Category: Matlab
Category Archives: Matlab
Initfcn callback wont update during the sensitivity analysis of my model
Hello everyone,
I’ve come across a strange problem concerning the sensitivity analysis tool and the initialization callback of my Simulink model. The initfcn callback uses some of the parameters in the parameter set of the sensitivity analysis session. When I run the sensitivity analysis the callback doesn’t see that the parameters are changing, it uses the same values (the default values in the base workspace) for each iteration.
OCVmine, OCVmaxe, lrStarte, lrEnde, me, pOCVmide are the variables in the base workspace that are being varied in the sensitivity analysis and this is my initfcn callback:
[SoCe, Vse] = pwp(OCVmine, OCVmaxe, lrStarte, lrEnde, me, pOCVmide);
set_param([gcs ‘/Battery/Cell 1’], ‘SoC’, ‘SoCe’, ‘OCV’, ‘Vse’);
[~, ix] = min(abs(SoCe – lrEnde/100));
Vinitiale = Vse(ix);
The variables are actually changing because the blocks in my model that use them see that they are changing, it’s only the callback that doesn’t seem to notice.
The top window shows the various samples of the sensitivity analysis session being evaluated, while the bottom window shows the baseworkspace.
Does anyone have any clue what may be causing this problem?
Thank you and enjoy your day.Hello everyone,
I’ve come across a strange problem concerning the sensitivity analysis tool and the initialization callback of my Simulink model. The initfcn callback uses some of the parameters in the parameter set of the sensitivity analysis session. When I run the sensitivity analysis the callback doesn’t see that the parameters are changing, it uses the same values (the default values in the base workspace) for each iteration.
OCVmine, OCVmaxe, lrStarte, lrEnde, me, pOCVmide are the variables in the base workspace that are being varied in the sensitivity analysis and this is my initfcn callback:
[SoCe, Vse] = pwp(OCVmine, OCVmaxe, lrStarte, lrEnde, me, pOCVmide);
set_param([gcs ‘/Battery/Cell 1’], ‘SoC’, ‘SoCe’, ‘OCV’, ‘Vse’);
[~, ix] = min(abs(SoCe – lrEnde/100));
Vinitiale = Vse(ix);
The variables are actually changing because the blocks in my model that use them see that they are changing, it’s only the callback that doesn’t seem to notice.
The top window shows the various samples of the sensitivity analysis session being evaluated, while the bottom window shows the baseworkspace.
Does anyone have any clue what may be causing this problem?
Thank you and enjoy your day. Hello everyone,
I’ve come across a strange problem concerning the sensitivity analysis tool and the initialization callback of my Simulink model. The initfcn callback uses some of the parameters in the parameter set of the sensitivity analysis session. When I run the sensitivity analysis the callback doesn’t see that the parameters are changing, it uses the same values (the default values in the base workspace) for each iteration.
OCVmine, OCVmaxe, lrStarte, lrEnde, me, pOCVmide are the variables in the base workspace that are being varied in the sensitivity analysis and this is my initfcn callback:
[SoCe, Vse] = pwp(OCVmine, OCVmaxe, lrStarte, lrEnde, me, pOCVmide);
set_param([gcs ‘/Battery/Cell 1’], ‘SoC’, ‘SoCe’, ‘OCV’, ‘Vse’);
[~, ix] = min(abs(SoCe – lrEnde/100));
Vinitiale = Vse(ix);
The variables are actually changing because the blocks in my model that use them see that they are changing, it’s only the callback that doesn’t seem to notice.
The top window shows the various samples of the sensitivity analysis session being evaluated, while the bottom window shows the baseworkspace.
Does anyone have any clue what may be causing this problem?
Thank you and enjoy your day. initfcn, sensitivity analysis MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Is it possible to simulate UE mobility using latitude and longitude coordinates?
I’m studing the example "CreateConfigureAndSimulate5GNRNodesExample.mlx".
In this example you can add mobility to a UE using the method:
But, if I have coordinates from my cenario and UE by along the time (a list of diferent lon,lat coods from user monitoring, for example) it is possible to simulate the mobility using this data?I’m studing the example "CreateConfigureAndSimulate5GNRNodesExample.mlx".
In this example you can add mobility to a UE using the method:
But, if I have coordinates from my cenario and UE by along the time (a list of diferent lon,lat coods from user monitoring, for example) it is possible to simulate the mobility using this data? I’m studing the example "CreateConfigureAndSimulate5GNRNodesExample.mlx".
In this example you can add mobility to a UE using the method:
But, if I have coordinates from my cenario and UE by along the time (a list of diferent lon,lat coods from user monitoring, for example) it is possible to simulate the mobility using this data? ue, mobility, 5g MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Two codes for the same dataset have different root mean square error values
Hello, i am working on wknn for localization, the first code requires input of the rss values and the error is less than 5m but the second code has a training and a test set and the error is above 500m, i cannot figure why this is happening. I have attached the code and the dataset. Thank you.Hello, i am working on wknn for localization, the first code requires input of the rss values and the error is less than 5m but the second code has a training and a test set and the error is above 500m, i cannot figure why this is happening. I have attached the code and the dataset. Thank you. Hello, i am working on wknn for localization, the first code requires input of the rss values and the error is less than 5m but the second code has a training and a test set and the error is above 500m, i cannot figure why this is happening. I have attached the code and the dataset. Thank you. wknn localization MATLAB Answers — New Questions
I am trying to write a script to convert a test case from baseline to Real- Time using test manager. However I am unable to do it programmatically. Is there any way to do it ?
I am trying to write a script to run a series of test cases and would like to open Test Manager as little as possible. I have found that you can programmatically create a test case and specify the type as either ‘baseline’,’equivalence’, or ‘simulation’. However, I have not been able to find a type to create a test case for real-time simulation without having to open Test Manager.I am trying to write a script to run a series of test cases and would like to open Test Manager as little as possible. I have found that you can programmatically create a test case and specify the type as either ‘baseline’,’equivalence’, or ‘simulation’. However, I have not been able to find a type to create a test case for real-time simulation without having to open Test Manager. I am trying to write a script to run a series of test cases and would like to open Test Manager as little as possible. I have found that you can programmatically create a test case and specify the type as either ‘baseline’,’equivalence’, or ‘simulation’. However, I have not been able to find a type to create a test case for real-time simulation without having to open Test Manager. simulink test, real time test, test manager, test case MATLAB Answers — New Questions
IP Address in Hardware Implementation (External Mode in Configuration Parameters) is not used for code generation
Hello community,
we developed our own toolchain for an Intel Cyclone V FPGA (MitySOM-5CSX) using this tutorial (, to generate code from Simulink models using the Embedded Coder Support Package for ARM Cortex-A Processors. In the 5th step of this tutorial (Activate the Application Deployment Feature) the IP address of the target board is specified, which then also appears correct under Configuration Parameters -> Hardware Implementation -> External Mode.
Now, if you want to change this IP address at this point (Configuration Parameters -> Hardware Implementation -> External Mode), the embedded coder will not use this new IP address, but only the one that was specified when the target was created. That means, no matter which IP address the user later sets under Configuration Parameters -> Hardware Implementation -> External Mode, only the one specified when creating the target will be used for code generation, which is unsuitable.
Is this a bug or a feature? Where can the user later set the IP address of his target board, which then will be used by the embedded coder?
Thank you guys and with best wishes,
Lars LindnerHello community,
we developed our own toolchain for an Intel Cyclone V FPGA (MitySOM-5CSX) using this tutorial (, to generate code from Simulink models using the Embedded Coder Support Package for ARM Cortex-A Processors. In the 5th step of this tutorial (Activate the Application Deployment Feature) the IP address of the target board is specified, which then also appears correct under Configuration Parameters -> Hardware Implementation -> External Mode.
Now, if you want to change this IP address at this point (Configuration Parameters -> Hardware Implementation -> External Mode), the embedded coder will not use this new IP address, but only the one that was specified when the target was created. That means, no matter which IP address the user later sets under Configuration Parameters -> Hardware Implementation -> External Mode, only the one specified when creating the target will be used for code generation, which is unsuitable.
Is this a bug or a feature? Where can the user later set the IP address of his target board, which then will be used by the embedded coder?
Thank you guys and with best wishes,
Lars Lindner Hello community,
we developed our own toolchain for an Intel Cyclone V FPGA (MitySOM-5CSX) using this tutorial (, to generate code from Simulink models using the Embedded Coder Support Package for ARM Cortex-A Processors. In the 5th step of this tutorial (Activate the Application Deployment Feature) the IP address of the target board is specified, which then also appears correct under Configuration Parameters -> Hardware Implementation -> External Mode.
Now, if you want to change this IP address at this point (Configuration Parameters -> Hardware Implementation -> External Mode), the embedded coder will not use this new IP address, but only the one that was specified when the target was created. That means, no matter which IP address the user later sets under Configuration Parameters -> Hardware Implementation -> External Mode, only the one specified when creating the target will be used for code generation, which is unsuitable.
Is this a bug or a feature? Where can the user later set the IP address of his target board, which then will be used by the embedded coder?
Thank you guys and with best wishes,
Lars Lindner embedded coder, code gerneration, external mode, ip adress, arm cortex-a processors MATLAB Answers — New Questions
How do I segment cracks in a noisy image?
I have pictures of cracks in soil taken in an outdoor experiment which I am looking to quanitfy. My ultimate goal is to segment the cracks from the intact soil peds to calculate width and then skeletonise to get length, intersection angles etc. As the photos are taken outdoors when i try to segment the cracks from the intact soil peds there is a lot of noise due to the uneven lighting conditions and highly pitted surface caused by rain action. Can anyone help with problem and suggest how to best formulate a code to address a high degree of hetereogenity between images?I have pictures of cracks in soil taken in an outdoor experiment which I am looking to quanitfy. My ultimate goal is to segment the cracks from the intact soil peds to calculate width and then skeletonise to get length, intersection angles etc. As the photos are taken outdoors when i try to segment the cracks from the intact soil peds there is a lot of noise due to the uneven lighting conditions and highly pitted surface caused by rain action. Can anyone help with problem and suggest how to best formulate a code to address a high degree of hetereogenity between images? I have pictures of cracks in soil taken in an outdoor experiment which I am looking to quanitfy. My ultimate goal is to segment the cracks from the intact soil peds to calculate width and then skeletonise to get length, intersection angles etc. As the photos are taken outdoors when i try to segment the cracks from the intact soil peds there is a lot of noise due to the uneven lighting conditions and highly pitted surface caused by rain action. Can anyone help with problem and suggest how to best formulate a code to address a high degree of hetereogenity between images? cracks, image segmentation, image processing, uneven lighting MATLAB Answers — New Questions
How to split of into train and test with labels data??
Hello Sir,
I have dataset of images and its labels , i want to split it into train_data, train_labels and test_data, test_labels with separated folders??Hello Sir,
I have dataset of images and its labels , i want to split it into train_data, train_labels and test_data, test_labels with separated folders?? Hello Sir,
I have dataset of images and its labels , i want to split it into train_data, train_labels and test_data, test_labels with separated folders?? srivardhan gadila MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Need to rectify error in my matlab code given below
syms t
mu=2500*(10^-4); %cm^2*V^-1 * s^-1
R = 0.318;
eta=377;% ohm
N=3.681; %refindex
alpha= 8.5*(10^4); %m^-1
taul= 35*(10^-15); %s
tauc= 10*(10^-12); %s
W=100*(10^-6); %m
L=300*(10^-6); % m
Tlt=325*(10^-6); % m
V=25; %V
vopt=375*(10^12); %Hz
I=0.90*(10^8);% i
n(t)=I.*exp(-2).*((1-R)./(sqrt(2.*pi).*h.*vopt)).*taul.*exp((-taul.^2)./(8.*tauc.^2)).*exp(-t./tauc).*(erf(sqrt(2).*t./taul – (sqrt(2).*taul)./(4.*tauc))+1);
tc = 10.*(10.^-12);
ode = diff(n,t) == (-n./tc) + G;
cond = n(0) == n0;
It shows difference order N must be a positive integer. Error in third last line. How to solve this error?syms t
mu=2500*(10^-4); %cm^2*V^-1 * s^-1
R = 0.318;
eta=377;% ohm
N=3.681; %refindex
alpha= 8.5*(10^4); %m^-1
taul= 35*(10^-15); %s
tauc= 10*(10^-12); %s
W=100*(10^-6); %m
L=300*(10^-6); % m
Tlt=325*(10^-6); % m
V=25; %V
vopt=375*(10^12); %Hz
I=0.90*(10^8);% i
n(t)=I.*exp(-2).*((1-R)./(sqrt(2.*pi).*h.*vopt)).*taul.*exp((-taul.^2)./(8.*tauc.^2)).*exp(-t./tauc).*(erf(sqrt(2).*t./taul – (sqrt(2).*taul)./(4.*tauc))+1);
tc = 10.*(10.^-12);
ode = diff(n,t) == (-n./tc) + G;
cond = n(0) == n0;
It shows difference order N must be a positive integer. Error in third last line. How to solve this error? syms t
mu=2500*(10^-4); %cm^2*V^-1 * s^-1
R = 0.318;
eta=377;% ohm
N=3.681; %refindex
alpha= 8.5*(10^4); %m^-1
taul= 35*(10^-15); %s
tauc= 10*(10^-12); %s
W=100*(10^-6); %m
L=300*(10^-6); % m
Tlt=325*(10^-6); % m
V=25; %V
vopt=375*(10^12); %Hz
I=0.90*(10^8);% i
n(t)=I.*exp(-2).*((1-R)./(sqrt(2.*pi).*h.*vopt)).*taul.*exp((-taul.^2)./(8.*tauc.^2)).*exp(-t./tauc).*(erf(sqrt(2).*t./taul – (sqrt(2).*taul)./(4.*tauc))+1);
tc = 10.*(10.^-12);
ode = diff(n,t) == (-n./tc) + G;
cond = n(0) == n0;
It shows difference order N must be a positive integer. Error in third last line. How to solve this error? ode MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Is there any way to read ambient light values from android or iPhone to matlab?
Unfortunately Android and iPhone support package does’t do this and I need to read the lux values from Ambient light sensor to Matlab in realtime.Unfortunately Android and iPhone support package does’t do this and I need to read the lux values from Ambient light sensor to Matlab in realtime. Unfortunately Android and iPhone support package does’t do this and I need to read the lux values from Ambient light sensor to Matlab in realtime. android, sensor, iphone, light sensor, ios MATLAB Answers — New Questions
UAV Toolbox Support for PX4 Autopilots – HIL_SENSOR MAVLink message data not accepted by stock PX4 flight controller
Hi everyone,
I am experiencing a strange issue creating a Simulink quadrotor simulation environment for testing the stock PX4 flight controller. I am adapting the model from this Simulink PX4 example: Monitor and Tune PX4 Host Target Flight Controller with Simulink-Based Plant Model. However, instead of running the flight controller on PX4 by creating a custom Simulink controller, I want to use the stock PX4 flight controller.
At first I tried running PX4 using just "make px4_sitl none_iris" in a fresh PX4 installation, and then running the Simulink model. This kind of works – PX4 waits for connection from a simulator, and then connects when the plant model is run. However, it immediately experiences 14 pre-flight failures, which means it does not arm. It does not display all of these errors, but they seem to be related to the sensors + others not listed.
I found some errors in the original simulink-based plant model (the heartbeat signal is broadcasting that it is a submarine? But also does not seem to be necessary in the first place) as well as some incorrect units being published to MAVLink. Fixing these does not seem to help.
I found a python file that creates a dummy drone that is convincing enough for PX4 to connect to. The code is attached to this post in the dummy sim file. Running the above make command and then the sim convinces PX4 that everything is good to go and the commander arms. I created a new Simulink file that just populates HIL_GPS, HIL_SENSOR and HIL_STATE_QUATERNION with the same data from the python file (base values, random offsets, scale, etc.).
Running PX4 and connecting to this sim clears 9 of the 14 pre-flight failures. The remaining 5 are all connected to the sensor message – the flight controller claims it is receiving invalid or no data from the accelerometer, gyroscope, compass and barometer. An image of the error is attached below.
All of this information should be provided by the HIL_SENSOR message, which is fully populated in the Simulink file and sent over UDP/TCP the same way all the other MAVLink messages are being sent. Why the HIL_SENSOR data is specifically not working is beyond me. Same values in the python script seem to be fine. Also, every sensor is failing, so I doubt I have messed up one or two inputs in the Simulink bus assignment. Attahced below is an image of the HIL_SENSOR assignment. I have also attached the Simulink file (called MinimumViableModel) as well as necessary support scripts.
Any help would be appreciated! I hope I have attached everything necessary to reproduce the issue.Hi everyone,
I am experiencing a strange issue creating a Simulink quadrotor simulation environment for testing the stock PX4 flight controller. I am adapting the model from this Simulink PX4 example: Monitor and Tune PX4 Host Target Flight Controller with Simulink-Based Plant Model. However, instead of running the flight controller on PX4 by creating a custom Simulink controller, I want to use the stock PX4 flight controller.
At first I tried running PX4 using just "make px4_sitl none_iris" in a fresh PX4 installation, and then running the Simulink model. This kind of works – PX4 waits for connection from a simulator, and then connects when the plant model is run. However, it immediately experiences 14 pre-flight failures, which means it does not arm. It does not display all of these errors, but they seem to be related to the sensors + others not listed.
I found some errors in the original simulink-based plant model (the heartbeat signal is broadcasting that it is a submarine? But also does not seem to be necessary in the first place) as well as some incorrect units being published to MAVLink. Fixing these does not seem to help.
I found a python file that creates a dummy drone that is convincing enough for PX4 to connect to. The code is attached to this post in the dummy sim file. Running the above make command and then the sim convinces PX4 that everything is good to go and the commander arms. I created a new Simulink file that just populates HIL_GPS, HIL_SENSOR and HIL_STATE_QUATERNION with the same data from the python file (base values, random offsets, scale, etc.).
Running PX4 and connecting to this sim clears 9 of the 14 pre-flight failures. The remaining 5 are all connected to the sensor message – the flight controller claims it is receiving invalid or no data from the accelerometer, gyroscope, compass and barometer. An image of the error is attached below.
All of this information should be provided by the HIL_SENSOR message, which is fully populated in the Simulink file and sent over UDP/TCP the same way all the other MAVLink messages are being sent. Why the HIL_SENSOR data is specifically not working is beyond me. Same values in the python script seem to be fine. Also, every sensor is failing, so I doubt I have messed up one or two inputs in the Simulink bus assignment. Attahced below is an image of the HIL_SENSOR assignment. I have also attached the Simulink file (called MinimumViableModel) as well as necessary support scripts.
Any help would be appreciated! I hope I have attached everything necessary to reproduce the issue. Hi everyone,
I am experiencing a strange issue creating a Simulink quadrotor simulation environment for testing the stock PX4 flight controller. I am adapting the model from this Simulink PX4 example: Monitor and Tune PX4 Host Target Flight Controller with Simulink-Based Plant Model. However, instead of running the flight controller on PX4 by creating a custom Simulink controller, I want to use the stock PX4 flight controller.
At first I tried running PX4 using just "make px4_sitl none_iris" in a fresh PX4 installation, and then running the Simulink model. This kind of works – PX4 waits for connection from a simulator, and then connects when the plant model is run. However, it immediately experiences 14 pre-flight failures, which means it does not arm. It does not display all of these errors, but they seem to be related to the sensors + others not listed.
I found some errors in the original simulink-based plant model (the heartbeat signal is broadcasting that it is a submarine? But also does not seem to be necessary in the first place) as well as some incorrect units being published to MAVLink. Fixing these does not seem to help.
I found a python file that creates a dummy drone that is convincing enough for PX4 to connect to. The code is attached to this post in the dummy sim file. Running the above make command and then the sim convinces PX4 that everything is good to go and the commander arms. I created a new Simulink file that just populates HIL_GPS, HIL_SENSOR and HIL_STATE_QUATERNION with the same data from the python file (base values, random offsets, scale, etc.).
Running PX4 and connecting to this sim clears 9 of the 14 pre-flight failures. The remaining 5 are all connected to the sensor message – the flight controller claims it is receiving invalid or no data from the accelerometer, gyroscope, compass and barometer. An image of the error is attached below.
All of this information should be provided by the HIL_SENSOR message, which is fully populated in the Simulink file and sent over UDP/TCP the same way all the other MAVLink messages are being sent. Why the HIL_SENSOR data is specifically not working is beyond me. Same values in the python script seem to be fine. Also, every sensor is failing, so I doubt I have messed up one or two inputs in the Simulink bus assignment. Attahced below is an image of the HIL_SENSOR assignment. I have also attached the Simulink file (called MinimumViableModel) as well as necessary support scripts.
Any help would be appreciated! I hope I have attached everything necessary to reproduce the issue. simulink, sitl, software in the loop, px4, sensor data MATLAB Answers — New Questions
How to Automatically Upload AEwin .DTA Files to a Web Server Using MATLAB or Python?
Hello everyone,
I am working on automating the upload of Acoustic Emission data collected via AEwin, which stores data in .DTA format. My goal is to:
Automatically process the .DTA files generated by AEwin.
Extract key data from these .DTA files.
Upload this data to a web server (such as ThingSpeak or a custom server) in real-time.
What I Have Tried:
Python: I’ve tried reading the .DTA file using the MistrasDTA Python library, and encountered the error.
MATLAB: While I haven’t tried MATLAB yet, I am wondering if it could be a better alternative for extracting data from .DTA files and uploading it to a server.
My Questions:
Has anyone successfully processed AEwin .DTA files in MATLAB? If so, what functions or toolboxes are recommended for this task?
Is there a way to automate this process fully (i.e., automatically upload the data to a web server whenever a new .DTA file is created)?
Any suggestions or examples of how to integrate this workflow between AEwin and a server would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance for any help or suggestions you can offer!Hello everyone,
I am working on automating the upload of Acoustic Emission data collected via AEwin, which stores data in .DTA format. My goal is to:
Automatically process the .DTA files generated by AEwin.
Extract key data from these .DTA files.
Upload this data to a web server (such as ThingSpeak or a custom server) in real-time.
What I Have Tried:
Python: I’ve tried reading the .DTA file using the MistrasDTA Python library, and encountered the error.
MATLAB: While I haven’t tried MATLAB yet, I am wondering if it could be a better alternative for extracting data from .DTA files and uploading it to a server.
My Questions:
Has anyone successfully processed AEwin .DTA files in MATLAB? If so, what functions or toolboxes are recommended for this task?
Is there a way to automate this process fully (i.e., automatically upload the data to a web server whenever a new .DTA file is created)?
Any suggestions or examples of how to integrate this workflow between AEwin and a server would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance for any help or suggestions you can offer! Hello everyone,
I am working on automating the upload of Acoustic Emission data collected via AEwin, which stores data in .DTA format. My goal is to:
Automatically process the .DTA files generated by AEwin.
Extract key data from these .DTA files.
Upload this data to a web server (such as ThingSpeak or a custom server) in real-time.
What I Have Tried:
Python: I’ve tried reading the .DTA file using the MistrasDTA Python library, and encountered the error.
MATLAB: While I haven’t tried MATLAB yet, I am wondering if it could be a better alternative for extracting data from .DTA files and uploading it to a server.
My Questions:
Has anyone successfully processed AEwin .DTA files in MATLAB? If so, what functions or toolboxes are recommended for this task?
Is there a way to automate this process fully (i.e., automatically upload the data to a web server whenever a new .DTA file is created)?
Any suggestions or examples of how to integrate this workflow between AEwin and a server would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance for any help or suggestions you can offer! .dta file processing, aewin, data automation, thingspeak, python matlab integration MATLAB Answers — New Questions
How can i create a new table by combining the rows with identical names but with fifferent data under the same variables?
I have two large tables and they have the same column 1 and variables. The only thing different is the data. Now what i want to be able to do is to combine identical rows make a new chart were they all appear grouped. I want to then do a t test.I have two large tables and they have the same column 1 and variables. The only thing different is the data. Now what i want to be able to do is to combine identical rows make a new chart were they all appear grouped. I want to then do a t test. I have two large tables and they have the same column 1 and variables. The only thing different is the data. Now what i want to be able to do is to combine identical rows make a new chart were they all appear grouped. I want to then do a t test. tables MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Does Polyspace Server license Queue if all are in use?
I Wanted to understand if Jenkins jobs Queue on Polyspace server if all are in use?I Wanted to understand if Jenkins jobs Queue on Polyspace server if all are in use? I Wanted to understand if Jenkins jobs Queue on Polyspace server if all are in use? license, polyspace, polyspaceserver, server MATLAB Answers — New Questions
The size of nested cells
I have a cell array. Each cell contains an n by m cell. How can I get "m"?I have a cell array. Each cell contains an n by m cell. How can I get "m"? I have a cell array. Each cell contains an n by m cell. How can I get "m"? cell array MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Unknown Error when initialising Matlab Runtime
I built a python package using Library Compiler in Matlab2019b. When I tried to initialise the Matlab Runtime after I imported the package, an unknown SystemError occurred.I built a python package using Library Compiler in Matlab2019b. When I tried to initialise the Matlab Runtime after I imported the package, an unknown SystemError occurred. I built a python package using Library Compiler in Matlab2019b. When I tried to initialise the Matlab Runtime after I imported the package, an unknown SystemError occurred. matlab compiler, python MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Plot Fourier Transform (FFT) Interpolation Model into future
Hi i’m gonna open another discussion hoping more people will join it and someone will find the solution. I have a set of data which have been interpolated through Fourier Transform to build a function f(x)=A*cos(2*pi*F*x+P). All the coefficients have been succesfully calculated and the function fit perfectly the data. The problem is that when i try to plot the equation to further x value the function tends immediately to a stochastic behaviour (small amplitude-high frequency wave) which it doesn’t make any sense.
In other words after the interpolation period the function collapse immediately into its noise and strong amplitudes disappear.
Does anyone can solve this problem?
I attach the model.
Thanks for you all in advanceHi i’m gonna open another discussion hoping more people will join it and someone will find the solution. I have a set of data which have been interpolated through Fourier Transform to build a function f(x)=A*cos(2*pi*F*x+P). All the coefficients have been succesfully calculated and the function fit perfectly the data. The problem is that when i try to plot the equation to further x value the function tends immediately to a stochastic behaviour (small amplitude-high frequency wave) which it doesn’t make any sense.
In other words after the interpolation period the function collapse immediately into its noise and strong amplitudes disappear.
Does anyone can solve this problem?
I attach the model.
Thanks for you all in advance Hi i’m gonna open another discussion hoping more people will join it and someone will find the solution. I have a set of data which have been interpolated through Fourier Transform to build a function f(x)=A*cos(2*pi*F*x+P). All the coefficients have been succesfully calculated and the function fit perfectly the data. The problem is that when i try to plot the equation to further x value the function tends immediately to a stochastic behaviour (small amplitude-high frequency wave) which it doesn’t make any sense.
In other words after the interpolation period the function collapse immediately into its noise and strong amplitudes disappear.
Does anyone can solve this problem?
I attach the model.
Thanks for you all in advance fft, fourier, model, interpolation, amplitude, noise, function MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Could anyone explain MBD in software development process V-shape model?
Hi all,
I undertooth that in V-shapre model, MBD includes 3 steps ( software detail design, coding, unit test).
But MBD has validate and verification as SIL, PIL, HIL. Does it insteads for Unit test, Intergration test and system test?Hi all,
I undertooth that in V-shapre model, MBD includes 3 steps ( software detail design, coding, unit test).
But MBD has validate and verification as SIL, PIL, HIL. Does it insteads for Unit test, Intergration test and system test? Hi all,
I undertooth that in V-shapre model, MBD includes 3 steps ( software detail design, coding, unit test).
But MBD has validate and verification as SIL, PIL, HIL. Does it insteads for Unit test, Intergration test and system test? mbd, v-shape model MATLAB Answers — New Questions
How i modifed this for loop so it get the last value Kf_LMax of previous iteration not from the computed values before the loop?
function [Kf_LMax] = Kf_Cal(Kf_Max, RLC, TauKf_ON, TauKf_OFF, PhaseTimes, t)
%compute the maximum Kf_L based on RLC values
Kf_LMax_values = Kf_Max * (RLC ./ (1 + RLC));
% Determine which phase each time step falls into
num_phases = numel(RLC);
phase_idx = zeros(size(t));
for j = 1:num_phases
T_start = PhaseTimes(j);
if j < num_phases
T_end = PhaseTimes(j + 1);
T_end = inf;
phase_idx(t >= T_start & t < T_end) = j;
% Calculate Kf_L for each time step based on the phase
Kf_LMax = zeros(size(t));
for i = 1:length(t)
j = phase_idx(i);
if j == 1
Kf_LMax(i) = Kf_LMax_values(j);
prev_end = PhaseTimes(j – 1);
if RLC(j – 1) < RLC(j)
Kf_LMax(i) = Kf_LMax_values(j) – (Kf_LMax_values(j) – Kf_LMax_values(j – 1)) * exp(TauKf_ON * (t(i) – prev_end));
Kf_LMax(i) = Kf_LMax_values(j) + (Kf_LMax_values(j) – Kf_LMax_values(j – 1)) * exp(TauKf_OFF * (t(i) – prev_end));
How i modifed this for loop so it get the last value Kf_LMax of previous iteration not from the computed values in bold before the loop?function [Kf_LMax] = Kf_Cal(Kf_Max, RLC, TauKf_ON, TauKf_OFF, PhaseTimes, t)
%compute the maximum Kf_L based on RLC values
Kf_LMax_values = Kf_Max * (RLC ./ (1 + RLC));
% Determine which phase each time step falls into
num_phases = numel(RLC);
phase_idx = zeros(size(t));
for j = 1:num_phases
T_start = PhaseTimes(j);
if j < num_phases
T_end = PhaseTimes(j + 1);
T_end = inf;
phase_idx(t >= T_start & t < T_end) = j;
% Calculate Kf_L for each time step based on the phase
Kf_LMax = zeros(size(t));
for i = 1:length(t)
j = phase_idx(i);
if j == 1
Kf_LMax(i) = Kf_LMax_values(j);
prev_end = PhaseTimes(j – 1);
if RLC(j – 1) < RLC(j)
Kf_LMax(i) = Kf_LMax_values(j) – (Kf_LMax_values(j) – Kf_LMax_values(j – 1)) * exp(TauKf_ON * (t(i) – prev_end));
Kf_LMax(i) = Kf_LMax_values(j) + (Kf_LMax_values(j) – Kf_LMax_values(j – 1)) * exp(TauKf_OFF * (t(i) – prev_end));
How i modifed this for loop so it get the last value Kf_LMax of previous iteration not from the computed values in bold before the loop? function [Kf_LMax] = Kf_Cal(Kf_Max, RLC, TauKf_ON, TauKf_OFF, PhaseTimes, t)
%compute the maximum Kf_L based on RLC values
Kf_LMax_values = Kf_Max * (RLC ./ (1 + RLC));
% Determine which phase each time step falls into
num_phases = numel(RLC);
phase_idx = zeros(size(t));
for j = 1:num_phases
T_start = PhaseTimes(j);
if j < num_phases
T_end = PhaseTimes(j + 1);
T_end = inf;
phase_idx(t >= T_start & t < T_end) = j;
% Calculate Kf_L for each time step based on the phase
Kf_LMax = zeros(size(t));
for i = 1:length(t)
j = phase_idx(i);
if j == 1
Kf_LMax(i) = Kf_LMax_values(j);
prev_end = PhaseTimes(j – 1);
if RLC(j – 1) < RLC(j)
Kf_LMax(i) = Kf_LMax_values(j) – (Kf_LMax_values(j) – Kf_LMax_values(j – 1)) * exp(TauKf_ON * (t(i) – prev_end));
Kf_LMax(i) = Kf_LMax_values(j) + (Kf_LMax_values(j) – Kf_LMax_values(j – 1)) * exp(TauKf_OFF * (t(i) – prev_end));
How i modifed this for loop so it get the last value Kf_LMax of previous iteration not from the computed values in bold before the loop? matlab code MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Index exceeded ERROR when exporting the coverage report from the Test Manager
Hi everyone,
In have a Test Manager with a test file, a test suite and 2 test cases added.
At the test file level I have added 2 coverage filters. Filter 1 for test case 1 and filter 2 test case 2.
After running the tests I want to export the Coverage report. I am not able to do this because I get the following error:
MCDC coverage number shows that the filters were considered in the coverage analysis, but I can’t export the report.
Please support with this issue.
Thanks much in advance!
DianaHi everyone,
In have a Test Manager with a test file, a test suite and 2 test cases added.
At the test file level I have added 2 coverage filters. Filter 1 for test case 1 and filter 2 test case 2.
After running the tests I want to export the Coverage report. I am not able to do this because I get the following error:
MCDC coverage number shows that the filters were considered in the coverage analysis, but I can’t export the report.
Please support with this issue.
Thanks much in advance!
Diana Hi everyone,
In have a Test Manager with a test file, a test suite and 2 test cases added.
At the test file level I have added 2 coverage filters. Filter 1 for test case 1 and filter 2 test case 2.
After running the tests I want to export the Coverage report. I am not able to do this because I get the following error:
MCDC coverage number shows that the filters were considered in the coverage analysis, but I can’t export the report.
Please support with this issue.
Thanks much in advance!
Diana simulink test, simulink coverage, test manager, index exceed error MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Relax real time requirement on Speedgoat on startup
We have a model running on our Speedgoat Unit real-time target machine. Our aim is to run the model at a smaller timestep, we are aiming for a timestep of 0.2ms. Currently, the timestep is 0.66667ms.
I have attached an image from the TET Monitor. As can be seen in the image, for the main model BaseRate (0.00066667s), the min/max TETs are 0.112ms/0.213ms.
I appreciate I cannot run the model at 0.2ms, because the maximum TET is 0.213ms. However, when I am viewing the TET during real time operation, it is always much closer to the minimum, i.e. it never goes above 0.15ms.
I guess it only reaches the maximum TET (0.213ms) when the model is starting up in the first few seconds. Is there any way to relax the real time requirement when the model is first loaded to the simulator? For example if the first second actually takes 10 seconds this is fine as long as it then starts running in real time after. Alternatively, is there any other way to deal with this?
We have a model running on our Speedgoat Unit real-time target machine. Our aim is to run the model at a smaller timestep, we are aiming for a timestep of 0.2ms. Currently, the timestep is 0.66667ms.
I have attached an image from the TET Monitor. As can be seen in the image, for the main model BaseRate (0.00066667s), the min/max TETs are 0.112ms/0.213ms.
I appreciate I cannot run the model at 0.2ms, because the maximum TET is 0.213ms. However, when I am viewing the TET during real time operation, it is always much closer to the minimum, i.e. it never goes above 0.15ms.
I guess it only reaches the maximum TET (0.213ms) when the model is starting up in the first few seconds. Is there any way to relax the real time requirement when the model is first loaded to the simulator? For example if the first second actually takes 10 seconds this is fine as long as it then starts running in real time after. Alternatively, is there any other way to deal with this?
Thanks Hello,
We have a model running on our Speedgoat Unit real-time target machine. Our aim is to run the model at a smaller timestep, we are aiming for a timestep of 0.2ms. Currently, the timestep is 0.66667ms.
I have attached an image from the TET Monitor. As can be seen in the image, for the main model BaseRate (0.00066667s), the min/max TETs are 0.112ms/0.213ms.
I appreciate I cannot run the model at 0.2ms, because the maximum TET is 0.213ms. However, when I am viewing the TET during real time operation, it is always much closer to the minimum, i.e. it never goes above 0.15ms.
I guess it only reaches the maximum TET (0.213ms) when the model is starting up in the first few seconds. Is there any way to relax the real time requirement when the model is first loaded to the simulator? For example if the first second actually takes 10 seconds this is fine as long as it then starts running in real time after. Alternatively, is there any other way to deal with this?
Thanks speedgoat, real-time simulation, task execution time MATLAB Answers — New Questions