Category: Matlab
Category Archives: Matlab
Code not displaying figure
I was told to implement this code form a texbok, but it isn’t displaying figure like in textbook. Last lines separated by enter has display figure part
I prefer to keep it together as one code. I am very new to matlab.
close all
%image parameters
W = 400;
H = 400;
% object parameters
rho = 200;
A = 0.4;
B = 0.2;
alpha = pi /10;
xo = 0.3;
yo = 0.5;
% backprojection parameters
ntheta = 100;
srange = 2;
ns = 100;
function [P] = ellipseproj(A, B, rho, theta, s, alpha, xo, yo)
gamma = atan2(yo, xo);
d = sqrt( xo * xo + yo * yo);
thetanew = theta – alpha;
snew = s – d * cos(gamma – theta);
% use translated/rotated values
s = snew;
theta = thetanew;
% find a^2 (theta)
ct = cos(theta);
st = sin(theta);
a2 = A*A*ct*ct + B*B*st*st;
atheta = sqrt(a2);
% return value if outside ellipse
P = 0;
if( abs(s) <= atheta )
% inside ellipse
P = 2 * rho * A * B / a2 * sqrt(a2 – s * s);
end %added
function [projmat, svals, thetavals] = …
ellipseprojmat(A, B, ntheta, ns, srange, rho, alpha, xo, yo)
thetamin = 0;
thetamax = pi;
% each row is a projection at a certain angle
projmat = zeros(ntheta, ns);
smin = -srange;
smax = srange;
dtheta = pi/(ntheta – 1);
ds = (smax – smin)/(ns – 1);
svals = smin:ds:smax;
thetavals = thetamin:dtheta:thetamax;
pn = 1;
for theta = thetavals
% calculate all points on the projection line
P = zeros(ns, 1);
ip = 1;
for s = svals
% simple ellipse
[p] = ellipseproj(A, B, rho, theta, s, alpha, xo, yo);
P(ip) = p;
ip = ip + 1;
% save projection as one row of matrix
projmat(pn, 🙂 = P’;
pn = pn + 1;
end %added
function [b] = bpsolve(W, H, projmat, svals, thetavals)
ntheta = length(thetavals);
ns = length(svals);
srange = svals(ns);
b = zeros(H, W);
for iy = 1:H
for ix = 1:W
x = 2 * (ix – 1)/(W – 1) – 1;
y = 1 – 2 * (iy – 1)/(H – 1);
% projmat is the P values, each row is P(s) for a given theta
bsum = 0;
for itheta = 1:ntheta
theta = thetavals(itheta);
s =x*cos(theta) + y*sin(theta);
is = (s + srange)/(srange*2)*(ns – 1) + 1;
is = round(is);
if(is < 1)
is = 1;
if(is > ns)
is = ns;
Ptheta = projmat(itheta, is);
bsum = bsum + Ptheta;
b(iy, ix) = bsum;
% image parameters
W = 400;
H = 400;
% object parameters
% rho = 200;
A = 0.4;
B = 0.2;
alpha = pi/10;
xo = 0.3;
yo = 0.5;
% backprojection parameters
ntheta = 100;
srange = 2;
ns = 100;
% generate projections
[projmat, svals, thetavals] = …
ellipseprojmat(A, B, ntheta, ns, srange, rho, alpha, xo, yo); % solve using backprojection
[b] = bpsolve(W, H, projmat, svals, thetavals);
% scale for image display
b = b/max(max(b)); b = b*255;
bi = uint8(b);
end %addedI was told to implement this code form a texbok, but it isn’t displaying figure like in textbook. Last lines separated by enter has display figure part
I prefer to keep it together as one code. I am very new to matlab.
close all
%image parameters
W = 400;
H = 400;
% object parameters
rho = 200;
A = 0.4;
B = 0.2;
alpha = pi /10;
xo = 0.3;
yo = 0.5;
% backprojection parameters
ntheta = 100;
srange = 2;
ns = 100;
function [P] = ellipseproj(A, B, rho, theta, s, alpha, xo, yo)
gamma = atan2(yo, xo);
d = sqrt( xo * xo + yo * yo);
thetanew = theta – alpha;
snew = s – d * cos(gamma – theta);
% use translated/rotated values
s = snew;
theta = thetanew;
% find a^2 (theta)
ct = cos(theta);
st = sin(theta);
a2 = A*A*ct*ct + B*B*st*st;
atheta = sqrt(a2);
% return value if outside ellipse
P = 0;
if( abs(s) <= atheta )
% inside ellipse
P = 2 * rho * A * B / a2 * sqrt(a2 – s * s);
end %added
function [projmat, svals, thetavals] = …
ellipseprojmat(A, B, ntheta, ns, srange, rho, alpha, xo, yo)
thetamin = 0;
thetamax = pi;
% each row is a projection at a certain angle
projmat = zeros(ntheta, ns);
smin = -srange;
smax = srange;
dtheta = pi/(ntheta – 1);
ds = (smax – smin)/(ns – 1);
svals = smin:ds:smax;
thetavals = thetamin:dtheta:thetamax;
pn = 1;
for theta = thetavals
% calculate all points on the projection line
P = zeros(ns, 1);
ip = 1;
for s = svals
% simple ellipse
[p] = ellipseproj(A, B, rho, theta, s, alpha, xo, yo);
P(ip) = p;
ip = ip + 1;
% save projection as one row of matrix
projmat(pn, 🙂 = P’;
pn = pn + 1;
end %added
function [b] = bpsolve(W, H, projmat, svals, thetavals)
ntheta = length(thetavals);
ns = length(svals);
srange = svals(ns);
b = zeros(H, W);
for iy = 1:H
for ix = 1:W
x = 2 * (ix – 1)/(W – 1) – 1;
y = 1 – 2 * (iy – 1)/(H – 1);
% projmat is the P values, each row is P(s) for a given theta
bsum = 0;
for itheta = 1:ntheta
theta = thetavals(itheta);
s =x*cos(theta) + y*sin(theta);
is = (s + srange)/(srange*2)*(ns – 1) + 1;
is = round(is);
if(is < 1)
is = 1;
if(is > ns)
is = ns;
Ptheta = projmat(itheta, is);
bsum = bsum + Ptheta;
b(iy, ix) = bsum;
% image parameters
W = 400;
H = 400;
% object parameters
% rho = 200;
A = 0.4;
B = 0.2;
alpha = pi/10;
xo = 0.3;
yo = 0.5;
% backprojection parameters
ntheta = 100;
srange = 2;
ns = 100;
% generate projections
[projmat, svals, thetavals] = …
ellipseprojmat(A, B, ntheta, ns, srange, rho, alpha, xo, yo); % solve using backprojection
[b] = bpsolve(W, H, projmat, svals, thetavals);
% scale for image display
b = b/max(max(b)); b = b*255;
bi = uint8(b);
end %added I was told to implement this code form a texbok, but it isn’t displaying figure like in textbook. Last lines separated by enter has display figure part
I prefer to keep it together as one code. I am very new to matlab.
close all
%image parameters
W = 400;
H = 400;
% object parameters
rho = 200;
A = 0.4;
B = 0.2;
alpha = pi /10;
xo = 0.3;
yo = 0.5;
% backprojection parameters
ntheta = 100;
srange = 2;
ns = 100;
function [P] = ellipseproj(A, B, rho, theta, s, alpha, xo, yo)
gamma = atan2(yo, xo);
d = sqrt( xo * xo + yo * yo);
thetanew = theta – alpha;
snew = s – d * cos(gamma – theta);
% use translated/rotated values
s = snew;
theta = thetanew;
% find a^2 (theta)
ct = cos(theta);
st = sin(theta);
a2 = A*A*ct*ct + B*B*st*st;
atheta = sqrt(a2);
% return value if outside ellipse
P = 0;
if( abs(s) <= atheta )
% inside ellipse
P = 2 * rho * A * B / a2 * sqrt(a2 – s * s);
end %added
function [projmat, svals, thetavals] = …
ellipseprojmat(A, B, ntheta, ns, srange, rho, alpha, xo, yo)
thetamin = 0;
thetamax = pi;
% each row is a projection at a certain angle
projmat = zeros(ntheta, ns);
smin = -srange;
smax = srange;
dtheta = pi/(ntheta – 1);
ds = (smax – smin)/(ns – 1);
svals = smin:ds:smax;
thetavals = thetamin:dtheta:thetamax;
pn = 1;
for theta = thetavals
% calculate all points on the projection line
P = zeros(ns, 1);
ip = 1;
for s = svals
% simple ellipse
[p] = ellipseproj(A, B, rho, theta, s, alpha, xo, yo);
P(ip) = p;
ip = ip + 1;
% save projection as one row of matrix
projmat(pn, 🙂 = P’;
pn = pn + 1;
end %added
function [b] = bpsolve(W, H, projmat, svals, thetavals)
ntheta = length(thetavals);
ns = length(svals);
srange = svals(ns);
b = zeros(H, W);
for iy = 1:H
for ix = 1:W
x = 2 * (ix – 1)/(W – 1) – 1;
y = 1 – 2 * (iy – 1)/(H – 1);
% projmat is the P values, each row is P(s) for a given theta
bsum = 0;
for itheta = 1:ntheta
theta = thetavals(itheta);
s =x*cos(theta) + y*sin(theta);
is = (s + srange)/(srange*2)*(ns – 1) + 1;
is = round(is);
if(is < 1)
is = 1;
if(is > ns)
is = ns;
Ptheta = projmat(itheta, is);
bsum = bsum + Ptheta;
b(iy, ix) = bsum;
% image parameters
W = 400;
H = 400;
% object parameters
% rho = 200;
A = 0.4;
B = 0.2;
alpha = pi/10;
xo = 0.3;
yo = 0.5;
% backprojection parameters
ntheta = 100;
srange = 2;
ns = 100;
% generate projections
[projmat, svals, thetavals] = …
ellipseprojmat(A, B, ntheta, ns, srange, rho, alpha, xo, yo); % solve using backprojection
[b] = bpsolve(W, H, projmat, svals, thetavals);
% scale for image display
b = b/max(max(b)); b = b*255;
bi = uint8(b);
end %added figure MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Extract the information of inside and outside of a contourf
Hello everyone,
I have a single line of code, quite simple, thanks to which I get (visually) exactly what I need:
h=figure; [pippo1, pippo2]=contourf(AZ,EL,FF, [0, 0]);
where the input arguments have size 301×301. The plot I get is like this:
As you can see, the outside of the contour is not only the big cyan area, but also some small areas in the white (not filled) polygon. I need the coordinates of the outside polygon (the whole cyan region) but I couldn’t extract them from either "h" or "pippo2". Please note, I DON’T NEED the coordinates of the single contours, because if I extract XDATA and YDATA they lose the information about "the inside" and the "outside". I need to extract, in some way, a single contour that represents the whole cyan area, and another one that represents the complementary (white) one.
Thanks a lot!Hello everyone,
I have a single line of code, quite simple, thanks to which I get (visually) exactly what I need:
h=figure; [pippo1, pippo2]=contourf(AZ,EL,FF, [0, 0]);
where the input arguments have size 301×301. The plot I get is like this:
As you can see, the outside of the contour is not only the big cyan area, but also some small areas in the white (not filled) polygon. I need the coordinates of the outside polygon (the whole cyan region) but I couldn’t extract them from either "h" or "pippo2". Please note, I DON’T NEED the coordinates of the single contours, because if I extract XDATA and YDATA they lose the information about "the inside" and the "outside". I need to extract, in some way, a single contour that represents the whole cyan area, and another one that represents the complementary (white) one.
Thanks a lot! Hello everyone,
I have a single line of code, quite simple, thanks to which I get (visually) exactly what I need:
h=figure; [pippo1, pippo2]=contourf(AZ,EL,FF, [0, 0]);
where the input arguments have size 301×301. The plot I get is like this:
As you can see, the outside of the contour is not only the big cyan area, but also some small areas in the white (not filled) polygon. I need the coordinates of the outside polygon (the whole cyan region) but I couldn’t extract them from either "h" or "pippo2". Please note, I DON’T NEED the coordinates of the single contours, because if I extract XDATA and YDATA they lose the information about "the inside" and the "outside". I need to extract, in some way, a single contour that represents the whole cyan area, and another one that represents the complementary (white) one.
Thanks a lot! outside and inside of contourf MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Code Generation from script file
I need information about tool box where I can generate code for SOC Estimations using MATLAB ODE solvers in (.m) Script file.I need information about tool box where I can generate code for SOC Estimations using MATLAB ODE solvers in (.m) Script file. I need information about tool box where I can generate code for SOC Estimations using MATLAB ODE solvers in (.m) Script file. bms MATLAB Answers — New Questions
用cec2022测试函数的mexw64文件运行时报出如下错误“Error: Cannot open M_1_D2.txt for reading Error: Cannot open shift_data_1.txt for reading Error: Cannot open M_2_D2.txt for reading ”
SearchAgents_no = 30;
Max_iter = 100;
for j = 1:12
[lb,ub,dim,fobj] = Get_Functions_cec2022(j,2);
[Best_Pos_PSA,Best_Score_PSA,Convergence_curve_PSA] = PSA(SearchAgents_no,Max_iter,lb,ub,dim,fobj);
endSearchAgents_no = 30;
Max_iter = 100;
for j = 1:12
[lb,ub,dim,fobj] = Get_Functions_cec2022(j,2);
[Best_Pos_PSA,Best_Score_PSA,Convergence_curve_PSA] = PSA(SearchAgents_no,Max_iter,lb,ub,dim,fobj);
end SearchAgents_no = 30;
Max_iter = 100;
for j = 1:12
[lb,ub,dim,fobj] = Get_Functions_cec2022(j,2);
[Best_Pos_PSA,Best_Score_PSA,Convergence_curve_PSA] = PSA(SearchAgents_no,Max_iter,lb,ub,dim,fobj);
end cec2022 MATLAB Answers — New Questions
How to restore example to default
I opened a Simulink example file and made modifications before thinking of making a working copy. Now I can’t get back to the original. How can I download it again from Mathworks?I opened a Simulink example file and made modifications before thinking of making a working copy. Now I can’t get back to the original. How can I download it again from Mathworks? I opened a Simulink example file and made modifications before thinking of making a working copy. Now I can’t get back to the original. How can I download it again from Mathworks? examples MATLAB Answers — New Questions
can you add probability to a for loop?
I have a very long and complex fitness function that I want to add even more complexity to, and I’m wondering if I can shortcut it.
The basic idea is that an individual has to choose between two patches to forage in and the patches can now have a varying probability, either high or low, of finding food.
I want the combination of probabilities to be different from each other, that is
p1 = prob of finding food in patch 1 = hi or lo
p2 = prob of finding food in patch 2 = hi or lo
(p1,p2) combinations
30% chance of (hi,lo)
25% chance of (hi,hi)
25% chance of (lo,lo)
20% chance of (lo,hi)
The most straight forward way would just be adding it up
total fitness Fd = 0.3(F1) + 0.25(F2) + 0.25(F3) + 0.2(F4)
My code for fitness is already very long with only one combination of finding food probabilities. Is there a way I could do a for loop with these combinations and add in that probability or do I have to go the long way around?I have a very long and complex fitness function that I want to add even more complexity to, and I’m wondering if I can shortcut it.
The basic idea is that an individual has to choose between two patches to forage in and the patches can now have a varying probability, either high or low, of finding food.
I want the combination of probabilities to be different from each other, that is
p1 = prob of finding food in patch 1 = hi or lo
p2 = prob of finding food in patch 2 = hi or lo
(p1,p2) combinations
30% chance of (hi,lo)
25% chance of (hi,hi)
25% chance of (lo,lo)
20% chance of (lo,hi)
The most straight forward way would just be adding it up
total fitness Fd = 0.3(F1) + 0.25(F2) + 0.25(F3) + 0.2(F4)
My code for fitness is already very long with only one combination of finding food probabilities. Is there a way I could do a for loop with these combinations and add in that probability or do I have to go the long way around? I have a very long and complex fitness function that I want to add even more complexity to, and I’m wondering if I can shortcut it.
The basic idea is that an individual has to choose between two patches to forage in and the patches can now have a varying probability, either high or low, of finding food.
I want the combination of probabilities to be different from each other, that is
p1 = prob of finding food in patch 1 = hi or lo
p2 = prob of finding food in patch 2 = hi or lo
(p1,p2) combinations
30% chance of (hi,lo)
25% chance of (hi,hi)
25% chance of (lo,lo)
20% chance of (lo,hi)
The most straight forward way would just be adding it up
total fitness Fd = 0.3(F1) + 0.25(F2) + 0.25(F3) + 0.2(F4)
My code for fitness is already very long with only one combination of finding food probabilities. Is there a way I could do a for loop with these combinations and add in that probability or do I have to go the long way around? for loop, probabilities MATLAB Answers — New Questions
How can I package the MATLAB Runtime Installer with my standalone application from a specific directory?
I am using the Application Compiler to build standalone desktop applications from my MATLAB code with MATLAB Compiler. I am using the "Runtime included in package" option to package the MATLAB Runtime with my application installer.
I am using "" to download the ZIP-file for the MATLAB Runtime installer. However, the file is downloaded to a temporary directory. For example, the MATLAB Runtime for R2024a on Windows is downloaded to:
After a few days, the temporary directory is cleared by my operating system, and I need to redownload it in order to package the Runtime with my application installer. How can I configure MATLAB to store the Runtime installer in a non-temporary directory to package with my standalone applications?I am using the Application Compiler to build standalone desktop applications from my MATLAB code with MATLAB Compiler. I am using the "Runtime included in package" option to package the MATLAB Runtime with my application installer.
I am using "" to download the ZIP-file for the MATLAB Runtime installer. However, the file is downloaded to a temporary directory. For example, the MATLAB Runtime for R2024a on Windows is downloaded to:
After a few days, the temporary directory is cleared by my operating system, and I need to redownload it in order to package the Runtime with my application installer. How can I configure MATLAB to store the Runtime installer in a non-temporary directory to package with my standalone applications? I am using the Application Compiler to build standalone desktop applications from my MATLAB code with MATLAB Compiler. I am using the "Runtime included in package" option to package the MATLAB Runtime with my application installer.
I am using "" to download the ZIP-file for the MATLAB Runtime installer. However, the file is downloaded to a temporary directory. For example, the MATLAB Runtime for R2024a on Windows is downloaded to:
After a few days, the temporary directory is cleared by my operating system, and I need to redownload it in order to package the Runtime with my application installer. How can I configure MATLAB to store the Runtime installer in a non-temporary directory to package with my standalone applications? applicationcompiler, matlabruntimeinstaller MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Contourf: fill inside instead of outside
Hi, how can I fill the area within the circle? At the moment Matlab fills the area outside. I would like the outside to be white and the inside to be filled. Thanks.
axis square;
sig = (1 + lamdt);
v = [1,1];
contourf(x,y,abs(sig),v)Hi, how can I fill the area within the circle? At the moment Matlab fills the area outside. I would like the outside to be white and the inside to be filled. Thanks.
axis square;
sig = (1 + lamdt);
v = [1,1];
contourf(x,y,abs(sig),v) Hi, how can I fill the area within the circle? At the moment Matlab fills the area outside. I would like the outside to be white and the inside to be filled. Thanks.
axis square;
sig = (1 + lamdt);
v = [1,1];
contourf(x,y,abs(sig),v) contour, fill MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Simulink outputs variables but they are not being sent to the workspace.
While using my PC at home I am using ‘to workspace’ blocks in my diagram with save format array. When I run the simulation i get the following the the command window:
ans =
Vin: [2002×1 double]
Vout: [2002×1 double]
t: [2002×1 double]
tout: [2002×1 double]
SimulationMetadata: [1×1 Simulink.SimulationMetadata]
ErrorMessage: [0x0 char]
Undefined function or variable ‘t’.
Error in P1_2 (line 79)
It seems to me that simulink is outputting the variables but they are not appearing in the workspace and therefore it thinks they are undefined. I tried running the simulation on a computer at my university and it worked. I tried reinstalling Matlab on my home PC and it still doesnt work. Version 2019.While using my PC at home I am using ‘to workspace’ blocks in my diagram with save format array. When I run the simulation i get the following the the command window:
ans =
Vin: [2002×1 double]
Vout: [2002×1 double]
t: [2002×1 double]
tout: [2002×1 double]
SimulationMetadata: [1×1 Simulink.SimulationMetadata]
ErrorMessage: [0x0 char]
Undefined function or variable ‘t’.
Error in P1_2 (line 79)
It seems to me that simulink is outputting the variables but they are not appearing in the workspace and therefore it thinks they are undefined. I tried running the simulation on a computer at my university and it worked. I tried reinstalling Matlab on my home PC and it still doesnt work. Version 2019. While using my PC at home I am using ‘to workspace’ blocks in my diagram with save format array. When I run the simulation i get the following the the command window:
ans =
Vin: [2002×1 double]
Vout: [2002×1 double]
t: [2002×1 double]
tout: [2002×1 double]
SimulationMetadata: [1×1 Simulink.SimulationMetadata]
ErrorMessage: [0x0 char]
Undefined function or variable ‘t’.
Error in P1_2 (line 79)
It seems to me that simulink is outputting the variables but they are not appearing in the workspace and therefore it thinks they are undefined. I tried running the simulation on a computer at my university and it worked. I tried reinstalling Matlab on my home PC and it still doesnt work. Version 2019. workspace, simulink MATLAB Answers — New Questions
how to write a code on matlab for a function that runs until she gets a regional answer
hi everyone!
i have a code i need to write-
i need to write a function that gets from the user amount of money he has and ask him how much money he wants to bet on.
the function needs to check that the value is regional and make sense and afterwards, if the value is good it will stop running, is isnt it will keep running until the user will insert regional value.
so far i wrote this- and its working but i dont know how to make the function keep running till the value is good
could use your help it will be helpful
function betamount = bet(money)
betamount= input(‘on what amount do you want to bet on?: ‘);
if ~isnumeric(betamount)|| betamount<=0 || betamount>money
disp(‘the betamount is invaild, try again’);
endhi everyone!
i have a code i need to write-
i need to write a function that gets from the user amount of money he has and ask him how much money he wants to bet on.
the function needs to check that the value is regional and make sense and afterwards, if the value is good it will stop running, is isnt it will keep running until the user will insert regional value.
so far i wrote this- and its working but i dont know how to make the function keep running till the value is good
could use your help it will be helpful
function betamount = bet(money)
betamount= input(‘on what amount do you want to bet on?: ‘);
if ~isnumeric(betamount)|| betamount<=0 || betamount>money
disp(‘the betamount is invaild, try again’);
end hi everyone!
i have a code i need to write-
i need to write a function that gets from the user amount of money he has and ask him how much money he wants to bet on.
the function needs to check that the value is regional and make sense and afterwards, if the value is good it will stop running, is isnt it will keep running until the user will insert regional value.
so far i wrote this- and its working but i dont know how to make the function keep running till the value is good
could use your help it will be helpful
function betamount = bet(money)
betamount= input(‘on what amount do you want to bet on?: ‘);
if ~isnumeric(betamount)|| betamount<=0 || betamount>money
disp(‘the betamount is invaild, try again’);
end function, functions, loop, if statement, while loop MATLAB Answers — New Questions
2 synchronized objects in viewer3d
(Running Matlab 2023b)
Dear Community,
how can I have two volshow objects side by side in viewer3d that follow the same rotation/zoom commands via mouse?
Or how can I have two viewer3d that have linked mouse commands?
In essence I am looking for a functionality like "linkaxes" only for viewer3d
Where to look?
Many thanks,
André(Running Matlab 2023b)
Dear Community,
how can I have two volshow objects side by side in viewer3d that follow the same rotation/zoom commands via mouse?
Or how can I have two viewer3d that have linked mouse commands?
In essence I am looking for a functionality like "linkaxes" only for viewer3d
Where to look?
Many thanks,
André (Running Matlab 2023b)
Dear Community,
how can I have two volshow objects side by side in viewer3d that follow the same rotation/zoom commands via mouse?
Or how can I have two viewer3d that have linked mouse commands?
In essence I am looking for a functionality like "linkaxes" only for viewer3d
Where to look?
Many thanks,
André viewer3d, linkaxes, volshow MATLAB Answers — New Questions
How to increase resolution from gshhs?
Dear all,
The code below allowed me to download and plot the coastline of UK. However, I would like to have a better resolution. When i change, in line 13 of the code below, ‘gshhs_c.b.gz’ for ‘gshhs_h.b.gz’ an error appeared (see below). So, How can I have the best coastal resolution of the area I an interested in? please can soemone help me?
Error using checkfilename>validateFilename (line 157)
Function GUNZIP was unable to find file ”gshhs_h.b.gz”.
Error in checkfilename (line 49)
[fullfilename, fid] = validateFilename( …
Error in gunzip>checkFilesURLInput (line 124)
[fullFileName, url] = checkfilename(inputFiles{1}, validExtensions, fcnName, …
Error in gunzip (line 63)
[files, url, urlFilename] = checkFilesURLInput(files, {‘gz’},’FILES’,mfilename);
Error in test (line 13)
files = gunzip(‘gshhs_h.b.gz’, workingFolder);
close all
clear all
% assign the path to your working directory:
cd (‘E:SEEC’);
% add path to TelemacTolls functions (i.e. to read in telemac files into MATLAB):
addpath (‘C:Matlab_downloadm_map1.4f’);
workingFolder = tempdir;
files = gunzip(‘gshhs_c.b.gz’, workingFolder);
filename = files{1};
indexfile = gshhs(filename, ‘createindex’);
latlim = [50.45 56.31];
lonlim = [-8.1 -2.1];
S = gshhs(filename, latlim, lonlim);
levels = [S.Level];
L1 = S(levels == 1);
axesm(‘mercator’, ‘MapLatLimit’, latlim, ‘MapLonLimit’, lonlim)
gridm; mlabel; plabel
geoshow([L1.Lat], [L1.Lon], ‘Color’, ‘blue’)Dear all,
The code below allowed me to download and plot the coastline of UK. However, I would like to have a better resolution. When i change, in line 13 of the code below, ‘gshhs_c.b.gz’ for ‘gshhs_h.b.gz’ an error appeared (see below). So, How can I have the best coastal resolution of the area I an interested in? please can soemone help me?
Error using checkfilename>validateFilename (line 157)
Function GUNZIP was unable to find file ”gshhs_h.b.gz”.
Error in checkfilename (line 49)
[fullfilename, fid] = validateFilename( …
Error in gunzip>checkFilesURLInput (line 124)
[fullFileName, url] = checkfilename(inputFiles{1}, validExtensions, fcnName, …
Error in gunzip (line 63)
[files, url, urlFilename] = checkFilesURLInput(files, {‘gz’},’FILES’,mfilename);
Error in test (line 13)
files = gunzip(‘gshhs_h.b.gz’, workingFolder);
close all
clear all
% assign the path to your working directory:
cd (‘E:SEEC’);
% add path to TelemacTolls functions (i.e. to read in telemac files into MATLAB):
addpath (‘C:Matlab_downloadm_map1.4f’);
workingFolder = tempdir;
files = gunzip(‘gshhs_c.b.gz’, workingFolder);
filename = files{1};
indexfile = gshhs(filename, ‘createindex’);
latlim = [50.45 56.31];
lonlim = [-8.1 -2.1];
S = gshhs(filename, latlim, lonlim);
levels = [S.Level];
L1 = S(levels == 1);
axesm(‘mercator’, ‘MapLatLimit’, latlim, ‘MapLonLimit’, lonlim)
gridm; mlabel; plabel
geoshow([L1.Lat], [L1.Lon], ‘Color’, ‘blue’) Dear all,
The code below allowed me to download and plot the coastline of UK. However, I would like to have a better resolution. When i change, in line 13 of the code below, ‘gshhs_c.b.gz’ for ‘gshhs_h.b.gz’ an error appeared (see below). So, How can I have the best coastal resolution of the area I an interested in? please can soemone help me?
Error using checkfilename>validateFilename (line 157)
Function GUNZIP was unable to find file ”gshhs_h.b.gz”.
Error in checkfilename (line 49)
[fullfilename, fid] = validateFilename( …
Error in gunzip>checkFilesURLInput (line 124)
[fullFileName, url] = checkfilename(inputFiles{1}, validExtensions, fcnName, …
Error in gunzip (line 63)
[files, url, urlFilename] = checkFilesURLInput(files, {‘gz’},’FILES’,mfilename);
Error in test (line 13)
files = gunzip(‘gshhs_h.b.gz’, workingFolder);
close all
clear all
% assign the path to your working directory:
cd (‘E:SEEC’);
% add path to TelemacTolls functions (i.e. to read in telemac files into MATLAB):
addpath (‘C:Matlab_downloadm_map1.4f’);
workingFolder = tempdir;
files = gunzip(‘gshhs_c.b.gz’, workingFolder);
filename = files{1};
indexfile = gshhs(filename, ‘createindex’);
latlim = [50.45 56.31];
lonlim = [-8.1 -2.1];
S = gshhs(filename, latlim, lonlim);
levels = [S.Level];
L1 = S(levels == 1);
axesm(‘mercator’, ‘MapLatLimit’, latlim, ‘MapLonLimit’, lonlim)
gridm; mlabel; plabel
geoshow([L1.Lat], [L1.Lon], ‘Color’, ‘blue’) gshhs, increase reoslution MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Simbiology Previous Initial Parameters
Hi! So I saved a run when I was doing fitting for my data, and put the results in a folder on the Simbiology model analzyer dashboard. I wanted to replicate that saved data but I can’t seem to find where the initial parameters for that run are stored? If anyone could help or if there’s any way I can further clarify please let me know!Hi! So I saved a run when I was doing fitting for my data, and put the results in a folder on the Simbiology model analzyer dashboard. I wanted to replicate that saved data but I can’t seem to find where the initial parameters for that run are stored? If anyone could help or if there’s any way I can further clarify please let me know! Hi! So I saved a run when I was doing fitting for my data, and put the results in a folder on the Simbiology model analzyer dashboard. I wanted to replicate that saved data but I can’t seem to find where the initial parameters for that run are stored? If anyone could help or if there’s any way I can further clarify please let me know! matlab, simbiology, initial parameters, curve fitting, simulation MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Why are functions called by “eval” not found by my compiled standalone application?
I have a function "databaseConnectWithEval" that is defined as follows:
function conn = databaseConnectWithEval
conn = eval(‘database("MySQL ODBC","username","password");’);
If I call this function from the MATLAB Command Window, it works as expected.
However, if I compile this function into a standalone application, and then run the executable, the following error is thrown:
Undefined function ‘database’ for input arguments of type ‘char’.
If I use the following function, without "eval", then both the function and the compiled executable work as expected.
function conn = databaseConnect
conn = database("MySQL ODBC","username","password");
Why is this function inside of "eval" not found by my compiled application?I have a function "databaseConnectWithEval" that is defined as follows:
function conn = databaseConnectWithEval
conn = eval(‘database("MySQL ODBC","username","password");’);
If I call this function from the MATLAB Command Window, it works as expected.
However, if I compile this function into a standalone application, and then run the executable, the following error is thrown:
Undefined function ‘database’ for input arguments of type ‘char’.
If I use the following function, without "eval", then both the function and the compiled executable work as expected.
function conn = databaseConnect
conn = database("MySQL ODBC","username","password");
Why is this function inside of "eval" not found by my compiled application? I have a function "databaseConnectWithEval" that is defined as follows:
function conn = databaseConnectWithEval
conn = eval(‘database("MySQL ODBC","username","password");’);
If I call this function from the MATLAB Command Window, it works as expected.
However, if I compile this function into a standalone application, and then run the executable, the following error is thrown:
Undefined function ‘database’ for input arguments of type ‘char’.
If I use the following function, without "eval", then both the function and the compiled executable work as expected.
function conn = databaseConnect
conn = database("MySQL ODBC","username","password");
Why is this function inside of "eval" not found by my compiled application? eval, compiler MATLAB Answers — New Questions
installing matlab and simulink on pi – ‘verifying sudo user privilege failed’
hi there,
i am trying to install matlab and simulink on my raspberry pi, but i keep getting the error ‘verifying sudo user privilege failed’
i have followed the steps in this article by matlab and enabled passwordless sudo but it still isn’t working.
Anybody encountered this problem before?
Thankshi there,
i am trying to install matlab and simulink on my raspberry pi, but i keep getting the error ‘verifying sudo user privilege failed’
i have followed the steps in this article by matlab and enabled passwordless sudo but it still isn’t working.
Anybody encountered this problem before?
Thanks hi there,
i am trying to install matlab and simulink on my raspberry pi, but i keep getting the error ‘verifying sudo user privilege failed’
i have followed the steps in this article by matlab and enabled passwordless sudo but it still isn’t working.
Anybody encountered this problem before?
Thanks raspberry pi, matlab, simulink, install MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Error message when trying to run System Validation in Fuzzy Logic Designer app
When I run the System Validation function I get the following error message in Workspace.
‘Tri 3×3’ is the name of the FIS I’ve designed.
All other simulation functions work fine.When I run the System Validation function I get the following error message in Workspace.
‘Tri 3×3’ is the name of the FIS I’ve designed.
All other simulation functions work fine. When I run the System Validation function I get the following error message in Workspace.
‘Tri 3×3’ is the name of the FIS I’ve designed.
All other simulation functions work fine. fuzzy logic designer app, system validation MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Reading a text file using readtable, Matlab stubbornly refuses to accept dates in anything but US-format
Here’s a programme I wrote to read in a data file. Rather than using the trusty, old-fashioned method I’ve always used (fopen, fgetl etc), I thought I’d use this fancy ‘readtable’ method. Half a day later, I wish I’d not bothered. The online help on this subject is very confusing, with changes in each version of Matlab from ‘Parameter’,’Value’ to ‘Parameter=Value’ to Parameter.value = … ways of doing things and so many parameters and sub-parameters in the readtable function that I got very confused. As you can see, I’ve tried 3 or 4 times to set the date format to read data from 10th March, but it still comes out as 3rd October.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
%Script to read in data files
clear all
opts = detectImportOptions(‘Myfile’);
% setvaropts(opts,VariableOptions(1).InputFormat,’dd/MM/yyyy’);
A.Date.Format = ‘dd/MM/yyyy’
A{:,1}=datetime(A{:,1},’InputFormat’,’dd/MM/yyyy’, ‘Format’,’dd/MM/yyyy’)
Here’s the data-file I’m trying to read:
Patches found at BAKE00CAN between 10-Mar-2024 and 16-Mar-2024:
Date Time Latitude Longitude sTEC_inc Duratn./s
10/03/24 00:08:00 71.70 -88.73 3.2 1350
10/03/24 00:14:30 69.60 -110.59 4.9 840
10/03/24 00:16:00 62.46 -94.23 3.8 1620
10/03/24 00:18:00 64.35 -83.21 8.2 1470
10/03/24 00:23:30 72.70 -110.84 17.9 5370
10/03/24 00:25:30 63.86 -91.88 2.4 450
10/03/24 00:28:30 67.25 -85.28 4.1 1710
10/03/24 00:29:30 73.89 -90.16 2.7 570
10/03/24 00:31:00 62.88 -93.91 3.7 870
…but it comes out as:
A =
9×6 table
Date Time Latitude Longitude sTEC_inc Duratn__s
__________ ________ ________ _________ ________ _________
03/10/0024 00:08:00 71.7 -88.73 3.2 1350
03/10/0024 00:14:30 69.6 -110.59 4.9 840
03/10/0024 00:16:00 62.46 -94.23 3.8 1620
03/10/0024 00:18:00 64.35 -83.21 8.2 1470
03/10/0024 00:23:30 72.7 -110.84 17.9 5370
03/10/0024 00:25:30 63.86 -91.88 2.4 450
03/10/0024 00:28:30 67.25 -85.28 4.1 1710
03/10/0024 00:29:30 73.89 -90.16 2.7 570
03/10/0024 00:31:00 62.88 -93.91 3.7 870Here’s a programme I wrote to read in a data file. Rather than using the trusty, old-fashioned method I’ve always used (fopen, fgetl etc), I thought I’d use this fancy ‘readtable’ method. Half a day later, I wish I’d not bothered. The online help on this subject is very confusing, with changes in each version of Matlab from ‘Parameter’,’Value’ to ‘Parameter=Value’ to Parameter.value = … ways of doing things and so many parameters and sub-parameters in the readtable function that I got very confused. As you can see, I’ve tried 3 or 4 times to set the date format to read data from 10th March, but it still comes out as 3rd October.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
%Script to read in data files
clear all
opts = detectImportOptions(‘Myfile’);
% setvaropts(opts,VariableOptions(1).InputFormat,’dd/MM/yyyy’);
A.Date.Format = ‘dd/MM/yyyy’
A{:,1}=datetime(A{:,1},’InputFormat’,’dd/MM/yyyy’, ‘Format’,’dd/MM/yyyy’)
Here’s the data-file I’m trying to read:
Patches found at BAKE00CAN between 10-Mar-2024 and 16-Mar-2024:
Date Time Latitude Longitude sTEC_inc Duratn./s
10/03/24 00:08:00 71.70 -88.73 3.2 1350
10/03/24 00:14:30 69.60 -110.59 4.9 840
10/03/24 00:16:00 62.46 -94.23 3.8 1620
10/03/24 00:18:00 64.35 -83.21 8.2 1470
10/03/24 00:23:30 72.70 -110.84 17.9 5370
10/03/24 00:25:30 63.86 -91.88 2.4 450
10/03/24 00:28:30 67.25 -85.28 4.1 1710
10/03/24 00:29:30 73.89 -90.16 2.7 570
10/03/24 00:31:00 62.88 -93.91 3.7 870
…but it comes out as:
A =
9×6 table
Date Time Latitude Longitude sTEC_inc Duratn__s
__________ ________ ________ _________ ________ _________
03/10/0024 00:08:00 71.7 -88.73 3.2 1350
03/10/0024 00:14:30 69.6 -110.59 4.9 840
03/10/0024 00:16:00 62.46 -94.23 3.8 1620
03/10/0024 00:18:00 64.35 -83.21 8.2 1470
03/10/0024 00:23:30 72.7 -110.84 17.9 5370
03/10/0024 00:25:30 63.86 -91.88 2.4 450
03/10/0024 00:28:30 67.25 -85.28 4.1 1710
03/10/0024 00:29:30 73.89 -90.16 2.7 570
03/10/0024 00:31:00 62.88 -93.91 3.7 870 Here’s a programme I wrote to read in a data file. Rather than using the trusty, old-fashioned method I’ve always used (fopen, fgetl etc), I thought I’d use this fancy ‘readtable’ method. Half a day later, I wish I’d not bothered. The online help on this subject is very confusing, with changes in each version of Matlab from ‘Parameter’,’Value’ to ‘Parameter=Value’ to Parameter.value = … ways of doing things and so many parameters and sub-parameters in the readtable function that I got very confused. As you can see, I’ve tried 3 or 4 times to set the date format to read data from 10th March, but it still comes out as 3rd October.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
%Script to read in data files
clear all
opts = detectImportOptions(‘Myfile’);
% setvaropts(opts,VariableOptions(1).InputFormat,’dd/MM/yyyy’);
A.Date.Format = ‘dd/MM/yyyy’
A{:,1}=datetime(A{:,1},’InputFormat’,’dd/MM/yyyy’, ‘Format’,’dd/MM/yyyy’)
Here’s the data-file I’m trying to read:
Patches found at BAKE00CAN between 10-Mar-2024 and 16-Mar-2024:
Date Time Latitude Longitude sTEC_inc Duratn./s
10/03/24 00:08:00 71.70 -88.73 3.2 1350
10/03/24 00:14:30 69.60 -110.59 4.9 840
10/03/24 00:16:00 62.46 -94.23 3.8 1620
10/03/24 00:18:00 64.35 -83.21 8.2 1470
10/03/24 00:23:30 72.70 -110.84 17.9 5370
10/03/24 00:25:30 63.86 -91.88 2.4 450
10/03/24 00:28:30 67.25 -85.28 4.1 1710
10/03/24 00:29:30 73.89 -90.16 2.7 570
10/03/24 00:31:00 62.88 -93.91 3.7 870
…but it comes out as:
A =
9×6 table
Date Time Latitude Longitude sTEC_inc Duratn__s
__________ ________ ________ _________ ________ _________
03/10/0024 00:08:00 71.7 -88.73 3.2 1350
03/10/0024 00:14:30 69.6 -110.59 4.9 840
03/10/0024 00:16:00 62.46 -94.23 3.8 1620
03/10/0024 00:18:00 64.35 -83.21 8.2 1470
03/10/0024 00:23:30 72.7 -110.84 17.9 5370
03/10/0024 00:25:30 63.86 -91.88 2.4 450
03/10/0024 00:28:30 67.25 -85.28 4.1 1710
03/10/0024 00:29:30 73.89 -90.16 2.7 570
03/10/0024 00:31:00 62.88 -93.91 3.7 870 readtable, date format MATLAB Answers — New Questions
GPU Training RL Toolbox on R2022a
Hello everyone,
I am trying to train my agent with using Reinforcement Learning Toolbox Matlab2022a. Unfortunately, I couldn’t run the training due to some packages were updated. rlRepresentationOptions was contain ‘UseDevice’,’gpu’ option, but the package has been changed to rlOptimizerOptions without any ‘UseDevice’ option. How can I run my training with using gpu? Thank you in advance.Hello everyone,
I am trying to train my agent with using Reinforcement Learning Toolbox Matlab2022a. Unfortunately, I couldn’t run the training due to some packages were updated. rlRepresentationOptions was contain ‘UseDevice’,’gpu’ option, but the package has been changed to rlOptimizerOptions without any ‘UseDevice’ option. How can I run my training with using gpu? Thank you in advance. Hello everyone,
I am trying to train my agent with using Reinforcement Learning Toolbox Matlab2022a. Unfortunately, I couldn’t run the training due to some packages were updated. rlRepresentationOptions was contain ‘UseDevice’,’gpu’ option, but the package has been changed to rlOptimizerOptions without any ‘UseDevice’ option. How can I run my training with using gpu? Thank you in advance. reinforcement learning, training, machine learning MATLAB Answers — New Questions
How to loop through cell array and apply script to each double?
I have a cell array of cell arrays of doubles called "C_512_numeric". I have the script called edit and I want to loop through all columns in the doubles in C_512_numeric and use the column data as input for edit (first argument). I have attached the script.
How would I write this code?Hi,
I have a cell array of cell arrays of doubles called "C_512_numeric". I have the script called edit and I want to loop through all columns in the doubles in C_512_numeric and use the column data as input for edit (first argument). I have attached the script.
How would I write this code? Hi,
I have a cell array of cell arrays of doubles called "C_512_numeric". I have the script called edit and I want to loop through all columns in the doubles in C_512_numeric and use the column data as input for edit (first argument). I have attached the script.
How would I write this code? cells, doubles, script, input MATLAB Answers — New Questions
how to reduce blob analysis rate in video so that object counting can happen every 3 seconds
I would like to do object counting but my code is checking for region of intereste every 1/30 second due to 30 frames per second because of this everytime it is detecting the object, any way i can solve this problem?
%% Setup of video
%% structural element
vidPlayer = vision.DeployableVideoPlayer;
while ~isDone(vidReader)
%read frame
%rgb to hsv color space
%htextins=insertText(I,’position’,[20,20],’Color’,[255 255 0],’Fontsize’,30);
% Define thresholds for channel 1 based on histogram settings
channel1Min = 0.615;
channel1Max = 0.962;
% Define thresholds for channel 2 based on histogram settings
channel2Min = 0.000;
channel2Max = 0.058;
% Define thresholds for channel 3 based on histogram settings
channel3Min = 0.723;
channel3Max = 1.000;
% Create mask based on chosen histogram thresholds
sliderBW = (I(:,:,1) >= channel1Min ) & (I(:,:,1) <= channel1Max) & …
(I(:,:,2) >= channel2Min ) & (I(:,:,2) <= channel2Max) & …
(I(:,:,3) >= channel3Min ) & (I(:,:,3) <= channel3Max);
BW = sliderBW;
%using morphological operations
%extract the blobs from the frame
[areaOut,centroidOut, bboxOut]=step(hblob,ibwopen);
%draw a box around detected objects
%iannotate = insertObjectAnnotation(vidframe,"rectangle",bboxOut,’cardboard’,TextBoxOpacity=0.9,FontSize=18);
iannotate_vid = insertObjectAnnotation(vidframe,"rectangle",…
%paly in video player
%release(ishape)I would like to do object counting but my code is checking for region of intereste every 1/30 second due to 30 frames per second because of this everytime it is detecting the object, any way i can solve this problem?
%% Setup of video
%% structural element
vidPlayer = vision.DeployableVideoPlayer;
while ~isDone(vidReader)
%read frame
%rgb to hsv color space
%htextins=insertText(I,’position’,[20,20],’Color’,[255 255 0],’Fontsize’,30);
% Define thresholds for channel 1 based on histogram settings
channel1Min = 0.615;
channel1Max = 0.962;
% Define thresholds for channel 2 based on histogram settings
channel2Min = 0.000;
channel2Max = 0.058;
% Define thresholds for channel 3 based on histogram settings
channel3Min = 0.723;
channel3Max = 1.000;
% Create mask based on chosen histogram thresholds
sliderBW = (I(:,:,1) >= channel1Min ) & (I(:,:,1) <= channel1Max) & …
(I(:,:,2) >= channel2Min ) & (I(:,:,2) <= channel2Max) & …
(I(:,:,3) >= channel3Min ) & (I(:,:,3) <= channel3Max);
BW = sliderBW;
%using morphological operations
%extract the blobs from the frame
[areaOut,centroidOut, bboxOut]=step(hblob,ibwopen);
%draw a box around detected objects
%iannotate = insertObjectAnnotation(vidframe,"rectangle",bboxOut,’cardboard’,TextBoxOpacity=0.9,FontSize=18);
iannotate_vid = insertObjectAnnotation(vidframe,"rectangle",…
%paly in video player
%release(ishape) I would like to do object counting but my code is checking for region of intereste every 1/30 second due to 30 frames per second because of this everytime it is detecting the object, any way i can solve this problem?
%% Setup of video
%% structural element
vidPlayer = vision.DeployableVideoPlayer;
while ~isDone(vidReader)
%read frame
%rgb to hsv color space
%htextins=insertText(I,’position’,[20,20],’Color’,[255 255 0],’Fontsize’,30);
% Define thresholds for channel 1 based on histogram settings
channel1Min = 0.615;
channel1Max = 0.962;
% Define thresholds for channel 2 based on histogram settings
channel2Min = 0.000;
channel2Max = 0.058;
% Define thresholds for channel 3 based on histogram settings
channel3Min = 0.723;
channel3Max = 1.000;
% Create mask based on chosen histogram thresholds
sliderBW = (I(:,:,1) >= channel1Min ) & (I(:,:,1) <= channel1Max) & …
(I(:,:,2) >= channel2Min ) & (I(:,:,2) <= channel2Max) & …
(I(:,:,3) >= channel3Min ) & (I(:,:,3) <= channel3Max);
BW = sliderBW;
%using morphological operations
%extract the blobs from the frame
[areaOut,centroidOut, bboxOut]=step(hblob,ibwopen);
%draw a box around detected objects
%iannotate = insertObjectAnnotation(vidframe,"rectangle",bboxOut,’cardboard’,TextBoxOpacity=0.9,FontSize=18);
iannotate_vid = insertObjectAnnotation(vidframe,"rectangle",…
%paly in video player
%release(ishape) computer vision, blob MATLAB Answers — New Questions