Cannot get fmincon to work
Hello, I am trying to find the max value of a function of 5 variables with all of them constrained between 2 values. However, I do not have experience using this function and I can’t find any good information to use it properly in this scenario either in the MatLab help page, nor in any online tutorial.
As you can see in the code, the function I want to optimize is P, and the variables are V, na, nd, wn and wp.
Apologies if the code is too hard to understand.
format long
%% Variables
dp = 11.6;
taup = 3710e-6;
dn = 2;
taun = 371e-6;
Jl = 50e-3;
ni = 9.696e9;
q = 1.602176634e-19;
k = 1.3880649e-23;
T = 300;
ep = 1.035918e-12;
vint = @(na,nd) k.*T/q.*log((na.*nd)./ni^2);
xn = @(na,nd) sqrt((2.*ep.*vint(na,nd).*na)./(q.*nd.*(na+nd)));
xp = @(na,nd) sqrt((2.*ep.*vint(na,nd).*nd)./(q.*na.*(na+nd)));
dnxp = @(V,na) ni^2./na.*(exp(q*V./(k*T))-1);
dpxn = @(V,nd) ni^2./nd.*(exp(q*V./(k*T))-1);
%% Functions
C1 = @(V,na,nd,wn) dnxp(V,na)./(-exp((-2.*wn-xp(na,nd))./sqrt(dn*taun))+exp(xp(na,nd)./sqrt(dn*taun)));
C3 = @(V,na,nd,wp) dpxn(V,nd)./(exp(-xn(na,nd)./sqrt(taup*dp))-exp((2.*wp+xn(na,nd))./sqrt(taup*dp)));
Jn = @(x,V,na,nd,wn) q*sqrt(dn/taun).*C1(V,na,nd,wn).*(exp((-2.*wn-x)./sqrt(dn*taun))+exp(x./sqrt(dn*taun)));
Jp = @(x,V,na,nd,wp) -q*sqrt(dp/taup).*C3(V,na,nd,wp).*(exp(x./sqrt(taup*dp))+exp((2.*wp-x)./sqrt(taup*dp)));
Jd = @(V,na,nd,wn,wp) Jp(-xn(na,nd),V,na,nd,wn)+Jn(xp(na,nd),V,na,nd,wp);
J = @(V,na,nd,wn,wp) Jl-Jd(V,na,nd,wn,wp);
P = @(V,na,nd,wn,wp) J(V,na,nd,wn,wp).*V;
%% Boundaries
wn = [0.05e-4, 0.75e-4];
wp = [100e-4, 200e-4];
nd = [1e18, 5e20];
na = [1e14, 1e16];
V = [0, 0.52];
P0 = [(V(1)+V(2))/2; (wn(1)+wn(2))/2; (wp(1)+wp(2))/2; (nd(1)+nd(2))/2; (na(1)+na(2))/2];
%% Optimization
mx = fmincon(-P(V,wn,wp,nd,na),P0,[],[],[],[],[min(V),wn(1),wp(1),nd(1),na(1)],[max(V),wn(2),wp(2),nd(2),na(2)]);Hello, I am trying to find the max value of a function of 5 variables with all of them constrained between 2 values. However, I do not have experience using this function and I can’t find any good information to use it properly in this scenario either in the MatLab help page, nor in any online tutorial.
As you can see in the code, the function I want to optimize is P, and the variables are V, na, nd, wn and wp.
Apologies if the code is too hard to understand.
format long
%% Variables
dp = 11.6;
taup = 3710e-6;
dn = 2;
taun = 371e-6;
Jl = 50e-3;
ni = 9.696e9;
q = 1.602176634e-19;
k = 1.3880649e-23;
T = 300;
ep = 1.035918e-12;
vint = @(na,nd) k.*T/q.*log((na.*nd)./ni^2);
xn = @(na,nd) sqrt((2.*ep.*vint(na,nd).*na)./(q.*nd.*(na+nd)));
xp = @(na,nd) sqrt((2.*ep.*vint(na,nd).*nd)./(q.*na.*(na+nd)));
dnxp = @(V,na) ni^2./na.*(exp(q*V./(k*T))-1);
dpxn = @(V,nd) ni^2./nd.*(exp(q*V./(k*T))-1);
%% Functions
C1 = @(V,na,nd,wn) dnxp(V,na)./(-exp((-2.*wn-xp(na,nd))./sqrt(dn*taun))+exp(xp(na,nd)./sqrt(dn*taun)));
C3 = @(V,na,nd,wp) dpxn(V,nd)./(exp(-xn(na,nd)./sqrt(taup*dp))-exp((2.*wp+xn(na,nd))./sqrt(taup*dp)));
Jn = @(x,V,na,nd,wn) q*sqrt(dn/taun).*C1(V,na,nd,wn).*(exp((-2.*wn-x)./sqrt(dn*taun))+exp(x./sqrt(dn*taun)));
Jp = @(x,V,na,nd,wp) -q*sqrt(dp/taup).*C3(V,na,nd,wp).*(exp(x./sqrt(taup*dp))+exp((2.*wp-x)./sqrt(taup*dp)));
Jd = @(V,na,nd,wn,wp) Jp(-xn(na,nd),V,na,nd,wn)+Jn(xp(na,nd),V,na,nd,wp);
J = @(V,na,nd,wn,wp) Jl-Jd(V,na,nd,wn,wp);
P = @(V,na,nd,wn,wp) J(V,na,nd,wn,wp).*V;
%% Boundaries
wn = [0.05e-4, 0.75e-4];
wp = [100e-4, 200e-4];
nd = [1e18, 5e20];
na = [1e14, 1e16];
V = [0, 0.52];
P0 = [(V(1)+V(2))/2; (wn(1)+wn(2))/2; (wp(1)+wp(2))/2; (nd(1)+nd(2))/2; (na(1)+na(2))/2];
%% Optimization
mx = fmincon(-P(V,wn,wp,nd,na),P0,[],[],[],[],[min(V),wn(1),wp(1),nd(1),na(1)],[max(V),wn(2),wp(2),nd(2),na(2)]); Hello, I am trying to find the max value of a function of 5 variables with all of them constrained between 2 values. However, I do not have experience using this function and I can’t find any good information to use it properly in this scenario either in the MatLab help page, nor in any online tutorial.
As you can see in the code, the function I want to optimize is P, and the variables are V, na, nd, wn and wp.
Apologies if the code is too hard to understand.
format long
%% Variables
dp = 11.6;
taup = 3710e-6;
dn = 2;
taun = 371e-6;
Jl = 50e-3;
ni = 9.696e9;
q = 1.602176634e-19;
k = 1.3880649e-23;
T = 300;
ep = 1.035918e-12;
vint = @(na,nd) k.*T/q.*log((na.*nd)./ni^2);
xn = @(na,nd) sqrt((2.*ep.*vint(na,nd).*na)./(q.*nd.*(na+nd)));
xp = @(na,nd) sqrt((2.*ep.*vint(na,nd).*nd)./(q.*na.*(na+nd)));
dnxp = @(V,na) ni^2./na.*(exp(q*V./(k*T))-1);
dpxn = @(V,nd) ni^2./nd.*(exp(q*V./(k*T))-1);
%% Functions
C1 = @(V,na,nd,wn) dnxp(V,na)./(-exp((-2.*wn-xp(na,nd))./sqrt(dn*taun))+exp(xp(na,nd)./sqrt(dn*taun)));
C3 = @(V,na,nd,wp) dpxn(V,nd)./(exp(-xn(na,nd)./sqrt(taup*dp))-exp((2.*wp+xn(na,nd))./sqrt(taup*dp)));
Jn = @(x,V,na,nd,wn) q*sqrt(dn/taun).*C1(V,na,nd,wn).*(exp((-2.*wn-x)./sqrt(dn*taun))+exp(x./sqrt(dn*taun)));
Jp = @(x,V,na,nd,wp) -q*sqrt(dp/taup).*C3(V,na,nd,wp).*(exp(x./sqrt(taup*dp))+exp((2.*wp-x)./sqrt(taup*dp)));
Jd = @(V,na,nd,wn,wp) Jp(-xn(na,nd),V,na,nd,wn)+Jn(xp(na,nd),V,na,nd,wp);
J = @(V,na,nd,wn,wp) Jl-Jd(V,na,nd,wn,wp);
P = @(V,na,nd,wn,wp) J(V,na,nd,wn,wp).*V;
%% Boundaries
wn = [0.05e-4, 0.75e-4];
wp = [100e-4, 200e-4];
nd = [1e18, 5e20];
na = [1e14, 1e16];
V = [0, 0.52];
P0 = [(V(1)+V(2))/2; (wn(1)+wn(2))/2; (wp(1)+wp(2))/2; (nd(1)+nd(2))/2; (na(1)+na(2))/2];
%% Optimization
mx = fmincon(-P(V,wn,wp,nd,na),P0,[],[],[],[],[min(V),wn(1),wp(1),nd(1),na(1)],[max(V),wn(2),wp(2),nd(2),na(2)]); optimization, fmincon MATLAB Answers — New Questions