Azure Openai Whipser REST endpoints
I wanted to use Whisper deployed through Azure OpenAI but I am having trouble finding the right resources for it.
I am trying to integrate a translator using Whisper in a flutter app that will take multilingual input and give out the output in english.
Right now the transcription is working using this endpoint:
and structuring the request like:
What is the endpoint for translation and other services?
I wanted to use Whisper deployed through Azure OpenAI but I am having trouble finding the right resources for it.I am trying to integrate a translator using Whisper in a flutter app that will take multilingual input and give out the output in english.Right now the transcription is working using this endpoint:https://<dep><name>/audio/transcriptions?api-version=2024-02-01and structuring the request like:var uri = Uri.parse(whisperEndpoint); var request = http.MultipartRequest(‘POST’, uri) ..headers[‘api-key’] = whisperApiKey ..files.add(await http.MultipartFile.fromPath(‘file’, filePath));What is the endpoint for translation and other services? Read More