Category: Microsoft
Category Archives: Microsoft
Simplify deletion of FHIR resources with the bulk delete operation in Azure Health Data Services
We are excited to share that the bulk delete capability for the FHIR® service in Azure Health Data Services is generally available. The FHIR service in Azure Health Data Services facilitates the exchange and persistence of health data by using the Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) open data standard.
High throughput deletion for efficient data management
The bulk delete capability enables organizations to delete FHIR resources at high throughput. Bulk delete is particularly beneficial for organizations looking to adhere to data retention policies and integrate this capability into their data management workflows.
What can bulk delete do?
Previously, the FHIR service allowed deletion at an individual resource level or in batches of 100 resources that meet specified search criteria, requiring customers to build a workflow to delete large sets of resources at a specific time.
Responding to customer feedback, the bulk delete capability supports high-throughput operations, which you can invoke at various levels:
System-level deletion: Allows for the deletion of resources from the FHIR server across all resource types. System-level deletion is useful for removing historical data or cleaning outdated records.
Individual resource types: Allows deletion of resources corresponding to specific resource types, which enables selective removal of data.
Query parameters for filtering: Supports query parameters that filter and identify resources for deletion, which allows deletion of resources based on specific criteria such as patient resources with a birthdate after a certain value.
The bulk delete capability in the FHIR service is a result of input from our customers. We’re excited to make this capability available to our customers on Azure API for FHIR as well.
For a comprehensive understanding of bulk delete capability, visit Bulk Delete in the FHIR service.
Do more with your data with the Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare
In the era of AI, Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare enables healthcare organizations to accelerate their data and AI journey by augmenting the Microsoft Cloud with industry-relevant data solutions, templates, and capabilities. With Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare, healthcare organizations can create connected patient experiences, empower their workforce, and unlock the value from clinical and operational data using data standards that are important to healthcare. And we’re doing all of this on a foundation of trust. Every organization needs to safeguard their business, their customers, and their data. Microsoft Cloud runs on trust, and we’re helping every organization build safety and responsibility into their AI journey from the very beginning.
We’re excited to help your organization gain value from your data and use AI innovation to deliver meaningful outcomes across the entire healthcare journey.
Learn more about Azure Health Data Services.
Explore Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare.
Stay up to date with Azure Health Data Services Release Notes.
FHIR® is the registered trademark of HL7 and is used with the permission of HL7.
Microsoft Tech Community – Latest Blogs –Read More
Berikutnya: Microsoft Build lanjutkan evolusi dan pengembangan alat AI untuk developer
Read the English version here
Kemajuan inovatif dalam AI memiliki dampak besar bagi Microsoft dan developer yang menggunakan teknologi kami untuk meningkatkan efisiensi, mendorong pengalaman pelanggan, dan menciptakan terobosan baru.
Selama setahun terakhir, kami telah membangun Microsoft Copilot dan merilis lebih dari 150 pembaruan terhadap Microsoft Copilot. Kami juga telah mengembangkan Copilot Stack, yang mengambil semua yang telah kami pelajari sejauh ini dan memungkinkan developer membangun copilot mereka sendiri.
Selain itu, selama dua tahun terakhir, GitHub Copilot telah menjadi alat AI developer yang paling banyak diadopsi, dengan 1,8 juta pelanggan berbayar.
Dan kemarin, kami baru saja memperkenalkan kategori baru PC Copilot+, PC yang paling cepat dan paling siap AI yang pernah dibangun.
Kami adalah pemimpin industri dalam AI, dan itulah sebabnya, saat kami memulai acara unggulan kami untuk developer, Microsoft Build, muncul satu pertanyaan di benak semua orang: Selanjutnya apa?
Pada hari Senin, kami memperkenalkan kelas baru PC Windows, PC Copilot+. Perangkat-perangkat ini dirancang untuk memungkinkan developer menghadirkan pengalaman AI yang berbeda, dan, bersama dengan fitur-fitur hebat yang kami umumkan di Build, menjadikan Windows sebagai platform yang paling terbuka untuk AI dan tempat terbaik bagi para developer.
Di Build, kami juga mengumumkan kelanjutan dari revolusi teknologi ini, termasuk:
Bagaimana Microsoft Fabric membantu developer dan pelanggan memanfaatkan data yang dinamis, atau informasi digital yang bergerak di dalam atau di antara sistem komputer, untuk membangun aplikasi cerdas.
Model baru yang memungkinkan developer untuk mengeksplorasi kemampuan multimodal yang mendukung teks, gambar, video, dan jenis data lainnya dalam aplikasi AI mereka, berevolusi melampaui prompt dan penyelesaian teks.
Kemitraan yang menunjukkan bagaimana AI dapat memengaruhi masa depan berbagai industri, termasuk pendidikan.
Dan bagaimana platform berbasis cloud yang terbuka dan fleksibel, dibangun di atas fondasi AI yang aman dan bertanggung jawab, dapat membantu developer
Microsoft Build selalu menjadi waktu yang menyenangkan bagi kami. Sekitar 200.000 orang telah mendaftar untuk bergabung dengan kami selama tiga hari guna mengikuti sesi pembelajaran teknis dan berjejaring bersama komunitas, dengan 4.000 orang hadir secara langsung di Seattle. Peserta dapat memilih dari lebih dari 300 sesi, demo, serta lab yang dipandu pakar dan instruktur dari Microsoft serta mitra kami. Bagi mereka yang tidak dapat hadir acara langsung, sebagian besar konten akan tersedia secara on-demand. Secara total, kami mengumumkan sekitar 60 produk dan solusi baru di acara tersebut.
Dengan pengantar Build tersebut, mari kita simak beberapa berita dan pengumuman.
Pengambilan keputusan cepat dengan Real-Time Intelligence
Untuk aplikasi AI yang paling efisien, bisnis perlu dapat mengualifikasikan, menganalisis, dan mengatur data. Ini terbukti menjadi langkah yang sulit. Real-Time Intelligence baru dalam Microsoft Fabric menyediakan solusi Software as a Service (SaaS) end-to-end yang memberdayakan pelanggan untuk bertindak berdasarkan data bervolume tinggi, sensitif terhadap waktu, dan sangat terperinci agar dapat membuat keputusan bisnis yang lebih cepat dan lebih tepat.
Real-Time Intelligence, sekarang dalam pratinjau, dapat membantu analis yang minim—atau bahkan tanpa—pengalaman coding, serta dapat menguntungkan developer profesional dengan antarmuka pengguna yang kaya kode. Misalnya, tim balap Dener Motorsport telah menggunakan Microsoft Fabric untuk mendukung analitik, penyimpanan, dan pelaporan real-time, memungkinkan mereka mempertahankan kinerja optimal dan memelihara mobil dalam kondisi baik, yang dapat membuat pengemudi lebih aman. Dener berencana untuk menggunakan Real-Time Intelligence sebagai bagian dari strategi kemenangan mereka untuk mendapatkan wawasan selama balapan.
Membangun aplikasi memerlukan fleksibilitas, penyesuaian, dan efisiensi untuk membuatnya layak bagi developer. Microsoft Fabric Workload Development Kit baru memungkinkan hal ini dengan memungkinkan vendor perangkat lunak independen (ISV) dan developer untuk memperluas aplikasi dalam Fabric, menciptakan pengalaman pengguna terpadu.
Pengalaman GitHub Copilot yang mendorong ekstensibilitas
GitHub memperkenalkan set pertama ekstensi GitHub Copilot, yang dikembangkan oleh Microsoft dan mitra pihak ketiga, dalam pratinjau pribadi. Penambahan ini memungkinkan developer dan organisasi untuk menyesuaikan pengalaman GitHub Copilot mereka dengan layanan pilihan mereka seperti Azure, Docker, Sentry, dan lainnya secara langsung dalam GitHub Copilot Chat.
GitHub Copilot for Azure, salah satu ekstensi dari Microsoft, menunjukkan bagaimana membangun dalam bahasa alami dengan berbagai kemampuan yang lebih luas dapat mendorong kecepatan pengembangan. Dengan menggunakan ekstensi melalui Copilot Chat, developer dapat mengeksplor dan mengelola sumber daya Azure, sekaligus memecahkan masalah dan menemukan log dan kode yang relevan.
Model baru dan kemampuan multimodal di Azure AI
GPT-4o, model andalan terbaru OpenAI, sekarang tersedia di Azure AI Studio dan sebagai API. Model multimodal inovatif ini mengintegrasikan pemrosesan teks, gambar, dan audio yang menetapkan standar baru dalam menyediakan pengalaman AI generatif.
Kami juga mengumumkan bahwa Phi-3-vision, model multimodal baru dalam keluarga model bahasa kecil (small language model/SLM) AI Phi-3 yang dikembangkan oleh Microsoft, sekarang tersedia di Azure. Model Phi-3 merupakan model yang kuat, hemat biaya, dan dioptimalkan untuk perangkat pribadi. Phi-3-vision menawarkan kemampuan untuk memasukkan gambar dan teks, serta menerima respons teks. Sebagai contoh, pengguna dapat mengajukan pertanyaan tentang sebuah bagan atau mengajukan pertanyaan terbuka terkait gambar tertentu.
Developer dapat bereksperimen dengan model canggih ini di Azure AI Playground, dan mereka dapat mulai membangun serta menyesuaikan dengan model di Azure AI Studio.
Microsoft, Khan Academy menggunakan AI untuk memberdayakan tenaga pendidik
Microsoft dan Khan Academy mengumumkan kemitraan multi-bidang untuk mengubah potensi transformatif AI menjadi kenyataan.
Sebagai permulaan, Microsoft memungkinkan Khan Academy untuk menyediakan akses gratis ke Khanmigo for Teachers bagi semua pendidik K-12 AS. Ini merupakan asisten pengajar bertenaga AI yang menghemat waktu guru, sehingga mereka dapat fokus pada hal yang paling penting – berinteraksi dan mendukung siswa mereka. Microsoft mendonasikan akses ke infrastruktur yang dioptimalkan Azure AI untuk meningkatkan ketersediaan Khanmigo for Teachers, yang sekarang akan didukung oleh Azure OpenAI Service.
Khan Academy berkolaborasi dengan Microsoft untuk mengeksplorasi peluang meningkatkan bimbingan belajar matematika dengan cara yang terjangkau, terukur, dan mudah beradaptasi dengan versi baru Phi-3, keluarga SLM yang dikembangkan oleh Microsoft. Mereka juga berencana untuk membawa lebih banyak konten Khan Academy ke Copilot dan Teams for Education, memperluas sumber daya untuk pelajar.
Kemitraan baru dengan Cognition AI
Microsoft dan Cognition akan membawa agen perangkat lunak (software) AI otonom Cognition, Devin, kepada pelanggan untuk membantu mereka dengan tugas-tugas kompleks seperti proyek migrasi dan modernisasi kode. Sebagai bagian dari perjanjian ini, Devin akan didukung oleh Azure. Cognition AI adalah laboratorium AI terapan yang membangun agen software end-to-end untuk membantu para developer mencapai lebih banyak.
Mesin virtual baru yang kuat turut mendorong adopsi AI
Microsoft memiliki pendekatan sistem infrastruktur AI yang unik, yang mencakup perangkat keras (hardware) dan software dari Microsoft dan mitra kami, semuanya dioptimalkan untuk menjalankan beban kerja AI dalam skala besar, serta disesuaikan untuk kebutuhan pelanggan. Kami adalah penyedia cloud pertama yang menghadirkan chip akselerator AI MI300X terkemuka AMD untuk mendukung pelatihan AI dan kebutuhan inferensi pelanggan, dengan ketersediaan umum seri mesin virtual Azure ND MI300X v5 dioptimalkan untuk AI serta beban kerja komputasi performa tinggi (high-performance computing/HPC) seperti Azure OpenAI Service.
Setelah peluncuran Azure Cobalt 100, prosesor komputasi pertama yang dirancang khusus oleh Microsoft, perusahaan mengumumkan pratinjau mesin virtual (VM) Cobalt 100 Arm-based baru, berdasarkan seri silikon kustom Perusahaan yang diumumkan pada November 2023. VM Cobalt 100 Arm-based adalah VM generasi pertama yang menampilkan prosesor Cobalt baru Microsoft, dibuat khusus pada arsitektur Arm, dan dioptimalkan untuk efisiensi dan kinerja saat menjalankan beban kerja umum dan cloud-native. Pelanggan dapat merasakan peningkatan performa hingga 40% dibandingkan dengan Azure VM yang sebanding.
Evolusi Copilot
Copilot telah menjadi game-changer bagi banyak orang sejak pertama kali dirilis. Menggunakan AI modern dan model bahasa besar (LLM) seperti GPT-4 Open AI, copilot di seluruh produk Microsoft telah membantu orang-orang dalam tugas kompleks, berfungsi sebagai asisten AI pribadi di belakang layar.
Kini, kami memperkenalkan Team Copilot, perluasan Copilot for Microsoft 365 yang semula merupakan asisten AI pribadi di balik layar, menjadi anggota baru yang berharga di tim Anda. Anda akan dapat memanggil Copilot di mana Anda berkolaborasi – di Teams, Loop, Planner, dan lainnya. Team Copilot dapat berfungsi sebagai fasilitator rapat, mengelola agenda, memonitor durasi pertemuan, dan membuat notulensi. Ia dapat bertindak sebagai kolaborator dalam obrolan dengan menampilkan informasi penting, melacak daftar pekerjaan, dan menangani masalah yang belum terselesaikan. Ia dapat berfungsi sebagai manajer proyek untuk membantu memastikan setiap proyek berjalan dengan lancar dan memberi tahu tim ketika mereka perlu memberikan masukan. Pengalaman awal ini, yang akan tersedia dalam mode pratinjau di akhir tahun ini, akan memungkinkan kita untuk belajar, mengulangi, dan menyempurnakan seiring dengan dimulainya fase baru inovasi di mana Copilot mulai mengambil lebih banyak tindakan atas nama individu dan tim.
Microsoft Copilot Studio memperkenalkan kemampuan agen baru, memberdayakan developer untuk membangun copilot yang dapat secara proaktif merespons data dan peristiwa yang disesuaikan dengan tugas dan fungsi tertentu. Copilot yang dibangun dengan kategori kemampuan baru ini kini dapat secara mandiri mengelola proses bisnis yang kompleks dan lama dengan memanfaatkan memori dan pengetahuan terkait konteks, alasan atas tindakan dan masukan, belajar dari umpan balik pengguna, dan meminta bantuan ketika mereka menghadapi situasi yang sulit ditangani. Pengguna dapat meminta Copilot untuk bekerja bagi mereka – mulai dari pengadaan perangkat IT hingga menjadi resepsionis, untuk melayani penjualan dan layanan bagi pelanggan.
Ekstensi Copilot, termasuk plugin dan konektor, memungkinkan pelanggan untuk meningkatkan Microsoft Copilot dengan menghubungkannya ke sumber data dan aplikasi baru, memperluas fungsionalitasnya.
Kami senang dapat membagikan pengumuman ini dan semua pembaruan serta fitur lainnya yang diluncurkan di Build. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, hari ini Anda dapat menonton keynote dari Chairman dan CEO Microsoft Satya Nadella, Executive Vice President of Experiences and Devices Rajesh Jha, dan Chief Technology Officer Kevin Scott.
Pada hari Rabu, Anda dapat menonton keynote dari Executive Vice President of Cloud and AI Scott Guthrie dan rekan. Selain itu, Anda dapat mengakses semua berita dan pengumuman di Book of News.
SharePoint Online – View In File Explorer No Longer Working
Is anyone else having issues with the View In File Explorer function in SharePoint Online via Microsoft Edge. It was working for us until yesterday morning. All parameters and policies are in place, not sure why it stopped working. Any assistance is much appreciated.
Windows 11
MS Edge version 125.0.2535.51 (64-bit)
ConfigureViewInFileExplorer policies status: OK
Is anyone else having issues with the View In File Explorer function in SharePoint Online via Microsoft Edge. It was working for us until yesterday morning. All parameters and policies are in place, not sure why it stopped working. Any assistance is much appreciated.Windows 11MS Edge version 125.0.2535.51 (64-bit)ConfigureViewInFileExplorer policies status: OK Read More
Sum of values in a column based on corresponding values in another
How to add values in Column K if their corresponding L values match?
How to add values in Column K if their corresponding L values match? Read More
Conditional formatting – make a cell white based on another cell’s specific text “EXW”
I could use some help regarding my sheet and would appreciate very much if someone could help me.
I have the need that every time in for example H3 it says EXW or FCA then I would like F3 to have no color/white.
Can any please help with this?
Thank you very much in advance.
Hello,I could use some help regarding my sheet and would appreciate very much if someone could help me.I have the need that every time in for example H3 it says EXW or FCA then I would like F3 to have no color/white.Can any please help with this?Thank you very much in advance. Read More
New Blog | Microsoft Security Development Lifecycle (SDL)
Security and privacy should never be an afterthought when developing software. A formal process must become standard practice to ensure they are considered at all points of the product’s lifecycle. The rise of software supply chain attacks—including the XZ Utils, SolarWinds attack and Log4j vulnerabilities—highlights the critical need to build security into the software development process, from the ground up.
Over the last 20 years, there have been many improvements to the security development lifecycle (SDL) reflecting changes in internal tools and processes. We are excited to announce that this week, we have updated the security practices on the SDL website, and we will continue to update this site with new information on a regular basis.
Microsoft Security Development Lifecycle (SDL) Timeline
In the early 2000s, personal computers (PCs) were becoming increasingly common in the home and the internet was gaining more widespread use. This led to a rise in malicious software looking to take advantage of users connecting their home PCs to the internet. It quickly became evident that protecting users from malicious software required a fundamentally different approach to security.
In January 2002, Microsoft launched its Trustworthy Computing initiative to help ensure Microsoft products and services were built to be inherently highly secure, available, reliable, and with business integrity.
Read the full post here: Microsoft Security Development Lifecycle (SDL)
By Joylynn Kirui
Security and privacy should never be an afterthought when developing software. A formal process must become standard practice to ensure they are considered at all points of the product’s lifecycle. The rise of software supply chain attacks—including the XZ Utils, SolarWinds attack and Log4j vulnerabilities—highlights the critical need to build security into the software development process, from the ground up.
Over the last 20 years, there have been many improvements to the security development lifecycle (SDL) reflecting changes in internal tools and processes. We are excited to announce that this week, we have updated the security practices on the SDL website, and we will continue to update this site with new information on a regular basis.
Microsoft Security Development Lifecycle (SDL) Timeline
Figure 1: Graphic of the SDL Timeline
In the early 2000s, personal computers (PCs) were becoming increasingly common in the home and the internet was gaining more widespread use. This led to a rise in malicious software looking to take advantage of users connecting their home PCs to the internet. It quickly became evident that protecting users from malicious software required a fundamentally different approach to security.
In January 2002, Microsoft launched its Trustworthy Computing initiative to help ensure Microsoft products and services were built to be inherently highly secure, available, reliable, and with business integrity.
Read the full post here: Microsoft Security Development Lifecycle (SDL) Read More
New Blog | Secure and Govern Your Custom-Built AI Apps with Microsoft Purview
By Liz Willets
The rise of generative AI unlocks new opportunities for developers to create groundbreaking applications. Studies show that 75% of organizations are more likely to adopt AI apps when they come with assurance mechanisms for secure and compliant use. This underscores the importance of building apps that can handle and govern sensitive data appropriately. But despite this growing demand for secure and compliant AI applications, developers often lack security expertise and tools to build these controls into custom-built applications. What developers need are easy to use APIs that enable them to build data security and compliance controls into their applications by design.
As consumers of AI applications, enterprises are concerned about data oversharing, data leakage, and non-compliant use of AI apps. Ensuring that your application meets enterprise needs for safeguarding against data risks is critical for enterprise adoption. Once deployed, security teams want visibility into which GenAI applications are being used, how often, by whom, and what kind of sensitive data is being shared with those applications.
On top of that, end users want clear visibility into the confidentiality of data referenced by AI applications. Ensuring that end users can clearly see the sensitivity label of any files referenced by your GenAI app is imperative. This visual cue informs the user that the application is interacting with a sensitive document, which is critical to maintain data integrity and compliance with their organization’s data handling obligations.
Today, we are excited to announce new innovations from Microsoft Purview to help developers build enterprise-grade security and compliance controls into their custom-built AI apps:
Microsoft Purview integration in Copilot Studio (public preview) and Azure AI Studio (coming soon) offers data security and compliance features to developers using Copilot Studio and Azure AI Studio. This integration provides visibility into when an application accesses sensitive data by recognizing and honoring sensitivity labels of the data being accessed. It also protects sensitive data generated by the app through label inheritance, and honors label permissions, limiting data access to authorized users only. Additionally, it facilitates governance of app development by providing audit logging for developer activities.
Build enterprise-grade data security and compliance controls with Purview SDK (coming soon) offering a set of easy to integrate APIs for pro-code developers. These APIs enable enterprise-grade data security, compliance and governance controls with just a few lines of code.
Microsoft Purview integration in Copilot Studio (public preview) and Azure AI Studio (coming soon)
For developers looking to get started today, we are thrilled to announce the integration of Microsoft Purview capabilities in Copilot Studio (public preview) and Azure AI Studio (coming soon). With this integration, Microsoft Purview capabilities come built-in so that when you build your custom apps in Copilot Studio or Azure AI Studio, your enterprise customers and end users get best-in-class security and governance features, including:
Discover data risks in AI interactions: Enhance end user confidence by providing visibility into the sensitivity label of the data referenced from SharePoint in responses from your custom-built Copilots and GenAI apps.
Protect sensitive data with encryption: Ensure that app generated responses inherit the sensitivity label of the files referenced and are encrypted accordingly. Additionally, ensure that your AI applications respect user permissions and sensitivity labels, limiting the access to sensitive data to authorized users only. This builds trust with your customers, as they know their data is handled according to their security policies.
Capture AI activities: Log developer activities during the creation of custom-built applications to understand which data sources were enabled, whether GenAI answers were enabled on those sources, and more. This ensure comprehensive oversight and transparency for enterprises purchasing your application to maintain control over data and applications interacting with it.
Read the full post here: Secure and Govern Your Custom-Built AI Apps with Microsoft Purview
By Liz Willets
The rise of generative AI unlocks new opportunities for developers to create groundbreaking applications. Studies show that 75% of organizations are more likely to adopt AI apps when they come with assurance mechanisms for secure and compliant use. This underscores the importance of building apps that can handle and govern sensitive data appropriately. But despite this growing demand for secure and compliant AI applications, developers often lack security expertise and tools to build these controls into custom-built applications. What developers need are easy to use APIs that enable them to build data security and compliance controls into their applications by design.
As consumers of AI applications, enterprises are concerned about data oversharing, data leakage, and non-compliant use of AI apps. Ensuring that your application meets enterprise needs for safeguarding against data risks is critical for enterprise adoption. Once deployed, security teams want visibility into which GenAI applications are being used, how often, by whom, and what kind of sensitive data is being shared with those applications.
On top of that, end users want clear visibility into the confidentiality of data referenced by AI applications. Ensuring that end users can clearly see the sensitivity label of any files referenced by your GenAI app is imperative. This visual cue informs the user that the application is interacting with a sensitive document, which is critical to maintain data integrity and compliance with their organization’s data handling obligations.
Today, we are excited to announce new innovations from Microsoft Purview to help developers build enterprise-grade security and compliance controls into their custom-built AI apps:
Microsoft Purview integration in Copilot Studio (public preview) and Azure AI Studio (coming soon) offers data security and compliance features to developers using Copilot Studio and Azure AI Studio. This integration provides visibility into when an application accesses sensitive data by recognizing and honoring sensitivity labels of the data being accessed. It also protects sensitive data generated by the app through label inheritance, and honors label permissions, limiting data access to authorized users only. Additionally, it facilitates governance of app development by providing audit logging for developer activities.
Build enterprise-grade data security and compliance controls with Purview SDK (coming soon) offering a set of easy to integrate APIs for pro-code developers. These APIs enable enterprise-grade data security, compliance and governance controls with just a few lines of code.
Microsoft Purview integration in Copilot Studio (public preview) and Azure AI Studio (coming soon)
For developers looking to get started today, we are thrilled to announce the integration of Microsoft Purview capabilities in Copilot Studio (public preview) and Azure AI Studio (coming soon). With this integration, Microsoft Purview capabilities come built-in so that when you build your custom apps in Copilot Studio or Azure AI Studio, your enterprise customers and end users get best-in-class security and governance features, including:
Discover data risks in AI interactions: Enhance end user confidence by providing visibility into the sensitivity label of the data referenced from SharePoint in responses from your custom-built Copilots and GenAI apps.
Protect sensitive data with encryption: Ensure that app generated responses inherit the sensitivity label of the files referenced and are encrypted accordingly. Additionally, ensure that your AI applications respect user permissions and sensitivity labels, limiting the access to sensitive data to authorized users only. This builds trust with your customers, as they know their data is handled according to their security policies.
Capture AI activities: Log developer activities during the creation of custom-built applications to understand which data sources were enabled, whether GenAI answers were enabled on those sources, and more. This ensure comprehensive oversight and transparency for enterprises purchasing your application to maintain control over data and applications interacting with it.
Figure 1: Copilot Studio can inherit labels from the referenced files, honor permission controls associated with the label, and enhance users’ awareness on the sensitivity of the content.
Read the full post here: Secure and Govern Your Custom-Built AI Apps with Microsoft Purview
New Blog | Azure Firewall integration in Copilot for Security: protect networks with Gen AI
Azure Firewall is a cloud-native and intelligent network firewall security service that provides best of breed threat protection for your cloud workloads running in Azure. It’s a fully stateful firewall as a service with built-in high availability and unrestricted cloud scalability. In this blog we will be focusing on the newly announced Azure Firewall integration in Copilot for Security.
The Azure Firewall integration in Copilot for Security helps analysts perform detailed investigations of the malicious traffic intercepted by the IDPS feature of their firewalls across their entire fleet using natural language questions in the Copilot for Security standalone experience.
Read the full post here: Azure Firewall integration in Copilot for Security: protect networks at machine speed with Gen AI
By Abhinav Sriram
Azure Firewall is a cloud-native and intelligent network firewall security service that provides best of breed threat protection for your cloud workloads running in Azure. It’s a fully stateful firewall as a service with built-in high availability and unrestricted cloud scalability. In this blog we will be focusing on the newly announced Azure Firewall integration in Copilot for Security.
How Copilot for Security works with the Azure Firewall plugin
The Azure Firewall integration in Copilot for Security helps analysts perform detailed investigations of the malicious traffic intercepted by the IDPS feature of their firewalls across their entire fleet using natural language questions in the Copilot for Security standalone experience.
The Azure Firewall plugin enabled in the Copilot for Security standalone experience
Read the full post here: Azure Firewall integration in Copilot for Security: protect networks at machine speed with Gen AI
New Blog | Accelerate cloud security risk remediation with Microsoft Copilot for Security
By Asaf Nakash
As cloud environments experience rapid expansion, evolution, and increasing complexity, security teams face a significant and growing challenge in identifying, assessing, and remediating cloud security risks across multicloud environments and developer pipelines.
With Copilot in Defender for Cloud, security teams can efficiently identify critical risks across their multicloud environments and developer pipelines and streamline remediation efforts to make the most impact on their security posture.
The embedded Copilot capabilities in Defender for Cloud help you accelerate time to remediation, including:
Assisted risk exploration skills provides contextual summaries of your cloud risks, including the most impactful risks to your cloud resources.
Assisted risk remediation skills that provide guidance and streamline remediation with contextual summary of security best practices, step-by-step instructions, and necessary remediation scripts.
Enhanced Risk Exploration with Copilot in Defender for Cloud
Many security admins face the burden of complex multicloud environments without the proper resources to prioritize and manage an overwhelming number of identified security risks across their environments. With Copilot in Defender for Cloud, security admins can leverage AI and natural language processing to provide a more focused and efficient approach to risk management.
With assisted risk exploration, security admins can use natural language queries to explore cloud risks in a more targeted manner. A security admin can use natural language to ask Copilot about their risks, including:
Show critical risks to publicly exposed resources
Show critical risks to sensitive data
Show resources with high severity vulnerabilities
Let’s take critical risks to publicly exposed resources, for example. Copilot will use the data within the cloud map to generate a response, providing a breakdown of the resources at risk. It guides the exploration process by suggesting the next prompts to continue narrowing down risks and prioritizing the most relevant recommendations, such as those with high severity vulnerabilities.
Read the full post here: Accelerate cloud security risk remediation with Microsoft Copilot for Security
By Asaf Nakash
As cloud environments experience rapid expansion, evolution, and increasing complexity, security teams face a significant and growing challenge in identifying, assessing, and remediating cloud security risks across multicloud environments and developer pipelines.
With Copilot in Defender for Cloud, security teams can efficiently identify critical risks across their multicloud environments and developer pipelines and streamline remediation efforts to make the most impact on their security posture.
The embedded Copilot capabilities in Defender for Cloud help you accelerate time to remediation, including:
Assisted risk exploration skills provides contextual summaries of your cloud risks, including the most impactful risks to your cloud resources.
Assisted risk remediation skills that provide guidance and streamline remediation with contextual summary of security best practices, step-by-step instructions, and necessary remediation scripts.
Enhanced Risk Exploration with Copilot in Defender for Cloud
Many security admins face the burden of complex multicloud environments without the proper resources to prioritize and manage an overwhelming number of identified security risks across their environments. With Copilot in Defender for Cloud, security admins can leverage AI and natural language processing to provide a more focused and efficient approach to risk management.
With assisted risk exploration, security admins can use natural language queries to explore cloud risks in a more targeted manner. A security admin can use natural language to ask Copilot about their risks, including:
Show critical risks to publicly exposed resources
Show critical risks to sensitive data
Show resources with high severity vulnerabilities
Let’s take critical risks to publicly exposed resources, for example. Copilot will use the data within the cloud map to generate a response, providing a breakdown of the resources at risk. It guides the exploration process by suggesting the next prompts to continue narrowing down risks and prioritizing the most relevant recommendations, such as those with high severity vulnerabilities.
Read the full post here: Accelerate cloud security risk remediation with Microsoft Copilot for Security
New Blog | Leverage Generative AI to expedite attack surface investigations in Defender EASM
By Soham Patel
A prerequisite to securing an organization on the internet is first knowing what digital assets in the organization are internet-facing. With the constantly changing internet, the migration to multi-cloud environments, the evolution of organizations with mergers and acquisitions, and the emergence of shadow IT, it is often difficult to maintain an updated external view of an organization’s attack surface, leading to security gaps emerging for attackers to exploit.
Microsoft Defender External Attack Surface Management (EASM) solves this challenge by discovering externally facing assets and identifying their risk. Their vulnerabilities can be identified, which helps with prioritizing them, so you know where to start with remediation efforts.
While Defender EASM equips organizations with an updated external attack surface view and the risks associated with it, these vast, multifaceted attack surfaces require many resources to analyze each asset and its associated metadata. This often increases the time to remediation and the likelihood of an attacker exploiting a security gap. However, generative AI can expedite this analysis process, enabling security professionals to defend organizations at machine speed.
At Microsoft Ignite in November 2023, we announced Defender EASM’s prompting capabilities in Copilot for Security. Today, we are thrilled to share that the same capabilities – and more – are available in public preview the Copilot chat pane in the Azure portal and can be used alongside Copilot for Security customers’ Defender EASM resources. This allows organizations to stay secure, with ease.
Dig into your external attack surface
The Copilot chat pane in Azure gives customers AI-driven insights on risky assets within their external attack surface. Instead of manually drilling down to investigate asset details, simply ask Copilot about recently expired SSL certificates and domains, and you’ll get automated answers for each in seconds. To understand which assets may have Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE), you can quickly find out by asking Copilot “which assets have critical severity CVEs?” or “Does this ‘CVE ID’ impact me?” Knowing where CVEs lie, and how they are classified, will help you in focusing resources and remediation efforts on those that matter most.
Our Copilot capabilities also enable customers to quickly identify assets impacted by specific risks and vulnerabilities, such as assets that have Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) scores, that are still using SHA-1 certificates, or are expiring soon – empowering them to determine what assets must be remediated first.
For example, we can investigate which assets are impacted by medium priority CVSS Scores and what vulnerabilities must be remediated to secure the targeted assets. In this scenario in the image below, we can see that because of the jQuery version, is at risk.
Read the full post here: Leverage Generative AI to expedite attack surface investigations in Defender EASM
By Soham Patel
A prerequisite to securing an organization on the internet is first knowing what digital assets in the organization are internet-facing. With the constantly changing internet, the migration to multi-cloud environments, the evolution of organizations with mergers and acquisitions, and the emergence of shadow IT, it is often difficult to maintain an updated external view of an organization’s attack surface, leading to security gaps emerging for attackers to exploit.
Microsoft Defender External Attack Surface Management (EASM) solves this challenge by discovering externally facing assets and identifying their risk. Their vulnerabilities can be identified, which helps with prioritizing them, so you know where to start with remediation efforts.
While Defender EASM equips organizations with an updated external attack surface view and the risks associated with it, these vast, multifaceted attack surfaces require many resources to analyze each asset and its associated metadata. This often increases the time to remediation and the likelihood of an attacker exploiting a security gap. However, generative AI can expedite this analysis process, enabling security professionals to defend organizations at machine speed.
At Microsoft Ignite in November 2023, we announced Defender EASM’s prompting capabilities in Copilot for Security. Today, we are thrilled to share that the same capabilities – and more – are available in public preview the Copilot chat pane in the Azure portal and can be used alongside Copilot for Security customers’ Defender EASM resources. This allows organizations to stay secure, with ease.
Dig into your external attack surface
The Copilot chat pane in Azure gives customers AI-driven insights on risky assets within their external attack surface. Instead of manually drilling down to investigate asset details, simply ask Copilot about recently expired SSL certificates and domains, and you’ll get automated answers for each in seconds. To understand which assets may have Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE), you can quickly find out by asking Copilot “which assets have critical severity CVEs?” or “Does this ‘CVE ID’ impact me?” Knowing where CVEs lie, and how they are classified, will help you in focusing resources and remediation efforts on those that matter most.
Our Copilot capabilities also enable customers to quickly identify assets impacted by specific risks and vulnerabilities, such as assets that have Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) scores, that are still using SHA-1 certificates, or are expiring soon – empowering them to determine what assets must be remediated first.
For example, we can investigate which assets are impacted by medium priority CVSS Scores and what vulnerabilities must be remediated to secure the targeted assets. In this scenario in the image below, we can see that because of the jQuery version, is at risk.
Read the full post here: Leverage Generative AI to expedite attack surface investigations in Defender EASM
Mac Yahoo mail not receiving Microsoft Outlook emails
emails sent by someone using Outlook for Mac are not being received in my Mac Yahoo account. We are using a Microsoft 365 version of Outlook
emails sent by someone using Outlook for Mac are not being received in my Mac Yahoo account. We are using a Microsoft 365 version of Outlook Read More
Public Preview of Split Experimentation in Azure App Configuration
We are excited to announce the public preview of Split Experimentation in Azure App Configuration. In today’s software development, delivering high-quality features rapidly while minimizing risk is a top priority. Our new experimentation capability extends feature flags in App Configuration, helping you balance speed, accuracy, and safety to effectively de-risk application development.
This new capability leverages the existing services you use to host your applications in Azure, integrating with App Configuration and Application Insights. The experimentation engine is powered by the robust analysis capabilities of Split Software, Inc., running on Azure.
Why Experimentation?
Feature flags in App Configuration already offer substantial benefits, including risk reduction, enhanced operational control, and targeted user segmentation. Experimentation takes these benefits to the next level, unlocking major value in the form of:
Data-Driven Decisions: Optimize features based on actual user data, improving performance and satisfaction.
Risk Mitigation: Identify potential issues early by exposing features to a controlled group, reducing widespread problems and improving MTTD and MTTR.
A/B Testing: Determine which feature version performs better through controlled user group testing.
Faster Feedback Loop: Quickly iterate and improve features based on real user input.
In this era of intelligent applications and AI-driven technologies, experimentation plays a pivotal role in harnessing the full potential of AI models. It enables developers to effectively integrate AI models, optimize user experiences, and significantly enhance the success of Gen AI based features in their intelligent applications.
How to run experimentation in Azure?
Azure App Configuration now offers Variant Feature Flags, enabling more granular control and flexibility beyond traditional Boolean flags. Here’s how to run experiments on these variants in three simple steps:
Define your Feature: Specify your feature and its variants in Azure App Configuration to provide tailored experiences for different scenarios.
Send Telemetry Data: Send telemetry data on variant evaluations and events to Application Insights to monitor performance and impact.
Experiment and Define Metrics: Create experiments on variant feature flags and define metrics to track the new features.
Split Experimentation processes telemetry data from Application Insights to help identify the top-performing variant based on your defined metrics. Experiment results can be viewed directly in the App Configuration store.
Getting Started
Explore our sample application to see how experimentation can enhance your development process. Start with the .NET azd sample, Quote of the Day, featuring a variant feature flag “Greeting” with two variants: “Off” and “On.” Users with the “On” variant see a greeting before the quote; users with the “Off” variant see only the quote.
Success is measured by tracking the “Like” metric for the click event on the heart button, showing user preference. Results show that “On” variant is the desired variant, that is, users tend to click on heart button more if they see the greeting with the quote.
Learn more
For more details, check the documentation. Join the community of developers transforming their feature management strategies with Azure and Happy experimenting!
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How to update a system field, which was from SharePoint On-Premise
Hello all,
Could you do me a favor?
I have a library that was moved from SharePoint on-premise. In SharePoint on-premise, there was a feature to track workflows, which SharePoint online doesn’t have.
The problem is, we want to update the Approval Status using Power Automate, but the field is from SharePoint on-premise and it’s a system field.
I’m not sure how to update these values.
Hello all, Could you do me a favor? I have a library that was moved from SharePoint on-premise. In SharePoint on-premise, there was a feature to track workflows, which SharePoint online doesn’t have. The problem is, we want to update the Approval Status using Power Automate, but the field is from SharePoint on-premise and it’s a system field. I’m not sure how to update these values. Read More
Do Beta Channel users still have access to “preview data types” like Zip Code?
This video led me to believe that Beta channel users have access to “Preview data types” which includes zip code, among others. I’m a beta channel user and see none of these preview data types. How can I fix?
This video led me to believe that Beta channel users have access to “Preview data types” which includes zip code, among others. I’m a beta channel user and see none of these preview data types. How can I fix? Read More
Working Hours Change Mid Project
How do I account for working hours changing after a project has started? If I create a project with a custom calendar and have 6 days a week 10 hours each day and then this changes to 5 days and 8 hours a week….or the reverse of this.
How do I account for working hours changing after a project has started? If I create a project with a custom calendar and have 6 days a week 10 hours each day and then this changes to 5 days and 8 hours a week….or the reverse of this. Read More
Schema Drift with Managed Virtual Network runtime
I have followed this article to develop a dataflow which will move data between two tables on different Azure SQL databases:
I also enable schema drift in the data flow on both source and sink, and made sure auto mapping is enabled, and both source and destination data sets have no schema definitions.
When I run the flow, it works and move data but it doesn’t detect schema changes. If I add a new column in the source table it won’t come through to a destination table.
The only reason I can think of is that schema drift is not supported by Managed Virtual Network runtime, which I have used to create linked services for source and destination.
Can someone confirm wheter that would be the case?
Many Thanks,
Hi, I have followed this article to develop a dataflow which will move data between two tables on different Azure SQL databases: I also enable schema drift in the data flow on both source and sink, and made sure auto mapping is enabled, and both source and destination data sets have no schema definitions. When I run the flow, it works and move data but it doesn’t detect schema changes. If I add a new column in the source table it won’t come through to a destination table. The only reason I can think of is that schema drift is not supported by Managed Virtual Network runtime, which I have used to create linked services for source and destination. Can someone confirm wheter that would be the case? Many Thanks, WJ Read More
More flexible Windows feature updates
Are you an IT administrator looking for a way to get more out of Windows Update for Business deployment service? If so, we’re pleased to announce greater flexibility in Windows feature updates. This new capability allows you to streamline Windows 11 upgrades across your organization, keeping everyone’s devices up to date while minimizing disruption to their workflow.
What’s changing?
In the past, Windows Update for Business deployment service would seek out updates relevant to your system, then download and install them on a device without a user’s participation. That’s because feature updates are offered to your organization as required updates. As an IT admin, you can create a gradual rollout schedule or set deferrals for the devices. This gives your users a few days before the update is force-installed and their devices restart.
Starting today, it’s even easier for the users at your organization to upgrade early if you offer them feature updates as optional. This gives you the following benefits:
Early feedback: You can gather valuable feedback and insights early by letting some users opt in as early testers of a new feature update. Then proceed with confidence.
Risk prevention: Testing prevents risks. You can test new feature updates, realize benefits, and evaluate risks before organization-wide deployment.
Greater productivity: If users choose when to install an update, you don’t have to worry much about disruption to organizational workflow and productivity.
And the best part: you’re always in control of which devices get this option and when. Your other rollout options, like the start date and gradual rollout, will dictate when the optional update becomes available on user devices. Let us show you what your and your users’ experience will be like.
Note: This feature is being rolled out gradually and should be available broadly by May 24, 2024.
How to deploy and monitor feature updates as optional using Microsoft Intune
If you use Microsoft Intune, follow these simple steps to deploy feature updates as optional:
Navigate to the Microsoft Intune admin center.
Go to Devices > Windows 10 and later updates > Feature Updates and select Create new Profile.
Select the new deployment setting to set deployment as either optional or required.
Select Make available to users as an optional update to enable users to choose their update timing.
Once the deployment is created and the update is available for the device, your users can go to Start > Windows Settings > Windows Update to download and install the update.
Once the policy is submitted, the optional update will be available to users within 1-2 days. They can use the Check for updates action, then Download and install the update when ready.
Ready to mandate the deployment of the feature update to the remaining devices? Just switch the feature deployment settings in Step 3 to “required.”
Don’t forget that you can also configure a gradual rollout or other rollout options for devices that still require the update. That would simplify the transition to mandatory deployment mode.
Check for Windows feature updates today
With this new update, organizations can ensure a seamless and user-centric approach to Windows 11 upgrades. Empower your users today with this innovative capability.
If you need more help getting started with feature updates in Microsoft Graph or Microsoft Intune, see our documentation:
Deploy a feature update using the Windows Update for Business deployment service – Microsoft Graph
Configure feature updates policy for Windows 10 Windows 11 devices in Intune
Overview of the deployment service – Windows Update for Business deployment service
Continue the conversation. Find best practices. Bookmark the Windows Tech Community, then follow us @MSWindowsITPro on X/Twitter. Looking for support? Visit Windows on Microsoft Q&A.
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Zappify 2.0 Best Bug Zapper-{Does Zappify Work}-[SCAM EXPOSED] You Need To Know Before Buying !!
Say goodbye to annoying buzzing sounds and itchy bites with this innovative solution. The Zappify Mosquito Zapper is designed to target mosquitoes specifically, ensuring that your living space remains free from these bothersome pests. With easy-to-use features and a sleek design, this device is a must-have for any home looking to combat mosquito troubles. Don’t let mosquitoes disrupt your peace any longer – invest in the Zappify Mosquito Zapper and enjoy uninterrupted sleep every night.
(EXCLUSIVE OFFER) Buy Zappify Mosquito For A Limited Time Discounted Price Here
Say goodbye to annoying buzzing sounds and itchy bites with this innovative solution. The Zappify Mosquito Zapper is designed to target mosquitoes specifically, ensuring that your living space remains free from these bothersome pests. With easy-to-use features and a sleek design, this device is a must-have for any home looking to combat mosquito troubles. Don’t let mosquitoes disrupt your peace any longer – invest in the Zappify Mosquito Zapper and enjoy uninterrupted sleep every night. (EXCLUSIVE OFFER) Buy Zappify Mosquito For A Limited Time Discounted Price Here Read More
Object Controllable not showing in the Control Panel in Mesh app
I have noticed that if I set an Object Controllable’s ‘Default is Visible’ property to false in the Unity IDE then the object doesn’t show but also doesn’t give me an option to turn it back on in the control panel.
I have noticed that if I set an Object Controllable’s ‘Default is Visible’ property to false in the Unity IDE then the object doesn’t show but also doesn’t give me an option to turn it back on in the control panel. Read More
Unclear which way to go about data analysis
Hi I have a list of companies where there are up to 3 founders in each with their own demographics all in the same row. I am looking for a way to analyze the demographics of each company by person. So for instance I want to know if the company has a female founder or a female black founder etc. There are 1000s of companies so Im looking for a way to do this at scale. Do you have any ideas? I was thinking I could do If statements but due to the endless possibilities I need to analyze this could take a while? (Because I’d have to create an if statement for each possibility – example, if f4=female and g4=black or if h4=female and , if i4=black, etc)
Hi I have a list of companies where there are up to 3 founders in each with their own demographics all in the same row. I am looking for a way to analyze the demographics of each company by person. So for instance I want to know if the company has a female founder or a female black founder etc. There are 1000s of companies so Im looking for a way to do this at scale. Do you have any ideas? I was thinking I could do If statements but due to the endless possibilities I need to analyze this could take a while? (Because I’d have to create an if statement for each possibility – example, if f4=female and g4=black or if h4=female and , if i4=black, etc) Read More