Category: Matlab
Category Archives: Matlab
matlab is disconnecting and shows to restart again
matlab continuesly showing that session is experiencing interruptions due to poor internet connection or inactivity and it automatically get restarted.matlab continuesly showing that session is experiencing interruptions due to poor internet connection or inactivity and it automatically get restarted. matlab continuesly showing that session is experiencing interruptions due to poor internet connection or inactivity and it automatically get restarted. showing start new session, experiencing interruption, matlab MATLAB Answers — New Questions
OFDM implementation over rayleigh channel with doppler , matlab(simulink) to hdl
Is there a way to simulate ofdm over a rayleigh channel with doppler , using matlab functions /simulink(blocks), which are compatible with hdl coder , to implement on an fpga?Is there a way to simulate ofdm over a rayleigh channel with doppler , using matlab functions /simulink(blocks), which are compatible with hdl coder , to implement on an fpga? Is there a way to simulate ofdm over a rayleigh channel with doppler , using matlab functions /simulink(blocks), which are compatible with hdl coder , to implement on an fpga? ofdm, rayleigh, doppler, hdl MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Plot a rectangular/square box around a set of random points
Given a random set of points:
xlim([-1 6])
ylim([-1 6])
how can I draw a rectangle that wraps that set of points, and such that the following conditions are fulfilled?
(1) the upper edge and the lower edge of the rectangle are placed at the lowest and highest y-coordinates of the set of points, i.e. at
yl = [min(y) max(y)];
(2) the left and the right edges are placed at the leftmost and rightmost x-coordinates of the set of points, i.e.
xl = [min(x) max(x)];
Visually, my desired output would be the following one:Given a random set of points:
xlim([-1 6])
ylim([-1 6])
how can I draw a rectangle that wraps that set of points, and such that the following conditions are fulfilled?
(1) the upper edge and the lower edge of the rectangle are placed at the lowest and highest y-coordinates of the set of points, i.e. at
yl = [min(y) max(y)];
(2) the left and the right edges are placed at the leftmost and rightmost x-coordinates of the set of points, i.e.
xl = [min(x) max(x)];
Visually, my desired output would be the following one: Given a random set of points:
xlim([-1 6])
ylim([-1 6])
how can I draw a rectangle that wraps that set of points, and such that the following conditions are fulfilled?
(1) the upper edge and the lower edge of the rectangle are placed at the lowest and highest y-coordinates of the set of points, i.e. at
yl = [min(y) max(y)];
(2) the left and the right edges are placed at the leftmost and rightmost x-coordinates of the set of points, i.e.
xl = [min(x) max(x)];
Visually, my desired output would be the following one: rectangle, sqaure, plot, points, wrap MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Can’t retrieve value from previous time step.
I am doing a energy storage and transport project in simulink in matlab. It is formed by a file which contains constant variables and an interactive model that attempts to simulate the flow of energy of this sytem, this is possible because inside of this model formulas and calculations can be implemented. The system consist of 5 blocks. Transport to supply, injection, storage, extraction, transport to demand, inside of each block you add the different formulas/calculations. The system also accounts for power losses. I am stuck in the storage subsystem.
I have a function block that simulates the storage. I have as inputs some constants and the variable power supply from a data file. I have as outputs the energy lossses and the energy storage. My type of storage is a water thermal battery (very simple). I have time step of 5mins, which means that there is a point every 5 mins, in the data file time there is data for 525600 minutes (one year). Every time step energy is added tothe storage, raising the temperature, the thing is in my code i can only take into account the enegy of the storage at that time step. I would like to retrieve the temperature of the previous step and add it to the new one, like this i will have the energy being stored in the system, but i dont know how to do this.
function [DStorage, EdotStorage]= Storage(PtoStorage, PfromStorage, kWater,TEnv, tankheight, tankradius, mwateronetank,cWater, ITank)
PreviousT = 0; %This should retrieve me the temperature of the tank in the previous time step, or the output from the previous step is even fine (from here I can calculate the temperature rise, make it a variabe and add it ot "Atank")
ATank= 2*pi*tankradius*(tankradius+tankheight); %Area of the tank
Ttank= TEnv + ((PtoStorage/125)/((mwateronetank)*cWater)) + PreviousT ; %Actual temperature of each tank
Dofonetank = ((kWater* ATank * ((Ttank-TEnv))/ITank)); %Power loss due to conduction in one tank
DStorage= Dofonetank*125; %Power loss due to conduction in all tanks
EdotStorage = PtoStorage – PfromStorage – DStorage; %Amount of energy in the storageI am doing a energy storage and transport project in simulink in matlab. It is formed by a file which contains constant variables and an interactive model that attempts to simulate the flow of energy of this sytem, this is possible because inside of this model formulas and calculations can be implemented. The system consist of 5 blocks. Transport to supply, injection, storage, extraction, transport to demand, inside of each block you add the different formulas/calculations. The system also accounts for power losses. I am stuck in the storage subsystem.
I have a function block that simulates the storage. I have as inputs some constants and the variable power supply from a data file. I have as outputs the energy lossses and the energy storage. My type of storage is a water thermal battery (very simple). I have time step of 5mins, which means that there is a point every 5 mins, in the data file time there is data for 525600 minutes (one year). Every time step energy is added tothe storage, raising the temperature, the thing is in my code i can only take into account the enegy of the storage at that time step. I would like to retrieve the temperature of the previous step and add it to the new one, like this i will have the energy being stored in the system, but i dont know how to do this.
function [DStorage, EdotStorage]= Storage(PtoStorage, PfromStorage, kWater,TEnv, tankheight, tankradius, mwateronetank,cWater, ITank)
PreviousT = 0; %This should retrieve me the temperature of the tank in the previous time step, or the output from the previous step is even fine (from here I can calculate the temperature rise, make it a variabe and add it ot "Atank")
ATank= 2*pi*tankradius*(tankradius+tankheight); %Area of the tank
Ttank= TEnv + ((PtoStorage/125)/((mwateronetank)*cWater)) + PreviousT ; %Actual temperature of each tank
Dofonetank = ((kWater* ATank * ((Ttank-TEnv))/ITank)); %Power loss due to conduction in one tank
DStorage= Dofonetank*125; %Power loss due to conduction in all tanks
EdotStorage = PtoStorage – PfromStorage – DStorage; %Amount of energy in the storage I am doing a energy storage and transport project in simulink in matlab. It is formed by a file which contains constant variables and an interactive model that attempts to simulate the flow of energy of this sytem, this is possible because inside of this model formulas and calculations can be implemented. The system consist of 5 blocks. Transport to supply, injection, storage, extraction, transport to demand, inside of each block you add the different formulas/calculations. The system also accounts for power losses. I am stuck in the storage subsystem.
I have a function block that simulates the storage. I have as inputs some constants and the variable power supply from a data file. I have as outputs the energy lossses and the energy storage. My type of storage is a water thermal battery (very simple). I have time step of 5mins, which means that there is a point every 5 mins, in the data file time there is data for 525600 minutes (one year). Every time step energy is added tothe storage, raising the temperature, the thing is in my code i can only take into account the enegy of the storage at that time step. I would like to retrieve the temperature of the previous step and add it to the new one, like this i will have the energy being stored in the system, but i dont know how to do this.
function [DStorage, EdotStorage]= Storage(PtoStorage, PfromStorage, kWater,TEnv, tankheight, tankradius, mwateronetank,cWater, ITank)
PreviousT = 0; %This should retrieve me the temperature of the tank in the previous time step, or the output from the previous step is even fine (from here I can calculate the temperature rise, make it a variabe and add it ot "Atank")
ATank= 2*pi*tankradius*(tankradius+tankheight); %Area of the tank
Ttank= TEnv + ((PtoStorage/125)/((mwateronetank)*cWater)) + PreviousT ; %Actual temperature of each tank
Dofonetank = ((kWater* ATank * ((Ttank-TEnv))/ITank)); %Power loss due to conduction in one tank
DStorage= Dofonetank*125; %Power loss due to conduction in all tanks
EdotStorage = PtoStorage – PfromStorage – DStorage; %Amount of energy in the storage storage, tank, water, energy, temperature MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Cannot solve algebraic loop involving
Cannot solve algebraic loop involving ‘Simulation_vehicle/Equation1_ddgama1/MATLAB Function5’ because it consists of blocks that cannot be assigned algebraic variables, such as blocks with discrete-valued outputs, blocks with non-double or complex outputs, Stateflow blocks, or nonvirtual subsystems. Consider breaking the algebraic loop. For example, add a delay or a memory block to the loop. To see more details about the loops use the command Simulink.BlockDiagram.getAlgebraicLoops(bdroot)
Component:Simulink | Category:Model error
Input ports (23) of ‘Simulation_vehicle’ are involved in the loop.
How to fix this error ?Cannot solve algebraic loop involving ‘Simulation_vehicle/Equation1_ddgama1/MATLAB Function5’ because it consists of blocks that cannot be assigned algebraic variables, such as blocks with discrete-valued outputs, blocks with non-double or complex outputs, Stateflow blocks, or nonvirtual subsystems. Consider breaking the algebraic loop. For example, add a delay or a memory block to the loop. To see more details about the loops use the command Simulink.BlockDiagram.getAlgebraicLoops(bdroot)
Component:Simulink | Category:Model error
Input ports (23) of ‘Simulation_vehicle’ are involved in the loop.
How to fix this error ? Cannot solve algebraic loop involving ‘Simulation_vehicle/Equation1_ddgama1/MATLAB Function5’ because it consists of blocks that cannot be assigned algebraic variables, such as blocks with discrete-valued outputs, blocks with non-double or complex outputs, Stateflow blocks, or nonvirtual subsystems. Consider breaking the algebraic loop. For example, add a delay or a memory block to the loop. To see more details about the loops use the command Simulink.BlockDiagram.getAlgebraicLoops(bdroot)
Component:Simulink | Category:Model error
Input ports (23) of ‘Simulation_vehicle’ are involved in the loop.
How to fix this error ? cannot solve algebraic loop involving MATLAB Answers — New Questions
% Load the data
data = xlsread(‘ho130Gyrox.xlsx’);
% FFT of data
N = length(data); % Length of data
Fs = 2000; % Sampling frequency
Y = fft(data); % FFT
Y_abs = abs(Y);
frequencies = (0:N-1)*(Fs/N)/1000; % Frequency axis
% Plot
plot(frequencies(1:N/2), Y_abs(1:N/2));
xlabel(‘Frequency (kHz)’);
title(‘Data Frequency Spectrum’);% Load the data
data = xlsread(‘ho130Gyrox.xlsx’);
% FFT of data
N = length(data); % Length of data
Fs = 2000; % Sampling frequency
Y = fft(data); % FFT
Y_abs = abs(Y);
frequencies = (0:N-1)*(Fs/N)/1000; % Frequency axis
% Plot
plot(frequencies(1:N/2), Y_abs(1:N/2));
xlabel(‘Frequency (kHz)’);
title(‘Data Frequency Spectrum’); % Load the data
data = xlsread(‘ho130Gyrox.xlsx’);
% FFT of data
N = length(data); % Length of data
Fs = 2000; % Sampling frequency
Y = fft(data); % FFT
Y_abs = abs(Y);
frequencies = (0:N-1)*(Fs/N)/1000; % Frequency axis
% Plot
plot(frequencies(1:N/2), Y_abs(1:N/2));
xlabel(‘Frequency (kHz)’);
title(‘Data Frequency Spectrum’); #fft, #フーリエ変換, #データ, #分析, カットオフ周波数 MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Frequency response of a system operating at a fixed frequency
I am trying to simulate the behavior of a system in simulink. I am providing a sinusoidal input with a fixed frequency (e.g. 0.3 Hz) and I am exporting the results in matlab. I want to verify that at this operating frequency, the frequency response is flat. Once done that I’ll increase the frequency and so on untill I reach a decrease in the frequency response of -3dB.
However I am facing dissiculties in evaluating this.
I tried doing something like this:
Y_measured = fft(measured);
Y_target = fft(target);
Y = Y_measured./Y_target;
amplitude = abs(Y);
phase = unwrap(angle(Y(1:N/2+1)));
I then plotted the amplitude and the phase over time.
The fact is that being the system evaluated at a fixed frequency, the frequency response diagram loses a lot of significance and I become only intrested in what would be a specific point of the diagram (I guess?).
So in conclusion:
Is this a correct way of evaluating the frequency response of my system?
What would be an efficien way of plotting and showing the results?
Thank you.I am trying to simulate the behavior of a system in simulink. I am providing a sinusoidal input with a fixed frequency (e.g. 0.3 Hz) and I am exporting the results in matlab. I want to verify that at this operating frequency, the frequency response is flat. Once done that I’ll increase the frequency and so on untill I reach a decrease in the frequency response of -3dB.
However I am facing dissiculties in evaluating this.
I tried doing something like this:
Y_measured = fft(measured);
Y_target = fft(target);
Y = Y_measured./Y_target;
amplitude = abs(Y);
phase = unwrap(angle(Y(1:N/2+1)));
I then plotted the amplitude and the phase over time.
The fact is that being the system evaluated at a fixed frequency, the frequency response diagram loses a lot of significance and I become only intrested in what would be a specific point of the diagram (I guess?).
So in conclusion:
Is this a correct way of evaluating the frequency response of my system?
What would be an efficien way of plotting and showing the results?
Thank you. I am trying to simulate the behavior of a system in simulink. I am providing a sinusoidal input with a fixed frequency (e.g. 0.3 Hz) and I am exporting the results in matlab. I want to verify that at this operating frequency, the frequency response is flat. Once done that I’ll increase the frequency and so on untill I reach a decrease in the frequency response of -3dB.
However I am facing dissiculties in evaluating this.
I tried doing something like this:
Y_measured = fft(measured);
Y_target = fft(target);
Y = Y_measured./Y_target;
amplitude = abs(Y);
phase = unwrap(angle(Y(1:N/2+1)));
I then plotted the amplitude and the phase over time.
The fact is that being the system evaluated at a fixed frequency, the frequency response diagram loses a lot of significance and I become only intrested in what would be a specific point of the diagram (I guess?).
So in conclusion:
Is this a correct way of evaluating the frequency response of my system?
What would be an efficien way of plotting and showing the results?
Thank you. frequency, amplitude MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Please see my code below
% Step 1: Load the data from the Excel file
data = readmatrix(‘LSTMdataIn.xlsx’);
% Step 2: Create labels
labels = [ones(200, 1); 2*ones(200, 1); 3*ones(200, 1); 4*ones(200, 1); 5*ones(200, 1)];
% Step 3: Reshape the data
numTimeSteps = 100;
numFeatures = 1;
reshapedData = reshape(data’, numFeatures, numTimeSteps, []);
% Step 4: Split the data into training and testing sets
cv = cvpartition(labels, ‘HoldOut’, 0.2);
trainIdx = training(cv);
testIdx = test(cv);
XTrain = reshapedData(:, :, trainIdx);
YTrain = labels(trainIdx);
XTest = reshapedData(:, :, testIdx);
YTest = labels(testIdx);
% Step 5: Create and train the LSTM network
numHiddenUnits = 100;
layers = [ …
options = trainingOptions(‘adam’, ‘MaxEpochs’, 10, ‘MiniBatchSize’, 32);
net = trainNetwork(XTrain, categorical(YTrain), layers, options);
% Step 6: Evaluate the trained network
YTestPred = classify(net, XTest);
accuracy = sum(YTestPred == categorical(YTest)) / numel(YTest);
I get the following error
Error using trainNetwork (line 191)
The training sequences are of feature dimension 1 100 but the input layer expects sequences of feature dimension 100.Please see my code below
% Step 1: Load the data from the Excel file
data = readmatrix(‘LSTMdataIn.xlsx’);
% Step 2: Create labels
labels = [ones(200, 1); 2*ones(200, 1); 3*ones(200, 1); 4*ones(200, 1); 5*ones(200, 1)];
% Step 3: Reshape the data
numTimeSteps = 100;
numFeatures = 1;
reshapedData = reshape(data’, numFeatures, numTimeSteps, []);
% Step 4: Split the data into training and testing sets
cv = cvpartition(labels, ‘HoldOut’, 0.2);
trainIdx = training(cv);
testIdx = test(cv);
XTrain = reshapedData(:, :, trainIdx);
YTrain = labels(trainIdx);
XTest = reshapedData(:, :, testIdx);
YTest = labels(testIdx);
% Step 5: Create and train the LSTM network
numHiddenUnits = 100;
layers = [ …
options = trainingOptions(‘adam’, ‘MaxEpochs’, 10, ‘MiniBatchSize’, 32);
net = trainNetwork(XTrain, categorical(YTrain), layers, options);
% Step 6: Evaluate the trained network
YTestPred = classify(net, XTest);
accuracy = sum(YTestPred == categorical(YTest)) / numel(YTest);
I get the following error
Error using trainNetwork (line 191)
The training sequences are of feature dimension 1 100 but the input layer expects sequences of feature dimension 100. Please see my code below
% Step 1: Load the data from the Excel file
data = readmatrix(‘LSTMdataIn.xlsx’);
% Step 2: Create labels
labels = [ones(200, 1); 2*ones(200, 1); 3*ones(200, 1); 4*ones(200, 1); 5*ones(200, 1)];
% Step 3: Reshape the data
numTimeSteps = 100;
numFeatures = 1;
reshapedData = reshape(data’, numFeatures, numTimeSteps, []);
% Step 4: Split the data into training and testing sets
cv = cvpartition(labels, ‘HoldOut’, 0.2);
trainIdx = training(cv);
testIdx = test(cv);
XTrain = reshapedData(:, :, trainIdx);
YTrain = labels(trainIdx);
XTest = reshapedData(:, :, testIdx);
YTest = labels(testIdx);
% Step 5: Create and train the LSTM network
numHiddenUnits = 100;
layers = [ …
options = trainingOptions(‘adam’, ‘MaxEpochs’, 10, ‘MiniBatchSize’, 32);
net = trainNetwork(XTrain, categorical(YTrain), layers, options);
% Step 6: Evaluate the trained network
YTestPred = classify(net, XTest);
accuracy = sum(YTestPred == categorical(YTest)) / numel(YTest);
I get the following error
Error using trainNetwork (line 191)
The training sequences are of feature dimension 1 100 but the input layer expects sequences of feature dimension 100. lstm MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Restore View returns the axis of an old data set when the dataset is changed.
I have made an app in app designer where I have a dropdown menu to select from various sources of data. I get the user to select the data they want, and it then plots this data against a time window that is also specified by the user. I specify the y-axes limits to be the min and max values of the chosen data set within the specified time interval. I then would like to zoom into the data and then restore the view. This works fine for the first dataset. If the user then selects a different set of data from the dropdown, the plot is made with the new data and the y-axes limits are set to the new min and max values of the new dataset within the same specified time window. However, if the user zooms in and restores the view, the y-axes limits of the old dataset are returned as the y-axes limits. Does anyone have any ideas how to fix this issue?I have made an app in app designer where I have a dropdown menu to select from various sources of data. I get the user to select the data they want, and it then plots this data against a time window that is also specified by the user. I specify the y-axes limits to be the min and max values of the chosen data set within the specified time interval. I then would like to zoom into the data and then restore the view. This works fine for the first dataset. If the user then selects a different set of data from the dropdown, the plot is made with the new data and the y-axes limits are set to the new min and max values of the new dataset within the same specified time window. However, if the user zooms in and restores the view, the y-axes limits of the old dataset are returned as the y-axes limits. Does anyone have any ideas how to fix this issue? I have made an app in app designer where I have a dropdown menu to select from various sources of data. I get the user to select the data they want, and it then plots this data against a time window that is also specified by the user. I specify the y-axes limits to be the min and max values of the chosen data set within the specified time interval. I then would like to zoom into the data and then restore the view. This works fine for the first dataset. If the user then selects a different set of data from the dropdown, the plot is made with the new data and the y-axes limits are set to the new min and max values of the new dataset within the same specified time window. However, if the user zooms in and restores the view, the y-axes limits of the old dataset are returned as the y-axes limits. Does anyone have any ideas how to fix this issue? restoreview, appdesigner, ylim MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Fuel Cell Thermal Management system
Hi, I am working on a project in fuel cell system to develop a controller for thermal management. I found one fuel cell stack in simulink but it’s not having temperature as output. so can u plz suggest me how can i able to implement my controller to get results?Hi, I am working on a project in fuel cell system to develop a controller for thermal management. I found one fuel cell stack in simulink but it’s not having temperature as output. so can u plz suggest me how can i able to implement my controller to get results? Hi, I am working on a project in fuel cell system to develop a controller for thermal management. I found one fuel cell stack in simulink but it’s not having temperature as output. so can u plz suggest me how can i able to implement my controller to get results? fuel cell system MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Doing a Matlab update without charging
Hello, I just wondered whether it was bad to do a Matlab update without charging my computer. The update went well, but does it matter whether the computer is charging while loading it? Best wishes, JoshuaHello, I just wondered whether it was bad to do a Matlab update without charging my computer. The update went well, but does it matter whether the computer is charging while loading it? Best wishes, Joshua Hello, I just wondered whether it was bad to do a Matlab update without charging my computer. The update went well, but does it matter whether the computer is charging while loading it? Best wishes, Joshua update charging MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Toolstrip (ribbon) text size
Toolstrip(ribbon) text size looks very small on my laptop (15” full HD display), making it difficult to use Matlab for the extended period of time. Does anyone know if and how Toolstrip text size can be adjusted? I tried preferences/fonts but can’t find the right settings.Toolstrip(ribbon) text size looks very small on my laptop (15” full HD display), making it difficult to use Matlab for the extended period of time. Does anyone know if and how Toolstrip text size can be adjusted? I tried preferences/fonts but can’t find the right settings. Toolstrip(ribbon) text size looks very small on my laptop (15” full HD display), making it difficult to use Matlab for the extended period of time. Does anyone know if and how Toolstrip text size can be adjusted? I tried preferences/fonts but can’t find the right settings. toolstrip. text size. MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Interpolating Phased Array Toolbox patterns
I have an antenna modeled in Phased Array Toolbox, and after updating its steering I’m using the pattern() function to store the AZ/EL directivity pattern (just forward hemisphere). I want to then in another chunk of code interpolate the gain to a (large) number of grid points where in a loop over each I’m calculating the observed AZ/EL. I figure a griddedInterpolant object is what I should build which I can then query a bunch of times. However, the X1,X2 ordering for interpolation has the legacy of meshgrid/ndgrid where some dimensions are transposed. The EL and AZ arrays are both 1×181 elements which helps add to the confusion (so the pattern is 181×181). What’s the best formulation, or what is the most efficient way to store/retrieve/interpolate a computed pattern?I have an antenna modeled in Phased Array Toolbox, and after updating its steering I’m using the pattern() function to store the AZ/EL directivity pattern (just forward hemisphere). I want to then in another chunk of code interpolate the gain to a (large) number of grid points where in a loop over each I’m calculating the observed AZ/EL. I figure a griddedInterpolant object is what I should build which I can then query a bunch of times. However, the X1,X2 ordering for interpolation has the legacy of meshgrid/ndgrid where some dimensions are transposed. The EL and AZ arrays are both 1×181 elements which helps add to the confusion (so the pattern is 181×181). What’s the best formulation, or what is the most efficient way to store/retrieve/interpolate a computed pattern? I have an antenna modeled in Phased Array Toolbox, and after updating its steering I’m using the pattern() function to store the AZ/EL directivity pattern (just forward hemisphere). I want to then in another chunk of code interpolate the gain to a (large) number of grid points where in a loop over each I’m calculating the observed AZ/EL. I figure a griddedInterpolant object is what I should build which I can then query a bunch of times. However, the X1,X2 ordering for interpolation has the legacy of meshgrid/ndgrid where some dimensions are transposed. The EL and AZ arrays are both 1×181 elements which helps add to the confusion (so the pattern is 181×181). What’s the best formulation, or what is the most efficient way to store/retrieve/interpolate a computed pattern? antenna pattern, interpolation MATLAB Answers — New Questions
How to accelerate the speed of frequent interpolation?
For example,
I have a point set( A), where each point corresponds to a value of (Value_A). We can use "scatteredInterpolant" function to obtain the value (Value_B) on a point set B. However, this process is very time-consuming for a large number of points.
In my code, this interpolation process is required frequent operations, but the point sets A and B do not change, only the value (value_A) on the points will change.
In this case, can we extract the weight matrix A2B from A to B and directly obtain (Value_B) through Value_A * A2B. This way, the overall efficiency will be very high. I tried to check the underlying code of the scatteredInterpolant function, but it was not available.For example,
I have a point set( A), where each point corresponds to a value of (Value_A). We can use "scatteredInterpolant" function to obtain the value (Value_B) on a point set B. However, this process is very time-consuming for a large number of points.
In my code, this interpolation process is required frequent operations, but the point sets A and B do not change, only the value (value_A) on the points will change.
In this case, can we extract the weight matrix A2B from A to B and directly obtain (Value_B) through Value_A * A2B. This way, the overall efficiency will be very high. I tried to check the underlying code of the scatteredInterpolant function, but it was not available. For example,
I have a point set( A), where each point corresponds to a value of (Value_A). We can use "scatteredInterpolant" function to obtain the value (Value_B) on a point set B. However, this process is very time-consuming for a large number of points.
In my code, this interpolation process is required frequent operations, but the point sets A and B do not change, only the value (value_A) on the points will change.
In this case, can we extract the weight matrix A2B from A to B and directly obtain (Value_B) through Value_A * A2B. This way, the overall efficiency will be very high. I tried to check the underlying code of the scatteredInterpolant function, but it was not available. interpolation MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Edit poles and zeros in root locus design editor or bode editor
While i am trying to get the bode plot for my input and output from my simulink model i am getting the error as mentioned below in the image.While i am trying to get the bode plot for my input and output from my simulink model i am getting the error as mentioned below in the image. While i am trying to get the bode plot for my input and output from my simulink model i am getting the error as mentioned below in the image. editing bode editor in control system design MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Need Help writing code for the given equation attached below for a plate (in 2d).
Below is a reynold equation. Need Help writing code for the given equation attached below for a plate such that the plate length is divided into 50 nodes in x and y direction. ( i=50 and j=50.)Below is a reynold equation. Need Help writing code for the given equation attached below for a plate such that the plate length is divided into 50 nodes in x and y direction. ( i=50 and j=50.) Below is a reynold equation. Need Help writing code for the given equation attached below for a plate such that the plate length is divided into 50 nodes in x and y direction. ( i=50 and j=50.) finite difference method, simulation MATLAB Answers — New Questions
trajectory matlab transfer to robotstudio
I want to transfer my roboth path exactly to rapid (robotstudio).
How is this possible?I want to transfer my roboth path exactly to rapid (robotstudio).
How is this possible? I want to transfer my roboth path exactly to rapid (robotstudio).
How is this possible? robotstudio, trajectory, transferring MATLAB Answers — New Questions
How to replace the diagonal entries of a square matrix with entries from a vectore of equal length?
I have an nxn matrix M, and a vector v of length n. I want to swap the diagonal of M with the vector v, without a for loop. Is that possible? Thanks!I have an nxn matrix M, and a vector v of length n. I want to swap the diagonal of M with the vector v, without a for loop. Is that possible? Thanks! I have an nxn matrix M, and a vector v of length n. I want to swap the diagonal of M with the vector v, without a for loop. Is that possible? Thanks! matrix manipulation MATLAB Answers — New Questions
High packet latency in WLAN system level simulation example
I am new to wi-fi protocol and simulations. I have started working with the basic WLAN system level simulation example of MATLAB – Link
The latency in this example even after commenting out the wireless channel fading part and changing the "MACFrameAbstraction" to "false" and "PHYAbstractionMethod" to "none" comes out above or near to 0.2 sec for both the AP and STA.
How can I model the system for ideal scenerio and reduce this latency values?
I am new to wi-fi protocol and simulations. I have started working with the basic WLAN system level simulation example of MATLAB – Link
The latency in this example even after commenting out the wireless channel fading part and changing the "MACFrameAbstraction" to "false" and "PHYAbstractionMethod" to "none" comes out above or near to 0.2 sec for both the AP and STA.
How can I model the system for ideal scenerio and reduce this latency values?
Garvit Hi,
I am new to wi-fi protocol and simulations. I have started working with the basic WLAN system level simulation example of MATLAB – Link
The latency in this example even after commenting out the wireless channel fading part and changing the "MACFrameAbstraction" to "false" and "PHYAbstractionMethod" to "none" comes out above or near to 0.2 sec for both the AP and STA.
How can I model the system for ideal scenerio and reduce this latency values?
Garvit wlan, wi-fi, wireless communication MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Error publishing lane data as custom message
I am trying to publish XY lane points in world coordinates as a custom ros message. No problem adding the custom message to matlab.I can see it in rosmsg list. The error occurs in data assignment. I get the following error
‘A signal can be assigned only once, but the assigned bus signal ‘Xleft’ fully covers the assigned signal ‘Xleft.Data_SL_Info.CurrentLength’ in block ‘LKA0110/Subsystem/Bus Assignment1’
I could not find a suitable explanation on what this error means. Has anyone encountered this before?
Thank youI am trying to publish XY lane points in world coordinates as a custom ros message. No problem adding the custom message to matlab.I can see it in rosmsg list. The error occurs in data assignment. I get the following error
‘A signal can be assigned only once, but the assigned bus signal ‘Xleft’ fully covers the assigned signal ‘Xleft.Data_SL_Info.CurrentLength’ in block ‘LKA0110/Subsystem/Bus Assignment1’
I could not find a suitable explanation on what this error means. Has anyone encountered this before?
Thank you I am trying to publish XY lane points in world coordinates as a custom ros message. No problem adding the custom message to matlab.I can see it in rosmsg list. The error occurs in data assignment. I get the following error
‘A signal can be assigned only once, but the assigned bus signal ‘Xleft’ fully covers the assigned signal ‘Xleft.Data_SL_Info.CurrentLength’ in block ‘LKA0110/Subsystem/Bus Assignment1’
I could not find a suitable explanation on what this error means. Has anyone encountered this before?
Thank you ros, custom messages, ros publisher, bus assignment MATLAB Answers — New Questions