Category: News
VBA method to iterate through all items in Power Pivot filter
Hello Community,
Does anyone know what is the right VBA method to iterate through all items in the Power Pivot table filter?
I need to create a separate copy of the master power pivot table on a separate sheet for each value of the power pivot table filter; it seems like traditional methods like ‘PivotItems’ don’t work with power pivot.
Thank you!
Hello Community, Does anyone know what is the right VBA method to iterate through all items in the Power Pivot table filter? I need to create a separate copy of the master power pivot table on a separate sheet for each value of the power pivot table filter; it seems like traditional methods like ‘PivotItems’ don’t work with power pivot. Thank you! Read More
Unable to save trainingstats in MATLAB 2024a
I am runnning a training script based on a simulink environment. At the end when I try to save the training results, it always throws an error. I am wondering if it has something to do with the .mat format. This issue does not occur in Matlab 2023a.
%% Train the agent
trainingStats = train(agent, env, trainOpts);
%% Save Agent
results_dir = strcat(‘./Results/’,num2str(time(1)),’0′,num2str(time(2)),num2str(time(3)));
%% Simulate
simEpisodes = 1;
simOpts = rlSimulationOptions("MaxSteps",1250,…
"NumSimulations", simEpisodes);
experience = sim(env,agent,simOpts);
The error message is usually:
>> load(‘C:Usersvasu3DocumentsWorksharma_ma_rlonh2dfacados_implementationrlsavedAgentsPPO20240814Agent5852.mat’, ‘savedAgentResult’)
Error using load
Cannot read file
Warning: Directory already exists.
Error using save
Unable to save file
The file could not be closed, and might now be corrupt.
Error in run_H2DFRL_GRU (line 195)
Warning: Unable to read some of the variables due to unknown MAT-file error.
> In matfinfo (line 9)
In finfo>fetchDescriptions (line 278)
In finfo (line 82)
In uiimport/gatherFilePreviewData (line 419)
In uiimport (line 260)
Error using load
Unable to read file
‘C:Usersvasu3DocumentsWorksharma_ma_rlonh2dfacados_implementationrlResults20240814TrainingStats.mat’. Input must be a
MAT-file or an ASCII file containing numeric data with same number of columns in each row.
Error in uiimport/runImportdata (line 470)
datastruct = load(‘-ascii’, fileAbsolutePath);
Error in uiimport/gatherFilePreviewData (line 438)
[datastruct, textDelimiter, headerLines]= runImportdata(fileAbsolutePath, type);
Error in uiimport (line 260)
Could someone please help outI am runnning a training script based on a simulink environment. At the end when I try to save the training results, it always throws an error. I am wondering if it has something to do with the .mat format. This issue does not occur in Matlab 2023a.
%% Train the agent
trainingStats = train(agent, env, trainOpts);
%% Save Agent
results_dir = strcat(‘./Results/’,num2str(time(1)),’0′,num2str(time(2)),num2str(time(3)));
%% Simulate
simEpisodes = 1;
simOpts = rlSimulationOptions("MaxSteps",1250,…
"NumSimulations", simEpisodes);
experience = sim(env,agent,simOpts);
The error message is usually:
>> load(‘C:Usersvasu3DocumentsWorksharma_ma_rlonh2dfacados_implementationrlsavedAgentsPPO20240814Agent5852.mat’, ‘savedAgentResult’)
Error using load
Cannot read file
Warning: Directory already exists.
Error using save
Unable to save file
The file could not be closed, and might now be corrupt.
Error in run_H2DFRL_GRU (line 195)
Warning: Unable to read some of the variables due to unknown MAT-file error.
> In matfinfo (line 9)
In finfo>fetchDescriptions (line 278)
In finfo (line 82)
In uiimport/gatherFilePreviewData (line 419)
In uiimport (line 260)
Error using load
Unable to read file
‘C:Usersvasu3DocumentsWorksharma_ma_rlonh2dfacados_implementationrlResults20240814TrainingStats.mat’. Input must be a
MAT-file or an ASCII file containing numeric data with same number of columns in each row.
Error in uiimport/runImportdata (line 470)
datastruct = load(‘-ascii’, fileAbsolutePath);
Error in uiimport/gatherFilePreviewData (line 438)
[datastruct, textDelimiter, headerLines]= runImportdata(fileAbsolutePath, type);
Error in uiimport (line 260)
Could someone please help out I am runnning a training script based on a simulink environment. At the end when I try to save the training results, it always throws an error. I am wondering if it has something to do with the .mat format. This issue does not occur in Matlab 2023a.
%% Train the agent
trainingStats = train(agent, env, trainOpts);
%% Save Agent
results_dir = strcat(‘./Results/’,num2str(time(1)),’0′,num2str(time(2)),num2str(time(3)));
%% Simulate
simEpisodes = 1;
simOpts = rlSimulationOptions("MaxSteps",1250,…
"NumSimulations", simEpisodes);
experience = sim(env,agent,simOpts);
The error message is usually:
>> load(‘C:Usersvasu3DocumentsWorksharma_ma_rlonh2dfacados_implementationrlsavedAgentsPPO20240814Agent5852.mat’, ‘savedAgentResult’)
Error using load
Cannot read file
Warning: Directory already exists.
Error using save
Unable to save file
The file could not be closed, and might now be corrupt.
Error in run_H2DFRL_GRU (line 195)
Warning: Unable to read some of the variables due to unknown MAT-file error.
> In matfinfo (line 9)
In finfo>fetchDescriptions (line 278)
In finfo (line 82)
In uiimport/gatherFilePreviewData (line 419)
In uiimport (line 260)
Error using load
Unable to read file
‘C:Usersvasu3DocumentsWorksharma_ma_rlonh2dfacados_implementationrlResults20240814TrainingStats.mat’. Input must be a
MAT-file or an ASCII file containing numeric data with same number of columns in each row.
Error in uiimport/runImportdata (line 470)
datastruct = load(‘-ascii’, fileAbsolutePath);
Error in uiimport/gatherFilePreviewData (line 438)
[datastruct, textDelimiter, headerLines]= runImportdata(fileAbsolutePath, type);
Error in uiimport (line 260)
Could someone please help out reinforcement learning., deep learning, machine learning, bug, matlab MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Cannot compile app with Segment Anything Model SAM due to license?
I could not compile my app with SAM due to the following error.
Where can I find the specific LICENSE that states why and how SAM cannot be packaged?
Or am I misunderstanding anything about specifying parameters for packaging? I’m very new to compiling app in Matlab.
mcc -o v9 -W ‘WinMain:v9,version=1.0’ -T link:exe -d ‘D:OneDrive – ZeonCorporation1.WORK24_MatlabSAMworkedv9for_testing’ -v ‘D:OneDrive – ZeonCorporation1.WORK24_MatlabSAMworkedv9.m’ -a ‘D:OneDrive – ZeonCorporation1.WORK24_MatlabSAMworkedLICENSE’ -a C:ProgramDataMATLABSupportPackagesR2024atoolboximagessupportpackagessamdatapreTrainedSAM.mat -a C:ProgramDataMATLABSupportPackagesR2024atoolboximagessupportpackagessam+matlabshared+supportpkg+internal+sppkglegacySAM.m -r ‘C:Program FilesMATLABR2024atoolboxcompilerpackagingResourcesdefault_icon.ico’ -Z ‘Deep Learning Toolbox Converter for ONNX Model Format’
Compiler version: 24.1 (R2024a)
Analyzing file dependencies.
Warning: Removed http proxy service credentials from preference settings.
Warning: In "C:ProgramDataMATLABSupportPackagesR2024atoolboximagessupportpackagessam+matlabshared+supportpkg+internal+sppkglegacySAM.m", "matlabshared.supportpkg.internal.sppkglegacy.SupportPackageRegistryPluginBase" are excluded from packaging for the MATLAB Runtime environment according to the MATLAB Compiler license. Either remove the file or function from your code, or use the MATLAB function "isdeployed" to ensure the function is not invoked in the deployed component.
mcc failed.Hi,
I could not compile my app with SAM due to the following error.
Where can I find the specific LICENSE that states why and how SAM cannot be packaged?
Or am I misunderstanding anything about specifying parameters for packaging? I’m very new to compiling app in Matlab.
mcc -o v9 -W ‘WinMain:v9,version=1.0’ -T link:exe -d ‘D:OneDrive – ZeonCorporation1.WORK24_MatlabSAMworkedv9for_testing’ -v ‘D:OneDrive – ZeonCorporation1.WORK24_MatlabSAMworkedv9.m’ -a ‘D:OneDrive – ZeonCorporation1.WORK24_MatlabSAMworkedLICENSE’ -a C:ProgramDataMATLABSupportPackagesR2024atoolboximagessupportpackagessamdatapreTrainedSAM.mat -a C:ProgramDataMATLABSupportPackagesR2024atoolboximagessupportpackagessam+matlabshared+supportpkg+internal+sppkglegacySAM.m -r ‘C:Program FilesMATLABR2024atoolboxcompilerpackagingResourcesdefault_icon.ico’ -Z ‘Deep Learning Toolbox Converter for ONNX Model Format’
Compiler version: 24.1 (R2024a)
Analyzing file dependencies.
Warning: Removed http proxy service credentials from preference settings.
Warning: In "C:ProgramDataMATLABSupportPackagesR2024atoolboximagessupportpackagessam+matlabshared+supportpkg+internal+sppkglegacySAM.m", "matlabshared.supportpkg.internal.sppkglegacy.SupportPackageRegistryPluginBase" are excluded from packaging for the MATLAB Runtime environment according to the MATLAB Compiler license. Either remove the file or function from your code, or use the MATLAB function "isdeployed" to ensure the function is not invoked in the deployed component.
mcc failed. Hi,
I could not compile my app with SAM due to the following error.
Where can I find the specific LICENSE that states why and how SAM cannot be packaged?
Or am I misunderstanding anything about specifying parameters for packaging? I’m very new to compiling app in Matlab.
mcc -o v9 -W ‘WinMain:v9,version=1.0’ -T link:exe -d ‘D:OneDrive – ZeonCorporation1.WORK24_MatlabSAMworkedv9for_testing’ -v ‘D:OneDrive – ZeonCorporation1.WORK24_MatlabSAMworkedv9.m’ -a ‘D:OneDrive – ZeonCorporation1.WORK24_MatlabSAMworkedLICENSE’ -a C:ProgramDataMATLABSupportPackagesR2024atoolboximagessupportpackagessamdatapreTrainedSAM.mat -a C:ProgramDataMATLABSupportPackagesR2024atoolboximagessupportpackagessam+matlabshared+supportpkg+internal+sppkglegacySAM.m -r ‘C:Program FilesMATLABR2024atoolboxcompilerpackagingResourcesdefault_icon.ico’ -Z ‘Deep Learning Toolbox Converter for ONNX Model Format’
Compiler version: 24.1 (R2024a)
Analyzing file dependencies.
Warning: Removed http proxy service credentials from preference settings.
Warning: In "C:ProgramDataMATLABSupportPackagesR2024atoolboximagessupportpackagessam+matlabshared+supportpkg+internal+sppkglegacySAM.m", "matlabshared.supportpkg.internal.sppkglegacy.SupportPackageRegistryPluginBase" are excluded from packaging for the MATLAB Runtime environment according to the MATLAB Compiler license. Either remove the file or function from your code, or use the MATLAB function "isdeployed" to ensure the function is not invoked in the deployed component.
mcc failed. segment anything model, sam, compiler, matlab compiler MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Parameter influence estimation using monte carlo
I have 14 parameters of groundwater, Ca, Mg, pH, Cl, NO3, TD, EC.. etc. I want to estimate the influence of each parameters for groundwater quality using monte carlo but had no idea about the coding. I try to look out for some coding but really didnt get it.
Please helpHi,
I have 14 parameters of groundwater, Ca, Mg, pH, Cl, NO3, TD, EC.. etc. I want to estimate the influence of each parameters for groundwater quality using monte carlo but had no idea about the coding. I try to look out for some coding but really didnt get it.
Please help Hi,
I have 14 parameters of groundwater, Ca, Mg, pH, Cl, NO3, TD, EC.. etc. I want to estimate the influence of each parameters for groundwater quality using monte carlo but had no idea about the coding. I try to look out for some coding but really didnt get it.
Please help monte carlo MATLAB Answers — New Questions
1 List with 2 dependent Combo boxes…is it possible?
Hi all,
Not sure if this ask is even possible but here goes…
I have a 2 column list. Column 1 contains different type of legislation (i.e. HTA, CAIA, TSSEA, etc.). Column 2 has charge descriptions available for each type of legislation. Can I have a userform with 2 Combo boxes with the first listing the different types of legislation and the 2nd being dependent on the first for charge options.
So, if HTA is selected from Combo box 1, Combo box 2 should only show the charge options from the HTA. This would sort of be like the indirect function within a spreadsheet but instead of having a new list for each type of legislation, there would only be 1 list that contains all.
Can this be done and if so how?
Thanks in advance!!!
Hi all, Not sure if this ask is even possible but here goes… I have a 2 column list. Column 1 contains different type of legislation (i.e. HTA, CAIA, TSSEA, etc.). Column 2 has charge descriptions available for each type of legislation. Can I have a userform with 2 Combo boxes with the first listing the different types of legislation and the 2nd being dependent on the first for charge options. So, if HTA is selected from Combo box 1, Combo box 2 should only show the charge options from the HTA. This would sort of be like the indirect function within a spreadsheet but instead of having a new list for each type of legislation, there would only be 1 list that contains all. Can this be done and if so how? Thanks in advance!!! Read More
Lost an important workbook
I shut down Excel for the Windows Update yesterday August 13, 2024. One of the files that was an active workbook is missing. I thought everything was saved. I expected to see the file in the recently used list. It had been pushed of due to loading several other files. I increased the size of the list from 10 to 30, more than enough, but still couldn’t find it. So, I searched for it on OneDrive, and my c: drive and a usb drive. It is nowhere. I keep this file loaded all the time and expected to be able to re-open it with no problem, because it would be in the recently used file list. I used to always save the file in a specific location on my c: drive, but I started to trust OneDrive to put it wherever. I didn’t really pay attention to where it was stored. I never needed to before because it was always there in the recent files list opening excel. The only reason I closed excel was because of the update. Any ideas of where I can locate it? Could the update be the problem? The file is the one most important excel file which I use daily.
I shut down Excel for the Windows Update yesterday August 13, 2024. One of the files that was an active workbook is missing. I thought everything was saved. I expected to see the file in the recently used list. It had been pushed of due to loading several other files. I increased the size of the list from 10 to 30, more than enough, but still couldn’t find it. So, I searched for it on OneDrive, and my c: drive and a usb drive. It is nowhere. I keep this file loaded all the time and expected to be able to re-open it with no problem, because it would be in the recently used file list. I used to always save the file in a specific location on my c: drive, but I started to trust OneDrive to put it wherever. I didn’t really pay attention to where it was stored. I never needed to before because it was always there in the recent files list opening excel. The only reason I closed excel was because of the update. Any ideas of where I can locate it? Could the update be the problem? The file is the one most important excel file which I use daily. Read More
Windows 11 won’t sleep automatically
I have installed a fresh copy of Win 11 Pro and noticed that although I set the pc to switch off monitor and then goes to sleep, it is not doing so. The monitor tries to switch off but as soon as it goes off, it switches back on. I checked the drivers and all are up to date. Graphics card (GTX 4060 Ti) has the latest driver from nvidia website. I also checked that the network is set to allow the pc to sleep.
Then, I found a tip online to disconnect the keyboard and mouse and set them to another usb port. I tried that, but still the same problem. However, then I tried to disconnected them without plugging them in again, and the pc went to sleep. Then I checked whether it’s the keyboard or the mouse that’s causing the problem but even if only one of them was connected to the pc, still the pc didn’t go to sleep.
I’m using a wireless Microsoft ergonomic keyboard and a wireless Razer Balistic mouse. The mouse uses a 2.5 dongle, while the keyboard, I believe uses bluetooth.
Hope that this can be solved.
I have installed a fresh copy of Win 11 Pro and noticed that although I set the pc to switch off monitor and then goes to sleep, it is not doing so. The monitor tries to switch off but as soon as it goes off, it switches back on. I checked the drivers and all are up to date. Graphics card (GTX 4060 Ti) has the latest driver from nvidia website. I also checked that the network is set to allow the pc to sleep. Then, I found a tip online to disconnect the keyboard and mouse and set them to another usb port. I tried that, but still the same problem. However, then I tried to disconnected them without plugging them in again, and the pc went to sleep. Then I checked whether it’s the keyboard or the mouse that’s causing the problem but even if only one of them was connected to the pc, still the pc didn’t go to sleep. I’m using a wireless Microsoft ergonomic keyboard and a wireless Razer Balistic mouse. The mouse uses a 2.5 dongle, while the keyboard, I believe uses bluetooth. Hope that this can be solved. Read More
How to setup system path to vivado path?
While using hdlsetuptoolpath the system path is being prepended twice.
First the correct path and second time a non existent path.
Due to this I can’t validate the model it says Xilinx Vivado not found.While using hdlsetuptoolpath the system path is being prepended twice.
First the correct path and second time a non existent path.
Due to this I can’t validate the model it says Xilinx Vivado not found. While using hdlsetuptoolpath the system path is being prepended twice.
First the correct path and second time a non existent path.
Due to this I can’t validate the model it says Xilinx Vivado not found. hdlsetuptoolpath, soc builder MATLAB Answers — New Questions
sym to double data type:
I want to obtain the y_values in double but they are in symbolic form. Anyway I can get around this? Thank you!
L_e = 0.7199;
Y_poly = @(x) a4*x.^4 + a3*x.^3 + a2*x.^2 + a1*x + a0;
x_values = linspace(0, L_e, 100); % 100 points from 0 to L_e
y_values = Y_poly(x_values);
The values for the coefficients are:
a4 = -0.324785
a3 = 0.472768
a2 = -0.011102
a1 = 0.000000
a0 = 1.000000I want to obtain the y_values in double but they are in symbolic form. Anyway I can get around this? Thank you!
L_e = 0.7199;
Y_poly = @(x) a4*x.^4 + a3*x.^3 + a2*x.^2 + a1*x + a0;
x_values = linspace(0, L_e, 100); % 100 points from 0 to L_e
y_values = Y_poly(x_values);
The values for the coefficients are:
a4 = -0.324785
a3 = 0.472768
a2 = -0.011102
a1 = 0.000000
a0 = 1.000000 I want to obtain the y_values in double but they are in symbolic form. Anyway I can get around this? Thank you!
L_e = 0.7199;
Y_poly = @(x) a4*x.^4 + a3*x.^3 + a2*x.^2 + a1*x + a0;
x_values = linspace(0, L_e, 100); % 100 points from 0 to L_e
y_values = Y_poly(x_values);
The values for the coefficients are:
a4 = -0.324785
a3 = 0.472768
a2 = -0.011102
a1 = 0.000000
a0 = 1.000000 #sym, #double, #polynomial MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Microsoft graph API method call to get content from content.body
I am writing a windows application that retrieves all messages and replies from MSTeams using the graphClient API using c#. I am using the method graphClient.Teams[TeamsID].Channels[ChannelID].Messages.GetAsync((requestConfiguration) to get the messages(not replies). I am trying to get (and store) the image embeded within the Body.Content return data. The method I am trying to use to get the image data is
graphClient.Teams[TeamsID].Channels[TeamsID].Messages[MessageID(from previous method return data)].HostedContents[Content-ID].GetAsync();
I know what the Value of the TeamsId,ChannelID and MessageID. I do not know what the value is for the Content-ID. The return data from the first API call contains data looking like the following.
“<p>Sep no jacket, no straps, weatherhead tied on</p>
<p><img alt=”Media” src=”$value” width=”1920″ height=”2560″></p>”
The item highlighted in red is the MessageID
I’m looking for some documentation as to what this parameter is. Searching for a solution always points me to getting the contents using the chat methodology. This is not a chat, this is a message.
I am writing a windows application that retrieves all messages and replies from MSTeams using the graphClient API using c#. I am using the method graphClient.Teams[TeamsID].Channels[ChannelID].Messages.GetAsync((requestConfiguration) to get the messages(not replies). I am trying to get (and store) the image embeded within the Body.Content return data. The method I am trying to use to get the image data is graphClient.Teams[TeamsID].Channels[TeamsID].Messages[MessageID(from previous method return data)].HostedContents[Content-ID].GetAsync(); I know what the Value of the TeamsId,ChannelID and MessageID. I do not know what the value is for the Content-ID. The return data from the first API call contains data looking like the following. “<p>Sep no jacket, no straps, weatherhead tied on</p><p><img alt=”Media” src=”$value” width=”1920″ height=”2560″></p>” The item highlighted in red is the MessageIDI’m looking for some documentation as to what this parameter is. Searching for a solution always points me to getting the contents using the chat methodology. This is not a chat, this is a message. Read More
Excel loading in a table from Power Query extremely slowly
I have a workbook that uses multiple queries, with lots of merges/joins. I know that this can slow down the data processing time a bit, however I am getting extremely slow query load times, not due to the transformations but simply loading it into an excel workbook.
One of the datasets I am working with only has 238 rows, and when a refresh my Excel Workbook’s data, it just shows 238 rows loaded for incredibly long without actually updating the worksheet. The query previews in query editor load relatively quickly, so I assume this is an Excel issue. Any tips would be greatly appreciated.
I have a workbook that uses multiple queries, with lots of merges/joins. I know that this can slow down the data processing time a bit, however I am getting extremely slow query load times, not due to the transformations but simply loading it into an excel workbook. One of the datasets I am working with only has 238 rows, and when a refresh my Excel Workbook’s data, it just shows 238 rows loaded for incredibly long without actually updating the worksheet. The query previews in query editor load relatively quickly, so I assume this is an Excel issue. Any tips would be greatly appreciated. Read More
Issue with YOLO4
I tried to run the yolo code , but i get the error below :
‘validateInputData’ is used in the following examples:
Object Detection Using YOLO v3 Deep Learning
Object Detection Using YOLO v4 Deep Learning
Prune Filters in a Detection Network Using Taylor Scores
Error in yolo4Test (line 45)
Could you help please ?
Iam trying to run the Mathworks code for yolo4 ?Hi,
I tried to run the yolo code , but i get the error below :
‘validateInputData’ is used in the following examples:
Object Detection Using YOLO v3 Deep Learning
Object Detection Using YOLO v4 Deep Learning
Prune Filters in a Detection Network Using Taylor Scores
Error in yolo4Test (line 45)
Could you help please ?
Iam trying to run the Mathworks code for yolo4 ? Hi,
I tried to run the yolo code , but i get the error below :
‘validateInputData’ is used in the following examples:
Object Detection Using YOLO v3 Deep Learning
Object Detection Using YOLO v4 Deep Learning
Prune Filters in a Detection Network Using Taylor Scores
Error in yolo4Test (line 45)
Could you help please ?
Iam trying to run the Mathworks code for yolo4 ? deep learning, yolo4 MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Multiple staff can support a single facility/resource
I have multiple staff that can support multiple facilities but only one user/customer and staff member can use the facility at a time. Staff already have Microsoft accounts with mailboxes and calendars. The facility can have a resource account with a mailbox and calendar. The solution I need is a Bookings service to check calendars of multiple staff members’ calendars and a single resource account calendar. Bookings only allows for selecting from the availability of anyone staff member or multiple staff members’ combined availability. Is there a workaround to combine a staff member and resource calendars virtual account (or something) for each combination of staff member and resource?
If that wasn’t clear, I’ll try to illustrate my point using one of Microsoft’s early examples of Bookings, safari truck rental, that was shown to me by a Microsoft support person (can’t find a link to it). The idea was that there are multiple trucks were available for rent and they could either be driven by the customer or by a staff member. Staff members had normal mailbox with calendars. The trucks had resource accounts with a mailbox and calendar. But the example did not work completely for the same reason I am having. The example was not well tested because it didn’t have a way to do “or” and “and” logic of different accounts. The Microsoft support person agreed but never offered a workaround. The equivalent to my case is all trucks would require one of my staff to drive.
Also, here is a link to another Microsoft site and were directed to this form but I can find the post here:
Any ideas for workarounds?
I have multiple staff that can support multiple facilities but only one user/customer and staff member can use the facility at a time. Staff already have Microsoft accounts with mailboxes and calendars. The facility can have a resource account with a mailbox and calendar. The solution I need is a Bookings service to check calendars of multiple staff members’ calendars and a single resource account calendar. Bookings only allows for selecting from the availability of anyone staff member or multiple staff members’ combined availability. Is there a workaround to combine a staff member and resource calendars virtual account (or something) for each combination of staff member and resource? If that wasn’t clear, I’ll try to illustrate my point using one of Microsoft’s early examples of Bookings, safari truck rental, that was shown to me by a Microsoft support person (can’t find a link to it). The idea was that there are multiple trucks were available for rent and they could either be driven by the customer or by a staff member. Staff members had normal mailbox with calendars. The trucks had resource accounts with a mailbox and calendar. But the example did not work completely for the same reason I am having. The example was not well tested because it didn’t have a way to do “or” and “and” logic of different accounts. The Microsoft support person agreed but never offered a workaround. The equivalent to my case is all trucks would require one of my staff to drive. Also, here is a link to another Microsoft site and were directed to this form but I can find the post here: Any ideas for workarounds? Read More
Repeat Rows
Hello All – I have an scenario where I collate list of Employees for specific month and count based on each manager for a specific month. In order to extrapolate the data for the full financial year, I copy paste the data below the previous month data and another tab in excel calculates based the count for soecific month and specific manager. Scope of data per month if 1300 rows.
Is there a way we can repeat the data automatically or via formula so that I dont have to copy paste data for each month.
Hello All – I have an scenario where I collate list of Employees for specific month and count based on each manager for a specific month. In order to extrapolate the data for the full financial year, I copy paste the data below the previous month data and another tab in excel calculates based the count for soecific month and specific manager. Scope of data per month if 1300 rows. Is there a way we can repeat the data automatically or via formula so that I dont have to copy paste data for each month. Read More
Signing VBA in Word
Hello. I am attempting to sign VBA in a Word file. I imported a PFX file to my Personal Certificates (via edge://settings/privacy). I also confirmed the import via certmgr.msc (it’s there under Personal…Certificates)
This PFX is used for a server TLS which I maintain (in addition to the server leaf cert, the PFX contains the intermediate and root self-signed organization certs…both are pre-loaded in everybody’s Windows Trust Stores).
So my thinking is to sign the VBA with this server PFX then via chain of trust, the VBA signature will be verified when walked back to the root by the client.
Anyway, in MS Word…Developer….Tools…Digital Signature….
when I choose “Sign as” and Choose button, I get the “No usable signing certificates are available”
Anybody have any ideas? I’ve googled all over and all day.. Does the”Certificate intended purpose” have anything to do with it not being available?
thank you so much for reading.
Hello. I am attempting to sign VBA in a Word file. I imported a PFX file to my Personal Certificates (via edge://settings/privacy). I also confirmed the import via certmgr.msc (it’s there under Personal…Certificates) This PFX is used for a server TLS which I maintain (in addition to the server leaf cert, the PFX contains the intermediate and root self-signed organization certs…both are pre-loaded in everybody’s Windows Trust Stores). So my thinking is to sign the VBA with this server PFX then via chain of trust, the VBA signature will be verified when walked back to the root by the client. Anyway, in MS Word…Developer….Tools…Digital Signature…. when I choose “Sign as” and Choose button, I get the “No usable signing certificates are available” Anybody have any ideas? I’ve googled all over and all day.. Does the”Certificate intended purpose” have anything to do with it not being available? thank you so much for reading. Read More
Outlook Version
Is version 1.2024.701.200 an updated version so that I will continue to have access to hotmail email after Sep 16, 2024?
Is version 1.2024.701.200 an updated version so that I will continue to have access to hotmail email after Sep 16, 2024? Read More
Bookings allows people to book in PERSONAL Bookings Page when not available
In my PERSONAL Bookings Page, Bookings allows people to book meetings with me even when I am “busy” in Outlook. This is NOT a staff Bookings Page. It is my personal one. My time zones are correct.
In my PERSONAL Bookings Page, Bookings allows people to book meetings with me even when I am “busy” in Outlook. This is NOT a staff Bookings Page. It is my personal one. My time zones are correct. Read More
Approval and Documentation, IP address
Good Afternoon strangers, friends, and fans, curious, learners. My name is Eyeknow you can call me EyeSee, I’m a learner a friend a fan very curious like some other people. Perhaps maybe this is a great way to collaborate with fragile pieces that most of us all have I meant windows. I’m not a planner or an event organizer I have zero experience and knowledge of such but definitely interested in listening in that way I’m actually present physically knowingly and mentally.
Good Afternoon strangers, friends, and fans, curious, learners. My name is Eyeknow you can call me EyeSee, I’m a learner a friend a fan very curious like some other people. Perhaps maybe this is a great way to collaborate with fragile pieces that most of us all have I meant windows. I’m not a planner or an event organizer I have zero experience and knowledge of such but definitely interested in listening in that way I’m actually present physically knowingly and mentally. Read More
v24.151.0728.0003 (64 bits) – BUG with multiple MOVE or DELETE
Old thread with the same issue, since 2022!
* User has permission on the shared folder, he was able to create/change/remove fine.
<><><><> the issue is when select too may files/folder
User01 – tenant01
user02 – tenant02
We are partner here in Brazil, right now, two customer reporting the same issue
>>>>>> Come on MS!!!!
Old thread with the same issue, since 2022!* User has permission on the shared folder, he was able to create/change/remove fine.<><><><> the issue is when select too may files/folderUser01 – tenant01############## user02 – tenant02—-We are partner here in Brazil, right now, two customer reporting the same issue>>>>>> Come on MS!!!! Read More
Error: variable-size matrix type is not supported for HDL code
I use the fixed-point tool to fixed-point the subsystem and then generate Verilog, but the following error occurs.
The model contains constructs that are unsupported for HDL code generation. HDL Coder ‘c’ : Error: variable-size matrix type is not supported for HDL code generation. Function ’eml_fixpt_times’ (#33554529.1887.1910), line 65, column 5 Function ‘times’ (#33554530.5290.5318), line 146, column 27 Function ‘mtimes’ (#33554528.2252.2264), line 62, column 9 Function ‘forSubsystem/MATLAB Function1/MATLAB Function1_FixPt’ (#369.531.542), line 23, column 13
In #369.531.542, the error is related to miu*x*en(i), i tried to use sss=miu*x*en(i) instead, but it ended up showing Subscripted assignment dimension mismatch: [1] ~= [5]. Error in ‘testfixed/testforSubsystem/MATLAB Function’ (line 23) sss = miu*x*en(i);
I fixed the above problem,
sss= zeros(1,5);
sss = miu*x*en(i);
but still failed to generate Verilog,
The model contains constructs that are unsupported for HDL code generation. HDL Coder ‘c’ : Error: variable-size matrix type is not supported for HDL code generation. Function ’eml_fixpt_times’ (#33554529.1887.1910), line 65, column 5 Function ‘times’ (#33554530.5290.5318), line 146, column 27 Function ‘mtimes’ (#33554528.2252.2264), line 62, column 9 Function ‘forsubsystem/MATLAB Function’ (#998.580.591), line 23, column 1
The key to the error is on en(i), why does it cause this error?I use the fixed-point tool to fixed-point the subsystem and then generate Verilog, but the following error occurs.
The model contains constructs that are unsupported for HDL code generation. HDL Coder ‘c’ : Error: variable-size matrix type is not supported for HDL code generation. Function ’eml_fixpt_times’ (#33554529.1887.1910), line 65, column 5 Function ‘times’ (#33554530.5290.5318), line 146, column 27 Function ‘mtimes’ (#33554528.2252.2264), line 62, column 9 Function ‘forSubsystem/MATLAB Function1/MATLAB Function1_FixPt’ (#369.531.542), line 23, column 13
In #369.531.542, the error is related to miu*x*en(i), i tried to use sss=miu*x*en(i) instead, but it ended up showing Subscripted assignment dimension mismatch: [1] ~= [5]. Error in ‘testfixed/testforSubsystem/MATLAB Function’ (line 23) sss = miu*x*en(i);
I fixed the above problem,
sss= zeros(1,5);
sss = miu*x*en(i);
but still failed to generate Verilog,
The model contains constructs that are unsupported for HDL code generation. HDL Coder ‘c’ : Error: variable-size matrix type is not supported for HDL code generation. Function ’eml_fixpt_times’ (#33554529.1887.1910), line 65, column 5 Function ‘times’ (#33554530.5290.5318), line 146, column 27 Function ‘mtimes’ (#33554528.2252.2264), line 62, column 9 Function ‘forsubsystem/MATLAB Function’ (#998.580.591), line 23, column 1
The key to the error is on en(i), why does it cause this error? I use the fixed-point tool to fixed-point the subsystem and then generate Verilog, but the following error occurs.
The model contains constructs that are unsupported for HDL code generation. HDL Coder ‘c’ : Error: variable-size matrix type is not supported for HDL code generation. Function ’eml_fixpt_times’ (#33554529.1887.1910), line 65, column 5 Function ‘times’ (#33554530.5290.5318), line 146, column 27 Function ‘mtimes’ (#33554528.2252.2264), line 62, column 9 Function ‘forSubsystem/MATLAB Function1/MATLAB Function1_FixPt’ (#369.531.542), line 23, column 13
In #369.531.542, the error is related to miu*x*en(i), i tried to use sss=miu*x*en(i) instead, but it ended up showing Subscripted assignment dimension mismatch: [1] ~= [5]. Error in ‘testfixed/testforSubsystem/MATLAB Function’ (line 23) sss = miu*x*en(i);
I fixed the above problem,
sss= zeros(1,5);
sss = miu*x*en(i);
but still failed to generate Verilog,
The model contains constructs that are unsupported for HDL code generation. HDL Coder ‘c’ : Error: variable-size matrix type is not supported for HDL code generation. Function ’eml_fixpt_times’ (#33554529.1887.1910), line 65, column 5 Function ‘times’ (#33554530.5290.5318), line 146, column 27 Function ‘mtimes’ (#33554528.2252.2264), line 62, column 9 Function ‘forsubsystem/MATLAB Function’ (#998.580.591), line 23, column 1
The key to the error is on en(i), why does it cause this error? simulink model, variable-size, generate code MATLAB Answers — New Questions