calculate angles for walking robot
I am studying the model of a walking robot from the project, if I increase the length and width of the legs and body, and also add arms and a head block, then the robot takes only one step and falls, as I understand it, for the changed parameters it is necessary to calculate the angles again, how can I do this?
how did the authors of the project calculate the variables "jAngsL", "jAngR", "siminL", "siminR"?I am studying the model of a walking robot from the project, if I increase the length and width of the legs and body, and also add arms and a head block, then the robot takes only one step and falls, as I understand it, for the changed parameters it is necessary to calculate the angles again, how can I do this?
how did the authors of the project calculate the variables "jAngsL", "jAngR", "siminL", "siminR"? I am studying the model of a walking robot from the project, if I increase the length and width of the legs and body, and also add arms and a head block, then the robot takes only one step and falls, as I understand it, for the changed parameters it is necessary to calculate the angles again, how can I do this?
how did the authors of the project calculate the variables "jAngsL", "jAngR", "siminL", "siminR"? roboticsarena, walkingrobot, bipedalrobot, inversekinematics, simulink MATLAB Answers — New Questions