Category: Microsoft
Category Archives: Microsoft
Microsoft and OpenAI evolve partnership to drive the next phase of AI
We are thrilled to continue our strategic partnership with OpenAI and to partner on Stargate. Today’s announcement is complimentary to what our two companies have been working on together since 2019.
The key elements of our partnership remain in place for the duration of our contract through 2030, with our access to OpenAI’s IP, our revenue sharing arrangements and our exclusivity on OpenAI’s APIs all continuing forward – specifically:
- Microsoft has rights to OpenAI IP (inclusive of model and infrastructure) for use within our products like Copilot. This means our customers have access to the best model for their needs.
- The OpenAI API is exclusive to Azure, runs on Azure and is also available through the Azure OpenAI Service. This agreement means customers benefit from having access to leading models on Microsoft platforms and direct from OpenAI.
- Microsoft and OpenAI have revenue sharing agreements that flow both ways, ensuring that both companies benefit from increased use of new and existing models.
- Microsoft remains a major investor in OpenAI, providing funding and capacity to support their advancements and, in turn, benefiting from their growth in valuation.
In addition to this, OpenAI recently made a new, large Azure commitment that will continue to support all OpenAI products as well as training. This new agreement also includes changes to the exclusivity on new capacity, moving to a model where Microsoft has a right of first refusal (ROFR). To further support OpenAI, Microsoft has approved OpenAI’s ability to build additional capacity, primarily for research and training of models.
We thank OpenAI for their continued partnership and look forward to what’s to come.
The post Microsoft and OpenAI evolve partnership to drive the next phase of AI appeared first on The Official Microsoft Blog.
We are thrilled to continue our strategic partnership with OpenAI and to partner on Stargate. Today’s announcement is complimentary to what our two companies have been working on together since 2019. The key elements of our partnership remain in place for the duration of our contract through 2030, with our access to OpenAI’s IP, our…
The post Microsoft and OpenAI evolve partnership to drive the next phase of AI appeared first on The Official Microsoft Blog.Read More
How to share your Microsoft 365 Family subscription – Microsoft Support
Share your Microsoft 365 Family subscription with up to 5 other people using
Introducing Core AI – Platform and Tools
Satya Nadella, Chairman and CEO, shared the below communication with Microsoft employees this morning.
As we begin the new year, it’s clear that we’re entering the next innings of this AI platform shift. 2025 will be about model-forward applications that reshape all application categories. More so than any previous platform shift, every layer of the application stack will be impacted. It’s akin to GUI, internet servers, and cloud-native databases all being introduced into the app stack simultaneously. Thirty years of change is being compressed into three years!
We will build agentic applications with memory, entitlements, and action space that will inherit powerful model capabilities. And we will adapt these capabilities for enhanced performance and safety across roles, business processes, and industry domains. Further, how we build, deploy, and maintain code for these AI applications is also fundamentally changing and becoming agentic.
This is leading to a new AI-first app stack — one with new UI/UX patterns, runtimes to build with agents, orchestrate multiple agents, and a reimagined management and observability layer. In this world, Azure must become the infrastructure for AI, while we build our AI platform and developer tools — spanning Azure AI Foundry, GitHub, and VS Code — on top of it. In other words, our AI platform and tools will come together to create agents, and these agents will come together to change every SaaS application category, and building custom applications will be driven by software (i.e. “service as software”).
The good news is that we have been working at this for more than two years and have learned a lot in terms of the systems, app platform, and tools required for the AI era. To more rapidly and boldly advance our roadmap across each of these layers, we are creating a new engineering organization: CoreAI – Platform and Tools.
This new division will bring together Dev Div, AI Platform, and some key teams from the Office of the CTO (AI Supercomputer, AI Agentic Runtimes, and Engineering Thrive), with the mission to build the end-to-end Copilot & AI stack for both our first-party and third-party customers to build and run AI apps and agents. This group will also build out GitHub Copilot, thus having a tight feedback loop between the leading AI-first product and the AI platform to motivate the stack and its roadmap.
Jay Parikh will lead this group as EVP of CoreAI – Platform and Tools, with Eric Boyd, Jason Taylor, Julia Liuson, Tim Bozarth, and their respective teams reporting to Jay.
Jay will work closely with Scott, Rajesh, Charlie, Mustafa, and Kevin to optimize our entire tech stack for both performance and efficiency. Additionally, Jay and team will lead our progress and work around developer productivity and Engineering Thrive across the company.
As our cloud infrastructure business continues to grow and scale to become Microsoft’s largest business, Scott will continue to lead Cloud + AI to ensure we’re delivering the quality, security, and innovation that our customers and partners count on for their most mission-critical applications, databases, and AI workloads.
Ultimately, we must remember that our internal organizational boundaries are meaningless to both our customers and to our competitors. When we talk about operating as One Microsoft, we are effectively talking about how we are continually increasing our customer focus, raising the bar on our innovation, and driving accountability, so we can truly live up to our mission.
Our success in this next phase will be determined by having the best AI platform, tools, and infrastructure. We have a lot of work to do and a tremendous opportunity ahead, and together, I’m looking forward to building what comes next.
The post Introducing Core AI – Platform and Tools appeared first on The Official Microsoft Blog.
Satya Nadella, Chairman and CEO, shared the below communication with Microsoft employees this morning. As we begin the new year, it’s clear that we’re entering the next innings of this AI platform shift. 2025 will be about model-forward applications that reshape all application categories. More so than any previous platform shift, every layer of the…
The post Introducing Core AI – Platform and Tools appeared first on The Official Microsoft Blog.Read More
Microsoft Malware Protection Engine deployment information – Microsoft Support
Discusses how to update the Microsoft Malware Protection Engine, including prerequisites, restart, and removal, and how to verify that the updates were installed correctly.
Risks of Allowing Apps Through Windows Firewall – Microsoft Support
Learn about the risks of allowing apps through Windows Firewall, and how to add or remove apps from the list of allowed apps.
Kecerdasan Buatan Buat Indonesia Cerdas – Peran AI untuk Masa Depan Indonesia
Doc. Microsoft – AI untuk Indonesia. Ilustrasi ini dihasilkan oleh AI menggunakan Microsoft Designer.
Read in English here
Dengan berakhirnya tahun 2024, sulit untuk tidak bernostalgia dan merenungkan perjalanan luar biasa Indonesia—sebuah bangsa yang terus berupaya mengatasi kesenjangan teknologi untuk kemudian mengadopsi inovasi kecerdasan buatan (AI) di ambang era transformasi besar. Ketangguhan, empati, dan rasa ingin tahu menjadi fondasi perubahan ini. Nilai-nilai inilah yang menunjukkan karakter bangsa kita. Tahun ini membuktikan satu hal penting bagi Indonesia: AI bukan hanya alat, tapi katalis pemicu kreativitas, kolaborasi, dan kemajuan yang nyata.
Microsoft menyambut hangat pemerintahan baru dengan semangat kolaborasi dalam mewujudkan ambisi transformasi digital Indonesia – dipandu oleh komitmen bersama terhadap inklusivitas dan kemajuan. Dari menggerakkan industri hingga memberdayakan individu, AI telah menjadi cerminan kecerdikan bangsa kita, membantu kita membayangkan segala kemungkinan demi negara yang beragam dan dinamis ini.
New Digital Economy Sebagai Landasan Pertumbuhan
Perjalanan Indonesia menuju ekonomi digital baru sebenarnya mencerminkan revolusi besar di masa lalu saat penemuan mesin cetak atau internet. Periode tersebut adalah momen bersejarah yang mengubah masyarakat dan menciptakan peluang baru untuk maju. Teknologi cloud dan AI kini menjadi pusat dari perubahan ini—memungkinkan inovasi dan inklusivitas sambil memberdayakan komunitas di seluruh nusantara. Teknologi-teknologi ini bukan sekadar alat, melainkan penggerak masa depan di mana pemberdayaan digital menyentuh setiap sudut tanah air.
Apakah kita siap untuk transformasi ini? Indonesia menjawab “Ya”. Menurut Work Trend Index 2024 dari Microsoft dan LinkedIn yang diluncurkan pertengahan tahun ini, sebanyak 92% knowledge workers di Indonesia telah menggunakan AI generatif dalam pekerjaan mereka, melampaui rata-rata global (75%) dan Asia Pasifik (83%). Kesiapan ini muncul berkat tingginya rasa ingin tahu dan keberanian bereksperimen yang dimiliki populasi muda nan beragam. Dengan 70% penduduk Indonesia berada dalam kelompok usia produktif, kreativitas dan kolaborasi berkembang pesat. Hal ini terlihat dari lebih dari 3,1 juta pengembang Indonesia di GitHub, komunitas pengembang terbesar ketiga di Asia Pasifik, yang kontribusinya pada proyek AI generatif publik meningkat sebesar 213% di tahun 2023. Hal ini mencerminkan semangat gotong royong, di mana upaya kolektif mengubah tantangan menjadi peluang.
Memperkuat Kreativitas: Kisah Nyata yang Berdampak
Peluang ini bukanlah sekadar teori namun sudah terwujud melalui kreasi para inovator Indonesia, yang rasa ingin tahu dan kecerdikannya mencerminkan kekuatan bangsa. Memasuki tahun kedua AI, fokus telah bergeser dari adopsi AI menuju integrasi AI di berbagai industri utama.
Di berbagai sektor, para inovator ini menggunakan AI untuk menjawab tantangan dan menciptakan solusi nyata, mulai dari memastikan ketahanan pangan hingga mendorong inklusi keuangan. Inklusivitas tetap menjadi dasar dari upaya ini, memastikan bahwa semua orang merasakan manfaat dari inovasi transformatif di berbagai industri, sektor, dan komunitas.
Sebagai contoh, Yayasan Mitra Netra telah mengembangkan Arabic Braille Converter yang didukung oleh GPT-4. Inovasi ini memungkinkan jutaan penyandang tuna netra untuk mengakses informasi dengan lebih mudah.
Di bidang pendidikan, Universitas Terbuka menciptakan AI Assistant yang diintegrasikan ke dalam 1.000 kelas virtual di 10 mata kuliah, menjangkau 60.000 mahasiswa mereka di seluruh provinsi di Indonesia. Inisiatif ini menjembatani kesenjangan dalam akses pendidikan berkualitas, memastikan mahasiswa di daerah paling terpencil pun dapat merasakan peluang belajar yang setara.
Di dunia korporasi, Telkomsel memimpin integrasi AI dengan Veronika, asisten virtual yang didukung oleh Azure OpenAI Service. Dengan mengintegrasikan AI, Telkomsel mencatat peningkatan 140% dalam interaksi layanan mandiri pelanggan, yang menghasilkan solusi lebih cepat dan akurat, serta meningkatkan engagement di produk gaya hidup digital.
Di industri layanan keuangan, BRI telah menerapkan empat kasus penggunaan AI generatif, termasuk chatbot bernama Sabrina yang memberikan informasi keuangan transparan kepada jutaan nasabahnya. Inovasi ini menegaskan bagaimana AI dapat mendorong inklusi keuangan dengan membuat layanan lebih mudah diakses dan efisien.
Startup seperti eFishery juga membuat gebrakan dengan AI. Sebagai startup teknologi akuakultur pertama di Asia yang memiliki misi untuk memerangi kelaparan global, eFishery meluncurkan Mas Ahya (Mas Ahli Budidaya). Solusi yang didukung oleh Azure OpenAI Service ini dirancang untuk memberikan saran dan wawasan kepada petani akuakultur di Asia. Mas Ahya melayani petani dengan berbagai tingkat pengalaman dan menggunakan bahasa sehari-hari. Solusi ini juga mendukung berbagai bahasa daerah, dimulai dari Bahasa Indonesia dan Jawa.
Hackathon yang didukung oleh Microsoft dan mitranya menjadi jalan lain di mana kreativitas lokal bertemu dengan potensi global. Tim AI MISS YOU, juara kedua AI TEACH Regional Hackathon, menggunakan AI generatif untuk membangun pemikiran kritis pada siswa sekaligus melestarikan warisan budaya lokal di Probolinggo sehingga berkontribusi pada ekonomi digital. Proyek lain, NuSantap, yang menjadi pemenang GovAI Hackathon, memanfaatkan AI dan computer vision untuk mengatasi masalah gizi anak, sejalan dengan program pemerintah Indonesia dalam pencegahan stunting.
Contoh-contoh ini secara kolektif menunjukkan bagaimana integrasi AI menjawab tantangan nyata di berbagai aspek kehidupan. Dari mendorong inklusivitas dan meningkatkan pendidikan hingga mentransformasi akuakultur dan memperbaiki layanan keuangan, AI membantu Indonesia mewujudkan ambisinya untuk membangun ekonomi digital yang inklusif dan maju.
Berinvestasi dalam Keterampilan untuk Tenaga Kerja yang Tangguh
Perkembangan ekonomi digital sangat bergantung pada tenaga kerja yang terampil. Dalam hampir tiga dekade terakhir, Microsoft telah memberdayakan 25 juta masyarakat Indonesia dengan keterampilan terkait TIK. Tahun ini, Microsoft meluncurkan program elevAIte Indonesia dalam kolaborasi dengan Kementerian Komunikasi dan Digital (Kemkomdigi) serta berbagai pemangku kepentingan lainnya.
Inisiatif ini bertujuan untuk membekali 1 juta masyarakat Indonesia dengan keterampilan kritis di bidang AI. Fokusnya adalah memberdayakan berbagai pihak—termasuk pemerintah, industri, sektor pendidikan, dan komunitas—dengan alat yang mereka butuhkan untuk menghadapi ekonomi yang semakin digerakkan oleh AI.
Untuk mendukung upaya ini, AI Skills Navigator, sebuah situs web berbasis AI, menyediakan platform yang dipersonalisasi bagi individu untuk mengidentifikasi kesenjangan keterampilan, merancang pengalaman belajar yang sesuai, dan mendapatkan sertifikasi terpercaya. Dirancang untuk memenuhi kebutuhan ekonomi AI yang terus berkembang, platform ini memastikan peserta di semua tahap karier dapat membangun keterampilan praktis yang meningkatkan produktivitas, kreativitas, dan daya saingnya.
Melalui elevAIte Indonesia, Microsoft menegaskan kembali komitmennya untuk mendorong kesetaraan digital, mempersiapkan tenaga kerja agar dapat memanfaatkan infrastruktur penting seperti datacenter region Indonesia Central yang akan segera hadir dan memastikan teknologi benar-benar mendorong pertumbuhan di semua sektor. Tujuannya adalah menciptakan generasi talenta digital produktif yang siap menghadapi dunia yang semakin berorientasi pada AI.
AI yang Bertanggung Jawab dan Aman: Kepercayaan di Pusatnya
Seiring dengan percepatan inovasi, menjaga kepercayaan menjadi hal yang sangat krusial. Untuk itu, lebih dari satu dekade lalu, Microsoft menetapkan Trusted Cloud Principles sebagai pedoman untuk teknologi Microsoft Cloud. Prinsip-prinsip ini mencakup keamanan, privasi, kepatuhan, keandalan/ketahanan, dan hak kekayaan intelektual.
Dalam hal keamanan, Microsoft telah menginvestasikan lebih dari USD20 miliar untuk keamanan siber secara global. Baru-baru ini, sebagai bagian dari Secure Future Initiative (SFI), kami telah menunjuk 13 Deputy Chief Information Security Officers (Deputy CISOs) untuk memimpin implementasi SFI di seluruh perusahaan. Kami juga mengerahkan 34.000 engineer penuh waktu untuk mengintegrasikan keamanan ke dalam setiap pekerjaan mereka—menjadikannya upaya cybersecurity engineering terbesar dalam sejarah. Selain itu, kami meluncurkan Security Skilling Academy untuk melatih semua karyawan dalam keamanan siber dan menjadikan keamanan sebagai prioritas inti dalam penilaian performa karyawan.
Dari segi privasi dan kepatuhan, Microsoft Cloud menawarkan lebih dari 100 solusi kepatuhan, menjadikannya penyedia layanan cloud dengan solusi kepatuhan paling komprehensif. Di Indonesia, selaras dengan Undang-Undang Perlindungan Data Pribadi (UU PDP), kami memperkenalkan Premium Assessment Template untuk UU PDP dalam Microsoft Purview Compliance Manager. Template ini membantu organisasi menyederhanakan upaya kepatuhan, termasuk terhadap UU PDP, dengan mengotomatiskan tugas-tugas kepatuhan yang penting dan menyederhanakan proses penilaian.
Sejalan dengan prinsip-prinsip ini, komitmen kami terhadap Responsible AI mendorong kolaborasi antarorganisasi untuk memastikan sistem AI yang adil, inklusif, dan transparan. Melalui alat seperti Responsible AI Impact Assessment Template, Microsoft membantu bisnis secara kolaboratif mengidentifikasi risiko, membuat upaya pengamanan, dan membangun sistem AI yang sejalan dengan prinsip etika dan nilai-nilai sosial.
Menatap Masa Depan: AI untuk Indonesia
Menyambut tahun 2025—yang juga menandakan capaian krusial bagi Microsoft di Indonesia dan dunia—saya optimis memandang peluang tanpa batas yang ada di depan kita. Dengan kreativitas dan inovasi masyarakat kita sebagai fondasinya, mulai dari kepiawaian generasi muda hingga kekuatan kolaborasi kita, nilai-nilai seperti gotong royong dan rasa ingin tahu terus mendorong kita untuk mencapai tujuan dengan lebih cepat dan lebih inklusif. Dalam konteks ini, AI bukan hanya Artificial Intelligence—tetapi juga Advancing Indonesia (memajukan Indonesia), Amplifying Ingenuity (mendorong kreativitas), dan Accelerating Impact (mengakselerasi dampak).
Hadirnya wilayah Indonesia Central yang akan datang, sebuah infrastruktur penting yang mencerminkan komitmen Microsoft yang lebih luas terhadap negara ini, menjadi bagian tak terpisahkan dari visi ini. Infrastruktur ini, yang akan segera tersedia untuk umum, menjadi bukti peran Indonesia yang semakin besar dalam lanskap ekonomi digital global. Kunjungan Satya Nadella ke Jakarta awal tahun ini menegaskan pentingnya hal tersebut, dengan pengumuman investasi tambahan sebesar USD1,7 miliar untuk memperluas kontribusi Microsoft di Indonesia, baik dalam infrastruktur maupun pengembangan keterampilan.
Investasi ini lebih dari sekadar menyediakan infrastruktur, namun melambangkan masa depan di mana layanan cloud terpercaya yang disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan lokal memungkinkan peningkatan data sovereignty (kedaulatan data), keamanan dan kepatuhan kelas dunia, serta inovasi berbasis AI yang lebih cepat. Bagi Indonesia, ini berarti peluang untuk mencapai posisi puncak dalam ekonomi AI global, memastikan bahwa bisnis, komunitas, dan individu dapat berkembang.
Di Microsoft, kami bangga bergandeng tangan bersama para penggerak perubahan di Indonesia, terus berinvestasi pada manusia, infrastruktur, dan teknologi yang memberdayakan setiap individu untuk mencapai lebih banyak. Bersama, mari kita bentuk masa depan yang inovatif, inklusif, dan tangguh.
AI for Indonesia: Amplifying Ingenuity, Empowering Communities, Transforming Futures
Doc. Microsoft – AI for Indonesia. This is an AI-generated image by Microsoft Designer.
As we close 2024, I reflect on Indonesia’s remarkable journey thus far – a nation that has overcome challenges in equal access to technology and resources to embrace AI innovation and stand at the threshold of a transformative era. Resilience, empathy, curiosity, and unyielding have underpinned this transformation, showcasing the best of our values. This year has indeed demonstrated the potential of AI for AI—Advancing Indonesia, not just as a tool but as a catalyst for creativity, collaboration, and progress.
Microsoft warmly welcomes the new government administration and is excited about the opportunities to collaborate in achieving Indonesia’s ambitious digital transformation goals – guided by a shared commitment to inclusivity and progress. From shaping industries to empowering individuals, AI reflects our nation’s resourcefulness, helping us reimagine what’s possible for our diverse and dynamic nation.
The New Digital Economy: A Foundation for Growth
Indonesia’s journey toward a new digital economy mirror past revolutions like the printing press or the internet – moments that reshaped society and created new opportunities for progress. Today, cloud and AI technologies are at the heart of this transformation, enabling innovation and inclusivity while empowering communities across the archipelago. These technologies are not just tools—they are enablers of a future where digital empowerment touches every corner of the nation.
Are we ready for this transformation? Indonesia says yes – 92% of knowledge workers in Indonesia already use generative AI at work, surpassing global (75%) and Asia Pacific (83%) averages, according to the Microsoft and LinkedIn Work Trend Index 2024 that we launched mid- year. This readiness is deeply rooted in Indonesia’s spirit of curiosity and experimenting new things, shaped by its youthful and diverse population. With 70% of Indonesians in the working-age group, creativity and collaboration thrive. This is exemplified by over 3.1 million developers on GitHub, the third-largest developer community in Asia-Pacific, whose contributions in the number of public generative AI projects on the platform grew by 213% in 2023 alone. Such ingenuity highlights the gotong royong spirit, where collective efforts turn challenges into opportunities.
Amplifying Ingenuity: Real Stories of Impact
These opportunities are not theoretical—they are already being realized through the ingenuity of Indonesia’s innovators, whose curiosity and resourcefulness reflect the nation’s strength. As we move into Year 2 of AI, the focus has shifted from AI adoption to AI integration across key industries, driving the new AI economy in Indonesia. Across sectors, innovators are applying AI to solve challenges and create meaningful impact, from ensuring food security to fostering financial inclusion.
Inclusivity remains a cornerstone of these efforts, ensuring that everyone benefits from transformative innovations spanning diverse industries, sectors, and communities. AI-powered innovations are helping startups, enterprises, NGOs, educational institutions, governments, and individuals alike tackle pressing challenges and unlock new opportunities in Indonesia’s digital transformation journey.
Yayasan Mitra Netra, for example, has developed an Arabic Braille Converter powered by GPT-4, enabling millions of visually impaired individuals to access information seamlessly.
In education, Universitas Terbuka has created an AI Assistant integrated into 1,000 virtual classrooms across 10 subjects, reaching 60,000 students across Indonesia’s provinces. By bridging the gap in access to quality education, this initiative ensures that students in even the most remote areas can benefit from equal learning opportunities.
For enterprises, Telkomsel is leading the way with Veronika, its virtual assistant powered by Azure OpenAI Service. By integrating AI, Telkomsel has seen a 140% increase in customer self-service interactions, with quicker and more accurate solutions driving improved engagement for digital lifestyle products.
In the financial sector, BRI is implementing four generative AI use cases, including a chatbot named Sabrina that provides transparent financial information to millions of Indonesians. This innovation underscores how AI is fostering financial inclusion by making services more accessible and efficient.
Startups like eFishery are also changing the game with AI. The first aqua technology startup based in Asia with a mission to combat world hunger has launched Mas Ahya (Mr. Cultivation Expert). The solution, powered by Azure OpenAI Service, is designed to provide advice and insights to Asian aqua farmers. It caters to farmers with varying levels of experience and uses everyday language. It also supports multiple local languages, starting with Bahasa Indonesia and Javanese.
Hackathons supported by Microsoft and its partners are another avenue where local creativity meets global potential. The AI MISS YOU team, runners-up of the AI TEACH Regional Hackathon, used generative AI to inspire critical thinking in students while preserving local heritage in Probolinggo, thereby contributing to the digital economy. Similarly, the NuSantap project, a winner of the GovAI Hackathon, leverages AI and computer vision to address child nutrition, aligning with Indonesia’s government programs for stunting prevention.
These examples collectively highlight how AI integration is addressing real-world challenges across sectors. From fostering inclusivity and improving education to transforming aquaculture and enhancing financial services, AI is helping Indonesia realize its ambitions for a thriving, inclusive digital economy.
Investing in Skills for a Resilient Workforce
A thriving digital economy depends on a skilled workforce. In almost the past three decades, Microsoft has empowered 25 million Indonesians with ICT-related skills. This year, Microsoft introduced the elevAIte Indonesia program in collaboration with the Ministry of Communication and Digital Affairs (Kemkomdigi) as well as other stakeholders.
This initiative aims to equip 1 million Indonesians with critical AI skills. It focuses on empowering diverse groups—including government, industries, education, and communities—with the tools needed to navigate an increasingly AI-driven economy.
To support this effort, the AI Skills Navigator, an AI-powered website, provides learners with a personalized platform to identify skill gaps, tailor their learning journeys, and access trusted certifications. Designed to meet the demands of the evolving AI economy, this platform ensures participants across all career stages can build practical skills that enhance productivity, creativity, and employability.
Through elevAIte Indonesia, Microsoft reaffirms its commitment to fostering digital equity, preparing a workforce to capitalize on critical infrastructure like the upcoming Indonesia Central region, ensuring that technology drives growth across all sectors. The goal is to have a generation of productive digital talents ready to take on an increasingly AI-oriented world.
Responsible AI and Security: Trust at the Core
As innovation accelerates, maintaining trust remains paramount. As such, since more than a decade ago, Microsoft has established our Trusted Cloud Principles to guide our Microsoft Cloud technology. These principles include security, privacy, compliance, reliability/resiliency, and intellectual property.
When it comes to security, Microsoft has committed over $20 billion to cybersecurity globally. Most recently, as part of our company’s Secure Future Initiative (SFI) which promises to prioritize security above all else, we have appointed 13 Deputy Chief Information Security Officers (Deputy CISOs) responsible for spearheading SFI across the company, mobilized 34,000 full-time engineers to integrate security into the fabric of their work (making it the largest cybersecurity engineering effort in history), launched Security Skilling Academy to help train all employees on cybersecurity, and implemented the security core priority as a performance measure for all employees.
Meanwhile in privacy and compliance, Microsoft Cloud is providing more than 100 compliance offerings, making it the most comprehensive set of compliance offerings of any cloud service provider. Most recently in Indonesia, aligning with the Personal Data Protection Law (UU PDP), we introduced the Premium Assessment Template for Indonesia’s PDP Law in Microsoft Purview Compliance Manager. This template can help organizations in streamlining their overall compliance efforts, including to PDP Law, by automating critical compliance tasks and simplifying the assessment process.
Aligning with all these principles is Responsible AI commitment, which fosters collaboration among organizations to ensure AI systems are fair, inclusive, and transparent. Through tools like the Responsible AI Impact Assessment Template, Microsoft empowers businesses to collaboratively identify risks, establish safeguards, and build AI systems that align with ethical principles and societal values.
A Vision for the Future: AI for Indonesia
As we look toward 2025 – which coincides with a very special milestone for Microsoft in Indonesia and globally – I am inspired by the boundless opportunities ahead, grounded in the creativity and innovation of our people. From the ingenuity of our youth to the strength of our collaborations, values like gotong-royong and curiosity continue to drive us toward achieving our goals faster and more inclusively. AI, in this context, is not just Artificial Intelligence—it is Advancing Indonesia, Amplifying Ingenuity, and Accelerating Impact.
Central to this vision is the upcoming Indonesia Central Region, a critical piece of infrastructure that reflects Microsoft’s broader commitment to the country. Now nearing general availability, this region is a testament to Indonesia’s growing role in the global digital economy. Satya Nadella’s visit to Jakarta earlier this year underscored this importance, with the announcement of an additional $1.7 billion investment to expand Microsoft’s efforts in Indonesia in terms of infrastructure and skilling.
These investments go beyond infrastructure. They symbolize a future where trusted cloud services tailored to local needs enable enhanced data sovereignty, world-class security and compliance, and faster AI-driven innovation. For Indonesia, this means opportunities to leapfrog into a leadership position in the global AI economy, ensuring that businesses, communities, and individuals thrive.
At Microsoft, we are proud to stand alongside Indonesia’s changemakers, continuing to invest in the people, infrastructure, and technologies that empower every individual to achieve more. Together, let us shape a future defined by innovation, inclusivity, and resilience.
Kemkomdigi dan Microsoft Luncurkan ElevAIte Indonesia: Bekali 1 Juta Talenta dengan Keterampilan AI
Read in English here
Kementerian Komunikasi dan Digital (Kemkomdigi) Republik Indonesia bekerja sama dengan Microsoft meluncurkan ElevAIte Indonesia, sebuah inisiatif pelatihan kecerdasan buatan (AI) untuk membekali 1 juta talenta Indonesia dengan keterampilan yang relevan di era transformasi digital. Menggabungkan makna “elevate” (meningkatkan) dengan “AI”, program ini menjadi simbol kolaborasi multi-sektor untuk memperkuat posisi Indonesia di kancah global melalui pemanfaatan teknologi AI.
ElevAIte Indonesia akan melibatkan mitra dari pemerintahan, industri, institusi pendidikan, dan komunitas. Program ini dirancang untuk menghubungkan talenta Indonesia dengan peluang baru yang tercipta dari teknologi AI, seperti peningkatan produktivitas, kreativitas, dan kualitas pekerjaan, serta percepatan inovasi yang bertanggung jawab.
Menteri Komunikasi dan Digital, Meutya Hafid, menekankan pentingnya pendekatan yang bijak dalam pemanfaatan teknologi, khususnya AI, yang semakin memengaruhi berbagai aspek kehidupan. “Teknologi modern, seperti AI, menuntut kita semua, khususnya para pemimpin, untuk menjadi lebih bijak, sabar, dan akomodatif. Perkembangan AI memberikan peluang besar untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup, tetapi juga membawa tantangan yang harus dikelola dengan hati-hati,” ujar Meutya.
Lebih lanjut, Menkomdigi menjelaskan bahwa kolaborasi, komunikasi, dan negosiasi adalah kunci untuk memastikan teknologi dapat dimanfaatkan secara maksimal dan bertanggung jawab. “Pemanfaatan AI tidak bisa dilakukan secara sepihak. Kita memerlukan sinergi dengan berbagai pihak, mulai dari pemerintah, pelaku industri, hingga masyarakat. Melalui inisiatif seperti ElevAIte Indonesia, kami ingin menunjukkan bagaimana teknologi AI dapat digunakan untuk memperkuat ekosistem nasional sambil tetap menjaga nilai-nilai etika dan kepentingan bersama,” tambah Meutya.
Program ElevAIte Indonesia menjadi salah satu contoh nyata dari pendekatan kolaboratif tersebut. Dengan melibatkan mitra ekosistem yang luas, inisiatif ini dirancang untuk membekali generasi muda dan tenaga kerja dengan keterampilan AI yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan industri dan masyarakat. Selain meningkatkan kapasitas sumber daya manusia, program ini juga menjadi landasan bagi Indonesia untuk bersaing di tingkat global dan menuju cita-cita Indonesia Emas 2045.
Inisiatif ElevAIte Indonesia menjadi semakin penting mengingat meningkatnya kebutuhan keterampilan AI dalam dunia kerja. Menurut laporan Work Trend Index yang Microsoft dan LinkedIn keluarkan di awal tahun 2024, 69% pemimpin di Indonesia menyatakan bahwa mereka tidak akan merekrut seseorang tanpa keterampilan AI. Sebanyak 76% bahkan cenderung merekrut kandidat dengan pengalaman kerja yang lebih sedikit namun handal menggunakan AI, dibandingkan kandidat berpengalaman tanpa kemampuan AI.
“Dengan sekitar 70% penduduk Indonesia berada dalam usia produktif, membekali mereka dengan keterampilan AI yang tepat menjadi kian penting. Sebab, kita sebagai talenta Indonesia lah yang akan mampu membawa Indonesia melaju, menuju Indonesia Emas 2045. Untuk itu, ElevAIte Indonesia akan berfokus pada pembekalan keterampilan mengadopsi AI secara bertanggung jawab. Mulai dari menggunakan tools AI agar dapat menyelesaikan pekerjaan dengan lebih cepat dan dengan kualitas yang lebih baik, hingga mengembangkan solusi AI untuk menciptakan nilai tambah dan menjawab permasalahan nasional yang paling mendesak. Penting untuk diingat bahwa transformasi AI bukan hanya transformasi teknologi, melainkan transformasi nasional. Kami merasa terhormat dapat bermitra dengan Kemkomdigi dan segenap ekosistem nasional untuk memberdayakan talenta Indonesia,” ujar Dharma Simorangkir, Presiden Direktur Microsoft Indonesia.
Guna mencapai target 1 juta pembekalan keterampilan AI bagi masyarakat Indonesia hingga tahun 2025 mendatang, implementasi ElevAIte Indonesia akan terbagi ke dalam lima pilar utama, dengan Biji-Biji Initiative dan Dicoding sebagai mitra pelatihan. Kelima pilar tersebut:
- Menyiapkan lembaga pemerintah untuk mendorong kecakapan AI nasional. Pilar ini berfokus pada pemberian pelatihan keterampilan AI bagi aparatur sipil negara, penguatan kapabilitas keamanan siber di lembaga pemerintahan, dan inisiasi pelayanan publik berbasis AI.
- Integrasi AI di industri strategis nasional. Pilar ini berfokus pada percepatan transformasi AI bagi pelaku industri Indonesia, mulai dari UMKM hingga enterprise, guna meningkatkan inovasi dan menciptakan nilai ekonomi AI baru.
- Keterampilan AI dalam dunia pendidikan. Pilar ini berfokus pada revolusi pembelajaran dalam berbagai sistem pendidikan di Indonesia, pembekalan keterampilan AI bagi pendidik, dan pengembangan generasi developer baru di Indonesia. Indonesia sendiri memiliki jumlah developer yang signifikan. Laporan GitHub menunjukkan bahwa Indonesia merupakan rumah terbesar ketiga bagi komunitas developerGitHub di di kawasan Asia Pasifik, setelah India dan Tiongkok. Indonesia pun diproyeksikan menjadi salah satu dari lima komunitas developer terbesar di GitHub secara global pada tahun 2026. Tidak hanya itu, Indonesia juga merupakan salah satu kelompok dengan pertumbuhan developer tercepat di Asia Pasifik, dengan peningkatan jumlah developer di GitHub mencapai 31 persen dari tahun ke tahun (year-on-year) pada tahun 2023.
- Peningkatan keterampilan AI bagi komunitas: Pilar ini berfokus pada pemberian keterampilan AI bagi kelompok masyarakat yang kurang terlayani, kurang terwakili, dan termarginalkan secara digital. Termasuk di antaranya adalah perempuan, penyandang disabilitas, dan masyarakat yang berada di daerah-daerah terpencil. NUCare Global dan Microsoft Innovative Educator Expert merupakan mitra program ini, dengan lebih banyak mitra akan diumumkan secara terpisah.
- Demokratisasi AI bagi setiap individu: Pilar ini hendak memastikan setiap individu memiliki kesempatan yang sama untuk belajar AI. Untuk itu, sebagai bagian dari ElevAIte Indonesia, Microsoft telah meluncurkan AI Skills Navigator, sebuah platform yang menyatukan seluruh konten pembelajaran dari Microsoft Learn dan LinkedIn Learning. Dibekali dengan asisten AI dan dapat diakses melalui, platform ini dapat mempermudah individu menemukan materi pembelajaran AI yang sesuai dengan tujuan, minat, dan gaya belajar masing-masing. Versi Bahasa Indonesia dari platform ini akan tersedia dalam waktu dekat.
Rashvin Pal Singh, Group CEO Biji-biji Initiative mengatakan, “Selama dua tahun terakhir, kami telah banyak bekerja sama dengan Kemkomdigi dan Microsoft untuk menyelenggarakan program-program keterampilan AI. Dari program-program tersebut, kami sudah melihat langsung bagaimana sebagian peserta dapat memperoleh pekerjaan yang lebih baik, ataupun memiliki kehidupan yang lebih sejahtera. Kini, dengan adanya ElevAIte Indonesia, kami berharap dapat semakin memperluas kesuksesan yang ada, dengan pendekatan yang kian terintegrasi dan terukur.”
Narenda Wicaksono, Chief Executive Officer, Dicoding mengatakan, “Sebagai platform edukasi teknologi, kami sadar bagaimana kapabilitas baru AI telah menjadi terobosan teknologi terbesar dalam beberapa tahun terakhir. Kami sendiri telah menggunakan AI untuk melayani lebih dari 1 juta member dicoding. Kami percaya bahwa dengan keterampilan AI yang tepat, individu dan organisasi dapat menciptakan solusi inovatif yang berdampak positif bagi masyarakat, industri, maupun negara. Itulah sebabnya, kami senang dapat bergabung dengan Kemkomdigi, Microsoft, dan segenap ekosistem digital Indonesia lainnya di inisiatif ElevAIte Indonesia.”
Menkomdigi mengakhiri dengan mengutip Presiden Prabowo Subianto saat Pertemuan APEC 2024 di Peru, yang menekankan pentingnya keseimbangan dalam memanfaatkan teknologi: “Kemajuan besar dalam teknologi menuntut para pemimpin untuk lebih bijaksana, sabar, dan akomodatif. Teknologi memiliki kekuatan untuk membawa kemajuan luar biasa, tetapi juga dapat menghancurkan kehidupan manusia dengan sangat cepat. Oleh karena itu, kolaborasi, komunikasi, dan negosiasi adalah jalan terbaik. Kita harus menaati hukum dan aturan internasional, namun juga memahami kepentingan bersama.”
Dengan semangat tersebut, ElevAIte Indonesia diharapkan dapat menjadi langkah strategis dalam membangun ekosistem digital yang inklusif dan memberdayakan.
The Ministry of KOMDIGI and Microsoft Launch ElevAIte Indonesia to Equip1 Million Talents with AI Skills
The Ministry of Communication and Digital Affairs (KOMDIGI) and Microsoft today launch ElevAIte Indonesia, an AI skilling initiative to equip 1 million Indonesian talents with the AI skills needed in the era of AI transformation. Combining the words “Elevate” with “AI”, this initiative brings a spirit of collaboration between various elements of the society, to elevate Indonesia’s global achievements with AI technology.
In its implementation, ElevAIte Indonesia will be executed in collaboration with governments, industry, educational institutions, nonprofits, and civil society, to connecting Indonesians with new opportunities created by AI. Starting from supercharging productivity, amplifying creativity, increasing quality of works, to accelerating innovation responsibly.
The Minister of Communication and Digital Affairs, Meutya Hafid, emphasized the importance of a more responsible approach in utilizing technology, especially AI, which increasingly influences various aspects of life. “Modern technology, such as AI, demands all of us, particularly leaders, to become wiser, more patient, and more accommodating. The development of AI offers great opportunities to improve the quality of life, but it also brings challenges that must be managed thoroughly,” said Meutya.
Furthermore, the Minister of KOMDIGI explained that collaboration, communication, and negotiation are essential keys to ensuring that technology can be utilized with full capacity and responsibility. “The utilization of AI cannot be done unilaterally. We need collaboration with various stakeholders, such as the government, industries, and the community. Through initiatives like ElevAIte Indonesia, we eager to show how AI can be used to strengthen the national ecosystem while maintaining ethical values and common interests,” added Meutya.
The ElevAIte Indonesia program is a concrete example of this collaborative approach. By involving a wide range of ecosystem partners, this initiative is designed to equip the younger generation and workforce with AI skills that meet the needs of industry and society. In addition to enhancing human resource capacity, this program also become a foundation for Indonesia to compete in global-level and achieve the vision of Indonesia Emas 2045.
ElevAIte Indonesia is becoming increasingly important given the increasing need for AI skills in the workforce. According to the Work Trend Index report released by Microsoft and LinkedIn in early 2024, 69% of leaders in Indonesia stated that they would not hire someone without AI skills. As many as 76% are even more likely to recruit candidates with less work experience but are reliable using AI, compared to experienced candidates without AI capabilities.
“With around 70% of Indonesia’s population in productive age, equipping them with the right AI skills becomes increasingly important. It is us, the Indonesian talent who will be able to drive Indonesia moving forward to achieve the vision of Indonesia Emas 2045. Therefore, ElevAIte Indonesia will focus on equipping skills to adopt responsible AI. From using AI tools to complete tasks more quickly and with better quality, to developing AI solutions to create added value and address the most pressing national issues. It is important to remember that AI transformation is not merely a technological transformation, but a national transformation. We are honoured to partner with the Ministry of KOMDIGI and the entire national ecosystem to empower Indonesian talent,” said Dharma Simorangkir, President Director of Microsoft Indonesia.
In order to achieve the target of 1 million AI skills for Indonesia by 2025, the implementation of ElevAIte Indonesia will be divided into five main pillars, with Biji-Biji Initiative and Dicoding as training partners. Each pillar will also collaborate with different institutions, organizations, and communities, in order to connect people across Indonesia with the AI opportunities inclusively. The five pillars are:
- Enable government agencies to drive AI fluency. This pillar focuses on providing AI skills training for civil servants, in order to provide even better public services.
- Scale reach through strategic national industries. This pillar focuses on accelerating AI transformation for Indonesian industry players, ranging from MSMEs to enterprises, in order to accelerate innovation and create new AI economic value.
- Unlock AI for education. The pillar focuses on revolutionizing learning in Indonesia’s education systems and nurturing a new generation of Indonesian developers with AI skills. Indonesia already has a significant number of developers. The GitHub report shows that Indonesia is the third largest home for the GitHub developer community in the Asia Pacific region, after India and China. Indonesia is also projected to become one of the five largest developer communities on GitHub globally by 2026. Not only that, Indonesia is one of the fastest-growing developer groups in Asia Pacific as well, with an increase in the number of developers on GitHub reaching 31 percent year-on-year in 2023.
- Enable social, environmental, community, and impact organizations: This pillar focuses on providing AI skills to underserved, underrepresented and digitally marginalized communities. These include women, people with disabilities, and people in remote areas. NUCare Global and Microsoft Innovative Educator Expert are partners of the program, with more partners to be announced separately.
- Empower individual learners. This pillar focuses on ensuring every person has the opportunity to learn. To kick-off, Microsoft has launched AI Skills Navigator, a platform that brings together all learning content from Microsoft Learn and LinkedIn Learning. Equipped with AI assistants and can be accessed through, this platform can make it easier for individuals to find AI learning materials that suit their learning goal and interest. The platform will be available in Indonesian language soon.
Rashvin Pal Singh, Group CEO, Biji-Biji Initiative said, “Over the past two years, we have worked closely with the ministry of KOMDIGI and Microsoft to organize AI skills programs. From these programs, we have seen firsthand how some participants can get a better job, or have a more prosperous life. Now, with ElevAIte Indonesia, we hope to further expand on our existing achievement, along with an increasingly integrated and scalable approach.”
Narenda Wicaksono, Chief Executive Officer, Dicoding said, “As a technology education platform, we are fully aware how AI new capabilities now become significant milestones over the last few years. We have used AI to serve more than 1 million Dicoding members. We believe that with the right AI skills, individuals and organizations can create innovative solutions to bring positive impact for the community, industry, and the [nation. Considering these objectives, we are pleased to join Kemkomdigi, Microsoft, and the entire Indonesian digital ecosystem in the ElevAIte Indonesia initiative.”
The Minister of KOMDIGI concluded by quoting President Prabowo Subianto ‘s remarks at the APEC Summit 2024 in Peru, emphasizing the need of balance in utilizing technology: “Great advances in technology demand leaders to be wiser, more patient, and more accommodating. Technology has the power to bring extraordinary advances. However, it could cause significant harm to human life in a short time.” Therefore, collaboration, communication, and negotiation are the best ways forward. We must adhere to international laws and regulations, but also have to understand common interests.”
The existence of ElevAIte Indonesia is expected to be a strategic measure in building an inclusive and empowering digital ecosystem.
Memaknai Hari Guru Nasional dalam Refleksi Transformasi Pendidikan Berbasis Teknologi AI
Dok. Marheni Widya Retna, Plan International Indonesia Foundation/Temmy Subrata, Mansur
Read in English here.
Laju adopsi dan inovasi di era transformasi AI telah membawa perubahan dalam berbagai aspek kehidupan, termasuk pendidikan. Menurut LinkedIn Future of Work Report 2023, walaupun lebih dari separuh pekerjaan pendidik melibatkan people skills yang paling baik dilakukan langsung oleh manusia—seperti manajemen kelas dan pengajaran—AI dapat meningkatkan produktivitas dalam tugas-tugas seperti perencanaan pelajaran dan pengembangan kurikulum, yang nyatanya menjadi 45% dari tanggung jawab pendidik. Bantuan ini memberikan pendidik lebih banyak waktu untuk fokus melakukan hal-hal yang hanya dapat dilakukan manusia—seperti terhubung dengan murid—di dunia nyata dan dalam waktu nyata, guna membuat perbedaan positif dalam proses pembelajaran para murid.
“AI memiliki potensi besar dalam dunia pendidikan. Misalnya, untuk mempersonalisasi materi dan proses pembelajaran, membantu guru merancang rencana pelajaran, menyederhanakan proses administratif, serta menyediakan wawasan berbasis data tentang kinerja murid dan tren pendaftaran. Guna mewujudkan potensi tersebut, kita perlu mengatasi tantangan seperti akurasi, efikasi, dan ketergantungan yang berlebihan; serta memberikan dukungan yang cukup kepada para pendidik. Di Microsoft, kami berfokus untuk menempatkan para pendidik sebagai pakar yang memegang kendali, dan mengintegrasikan pengalaman AI ke dalam alur kerja mereka untuk benar-benar meringankan beban kerja,” ujar Arief Suseno, Education Lead Microsoft Indonesia.
Di Indonesia, Bapak Ibu guru dari berbagai daerah telah secara aktif mempelajari teknologi AI. Menembus zona nyaman masing-masing, para guru gigih belajar dan berinovasi dengan AI agar dapat menciptakan pembelajaran yang semakin menyenangkan bagi para murid, sembari mempersiapkan generasi penerus bangsa dalam memasuki dunia kerja yang kini memerlukan keterampilan AI. Menyambut Hari Guru Nasional 2024, berikut adalah tiga kisah inspiratif dari guru-guru Indonesia dalam memanfaatkan AI di ruang kelas, yang patut diapresiasi.
Berawal dari Peserta Pelatihan hingga Menjadi Juara – Kisah Inovasi Tim AI MISS YOU asal Probolinggo
Dok. Yayasan Plan International Indonesia/Temmy Subrata. (dari kiri ke kanan) Suci, Fafan, dan Sigit sedang mempresentasikan inovasi AI MISS YOU di ajang regional hackathon AI TEACH.
Tiga guru visioner bernama Fafan Adisumboro, Suci Romadani, dan Sigit Hadi W., asal Probolinggo, Jawa Timur, mengambil langkah inovatif dalam mengajarkan keterampilan berpikir kritis kepada murid melalui penerapan AI. Melalui konsep “AI MISS YOU” (Artificial Intelligence untuk Meningkatkan Bernalar Kritis Siswa Yang Original dan Unik), para guru ini mengajarkan murid bukan hanya untuk menerima informasi, tetapi juga untuk menciptakan, berinovasi, dan memecahkan masalah.
Dari konsep tersebut, para murid diperkenalkan dengan metode pembelajaran “TEBALKAN” (Temukan, Bayangkan, Lakukan, dan Bagikan), di mana murid diajak menggunakan teknologi AI seperti Microsoft Copilot dan Designer, untuk mengeksplorasi topik pembelajaran tertentu, membayangkan ide secara kreatif, mengimplementasikan ide secara praktis, dan membagikan hasil karya mereka.
“Kami terinspirasi dari pemikiran filosofis Ki Hadjar Dewantara yang menekankan bahwa setiap anak bukanlah ‘kertas kosong’ yang hanya menerima informasi, melainkan insan kreatif yang perlu diberdayakan. Dalam semangat ini, metode TEBALKAN mendorong siswa untuk aktif dan kritis,” ujar Sigit.
Selama beberapa bulan terakhir, guru-guru visioner ini mempraktikkan langsung metode TEBALKAN pada Proyek Penguatan Profil Pelajar Pancasila (P5), suatu pembelajaran multidisipliner untuk membangun karakter murid yang inovatif dan adaptif terhadap lingkungan sekitar mereka. Dalam proyek tersebut, para guru mengajak murid untuk mengolah daun mangga menjadi teh herbal, dan meminta murid menemukan resep serta cara terbaik pengolahannya dengan menggunakan AI.
“Kami memilih daun mangga karena mangga merupakan tanaman pangan khas daerah kami di Probolinggo. Menggunakan teknologi AI, para murid melakukan komparasi dari setiap percobaan agar mendapatkan cara bagaimana menghasilkan teh berbahan dasar daun mangga dengan cita rasa terbaik. Di sini, guru berperan dalam melakukan bimbingan serta memperkuat pemahaman mereka dalam berinovasi,” kata Suci.
Proyek tersebut tidak hanya menumbuhkan keterampilan teknis dan kritis para murid, tetapi juga membuka peluang ekonomi baru yang memiliki potensi pasar. Fafan, Suci, dan Sigit awalnya merupakan peserta program pelatihan AI TEACH, sebuah inisiatif yang dilakukan oleh Plan Indonesia dan didukung oleh Microsoft. Tekad dan kreativitas pada akhirnya membawa mereka menjadi salah satu tim pemenang ajang hackathon AI TEACH tingkat Asia Tenggara. Ketiganya tidak hanya berperan sebagai fasilitator teknologi, melainkan juga sebagai pendamping yang memberikan arahan dan dukungan moral bagi murid. Mereka memastikan bahwa AI memperkuat peran mereka sebagai pendidik, bukan menggantikan.
Mudah Memahami Matematika dengan Bantuan AI – Sebuah Transformasi Pembelajaran oleh Mansur dari Sulawesi Selatan
Menerapkan pendekatan inovatif dengan teknologi AI untuk membuat pelajaran matematika lebih menyenangkan adalah motivasi tersendiri bagi Mansur, seorang guru matematika di SMP Negeri 2 Pangsid, Sidenreng Rappang, Sulawesi Selatan. Dengan pendekatan inovatif, Mansur mengajak para murid menggunakan Copilot untuk memahami elaborasi rumus jawaban dari soal-soal yang ia bagikan. Menurut Mansur, yang terpenting bukan hanya jawaban akhir murid, melainkan apakah murid bisa menjelaskan bagaimana mereka mendapatkan jawaban tersebut. Di sini lah AI berperan: mendampingi murid melatih penalaran dan pemahaman mereka akan tahapan pemecahan soal matematika, tanpa perlu merasa rendah diri jika perlu bertanya berulang kali, atau memiliki kecepatan pemahaman berbeda.
“Kami mengajak siswa-siswi untuk menggunakan AI sebagai sarana menyelesaikan soal matematika dengan cara yang menyenangkan dan menenangkan. Tentunya, kami juga meminta mereka menjelaskan alur rumus matematika yang mereka peroleh dari AI, untuk membentuk pemahaman dan penalaran yang bisa dipertanggungjawabkan,” ujar Mansur.
Dengan pendekatan ini, Mansur menginspirasi murid untuk melihat matematika bukan hanya sebagai kumpulan rumus, tetapi sebagai kesempatan untuk mengasah kemampuan berpikir analitis dan logis. Ia juga mengajak para guru untuk terbuka dalam pemanfaatan teknologi AI, dengan memberikan kesempatan bagi murid untuk mengeksplor cara baru dalam berteman dengan matematika.
Dok. Mansur
Sejak 2016, Mansur telah aktif berperan sebagai anggota Microsoft Innovative Educator Expert (MIEE), komunitas pendidik global yang menggunakan teknologi Microsoft secara inovatif untuk meningkatkan pengalaman belajar dan kolaborasi di kelas. Tidak hanya gebrakan di sekolah, Mansur juga mencatatkan pencapaian dalam mendirikan Komunitas Guru Inovatif Microsoft pada platform Merdeka Mengajar dan menjadi representasi guru dari Indonesia dalam Education Exchange di Singapura pada tahun 2018.
Mansur menambahkan “Sudah setahun lebih kami mendirikan Komunitas Guru Inovatif Microsoft di platform Merdeka Mengajar. Sejauh ini sudah ada 4.000 anggota dan setiap minggu aktif mengadakan webinar untuk membahas topik AI dalam pendidikan serta topik-topik berbeda lainnya yang berbeda agar bisa menambah wawasan dan keterampilan pendidik.”
Meningkatkan Minat Literasi dan Kemampuan Berbahasa Inggris dengan AI – Kisah Marheni Widya Retna dari Semarang
Di Semarang, Jawa Tengah, Marheni Widya Retna, guru kelas 6 di SD Negeri Sendangmulyo 04, menjadi salah satu guru SD yang berkesempatan untuk mengikuti pelatihan AI gelaran Microsoft Indonesia, Balai Pengembangan Teknologi dan Komunikasi (BPTIK) Jawa Tengah, dan Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan RI di tahap pertama.
Sebagai guru kelas 6 SD, Marheni khususnya memanfaatkan fitur Reading Progress pada Microsoft Teams untuk meningkatkan minat literasi dan keterampilan membaca murid terhadap teks berbahasa Inggris. Reading Progress pada Microsoft Teams didukung teknologi AI untuk membantu guru menilai perkembangan kemampuan membaca murid secara lebih akurat. AI menganalisis hasil rekaman video atau audio pada saat murid membaca sebuah teks, lalu memberikan data tentang performa membaca murid, sehingga membantu meningkatkan keterampilan membaca secara efisien.
Dok. Marheni Widya Retna
Diketahui, fitur tersebut juga memiliki fungsi reading comprehension yang secara otomatis dapat membuat pertanyaan beserta kunci jawaban berdasarkan variasi teks yang dipilih. Hal ini memudahkan guru dalam menyusun materi pembelajaran yang disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan murid sesuai jenjang kelas. Marheni paham bahwa untuk meningkatkan minat baca murid sejak dini, guru perlu memberikan sebuah bacaan yang tidak hanya menarik, tetapi juga variatif dan sesuai dengan tingkat kemampuan murid.
“Dengan menggunakan Reading Progress, saya bisa memperoleh teks berbahasa Inggris yang lebih variatif untuk diperkenalkan kepada anak-anak, agar mereka mendapatkan suatu bacaan yang baru dan menarik, serta tidak membosankan. Itu berkat dari apa yang saya dapatkan selama pelatihan menggunakan Microsoft Teams,” jelas Marheni.
Melalui inisiatif ini, Marheni berharap agar murid lebih termotivasi dalam meningkatkan budaya literasi dan kemampuan berbahasa Inggris mereka. Hal ini akan membantu murid untuk menyiapkan diri ke jenjang pendidikan berikutnya, sekaligus membuka wawasan mereka terhadap literatur dalam Bahasa Inggris yang lebih luas.
“Selain membantu murid, fitur Reading Progress juga memberikan transparansi lebih bagi orang tua dalam menilai kemajuan akademis anak mereka. Orang tua senang melihat hasil pembelajaran yang saya bagikan melalui Microsoft Teams, dan banyak dari mereka mulai tertarik dengan teknologi ini,” pungkas Marheni.
Mengintegrasikan AI ke Dalam Dunia Pendidikan, Langkah Menuju Indonesia Emas 2045
Indonesia memerlukan transformasi pendidikan yang bertumpu pada teknologi sebagai penggerak perubahan dan peningkatan kualitas sumber daya manusia. Memasuki era baru AI, sudah saatnya mempersiapkan generasi yang berdaya saing dan cakap akan penggunaan AI. Terbaru, Microsoft telah menghadirkan situs AI Skills Navigator, sebuah platform pembelajaran bertenaga AI, yang dapat membantu setiap individu, termasuk guru, untuk menemukan tujuan, jenjang, dan gaya pembelajaran masing-masing. Platform ini diharapkan dapat membantu setiap individu untuk mencapai kesuksesan di era AI.
Commemorating National Teacher’s Day: A Reflection of AI-Powered Educational Transformation
Doc. Marheni Widya Retna, Plan International Indonesia Foundation/Temmy Subrata, Mansur
The rapid adoption and innovation of AI in today’s transformative era have significantly impacted various facets of life, including education. According to the LinkedIn Future of Work Report 2023, while more than half of an educator’s role involves human-centric skills like classroom management and teaching—best delivered through direct interaction—AI can play a pivotal role in enhancing productivity for tasks such as lesson planning and curriculum development, which account for 45% of teachers’ responsibilities. By assisting in these areas, AI frees up educators to focus on what only they can do—connecting with students in meaningful, real-time ways to make a lasting, positive impact on their learning journey.
“AI holds immense potential in education. From personalizing learning materials and processes to assisting with lesson planning, simplifying administrative tasks, and delivering data-driven insights on student performance and enrollment trends, AI can be a game-changer. To fully harness these benefits, we must address challenges such as accuracy, efficacy, and over-reliance on AI, while also providing adequate support for educators. At Microsoft, our goal is to empower teachers as the experts in control, integrating AI into their workflows to genuinely alleviate their workload,” said Arief Suseno, Education Lead Microsoft Indonesia.
In Indonesia, teachers from various regions have been embracing AI technology with enthusiasm and resilience. These educators are stepping outside their comfort zones, learning, and innovating with AI to create more engaging learning experiences while preparing students for a workforce that increasingly demands AI-related skills. In celebration of National Teacher’s Day 2024, here are three inspirational stories of Indonesian educators who have harnessed AI in the classroom, demonstrating innovation and dedication.
From Trainees to Champions – The Inspiring Journey of the AI MISS YOU Team from Probolinggo
Doc. Plan International Indonesia Foundation/Temmy Subrata. (from left to right) Suci, Fafan, and Sigit presenting their MISS YOU AI innovations at the AI TEACH regional hackathon.
Three visionary teachers—Fafan Adisumboro, Suci Romadani, and Sigit Hadi W.—from Probolinggo, East Java, have taken innovative steps to teach critical thinking skills to their students through the application of AI. Their project, “AI MISS YOU” (Artificial Intelligence to Improve Original and Unique Student Critical Reasoning), encourages students not only to consume information but also to create, innovate, and solve problems.
This initiative is built upon the TEBALKAN method—Temukan (Discover), Bayangkan (Imagine), Lakukan (Do), and Bagikan (Share)—which invites students to use AI tools like Microsoft Copilot and Designer to explore specific learning topics, imagine creative ideas, implement those ideas practically, and share their outcomes.
“We drew inspiration from Ki Hadjar Dewantara’s philosophy, which emphasizes that children are not ‘blank slates’ merely absorbing information but are creative individuals who need empowerment. Through this philosophy, the TEBALKAN method encourages students to be active and critical participants,” Sigit explained.
Over the past few months, the team has implemented the TEBALKAN method as part of the Pancasila Student Profile Strengthening Project (P5), a multidisciplinary initiative aimed at developing students’ innovative and adaptive character. For example, students were challenged to process mango leaves, a local agricultural product in Probolinggo, into herbal tea. Using AI, students explored recipes and techniques to produce the best-tasting mango leaf tea.
“We chose mango leaves because they are a staple crop in Probolinggo. By utilizing AI, students could compare the results of different experiments to determine the optimal way to create high-quality mango leaf tea with the best taste. Our role as teachers was to guide their innovation process and strengthen their understanding,” said Suci.
This project not only honed students’ critical thinking and technical skills but also uncovered new economic opportunities with market potential. Fafan, Suci, and Sigit began as participants in the AI TEACH training program, conducted by Plan Indonesia and supported by Microsoft. Their determination and creativity eventually led them to win the Southeast Asia AI TEACH hackathon. Beyond facilitating technology, they act as mentors, providing direction and moral support to ensure that AI enhances their role as educators without replacing it.
Making Mathematics Fun and Easy to Understand with AI: Mansur’s Story from South Sulawesi
For Mansur, a mathematics teacher at SMP Negeri 2 Pangsid in Sidenreng Rappang, South Sulawesi, AI offers a way to make math lessons more accessible and enjoyable for his students. By integrating Microsoft Copilot into his teaching, Mansur provides students with step-by-step assistance to solve math problems, focusing not just on the final answer but on the reasoning and processes involved. According to Mansur, the most important thing is not only the student’s final answer, but whether the student can explain how they got the answer. This is where AI comes into play: it helps students practice their reasoning and understanding of the stages of solving math problems without feeling inferior if they need to ask questions repeatedly or have different comprehension speeds.
“We invite students to use AI as a means of solving math problems in a fun way. Of course, we also ask them to explain the flow of mathematical formulas they get from AI, to form understanding and reasoning that can be accounted for,” said Mansur.
Mansur’s innovative approach motivates students to see math as an opportunity to develop logical and analytical thinking skills rather than merely memorizing formulas. He encourages fellow teachers to embrace AI technology, offering students new ways to engage with mathematics.
Doc. Mansur
Since 2016, Mansur has been an active member of Microsoft Innovative Educator Experts (MIEE), a global community of educators who use Microsoft technologies innovatively to enhance learning experiences and collaboration in the classroom. Mansur also recorded achievements in establishing the Microsoft Innovative Teacher Community on the Merdeka Teaching platform and became a representative of teachers from Indonesia at the Education Exchange in Singapore in 2018.
Mansur added, “It has been over a year since we established the Microsoft Innovative Teacher Community on the Merdeka Teaching platform. So far, there are 4,000 members, and every week, actively holds webinars to discuss the topic of AI in education and other different topics in order to add insight and skills to educators.”
Boosting Literacy and English Skills with AI: Marheni Widya Retna’s Initiative in Semarang
In Semarang, Central Java, Marheni Widya Retna, a 6th grade teacher at SD Negeri Sendangmulyo 04, became one of the few elementary school teachers who had the opportunity to take part in AI training held by Microsoft Indonesia, the Central Java Technology and Communication Development Center (BPTIK), and the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture in the first phase.
As a 6th-grade elementary school teacher, Marheni uses the Reading Progress feature on Microsoft Teams to increase students’ interest in literacy and reading skills in English texts. Reading Progress in Microsoft Teams is supported by AI technology to help teachers assess the progress of students’ reading skills more accurately. AI analyzes the results of video or audio recordings when students read a text and then provides data about students’ reading performance, helping to improve reading skills efficiently.
Doc. Marheni Widya Retna
It is known that the feature also has a reading comprehension function that can automatically create questions along with answer keys based on the variety of selected text. This makes it easier for teachers to compile learning materials that are tailored to the needs of students according to the grade level. Marheni understands that to increase students’ interest in reading from an early age, teachers need to provide a reading that is not only interesting but also varied and in accordance with the student’s ability level.
“By using Reading Progress, I can get more varied English texts to introduce to children, so that they get a new and interesting reading, and not boring. That’s thanks to what I got during the Microsoft Teams training,” explained Marheni.
Through this initiative, Marheni hopes that students will be more motivated to improve their literacy, culture, and English language skills. This will help students prepare for the next level of education and open their horizons to a wider range of English literature.
“In addition to helping students, the Reading Progress feature also provides more transparency for parents in assessing their child’s academic progress. Parents are happy to see the learning results I share through Microsoft Teams, and many of them are starting to be interested in this technology,” concluded Marheni.
Integrating AI into the World of Education, a Step Towards a Golden Indonesia 2045
Indonesia needs an educational transformation that relies on technology as a driver of change to improve the quality of human resources. As we enter a new era of AI, it is time to prepare a generation that is competitive and capable of using AI. Microsoft has presented the AI Skills Navigator website, an AI-powered learning platform that can help every individual, including teachers, find their own goals, levels, and learning styles. This platform is expected to help every individual thrive in the AI era.
Ignite 2024: Alasan mengapa hampir 70% Fortune 500 sekarang menggunakan Microsoft 365 Copilot
Read in English here.
Dua hal bisa sama-sama benar pada waktu yang sama.
Dalam konteks AI, benar bahwa industri bergerak pesat dan berkembang sangat cepat. Benar bahwa terdapat ratusan ribu pelanggan menggunakan teknologi AI Microsoft saat ini, dan dengan menggunakan platform ini sejak dini, mereka sekarang melihat manfaat besar serta memastikan kapabilitas mereka untuk menerima manfaat dari adanya gelombang penyempurnaan AI selanjutnya.
Microsoft Ignite adalah acara tahunan kami yang menyoroti pembaruan serta kreasi yang memungkinkan para pelanggan, mitra, dan developer untuk menunjukkan potensi penuh teknologi Microsoft, serta mengubah cara kita bekerja.
Tahun ini, kami mengumumkan sekitar 80 produk dan fitur baru, termasuk kapabilitas baru pada Microsoft 365 Copilot, penambahan pada Copilot + AI stack, serta penawaran perangkat baru Copilot+. Di balik setiap inovasi tersebut, ada komitmen kami terhadap keamanan. Sejak meluncurkan Secure Future Initiative (SFI) setahun yang lalu, kami telah menjadikan keamanan sebagai pekerjaan Nomor 1 bagi setiap karyawan di Microsoft, mendedikasikan 34.000 engineer untuk fokus pada keamanan. Di Ignite, kami akan mengumumkan inovasi yang berakar pada prinsip SFI kami: secure by design, secure by default, dan secure operations.
Lebih dari 200.000 orang telah mendaftar untuk bergabung dengan kami di Ignite tahun ini, dengan lebih dari 14.000 peserta menghadiri acara kami secara langsung di Chicago. Peserta dapat memilih lebih dari 800 sesi, demo, dan lab yang dipandu oleh para ahli Microsoft dan mitra kami. Sebagian besar konten seputar Ignite akan tersedia secara on demand bagi mereka yang tidak dapat menghadiri acara secara langsung
Momentum Copilot
Microsoft 365 Copilot adalah asisten AI untuk membantu Anda bekerja. Kami telah melihat momentum yang terus berkembang seiring dengan semakin banyaknya organisasi yang beralih ke Copilot, dan bagaimana mereka menggunakannya dengan sukses. Secara keseluruhan, hampir 70% Fortune 500 kini menggunakan Microsoft 365 Copilot.
Hal tersebut mencerminkan suatu tren industri: di mana sebuah studi IDC terbaru menunjukkan bahwa penerapan AI generatif sedang meningkat, dengan tingkat adopsi di antara perusahaan yang disurvei pada tahun 2024 mencapai 75%. Selain itu, perusahaan memperoleh pengembalian sebesar $3,70 dari setiap $1 yang diinvestasikan. Berdasarkan studi tersebut, para pemimpin perusahaan mengatakan mereka mendapatkan pengembalian hingga sebesar $10.
Investasi yang Microsoft lakukan terhadap Copilot telah membuahkan hasil yang menguntungkan bagi pelanggan kami.
Kami baru-baru ini menyoroti lebih dari 200 kisah pelanggan tentang percepatan Transformasi AI dengan Copilot, yang membantu banyak pelanggan untuk menghadirkan inovasi dan mengubah organisasi mereka menjadi lebih baik. Beberapa contoh meliputi:
- Eaton, sebuah perusahaan di bidang manajemen daya, menggunakan Microsoft 365 Copilot untuk menyederhanakan dan mengotomatisasi operasional, meningkatkan akses data, memusatkan pengetahuan, serta memperkuat tim pekerja untuk fokus pada pekerjaan yang bernilai tinggi. Copilot membantu pengelolaan keuangan Eaton dalam mendokumentasikan lebih dari 9.000 prosedur operasi standar (SOP), menghasilkan penghematan waktu sebesar 83% untuk setiap SOP yang didokumentasikan.
- Firma konsultan McKinsey & Company menciptakan agen untuk mempercepat proses onboarding klien. Pilot agen tersebut menunjukkan bahwa masa pemrosesan (lead time) dapat berkurang hingga 90% dan pekerjaan administratif bisa berkurang hingga 30%. Agen ini mengotomisasi proses-proses yang kompleks, seperti mengidentifikasi kemampuan tenaga ahli yang tepat dan penempatan tim, serta bertindak sebagai wadah satu-satunya di mana karyawan dapat bertanya dan meminta penindakkan lebih lanjut. Dengan menyederhanakan tugas serta mengurangi input secara manual, agen ini dapat memungkinkan penghematan waktu bagi konsultan, membuat mereka bisa menghabiskan waktu lebih banyak bersama klien.
Meningkatkan Produktivitas dengan Microsoft 365 Copilot
Microsoft terus meningkatkan produktivitas melalui kapabilitas baru pada Microsoft 365 Copilot yang dirancang untuk membantu menyederhanakan pekerjaan sehari-hari.
Copilot Actions, kini dalam mode private preview, memungkinkan siapapun untuk mengotomatisasi pekerjaan sehari-hari dengan prompt sederhana, baik untuk mendapatkan rangkuman harian dari hasil rapat di Microsoft Teams, menyusun laporan mingguan, atau menerima email yang merangkup rapat, diskusi obrolan, dan pesan email yang terlewat selepas kembali dari liburan.
Siapa saja dapat dengan mudah mengatur Actions langsung di aplikasi Microsoft 365 mereka, memungkinkan pengguna untuk fokus pada pekerjaan yang lebih berdampak, menghemat waktu, dan meningkatkan produktivitas.
Agen baru di Microsoft 365 dirancang untuk membantu meningkatkan dampak individu dan mengubah proses bisnis. Di Ignite, kami akan memperkenalkan:
- Agents in Sharepoint: Asisten AI dengan kapabilitas natural language ini mendasarkan kecerdasan mereka pada situs, file, dan folder Sharepoint terkait untuk memudahkan menemukan jawaban dari konten tersebut, serta membuat keputusan yang lebih cepat. Kini tersedia untuk umum, setiap situs Sharepoint akan menyertakan agen yang disesuaikan dengan kontennya. Pengguna juga dapat membuat agen khusus untuk memilih file, folder, atau situs Sharepoint hanya dengan sekali klik.
- Interpreter: Agen di dalam Teams ini membantu pengguna mengatasi hambatan bahasa dengan memungkinkan interpretasi transkrip dalam rapat secara real-time. Tersedia dalam mode public preview pada awal 2025, peserta rapat juga akan memiliki opsi untuk membuat agen dengan menirukan suara masing-masing peserta.
- Employee Self-Service Agent: Agen yang tersedia dalam mode private preview di Business Chat ini dapat mempercepat pemberian jawaban atas pertanyaan terkait kebijakan paling umum, serta menyederhanakan pekerjaan divisi HR dan IT yang penting – seperti membantu karyawan memahami benefit yang mereka dapatkan atau meminta unit laptop baru. Ini dapat disesuaikan di Copilot Studio untuk memenuhi kebutuhan organisasi yang lebih spesifik.
- Agent lainnya dalam mode preview public membuat catatan rapat secara langsung di Teams dan mengotomatisasi manajemen proyek dari awal hingga akhir di Planner.
Copilot + AI Stack
Copilot Stack memberdayakan penggunanya untuk membuat produk yang lebih ambisius dengan memanfaatkan teknologi canggih pada setiap lapisan stack. Untuk menciptakan pengalaman terpadu di mana pelanggan dapat merancang, menyesuaikan, dan mengelola aplikasi serta agen AI, kami memperkenalkan Azure AI Foundry, yang memberikan pelanggan akses ke semua layanan dan alat Azure AI yang sudah ada, ditambah kemampuan baru seperti:
- Azure AI Foundry SDK, yang kini tersedia dalam mode preview, menyediakan toolchain terpadu untuk merancang, menyesuaikan, dan mengelola aplikasi serta agen AI melalui kontrol dan penyesuaian di perusahaan. Dengan tools yang membantu organisasi meningkatkan skala aplikasi mereka secara bertanggung jawab, Foundry juga menyediakan 25 template aplikasi siap pakai dan pengalaman coding sederhana yang dapat diakses dari tools yang sudah dikenal seperti GitHub, Visual Studio, dan Copilot Studio.
- Azure AI Foundry Portal (sebelumnya Azure AI Studio), yang kini tersedia dalam mode preview, merupakan visual user interface yang komprehensif untuk membantu developer menemukan model, layanan dan tools AI. Dengan experience pusat manajemen baru yang menghadirkan informasi langganan penting dalam satu dashboard, portal ini juga membantu admin IT, tim operasional, dan tim Compliance untuk mengelola aplikasi AI dalam skala besar.
- Azure AI Agent Service, segera hadir dalam mode preview, akan memungkinkan developer profesional untuk mengatur, menerapkan, dan memperluas agen enterprise siap pakai untuk mengotomatisasi proses bisnis.
Kami juga terus mendukung komitmen Trustworthy AI kami dengan tools terbaru. Hari ini, kami mengumumkan laporan AI dan evaluasi risiko serta keselamatan untuk gambar, guna membantu organisasi memastikan aplikasi AI aman dan patuh. Laporan AI akan membantu organisasi meningkatkan kemampuan observasi, kolaborasi dan tata kelola bagi aplikasi AI dan model yang telah disesuaikan, sementara evaluasi untuk konten gambar akan membantu pelanggan menilai frekuensi dan keberatan konten berbahaya pada output yang telah dihasilkan oleh aplikasi AI mereka.
Perangkat Copilot+
Saat organisasi memindahkan lebih banyak beban kerja ke cloud untuk meningkatkan keamanan dan fleksibilitas, Microsoft memperluas solusi Cloud PC-nya dengan memperkenalkan kelas perangkat baru yang dirancang khusus untuk terhubung dengan aman ke Windows 365 dalam hitungan detik.
Windows 365 Link adalah perangkat yang sederhana, aman, dan dibuat khusus untuk perangkat Microsoft 365. Perangkat ini sekarang dalam mode preview dan akan tersedia secara umum untuk pembelian mulai April 2025 di market tertentu dengan MSRP $349, memungkinkan pengguna untuk bekerja dengan aman di desktop Windows yang sudah dikenal di Microsoft Cloud, dengan pengalaman yang responsif dan berkualitas tinggi.
Windows 365 Link aman secara desain. Perangkat ini tidak memiliki data lokal, tidak memiliki aplikasi lokal, dan admin-less users, sehingga data perusahaan tetap terlindungi di dalam Microsoft Cloud.
Kemampuan baru lainnya pada Copilot+ PCs untuk pelanggan komersial mencakup pemanfaatan kekuatan unit pemrosesan asli (NPU) bawaan, guna menghadirkan AI secara lokal. Dengan Improved Windows Search, dan Recall (mode pratinjau) yang baru, menemukan apa yang dibutuhkan di PC Anda lebih mudah dari sebelumnya, hanya dengan mendeskripsikan apa yang Anda cari. Fitur-fitur ini dirilis pertama kali untuk komunitas Windows Insider kami di Copilot+ PCs, sebelum diluncurkan lebih luas kepada pelanggan kami.
Momentum BlackRock
Empat tahun lalu, BlackRock, salah satu perusahaan manajemen aset terkemuka di dunia, membentuk aliansi strategis dengan Microsoft untuk memindahkan platform Aladdin-nya ke Microsoft Azure. Dengan fondasi di Azure, BlackRock meluncurkan tools AI generatif untuk klien global dengan Aladdin Copilot. Melalui AI generatif, Aladdin Copilot berfungsi untuk memperkuat konektivitas di seluruh platform, memanfaatkan teknologi Microsoft untuk membantu pengguna secara instan, guna membuka efisiensi baru dan menemukan wawasan bisnis penting dengan lebih cepat. Aladdin Copilot membuat platform Aladdin BlackRock menjadi lebih pintar dan responsif. Hal ini menghasilkan produktivitas yang lebih baik, memungkinkan peningkatan skala yang lebih besar, dan membuat penggunanya tetap terinformasi.
Langkah BlackRock ke Azure dan peluncuran Aladdin Copilot hanyalah dua dari sekian banyak pencapaian yang sedang berlangsung dalam kemitraan jangka panjang, yang juga mencakup kesepakatan untuk 24.000 akun Microsoft 365 Copilot di seluruh perusahaan. Saat ini, ada sekitar 60% pengguna Copilot BlackRock yang memanfaatkan Copilot setiap minggunya. Ditambah lagi, BlackRock juga baru-baru ini memutuskan untuk memindahkan solusi CRM on-premise ke cloud menggunakan Dynamics 365, mengutip integrasi aslinya dengan Teams dan Outlook sebagai salah satu faktor pengambilan keputusan yang utama.
Kekuatan pada Keamanan
Kami tahu bahwa lanskap ancaman berkembang sangat cepat, sehingga sangat penting bagi kami untuk tetap berada di garda terdepan dalam menghadapi para pelaku kejahatan. Di Microsoft, kami percaya bahwa keamanan adalah pekerjaan bersama. Kami menjadi lebih kuat ketika bermitra sebagai komunitas keamanan utuk berbagi informasi, berkolaborasi, dan menghentikan para pelaku kejahatan.
Dalam semangat itu, dan juga sebagai bagian dari Secure Future Initiative (SFI), kami akan mengumumkan acara riset keamanan publik terbesar dalam Sejarah: Zero Day Quest, di acara Ignite. Acara ini, yang berfokus pada keamanan AI dan cloud, akan menawarkan hadiah terbesar di industri ini sebesar $4 juta, di samping hadiah tahunan kami yang sudah ada sebesar $16 juta. Kompetisi ini bertujuan untuk menarik para ahli keamanan terbaik di dunia untuk menangani skenario yang berdampak bagi keamanan pelanggan kami, dengan penghargaan multiplier, mulai hari ini.
Seiring perubahan lanskap ancaman, kami melihat adanya perkembangan metode penyerang siber dalam mengeksploitasi kelemahan dalam sistem – khususnya dengan menavigasi grafis hubungan antara identitas, file, dan perangkat untuk mengungkap jalur serangan. Penyerang yang berpikir dalam grafik menyebabkan kerusakan yang lebih luas dari titik pertama penyusupan. Produk keamanan tradisional, dengan penglihatan yang terbatas ke dalam hubungan grafik, seringkali lebih cocok melindungi perangkat atau media tertentu – seperti laptop atau kotak masuk – daripada cakupan penuh dari potensi permukaan serangan.
Peluncuran Microsoft Security Exposure Management hari ini merupakan langkah penting dalam mengubah keamanan siber dengan data mumpuni dan strategi berbasis AI. Dalam konteks terkait data dari tools keamanan pihak ketiga milik pelanggan lainnya, kekuatan penggabungan data grafik Microsoft menciptakan satu panel kaca yang kuat untuk memvisualisasikan jalur serangan sebelum pelaku melakukannya. Dengan kekuatan komputasi dan kinerja berskala cloud untuk menyaring pemetaan aset dan risiko yang akurat secara real-time, Exposure Management membantu tim keamanan dalam mencegah gangguan dan menyediakan data real-time kepada pimpinan divisi IT, operasional, serta manajemen risiko untuk mendukung pengambilan keputusan risiko siber.
Ini hanyalah sebagian kecil dari banyaknya fitur dan pembaruan menarik yang akan kami umumkan di Ignite. Untuk diingat, Anda dapat melihat sesi keynote dari para eksekutif Microsoft termasuk Satya Nadella, Rajesh Jha, Scott Guthrie, Charlie Bell, dan Vasu Jakkal, baik secara langsung maupun secara on-demand.
Selain itu, Anda dapat memperoleh informasi lebih dari semua pengumuman ini dengan menjelajahi Book of News, ringkasan resmi semua berita hari ini, dan blog produk di bawah ini.
Ignite 2024: Why nearly 70% of the Fortune 500 now use Microsoft 365 Copilot
Two things can be true at the same time.
In the case of AI, it is absolutely true that the industry is moving incredibly fast and evolving quickly. It’s also true that hundreds of thousands of customers are using Microsoft AI technology today and, by making early bets on the platform, are seeing big benefits now and future-proofing their ability to benefit from the next big wave of AI improvements.
Microsoft Ignite is our annual event that spotlights the updates and creations that enable customers, partners and developers to unleash the full potential of Microsoft’s technology and change the way we approach work.
This year, we are announcing about 80 new products and features, including new capabilities in Microsoft 365 Copilot, additions to the Copilot + AI stack and new Copilot+ devices offerings. Underpinning each of these innovations is our commitment to security. Since launching our Secure Future Initiative (SFI) one year ago, we have made security the No. 1 job of every employee at Microsoft, dedicated 34,000 engineers to this focus and, at Ignite, we will announce innovations that are rooted in our SFI principles: secure by design, secure by default and secure operations.
More than 200,000 people have registered to join us for this year’s Ignite, with more than 14,000 attendees at our in-person events in Chicago. Attendees can choose from more than 800 sessions, demos and expert-led labs from Microsoft and our partners. Most of the Ignite content will be available on demand for those who can’t attend the live event.
Copilot momentum
Microsoft 365 Copilot is your AI assistant for work, and we have seen the momentum grow as more organizations are moving to Copilot and deploying it to great success. All up, nearly 70% of the Fortune 500 now use Microsoft 365 Copilot.
That echoes an industry trend: A recent IDC study showed that generative AI is on the rise, with 75% adoption among companies surveyed in 2024. In addition, for every $1 invested, companies are realizing a return of $3.70, and leaders are saying they are realizing as much as a $10 return, according to the study.
The investments that Microsoft has made in Copilot are paying dividends for our customers.
We recently highlighted some of the more than 200 customer stories of accelerated AI Transformation, with Copilot helping many of them spark innovation and transform their organization for the better. Several examples include:
- Power management company Eaton used Microsoft 365 Copilot to streamline and automate operations, improve data access, centralize knowledge and empower teams to focus on higher-value tasks. Copilot helped Eaton’s Finance operations document over 9,000 standard operating procedures (SOPs), an 83% time savings for each SOP documented.
- Consulting firm McKinsey & Company is creating an agent to speed up the client onboarding process. The pilot showed lead time could be reduced by 90% and administrative work reduced by 30%. The agent automates complex processes, such as identifying the right expert capabilities and staffing teams and acts as a single place where colleagues can ask questions and request follow-ups. By streamlining tasks and reducing manual inputs, this agent could potentially save consultants many hours, allowing them to spend more time with clients.
Boosting productivity with Microsoft 365 Copilot
Microsoft is continuing to supercharge productivity with new capabilities in Microsoft 365 Copilot designed to help simplify the workday.
Copilot Actions, now in private preview, enable anyone to automate everyday tasks with simple, fill-in-the-blank prompts, whether it’s getting a daily summary of meeting actions in Microsoft Teams, compiling weekly reports or getting an email upon return from vacation that summarizes missed meetings, chats and emails.
Anyone can easily set up Actions right in their Microsoft 365 app, allowing users to focus on more impactful work, save time and boost productivity.
New agents in Microsoft 365 are designed to help scale individual impact and transform business process. At Ignite we will introduce:
- Agents in SharePoint: These natural language AI assistants are grounded on relevant SharePoint sites, files and folders to make it easy to find answers from that content, and to make quicker decisions as a result. Now generally available, every SharePoint site will include an agent tailored to its content. Users can also create customized agents scoped to select SharePoint files, folders or sites with as little as one click.
- Interpreter: This agent in Teams helps users overcome language barriers by enabling real-time, speech-to-speech interpretation in meetings. Available in public preview in early 2025, meeting participants will also have the option to have the agent simulate their personal voice.
- The Employee Self-Service Agent: An agent available in private preview in Business Chat expedites answers for the most common policy-related questions and simplifies action-taking on key HR and IT-related tasks — like helping employees understand their benefits or request a new laptop. It can be customized in Copilot Studio to meet an organization’s unique needs.
- Other agents in public preview take real-time meeting notes in Teams and automate project management from start to finish in Planner.
Copilot + AI Stack
The Copilot stack empowers users to build more ambitious products by leveraging advanced technology at each layer of the stack. To create a unified experience where customers can design, customize and manage AI applications and agents, we are introducing Azure AI Foundry, which gives customers access to all existing Azure AI services and tooling, plus new capabilities like:
- Azure AI Foundry SDK, now available in preview, provides a unified toolchain for designing, customizing and managing AI apps and agents with enterprise-grade control and customization. With tools that help organizations responsibly scale their applications, Foundry also provides 25 prebuilt app templates and a simplified coding experience they can access from familiar tools like GitHub, Visual Studio and Copilot Studio.
- Azure AI Foundry portal (formerly Azure AI Studio), now available in preview, is a comprehensive visual user interface to help developers discover AI models, services and tools. With a new management center experience that brings essential subscription information into a single dashboard, the portal also helps IT admins, operations and compliance teams manage AI applications at scale.
- Azure AI Agent Service, coming soon to preview, will enable professional developers to orchestrate, deploy and scale enterprise enterprise-ready agents to automate business processes.
We also continue to back up our Trustworthy AI commitments with new tools. Today we’re announcing AI reports and risk and safety evaluations for images to help organizations ensure AI applications are safe and compliant. AI reports will help organizations improve observability, collaboration and governance for AI apps and fine-tuned models, while evaluations for image content will help customers assess the frequency and severity of harmful content in their app’s AI-generated outputs.
Copilot+ devices
As organizations move more workloads to the cloud to enhance security and flexibility, Microsoft is expanding its Cloud PC solution by introducing the first in a new class of devices purpose-built to connect securely to Windows 365 in seconds.
Windows 365 Link is the simple, secure, purpose-built device for Windows 365. It is in preview now and will become generally available for purchase starting in April 2025 in select markets with an MSRP of $349, allowing users to work securely in a familiar Windows desktop in the Microsoft Cloud with responsive, high-fidelity experiences.
Windows 365 Link is secure by design. The device has no local data, no local apps and admin-less users so corporate data stays protected within the Microsoft Cloud.
Other new capabilities for Copilot+ PCs for commercial customers include harnessing the power of inbuilt native processing units (NPUs) to deliver local AI. With improved Windows Search, and the new Recall experience (preview), finding what you need on your PC is easier than ever by just describing what you are looking for. These features are releasing first to our Windows Insider community on Copilot+ PCs before rolling out more broadly to our customers.
BlackRock momentum
Four years ago, BlackRock, one of the world’s pre-eminent asset management firms, formed a strategic alliance with Microsoft to move its Aladdin platform to Microsoft Azure. With this foundation on Azure, BlackRock rolled out generative AI tools for global clients with Aladdin Copilot. Through generative AI, Aladdin Copilot serves to strengthen the connective tissue across the platform, leveraging Microsoft technology to help users receive answers instantly to unlock new efficiencies and discover important business insights even faster. Aladdin Copilot makes BlackRock’s Aladdin platform even more intelligent and responsive. That results in enhanced productivity, enables scale and keeps users more informed.
BlackRock’s move to Azure and launch of Aladdin Copilot are just two of the many ongoing milestones in a long-term partnership that also includes an enterprise-wide deal for 24,000 seats of Microsoft 365 Copilot. Today, about 60% of BlackRock’s Copilot user population is leveraging Copilot on a weekly basis. Additionally, BlackRock also recently made the choice to move its on-prem CRM solution to the cloud with Dynamics 365, citing its native integration with Teams and Outlook as one of its primary decision-making factors.
Strength in security
We know that the threat landscape is rapidly evolving, and it’s imperative that we stay ahead of bad actors. At Microsoft we believe that security is a team sport, and we are stronger when we partner as a security community to share information, collaborate and stop bad actors.
In that spirit, and as part of our Secure Future Initiative (SFI), at Ignite we are announcing the largest public security research event in history: the Zero Day Quest. This event, which focuses on AI and cloud security, will offer the largest award pool in the industry at $4 million, in addition to our existing $16 million annual bounty program. This competition aims to attract the world’s best security minds to tackle high-impact scenarios critical to our customers’ security, with award multipliers, starting today.
As the threat landscape has changed, we have seen rapid evolution in the way attackers exploit weaknesses within systems — particularly by navigating graph relationships between identities, files and devices to uncover attack paths. Attackers thinking in graphs cause wider damage from the first point of intrusion. Traditional security products, with limited visibility into these graph relationships, are often better suited to protect specific devices or mediums — like laptops or inboxes — rather than the full scope of potential attack surface.
Today’s Microsoft Security Exposure Management launch is a pivotal step in transforming cybersecurity with savvy data and AI-based strategies. The power of incorporating Microsoft graph data, in context with data from customers’ other third-party security tools, creates a powerful single pane of glass to visualize attack paths before threat actors do. With computing power and cloud-scale performance to distill powerful real-time mapping of assets and evolving risks, Exposure Management assists security teams in preventing intrusions and provides IT, operations and risk leaders with real-time data to support cyber risk decision-making.
This is only a small section of the many exciting features and updates we will be announcing at Ignite. As a reminder, you can view keynote sessions from Microsoft executives including Satya Nadella, Rajesh Jha, Scott Guthrie, Charlie Bell and Vasu Jakkal, live or on-demand.
Plus, you can get more on all these announcements by exploring the Book of News, the official compendium of all today’s news.
The post Ignite 2024: Why nearly 70% of the Fortune 500 now use Microsoft 365 Copilot appeared first on The Official Microsoft Blog.
Two things can be true at the same time. In the case of AI, it is absolutely true that the industry is moving incredibly fast and evolving quickly. It’s also true that hundreds of thousands of customers are using Microsoft AI technology today and, by making early bets on the platform, are seeing big benefits…
The post Ignite 2024: Why nearly 70% of the Fortune 500 now use Microsoft 365 Copilot appeared first on The Official Microsoft Blog.Read More
Indonesian Teachers Won AI TEACH Regional Hackathon with Generative AI-Powered Learning Applications
Two teacher groups from Indonesia—the AI-ASIS (student assistant) team from Sorong, West Papua and AI MISS YOU team from Probolinggo, East Java have secured 1st place and 2nd runner up of AI TEACH Regional Hackathon, an event held by ASEAN Foundation. Both groups earned triumph for their generative AI projects, created after learning about AI through the AI TEACH programme held by Yayasan Plan International Indonesia (Plan Indonesia) in collaboration with Microsoft Indonesia.
Dini Widiastuti, Executive Director of Plan Indonesia, explained that the participation of the Indonesian groups in this event serves as a proof of the teachers’ and students’ proficiency in using generative AI.
“Plan Indonesia is proud of the achievements of the three AI TEACH groups in this regional event. We hope that the development of AI can help improve workforce absorption, so that vocational students and educators can enjoy the same benefits. This is crucial, considering that vocational graduates, especially alumni of Vocational High Schools, still contribute the highest share to the Open Unemployment Rate in Indonesia, at 9.01 percent (BPS, 2024). After the competition, it is expected that teachers and students can share their knowledge with even more people,” said Dini.
AI TEACH is a program to improve generative AI fluency for vocational educators and students in the ASEAN region. AI TEACH is implemented in Indonesia by Plan Indonesia, in Malaysia by the Biji-Biji Initiative, and is monitored regionally by the ASEAN Foundation. This initiative is fully supported by Microsoft, aimed at shaping the region’s tech future where AI proficiency is a cornerstone of success.
“Empowering individuals through AI skilling is at the heart of Microsoft’s mission, ensuring everyone has the tools and knowledge to thrive in a digital future. By equipping teachers with AI skills, we enable them to inspire and guide the next generation in navigating an increasingly complex technological landscape. We are both thrilled and grateful to see the teachers’ enthusiasm in learning and innovating with AI,” said Supahrat Juramongkol, Philanthropies Lead, Microsoft ASEAN.
Indonesian Educators Transforming Learning with AI
First-place winner, the AI-ASIS team, leveraged the usage of generative AI[1] in creating a learning application that will automatically answer student questions about specific school subjects based on the teachers’ curated learning materials. Markus Dwiyanto Tobi, teacher-chief of the team explained how the idea came from the will to help students learning more independently, while also enabling teachers to become facilitators, as required by the Merdeka curriculum.
“We have tested this application in three different schools, including those in the most remote part of Indonesia (3T), and saw how it helped the teachers and the students. We hope to extend the use of this application, so it may benefit more Indonesian students, including those with disabilities,” said Markus at the ASEAN Secretariat on Thursday (14/11).
Meanwhile, Suci Romadani, teacher-representative of the AI MISS YOU (Artificial Intelligence to Improve Students’ Original and Unique Critical Reasoning) team explained, her team explored the probability of teaching generative AI to high school students, while also still incorporating teachers’ guidance. The AI MISS YOU team and its students utilized several AI tools to research, experiment, and finally create a beverage called ‘The Dahaga’ from mango leaves—known as Probolinggo’s special delicacy. “We created the AI MISS YOU project so the students will not take suggestions by AI blindly, but to observe them critically. Our team believe that the future is not controlled by AI, but by those who master the AI,” Suci said.
The hackathon was carried out just in time, especially as Microsoft and LinkedIn’s Work Trend Index 2024 shows that as many as 92 percent of knowledge workers[2] in Indonesia already use generative AI at work, surpassing global (75 percent) and Asia Pacific (83%) averages. Meanwhile, Kearney predicts that AI can contribute to increasing Indonesia’s GDP by up to 12 percent or around 366 billion US dollars by 2030.
After the regional hackathon event, the AI TEACH program will enter its final round of implementation in Indonesia. Up to November 2024, this program has reached 2,500 teachers and students from across Indonesia.
[1] Prompt-based AI tool used to generate visual, text, or audio instantly based on machine repository.
[2]Those who typically work at a desk (whether in an office or at home). This group includes those who are in person or working remotely in some capacity.
Indonesian Team Profile – Participants in the AI TEACH Regional Hackathon
Group 1
“Implementation of AI ASIS (Student Assistant) to Improve Assessment and Learning in the Independent Curriculum in Vocational High Schools”
Main Teacher/Group Leader: Markus Dwiyanto Tobi Sogen
Region of Origin: Sorong, West Papua
Markus Dwiyanto and his team developed AI ASIS to automatically answer student questions. Its use is considered easy, because the application is integrated into existing devices, so teachers do not need to switch applications.
Although students are more involved as users and not developers, this project is considered ready to be implemented more widely. The total duration of application development is 6 months, with trials on 50 students.
Group 2
“AI MISS YOU (Artificial Intelligence to Improve Students’ Original and Unique Critical Reasoning)”
Main Teacher/Group Leader: Fafan Adisumboro
Region of Origin: Probolinggo, East Java
Fafan and his team created the AI MISS YOU project to teach students not to immediately accept information obtained through AI, but to process and think about its contents first. This process is considered important so that students remain critical and creative in gaining knowledge.
The AI MISS YOU team succeeded in creating an interesting project concept by actively involving students. Their presentation was also clear, easy to understand, and very relevant to current learning.
Group 3
“Team-Based Learning (TBL) Assisted by AI”
Main Teacher/Group Leader: M. Elfin Noor
Region of Origin: Jepara, Central Java
Starting from the concerns of students and teachers, Elfin Noor and a team consisting of teachers and students created TBL Assisted by AI to facilitate the teaching and learning process in schools. The team utilizes effective collaboration between teachers and students to complete the project, starting from the ideation stage to prototyping and testing.
Elfin Noor and his team’s project use the Team-Based Learning (TBL) method, which is a type of learning that involves both teachers and students to form a learning team to strengthen each student’s hard and soft skills. By combining the TBL method and the use of AI, this project aims to make it easier for teachers to teach, as well as help students find achievements, learning styles, and provide healthy competition to achieve learning targets. This grouping allows provision of materials and assignments that are suitable for each group’s level of abilities. In addition, the project provides flexibility and versatility that allows usage of AI-assisted TBL across various levels of education and subjects.
Guru Indonesia Memenangkan Hackathon Regional AI TEACH melalui Aplikasi Pembelajaran Berbasis AI Generatif
Read in English here.
Dua kelompok pendidik dari Indonesia—tim AI-ASIS (student assistant) dari Sorong, Papua Barat dan tim AI MISS YOU dari Probolinggo, Jawa Timur—berhasil meraih posisi juara 1 dan juara 3 dari ajang hackathon regional AI TEACH, acara yang diselenggarakan oleh ASEAN Foundation. Kedua kelompok ini meraih kemenangan melalui penciptaan proyek pembelajaran berbasis kecerdasan buatan (Artificial Intelligence atau AI) Generatif—sebuah kemampuan yang didapat melalui program AI TEACH yang diselenggarakan oleh Yayasan Plan International Indonesia (Plan Indonesia) dengan dukungan Microsoft Indonesia.
Dini Widiastuti, Direktur Eksekutif Plan Indonesia menjelaskan, keikutsertaan kelompok Indonesia dalam ajang regional ini merupakan bukti dari kefasihan para guru dan murid dalam menggunakan alat AI Generatif di bidang pendidikan vokasi.
“Plan Indonesia turut berbangga atas pencapaian ketiga kelompok AI TEACH di ajang regional ini. Kami berharap, perkembangan AI dapat membantu meningkatkan penyerapan tenaga kerja, sehingga pelajar dan pendidik vokasi dapat menikmati manfaat yang sama. Ini penting, mengingat lulusan vokasi, khususnya alumni Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan, masih menjadi penyumbang Tingkat Pengangguran Terbuka tertinggi di Indonesia, yaitu sebesar 9,01 persen (BPS, 2024). Setelah perlombaan, diharapkan para guru dan murid dapat berbagi pengetahuan kepada lebih banyak pihak lagi,” ujar Dini.
AI TEACH merupakan program peningkatan kemampuan penggunaan AI generatif agar pendidik dan murid vokasi di wilayah ASEAN dapat meningkatkan pengalaman mereka. AI TEACH di Indonesia dilaksanakan oleh Plan Indonesia, di Malaysia oleh Biji-Biji Initiative, dan dipantau secara regional oleh ASEAN Foundation. Inisiatif ini didukung penuh oleh Microsoft, sebagai bentuk dukungan pemerataan kemampuan AI di wilayah Asia Tenggara.
“Mendukung pemberdayaan individu melalui kemampuan AI adalah inti dari misi Microsoft. Terutama, agar semua orang memiliki alat dan pengetahuan yang diperlukan untuk meraih kesuksesan di masa depan. Dengan membekali para guru dengan kemampuan AI, kita mendukung mereka untuk menginspirasi dan membimbing generasi penerus dalam mengarungi lanskap teknologi yang kian kompleks ini. Kami sangat senang dan berbangga karena dapat melihat antusiasme para pengajar dalam mempelajari dan berinovasi dengan AI,” ujar Supahrat Juramongkol, Philanthropies Lead, Microsoft ASEAN.
Transformasi Pendidikan melalui AI oleh Para Guru Indonesia
Pemenang pertama hackathon regional AI TEACH, tim AI-ASIS, memanfaatkan penggunaan AI generatif[1] dalam membuat aplikasi pembelajaran yang secara otomatis akan menjawab pertanyaan murid berdasarkan materi pembelajaran yang telah dipilih oleh guru mereka. Markus Dwiyanto Tobi, guru sekaligus ketua tim AI-ASIS, menjelaskan bahwa ide ini berasal dari keinginan untuk membantu murid belajar lebih mandiri, sekaligus memungkinkan guru untuk menjadi fasilitator, seperti prinsip kurikulum Merdeka.
“Kami telah menguji aplikasi ini di tiga sekolah yang berbeda, termasuk yang berada di bagian paling terpencil di Indonesia (3T), dan melihat bagaimana aplikasi AI-ASIS membantu para guru dan murid. Kami berharap dapat memperluas penggunaan aplikasi, sehingga dapat bermanfaat bagi lebih banyak murid Indonesia, termasuk para murid dengan disabilitas,” kata Markus di Gedung Sekretariat ASEAN, Kamis (14/11).
Sementara itu, Suci Romadani, perwakilan dari tim AI MISS YOU (Artificial Intelligence to Improve Students’ Original and Unique Critical Reasoning) menjelaskan, timnya mengeksplorasi kemungkinakan mengajarkan AI generatif kepada murid SMA, sambil tetap memastikan adanya bimbingan guru. Tim AI MISS YOU dan para murid yang berpartisipasi menggunakan beberapa alat AI untuk meneliti, bereksperimen, dan akhirnya membuat minuman yang disebut ‘Teh Dahaga’ dari daun mangga—yang dikenal sebagai buah khas Probolinggo. “Kami membuat proyek AI MISS YOU agar murid tidak akan menerima saran AI mentah-mentah, tetapi agar mereka juga bias menilai informasi yang ada dengan kritis. Tim kami percaya bahwa masa depan tidak dikendalikan oleh AI, tetapi oleh mereka yang menguasai AI,” kata Suci.
Ajang hackathon regional ini dapat dikatakan dilakukan tepat waktu, terutama karena Microsoft dan LinkedIn Work Trend Index 2024 menunjukkan bahwa sebanyak 92 persen Pekerja Berpengetahuan[2] di Indonesia sudah menggunakan AI generatif di tempat kerja mereka. Angka ini melampaui rata-rata global (75 persen) dan Asia Pasifik (83 persen). Sementara itu, Kearney memprediksi AI dapat berkontribusi dalam meningkatkan PDB Indonesia hingga 12 persen atau sekitar 366 miliar dolar AS pada tahun 2030.
Setelah ajang hackathon regional, program AI TEACH memasuki fase implementasi terakhirnya di Indonesia. Hingga November 2024, program ini telah menjangkau 2.500 orang pendidik dan murid dari berbagai wilayah di Indonesia.
Profil Tim Nasional –Partisipan Hackathon Regional AI TEACH
Kelompok 1
“Implementasi AI ASIS (Asisten Siswa) untuk Meningkatkan Asesmen dan Pembelajaran dalam Kurikulum Merdeka di SMK”
Guru Utama/Ketua Kelompok: Markus Dwiyanto Tobi Sogen
Asal Daerah: Sorong, Papua Barat
Markus Dwiyanto dan tim mengembangkan AI ASIS untuk menjawab pertanyaan murid secara otomatis. Penggunaannya tergolong mudah, karena aplikasi ini diintegrasikan ke dalam perangkat yang sudah ada, sehingga guru tidak perlu berganti-ganti aplikasi.
Meskipun murid terlibat lebih sebagai pengguna dan bukan pengembang, proyek ini dinilai sudah siap diterapkan lebih luas. Total durasi pengembangan aplikasi adalah selama 6 bulan, dengan ujicoba kepada 50 murid.
Kelompok 2
“AI MISS YOU (Artificial Intelligence untuk Meningkatkan Bernalar Kritis Siswa Yang Original dan Unik)”
Guru Utama/Ketua Kelompok: Fafan Adisumboro
Asal Daerah: Probolinggo, Jawa Timur
Fafan dan tim membuat proyek AI MISS YOU untuk mengajarkan murid agar tidak langsung menerima informasi yang diperoleh lewat AI, melainkan mengolah dan memikirkan isinya terlebih dulu. Proses ini dinilai penting agar murid tetap kritis dan kreatif dalam memperoleh ilmu.
Tim AI MISS YOU berhasil menciptakan konsep proyek yang menarik dengan melibatkan murid secara aktif. Presentasi mereka juga jelas, mudah dipahami, serta sangat relevan bagi pembelajaran saat ini.
Kelompok 3
“Team-Based Learning (TBL) Berbantuan AI”
Guru Utama/Ketua Kelompok: M. Elfin Noor
Asal Daerah: Jepara, Jawa Tengah
Berangkat dari keresahan murid dan guru, Elfin Noor dan tim yang terdiri dari guru dan murid membuat TBL Berbantuan AI untuk mempermudah proses belajar-mengajar di sekolah. Hal ini dilakukan dengan kolaborasi yang efektif antara guru dengan murid, mulai dari tahap ideasi hingga prototyping dan testing.
Proyek Elfin Noor dan tim ini menggunakan metode Team-Based Learning (TBL), yaitu jenis pembelajaran yang melibatkan sekelompok murid untuk membentuk tim belajar guna memperkuat hard skill dan soft skill setiap murid. Dengan menggabungkan metode TBL dan pemanfaatan AI, proyek ini bertujuan memudahkan guru dalam mengajar, serta membantu murid menemukan prestasi, gaya belajar, dan memberikan persaingan yang sehat untuk mencapai target belajar. Pengelompokan ini memungkinkan pemberian materi dan tugas yang sesuai dengan tingkat kemampuan masing-masing kelompok. Selain itu, fleksibilitas dan keserbagunaannya memungkinkan penggunaan TBL berbantuan AI di berbagai tingkat pendidikan dan mata pelajaran.
[1] Teknologi AI yang menggunakan teknik prompting untuk membuat visual, teks, hingga audio secara instan berdasarkan repositori mesin yang ada.
[2] Pekerja yang biasanya bekerja di balik meja, baik di kantor maupun di rumah.
8080 Books, an imprint of Microsoft, launches, offering thought leadership titles spanning technology, business and society
As fans of books, especially in their physical format, it is our great pleasure to launch 8080 Books, an imprint of Microsoft. Our first title, No Prize for Pessimism, is authored by Sam Schillace, deputy chief technology officer at Microsoft, and is available today. Our second title, Platform Mindset, by Marcus Fontoura, will be available later this year.
Computing has become an essential ingredient to almost every endeavor on our planet, and, as students of both Microsoft and technology, our goal with 8080 Books is to publish original research, ideas and insights at the intersection of science, technology and business, and, in doing so, to help advance discourse on this important landscape.
The name of our imprint takes its inspiration from the 8080 microprocessor — a foundation for the company’s earliest software breakthroughs. Not coincidentally, 8080 is also the last four digits of Microsoft’s corporate headquarters phone number.
With a combined tenure of, well, let’s just say a long time, we’re both acutely aware of the rich well of talent at Microsoft from which we can draw upon and publish under the 8080 Books imprint over time. However, our intention is that we will seek to use this not just as a platform for Microsoft authors but also to showcase minds and ideas from outside of the company.
While we are not currently accepting unsolicited manuscripts, our website does provide more details about our plans, such as evaluating out of print titles that we feel remain relevant to today’s leaders, and why we feel the time is right to launch this imprint.
We hope you enjoy our launch title, which is available here, and we look forward to hearing your feedback, questions and ideas as we embark on this new adventure.
For anyone in the Puget Sound area, we invite you to Schillace’s first reading and signing at Brick & Mortar Books, on Wednesday, Dec. 11 in Redmond, Washington. Check here for details. Space is limited.
The post 8080 Books, an imprint of Microsoft, launches, offering thought leadership titles spanning technology, business and society appeared first on The Official Microsoft Blog.
As fans of books, especially in their physical format, it is our great pleasure to launch 8080 Books, an imprint of Microsoft. Our first title, No Prize for Pessimism, is authored by Sam Schillace, deputy chief technology officer at Microsoft, and is available today. Our second title, Platform Mindset, by Marcus Fontoura, will be available…
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GovAI Hackathon Produces Five Generative AI Solutions to Improve the Quality of Government Services in Indonesia
The Ministry of Finance, in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Health, along with Microsoft Indonesia, Association of State-Owned Banks (Himbara/Himpunan Bank Negara), and Telkom Indonesia, have successfully concluded the 2024 GovAI Hackathon series. The innovative competition, open to all Indonesians, aimed to drive AI breakthroughs in artificial intelligence (AI) – especially generative AI – across four critical themes in government services. This year’s event attracted 191 teams comprising 495 participants, an increase of more than 100 percent compared to the previous year’s event with 93 teams from 271 participants.
The four themes addressed during the competition included: (1) stunting prevention and improving school children’s nutrition, (2) integrated and responsive digital public services, (3) economic diplomacy and empowerment of MSMEs for exports, as well as (4) transparent and accountable state financial management. Additional institutions, such as MoF-DAC, BPS, BRAIN IPB, KORIKA, University of Indonesia, and PKN STAN, also played active roles in organizing the 2024 GovAI Hackathon.
Agus Rofiudin, OBTI Expert Staff and CIO of the Ministry of Finance said, “Indonesia has entered the digital era at an accelerated pace. With internet penetration exceeding 72%, the potential for leveraging technology, especially AI, in the public sector to enhance the quality of life is immense. That’s why we organized the GovAI Hackathon—to gather innovative, AI-driven ideas from Indonesia’s brightest talents to assist the government in delivering higher-quality public services.”
The event series, which began in October 2024, was inaugurated with AI training open to the public. These included seven online classes led by speakers from Microsoft and Nawatech, attended by over 1,000 participants. Armed with the training, a total of 147 teams submitted their generative AI solution ideas, with 10 selected teams receiving further assistance from Microsoft, the Ministry of Finance – Data Analytics Community (MoF-DAC), and other Ministries and Institutions to create Minimum Viable Products (MVPs)[1] for their ideas, using Microsoft Azure technology. Of the 10 MVPs, 5 have now been selected, and their MVPs will be realized in government programs.
Acep Somantri, Expert Staff for Management of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said, “The highest appreciation for the participants of the GovAI Hackathon 2024 who have provided inspiration for various improvements to government services based on generative AI technology. The ideas with a complete technology architecture from the participants are proof of the great potential of AI in Indonesia. We believe that collaboration between the government, the private sector, and academia will drive greater progress in Indonesia’s digital transformation, for the well-being of the Indonesian people.”
Five Selected Solutions for Indonesia
Here are the five selected solutions, which have realized their ideas into the form of MVPs:
UINNOVATOR with NuSantap, an innovative solution that integrates generative AI technology and computer vision. By utilizing AI algorithms, NuSantap is able to provide menu recommendations that are tailored to the nutritional needs of each individual and the availability of local food resources. Computer vision technology is used to accurately detect signs of nutritional deficiencies.
AI network with DIPLOMAT-AI, a generative AI for market intelligence analysis, mapping MSME export potential and foreign market penetration. The platform provides a one-stop solution with various analysis tools and AI-based prediction models, which are used to estimate market potential in various accreditation countries. In addition, DIPLOMAT-AI also offers comprehensive trade indicators, covering the role and direction of trade, trade structure, applicable regulations, and trade barriers in the destination country. DIPLOMAT-AI is equipped with a Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG)-based interactive chatbot generate Market Intelligence Report feature. This feature allows users to get market reports automatically compiled in PDF format as an easily accessible reference, as well as an interactive chatbot service that can answer questions about regulations, tariffs, and market opportunities in real time.
Project Ember with an AI-based solution that assesses carbon sequestration potential using satellite imagery. Data from satellite imagery that contains visual information about specific areas, such as vegetation and land conditions, is used as a raw material to map areas that have the potential to absorb carbon. Furthermore, the AI works to identify areas of interest by classifying which areas of vegetation and non-vegetation are highly accurate. Once the area of interest is identified, the analysis continues with the calculation of carbon potential based on plant type and area. Then adjustments will be made based on the density and health of the vegetation so that the resulting values are close to the actual conditions. The results of the analysis were converted into economic value estimates based on carbon price information in the current market.
AI4Indonesia with Trace.AI (Transparent Review and Cost Evaluation Powered by Gen-AI), an innovative generative AI-based solution to review and evaluate budgets effectively and transparently. This solution is automatically able to check proposal documents, as well as compare prices with internal and external data to detect indications of markup (adjusted to Government Regulation Number 12 of 2021 concerning the procurement of goods and services). Furthermore, the systems in this solution will provide data-driven recommendations and necessary actions, increasing efficiency, transparency, and accountability in every step of the procurement process.
Timses AITIES with Ainara, an innovative solution that integrates blockchain technology, smart contracts, and generative AI to create real-time transparency and accountability in village fund management. Every transaction is permanently recorded on the blockchain and smart contracts; ensuring that the disbursement of funds only occurs when conditions are met, thereby reducing the risk of corruption. With LaporNara, project progress reports are automatically compiled and can be accessed by the public through the PantauNara dashboard to facilitate monitoring. In addition, AwasNara detects expenditure anomalies that ensure funds are used according to standards. Ainara supports more open and participatory oversight and contributes to building a transparent and accountable future for villages.
In addition to the five selected solutions, special appreciation was also given to the other five finalists, namely:
- Sigma with the development of multi-agent AI in providing harmonized system code recommendations
- Sasyaditomonica with GARDA, Generative AI for Risk and Threat Detection
- Tomodachi with Mool Intelligence, a generative AI-powered government services marketplace
- NUTRI TEAM with NutriCare 1000, nurturing the first 1,000 days with AI
- Treasury Data Lab with FORTRESS-ID, Forecasting Overseas Risks and Threat Responses
Maya Arvini, Director of Public Sector at Microsoft Indonesia, stated, “We are honored to participate in the 2024 GovAI Hackathon. The surge in the number of participants this year indicates the rapid adoption of generative AI technology in Indonesia. This speed is in line with the findings of the 2024 Work Trend Index from Microsoft and LinkedIn, where 92% of knowledge workers in Indonesia are recorded to have used generative AI in the workplace, surpassing global (75%) and Asia Pacific (83%) figures. It is not only about speed; the ideas in the proposal and recommendations for a comprehensive technological architecture reflect real solutions to various critical issues in Indonesia. These ideas will create strong pillars to support Indonesia’s journey towards a Golden Indonesia 2045.”
[1]An early version of the product with the most basic features needed to meet the needs of early users. The goal of an MVP is to test business assumptions and get feedback from users quickly, so that developers can iterate and make improvements based on real data.
GovAI Hackathon Cetak Lima Solusi Generative AI untuk Tingkatkan Kualitas Layanan Pemerintahan di Indonesia
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Kementerian Keuangan bersama Kementerian Luar Negeri dan Kementerian Kesehatan, dalam kerja sama dengan Microsoft Indonesia, Himbara (Himpunan Bank Negara), dan Telkom Indonesia, baru saja menyelesaikan rangkaian GovAI Hackathon 2024. Kompetisi penciptaan solusi inovatif yang terbuka bagi seluruh masyarakat Indonesia dengan tujuan membuat terobosan AI–terutama generative AI–di empat tema besar layanan pemerintahan ini berhasil menarik 191 tim yang terdiri dari 495 peserta. Jumlah tersebut meningkat 100 persen lebih dibandingkan penyelenggaraan tahun sebelumnya dengan 93 tim dari 271 peserta.
Keempat tema besar yang dikompetisikan yakni: (1) pencegahan stunting dan peningkatan gizi anak sekolah, (2) pelayanan publik digital terintegrasi dan responsif, (3) diplomasi ekonomi dan pemberdayaan UMKM untuk ekspor, (4) serta pengelolaan keuangan negara yang transparan dan akuntabel. Dalam prosesnya, sejumlah lembaga lain juga mengambil peranan aktif dalam penyelenggaraan GovAI Hackathon 2024, seperti MoF-DAC, BPS, BRAIN IPB, KORIKA, Universitas Indonesia, dan PKN STAN.
Agus Rofiudin, Staf Ahli OBTI dan juga CIO Kemenkeu mengatakan, “Indonesia telah menapaki era digital dengan laju yang sangat pesat. Dengan penetrasi internet mencapai lebih dari 72%, potensi pemanfaatan teknologi, khususnya AI, di sektor pemerintahan untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup masyarakat sangatlah besar. Itulah sebabnya kami menyelenggarakan GovAI Hackathon, untuk mengumpulkan ide inovatif berbasis AI dari para talenta terbaik di Indonesia yang dapat membantu pemerintah meningkatkan kualitas layanan publik”.
Rangkaian kegiatan yang dilakukan sejak Oktober 2024 tersebut diawali dengan pelatihan AI untuk umum melalui tujuh kelas online bersama pembicara dari Microsoft dan Nawatech, dengan total peserta mencapai lebih dari seribu orang. Berbekalkan pelatihan yang diperoleh, sebanyak 147 tim mengumpulkan ide solusi generative AI mereka, dengan 10 tim terpilih mendapatkan pendampingan lanjutan dari Microsoft, Kementerian Keuangan – Komunitas Analisis Data (MoF-DAC), serta Kementerian Lembaga lain untuk menciptakan Minimum Viable Products (MVP)[1] atas ide mereka, dengan menggunakan teknologi Microsoft Azure. Dari 10 MVP tersebut, kini terpilih 5 yang MVP-nya akan diwujudkan dalam program pemerintah.
Acep Somantri, Staf Ahli Bidang Manajemen Kemenlu mengatakan, “Apresiasi tertinggi untuk para peserta GovAI Hackathon 2024 yang telah memberikan inspirasi ide akan berbagai peningkatan layanan pemerintahan berbasis teknologi generative AI. Ide dengan arsitektur teknologi yang lengkap dari para peserta menjadi bukti akan besarnya potensi AI di Indonesia. Kami percaya bahwa kolaborasi antara pemerintah, sektor swasta, dan akademisi akan mendorong kemajuan yang lebih besar dalam transformasi digital Indonesia, demi kesejahteraan rakyat Indonesia.”
Lima Solusi Terpilih untuk Indonesia
Berikut adalah kelima solusi terpilih, yang telah merealisasikan ide mereka ke dalam bentuk MVP:
UINNOVATOR dengan NuSantap, solusi inovatif yang mengintegrasikan teknologi generative AI dan computer vision. Dengan memanfaatkan algoritma AI, NuSantap mampu memberikan rekomendasi menu yang disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan gizi setiap individu serta ketersediaan sumber daya pangan lokal. Teknologi computer vision digunakan untuk mendeteksi tanda-tanda defisiensi nutrisi secara akurat.
Network AI dengan DIPLOMAT-AI, suatu generative AI untuk analisis market intelligence pemetaan potensi ekspor UMKM dan penetrasi pasar luar negeri. Platform ini menyediakan one-stop solution dengan berbagai alat analisis dan model prediksi berbasis AI, yang digunakan untuk memperkirakan potensi pasar di berbagai negara akreditasi. Selain itu, DIPLOMAT-AI juga menawarkan indikator perdagangan yang komprehensif, meliputi peran dan arah perdagangan, struktur perdagangan, regulasi yang berlaku, dan hambatan perdagangan di negara tujuan. DIPLOMAT-AI dilengkapi dengan dengan fitur generate Market Intelligence Report dan chatbot interaktif berbasis Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG). Fitur ini memungkinkan pengguna untuk mendapatkan laporan pasar yang disusun secara otomatis dalam format PDF sebagai referensi yang mudah diakses, serta layanan chatbot interaktif yang dapat menjawab pertanyaan seputar regulasi, tarif, dan peluang pasar secara real time.
Ember Proyek dengan solusi berbasis AI yang melakukan penilaian potensi serapan karbon menggunakan citra satelit. Data dari citra satelit yang berisi informasi visual mengenai wilayah tertentu seperti vegetasi dan kondisi lahan digunakan sebagai bahan mentah untuk memetakan area yang berpotensi menyerap karbon. Selanjutnya, AI bekerja untuk mengidentifikasi area of interest dengan mengklasifikasikan mana area vegatasi dan non-vegetasi berakurasi tinggi. Setelah area of interest teridentifikasi, analisis dilanjutkan dengan perhitungan potensi karbon berdasarkan jenis tanaman dan luas. Kemudian akan dilakukan penyesuaian berdasarkan kerapatan dan kesehatan vegetas sehingga nilai yang dihasilkan mendekati kondisi yang sebenarnya. Hasil analisis dilakukan konversi estimasi nilai ekonomi berdasarkan informasi harga karbon di pasar saat ini.
AI4Indonesia dengan Trace.AI (Transparent Review and Cost Evaluation Powered by Gen-AI), sebuah solusi inovatif berbasi generative AI untuk meninjau dan mengevaluasi anggaran secara efektif dan transparan. Solusi ini secara otomatis mampu memeriksa dokumen proposal, serta membandingkan harga dengan data internal dan eksternal untuk mendeteksi indikasi mark-up (disesuaikan dengan PP Nomor 12 Tahun 2021 tentang pengadaan barang dan jasa). Selanjutnya, sistem dalam solusi ini akan memberikan rekomendasi berbasis data dan tindakan yang diperlukan, meningkatkan efisiensi, transparansi, dan akuntabilitas dalam setiap langkah proses pengadaan.
Timses AITIES dengan Ainara, solusi inovatif yang mengintegrasikan teknologi blockchain, smart contracts, dan generative AI untuk menciptakan transparansi dan akuntabilitas real time dalam pengelolaan dana desa. Setiap transaksi dicatat permanen di blockchain dan smart contracts; memastikan penyaluran dana hanya terjadi saat syarat terpenuhi, sehingga mengurangi risiko korupsi. Dengan LaporNara, laporan progres proyek disusun otomatis dan dapat diakses publik melalui dashboard PantauNara untuk memudahkan pemantauan. Selain itu, AwasNara mendeteksi anomali pengeluaran yang memastikan dana digunakan sesuai standar. Ainara mendukung pengawasan yang lebih terbuka dan partisipatif serta berkontribusi dalam membangun masa depan desa yang transparan dan akuntabel.
Selain kelima solusi terpilih tersebut, apresiasi khusus juga diberikan kepada lima finalis lainnya, yaitu:
- Sigma dengan pengembangan multi agent AI dalam memberikan rekomendasi kode harmonized system
- Sasyaditomonica dengan GARDA, Generative AI untuk Risiko dan Deteksi Ancaman
- Tomodachi dengan Mool Intelligence, sebuah generative AI-powered government services marketplace
- NUTRI TEAM dengan NutriCare 1000, nurturing the first 1.000 days with AI
- Treasury Data Lab dengan FORTRESS-ID, Forecasting Overseas Risks and Threat Responses
Maya Arvini, Direktur Sektor Publik Microsoft Indonesia mengatakan “Kami merasa terhormat dapat berpartisipasi dalam penyelenggaraan GovAI Hackathon 2024. Lonjakan jumlah peserta tahun ini mengindikasikan cepatnya tingkat adopsi teknologi generative AI masyarakat Indonesia. Kecepatan ini selaras dengan temuan Work Trend Index 2024 dari Microsoft dan LinkedIn, di mana 92% knowledge workers di Indonesia tercatat sudah menggunakan generative AI di tempat kerja; lebih tinggi dibandingkan angka global (75%) dan Asia Pasifik (83%). Tidak hanya soal kecepatan, ide-ide yang ada di dalam proposal, berikut rekomendasi arsitektur teknologinya yang komprehensif, juga menujukkan solusi nyata dari berbagai isu kritikal di Indonesia. Berbagai ide tersebut akan menciptakan pilar kuat untuk mendukung perjalanan Indonesia menuju Indonesia Emas 2045.”
[1]Versi awal produk dengan fitur paling dasar yang diperlukan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pengguna awal. Tujuan MVP adalah menguji asumsi bisnis dan mendapatkan umpan balik dari pengguna dengan cepat, sehingga pengembang dapat melakukan iterasi dan perbaikan berdasarkan data nyata.
From questions to discoveries: NASA’s new Earth Copilot brings Microsoft AI capabilities to democratize access to complex data
Every day, NASA’s satellites orbit Earth, capturing a wealth of information that helps us understand our planet. From monitoring wildfires to tracking climate change, this vast trove of Earth Science data has the potential to drive scientific discoveries, inform policy decisions and support industries like agriculture, urban planning and disaster response.
But navigating the over 100 petabytes of collected data can be challenging, which is why NASA has collaborated with Microsoft to explore the use of a custom copilot using Azure OpenAI Service to develop NASA’s Earth Copilot, which could transform how people interact with Earth’s data.
Geospatial data is complex, and often requires some level of technical expertise to navigate it. As a result, this data tends to be accessible only to a limited number of researchers and scientists. As NASA collects more data from new satellites, these complexities only grow and may further limit the potential pool of people able to draw insights and develop applications that could benefit society.
Recognizing this challenge, NASA embarked on a mission to make its data more accessible and user-friendly. As part of its Transform to Open Science initiative, the agency seeks to democratize data access, breaking down technical barriers to empower a diverse range of audiences, from scientists and educators to policymakers and the general public.
The challenge: Navigating the complexity of data
NASA’s Earth Science Data Systems Program is responsible for collecting an incredible variety of data from spaceborne sensors and instruments. This data spans everything from atmospheric conditions to land cover changes, ocean temperatures and more. However, the sheer scale and complexity of this information can be overwhelming. For many, finding and extracting insights requires navigating technical interfaces, understanding data formats and mastering the intricacies of geospatial analysis — specialized skills that very few non-technical users possess. AI could streamline this process, reducing time to gain insights from Earth’s data to a matter of seconds.
This issue isn’t just a matter of convenience; it has real-world implications. For example, scientists who need to analyze historical data on hurricanes to improve predictive models, or policymakers who want to study deforestation patterns to implement environmental regulations, may find themselves unable to easily access the data they need. This inaccessibility affects a broad array of sectors, including agriculture, urban planning and disaster response, where timely insights from spaceborne data could make a significant difference.
Moreover, as new satellites with new instruments continue to launch and collect more data, NASA is constantly faced with the challenge of building new tools to manage and make sense of this growing repository. The agency explored emerging technologies that could not only streamline data discovery but also broaden accessibility, enabling more people to engage with the data and uncover new insights.
The solution: AI-powered data access through Microsoft Azure
To address these challenges, NASA IMPACT worked with Microsoft to develop an AI-driven customer copilot, called Earth Copilot, which could simplify data access and encourage a wider range of users to interact with its Earth Science data. Together, they built the proof of concept AI model that leverages Microsoft’s Azure cloud platform and advanced AI capabilities to transform how users can search, discover and analyze NASA’s geospatial data.
The key to NASA’s Earth Copilot lies in the integration of cloud-based technologies like Azure OpenAI Service, which provides access to powerful AI models and natural language processing capabilities that enable developers to integrate intelligent, conversational AI into their applications. This approach allows NASA to integrate AI into its existing data analysis platform — VEDA. These technologies together make it easier for users to search, discover and analyze Earth Science data
By combining these technologies, Earth Copilot enables users to interact with NASA’s data repository through plain language queries. Instead, they can simply ask questions such as “What was the impact of Hurricane Ian in Sanibel Island?” or “How did the COVID-19 pandemic affect air quality in the US?” AI will then retrieve relevant datasets, making the process seamless and intuitive.
“Azure’s robust suite of services, including machine learning, data analytics and scalable cloud infrastructure, powers this AI prototype,” said Juan Carlos López, former NASA engineer and current Azure Specialist at Microsoft. “We’ve designed the system to handle complex queries and large datasets efficiently, ensuring that users can quickly find the information they need without getting bogged down by technical complexities. Our goal was to create a seamless, scalable solution that could evolve as NASA’s data, tools and applications grow.”
Democratizing data for open science
The collaboration between NASA IMPACT and Microsoft has resulted in a solution that democratizes access to spaceborne data, enabling a broader range of users to engage with NASA’s science data. This has significant benefits for the scientific community, as researchers can now spend less time on data retrieval and more on analysis and discovery. For example, climate scientists can quickly access historical data to study trends, while agricultural experts can gain insights into soil moisture levels to improve crop management.
Educators and teachers can use real-world examples to engage students in Earth Science, fostering curiosity and encouraging the next generation of scientists and engineers. Policymakers can leverage the data to make informed decisions on critical issues like climate change, urban development and disaster preparedness, ensuring they have the most accurate information at their fingertips.
“The vision behind this collaboration was to leverage AI and cloud technologies to bring Earth’s insights to communities that have been underserved, where access to data can lead to tangible improvements,” said Minh Nguyen, Cloud Solution Architect at Microsoft. “By enabling users to interact with the data through simple, plain language queries, we’re helping to democratize access to spaceborne information.”
The development of this AI prototype aligns with NASA’s Open Science initiative, which aims to make scientific research more transparent, inclusive and collaborative. By removing barriers to data discovery, NASA and Microsoft are setting the stage for a new era of discovery, where insights are not confined to a select few but can be explored and expanded by anyone curious about the world.
Looking ahead: Bridging the gap between data and insights
At the moment, the NASA Earth Copilot is available to NASA scientists and researchers to explore and test its capabilities. Any responsible deployment of AI technologies requires rigorous assessments to ensure the data and outputs cannot be misused. After a period of internal evaluations and testing, the NASA IMPACT team will explore the integration of this capability into the VEDA platform.
This collaboration exemplifies how technology can empower people, drive innovation and create positive change. Solutions like this will be essential in ensuring the benefits of data are shared widely, enabling more people to engage with, analyze and act upon information that shapes our world.
The post From questions to discoveries: NASA’s new Earth Copilot brings Microsoft AI capabilities to democratize access to complex data appeared first on The Official Microsoft Blog.
Every day, NASA’s satellites orbit Earth, capturing a wealth of information that helps us understand our planet. From monitoring wildfires to tracking climate change, this vast trove of Earth Science data has the potential to drive scientific discoveries, inform policy decisions and support industries like agriculture, urban planning and disaster response. But navigating the over…
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Microsoft introduces new adapted AI models for industry
Across every industry, AI is creating a fundamental shift in what’s possible, enabling new use cases and driving business outcomes. While organizations around the world recognize the value and potential of AI, for AI to be truly effective it must be tailored to specific industry needs.
Today, we’re announcing adapted AI models, expanding our industry capabilities and enabling organizations to address their unique needs more accurately and effectively. In collaboration with industry partner experts like Bayer, Cerence, Rockwell Automation, Saifr, Siemens Digital Industries Software, Sight Machine and more, we’re making these fine-tuned models, pre-trained using industry-specific data, available to address customers’ top use cases.
Underpinning these adapted AI models is the Microsoft Cloud, our platform for industry innovation. By integrating the Microsoft Cloud with our industry-specific capabilities and a robust ecosystem of partners, we provide a secure approach to advancing innovation across industries. This collaboration allows us to create extensive scenarios for customers globally, with embedded AI capabilities — from industry data solutions in Microsoft Fabric to AI agents in Microsoft Copilot Studio to AI models in Azure AI Studio — that enable industries to realize their full potential.
Introducing adapted AI models for industry
We’re pleased to introduce these new partner-enabled models from leading organizations that are leveraging the power of Microsoft’s Phi family of small language models (SLMs). These models will be available through the Azure AI model catalog, where customers can access a wide range of AI models to build custom AI solutions in Azure AI Studio, or directly from our partners. The models available in the Azure AI model catalog can also be used to configure agents in Microsoft Copilot Studio, a platform that allows customers to create, customize and deploy AI-powered agents, which can be applied to an industry’s top use cases to address its most pressing needs.
- Bayer, a global enterprise with core competencies in the life science fields of healthcare and agriculture, will make E.L.Y. Crop Protection available in the Azure AI model catalog. A specialized SLM, it is designed to enhance crop protection sustainable use, application, compliance and knowledge within the agriculture sector. Built on Bayer’s agricultural intelligence, and trained on thousands of real-world questions on Bayer crop protection labels, the model provides ag entities, their partners and developers a valuable tool to tailor solutions for specific food and agricultural needs. The model stands out due to its commitment to responsible AI standards, scalability to farm operations of all types and sizes and customization capabilities that allow organizations to adapt the model to regional and crop-specific requirements.
- Cerence, which creates intuitive, seamless and AI-powered user experiences for the world’s leading automakers, is enhancing its in-vehicle digital assistant technology with fine-tuned SLMs within the vehicle’s hardware. CaLLM Edge, an automotive-specific, embedded SLM, will be available in the Azure AI model catalog. It can be used for in-car controls, such as adjusting air conditioning systems, and scenarios that involve limited or no cloud connectivity, enabling drivers to access the rich, responsive experiences they’ve come to expect from cloud-based large language models (LLMs), no matter where they are.
- Rockwell Automation, a global leader in industrial automation and digital transformation, will provide industrial AI expertise via the Azure AI model catalog. The FT Optix Food & Beverage model brings the benefits of industry-specific capabilities to frontline workers in manufacturing, supporting asset troubleshooting in the food and beverage domain. The model provides timely recommendations, explanations and knowledge about specific manufacturing processes, machines and inputs to factory floor workers and engineers.
- Saifr, a RegTech within Fidelity Investments’ innovation incubator, Fidelity Labs, will introduce four new models in the Azure AI model catalog, empowering financial institutions to better manage regulatory compliance of broker-dealer communications and investment adviser advertising. The models can highlight potential regulatory compliance risks in text (Retail Marketing Compliance model) and images (Image Detection model); explain why something was flagged (Risk Interpretation model); and suggest alternative language that might be more compliant (Language Suggestion model). Together, these models can enhance regulatory compliance by acting as an extra set of review eyes and boost efficiency by speeding up review turnarounds and time to market.
- Siemens Digital Industries Software, which helps organizations of all sizes digitally transform using software, hardware and services from the Siemens Xcelerator business platform, is introducing a new copilot for NX X software, which leverages an adapted AI model that enables users to ask natural language questions, access detailed technical insights and streamline complex design tasks for faster and smarter product development. The copilot will provide CAD designers with AI-driven recommendations and best practices to optimize the design process within the NX X experience, helping engineers implement best practices faster to ensure expected quality from design to production. The NX X copilot will be available in the Azure Marketplace and other channels.
- Sight Machine, a leader in data-driven manufacturing and industrial AI, will release Factory Namespace Manager to the Azure AI model catalog. The model analyzes existing factory data, learns the patterns and rules behind the naming conventions and then automatically translates these data field names into standardized corporate formats. This translation makes the universe of plant data in the manufacturing enterprise AI-ready, enabling manufacturers to optimize production and energy use in plants, balance production with supply chain logistics and demand and integrate factory data with enterprise data systems for end-to-end optimization. The bottling company Swire Coca-Cola USA plans to use Factory Namespace Manager to efficiently map its extensive PLC and plant floor data into its corporate data namespace.
We also encourage innovation in the open-source ecosystem and are offering five open-source Hugging Face models that are fine-tuned for summarization and sentiment analysis of financial data.
Additionally, last month we announced new healthcare AI models in Azure AI Studio. These state-of-the-art multimodal medical imaging foundation models, created in partnership with organizations like Providence and, empower healthcare organizations to integrate and analyze a variety of data types, leveraging intelligence in modalities other than text in specialties like ophthalmology, pathology, radiology and cardiology.
Accelerating transformation with industry agents
Microsoft also offers AI agents that are purpose-built for industry scenarios. Available in Copilot Studio, these agents can be configured to support organizations’ industry-specific needs. For example, retailers can use the Store Operations Agent to support retail store associates and the Personalized Shopping Agent to enhance customers’ shopping experiences. Manufacturers can use the Factory Operations Agent to enhance production efficiency and reduce downtime by enabling engineers and frontline workers to quickly identify and troubleshoot issues.
All this AI innovation wouldn’t be possible without a solid data estate, because AI is only as good as the data it’s built upon. By ensuring data is accurate, accessible and well integrated, organizations can unlock deeper insights and drive more effective decision-making with AI. Microsoft Fabric, a data platform built for the era of AI, helps unify disparate data sources and prepares data for advanced analytics and AI modeling. It offers industry data solutions that address each organization’s unique needs and allows them to discover, deploy and do more with AI.
At the forefront of addressing industry needs securely
At the core of our AI strategy is a commitment to trustworthy AI. This commitment encompasses safety, security and privacy, ensuring that AI solutions are built with the highest standards of integrity and responsibility. Trustworthy AI is foundational to everything we do, from how we work with customers to the capabilities we build into our products.
At Microsoft, we combine industry AI experience, insights and capabilities with a deep understanding of customer challenges and objectives. Along with a trusted ecosystem of experienced partners, we unlock the full potential of AI for each industry and business. Our goal is not just to offer or implement AI tools but to help customers succeed by embedding AI into the very core of what each industry does.
AI transformation is here, and Microsoft is at the forefront of this revolution. As we continue to navigate this new era of innovation, it’s clear that AI will play a pivotal role in shaping the future of business across all industries and that Microsoft will continue to lead the way. To learn more about how customers in a variety of industries are transforming with AI, visit How real-world businesses are transforming with AI.
The post Microsoft introduces new adapted AI models for industry appeared first on The Official Microsoft Blog.
Across every industry, AI is creating a fundamental shift in what’s possible, enabling new use cases and driving business outcomes. While organizations around the world recognize the value and potential of AI, for AI to be truly effective it must be tailored to specific industry needs. Today, we’re announcing adapted AI models, expanding our industry…
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