Cannot compile app with Segment Anything Model SAM due to license?
I could not compile my app with SAM due to the following error.
Where can I find the specific LICENSE that states why and how SAM cannot be packaged?
Or am I misunderstanding anything about specifying parameters for packaging? I’m very new to compiling app in Matlab.
mcc -o v9 -W ‘WinMain:v9,version=1.0’ -T link:exe -d ‘D:OneDrive – ZeonCorporation1.WORK24_MatlabSAMworkedv9for_testing’ -v ‘D:OneDrive – ZeonCorporation1.WORK24_MatlabSAMworkedv9.m’ -a ‘D:OneDrive – ZeonCorporation1.WORK24_MatlabSAMworkedLICENSE’ -a C:ProgramDataMATLABSupportPackagesR2024atoolboximagessupportpackagessamdatapreTrainedSAM.mat -a C:ProgramDataMATLABSupportPackagesR2024atoolboximagessupportpackagessam+matlabshared+supportpkg+internal+sppkglegacySAM.m -r ‘C:Program FilesMATLABR2024atoolboxcompilerpackagingResourcesdefault_icon.ico’ -Z ‘Deep Learning Toolbox Converter for ONNX Model Format’
Compiler version: 24.1 (R2024a)
Analyzing file dependencies.
Warning: Removed http proxy service credentials from preference settings.
Warning: In "C:ProgramDataMATLABSupportPackagesR2024atoolboximagessupportpackagessam+matlabshared+supportpkg+internal+sppkglegacySAM.m", "matlabshared.supportpkg.internal.sppkglegacy.SupportPackageRegistryPluginBase" are excluded from packaging for the MATLAB Runtime environment according to the MATLAB Compiler license. Either remove the file or function from your code, or use the MATLAB function "isdeployed" to ensure the function is not invoked in the deployed component.
mcc failed.Hi,
I could not compile my app with SAM due to the following error.
Where can I find the specific LICENSE that states why and how SAM cannot be packaged?
Or am I misunderstanding anything about specifying parameters for packaging? I’m very new to compiling app in Matlab.
mcc -o v9 -W ‘WinMain:v9,version=1.0’ -T link:exe -d ‘D:OneDrive – ZeonCorporation1.WORK24_MatlabSAMworkedv9for_testing’ -v ‘D:OneDrive – ZeonCorporation1.WORK24_MatlabSAMworkedv9.m’ -a ‘D:OneDrive – ZeonCorporation1.WORK24_MatlabSAMworkedLICENSE’ -a C:ProgramDataMATLABSupportPackagesR2024atoolboximagessupportpackagessamdatapreTrainedSAM.mat -a C:ProgramDataMATLABSupportPackagesR2024atoolboximagessupportpackagessam+matlabshared+supportpkg+internal+sppkglegacySAM.m -r ‘C:Program FilesMATLABR2024atoolboxcompilerpackagingResourcesdefault_icon.ico’ -Z ‘Deep Learning Toolbox Converter for ONNX Model Format’
Compiler version: 24.1 (R2024a)
Analyzing file dependencies.
Warning: Removed http proxy service credentials from preference settings.
Warning: In "C:ProgramDataMATLABSupportPackagesR2024atoolboximagessupportpackagessam+matlabshared+supportpkg+internal+sppkglegacySAM.m", "matlabshared.supportpkg.internal.sppkglegacy.SupportPackageRegistryPluginBase" are excluded from packaging for the MATLAB Runtime environment according to the MATLAB Compiler license. Either remove the file or function from your code, or use the MATLAB function "isdeployed" to ensure the function is not invoked in the deployed component.
mcc failed. Hi,
I could not compile my app with SAM due to the following error.
Where can I find the specific LICENSE that states why and how SAM cannot be packaged?
Or am I misunderstanding anything about specifying parameters for packaging? I’m very new to compiling app in Matlab.
mcc -o v9 -W ‘WinMain:v9,version=1.0’ -T link:exe -d ‘D:OneDrive – ZeonCorporation1.WORK24_MatlabSAMworkedv9for_testing’ -v ‘D:OneDrive – ZeonCorporation1.WORK24_MatlabSAMworkedv9.m’ -a ‘D:OneDrive – ZeonCorporation1.WORK24_MatlabSAMworkedLICENSE’ -a C:ProgramDataMATLABSupportPackagesR2024atoolboximagessupportpackagessamdatapreTrainedSAM.mat -a C:ProgramDataMATLABSupportPackagesR2024atoolboximagessupportpackagessam+matlabshared+supportpkg+internal+sppkglegacySAM.m -r ‘C:Program FilesMATLABR2024atoolboxcompilerpackagingResourcesdefault_icon.ico’ -Z ‘Deep Learning Toolbox Converter for ONNX Model Format’
Compiler version: 24.1 (R2024a)
Analyzing file dependencies.
Warning: Removed http proxy service credentials from preference settings.
Warning: In "C:ProgramDataMATLABSupportPackagesR2024atoolboximagessupportpackagessam+matlabshared+supportpkg+internal+sppkglegacySAM.m", "matlabshared.supportpkg.internal.sppkglegacy.SupportPackageRegistryPluginBase" are excluded from packaging for the MATLAB Runtime environment according to the MATLAB Compiler license. Either remove the file or function from your code, or use the MATLAB function "isdeployed" to ensure the function is not invoked in the deployed component.
mcc failed. segment anything model, sam, compiler, matlab compiler MATLAB Answers — New Questions