Bandpass filter Transient Response. How to get rid of it?
I created this bandpass filter and plotted it’s impulse response:
% Bandpass filter parameters
f_nyquist = sampling_frequency / 2;
low_cutoff_frequency = 6; % Low cutoff frequency in Hz
high_cutoff_frequency = 400; % High cutoff frequency in Hz
% Design the bandpass filter
[b, a_filter] = butter(2, [low_cutoff_frequency, high_cutoff_frequency] / (f_nyquist), ‘bandpass’);
% Create an impulse signal (Dirac delta function)
impulse_signal = zeros(1, 1000); % Change 1000 to the desired length
impulse_signal(1) = 1; % Set the first sample to 1
% Apply bandpass filter to the impulse signal
impulse_response = filtfilt(b, a_filter, impulse_signal);
% Time vector for plotting
time = (0:length(impulse_response)-1) / sampling_frequency;
% Plot the impulse response
figure(‘Name’, ‘Impulse Response of the Bandpass Filter’);
plot(time, impulse_response);
title(‘Impulse Response of the Bandpass Filter’);
xlabel(‘Time (s)’);
grid on;
[h, f] = freqz(b, a_filter, 1024, ‘whole’); % Frequency response
plot(f/pi * (sampling_frequency/2), abs(h)); % Plot magnitude response
xlabel(‘Frequency (Hz)’);
title(‘Frequency Response of the Bandpass Filter’);
grid on;
Why is there a spike from zero to -0.1?
That’s the bandpass filtered sEMG signal. How can I remove the information that may be the transient response around 0 and the info around 4 seconds where I attenuate my signal in order to not include the switch (stop of an experiment)?
That’s the impulse response of the bandpass filter.I created this bandpass filter and plotted it’s impulse response:
% Bandpass filter parameters
f_nyquist = sampling_frequency / 2;
low_cutoff_frequency = 6; % Low cutoff frequency in Hz
high_cutoff_frequency = 400; % High cutoff frequency in Hz
% Design the bandpass filter
[b, a_filter] = butter(2, [low_cutoff_frequency, high_cutoff_frequency] / (f_nyquist), ‘bandpass’);
% Create an impulse signal (Dirac delta function)
impulse_signal = zeros(1, 1000); % Change 1000 to the desired length
impulse_signal(1) = 1; % Set the first sample to 1
% Apply bandpass filter to the impulse signal
impulse_response = filtfilt(b, a_filter, impulse_signal);
% Time vector for plotting
time = (0:length(impulse_response)-1) / sampling_frequency;
% Plot the impulse response
figure(‘Name’, ‘Impulse Response of the Bandpass Filter’);
plot(time, impulse_response);
title(‘Impulse Response of the Bandpass Filter’);
xlabel(‘Time (s)’);
grid on;
[h, f] = freqz(b, a_filter, 1024, ‘whole’); % Frequency response
plot(f/pi * (sampling_frequency/2), abs(h)); % Plot magnitude response
xlabel(‘Frequency (Hz)’);
title(‘Frequency Response of the Bandpass Filter’);
grid on;
Why is there a spike from zero to -0.1?
That’s the bandpass filtered sEMG signal. How can I remove the information that may be the transient response around 0 and the info around 4 seconds where I attenuate my signal in order to not include the switch (stop of an experiment)?
That’s the impulse response of the bandpass filter. I created this bandpass filter and plotted it’s impulse response:
% Bandpass filter parameters
f_nyquist = sampling_frequency / 2;
low_cutoff_frequency = 6; % Low cutoff frequency in Hz
high_cutoff_frequency = 400; % High cutoff frequency in Hz
% Design the bandpass filter
[b, a_filter] = butter(2, [low_cutoff_frequency, high_cutoff_frequency] / (f_nyquist), ‘bandpass’);
% Create an impulse signal (Dirac delta function)
impulse_signal = zeros(1, 1000); % Change 1000 to the desired length
impulse_signal(1) = 1; % Set the first sample to 1
% Apply bandpass filter to the impulse signal
impulse_response = filtfilt(b, a_filter, impulse_signal);
% Time vector for plotting
time = (0:length(impulse_response)-1) / sampling_frequency;
% Plot the impulse response
figure(‘Name’, ‘Impulse Response of the Bandpass Filter’);
plot(time, impulse_response);
title(‘Impulse Response of the Bandpass Filter’);
xlabel(‘Time (s)’);
grid on;
[h, f] = freqz(b, a_filter, 1024, ‘whole’); % Frequency response
plot(f/pi * (sampling_frequency/2), abs(h)); % Plot magnitude response
xlabel(‘Frequency (Hz)’);
title(‘Frequency Response of the Bandpass Filter’);
grid on;
Why is there a spike from zero to -0.1?
That’s the bandpass filtered sEMG signal. How can I remove the information that may be the transient response around 0 and the info around 4 seconds where I attenuate my signal in order to not include the switch (stop of an experiment)?
That’s the impulse response of the bandpass filter. bandpass filter, impulse response, emg signals, transient response MATLAB Answers — New Questions