Buzzling sound when playing 16-ch audio to Motu Pro Audio
I have problem when play my sound to Motu. There is "nuzzling sound" during the silence part of your audio, especially in the end of audio.
original audio
Am I correctly use this code to play in using Motu?
I don’t have any issue when I play directly from Audacity or Reaper.
% Define the file and volume settings
audioFile = ‘chapel2m_0_order3_02_eight_new_shoes.wav’; % Path to your audio file
volumeLevel = 0.01; % Desired volume level (0 to 1)
% Get audio file information
info = audioinfo(audioFile);
fs = info.TotalSamples / info.Duration; % Sample rate of the audio file
numChannels = info.NumChannels; % Number of channels in the audio file
% Create an audio file reader
fileReader = dsp.AudioFileReader(audioFile, ‘PlayCount’, Inf);
fileReader.SamplesPerFrame = 8192; % Larger buffer size to avoid underflow/overflow
% Create an audio device writer with ASIO driver and MOTU Pro Audio device
deviceWriter = audioDeviceWriter(‘Driver’, ‘ASIO’, ‘Device’, ‘MOTU Pro Audio’, …
‘SampleRate’, fs, ‘ChannelMappingSource’, ‘Auto’);
% Setup the audio device writer with the correct sample rate and channel mapping
setup(deviceWriter, zeros(fileReader.SamplesPerFrame, numChannels));
% Process and play the audio
while ~isDone(fileReader)
% Read audio data
audioData = fileReader();
% Adjust the audio data by the volume level
audioData = audioData * volumeLevel;
% Write the adjusted audio data to the device
% Release resources
release(deviceWriter);I have problem when play my sound to Motu. There is "nuzzling sound" during the silence part of your audio, especially in the end of audio.
original audio
Am I correctly use this code to play in using Motu?
I don’t have any issue when I play directly from Audacity or Reaper.
% Define the file and volume settings
audioFile = ‘chapel2m_0_order3_02_eight_new_shoes.wav’; % Path to your audio file
volumeLevel = 0.01; % Desired volume level (0 to 1)
% Get audio file information
info = audioinfo(audioFile);
fs = info.TotalSamples / info.Duration; % Sample rate of the audio file
numChannels = info.NumChannels; % Number of channels in the audio file
% Create an audio file reader
fileReader = dsp.AudioFileReader(audioFile, ‘PlayCount’, Inf);
fileReader.SamplesPerFrame = 8192; % Larger buffer size to avoid underflow/overflow
% Create an audio device writer with ASIO driver and MOTU Pro Audio device
deviceWriter = audioDeviceWriter(‘Driver’, ‘ASIO’, ‘Device’, ‘MOTU Pro Audio’, …
‘SampleRate’, fs, ‘ChannelMappingSource’, ‘Auto’);
% Setup the audio device writer with the correct sample rate and channel mapping
setup(deviceWriter, zeros(fileReader.SamplesPerFrame, numChannels));
% Process and play the audio
while ~isDone(fileReader)
% Read audio data
audioData = fileReader();
% Adjust the audio data by the volume level
audioData = audioData * volumeLevel;
% Write the adjusted audio data to the device
% Release resources
release(deviceWriter); I have problem when play my sound to Motu. There is "nuzzling sound" during the silence part of your audio, especially in the end of audio.
original audio
Am I correctly use this code to play in using Motu?
I don’t have any issue when I play directly from Audacity or Reaper.
% Define the file and volume settings
audioFile = ‘chapel2m_0_order3_02_eight_new_shoes.wav’; % Path to your audio file
volumeLevel = 0.01; % Desired volume level (0 to 1)
% Get audio file information
info = audioinfo(audioFile);
fs = info.TotalSamples / info.Duration; % Sample rate of the audio file
numChannels = info.NumChannels; % Number of channels in the audio file
% Create an audio file reader
fileReader = dsp.AudioFileReader(audioFile, ‘PlayCount’, Inf);
fileReader.SamplesPerFrame = 8192; % Larger buffer size to avoid underflow/overflow
% Create an audio device writer with ASIO driver and MOTU Pro Audio device
deviceWriter = audioDeviceWriter(‘Driver’, ‘ASIO’, ‘Device’, ‘MOTU Pro Audio’, …
‘SampleRate’, fs, ‘ChannelMappingSource’, ‘Auto’);
% Setup the audio device writer with the correct sample rate and channel mapping
setup(deviceWriter, zeros(fileReader.SamplesPerFrame, numChannels));
% Process and play the audio
while ~isDone(fileReader)
% Read audio data
audioData = fileReader();
% Adjust the audio data by the volume level
audioData = audioData * volumeLevel;
% Write the adjusted audio data to the device
% Release resources
release(deviceWriter); audio, motu, 16-channel MATLAB Answers — New Questions