Category: Matlab
Category Archives: Matlab
1D heat conduction with heat generation in a plain plate
Heat is generated uniformly in a stainless steel plate having k 20 W/mK. The thickness of the plate is 1 cm and heat generation rate is 500 MW/m²; If the two side of plate are maintained at 100°C and 200°C, respectively, Calculate the temperature at the centre of the plate.Heat is generated uniformly in a stainless steel plate having k 20 W/mK. The thickness of the plate is 1 cm and heat generation rate is 500 MW/m²; If the two side of plate are maintained at 100°C and 200°C, respectively, Calculate the temperature at the centre of the plate. Heat is generated uniformly in a stainless steel plate having k 20 W/mK. The thickness of the plate is 1 cm and heat generation rate is 500 MW/m²; If the two side of plate are maintained at 100°C and 200°C, respectively, Calculate the temperature at the centre of the plate. heat generation MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Programmatically get bus data type of In Bus Element block
I’m looking to get the bus data type used in ‘In bus element’ blocks in Matlab environment, e.g. using the ‘get_param()’ function or similar. The In Bus Element selects 1 element from the bus, but I’m not interested in the type of the element, but I need the bus type (name) of the associated parent bus.
What I’m trying to do is to list the root level ports and associated bus data types of a given model that uses only In Bus Element and Out Bus Element blocks with specified bus data types.
The bus element ports are mapped to an Autosar interface, I’m not sure if that changes anything.I’m looking to get the bus data type used in ‘In bus element’ blocks in Matlab environment, e.g. using the ‘get_param()’ function or similar. The In Bus Element selects 1 element from the bus, but I’m not interested in the type of the element, but I need the bus type (name) of the associated parent bus.
What I’m trying to do is to list the root level ports and associated bus data types of a given model that uses only In Bus Element and Out Bus Element blocks with specified bus data types.
The bus element ports are mapped to an Autosar interface, I’m not sure if that changes anything. I’m looking to get the bus data type used in ‘In bus element’ blocks in Matlab environment, e.g. using the ‘get_param()’ function or similar. The In Bus Element selects 1 element from the bus, but I’m not interested in the type of the element, but I need the bus type (name) of the associated parent bus.
What I’m trying to do is to list the root level ports and associated bus data types of a given model that uses only In Bus Element and Out Bus Element blocks with specified bus data types.
The bus element ports are mapped to an Autosar interface, I’m not sure if that changes anything. simulink, matlab MATLAB Answers — New Questions
I wanna make 2D compressible fluid simulation when off gas ventilation at battery thermal runaway
clear; clc; close all;
% Simulation type:
% 1 – Particle Advection
% 2 – Velocity Heat Map
% 3 – Curl Heat Map
TYPE = 1;
% Simulation parameters
s = 100; % Grid size
ar = 5; % Aspect ratio
n = 120000; % Maximum number of particles
timestep = 0.01; % Time step
% Physical constants
initial_density = 1.225; % kg/m^3 (Air at sea level)
initial_temperature = 300; % K
initial_pressure = 101325; % Pa
R = 287; % Specific gas constant for air (J/kg/K)
viscosity = 1.8e-5; % Dynamic viscosity (Pa.s)
heat_diffusion = 0.001; % Heat diffusion coefficient
% Vent properties for thermal runaway
vent_temperature = 500; % High temperature vented gas (K)
vent_density = 0.5; % Low density vented gas (kg/m^3)
vent_velocity = 1; % High velocity out of the vent (m/s)
%vent_pressure_threshold = 2 * initial_pressure; % Vent opens when pressure exceeds this value
% Initialize colormap
jetMap = colormap(jet);
negJetMap = flipud(jetMap);
% Define vent/cube vertices
a = 40;
b = 60;
c = 50;
d = 55;
% Create grid
[X, Y] = meshgrid(1:s*ar, 1:s);
% Initialize fields for compressible flow
rho = ones(s, s*ar) * initial_density; % Density
T = ones(s, s*ar) * initial_temperature; % Temperature
p = ones(s, s*ar) * initial_pressure; % Pressure
vx = zeros(s, s*ar); % Velocity in x
vy = zeros(s, s*ar); % Velocity in y
% Initial positions of particles
[px, py] = meshgrid(0:d-c, a:b);
% Store initial positions for inflow
pxo = px;
pyo = py;
% Set up figure for visualization
f = figure(1);
set(f, ‘WindowState’, ‘maximized’);
% Simulation parameters
total_time = 10; % Total simulation time (adjust this as necessary)
num_steps = total_time / timestep; % Total number of time steps
% Set up figure for visualization
f = figure(1);
set(f, ‘WindowState’, ‘maximized’);
% Main simulation loop (for a fixed number of time steps)
for step = 1:num_steps
start = tic;
vent_pressure_threshold = sum(abs(p(:))); % Vent opens when pressure exceeds this value
if max(sum(p(1:d-c, a:b))) >= vent_pressure_threshold
% Update the venting region with high-temperature, high-velocity gas
T(1:d-c, a:b) = vent_temperature; % High temperature for vented gas
rho(1:d-c, a:b) = vent_density; % Low density for vented gas
vx(1:d-c, a:b) = vent_velocity; % High velocity out of the vent in x-direction
vy(1:d-c, a:b) = 0; % No vertical velocity for now
% Apply boundary conditions (no-slip walls and open boundaries)
vx(1, 🙂 = 0; vy(1, 🙂 = 0; % Top boundary (no-slip)
vx(end, 🙂 = 0; vy(end, 🙂 = 0; % Bottom boundary (no-slip)
vx(:, 1) = 0; vy(:, 1) = 0; % Left boundary (no-slip)
vx(:, end) = vx(:, end-1); % Open boundary (allow gas to exit freely)
vy(:, end) = vy(:, end-1); % Open boundary (allow gas to exit freely)
% Update pressure using the equation of state (Ideal Gas Law)
p = rho .* R .* T;
% Continuity equation (mass conservation)
drho_dt = -divergence(rho .* vx, rho .* vy);
% Momentum equations for compressible Navier-Stokes (simplified)
dvx_dt = -(vx .* gradient(vx) + vy .* gradient(vx)) …
– (1 ./ rho) .* gradient(p) …
+ viscosity * del2(vx); % Viscous term
dvy_dt = -(vx .* gradient(vy) + vy .* gradient(vy)) …
– (1 ./ rho) .* gradient(p) …
+ viscosity * del2(vy);
% Energy equation (heat transfer due to venting gas) (simplified)
dT_dt = -vx .* gradient(T) – vy .* gradient(T) …
+ heat_diffusion * del2(T);
% Update fields for the next timestep(matrix..?)
rho = rho + drho_dt * timestep;
vx = vx + dvx_dt * timestep;
vy = vy + dvy_dt * timestep;
T = T + dT_dt * timestep;
% Advect velocity field using Runge-Kutta 4th order method =>입자의 속도=vx,
% vy/ 속도장=pvx, pvy
[pvx, pvy] = RK4(X, Y, vx, vy, -1);
vx = interp2(vx, pvx, pvy, ‘cubic’, 0);
vy = interp2(vy, pvx, pvy, ‘cubic’, 0);
% Visualization and display updates can remain the same
if TYPE == 1
% Advect particles using Runge-Kutta 4th order method
[px, py] = RK4(px, py, vx, vy, timestep);
% Ensure px, py remain within the grid
px = max(min(px, s*ar), 1); % Constrain px within grid range
py = max(min(py, s), 1); % Constrain py within grid range
% 벤트 영역에 있는 입자들을 벤트 외부로 이동시키기 위한 조건 추가
% 벤트 내에 있는 입자들의 위치를 벤트 외부로 업데이트
inside_vent = (px >= 1 & px <= d-c & py >= a & py <= b);
px(inside_vent) = px(inside_vent) + vent_velocity * timestep;
% 벤트 영역을 벗어난 입자들이 계속 밖으로 나갈 수 있도록 처리
[pxo, pyo] = meshgrid(0:d-c, a:b);
% Add inflow particles only if vent opens (pressure threshold exceeded)
if max(max(p(a:b, c:d))) >= vent_pressure_threshold
px = [px; pxo];
py = [py; pyo];
% Plot particles
scatter(px(:), py(:), 1, ‘filled’);
axis equal;
axis([0 s*ar 0 s]);
hold on;
% Highlight vent/cube region
rectangle(‘Position’, [0, a, d-c, b-a], ‘EdgeColor’, ‘r’, ‘LineWidth’, 2);
stop = toc(start);
FPS = 1/stop;
% Update title with simulation metrics
title(sprintf("Pressure: %.5f # Particles: %d FPS: %.2f", …
sum(abs(p(:))) / (s*ar), length(px), FPS));
hold off;
elseif TYPE == 2
% Visualize velocity magnitude
velocity_Mag = sqrt(vx.^2 + vy.^2);
velocity_Mag = imresize(velocity_Mag, 10, ‘bicubic’);
axis equal;
stop = toc(start);
FPS = 1/stop;
title(sprintf("FPS: %.2f", FPS));
elseif TYPE == 3
% Visualize curl field (vorticity)
CURL = abs(curl(vx, vy));
CURL = imresize(CURL, 10, ‘bicubic’);
axis equal;
% Function for Runge-Kutta 4th order method for advection
function [x_new, y_new] = RK4(px, py, vx, vy, h)
k1x = interp2(vx, px, py, ‘linear’, 0);
k1y = interp2(vy, px, py, ‘linear’, 0);
k2x = interp2(vx, px + h/2 * k1x, py + h/2 * k1y, ‘linear’, 0);
k2y = interp2(vy, px + h/2 * k1x, py + h/2 * k1y, ‘linear’, 0);
k3x = interp2(vx, px + h/2 * k2x, py + h/2 * k2y, ‘linear’, 0);
k3y = interp2(vy, px + h/2 * k2x, py + h/2 * k2y, ‘linear’, 0);
k4x = interp2(vx, px + h * k3x, py + h * k3y, ‘linear’, 0);
k4y = interp2(vy, px + h * k3x, py + h * k3y, ‘linear’, 0);
x_new = px + h/6 * (k1x + 2*k2x + 2*k3x + k4x);
y_new = py + h/6 * (k1y + 2*k2y + 2*k3y + k4y);
Hi everyone, I am struggling with making code which can simulate 2D compressible fluid which is off gas when battery thermal runaway situation. I made initial condition for particles inside the rectangle area before vent isn’t destructed. After pressure is over the certain pressure threshold, vent become destructed and particles should move outside of rectangle area.
Right now, code upon is just showing particles inside vent(red rectangle), and calculating pressure value is too massive. I wanna modify this code to make particles move outside of vent after certain pressure value.
Method of updating model is based on continuity equation, Navier-Stokes momentum equation, Energy equation & Runge-Kutta 4th method. Main problem is with type 1. Mainly, what I wanna show is particle movement after the vent is destructed. Please help me, I’m waiting for u guys advise.clear; clc; close all;
% Simulation type:
% 1 – Particle Advection
% 2 – Velocity Heat Map
% 3 – Curl Heat Map
TYPE = 1;
% Simulation parameters
s = 100; % Grid size
ar = 5; % Aspect ratio
n = 120000; % Maximum number of particles
timestep = 0.01; % Time step
% Physical constants
initial_density = 1.225; % kg/m^3 (Air at sea level)
initial_temperature = 300; % K
initial_pressure = 101325; % Pa
R = 287; % Specific gas constant for air (J/kg/K)
viscosity = 1.8e-5; % Dynamic viscosity (Pa.s)
heat_diffusion = 0.001; % Heat diffusion coefficient
% Vent properties for thermal runaway
vent_temperature = 500; % High temperature vented gas (K)
vent_density = 0.5; % Low density vented gas (kg/m^3)
vent_velocity = 1; % High velocity out of the vent (m/s)
%vent_pressure_threshold = 2 * initial_pressure; % Vent opens when pressure exceeds this value
% Initialize colormap
jetMap = colormap(jet);
negJetMap = flipud(jetMap);
% Define vent/cube vertices
a = 40;
b = 60;
c = 50;
d = 55;
% Create grid
[X, Y] = meshgrid(1:s*ar, 1:s);
% Initialize fields for compressible flow
rho = ones(s, s*ar) * initial_density; % Density
T = ones(s, s*ar) * initial_temperature; % Temperature
p = ones(s, s*ar) * initial_pressure; % Pressure
vx = zeros(s, s*ar); % Velocity in x
vy = zeros(s, s*ar); % Velocity in y
% Initial positions of particles
[px, py] = meshgrid(0:d-c, a:b);
% Store initial positions for inflow
pxo = px;
pyo = py;
% Set up figure for visualization
f = figure(1);
set(f, ‘WindowState’, ‘maximized’);
% Simulation parameters
total_time = 10; % Total simulation time (adjust this as necessary)
num_steps = total_time / timestep; % Total number of time steps
% Set up figure for visualization
f = figure(1);
set(f, ‘WindowState’, ‘maximized’);
% Main simulation loop (for a fixed number of time steps)
for step = 1:num_steps
start = tic;
vent_pressure_threshold = sum(abs(p(:))); % Vent opens when pressure exceeds this value
if max(sum(p(1:d-c, a:b))) >= vent_pressure_threshold
% Update the venting region with high-temperature, high-velocity gas
T(1:d-c, a:b) = vent_temperature; % High temperature for vented gas
rho(1:d-c, a:b) = vent_density; % Low density for vented gas
vx(1:d-c, a:b) = vent_velocity; % High velocity out of the vent in x-direction
vy(1:d-c, a:b) = 0; % No vertical velocity for now
% Apply boundary conditions (no-slip walls and open boundaries)
vx(1, 🙂 = 0; vy(1, 🙂 = 0; % Top boundary (no-slip)
vx(end, 🙂 = 0; vy(end, 🙂 = 0; % Bottom boundary (no-slip)
vx(:, 1) = 0; vy(:, 1) = 0; % Left boundary (no-slip)
vx(:, end) = vx(:, end-1); % Open boundary (allow gas to exit freely)
vy(:, end) = vy(:, end-1); % Open boundary (allow gas to exit freely)
% Update pressure using the equation of state (Ideal Gas Law)
p = rho .* R .* T;
% Continuity equation (mass conservation)
drho_dt = -divergence(rho .* vx, rho .* vy);
% Momentum equations for compressible Navier-Stokes (simplified)
dvx_dt = -(vx .* gradient(vx) + vy .* gradient(vx)) …
– (1 ./ rho) .* gradient(p) …
+ viscosity * del2(vx); % Viscous term
dvy_dt = -(vx .* gradient(vy) + vy .* gradient(vy)) …
– (1 ./ rho) .* gradient(p) …
+ viscosity * del2(vy);
% Energy equation (heat transfer due to venting gas) (simplified)
dT_dt = -vx .* gradient(T) – vy .* gradient(T) …
+ heat_diffusion * del2(T);
% Update fields for the next timestep(matrix..?)
rho = rho + drho_dt * timestep;
vx = vx + dvx_dt * timestep;
vy = vy + dvy_dt * timestep;
T = T + dT_dt * timestep;
% Advect velocity field using Runge-Kutta 4th order method =>입자의 속도=vx,
% vy/ 속도장=pvx, pvy
[pvx, pvy] = RK4(X, Y, vx, vy, -1);
vx = interp2(vx, pvx, pvy, ‘cubic’, 0);
vy = interp2(vy, pvx, pvy, ‘cubic’, 0);
% Visualization and display updates can remain the same
if TYPE == 1
% Advect particles using Runge-Kutta 4th order method
[px, py] = RK4(px, py, vx, vy, timestep);
% Ensure px, py remain within the grid
px = max(min(px, s*ar), 1); % Constrain px within grid range
py = max(min(py, s), 1); % Constrain py within grid range
% 벤트 영역에 있는 입자들을 벤트 외부로 이동시키기 위한 조건 추가
% 벤트 내에 있는 입자들의 위치를 벤트 외부로 업데이트
inside_vent = (px >= 1 & px <= d-c & py >= a & py <= b);
px(inside_vent) = px(inside_vent) + vent_velocity * timestep;
% 벤트 영역을 벗어난 입자들이 계속 밖으로 나갈 수 있도록 처리
[pxo, pyo] = meshgrid(0:d-c, a:b);
% Add inflow particles only if vent opens (pressure threshold exceeded)
if max(max(p(a:b, c:d))) >= vent_pressure_threshold
px = [px; pxo];
py = [py; pyo];
% Plot particles
scatter(px(:), py(:), 1, ‘filled’);
axis equal;
axis([0 s*ar 0 s]);
hold on;
% Highlight vent/cube region
rectangle(‘Position’, [0, a, d-c, b-a], ‘EdgeColor’, ‘r’, ‘LineWidth’, 2);
stop = toc(start);
FPS = 1/stop;
% Update title with simulation metrics
title(sprintf("Pressure: %.5f # Particles: %d FPS: %.2f", …
sum(abs(p(:))) / (s*ar), length(px), FPS));
hold off;
elseif TYPE == 2
% Visualize velocity magnitude
velocity_Mag = sqrt(vx.^2 + vy.^2);
velocity_Mag = imresize(velocity_Mag, 10, ‘bicubic’);
axis equal;
stop = toc(start);
FPS = 1/stop;
title(sprintf("FPS: %.2f", FPS));
elseif TYPE == 3
% Visualize curl field (vorticity)
CURL = abs(curl(vx, vy));
CURL = imresize(CURL, 10, ‘bicubic’);
axis equal;
% Function for Runge-Kutta 4th order method for advection
function [x_new, y_new] = RK4(px, py, vx, vy, h)
k1x = interp2(vx, px, py, ‘linear’, 0);
k1y = interp2(vy, px, py, ‘linear’, 0);
k2x = interp2(vx, px + h/2 * k1x, py + h/2 * k1y, ‘linear’, 0);
k2y = interp2(vy, px + h/2 * k1x, py + h/2 * k1y, ‘linear’, 0);
k3x = interp2(vx, px + h/2 * k2x, py + h/2 * k2y, ‘linear’, 0);
k3y = interp2(vy, px + h/2 * k2x, py + h/2 * k2y, ‘linear’, 0);
k4x = interp2(vx, px + h * k3x, py + h * k3y, ‘linear’, 0);
k4y = interp2(vy, px + h * k3x, py + h * k3y, ‘linear’, 0);
x_new = px + h/6 * (k1x + 2*k2x + 2*k3x + k4x);
y_new = py + h/6 * (k1y + 2*k2y + 2*k3y + k4y);
Hi everyone, I am struggling with making code which can simulate 2D compressible fluid which is off gas when battery thermal runaway situation. I made initial condition for particles inside the rectangle area before vent isn’t destructed. After pressure is over the certain pressure threshold, vent become destructed and particles should move outside of rectangle area.
Right now, code upon is just showing particles inside vent(red rectangle), and calculating pressure value is too massive. I wanna modify this code to make particles move outside of vent after certain pressure value.
Method of updating model is based on continuity equation, Navier-Stokes momentum equation, Energy equation & Runge-Kutta 4th method. Main problem is with type 1. Mainly, what I wanna show is particle movement after the vent is destructed. Please help me, I’m waiting for u guys advise. clear; clc; close all;
% Simulation type:
% 1 – Particle Advection
% 2 – Velocity Heat Map
% 3 – Curl Heat Map
TYPE = 1;
% Simulation parameters
s = 100; % Grid size
ar = 5; % Aspect ratio
n = 120000; % Maximum number of particles
timestep = 0.01; % Time step
% Physical constants
initial_density = 1.225; % kg/m^3 (Air at sea level)
initial_temperature = 300; % K
initial_pressure = 101325; % Pa
R = 287; % Specific gas constant for air (J/kg/K)
viscosity = 1.8e-5; % Dynamic viscosity (Pa.s)
heat_diffusion = 0.001; % Heat diffusion coefficient
% Vent properties for thermal runaway
vent_temperature = 500; % High temperature vented gas (K)
vent_density = 0.5; % Low density vented gas (kg/m^3)
vent_velocity = 1; % High velocity out of the vent (m/s)
%vent_pressure_threshold = 2 * initial_pressure; % Vent opens when pressure exceeds this value
% Initialize colormap
jetMap = colormap(jet);
negJetMap = flipud(jetMap);
% Define vent/cube vertices
a = 40;
b = 60;
c = 50;
d = 55;
% Create grid
[X, Y] = meshgrid(1:s*ar, 1:s);
% Initialize fields for compressible flow
rho = ones(s, s*ar) * initial_density; % Density
T = ones(s, s*ar) * initial_temperature; % Temperature
p = ones(s, s*ar) * initial_pressure; % Pressure
vx = zeros(s, s*ar); % Velocity in x
vy = zeros(s, s*ar); % Velocity in y
% Initial positions of particles
[px, py] = meshgrid(0:d-c, a:b);
% Store initial positions for inflow
pxo = px;
pyo = py;
% Set up figure for visualization
f = figure(1);
set(f, ‘WindowState’, ‘maximized’);
% Simulation parameters
total_time = 10; % Total simulation time (adjust this as necessary)
num_steps = total_time / timestep; % Total number of time steps
% Set up figure for visualization
f = figure(1);
set(f, ‘WindowState’, ‘maximized’);
% Main simulation loop (for a fixed number of time steps)
for step = 1:num_steps
start = tic;
vent_pressure_threshold = sum(abs(p(:))); % Vent opens when pressure exceeds this value
if max(sum(p(1:d-c, a:b))) >= vent_pressure_threshold
% Update the venting region with high-temperature, high-velocity gas
T(1:d-c, a:b) = vent_temperature; % High temperature for vented gas
rho(1:d-c, a:b) = vent_density; % Low density for vented gas
vx(1:d-c, a:b) = vent_velocity; % High velocity out of the vent in x-direction
vy(1:d-c, a:b) = 0; % No vertical velocity for now
% Apply boundary conditions (no-slip walls and open boundaries)
vx(1, 🙂 = 0; vy(1, 🙂 = 0; % Top boundary (no-slip)
vx(end, 🙂 = 0; vy(end, 🙂 = 0; % Bottom boundary (no-slip)
vx(:, 1) = 0; vy(:, 1) = 0; % Left boundary (no-slip)
vx(:, end) = vx(:, end-1); % Open boundary (allow gas to exit freely)
vy(:, end) = vy(:, end-1); % Open boundary (allow gas to exit freely)
% Update pressure using the equation of state (Ideal Gas Law)
p = rho .* R .* T;
% Continuity equation (mass conservation)
drho_dt = -divergence(rho .* vx, rho .* vy);
% Momentum equations for compressible Navier-Stokes (simplified)
dvx_dt = -(vx .* gradient(vx) + vy .* gradient(vx)) …
– (1 ./ rho) .* gradient(p) …
+ viscosity * del2(vx); % Viscous term
dvy_dt = -(vx .* gradient(vy) + vy .* gradient(vy)) …
– (1 ./ rho) .* gradient(p) …
+ viscosity * del2(vy);
% Energy equation (heat transfer due to venting gas) (simplified)
dT_dt = -vx .* gradient(T) – vy .* gradient(T) …
+ heat_diffusion * del2(T);
% Update fields for the next timestep(matrix..?)
rho = rho + drho_dt * timestep;
vx = vx + dvx_dt * timestep;
vy = vy + dvy_dt * timestep;
T = T + dT_dt * timestep;
% Advect velocity field using Runge-Kutta 4th order method =>입자의 속도=vx,
% vy/ 속도장=pvx, pvy
[pvx, pvy] = RK4(X, Y, vx, vy, -1);
vx = interp2(vx, pvx, pvy, ‘cubic’, 0);
vy = interp2(vy, pvx, pvy, ‘cubic’, 0);
% Visualization and display updates can remain the same
if TYPE == 1
% Advect particles using Runge-Kutta 4th order method
[px, py] = RK4(px, py, vx, vy, timestep);
% Ensure px, py remain within the grid
px = max(min(px, s*ar), 1); % Constrain px within grid range
py = max(min(py, s), 1); % Constrain py within grid range
% 벤트 영역에 있는 입자들을 벤트 외부로 이동시키기 위한 조건 추가
% 벤트 내에 있는 입자들의 위치를 벤트 외부로 업데이트
inside_vent = (px >= 1 & px <= d-c & py >= a & py <= b);
px(inside_vent) = px(inside_vent) + vent_velocity * timestep;
% 벤트 영역을 벗어난 입자들이 계속 밖으로 나갈 수 있도록 처리
[pxo, pyo] = meshgrid(0:d-c, a:b);
% Add inflow particles only if vent opens (pressure threshold exceeded)
if max(max(p(a:b, c:d))) >= vent_pressure_threshold
px = [px; pxo];
py = [py; pyo];
% Plot particles
scatter(px(:), py(:), 1, ‘filled’);
axis equal;
axis([0 s*ar 0 s]);
hold on;
% Highlight vent/cube region
rectangle(‘Position’, [0, a, d-c, b-a], ‘EdgeColor’, ‘r’, ‘LineWidth’, 2);
stop = toc(start);
FPS = 1/stop;
% Update title with simulation metrics
title(sprintf("Pressure: %.5f # Particles: %d FPS: %.2f", …
sum(abs(p(:))) / (s*ar), length(px), FPS));
hold off;
elseif TYPE == 2
% Visualize velocity magnitude
velocity_Mag = sqrt(vx.^2 + vy.^2);
velocity_Mag = imresize(velocity_Mag, 10, ‘bicubic’);
axis equal;
stop = toc(start);
FPS = 1/stop;
title(sprintf("FPS: %.2f", FPS));
elseif TYPE == 3
% Visualize curl field (vorticity)
CURL = abs(curl(vx, vy));
CURL = imresize(CURL, 10, ‘bicubic’);
axis equal;
% Function for Runge-Kutta 4th order method for advection
function [x_new, y_new] = RK4(px, py, vx, vy, h)
k1x = interp2(vx, px, py, ‘linear’, 0);
k1y = interp2(vy, px, py, ‘linear’, 0);
k2x = interp2(vx, px + h/2 * k1x, py + h/2 * k1y, ‘linear’, 0);
k2y = interp2(vy, px + h/2 * k1x, py + h/2 * k1y, ‘linear’, 0);
k3x = interp2(vx, px + h/2 * k2x, py + h/2 * k2y, ‘linear’, 0);
k3y = interp2(vy, px + h/2 * k2x, py + h/2 * k2y, ‘linear’, 0);
k4x = interp2(vx, px + h * k3x, py + h * k3y, ‘linear’, 0);
k4y = interp2(vy, px + h * k3x, py + h * k3y, ‘linear’, 0);
x_new = px + h/6 * (k1x + 2*k2x + 2*k3x + k4x);
y_new = py + h/6 * (k1y + 2*k2y + 2*k3y + k4y);
Hi everyone, I am struggling with making code which can simulate 2D compressible fluid which is off gas when battery thermal runaway situation. I made initial condition for particles inside the rectangle area before vent isn’t destructed. After pressure is over the certain pressure threshold, vent become destructed and particles should move outside of rectangle area.
Right now, code upon is just showing particles inside vent(red rectangle), and calculating pressure value is too massive. I wanna modify this code to make particles move outside of vent after certain pressure value.
Method of updating model is based on continuity equation, Navier-Stokes momentum equation, Energy equation & Runge-Kutta 4th method. Main problem is with type 1. Mainly, what I wanna show is particle movement after the vent is destructed. Please help me, I’m waiting for u guys advise. #2d simulation, #navier-stokes, #compressible fluid, #venting system MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Can’t change line style from plot browser in R2014b
I recently updated from R2012b to R2014b, and I’m having trouble with the plot browser and property editor for figures in R2014b. I have a figure with multiple curves (objects) that I made using a script. When I select one of the curves from the plot browser and change the line style (i.e solid line to dashed line) or change the marker using the property editor, the changes are not made. The drop-down boxes for "Line" and "Marker" are changed, but the curve itself is not changed. If I click somewhere else on the figure and then re-select the same curve, the old line style and marker settings are in the property editor. I can, however, change the line color and the line width from the property editor. My current work-around is to open the figure in my old copy of R2012b, change the line style and marker, save the figure, and then open it back in R2014b. This works, but it is not a long-term solution. Is this a bug with the new graphics in R2014b, or is there a setting I need to change in the new version of Matlab?I recently updated from R2012b to R2014b, and I’m having trouble with the plot browser and property editor for figures in R2014b. I have a figure with multiple curves (objects) that I made using a script. When I select one of the curves from the plot browser and change the line style (i.e solid line to dashed line) or change the marker using the property editor, the changes are not made. The drop-down boxes for "Line" and "Marker" are changed, but the curve itself is not changed. If I click somewhere else on the figure and then re-select the same curve, the old line style and marker settings are in the property editor. I can, however, change the line color and the line width from the property editor. My current work-around is to open the figure in my old copy of R2012b, change the line style and marker, save the figure, and then open it back in R2014b. This works, but it is not a long-term solution. Is this a bug with the new graphics in R2014b, or is there a setting I need to change in the new version of Matlab? I recently updated from R2012b to R2014b, and I’m having trouble with the plot browser and property editor for figures in R2014b. I have a figure with multiple curves (objects) that I made using a script. When I select one of the curves from the plot browser and change the line style (i.e solid line to dashed line) or change the marker using the property editor, the changes are not made. The drop-down boxes for "Line" and "Marker" are changed, but the curve itself is not changed. If I click somewhere else on the figure and then re-select the same curve, the old line style and marker settings are in the property editor. I can, however, change the line color and the line width from the property editor. My current work-around is to open the figure in my old copy of R2012b, change the line style and marker, save the figure, and then open it back in R2014b. This works, but it is not a long-term solution. Is this a bug with the new graphics in R2014b, or is there a setting I need to change in the new version of Matlab? r2014b, graphics, plot browser, property editor, line style, marker MATLAB Answers — New Questions
I want to index a element of a vector after defining it
I want to select the first element of a vector without having to store it in a variable. For example, if i want to know the smallest prime divider of a number, i want to write this
However this is invalid. Any correct way to do this?I want to select the first element of a vector without having to store it in a variable. For example, if i want to know the smallest prime divider of a number, i want to write this
However this is invalid. Any correct way to do this? I want to select the first element of a vector without having to store it in a variable. For example, if i want to know the smallest prime divider of a number, i want to write this
However this is invalid. Any correct way to do this? indexing, vector MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Korean letters turn to # in pdf
I do Publish .m file to pdf but each Korean letters change to # in pdf. Any fix for this?I do Publish .m file to pdf but each Korean letters change to # in pdf. Any fix for this? I do Publish .m file to pdf but each Korean letters change to # in pdf. Any fix for this? m file, pdf, convert to # MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Error in SIL execution for model within a resettable subsystem
I am trying to test my model using simulink test, by placing it within a resettable subsystem, however only the MIL mode passes and the SIL mode fails for the reset functionality with a message "Simulation Error: Subsystem Model_xxx contains referenced models, which is not supported for SIL and PIL simulations.". The model within the resettable subsystem contains 2 Unit Delay blocks with the ‘Initial Condition’ set which I want to reset. I would appreciate any hints or alternate options to test the rest functionality in SIL mode.
I am trying to test my model using simulink test, by placing it within a resettable subsystem, however only the MIL mode passes and the SIL mode fails for the reset functionality with a message "Simulation Error: Subsystem Model_xxx contains referenced models, which is not supported for SIL and PIL simulations.". The model within the resettable subsystem contains 2 Unit Delay blocks with the ‘Initial Condition’ set which I want to reset. I would appreciate any hints or alternate options to test the rest functionality in SIL mode.
Jerome. Hello,
I am trying to test my model using simulink test, by placing it within a resettable subsystem, however only the MIL mode passes and the SIL mode fails for the reset functionality with a message "Simulation Error: Subsystem Model_xxx contains referenced models, which is not supported for SIL and PIL simulations.". The model within the resettable subsystem contains 2 Unit Delay blocks with the ‘Initial Condition’ set which I want to reset. I would appreciate any hints or alternate options to test the rest functionality in SIL mode.
Jerome. simulink, sil, resettale subsystem, mil MATLAB Answers — New Questions
HELP with activating license from server for Ubuntu 22.04 R2024b
I was able to install R2024b to /usr/local/MATLAB/R2024b. I then ran /usr/local/MATLAB/R2024b/bin/ ./ to pick browse for a .LIC file.
I read online to put (below) into the .LIC file.
SERVER MyServer 123456789ABC 27000
DAEMON MLM /usr/local/MATLAB/R2024b/etc/glnxa64/MLM port=XXXXXXX
However, I noticed that directory doesn’t exist nor does the MLM executable exist for R2024b. So I tried correcting it to (below). The closest thing I can find is mlMergeExecutable
SERVER MyServer 123456789ABC 27000
DAEMON MLM /usr/local/MATLAB/R2024b/bin/glnxa64/MlMergeExecutable port=XXXXXX
*Note… Our license server is usually for Windows.
What am I doing wrong since everytime I launch MATLAB, it wants me to sign in. The purpose here is to use the license server so that anyone that uses that lab computer, can obtain a license from the server. Please advise.I was able to install R2024b to /usr/local/MATLAB/R2024b. I then ran /usr/local/MATLAB/R2024b/bin/ ./ to pick browse for a .LIC file.
I read online to put (below) into the .LIC file.
SERVER MyServer 123456789ABC 27000
DAEMON MLM /usr/local/MATLAB/R2024b/etc/glnxa64/MLM port=XXXXXXX
However, I noticed that directory doesn’t exist nor does the MLM executable exist for R2024b. So I tried correcting it to (below). The closest thing I can find is mlMergeExecutable
SERVER MyServer 123456789ABC 27000
DAEMON MLM /usr/local/MATLAB/R2024b/bin/glnxa64/MlMergeExecutable port=XXXXXX
*Note… Our license server is usually for Windows.
What am I doing wrong since everytime I launch MATLAB, it wants me to sign in. The purpose here is to use the license server so that anyone that uses that lab computer, can obtain a license from the server. Please advise. I was able to install R2024b to /usr/local/MATLAB/R2024b. I then ran /usr/local/MATLAB/R2024b/bin/ ./ to pick browse for a .LIC file.
I read online to put (below) into the .LIC file.
SERVER MyServer 123456789ABC 27000
DAEMON MLM /usr/local/MATLAB/R2024b/etc/glnxa64/MLM port=XXXXXXX
However, I noticed that directory doesn’t exist nor does the MLM executable exist for R2024b. So I tried correcting it to (below). The closest thing I can find is mlMergeExecutable
SERVER MyServer 123456789ABC 27000
DAEMON MLM /usr/local/MATLAB/R2024b/bin/glnxa64/MlMergeExecutable port=XXXXXX
*Note… Our license server is usually for Windows.
What am I doing wrong since everytime I launch MATLAB, it wants me to sign in. The purpose here is to use the license server so that anyone that uses that lab computer, can obtain a license from the server. Please advise. license, linux, r2024b, ubuntu MATLAB Answers — New Questions
shifting a column in Matlab of CSV
Hello , I have two CSV files attached in ZIP of the colums is from -1 to 1.
Is the a way in matlab to import the CSV ,ater that shift -1 to 1 coulms into 0 to 2?
adding 1 to each cell of the column?
then saving the CSV in updated form?
Thanks.Hello , I have two CSV files attached in ZIP of the colums is from -1 to 1.
Is the a way in matlab to import the CSV ,ater that shift -1 to 1 coulms into 0 to 2?
adding 1 to each cell of the column?
then saving the CSV in updated form?
Thanks. Hello , I have two CSV files attached in ZIP of the colums is from -1 to 1.
Is the a way in matlab to import the CSV ,ater that shift -1 to 1 coulms into 0 to 2?
adding 1 to each cell of the column?
then saving the CSV in updated form?
Thanks. csv, shift MATLAB Answers — New Questions
how to 2d plot simple ?
tan(x/2) =(1-cos(x))/(sin(x))x=deg2rad(17)
tan(x/2) =(1-cos(x))/(sin(x)) x=deg2rad(17)
tan(x/2) =(1-cos(x))/(sin(x)) 2d plot, plotting, plot MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Convert Point Spread Function translate to MTF
I have a guassian point spread function and i would like to find the equivalent MTF in frequency domain.
I have the following code with assistance from :
OTF = fftshift(fft(LSF)); % OTF
MTF = abs(OTF); % absolute value of OTF
MTF = MTF./max(MTF); % normalize
% correct sampling frequency for conversion on frequency bins to frequency
Size = length(MTF);
spacing = 1.12e-6;% pixel size
fsx = abs(1/spacing); % turn into sampling frequency
a = linspace(-Size/2,Size/2,Size); % form scale for conversion based on frequency bins
conversionx = fsx./Size; % conversion factor for frequency bin units to frequency (unit^-1)
Psi = a.*conversionx; % frequency (unit^-1)
could someone please help me convert the X axis from cycles/unit to lp/mm , i am not sure how this conversion is peformedHi
I have a guassian point spread function and i would like to find the equivalent MTF in frequency domain.
I have the following code with assistance from :
OTF = fftshift(fft(LSF)); % OTF
MTF = abs(OTF); % absolute value of OTF
MTF = MTF./max(MTF); % normalize
% correct sampling frequency for conversion on frequency bins to frequency
Size = length(MTF);
spacing = 1.12e-6;% pixel size
fsx = abs(1/spacing); % turn into sampling frequency
a = linspace(-Size/2,Size/2,Size); % form scale for conversion based on frequency bins
conversionx = fsx./Size; % conversion factor for frequency bin units to frequency (unit^-1)
Psi = a.*conversionx; % frequency (unit^-1)
could someone please help me convert the X axis from cycles/unit to lp/mm , i am not sure how this conversion is peformed Hi
I have a guassian point spread function and i would like to find the equivalent MTF in frequency domain.
I have the following code with assistance from :
OTF = fftshift(fft(LSF)); % OTF
MTF = abs(OTF); % absolute value of OTF
MTF = MTF./max(MTF); % normalize
% correct sampling frequency for conversion on frequency bins to frequency
Size = length(MTF);
spacing = 1.12e-6;% pixel size
fsx = abs(1/spacing); % turn into sampling frequency
a = linspace(-Size/2,Size/2,Size); % form scale for conversion based on frequency bins
conversionx = fsx./Size; % conversion factor for frequency bin units to frequency (unit^-1)
Psi = a.*conversionx; % frequency (unit^-1)
could someone please help me convert the X axis from cycles/unit to lp/mm , i am not sure how this conversion is peformed image analysis, image processing, resolution MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Double Slider, Two slide bars
Hi everyone,
Is there anyway to put to slide bars on the same slider to make the slider work as a numeric interval with GUI?. Something like the color bar with nodes of the colormapeditor from Matlab, just with two nodes.Hi everyone,
Is there anyway to put to slide bars on the same slider to make the slider work as a numeric interval with GUI?. Something like the color bar with nodes of the colormapeditor from Matlab, just with two nodes. Hi everyone,
Is there anyway to put to slide bars on the same slider to make the slider work as a numeric interval with GUI?. Something like the color bar with nodes of the colormapeditor from Matlab, just with two nodes. slider, double, guide, gui, rangeslider MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Modeling condensation of the outer pipe surface of the Pipe (MA) Simscape model
I am working on a project currently, where I would like to evaluate the conndensed water mass at the outer surface of a pipe.
To give you an example: A cold fluid below 0 °C / 32 °F is flowing through a pipe. The pipe is placed into a container with moist air. Assuming that the wall temperature is equal to the temperature of the fluid inside the pipe, water included in moist air should eventually condensate at the outer wall surface.
Hence my question, does anyone know how to model such a behaviour? I know how to model condensation inside the pipe, which is not of interest now, but I am not aware how to model the condensation inside the container at the outer pipe surface. Is this even possible?
Thank you for helping me out in advance!Hey!
I am working on a project currently, where I would like to evaluate the conndensed water mass at the outer surface of a pipe.
To give you an example: A cold fluid below 0 °C / 32 °F is flowing through a pipe. The pipe is placed into a container with moist air. Assuming that the wall temperature is equal to the temperature of the fluid inside the pipe, water included in moist air should eventually condensate at the outer wall surface.
Hence my question, does anyone know how to model such a behaviour? I know how to model condensation inside the pipe, which is not of interest now, but I am not aware how to model the condensation inside the container at the outer pipe surface. Is this even possible?
Thank you for helping me out in advance! Hey!
I am working on a project currently, where I would like to evaluate the conndensed water mass at the outer surface of a pipe.
To give you an example: A cold fluid below 0 °C / 32 °F is flowing through a pipe. The pipe is placed into a container with moist air. Assuming that the wall temperature is equal to the temperature of the fluid inside the pipe, water included in moist air should eventually condensate at the outer wall surface.
Hence my question, does anyone know how to model such a behaviour? I know how to model condensation inside the pipe, which is not of interest now, but I am not aware how to model the condensation inside the container at the outer pipe surface. Is this even possible?
Thank you for helping me out in advance! pipe (ma), condensation MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Streamline on a curve surface
i heve results of a flow abouve curve surface and i want to present few stream lines but i get a wired flat surface result, how can i fix it . i provide my velocity and gride. My code is streamline(X,Y,U,V)i heve results of a flow abouve curve surface and i want to present few stream lines but i get a wired flat surface result, how can i fix it . i provide my velocity and gride. My code is streamline(X,Y,U,V) i heve results of a flow abouve curve surface and i want to present few stream lines but i get a wired flat surface result, how can i fix it . i provide my velocity and gride. My code is streamline(X,Y,U,V) streamline MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Write date to mySQL with millisecond precision
Hey everybody,
I have some data, that I want ot parse in an mySQL database. The data consists of a timestamp which has millisecond precision and some other colums. The data is stored in a table.
I use mysql-connector-java-5.1.47mysql-connector-java-5.1.47-bin.jar as described to connect to the database and write with:
Inserting into the database works, however the millisecond precision is gone altough I declared the column as datetime(3). The data that is being stored has the e.g. the value 2019-02-16 10:59:46.000 instead of 2019-02-16 10:59:46.425
Can somebody please gibe me a hint what I am doing wrong ?
Thanks in advance!Hey everybody,
I have some data, that I want ot parse in an mySQL database. The data consists of a timestamp which has millisecond precision and some other colums. The data is stored in a table.
I use mysql-connector-java-5.1.47mysql-connector-java-5.1.47-bin.jar as described to connect to the database and write with:
Inserting into the database works, however the millisecond precision is gone altough I declared the column as datetime(3). The data that is being stored has the e.g. the value 2019-02-16 10:59:46.000 instead of 2019-02-16 10:59:46.425
Can somebody please gibe me a hint what I am doing wrong ?
Thanks in advance! Hey everybody,
I have some data, that I want ot parse in an mySQL database. The data consists of a timestamp which has millisecond precision and some other colums. The data is stored in a table.
I use mysql-connector-java-5.1.47mysql-connector-java-5.1.47-bin.jar as described to connect to the database and write with:
Inserting into the database works, however the millisecond precision is gone altough I declared the column as datetime(3). The data that is being stored has the e.g. the value 2019-02-16 10:59:46.000 instead of 2019-02-16 10:59:46.425
Can somebody please gibe me a hint what I am doing wrong ?
Thanks in advance! sql, sqlwrite, millisecond precision, mysql, mysql-connector-java-5.1.47 MATLAB Answers — New Questions
how can i split or divide a dataset into its different parts (an electroencephalogram [EEG] of 7680 samples into 16 pieces or channels)
i already got an answer for how to plot the eeg sample i got from which is basically 7680 samples on 16 channels etc etc etc
but now i need to do a fourier transform and due to the fact that 7680 is not a power of base ^2 it means that doing a fourier transform would lead to the transform of the entire row of 7680 data samples turned into 8192 to be transformed, thus leading to me not being able to use the plotting the 16 channels code properly [i don’t have access to the computer where i have the matlab code but instead of looking like the 16 channels one above the other, it looks like a snake line that goes up right up right up right etc etc etc]
sooooooo what i mean to ask is if there is a way to divide or split the data in 16 parts and do the fourier transform in those 16 parts and then plot those parts (in any way like via division or separation after a limit etc), i mainly need the divide and transforming, the plotting i will be able to manage if that isn’t answered
thank you all in advance for reading my questioni already got an answer for how to plot the eeg sample i got from which is basically 7680 samples on 16 channels etc etc etc
but now i need to do a fourier transform and due to the fact that 7680 is not a power of base ^2 it means that doing a fourier transform would lead to the transform of the entire row of 7680 data samples turned into 8192 to be transformed, thus leading to me not being able to use the plotting the 16 channels code properly [i don’t have access to the computer where i have the matlab code but instead of looking like the 16 channels one above the other, it looks like a snake line that goes up right up right up right etc etc etc]
sooooooo what i mean to ask is if there is a way to divide or split the data in 16 parts and do the fourier transform in those 16 parts and then plot those parts (in any way like via division or separation after a limit etc), i mainly need the divide and transforming, the plotting i will be able to manage if that isn’t answered
thank you all in advance for reading my question i already got an answer for how to plot the eeg sample i got from which is basically 7680 samples on 16 channels etc etc etc
but now i need to do a fourier transform and due to the fact that 7680 is not a power of base ^2 it means that doing a fourier transform would lead to the transform of the entire row of 7680 data samples turned into 8192 to be transformed, thus leading to me not being able to use the plotting the 16 channels code properly [i don’t have access to the computer where i have the matlab code but instead of looking like the 16 channels one above the other, it looks like a snake line that goes up right up right up right etc etc etc]
sooooooo what i mean to ask is if there is a way to divide or split the data in 16 parts and do the fourier transform in those 16 parts and then plot those parts (in any way like via division or separation after a limit etc), i mainly need the divide and transforming, the plotting i will be able to manage if that isn’t answered
thank you all in advance for reading my question fft, sfft, fourier transform, eeg, electroencephalogram, plotting, plot, channel, fast fourier transform MATLAB Answers — New Questions
R2024b cannot reproduce documented example result
When I am ready to use imufilter, "Tune imufilter to Optimize Orientation Estimate",the current latest version R2024b cannot reproduce the documented example results? Please fix it in time!
TEST in MATLAB online and desktop MATLAB
ld = load(‘imufilterTuneData.mat’);
qTrue = ld.groundTruth.Orientation; % true orientation
fuse = imufilter;
qEstUntuned = fuse(ld.sensorData.Accelerometer, …
% reset(fuse);
cfg = tunerconfig(‘imufilter’);
tune(fuse, ld.sensorData, ld.groundTruth, cfg)
qEstTuned = fuse(ld.sensorData.Accelerometer, …
dUntuned = rad2deg(dist(qEstUntuned, qTrue));
dTuned = rad2deg(dist(qEstTuned, qTrue));
rmsUntuned = sqrt(mean(dUntuned.^2))
rmsTuned = sqrt(mean(dTuned.^2))
N = numel(dUntuned);
t = (0:N-1)./ fuse.SampleRate;
plot(t, dUntuned, ‘r’, t, dTuned, ‘b’);
legend(‘Untuned’, ‘Tuned’);
title(‘imufilter – Tuned vs Untuned Error’)
xlabel(‘Time (s)’);
ylabel(‘Orientation Error (degrees)’);When I am ready to use imufilter, "Tune imufilter to Optimize Orientation Estimate",the current latest version R2024b cannot reproduce the documented example results? Please fix it in time!
TEST in MATLAB online and desktop MATLAB
ld = load(‘imufilterTuneData.mat’);
qTrue = ld.groundTruth.Orientation; % true orientation
fuse = imufilter;
qEstUntuned = fuse(ld.sensorData.Accelerometer, …
% reset(fuse);
cfg = tunerconfig(‘imufilter’);
tune(fuse, ld.sensorData, ld.groundTruth, cfg)
qEstTuned = fuse(ld.sensorData.Accelerometer, …
dUntuned = rad2deg(dist(qEstUntuned, qTrue));
dTuned = rad2deg(dist(qEstTuned, qTrue));
rmsUntuned = sqrt(mean(dUntuned.^2))
rmsTuned = sqrt(mean(dTuned.^2))
N = numel(dUntuned);
t = (0:N-1)./ fuse.SampleRate;
plot(t, dUntuned, ‘r’, t, dTuned, ‘b’);
legend(‘Untuned’, ‘Tuned’);
title(‘imufilter – Tuned vs Untuned Error’)
xlabel(‘Time (s)’);
ylabel(‘Orientation Error (degrees)’); When I am ready to use imufilter, "Tune imufilter to Optimize Orientation Estimate",the current latest version R2024b cannot reproduce the documented example results? Please fix it in time!
TEST in MATLAB online and desktop MATLAB
ld = load(‘imufilterTuneData.mat’);
qTrue = ld.groundTruth.Orientation; % true orientation
fuse = imufilter;
qEstUntuned = fuse(ld.sensorData.Accelerometer, …
% reset(fuse);
cfg = tunerconfig(‘imufilter’);
tune(fuse, ld.sensorData, ld.groundTruth, cfg)
qEstTuned = fuse(ld.sensorData.Accelerometer, …
dUntuned = rad2deg(dist(qEstUntuned, qTrue));
dTuned = rad2deg(dist(qEstTuned, qTrue));
rmsUntuned = sqrt(mean(dUntuned.^2))
rmsTuned = sqrt(mean(dTuned.^2))
N = numel(dUntuned);
t = (0:N-1)./ fuse.SampleRate;
plot(t, dUntuned, ‘r’, t, dTuned, ‘b’);
legend(‘Untuned’, ‘Tuned’);
title(‘imufilter – Tuned vs Untuned Error’)
xlabel(‘Time (s)’);
ylabel(‘Orientation Error (degrees)’); sensorfusion, imu MATLAB Answers — New Questions
converting and shifting photo from osciloscope
Hello, I have an osciloscope photo attached.As you can see I have two signals going from -1ms to 1ms.
Is there a way In Matlab I can extract the data from these plots into CSV format so the X axes will be will be 0 to 2ms?
Thanks.Hello, I have an osciloscope photo attached.As you can see I have two signals going from -1ms to 1ms.
Is there a way In Matlab I can extract the data from these plots into CSV format so the X axes will be will be 0 to 2ms?
Thanks. Hello, I have an osciloscope photo attached.As you can see I have two signals going from -1ms to 1ms.
Is there a way In Matlab I can extract the data from these plots into CSV format so the X axes will be will be 0 to 2ms?
Thanks. osciloscope, plot, csv MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Update Mysql table using mym
I am connected to a database using mym. I want to update row based on conditions the sql for that would be
update dbname.dbtable
set Name = ‘A’
where Age = 20
What is the easiest most elegant way to do that on MATLAB? I want to update table in a MATLAB script where some calculations are being done.I am connected to a database using mym. I want to update row based on conditions the sql for that would be
update dbname.dbtable
set Name = ‘A’
where Age = 20
What is the easiest most elegant way to do that on MATLAB? I want to update table in a MATLAB script where some calculations are being done. I am connected to a database using mym. I want to update row based on conditions the sql for that would be
update dbname.dbtable
set Name = ‘A’
where Age = 20
What is the easiest most elegant way to do that on MATLAB? I want to update table in a MATLAB script where some calculations are being done. mysql MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Configuring CycloneDDS for communication with ROS 2 in Docker Container
I’m using the Matlab ROS Toolbox in combination with ROS 2 running inside of WSL2+Docker. For different reasons I’m using CycloneDDS as the middleware.
The issue is, that I can neither discover Matlab topics from Docker nor Docker topics from Matlab.
I’ve tried to configure CycloneDDS similar to how FastDDS is configured here. However, I can’t figure out how to tell Matlab which config file to use for CycloneDDS.
The issues pesists with the docker containers running both on net=host as well as net=bridge. Also the discovery seems to work with Maltab using FastDDS (which is not a feasible solution for me).
I appreciate any help on this topic!
ROS Distro: IronHello,
I’m using the Matlab ROS Toolbox in combination with ROS 2 running inside of WSL2+Docker. For different reasons I’m using CycloneDDS as the middleware.
The issue is, that I can neither discover Matlab topics from Docker nor Docker topics from Matlab.
I’ve tried to configure CycloneDDS similar to how FastDDS is configured here. However, I can’t figure out how to tell Matlab which config file to use for CycloneDDS.
The issues pesists with the docker containers running both on net=host as well as net=bridge. Also the discovery seems to work with Maltab using FastDDS (which is not a feasible solution for me).
I appreciate any help on this topic!
ROS Distro: Iron Hello,
I’m using the Matlab ROS Toolbox in combination with ROS 2 running inside of WSL2+Docker. For different reasons I’m using CycloneDDS as the middleware.
The issue is, that I can neither discover Matlab topics from Docker nor Docker topics from Matlab.
I’ve tried to configure CycloneDDS similar to how FastDDS is configured here. However, I can’t figure out how to tell Matlab which config file to use for CycloneDDS.
The issues pesists with the docker containers running both on net=host as well as net=bridge. Also the discovery seems to work with Maltab using FastDDS (which is not a feasible solution for me).
I appreciate any help on this topic!
ROS Distro: Iron ros2, cyclonedds MATLAB Answers — New Questions