnables.Value,criticGrad_2.Value);
if (mod(obj.counter,obj.options.PolicyUpdateFrequency)==0 && obj.options.LearningFrequency==-1) ||…
(mod(obj.counter,obj.options.LearningFrequency * obj.options.PolicyUpdateFrequency)==0 …
&& obj.options.LearningFrequency>0)
%update the parameters of actor
[aloss,actorGrad] = dlfeval(…
obj.aLoss = extractdata(aloss);
[,obj.actorOptimizer] = update(obj.actorOptimizer,,actorGrad.Value);
%update the entropy weight
[eloss,entGrad] = dlfeval(@(x,alpha)obj.entropyLoss(x,alpha),batchExperience,obj.log_alpha);
obj.eLoss = extractdata(eloss);
% disp(obj.alpha)
[obj.log_alpha,obj.entWgtOptimizer] = update(obj.entWgtOptimizer,{obj.log_alpha},{entGrad});
obj.log_alpha = obj.log_alpha{1};
%update critic targets
critic1_params = obj.critic1.Learnables.Value;%cell array network params
critic_target1_params = obj.critic_target1.Learnables.Value;
for i=1:size(critic1_params,1)
obj.critic_target1.Learnables.Value{i} = obj.options.TargetSmoothFactor * critic1_params{i}…
+ (1 – obj.options.TargetSmoothFactor) * critic_target1_params{i};
critic2_params = obj.critic2.Learnables.Value;%cell array network params
critic_target2_params = obj.critic_target2.Learnables.Value;
for i=1:size(critic2_params,1)
obj.critic_target2.Learnables.Value{i} = obj.options.TargetSmoothFactor * critic2_params{i}…
+ (1 – obj.options.TargetSmoothFactor) * critic_target2_params{i};
% end
action = getActionWithExplorationImpl(obj,nextObs{1});
2.Configuration of ‘options’ property(same as those used for the built-in SAC agent)
options.MaxBufferLen = 1e4;
options.WarmUpSteps = 1000;
options.MiniBatchSize = 256;
options.LearningFrequency = -1;%when -1: train after each episode
options.EntropyLossWeight = 1;
options.DiscountFactor = 0.99;
options.PolicyUpdateFrequency = 1;
options.TargetEntropy = -2;
options.TargetUpdateFrequency = 1;
options.TargetSmoothFactor = 1e-3;
options.NumGradientStepsPerUpdate = 10;
%optimizerOptions: actor critic1 critic2 entWgt(alpha)
%encoder decoder
options.OptimizerOptions = {
close all;
%create RL env
numObs = 4; % vx vy r beta_user
numAct = 2; % st_angle_ref rw_omega_ref
obsInfo = rlNumericSpec([numObs 1]);
actInfo = rlNumericSpec([numAct 1]);
actInfo.LowerLimit = -1;
actInfo.UpperLimit = 1;
mdl = "prius_sm_model";
blk = mdl + "/RL Agent";
env = rlSimulinkEnv(mdl,blk,obsInfo,actInfo);
env.ResetFcn = @(in) PriusResetFcn(in,params,mdl);
Ts = 1/10;
Tf = 5;
%create actor
algorithm = ‘MySAC’;
switch algorithm
case ‘SAC’
agent = createNetworks(rnd_seed,numObs,numAct,obsInfo,actInfo,Ts);
case ‘MySAC’
hid_dim = 256;
agent = MySACAgent(numObs,numAct,obsInfo,actInfo,hid_dim,Ts,options);
%train agent
close all
maxEpisodes = 6000;
maxSteps = floor(Tf/Ts);
useParallel = false;
saveAgentDir = [‘savedAgents/’,algorithm,’/’,num2str(run_idx)];
switch algorithm
case ‘SAC’
trainOpts = rlTrainingOptions(…
MaxEpisodes=maxEpisodes, …
MaxStepsPerEpisode=maxSteps, …
ScoreAveragingWindowLength=100, …
Plots="training-progress", …
StopTrainingCriteria="AverageReward", …
% SaveAgentCriteria=’EpisodeFrequency’,…
% SaveAgentValue=1,…
case ‘MySAC’
trainOpts = rlTrainingOptions(…
MaxEpisodes=maxEpisodes, …
MaxStepsPerEpisode=maxSteps, …
ScoreAveragingWindowLength=100, …
Plots="training-progress", …
StopTrainingCriteria="AverageReward", …
set_param(mdl,"FastRestart","off");%for random initialization
if trainOpts.UseParallel
% Disable visualization in Simscape Mechanics Explorer
set_param(mdl, SimMechanicsOpenEditorOnUpdate="off");
% Enable visualization in Simscape Mechanics Explorer
set_param(mdl, SimMechanicsOpenEditorOnUpdate="on");
%load training data
monitor = trainingProgressMonitor();
logger = rlDataLogger(monitor);
logger.EpisodeFinishedFcn = @myEpisodeLoggingFcn;
doTraining = true;
if doTraining
trainResult = train(agent,env,trainOpts,Logger=logger);
% %logger callback used for MySACAgent
function dataToLog = myEpisodeLoggingFcn(data)
dataToLog.criticLoss = data.Agent.cLoss;
dataToLog.actorLoss = data.Agent.aLoss;
dataToLog.entLoss = data.Agent.eLoss;
% dataToLog.denoiseLoss = data.Agent.dnLoss;
In the simulink environment used, action output by the Agent block(in [-1,1]) is denormalized and fed into the environment.
I think possible causes of the problem include:
1.Wrong implementation of critic loss. As shown in the training progress, critic loss seemed to diverge. It’s hardly caused by hyperparameters(batch size or learning rate or target update frequency) because they worked well for the built-in agent. So it is more likely the critic loss is wrong.
2.Wrong implementation of replay buffer. I implemented the replay buffer as a circular queue, where I sampled uniformly to get batch training data. From the comparison of the training progress shown above, the custom SAC agent did explore states with high reward(around 30) but failed to exploit them, So I guess there is still problem with my replay buffer.
3.Gradient flow was broken.The learning is done with the help of MATLAB deep learning automatic differentiation. Perhaps some of my implementation violates the computational rule of automatic differentiation, which broke the gradient flow during forward computation or backpropagation and led to wrong result.
4.Gradient step(update frequency). In current implementation, NumGradientStepsPerUpdate gradient steps are executed after each episode. During each gradient step, cirtic(s) and actor, alongwith entropy weight, is updated once. I am not sure whether the current implementation of gradient step has got the update frequency right.
5.Also could be normalization problem, but I am not so sure.
I plan to debug 3 first.
Please read the code and help find potential causes of the gap between the custom SAC agent and the built-in one.
Finally, I am actually trying to extend SAC algorithm to a more complex framework. I didn’t choose to inherit the built-in SAC agent(rlSACAgent), would it be recommended to do my development by doing so? reinforcement learning, soft actor critic, sac, automatic differentiation, custom agent MATLAB Answers — New Questions
exportgraphics causing strange messages in terminal only for Compiled version of App
When running my app after it has been compiled, exportgraphics calls seem to cause the following messages (or similar) to output in the terminal window:
<</ID[<05208558C807F1784140FF8D8426A497><05208558C807F1784140FF8D8426A497>]/Info 1 0 R/Root 40 0 R/Size 41>>
<</ID[<DD2F4FE7DF1F30092B20485DA2514F38><DD2F4FE7DF1F30092B20485DA2514F38>]/Info 1 0 R/Root 26 0 R/Size 27>>
Fixing references in 41 0 R by 40
Fixing references in 42 0 R by 40
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Fixing references in 63 0 R by 40
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Fixing references in 65 0 R by 40
Fixing references in 66 0 R by 40
These messages are not to my knowledge actually causing any failures within the program, as the plots still export to the pdf and seem the same as when generated outisde of the compiled version. But similar messages post every time exportgraphics is called. If remove the exportgraphics calls from the code and nothing else no messages appear.
These messages do not appear when running the app from App Designer as a .mlapp file.
Some further testing reveals that the above messages do not appear for the first exportgraphics call, but does appear for all subsequent calls with the "fixing references" numbers called out increasing for each call.When running my app after it has been compiled, exportgraphics calls seem to cause the following messages (or similar) to output in the terminal window:
<</ID[<05208558C807F1784140FF8D8426A497><05208558C807F1784140FF8D8426A497>]/Info 1 0 R/Root 40 0 R/Size 41>>
<</ID[<DD2F4FE7DF1F30092B20485DA2514F38><DD2F4FE7DF1F30092B20485DA2514F38>]/Info 1 0 R/Root 26 0 R/Size 27>>
Fixing references in 41 0 R by 40
Fixing references in 42 0 R by 40
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Fixing references in 63 0 R by 40
Fixing references in 64 0 R by 40
Fixing references in 65 0 R by 40
Fixing references in 66 0 R by 40
These messages are not to my knowledge actually causing any failures within the program, as the plots still export to the pdf and seem the same as when generated outisde of the compiled version. But similar messages post every time exportgraphics is called. If remove the exportgraphics calls from the code and nothing else no messages appear.
These messages do not appear when running the app from App Designer as a .mlapp file.
Some further testing reveals that the above messages do not appear for the first exportgraphics call, but does appear for all subsequent calls with the "fixing references" numbers called out increasing for each call. When running my app after it has been compiled, exportgraphics calls seem to cause the following messages (or similar) to output in the terminal window:
<</ID[<05208558C807F1784140FF8D8426A497><05208558C807F1784140FF8D8426A497>]/Info 1 0 R/Root 40 0 R/Size 41>>
<</ID[<DD2F4FE7DF1F30092B20485DA2514F38><DD2F4FE7DF1F30092B20485DA2514F38>]/Info 1 0 R/Root 26 0 R/Size 27>>
Fixing references in 41 0 R by 40
Fixing references in 42 0 R by 40
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Fixing references in 44 0 R by 40
Fixing references in 45 0 R by 40
Fixing references in 46 0 R by 40
Fixing references in 47 0 R by 40
Fixing references in 48 0 R by 40
Fixing references in 49 0 R by 40
Fixing references in 50 0 R by 40
Fixing references in 51 0 R by 40
Fixing references in 52 0 R by 40
Fixing references in 53 0 R by 40
Fixing references in 54 0 R by 40
Fixing references in 55 0 R by 40
Fixing references in 56 0 R by 40
Fixing references in 57 0 R by 40
Fixing references in 58 0 R by 40
Fixing references in 59 0 R by 40
Fixing references in 60 0 R by 40
Fixing references in 61 0 R by 40
Fixing references in 62 0 R by 40
Fixing references in 63 0 R by 40
Fixing references in 64 0 R by 40
Fixing references in 65 0 R by 40
Fixing references in 66 0 R by 40
These messages are not to my knowledge actually causing any failures within the program, as the plots still export to the pdf and seem the same as when generated outisde of the compiled version. But similar messages post every time exportgraphics is called. If remove the exportgraphics calls from the code and nothing else no messages appear.
These messages do not appear when running the app from App Designer as a .mlapp file.
Some further testing reveals that the above messages do not appear for the first exportgraphics call, but does appear for all subsequent calls with the "fixing references" numbers called out increasing for each call. appdesigner, compiler, graphics MATLAB Answers — New Questions
How to save pretrained DQN agent and extract the weights inside the network?
The following is part of the program. I want to know how to extract the weight values from the trained DQN network.
DQNnet = [
imageInputLayer([1 520 1],"Name","ImageFeatureInput","Normalization","none")
% fullyConnectedLayer(512,"Name","fc2")
% reluLayer("Name","relu2")
ObsInfo = getObservationInfo(env);
ActInfo = getActionInfo(env);
DQNOpts = rlRepresentationOptions(‘LearnRate’,0.0001,’GradientThreshold’,1,’UseDevice’,’gpu’);
DQNagent = rlQValueRepresentation(DQNnet,ObsInfo,ActInfo,’Observation’,{‘ImageFeatureInput’},’ActionInputNames’,{‘BoundingBox Actions’},DQNOpts);
agentOpts = rlDQNAgentOptions(…
‘UseDoubleDQN’,true …
agentOpts.EpsilonGreedyExploration.Epsilon = 1;
agent = rlDQNAgent(DQNagent,agentOpts);
%% Agent Training
% Training options
trainOpts = rlTrainingOptions(…
‘MaxEpisodes’, 100, …
‘MaxStepsPerEpisode’, 100, …
‘Verbose’, true, …
‘SaveAgentDirectory’, pwd + "agents");
% Agent training
trainingStats = train(agent,env,trainOpts);The following is part of the program. I want to know how to extract the weight values from the trained DQN network.
DQNnet = [
imageInputLayer([1 520 1],"Name","ImageFeatureInput","Normalization","none")
% fullyConnectedLayer(512,"Name","fc2")
% reluLayer("Name","relu2")
ObsInfo = getObservationInfo(env);
ActInfo = getActionInfo(env);
DQNOpts = rlRepresentationOptions(‘LearnRate’,0.0001,’GradientThreshold’,1,’UseDevice’,’gpu’);
DQNagent = rlQValueRepresentation(DQNnet,ObsInfo,ActInfo,’Observation’,{‘ImageFeatureInput’},’ActionInputNames’,{‘BoundingBox Actions’},DQNOpts);
agentOpts = rlDQNAgentOptions(…
‘UseDoubleDQN’,true …
agentOpts.EpsilonGreedyExploration.Epsilon = 1;
agent = rlDQNAgent(DQNagent,agentOpts);
%% Agent Training
% Training options
trainOpts = rlTrainingOptions(…
‘MaxEpisodes’, 100, …
‘MaxStepsPerEpisode’, 100, …
‘Verbose’, true, …
‘SaveAgentDirectory’, pwd + "agents");
% Agent training
trainingStats = train(agent,env,trainOpts); The following is part of the program. I want to know how to extract the weight values from the trained DQN network.
DQNnet = [
imageInputLayer([1 520 1],"Name","ImageFeatureInput","Normalization","none")
% fullyConnectedLayer(512,"Name","fc2")
% reluLayer("Name","relu2")
ObsInfo = getObservationInfo(env);
ActInfo = getActionInfo(env);
DQNOpts = rlRepresentationOptions(‘LearnRate’,0.0001,’GradientThreshold’,1,’UseDevice’,’gpu’);
DQNagent = rlQValueRepresentation(DQNnet,ObsInfo,ActInfo,’Observation’,{‘ImageFeatureInput’},’ActionInputNames’,{‘BoundingBox Actions’},DQNOpts);
agentOpts = rlDQNAgentOptions(…
‘UseDoubleDQN’,true …
agentOpts.EpsilonGreedyExploration.Epsilon = 1;
agent = rlDQNAgent(DQNagent,agentOpts);
%% Agent Training
% Training options
trainOpts = rlTrainingOptions(…
‘MaxEpisodes’, 100, …
‘MaxStepsPerEpisode’, 100, …
‘Verbose’, true, …
‘SaveAgentDirectory’, pwd + "agents");
% Agent training
trainingStats = train(agent,env,trainOpts); drl, neural network, dqn MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Azure Web App – Connect to Azure Managed Instance SQL DB
Hi there,
need ideas how to let a Azure Web App connect to a Azure SQL DB (managed by Azure Managed Instance).
Web App has public network access but no private endpoint:
SQL Managed Instance is added to Azure virtual network/subnet.
So, Web App is facing to the internet only. SQL Server is connected to the internal network only.
Web App cannot connect to sql instance.
I tried to create a private endpoint on the managed instance to get it work. But without success.
As I am not too deep into the networking part of Azure I hoped to get help how to approach this. I need to be able to connect the web app to the managed instance. Just creating a private endpoint on the Web App ressource shows a warning that this undermines security. So I am looking for a secure way how to achieve connection from Web App to SQL instance/database.
Thanks in advance.
Additional information:
The sql instance and databases are reachable from in Azure running virtual machines that have network adapters in the virtual network where the sql server is running. It’s only the web app that is not able to connect (most likely because of missing internal network connection).
Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. (provider: TCP Provider, error: 0 – An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions.)
—> System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (10013): An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions.
Hi there,need ideas how to let a Azure Web App connect to a Azure SQL DB (managed by Azure Managed Instance). Web App has public network access but no private endpoint: SQL Managed Instance is added to Azure virtual network/subnet. So, Web App is facing to the internet only. SQL Server is connected to the internal network only. Web App cannot connect to sql instance. I tried to create a private endpoint on the managed instance to get it work. But without success. As I am not too deep into the networking part of Azure I hoped to get help how to approach this. I need to be able to connect the web app to the managed instance. Just creating a private endpoint on the Web App ressource shows a warning that this undermines security. So I am looking for a secure way how to achieve connection from Web App to SQL instance/database. Thanks in advance.Additional information:The sql instance and databases are reachable from in Azure running virtual machines that have network adapters in the virtual network where the sql server is running. It’s only the web app that is not able to connect (most likely because of missing internal network connection). Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. (provider: TCP Provider, error: 0 – An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions.)
—> System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (10013): An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions. Read More
Canary 130.0.280x.0 regularly crashing
Since update to Canary 130.0.2800.0 the browser keeps crashing regularly after about 1 minute.
Same on Canary 130.0.2801.0, 130.0.2802.0, 130.0.2803.0…
Disabling extensions (especially uBlock) doesn’t change the behavior, Canary still crashes.
Only able to test on a Win 10 system at the moment, can anyone please confirm this happening on Win 11 too? Thanks
Since update to Canary 130.0.2800.0 the browser keeps crashing regularly after about 1 minute. Same on Canary 130.0.2801.0, 130.0.2802.0, 130.0.2803.0…Disabling extensions (especially uBlock) doesn’t change the behavior, Canary still crashes. Only able to test on a Win 10 system at the moment, can anyone please confirm this happening on Win 11 too? Thanks Read More
Change send from e-mail in a Form
Hi all,
I would like to ask for help with changing the e-mail adress that the recipients of a form see.
The goal here is to send out a form from my account but it needs to be visible to other people as send from “email address removed for privacy reasons”.
Thanks for the help
Hi all, I would like to ask for help with changing the e-mail adress that the recipients of a form see.The goal here is to send out a form from my account but it needs to be visible to other people as send from “email address removed for privacy reasons”.Thanks for the help Read More
Windows Explorer memory usage normal?
I have noticed in the recent days (it may be nothing) but Windows Explorer is using a fair bit of RAM. I noticed the usage will continue to grow when opened. I guess this is normal behaviour, the issues I am seeing is the usage does not seem to go back down. I have had it sitting at over 700MB usage. I can get this to go down manually by resetting the task but surely I shouldn’t need to do this? Again this may or may not be a lot, this is why I am here to ask this question. Is this normal behaviour?
Windows 11, chipset etc are all up to date.
CPU – 7800X3D
GPU – 4090
RAM – 64GB @ 6000mhz
Windows is installed on a 1TB M.2 SSD
Thanks for taking the time to read through.
I have noticed in the recent days (it may be nothing) but Windows Explorer is using a fair bit of RAM. I noticed the usage will continue to grow when opened. I guess this is normal behaviour, the issues I am seeing is the usage does not seem to go back down. I have had it sitting at over 700MB usage. I can get this to go down manually by resetting the task but surely I shouldn’t need to do this? Again this may or may not be a lot, this is why I am here to ask this question. Is this normal behaviour?Windows 11, chipset etc are all up to date.CPU – 7800X3DGPU – 4090RAM – 64GB @ 6000mhzWindows is installed on a 1TB M.2 SSDThanks for taking the time to read through. Read More
Create custom image template using script stored in storage account which is publicly disabled
Hi Team,
we are trying to create custom image template for avd. We are trying to use storage account to store the software and script which needs to be run. We are using storage account which is publicly disabled and using private endpoint for the same. We are passing SAS token enabled url to download the script which is valid. We are trying to create image template but during the creation itself it is failing with azure custom image template Not authorized to access the resource:?[REDACTED]. Please check the user assigned identity has the correct permission the UAI has read access on the subcription and the resource group. But when we enable stroage account to publicly accessible we are able to create the image template. We are trying to install the template with same vnet and subnet where we have enabled private endpoint still the image template is failing any help or suggestion will be appreciated. AIB role has following permission on subscription and resource group
Hi Team, we are trying to create custom image template for avd. We are trying to use storage account to store the software and script which needs to be run. We are using storage account which is publicly disabled and using private endpoint for the same. We are passing SAS token enabled url to download the script which is valid. We are trying to create image template but during the creation itself it is failing with azure custom image template Not authorized to access the resource:?[REDACTED]. Please check the user assigned identity has the correct permission the UAI has read access on the subcription and the resource group. But when we enable stroage account to publicly accessible we are able to create the image template. We are trying to install the template with same vnet and subnet where we have enabled private endpoint still the image template is failing any help or suggestion will be appreciated. AIB role has following permission on subscription and resource group”Microsoft.Authorization/*/read”, “Microsoft.Compute/images/write”, “Microsoft.Compute/images/read”, “Microsoft.Compute/images/delete”, “Microsoft.Compute/galleries/read”, “Microsoft.Compute/galleries/images/read”, “Microsoft.Compute/galleries/images/versions/read”, “Microsoft.Compute/galleries/images/versions/write”, “Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/blobServices/containers/read”, “Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/blobServices/containers/write”, “Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/blobServices/read”, “Microsoft.ContainerInstance/containerGroups/read”, “Microsoft.ContainerInstance/containerGroups/write”, “Microsoft.ContainerInstance/containerGroups/start/action”, “Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/*/read”, “Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/*/assign/action”, “Microsoft.Authorization/*/read”, “Microsoft.Resources/deployments/*”, “Microsoft.Resources/deploymentScripts/read”, “Microsoft.Resources/deploymentScripts/write”, “Microsoft.Resources/subscriptions/resourceGroups/read”, “Microsoft.VirtualMachineImages/imageTemplates/run/action”, “Microsoft.VirtualMachineImages/imageTemplates/read”, “Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/read”, “Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/subnets/join/action” Read More
How can I get Win11 to protect my battery properly (on Surface Latop v7)
How can I get Windows 11 (Home) to protect my battery properly?
i.e. Normally it should only charge to 80% when plugged in, and when it gets below 20% (30%?) give me a warning and then soon after put my latop into sleep mode.
AND allow me to override these settings when I am travelling.
SmartCharging does not appear to be enabled in the Surface App (which seems broadly useless).
e.g. Is the “Battery Limiter” app any good?
Note: I don’t want to pay for this. I want a free or freemium app. I don’t mind adverts.
Fwiw, I do find it utterly ridiculous that I can’t already do this – particularly as there is no easy way to replace the battery in my Microsoft Surface Laptop (v7 – 15in.)
Any thoughts?
HelloHow can I get Windows 11 (Home) to protect my battery properly?i.e. Normally it should only charge to 80% when plugged in, and when it gets below 20% (30%?) give me a warning and then soon after put my latop into sleep mode.AND allow me to override these settings when I am travelling.SmartCharging does not appear to be enabled in the Surface App (which seems broadly useless).e.g. Is the “Battery Limiter” app any good?Note: I don’t want to pay for this. I want a free or freemium app. I don’t mind adverts.Fwiw, I do find it utterly ridiculous that I can’t already do this – particularly as there is no easy way to replace the battery in my Microsoft Surface Laptop (v7 – 15in.)Any thoughts? Read More