Category: Matlab
Category Archives: Matlab
How to defined Binary variables with equality and inequality Constraints while using Genetic Algorithm?
I defined equality and inequality constraints and for binary variables I used IntCon, But then ga gives error that equality constraints cannot used with integer. But I need equality and inequality constraints with binary variables to get satisfy result.
If anyone know, how to used both constraints with binary variables and integer please tell me.I defined equality and inequality constraints and for binary variables I used IntCon, But then ga gives error that equality constraints cannot used with integer. But I need equality and inequality constraints with binary variables to get satisfy result.
If anyone know, how to used both constraints with binary variables and integer please tell me. I defined equality and inequality constraints and for binary variables I used IntCon, But then ga gives error that equality constraints cannot used with integer. But I need equality and inequality constraints with binary variables to get satisfy result.
If anyone know, how to used both constraints with binary variables and integer please tell me. binary variables with equality constraints, integer variables with equality constraints MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Code generation paths of model references
I have a top model in which there are several model references.
If I generate code, code of top model is generated in folder:
code of model references is generated into:
and there is also:
If I have for example 100 different model references in my top model, and if I would like to link external IDE enviroment directly to code generation directory in simulink project, I would have to set 100 paths in IDE enviroment (metrowerks eclipse 10.5).
Is it possible to compact the code of model references in single file, or is it possible to generate all .c, .h files into one directory.
Or any other suggestion would be welcomed.
Thank you and best regards,
I have a top model in which there are several model references.
If I generate code, code of top model is generated in folder:
code of model references is generated into:
and there is also:
If I have for example 100 different model references in my top model, and if I would like to link external IDE enviroment directly to code generation directory in simulink project, I would have to set 100 paths in IDE enviroment (metrowerks eclipse 10.5).
Is it possible to compact the code of model references in single file, or is it possible to generate all .c, .h files into one directory.
Or any other suggestion would be welcomed.
Thank you and best regards,
Dejan Hi,
I have a top model in which there are several model references.
If I generate code, code of top model is generated in folder:
code of model references is generated into:
and there is also:
If I have for example 100 different model references in my top model, and if I would like to link external IDE enviroment directly to code generation directory in simulink project, I would have to set 100 paths in IDE enviroment (metrowerks eclipse 10.5).
Is it possible to compact the code of model references in single file, or is it possible to generate all .c, .h files into one directory.
Or any other suggestion would be welcomed.
Thank you and best regards,
Dejan code generation path MATLAB Answers — New Questions
delay and sum beamforming
I am making a program to acheive delay and sum beamforming,
I looked for examples of this online and found one relatable. The code is given below. When i run the program i get this error
%% Examples on delay-and-sum response for different arrays and input signals
%% 1D-array case
% Create vectors of x- and y-coordinates of microphone positions
xPos = -0.8:0.2:0.8; % 1xP vector of x-positions [m]
yPos = zeros(1, numel(xPos)); % 1xP vector of y-positions [m]
zPos = zeros(1, numel(xPos));
elementWeights = ones(1, numel(xPos))/numel(xPos); % 1xP vector of weightings
% Define arriving angles and frequency of input signals
thetaArrivalAngles = [-30 10]; % degrees
phiArrivalAngles = [0 0]; % degrees
f = 800; % [Hz]
c = 340; % [m/s]
fs = 44.1e3; % [Hz]
% Define array scanning angles (1D, so phi = 0)
thetaScanAngles = -90:0.1:90; % degrees
phiScanAngles = 0; % degrees
% Create input signal
inputSignal = createSignal(xPos, yPos, zPos, f, c, fs, thetaArrivalAngles, phiArrivalAngles);
% Create steering vector/matrix
e = steeringVector(xPos, yPos, zPos, f, c, thetaScanAngles, phiScanAngles);
% Create cross spectral matrix
R = crossSpectralMatrix(inputSignal);
% Calculate delay-and-sum steered response
S = steeredResponseDelayAndSum(R, e, elementWeights);
%Normalise spectrum
spectrumNormalized = abs(S)/max(abs(S));
%Convert to decibel
spectrumLog = 10*log10(spectrumNormalized);
%Plot array
fig1 = figure;
fig1.Color = ‘w’;
ax = axes(‘Parent’, fig1);
scatter(ax, xPos, yPos, 20, ‘filled’)
axis(ax, ‘square’)
ax.XLim = [-1 1];
ax.YLim = [-1 1];
grid(ax, ‘on’)
title(ax, ‘Microphone positions’)
%Plot steered response with indicator lines
fig2 = figure;
fig2.Color = ‘w’;
ax = axes(‘Parent’, fig2);
plot(ax, thetaScanAngles, spectrumLog)
grid(ax, ‘on’)
ax.XLim = [thetaScanAngles(1) thetaScanAngles(end)];
for j=1:numel(thetaArrivalAngles)
indx = find(thetaScanAngles >= thetaArrivalAngles(j), 1);
line(ax, [thetaScanAngles(indx) thetaScanAngles(indx)], ax.YLim,’LineWidth’, 1, ‘Color’, ‘r’, ‘LineStyle’, ‘–‘);
xlabel(ax, ‘theta’)
ylabel(ax, ‘dB’)I am making a program to acheive delay and sum beamforming,
I looked for examples of this online and found one relatable. The code is given below. When i run the program i get this error
%% Examples on delay-and-sum response for different arrays and input signals
%% 1D-array case
% Create vectors of x- and y-coordinates of microphone positions
xPos = -0.8:0.2:0.8; % 1xP vector of x-positions [m]
yPos = zeros(1, numel(xPos)); % 1xP vector of y-positions [m]
zPos = zeros(1, numel(xPos));
elementWeights = ones(1, numel(xPos))/numel(xPos); % 1xP vector of weightings
% Define arriving angles and frequency of input signals
thetaArrivalAngles = [-30 10]; % degrees
phiArrivalAngles = [0 0]; % degrees
f = 800; % [Hz]
c = 340; % [m/s]
fs = 44.1e3; % [Hz]
% Define array scanning angles (1D, so phi = 0)
thetaScanAngles = -90:0.1:90; % degrees
phiScanAngles = 0; % degrees
% Create input signal
inputSignal = createSignal(xPos, yPos, zPos, f, c, fs, thetaArrivalAngles, phiArrivalAngles);
% Create steering vector/matrix
e = steeringVector(xPos, yPos, zPos, f, c, thetaScanAngles, phiScanAngles);
% Create cross spectral matrix
R = crossSpectralMatrix(inputSignal);
% Calculate delay-and-sum steered response
S = steeredResponseDelayAndSum(R, e, elementWeights);
%Normalise spectrum
spectrumNormalized = abs(S)/max(abs(S));
%Convert to decibel
spectrumLog = 10*log10(spectrumNormalized);
%Plot array
fig1 = figure;
fig1.Color = ‘w’;
ax = axes(‘Parent’, fig1);
scatter(ax, xPos, yPos, 20, ‘filled’)
axis(ax, ‘square’)
ax.XLim = [-1 1];
ax.YLim = [-1 1];
grid(ax, ‘on’)
title(ax, ‘Microphone positions’)
%Plot steered response with indicator lines
fig2 = figure;
fig2.Color = ‘w’;
ax = axes(‘Parent’, fig2);
plot(ax, thetaScanAngles, spectrumLog)
grid(ax, ‘on’)
ax.XLim = [thetaScanAngles(1) thetaScanAngles(end)];
for j=1:numel(thetaArrivalAngles)
indx = find(thetaScanAngles >= thetaArrivalAngles(j), 1);
line(ax, [thetaScanAngles(indx) thetaScanAngles(indx)], ax.YLim,’LineWidth’, 1, ‘Color’, ‘r’, ‘LineStyle’, ‘–‘);
xlabel(ax, ‘theta’)
ylabel(ax, ‘dB’) I am making a program to acheive delay and sum beamforming,
I looked for examples of this online and found one relatable. The code is given below. When i run the program i get this error
%% Examples on delay-and-sum response for different arrays and input signals
%% 1D-array case
% Create vectors of x- and y-coordinates of microphone positions
xPos = -0.8:0.2:0.8; % 1xP vector of x-positions [m]
yPos = zeros(1, numel(xPos)); % 1xP vector of y-positions [m]
zPos = zeros(1, numel(xPos));
elementWeights = ones(1, numel(xPos))/numel(xPos); % 1xP vector of weightings
% Define arriving angles and frequency of input signals
thetaArrivalAngles = [-30 10]; % degrees
phiArrivalAngles = [0 0]; % degrees
f = 800; % [Hz]
c = 340; % [m/s]
fs = 44.1e3; % [Hz]
% Define array scanning angles (1D, so phi = 0)
thetaScanAngles = -90:0.1:90; % degrees
phiScanAngles = 0; % degrees
% Create input signal
inputSignal = createSignal(xPos, yPos, zPos, f, c, fs, thetaArrivalAngles, phiArrivalAngles);
% Create steering vector/matrix
e = steeringVector(xPos, yPos, zPos, f, c, thetaScanAngles, phiScanAngles);
% Create cross spectral matrix
R = crossSpectralMatrix(inputSignal);
% Calculate delay-and-sum steered response
S = steeredResponseDelayAndSum(R, e, elementWeights);
%Normalise spectrum
spectrumNormalized = abs(S)/max(abs(S));
%Convert to decibel
spectrumLog = 10*log10(spectrumNormalized);
%Plot array
fig1 = figure;
fig1.Color = ‘w’;
ax = axes(‘Parent’, fig1);
scatter(ax, xPos, yPos, 20, ‘filled’)
axis(ax, ‘square’)
ax.XLim = [-1 1];
ax.YLim = [-1 1];
grid(ax, ‘on’)
title(ax, ‘Microphone positions’)
%Plot steered response with indicator lines
fig2 = figure;
fig2.Color = ‘w’;
ax = axes(‘Parent’, fig2);
plot(ax, thetaScanAngles, spectrumLog)
grid(ax, ‘on’)
ax.XLim = [thetaScanAngles(1) thetaScanAngles(end)];
for j=1:numel(thetaArrivalAngles)
indx = find(thetaScanAngles >= thetaArrivalAngles(j), 1);
line(ax, [thetaScanAngles(indx) thetaScanAngles(indx)], ax.YLim,’LineWidth’, 1, ‘Color’, ‘r’, ‘LineStyle’, ‘–‘);
xlabel(ax, ‘theta’)
ylabel(ax, ‘dB’) digital signal processing MATLAB Answers — New Questions
SVPWM abnormal current under inductive load
I desing three phase inverter with SVPWM with matlab&simulink 2024a
It works perfectly under resistive load.
When I add 450VAR inductive load to 450W resistive load at 0,02 second, phase a and b currents shift up and phase c current shift down. why?
All loads is balanced. Why does current behavior like that? How can ı solve it?I desing three phase inverter with SVPWM with matlab&simulink 2024a
It works perfectly under resistive load.
When I add 450VAR inductive load to 450W resistive load at 0,02 second, phase a and b currents shift up and phase c current shift down. why?
All loads is balanced. Why does current behavior like that? How can ı solve it? I desing three phase inverter with SVPWM with matlab&simulink 2024a
It works perfectly under resistive load.
When I add 450VAR inductive load to 450W resistive load at 0,02 second, phase a and b currents shift up and phase c current shift down. why?
All loads is balanced. Why does current behavior like that? How can ı solve it? inductive load, svpwm, load MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Episode reward is too high to be true
My problem is that my reward function is well defined to be expected in a range of -80 to 80. Running through a lot of times of my environment step function and the step reward is working fine. Below is the sample graph of reward against each step when the action inputted for each step is fully randomised.
However, whenever I train it with my PPO agent, the episode reward will be absurbly high, as shown in the table below.
It’s an absurb episode reward value for a 45 steps per episode training. That just means every step reward is 187717.36/45 = 4171.5 average, which is impossible to happen.
Another problem is I can’t terminate the training by using the ‘stop training’ in the reinforcement learning training monitor. I can stop the training by pausing the matlab and the window will show that the training is stopped. However, the environment is still running for no reason despite the window said that it has stopped. My environment do keep popping cmd window for each step because it links to the external software and I used task kill to close the cmd. Not sure this is the cause. Spend days and still don’t know what caused it.
Any help is appreciated.My problem is that my reward function is well defined to be expected in a range of -80 to 80. Running through a lot of times of my environment step function and the step reward is working fine. Below is the sample graph of reward against each step when the action inputted for each step is fully randomised.
However, whenever I train it with my PPO agent, the episode reward will be absurbly high, as shown in the table below.
It’s an absurb episode reward value for a 45 steps per episode training. That just means every step reward is 187717.36/45 = 4171.5 average, which is impossible to happen.
Another problem is I can’t terminate the training by using the ‘stop training’ in the reinforcement learning training monitor. I can stop the training by pausing the matlab and the window will show that the training is stopped. However, the environment is still running for no reason despite the window said that it has stopped. My environment do keep popping cmd window for each step because it links to the external software and I used task kill to close the cmd. Not sure this is the cause. Spend days and still don’t know what caused it.
Any help is appreciated. My problem is that my reward function is well defined to be expected in a range of -80 to 80. Running through a lot of times of my environment step function and the step reward is working fine. Below is the sample graph of reward against each step when the action inputted for each step is fully randomised.
However, whenever I train it with my PPO agent, the episode reward will be absurbly high, as shown in the table below.
It’s an absurb episode reward value for a 45 steps per episode training. That just means every step reward is 187717.36/45 = 4171.5 average, which is impossible to happen.
Another problem is I can’t terminate the training by using the ‘stop training’ in the reinforcement learning training monitor. I can stop the training by pausing the matlab and the window will show that the training is stopped. However, the environment is still running for no reason despite the window said that it has stopped. My environment do keep popping cmd window for each step because it links to the external software and I used task kill to close the cmd. Not sure this is the cause. Spend days and still don’t know what caused it.
Any help is appreciated. reinforcement learning, machine learning, reinforcement learning toolbox, ppoagent MATLAB Answers — New Questions
“exportgraphics” lengthens the height of EPS
Hi, I am using MATLAB function "exportgraphics" to export some EPS files. I am facing following two problems.
There is an option for "exportgraphics" called "ContentType".
If I set "ContentType" to "vector", then EPS files cannot keep transparency of the figure object I create.
If I set "ContentType" to "image", then somehow EPS files will be lengthened in Y-axis so that the bottom part are missing.
Both above-mentioned problems do not exist for exporting PDF files by using exportgraphics.
Any comment helps!Hi, I am using MATLAB function "exportgraphics" to export some EPS files. I am facing following two problems.
There is an option for "exportgraphics" called "ContentType".
If I set "ContentType" to "vector", then EPS files cannot keep transparency of the figure object I create.
If I set "ContentType" to "image", then somehow EPS files will be lengthened in Y-axis so that the bottom part are missing.
Both above-mentioned problems do not exist for exporting PDF files by using exportgraphics.
Any comment helps! Hi, I am using MATLAB function "exportgraphics" to export some EPS files. I am facing following two problems.
There is an option for "exportgraphics" called "ContentType".
If I set "ContentType" to "vector", then EPS files cannot keep transparency of the figure object I create.
If I set "ContentType" to "image", then somehow EPS files will be lengthened in Y-axis so that the bottom part are missing.
Both above-mentioned problems do not exist for exporting PDF files by using exportgraphics.
Any comment helps! exportgraphics, eps, contenttype MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Decrease compilation time with mex using compiler cache (e.g. ccache in Linux)
I am using the Matlab codegen command quite often to decrease the runtime of my Matlab functions and compile them as mex. However, when working on my algorithm, I often need to recompile my functions in between my tests and validations. This takes up to 5min for complex functions which decreases my productivity.
Does anyone have experience using a compiler cache such as ccache (I am using Ubuntu 18.04) together with Matlab (R2021a)? I did a first attempt to implement this, but the compilation time did not really decrease, despite that ccache is used.
Workflow so far:
Install ccache (Ubuntu 18.04): sudo apt install ccache
use ccache for all compilers: sudo /usr/sbin/update-ccache-symlinks
call Matlab with ccache path: PATH="/usr/lib/ccache/:$PATH" matlab
check path in Matlab: !echo $PATH gives /usr/lib/ccache/:/home/username/bin:….
compile a function using the Matlab codegen command (with wrapper matlabfcn2mex)
That ccache is used can be seen in the buildLog.log file (in fcndir/codegen/mex/fcnname/build/glnxa64). Alle lines begin with /usr/lib/ccache/gcc instead of /usr/bin/gcc as before. The ccache statistics (ccache -s) gives increased values for "cache hit (direct)" and "cache hit (preprocessed)" after each call of codegen in Matlab. For my example file (6 DoF serial robot inverse kinematics using Newton Raphson) I still need around 120s, despite the file is not changed and should be fully in the cache. Without the cache the time is around the same. I would expect a drastic decrease of compilation time, as can be seen when using ccache+cmake e.g. in building a ROS workspace.
Any ideas or comments?I am using the Matlab codegen command quite often to decrease the runtime of my Matlab functions and compile them as mex. However, when working on my algorithm, I often need to recompile my functions in between my tests and validations. This takes up to 5min for complex functions which decreases my productivity.
Does anyone have experience using a compiler cache such as ccache (I am using Ubuntu 18.04) together with Matlab (R2021a)? I did a first attempt to implement this, but the compilation time did not really decrease, despite that ccache is used.
Workflow so far:
Install ccache (Ubuntu 18.04): sudo apt install ccache
use ccache for all compilers: sudo /usr/sbin/update-ccache-symlinks
call Matlab with ccache path: PATH="/usr/lib/ccache/:$PATH" matlab
check path in Matlab: !echo $PATH gives /usr/lib/ccache/:/home/username/bin:….
compile a function using the Matlab codegen command (with wrapper matlabfcn2mex)
That ccache is used can be seen in the buildLog.log file (in fcndir/codegen/mex/fcnname/build/glnxa64). Alle lines begin with /usr/lib/ccache/gcc instead of /usr/bin/gcc as before. The ccache statistics (ccache -s) gives increased values for "cache hit (direct)" and "cache hit (preprocessed)" after each call of codegen in Matlab. For my example file (6 DoF serial robot inverse kinematics using Newton Raphson) I still need around 120s, despite the file is not changed and should be fully in the cache. Without the cache the time is around the same. I would expect a drastic decrease of compilation time, as can be seen when using ccache+cmake e.g. in building a ROS workspace.
Any ideas or comments? I am using the Matlab codegen command quite often to decrease the runtime of my Matlab functions and compile them as mex. However, when working on my algorithm, I often need to recompile my functions in between my tests and validations. This takes up to 5min for complex functions which decreases my productivity.
Does anyone have experience using a compiler cache such as ccache (I am using Ubuntu 18.04) together with Matlab (R2021a)? I did a first attempt to implement this, but the compilation time did not really decrease, despite that ccache is used.
Workflow so far:
Install ccache (Ubuntu 18.04): sudo apt install ccache
use ccache for all compilers: sudo /usr/sbin/update-ccache-symlinks
call Matlab with ccache path: PATH="/usr/lib/ccache/:$PATH" matlab
check path in Matlab: !echo $PATH gives /usr/lib/ccache/:/home/username/bin:….
compile a function using the Matlab codegen command (with wrapper matlabfcn2mex)
That ccache is used can be seen in the buildLog.log file (in fcndir/codegen/mex/fcnname/build/glnxa64). Alle lines begin with /usr/lib/ccache/gcc instead of /usr/bin/gcc as before. The ccache statistics (ccache -s) gives increased values for "cache hit (direct)" and "cache hit (preprocessed)" after each call of codegen in Matlab. For my example file (6 DoF serial robot inverse kinematics using Newton Raphson) I still need around 120s, despite the file is not changed and should be fully in the cache. Without the cache the time is around the same. I would expect a drastic decrease of compilation time, as can be seen when using ccache+cmake e.g. in building a ROS workspace.
Any ideas or comments? matlab, mex, mex compiler, codegen, ccache, linux MATLAB Answers — New Questions
how to solve low-level graphics?
I want to slove the error about low-level graphics.
Could you help me?
Theta_Theory = linspace(D2, D1, 10000);
Velocity_Theory = linspace(-100,0,10000);
[Theta_Theory, Velocity_Theory] = meshgrid(Theta_Theory, Velocity_Theory);
x1 = sin(Theta_Theory);
y1 = -cos(Theta_Theory);
T = sqrt(2*abs(y1)/9.8);
target = 10;
S_z = x1 + abs(Velocity_Theory.*cos(Theta_Theory)).*T.’;
z = -abs(S_z -target);
h = pcolor(Theta_Theory, Velocity_Theory,z);
shading interp
colormap(jet(256));I want to slove the error about low-level graphics.
Could you help me?
Theta_Theory = linspace(D2, D1, 10000);
Velocity_Theory = linspace(-100,0,10000);
[Theta_Theory, Velocity_Theory] = meshgrid(Theta_Theory, Velocity_Theory);
x1 = sin(Theta_Theory);
y1 = -cos(Theta_Theory);
T = sqrt(2*abs(y1)/9.8);
target = 10;
S_z = x1 + abs(Velocity_Theory.*cos(Theta_Theory)).*T.’;
z = -abs(S_z -target);
h = pcolor(Theta_Theory, Velocity_Theory,z);
shading interp
colormap(jet(256)); I want to slove the error about low-level graphics.
Could you help me?
Theta_Theory = linspace(D2, D1, 10000);
Velocity_Theory = linspace(-100,0,10000);
[Theta_Theory, Velocity_Theory] = meshgrid(Theta_Theory, Velocity_Theory);
x1 = sin(Theta_Theory);
y1 = -cos(Theta_Theory);
T = sqrt(2*abs(y1)/9.8);
target = 10;
S_z = x1 + abs(Velocity_Theory.*cos(Theta_Theory)).*T.’;
z = -abs(S_z -target);
h = pcolor(Theta_Theory, Velocity_Theory,z);
shading interp
colormap(jet(256)); matlab, low-level, graphics MATLAB Answers — New Questions
LNG liquid to gas phase change simulation Simscape
Good day everyone,
I want to simulate LNG to gas system (liquid phase to gas phase). Currently, I am using Thermal Liquid library (I am considering Two-phase library as well) to show liquid phase of LNG but I am not able to vaporise liquid into gas phase.
(LNG liquid phase part in simulation)
(In next step, I need to simulate LNG tank where high pressure LNG and partial natural gas stored in the same tank. I am thinking to use Tank (G-TL) block)
In liquid-to-gas part, I need to heat liquid LNG with a heat source (heating water) to increase temperature of LNG forcing to evaporate. After this step, LNG will be transformed into gas form. And I would like to clearly show in which phase LNG is (gas phase to be shown with gas library).
(Brief configuration of Liquid to Gas LNG transformation. TL(or 2P) library to Gas library)
Can you please guide me in liquid to gas phase LNG simulation?
Thanks in advance.Good day everyone,
I want to simulate LNG to gas system (liquid phase to gas phase). Currently, I am using Thermal Liquid library (I am considering Two-phase library as well) to show liquid phase of LNG but I am not able to vaporise liquid into gas phase.
(LNG liquid phase part in simulation)
(In next step, I need to simulate LNG tank where high pressure LNG and partial natural gas stored in the same tank. I am thinking to use Tank (G-TL) block)
In liquid-to-gas part, I need to heat liquid LNG with a heat source (heating water) to increase temperature of LNG forcing to evaporate. After this step, LNG will be transformed into gas form. And I would like to clearly show in which phase LNG is (gas phase to be shown with gas library).
(Brief configuration of Liquid to Gas LNG transformation. TL(or 2P) library to Gas library)
Can you please guide me in liquid to gas phase LNG simulation?
Thanks in advance. Good day everyone,
I want to simulate LNG to gas system (liquid phase to gas phase). Currently, I am using Thermal Liquid library (I am considering Two-phase library as well) to show liquid phase of LNG but I am not able to vaporise liquid into gas phase.
(LNG liquid phase part in simulation)
(In next step, I need to simulate LNG tank where high pressure LNG and partial natural gas stored in the same tank. I am thinking to use Tank (G-TL) block)
In liquid-to-gas part, I need to heat liquid LNG with a heat source (heating water) to increase temperature of LNG forcing to evaporate. After this step, LNG will be transformed into gas form. And I would like to clearly show in which phase LNG is (gas phase to be shown with gas library).
(Brief configuration of Liquid to Gas LNG transformation. TL(or 2P) library to Gas library)
Can you please guide me in liquid to gas phase LNG simulation?
Thanks in advance. lng, natural gas, gas, simulink, simscape MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Reading and storing data efficiently – from spreadsheet to cell array
Hello everybody,
I am wondering what is the most efficient way to read data from a spreadsheet file and store it in the most efficient data structure. The question is general, but I also provide the way I do to welcome any suggestion.
I read data from very long spreadsheet (hundred-of-thousands rows for each sheet), and I need to store only one column for each sheet.
for j = 1:12
Data = readtable(filename, ‘Sheet’, j+1, ‘ReadVariableNames’, false);
Data = table2array(Data(:,3));
Data = rmmissing(Data);
filenameOutput = [outputDir, indexName{i}, monthName{j}, ‘.mat’];
save(filenameOutput, ‘Data’);
What is the most efficient way to do it?
And what about if I want to store the data in a cell format (that is, a N(i)x1 cell where N(i) is the variable length of each column)?
Thank you very much in advanceHello everybody,
I am wondering what is the most efficient way to read data from a spreadsheet file and store it in the most efficient data structure. The question is general, but I also provide the way I do to welcome any suggestion.
I read data from very long spreadsheet (hundred-of-thousands rows for each sheet), and I need to store only one column for each sheet.
for j = 1:12
Data = readtable(filename, ‘Sheet’, j+1, ‘ReadVariableNames’, false);
Data = table2array(Data(:,3));
Data = rmmissing(Data);
filenameOutput = [outputDir, indexName{i}, monthName{j}, ‘.mat’];
save(filenameOutput, ‘Data’);
What is the most efficient way to do it?
And what about if I want to store the data in a cell format (that is, a N(i)x1 cell where N(i) is the variable length of each column)?
Thank you very much in advance Hello everybody,
I am wondering what is the most efficient way to read data from a spreadsheet file and store it in the most efficient data structure. The question is general, but I also provide the way I do to welcome any suggestion.
I read data from very long spreadsheet (hundred-of-thousands rows for each sheet), and I need to store only one column for each sheet.
for j = 1:12
Data = readtable(filename, ‘Sheet’, j+1, ‘ReadVariableNames’, false);
Data = table2array(Data(:,3));
Data = rmmissing(Data);
filenameOutput = [outputDir, indexName{i}, monthName{j}, ‘.mat’];
save(filenameOutput, ‘Data’);
What is the most efficient way to do it?
And what about if I want to store the data in a cell format (that is, a N(i)x1 cell where N(i) is the variable length of each column)?
Thank you very much in advance readtable MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Parse Error when using Syms
Hi everyone,
For an assignment I have to solve a system of ODE’s given the matrix DE using the Adams-Bashforth method and compare my numerical approximation to the exact one. To find the exact solution, I want to use dsolve, but every I run my code I get the error message ‘Unexpected MATLAB expression’ and then ‘Parse Error at Y_2(t): Usage might be invalid MATLAB syntax’. I am using MATLABR2017.
Does anyone know what the issue is?
function Y_exact = exact_soln(time)
%Actual solution to the system:
A = [-20, 10, 0, 0;…
10, -20, 10, 0;…
0, 10, -20, 10;…
0, 0, 10, -20];
y_0 = ones(4,1);
syms = Y_1(x) Y_2(x) Y_3(x) Y_4(x)
Y = [Y_1; Y_2; Y_3; Y_4];
odes = diff(Y) == A*Y;
[Y_1Sol(x), Y_2Sol(x), Y_3Sol(x), Y_4Sol(x)] = dsolve(odes,y_0);
Y_exact = [double(Y_1Sol(time));…
endHi everyone,
For an assignment I have to solve a system of ODE’s given the matrix DE using the Adams-Bashforth method and compare my numerical approximation to the exact one. To find the exact solution, I want to use dsolve, but every I run my code I get the error message ‘Unexpected MATLAB expression’ and then ‘Parse Error at Y_2(t): Usage might be invalid MATLAB syntax’. I am using MATLABR2017.
Does anyone know what the issue is?
function Y_exact = exact_soln(time)
%Actual solution to the system:
A = [-20, 10, 0, 0;…
10, -20, 10, 0;…
0, 10, -20, 10;…
0, 0, 10, -20];
y_0 = ones(4,1);
syms = Y_1(x) Y_2(x) Y_3(x) Y_4(x)
Y = [Y_1; Y_2; Y_3; Y_4];
odes = diff(Y) == A*Y;
[Y_1Sol(x), Y_2Sol(x), Y_3Sol(x), Y_4Sol(x)] = dsolve(odes,y_0);
Y_exact = [double(Y_1Sol(time));…
end Hi everyone,
For an assignment I have to solve a system of ODE’s given the matrix DE using the Adams-Bashforth method and compare my numerical approximation to the exact one. To find the exact solution, I want to use dsolve, but every I run my code I get the error message ‘Unexpected MATLAB expression’ and then ‘Parse Error at Y_2(t): Usage might be invalid MATLAB syntax’. I am using MATLABR2017.
Does anyone know what the issue is?
function Y_exact = exact_soln(time)
%Actual solution to the system:
A = [-20, 10, 0, 0;…
10, -20, 10, 0;…
0, 10, -20, 10;…
0, 0, 10, -20];
y_0 = ones(4,1);
syms = Y_1(x) Y_2(x) Y_3(x) Y_4(x)
Y = [Y_1; Y_2; Y_3; Y_4];
odes = diff(Y) == A*Y;
[Y_1Sol(x), Y_2Sol(x), Y_3Sol(x), Y_4Sol(x)] = dsolve(odes,y_0);
Y_exact = [double(Y_1Sol(time));…
end dsolve, syms, parse error, invalid matlab syntax, unexpected matlab syntax, diff, odes MATLAB Answers — New Questions
failed to generate java files when using libarary package
error during packaging:
the log file:
copy the "following command"and run in cmd:
(the error messge above means that the is not found.)
It seems that the java files are compiled by javac while they havn’t yet been generated. I can’t figure out why, as the packaging worked well last day, and after I added more MEX files, it failed like above. Now even a new packaging project can not package successfully. Additionally, the "Files required for your libarary to run" list contains several P-coded files, could these files have caused it?
I’ll be appreciate it if someone can help me to figure out what cause the confuing error.error during packaging:
the log file:
copy the "following command"and run in cmd:
(the error messge above means that the is not found.)
It seems that the java files are compiled by javac while they havn’t yet been generated. I can’t figure out why, as the packaging worked well last day, and after I added more MEX files, it failed like above. Now even a new packaging project can not package successfully. Additionally, the "Files required for your libarary to run" list contains several P-coded files, could these files have caused it?
I’ll be appreciate it if someone can help me to figure out what cause the confuing error. error during packaging:
the log file:
copy the "following command"and run in cmd:
(the error messge above means that the is not found.)
It seems that the java files are compiled by javac while they havn’t yet been generated. I can’t figure out why, as the packaging worked well last day, and after I added more MEX files, it failed like above. Now even a new packaging project can not package successfully. Additionally, the "Files required for your libarary to run" list contains several P-coded files, could these files have caused it?
I’ll be appreciate it if someone can help me to figure out what cause the confuing error. matlab, java package, p-coded MATLAB Answers — New Questions
How to plot multiple graphs in one figure ?
I have two codes. Each code has four graphs. I want to plot two graphs in one figure. For example: Dead nodes vs Round graph of two should be in one figure. In the same way other graphs also. I tried hold on function but still not getting. How to merge the two codes in order to get the graphs ?I have two codes. Each code has four graphs. I want to plot two graphs in one figure. For example: Dead nodes vs Round graph of two should be in one figure. In the same way other graphs also. I tried hold on function but still not getting. How to merge the two codes in order to get the graphs ? I have two codes. Each code has four graphs. I want to plot two graphs in one figure. For example: Dead nodes vs Round graph of two should be in one figure. In the same way other graphs also. I tried hold on function but still not getting. How to merge the two codes in order to get the graphs ? subplot, tiledlayout, figure, multiple, axes MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Error while trying to get connected to a server
While using the matlab command ib = ibtws(”,7496); to try to get connected to the software Interactive Brokers, I got this answer from matlab:
Error using actxserver (line 93)
Server creation failed. Invalid ProgID ‘TWS.TwsCtrl.1’.
Error in ibtws (line 37)
x.Handle = actxserver(‘TWS.TwsCtrl.1’);
Could you give me an answer of how to cope with this issue ?Hi,
While using the matlab command ib = ibtws(”,7496); to try to get connected to the software Interactive Brokers, I got this answer from matlab:
Error using actxserver (line 93)
Server creation failed. Invalid ProgID ‘TWS.TwsCtrl.1’.
Error in ibtws (line 37)
x.Handle = actxserver(‘TWS.TwsCtrl.1’);
Could you give me an answer of how to cope with this issue ? Hi,
While using the matlab command ib = ibtws(”,7496); to try to get connected to the software Interactive Brokers, I got this answer from matlab:
Error using actxserver (line 93)
Server creation failed. Invalid ProgID ‘TWS.TwsCtrl.1’.
Error in ibtws (line 37)
x.Handle = actxserver(‘TWS.TwsCtrl.1’);
Could you give me an answer of how to cope with this issue ? connection to server MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Code Generation for model Referencing
I build a model using model referencing.Then i generated the code using Embedded Coder.
As there were two models -parent and child model.So two different files c files are created in two different file structures(as there are two different model)
Is there anyway i can generate code for both model (parent and chid) in same folder?Hello,
I build a model using model referencing.Then i generated the code using Embedded Coder.
As there were two models -parent and child model.So two different files c files are created in two different file structures(as there are two different model)
Is there anyway i can generate code for both model (parent and chid) in same folder? Hello,
I build a model using model referencing.Then i generated the code using Embedded Coder.
As there were two models -parent and child model.So two different files c files are created in two different file structures(as there are two different model)
Is there anyway i can generate code for both model (parent and chid) in same folder? embedded coder, simulink, matlab, model, modelreference MATLAB Answers — New Questions
How to initialize the workspace for a simulink model from a python script using the matlab engine
Hi everyone! I’ve connected a python script to a simulink model as explained in this tutorial What I would like to know now is: my simulink model calls some variables from the workspace, so is there a way to initialize the workspace using the matlab engine in python?Hi everyone! I’ve connected a python script to a simulink model as explained in this tutorial What I would like to know now is: my simulink model calls some variables from the workspace, so is there a way to initialize the workspace using the matlab engine in python? Hi everyone! I’ve connected a python script to a simulink model as explained in this tutorial What I would like to know now is: my simulink model calls some variables from the workspace, so is there a way to initialize the workspace using the matlab engine in python? python, simulink, matlab engine MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Discrete-Time VCO block missing in simulink 2023b version
I am using 2023b version of matlab. I am not able to find Discrete-Time VCO block in this version of simulink. Kindly suggest is there any alternate block introduced in this version for the same. Do reply.I am using 2023b version of matlab. I am not able to find Discrete-Time VCO block in this version of simulink. Kindly suggest is there any alternate block introduced in this version for the same. Do reply. I am using 2023b version of matlab. I am not able to find Discrete-Time VCO block in this version of simulink. Kindly suggest is there any alternate block introduced in this version for the same. Do reply. discrete time vco, matlab 2023b MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Which type of robotic arm is best suited to mimic the motion of a drone in a lab environment?
I want to buy a robotic arm that can replicate the motion of a drone in a controlled environment, like my lab. It should be able to move an attached device in the same way a drone moves. What type of robotic arm would be best for this purpose? Can you suggest some options like types of robotic arm, companies that offer them?I want to buy a robotic arm that can replicate the motion of a drone in a controlled environment, like my lab. It should be able to move an attached device in the same way a drone moves. What type of robotic arm would be best for this purpose? Can you suggest some options like types of robotic arm, companies that offer them? I want to buy a robotic arm that can replicate the motion of a drone in a controlled environment, like my lab. It should be able to move an attached device in the same way a drone moves. What type of robotic arm would be best for this purpose? Can you suggest some options like types of robotic arm, companies that offer them? robot, automation, drone, robotics, axis, matlab MATLAB Answers — New Questions
How can you stop a LabVIEW VI from MATLAB script?
I was wondering if I could stop a LabVIEW VI through a command/function in MATLAB. I just want to stop the VI at a specific time through my MATLAB code.
I have learned how to run a LabVIEW VI through a command/function in MATLAB from the blog
Does anybody have an idea?Hey!
I was wondering if I could stop a LabVIEW VI through a command/function in MATLAB. I just want to stop the VI at a specific time through my MATLAB code.
I have learned how to run a LabVIEW VI through a command/function in MATLAB from the blog
Does anybody have an idea? Hey!
I was wondering if I could stop a LabVIEW VI through a command/function in MATLAB. I just want to stop the VI at a specific time through my MATLAB code.
I have learned how to run a LabVIEW VI through a command/function in MATLAB from the blog
Does anybody have an idea? labview MATLAB Answers — New Questions
how to search parameter with specific name under the simulink system
hello, i have a simulink model with several subsystem, each subsystem have some blocks, now i want search parameter with specific name, i want get the information how may block are use this parameter, i just want search this through command with script. how to realize?hello, i have a simulink model with several subsystem, each subsystem have some blocks, now i want search parameter with specific name, i want get the information how may block are use this parameter, i just want search this through command with script. how to realize? hello, i have a simulink model with several subsystem, each subsystem have some blocks, now i want search parameter with specific name, i want get the information how may block are use this parameter, i just want search this through command with script. how to realize? simulink, search parameter MATLAB Answers — New Questions