Category: News
Nozzle Design Error: Matrix is singular, close to singular or badly scaled. Results may be inaccurate. RCOND = NaN.
Greetings everyone, I am trying to look into a code found here corydodson/NozzleDesign: Design of supersonic nozzles ( However, I run into an error whenever I run the code which reads "Matrix is singular, close to singular or badly scaled. Results may be inaccurate. RCOND = NaN. " I belive the error comes from this internalnode.m function. x,y are the coordinates, t0 is the temperature and d can be 0 or 1 depending on the user. Anyway I can resolve this? Any help is appreciated!
function [xOut,yOut,uOut,vOut] = internalnode(t0,species,moleFracs,x,y,u,v,d)
h0 = mixprop(‘h’,species,moleFracs,t0);
r = mixprop(‘r’,species,moleFracs)*1000;
L = length(x);
minus = logical([ones(L – 1,1);0]);
plus = logical([0;ones(L – 1,1)]);
xm = x(minus);
xmCalc = xm;
xp = x(plus);
ym = y(minus);
ymCalc = ym;
yp = y(plus);
ypCalc = yp;
um = u(minus);
umCalc = um;
up = u(plus);
upCalc = up;
vm = v(minus);
vmCalc = vm;
vp = v(plus);
vpCalc = vp;
sp = vm;
N = 20;
err = 1e-4;
notConv = true(1,4);
for i = 1:N
ymCalc = (ym + ymCalc)/2;
ypCalc = (yp + ypCalc)/2;
umCalc = (um + umCalc)/2;
upCalc = (up + upCalc)/2;
vmCalc = (vm + vmCalc)/2;
vpCalc = (vp + vpCalc)/2;
uCalc = [umCalc;upCalc(end)];
vCalc = [vmCalc;vpCalc(end)];
vMag = sqrt(uCalc.^2 + vCalc.^2);
h = h0 – vMag.^2/2000;
t = tempfromprop(species,moleFracs,’h’,h);
g = mixprop(‘gamma’,species,moleFracs,t);
a = sqrt(r*g.*t);
am = a(minus);
ap = a(plus);
mu = asind(a./vMag);
mum = mu(minus);
mup = mu(plus);
theta = atand(vCalc./uCalc);
thetam = theta(minus);
thetap = theta(plus);
lm = tand(thetam – mum);
lp = tand(thetap + mup);
q = uCalc.^2 – a.^2;
qm = q(minus);
qp = q(plus);
rm = 2*umCalc.*vmCalc – qm.*lm;
rp = 2*upCalc.*vpCalc – qp.*lp;
sm = d*am.^2.*vmCalc./ymCalc;
switch isempty(sp(ypCalc == 0))
case 1
sp = d*ap.^2.*vpCalc./ypCalc;
sp(ypCalc ~= 0) = d*ap(ypCalc ~= 0).^2.*vpCalc(ypCalc ~= 0)./ypCalc(ypCalc ~= 0);
sp(ypCalc == 0) = sm(end);
A = zeros(L);
B = zeros(L,1);
for j = 1:L – 1
A(2*(j – 1) + 1:2*j,2*(j – 1) + 1:2*j) = [1,-lp(j);…
B(2*(j – 1) + 1:2*j) = [yp(j) – lp(j)*xp(j);…
ym(j) – lm(j)*xm(j)];
X = AB;
ymCalc = X(1:2:end);
ypCalc = ymCalc;
xmCalc = X(2:2:end);
xpCalc = xmCalc;
for j = 1:L – 1
A(2*(j – 1) + 1:2*j,2*(j – 1) + 1:2*j) = [qp(j),rp(j);…
B(2*(j – 1) + 1:2*j) = [sp(j)*(xpCalc(j) – xp(j)) + qp(j)*up(j) + rp(j)*vp(j);…
sm(j)*(xmCalc(j) – xm(j)) + qm(j)*um(j) + rm(j)*vm(j)];
X = AB;
umCalc = X(1:2:end);
upCalc = umCalc;
vmCalc = X(2:2:end);
vpCalc = vmCalc;
switch i ~= 1
case 1
notConv = abs([xmCalc,ymCalc,umCalc,vmCalc]./check0 – 1) > err;
check0 = [xmCalc,ymCalc,umCalc,vmCalc];
switch sum(sum(notConv)) == 0
case 1
switch isnan(xmCalc) | isnan(ymCalc) | isnan(umCalc) | isnan(vmCalc)
case 1
xOut = xmCalc;
yOut = ymCalc;
uOut = umCalc;
vOut = vmCalc;
endGreetings everyone, I am trying to look into a code found here corydodson/NozzleDesign: Design of supersonic nozzles ( However, I run into an error whenever I run the code which reads "Matrix is singular, close to singular or badly scaled. Results may be inaccurate. RCOND = NaN. " I belive the error comes from this internalnode.m function. x,y are the coordinates, t0 is the temperature and d can be 0 or 1 depending on the user. Anyway I can resolve this? Any help is appreciated!
function [xOut,yOut,uOut,vOut] = internalnode(t0,species,moleFracs,x,y,u,v,d)
h0 = mixprop(‘h’,species,moleFracs,t0);
r = mixprop(‘r’,species,moleFracs)*1000;
L = length(x);
minus = logical([ones(L – 1,1);0]);
plus = logical([0;ones(L – 1,1)]);
xm = x(minus);
xmCalc = xm;
xp = x(plus);
ym = y(minus);
ymCalc = ym;
yp = y(plus);
ypCalc = yp;
um = u(minus);
umCalc = um;
up = u(plus);
upCalc = up;
vm = v(minus);
vmCalc = vm;
vp = v(plus);
vpCalc = vp;
sp = vm;
N = 20;
err = 1e-4;
notConv = true(1,4);
for i = 1:N
ymCalc = (ym + ymCalc)/2;
ypCalc = (yp + ypCalc)/2;
umCalc = (um + umCalc)/2;
upCalc = (up + upCalc)/2;
vmCalc = (vm + vmCalc)/2;
vpCalc = (vp + vpCalc)/2;
uCalc = [umCalc;upCalc(end)];
vCalc = [vmCalc;vpCalc(end)];
vMag = sqrt(uCalc.^2 + vCalc.^2);
h = h0 – vMag.^2/2000;
t = tempfromprop(species,moleFracs,’h’,h);
g = mixprop(‘gamma’,species,moleFracs,t);
a = sqrt(r*g.*t);
am = a(minus);
ap = a(plus);
mu = asind(a./vMag);
mum = mu(minus);
mup = mu(plus);
theta = atand(vCalc./uCalc);
thetam = theta(minus);
thetap = theta(plus);
lm = tand(thetam – mum);
lp = tand(thetap + mup);
q = uCalc.^2 – a.^2;
qm = q(minus);
qp = q(plus);
rm = 2*umCalc.*vmCalc – qm.*lm;
rp = 2*upCalc.*vpCalc – qp.*lp;
sm = d*am.^2.*vmCalc./ymCalc;
switch isempty(sp(ypCalc == 0))
case 1
sp = d*ap.^2.*vpCalc./ypCalc;
sp(ypCalc ~= 0) = d*ap(ypCalc ~= 0).^2.*vpCalc(ypCalc ~= 0)./ypCalc(ypCalc ~= 0);
sp(ypCalc == 0) = sm(end);
A = zeros(L);
B = zeros(L,1);
for j = 1:L – 1
A(2*(j – 1) + 1:2*j,2*(j – 1) + 1:2*j) = [1,-lp(j);…
B(2*(j – 1) + 1:2*j) = [yp(j) – lp(j)*xp(j);…
ym(j) – lm(j)*xm(j)];
X = AB;
ymCalc = X(1:2:end);
ypCalc = ymCalc;
xmCalc = X(2:2:end);
xpCalc = xmCalc;
for j = 1:L – 1
A(2*(j – 1) + 1:2*j,2*(j – 1) + 1:2*j) = [qp(j),rp(j);…
B(2*(j – 1) + 1:2*j) = [sp(j)*(xpCalc(j) – xp(j)) + qp(j)*up(j) + rp(j)*vp(j);…
sm(j)*(xmCalc(j) – xm(j)) + qm(j)*um(j) + rm(j)*vm(j)];
X = AB;
umCalc = X(1:2:end);
upCalc = umCalc;
vmCalc = X(2:2:end);
vpCalc = vmCalc;
switch i ~= 1
case 1
notConv = abs([xmCalc,ymCalc,umCalc,vmCalc]./check0 – 1) > err;
check0 = [xmCalc,ymCalc,umCalc,vmCalc];
switch sum(sum(notConv)) == 0
case 1
switch isnan(xmCalc) | isnan(ymCalc) | isnan(umCalc) | isnan(vmCalc)
case 1
xOut = xmCalc;
yOut = ymCalc;
uOut = umCalc;
vOut = vmCalc;
end Greetings everyone, I am trying to look into a code found here corydodson/NozzleDesign: Design of supersonic nozzles ( However, I run into an error whenever I run the code which reads "Matrix is singular, close to singular or badly scaled. Results may be inaccurate. RCOND = NaN. " I belive the error comes from this internalnode.m function. x,y are the coordinates, t0 is the temperature and d can be 0 or 1 depending on the user. Anyway I can resolve this? Any help is appreciated!
function [xOut,yOut,uOut,vOut] = internalnode(t0,species,moleFracs,x,y,u,v,d)
h0 = mixprop(‘h’,species,moleFracs,t0);
r = mixprop(‘r’,species,moleFracs)*1000;
L = length(x);
minus = logical([ones(L – 1,1);0]);
plus = logical([0;ones(L – 1,1)]);
xm = x(minus);
xmCalc = xm;
xp = x(plus);
ym = y(minus);
ymCalc = ym;
yp = y(plus);
ypCalc = yp;
um = u(minus);
umCalc = um;
up = u(plus);
upCalc = up;
vm = v(minus);
vmCalc = vm;
vp = v(plus);
vpCalc = vp;
sp = vm;
N = 20;
err = 1e-4;
notConv = true(1,4);
for i = 1:N
ymCalc = (ym + ymCalc)/2;
ypCalc = (yp + ypCalc)/2;
umCalc = (um + umCalc)/2;
upCalc = (up + upCalc)/2;
vmCalc = (vm + vmCalc)/2;
vpCalc = (vp + vpCalc)/2;
uCalc = [umCalc;upCalc(end)];
vCalc = [vmCalc;vpCalc(end)];
vMag = sqrt(uCalc.^2 + vCalc.^2);
h = h0 – vMag.^2/2000;
t = tempfromprop(species,moleFracs,’h’,h);
g = mixprop(‘gamma’,species,moleFracs,t);
a = sqrt(r*g.*t);
am = a(minus);
ap = a(plus);
mu = asind(a./vMag);
mum = mu(minus);
mup = mu(plus);
theta = atand(vCalc./uCalc);
thetam = theta(minus);
thetap = theta(plus);
lm = tand(thetam – mum);
lp = tand(thetap + mup);
q = uCalc.^2 – a.^2;
qm = q(minus);
qp = q(plus);
rm = 2*umCalc.*vmCalc – qm.*lm;
rp = 2*upCalc.*vpCalc – qp.*lp;
sm = d*am.^2.*vmCalc./ymCalc;
switch isempty(sp(ypCalc == 0))
case 1
sp = d*ap.^2.*vpCalc./ypCalc;
sp(ypCalc ~= 0) = d*ap(ypCalc ~= 0).^2.*vpCalc(ypCalc ~= 0)./ypCalc(ypCalc ~= 0);
sp(ypCalc == 0) = sm(end);
A = zeros(L);
B = zeros(L,1);
for j = 1:L – 1
A(2*(j – 1) + 1:2*j,2*(j – 1) + 1:2*j) = [1,-lp(j);…
B(2*(j – 1) + 1:2*j) = [yp(j) – lp(j)*xp(j);…
ym(j) – lm(j)*xm(j)];
X = AB;
ymCalc = X(1:2:end);
ypCalc = ymCalc;
xmCalc = X(2:2:end);
xpCalc = xmCalc;
for j = 1:L – 1
A(2*(j – 1) + 1:2*j,2*(j – 1) + 1:2*j) = [qp(j),rp(j);…
B(2*(j – 1) + 1:2*j) = [sp(j)*(xpCalc(j) – xp(j)) + qp(j)*up(j) + rp(j)*vp(j);…
sm(j)*(xmCalc(j) – xm(j)) + qm(j)*um(j) + rm(j)*vm(j)];
X = AB;
umCalc = X(1:2:end);
upCalc = umCalc;
vmCalc = X(2:2:end);
vpCalc = vmCalc;
switch i ~= 1
case 1
notConv = abs([xmCalc,ymCalc,umCalc,vmCalc]./check0 – 1) > err;
check0 = [xmCalc,ymCalc,umCalc,vmCalc];
switch sum(sum(notConv)) == 0
case 1
switch isnan(xmCalc) | isnan(ymCalc) | isnan(umCalc) | isnan(vmCalc)
case 1
xOut = xmCalc;
yOut = ymCalc;
uOut = umCalc;
vOut = vmCalc;
end #matlab, #nozzle, #method of characteristics, #singular MATLAB Answers — New Questions
New Blog | Leveraging Azure Native Tooling to Hunt Kubernetes Security Issues
By singhabhi
Container binary drift refers to the phenomenon where a running container deviates from its original image over time. This can happen due to various reasons, such as manual updates, automated processes, or security vulnerabilities. Essentially, the container starts to differ from the static snapshot it was created from, leading to potential inconsistencies and security risks.
When thinking of container image drifts, it is important to understand the following:
Security Risks: Image drift can introduce security risks, as the container may run software or processes that were not part of the original image. This can create a security blind spot, as traditional image scanning may not detect these changes
Detection: Detecting image drift involves monitoring the container for changes that deviate from the original image. This can be done using tools that compare the running container’s state with its original image.
Prevention: To prevent image drift, it is recommended to implement image immutability, regularly update base images, and use image scanning tools. Monitoring and alerting for image drift can also help in identifying and addressing any deviations.
Read the full post here: Leveraging Azure Native Tooling to Hunt Kubernetes Security Issues
By singhabhi
Container binary drift refers to the phenomenon where a running container deviates from its original image over time. This can happen due to various reasons, such as manual updates, automated processes, or security vulnerabilities. Essentially, the container starts to differ from the static snapshot it was created from, leading to potential inconsistencies and security risks.
When thinking of container image drifts, it is important to understand the following:
Security Risks: Image drift can introduce security risks, as the container may run software or processes that were not part of the original image. This can create a security blind spot, as traditional image scanning may not detect these changes
Detection: Detecting image drift involves monitoring the container for changes that deviate from the original image. This can be done using tools that compare the running container’s state with its original image.
Prevention: To prevent image drift, it is recommended to implement image immutability, regularly update base images, and use image scanning tools. Monitoring and alerting for image drift can also help in identifying and addressing any deviations.
Read the full post here: Leveraging Azure Native Tooling to Hunt Kubernetes Security Issues
Freezing Pane Protection Requirement Shared Drive
Hi all,
Current Situation:
I am currently working with a team collaboratively on an Excel sheet. The creator of the shared file has set and communicated a standard freeze pane on a particular column & row.
Since it is a shared file on OneDrive, there are instances where users are tampering with the freeze panes that have been communicated to stay as is. This causes formatting errors, hence affecting the whole data set as a whole.
Is there a way to protect the file as such that cells can be updated (input can be added), BUT the freeze panes set should stay permanently where no one can format this.
I have tried locking cells with the sheet protection, however I still can unfreeze and freeze panes still.
Hi all, Current Situation:I am currently working with a team collaboratively on an Excel sheet. The creator of the shared file has set and communicated a standard freeze pane on a particular column & row. Issue:Since it is a shared file on OneDrive, there are instances where users are tampering with the freeze panes that have been communicated to stay as is. This causes formatting errors, hence affecting the whole data set as a whole. Query:Is there a way to protect the file as such that cells can be updated (input can be added), BUT the freeze panes set should stay permanently where no one can format this.I have tried locking cells with the sheet protection, however I still can unfreeze and freeze panes still. Read More
Log Reader Agent throwing errors on Azure SQL Managed Instance
I configured Azure SQL Managed Instance for transactional replication, it is a publisher with local distributor. I got it set up and the snapshot agent runs successfully, but the log reader agent is throwing errors:
The last step did not log any message! (Source: MSSQL_REPL, Error number: MSSQL_REPL22037)
Get help: http://help/MSSQL_REPL22037
I tried setting up with TSQL script as well as via replication wizard. Still no luck with the logreader agent.
Note – this instance of MI was migrated from on-premise. I verified that the replAgentUser was created and does exist.
USE master
EXEC sp_adddistributor = @@SERVERNAME, @password = NULL
EXEC sp_adddistributiondb @database = N’distribution’
, @min_distretention = 0
, _distretention = 72
, @history_retention = 48
, @deletebatchsize_xact = 5000
, @deletebatchsize_cmd = 2000
, @security_mode = 1
EXEC sp_adddistpublisher @publisher = @@SERVERNAME
, @distribution_db = N’distribution’
, @security_mode = 0
, @login = ‘<login>’
, @password = ‘<password>’
, @working_directory = N’\<name>’
, @storage_connection_string = N’DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=<name>;AccountKey=<key>;’
EXEC sp_replicationdboption @dbname = N’db1′
, @optname = N’publish’
, @value = N’true’
USE [db1]
— Adding the transactional publication
EXEC sp_addpublication @publication = N’pub1′
, @description = N’Transactional publication’
, @sync_method = N’concurrent’
, @retention = 0
, @allow_push = N’true’
, @allow_pull = N’true’
, @allow_anonymous = N’true’
, @enabled_for_internet = N’false’
, _in_defaultfolder = N’true’
, @compress_snapshot = N’false’
, @ftp_port = 21
, @ftp_login = N’anonymous’
, @allow_subscription_copy = N’false’
, @add_to_active_directory = N’false’
, @repl_freq = N’continuous’
, @status = N’active’
, @independent_agent = N’true’
, _sync = N’true’
, @allow_sync_tran = N’false’
, @autogen_sync_procs = N’false’
, @allow_queued_tran = N’false’
, @allow_dts = N’false’
, @replicate_ddl = 1
, @allow_initialize_from_backup = N’false’
, @enabled_for_p2p = N’false’
, @enabled_for_het_sub = N’false’
EXEC sys.sp_changelogreader_agent @job_login = ‘<login>’
, @job_password = ‘<password>’
, @publisher_security_mode = 0
, @publisher_login = N'<login>’
, @publisher_password = ‘<password>’
EXEC sp_addpublication_snapshot @publication = N’pub1′
, @frequency_type = 1
, @frequency_interval = 0
, @frequency_relative_interval = 0
, @frequency_recurrence_factor = 0
, @frequency_subday = 0
, @frequency_subday_interval = 0
, @active_start_time_of_day = 0
, @active_end_time_of_day = 235959
, @active_start_date = 0
, @active_end_date = 0
, @job_login = ‘<login>’
, @job_password = ‘<password>’
, @publisher_security_mode = 0
, @publisher_login = N'<login>’
, @publisher_password = ‘<password>’
EXEC sp_addarticle @publication = N’pub1′
, @article = N’table1′
, @source_owner = N’dbo’
, @source_object = N’table1′
, @type = N’logbased’
, @description = N”
, @creation_script = N”
, @pre_creation_cmd = N’drop’
, @schema_option = 0x00000000080350DF
, @identityrangemanagementoption = N’none’
, @destination_table = N’table1′
, @destination_owner = N’dbo’
, @status = 24
, @vertical_partition = N’false’
, @ins_cmd = N’CALL [sp_MSins_dbotable1]’
, @del_cmd = N’CALL [sp_MSdel_dbotable1]’
, @upd_cmd = N’SCALL [sp_MSupd_dbotable1]’
EXEC sp_startpublication_snapshot @publication = N’pub1′;
Looking at the results of MSlogreader_history table, all changes are being replicated, however there are many runstatus = 6, which means failure.
I configured Azure SQL Managed Instance for transactional replication, it is a publisher with local distributor. I got it set up and the snapshot agent runs successfully, but the log reader agent is throwing errors: The last step did not log any message! (Source: MSSQL_REPL, Error number: MSSQL_REPL22037) Get help: http://help/MSSQL_REPL22037 I tried setting up with TSQL script as well as via replication wizard. Still no luck with the logreader agent. Note – this instance of MI was migrated from on-premise. I verified that the replAgentUser was created and does exist. USE master
EXEC sp_adddistributor = @@SERVERNAME, @password = NULL
EXEC sp_adddistributiondb @database = N’distribution’
, @min_distretention = 0
, _distretention = 72
, @history_retention = 48
, @deletebatchsize_xact = 5000
, @deletebatchsize_cmd = 2000
, @security_mode = 1
EXEC sp_adddistpublisher @publisher = @@SERVERNAME
, @distribution_db = N’distribution’
, @security_mode = 0
, @login = ‘<login>’
, @password = ‘<password>’
, @working_directory = N’\<name>’
, @storage_connection_string = N’DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=<name>;AccountKey=<key>;’
EXEC sp_replicationdboption @dbname = N’db1′
, @optname = N’publish’
, @value = N’true’
USE [db1]
— Adding the transactional publication
EXEC sp_addpublication @publication = N’pub1′
, @description = N’Transactional publication’
, @sync_method = N’concurrent’
, @retention = 0
, @allow_push = N’true’
, @allow_pull = N’true’
, @allow_anonymous = N’true’
, @enabled_for_internet = N’false’
, _in_defaultfolder = N’true’
, @compress_snapshot = N’false’
, @ftp_port = 21
, @ftp_login = N’anonymous’
, @allow_subscription_copy = N’false’
, @add_to_active_directory = N’false’
, @repl_freq = N’continuous’
, @status = N’active’
, @independent_agent = N’true’
, _sync = N’true’
, @allow_sync_tran = N’false’
, @autogen_sync_procs = N’false’
, @allow_queued_tran = N’false’
, @allow_dts = N’false’
, @replicate_ddl = 1
, @allow_initialize_from_backup = N’false’
, @enabled_for_p2p = N’false’
, @enabled_for_het_sub = N’false’
EXEC sys.sp_changelogreader_agent @job_login = ‘<login>’
, @job_password = ‘<password>’
, @publisher_security_mode = 0
, @publisher_login = N'<login>’
, @publisher_password = ‘<password>’
EXEC sp_addpublication_snapshot @publication = N’pub1′
, @frequency_type = 1
, @frequency_interval = 0
, @frequency_relative_interval = 0
, @frequency_recurrence_factor = 0
, @frequency_subday = 0
, @frequency_subday_interval = 0
, @active_start_time_of_day = 0
, @active_end_time_of_day = 235959
, @active_start_date = 0
, @active_end_date = 0
, @job_login = ‘<login>’
, @job_password = ‘<password>’
, @publisher_security_mode = 0
, @publisher_login = N'<login>’
, @publisher_password = ‘<password>’
EXEC sp_addarticle @publication = N’pub1′
, @article = N’table1′
, @source_owner = N’dbo’
, @source_object = N’table1′
, @type = N’logbased’
, @description = N”
, @creation_script = N”
, @pre_creation_cmd = N’drop’
, @schema_option = 0x00000000080350DF
, @identityrangemanagementoption = N’none’
, @destination_table = N’table1′
, @destination_owner = N’dbo’
, @status = 24
, @vertical_partition = N’false’
, @ins_cmd = N’CALL [sp_MSins_dbotable1]’
, @del_cmd = N’CALL [sp_MSdel_dbotable1]’
, @upd_cmd = N’SCALL [sp_MSupd_dbotable1]’
EXEC sp_startpublication_snapshot @publication = N’pub1′;
GO Looking at the results of MSlogreader_history table, all changes are being replicated, however there are many runstatus = 6, which means failure. Read More
Saving Excel files on Mac
Hello everybody,
I am looking for help with saving my excel files on Mac.
I am using excel files with macros, but when I open it on OneDrive Windows and save it and after that I want open it on OneDrive Mac, it automatically turns off autosaving and shows two problems.
– An unexpected error occurred. Automatic refresh has been disabled for this Excel session.
and after that, when I want save file
– Errors occurred while saving file ///. Microsoft Excel can save this file only after removing or fixing some features. Click Continue to make corrections in a new file. To cancel saving the file, click the Cancel button.
It looks like file is broken, but every file I have cannot be broken.
I can’t save it. This problem is with every macro file on Mac.
Has somebody this problem?
Thank you for your help
Hello everybody,I am looking for help with saving my excel files on Mac.I am using excel files with macros, but when I open it on OneDrive Windows and save it and after that I want open it on OneDrive Mac, it automatically turns off autosaving and shows two problems.- An unexpected error occurred. Automatic refresh has been disabled for this Excel session.and after that, when I want save file- Errors occurred while saving file ///. Microsoft Excel can save this file only after removing or fixing some features. Click Continue to make corrections in a new file. To cancel saving the file, click the Cancel button.It looks like file is broken, but every file I have cannot be broken.I can’t save it. This problem is with every macro file on Mac.Has somebody this problem?Thank you for your help Read More
None of the staff, services, or other changes we made are displaying on the Shared Booking page.
The Shared Booking “Admininstrator” shows black and it looks like it is loading for about a minute to load and then disappears.
I’ve tried accessing it using different browsers, in incognito mode, and through Teams and the web app.
When I access the shared booking configuration, it doesn’t display all staff or services and the link is missing.
I have already submitted a support ticket with Microsoft, but they are still working on identifying the issue.
I need help troubleshooting this problem. Looking forward to see some suggestions.
The Shared Booking “Admininstrator” shows black and it looks like it is loading for about a minute to load and then disappears. I’ve tried accessing it using different browsers, in incognito mode, and through Teams and the web app. When I access the shared booking configuration, it doesn’t display all staff or services and the link is missing.I have already submitted a support ticket with Microsoft, but they are still working on identifying the issue.I need help troubleshooting this problem. Looking forward to see some suggestions. Read More
Firewall Rules Disappear
So, I’ve setup a ton of outbound rules … after a few days, of shutting down and logging out … the outbound rules are now gone. So, I have to go about redoing all the rules, which is a huge pain. Curious WHY this is happening, and HOW TO PREVENT it from happening again…
So, I’ve setup a ton of outbound rules … after a few days, of shutting down and logging out … the outbound rules are now gone. So, I have to go about redoing all the rules, which is a huge pain. Curious WHY this is happening, and HOW TO PREVENT it from happening again… Read More
Dynamics 365 and Power Platform User Group Malta Virtual Meetup
This is a great learning and networking opportunity, whether you are in Dynamics 365 CE, Finance and Operations, Business Central/NAV, or Microsoft Power Platform or an enthusiast of any of these platforms.
In this session, we’ll explore the capabilities of Power BI Embed, covering what it is, how it works, and the benefits it offers for organizations. We’ll discuss the necessary Power BI licensing and then dive into practical tasks, such as embedding Power BI into platforms like SharePoint Online, MS Teams, PowerPoint, Jupyter Notebook, and more. We’ll also cover using Power BI Authentication, iframe code in Python, and embedding on organizational websites both public and secure. Finally, we’ll introduce novyPro, a platform for Power BI developers to showcase their work. This session will provide both the knowledge and hands-on techniques needed to effectively embed Power BI in various environments.
Topic: Power BI Embeded Capabilities
This is a great learning and networking opportunity, whether you are in Dynamics 365 CE, Finance and Operations, Business Central/NAV, or Microsoft Power Platform or an enthusiast of any of these platforms. In this session, we’ll explore the capabilities of Power BI Embed, covering what it is, how it works, and the benefits it offers for organizations. We’ll discuss the necessary Power BI licensing and then dive into practical tasks, such as embedding Power BI into platforms like SharePoint Online, MS Teams, PowerPoint, Jupyter Notebook, and more. We’ll also cover using Power BI Authentication, iframe code in Python, and embedding on organizational websites both public and secure. Finally, we’ll introduce novyPro, a platform for Power BI developers to showcase their work. This session will provide both the knowledge and hands-on techniques needed to effectively embed Power BI in various environments. Topic: Power BI Embeded Capabilities Read More
Outlook and Gmail
I use Outlook but it’s linked to Gmail when I use Android devices. Gmail empties the bin folder every 30 days. But it never seems to empty the “imap trash” folder at all. What is the difference between these two folders, and can I set autodeletion on the imap trash folders so that I don’t have to remember to do it?
I use Outlook but it’s linked to Gmail when I use Android devices. Gmail empties the bin folder every 30 days. But it never seems to empty the “imap trash” folder at all. What is the difference between these two folders, and can I set autodeletion on the imap trash folders so that I don’t have to remember to do it? I’ve stored up hundreds of emails accidentally that I thought were being deleted!!! Someone in the Google Community suggested that I look at settings in Outlook rather than Gmail itself so that any deleted items go to the bin instead of being stored. Anyone any (simple) ideas please? Read More
I cannot set the lab capacity when publishing the template.
A lab has been created before, and its capacity is zero currently. When I publish the lab, there is no option to set the virtual machine capacity, so there is no VM. When I send the invitation link to a user, it says all VMs are claimed…. . Can someone help me with this issue?
Hello,A lab has been created before, and its capacity is zero currently. When I publish the lab, there is no option to set the virtual machine capacity, so there is no VM. When I send the invitation link to a user, it says all VMs are claimed…. . Can someone help me with this issue?Thanks. Read More
Announcing SharePoint Embedded Fall Tour Events and Schedule
Kick off your journey with SharePoint Embedded. At the SharePoint Embedded for Enterprise Apps events, you’ll explore best practices for your projects, glimpse the future of SharePoint Embedded, and learn to integrate Copilot into document-centric apps. We’re eager for your feedback and experiences; your creations shape ours.
The SharePoint Embedded product team is coming to New York City and London in September! Come join us for an all-day event to learn how SharePoint Embedded can deliver Copilot, Collaboration, Compliance, and Core Enterprise Storage for your document centric apps.
Specifically, you’ll have the opportunity to do the following:
Learn about SharePoint Embedded, a new way to build file and document centric apps.
Get hands-on coding experience with this new technology and learn how to build your own custom app.
Take a deep dive into critical features, like compliance, collaboration and copilot.
Hear from others who have implemented SharePoint Embedded solutions.
Get insight into the SharePoint Embedded roadmap
New York City, US
Date: Thursday, September 12th, 9AM-7PM (times are approximate, including social hour)
Where: Microsoft Offices NYC Times Square
London, UK
Date: Thursday, September 26th, 9AM-7PM (times are approximate, including social hour)
Where: Central London, UK (Exact location TBD)
RSVP Details (Please note that this event is only open to certain countries and the following will not be accepted: Russia, Belarus)
21+, free event, no registration fees
First come, first served (limited seats)
1 RSVP = 1 person
NDA required (if your company does not have an NDA on record, one will be sent)
NDA must be signed to attend event
Event will be IN PERSON ONLY and will not be recorded
Bring your own device for coding portions (tablets and smartphones will not work)
To register for one or more of these events visit Microsoft SharePoint Embedded for Enterprise Apps (
Microsoft Tech Community – Latest Blogs –Read More
Azure Bot Directline channel vs Directline speech channel
A comparison of two communication channels for Azure Bot Service
Azure Bot Service is a cloud platform that enables developers to create and deploy conversational agents, also known as bots, that can interact with users through various channels, such as web, mobile, or messaging applications. One of the key features of Azure Bot Service is the ability to connect your bot to multiple channels, such as Skype, Facebook Messenger, Slack, or Teams, using a single bot registration and code base.
However, not all channels offer the same level of functionality and user experience. Some channels, such as web chat or direct line, allow you to customize the look and feel of your bot, as well as the mode of communication, such as text, speech, or both. Other channels, such as Skype or Teams, have predefined user interfaces and only support text-based communication.
In this blog post, we will compare two communication channels that enable you to use speech as an input and output modality for your bot: direct line channel and direct line speech channel. We will explain what they are, how they differ, how to use them, and what are the benefits and limitations of each one.
What is direct line channel?
Direct line channel is a REST API that allows you to communicate with your bot from any client application that can send and receive HTTP requests. You can use direct line channel to create your own custom user interface for your bot, or to integrate your bot with other services or applications. For example, you can use direct line channel to embed your bot in a web page, a mobile app, or a voice assistant.
Direct line channel supports both text and speech as input and output modalities for your bot. However, to use speech, you need to use additional services, such as Cognitive Services Speech SDK or Web Chat Speech Services, to handle the speech recognition and synthesis. You also need to handle the audio streaming and encoding between your client application and the speech service.
What is direct line speech channel?
Direct line speech channel is a WebSocket-based API that allows you to communicate with your bot using speech as the primary input and output modality. You can use direct line speech channel to create voice-enabled user interfaces for your bot, such as voice assistants, smart speakers, or voice bots. For example, you can use direct line speech channel to connect your bot to Cortana, Alexa, or Google Assistant.
Direct line speech channel simplifies the speech integration for your bot, as it handles the speech recognition and synthesis, as well as the audio streaming and encoding, for you. You do not need to use any additional services or SDKs to use speech with your bot. You only need to use the direct line speech channel SDK for your client application, which is available for C#, JavaScript, and Java.
Similarities and difference of both
Both direct line channel and direct line speech channel enable you to connect your bot to any client application that can communicate with them. They also enable you to use speech as an input and output modality for your bot, as well as to customize the user interface and the user experience of your bot.
However, there are some key differences between them, such as:
Direct line channel supports both text and speech, while direct line speech channel only supports speech.
Direct line channel requires additional services or SDKs to use speech, while direct line speech channel does not.
Direct line channel uses REST API, while direct line speech channel uses WebSocket API.
Direct line channel requires you to handle the audio streaming and encoding, while direct line speech channel does not.
Direct line channel has more flexibility and control over the speech settings, such as the language, the voice, the rate, or the pitch, while direct line speech channel has less.
Direct line channel has more latency and overhead for speech communication, while direct line speech channel has less.
How to use direct line speech channel with examples
To use direct line speech channel with your bot, you need to follow these steps:
Create a bot using Azure Bot Service and enable the direct line speech channel in the bot settings. How to add directline speech channel to azure bot
Generate a direct line speech key and endpoint for your bot.
Create a client application using the direct line speech channel SDK for your platform (C#, JavaScript, or Java). Directline speech channel SDK
Initialize the direct line speech channel client with the direct line speech key and endpoint. Directline speech channel client
Start a conversation with the bot using the direct line speech channel client.
Send and receive speech messages from the bot using the direct line speech channel client.
End the conversation with the bot using the direct line speech channel client.
Here is an example of how to use direct line speech channel with C#:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang=”en-US”>
<title>Web Chat: Using Direct Line Speech</title>
<meta name=”viewport” content=”width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0″ />
<script crossorigin=”anonymous” src=””></script>
body {
height: 100%;
body {
margin: 0;
#webchat {
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
<div id=”webchat” role=”main”></div>
(async function() {
const fetchCredentials = async () => {
const res = await fetch(‘’, {
method: ‘POST’
if (!res.ok) {
throw new Error(‘Failed to fetch authorization token and region.’);
const { region, token: authorizationToken } = await res.json();
return { authorizationToken, region };
const adapters = await window.WebChat.createDirectLineSpeechAdapters({
document.querySelector(‘#webchat > *’).focus();
})().catch(err => console.error(err));
Reference :
How to use direct line channel with examples
To use direct line channel with your bot, you need to follow these steps:
Create a bot using Azure Bot Service and enable the direct line channel in the bot settings. How to enable dierctline channel
Generate a direct line secret or token for your bot.
Create a client application that can send and receive HTTP requests.
Initialize the direct line channel client with the direct line secret or token.
Start a conversation with the bot using the direct line channel client.
Send and receive text or speech messages from the bot using the direct line channel client.
End the conversation with the bot using the direct line channel client.
Here is an example of how to use direct line channel with C# and Cognitive Services Speech SDK:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang=”en-US”>
<title>Web Chat: Browser-supported speech</title>
<meta name=”viewport” content=”width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0″ />
<script crossorigin=”anonymous” src=””></script>
body {
height: 100%;
body {
margin: 0;
#webchat {
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
<div id=”webchat” role=”main”></div>
(async function() {
const res = await fetch(‘’, { method: ‘POST’ });
const { token };
directLine: window.WebChat.createDirectLine({ token }),
webSpeechPonyfillFactory: window.WebChat.createBrowserWebSpeechPonyfillFactory()
document.querySelector(‘#webchat > *’).focus();
})().catch(err => console.error(err));
Reference :
What are pre-requisites to use direct line channel?
To use direct line channel with your bot, you need to have the following:
An Azure subscription.
An Azure Bot Service resource.
A direct line secret or token for your bot.
A client application that can send and receive HTTP requests.
Optionally, a speech service or SDK to use speech with your bot.
What are pre-requisites to use direct line speech channel?
To use direct line speech channel with your bot, you need to have the following:
An Azure subscription.
An Azure Bot Service resource.
A direct line speech key and endpoint for your bot.
A client application that can use the direct line speech channel SDK for your platform (C#, JavaScript, or Java).
Sample references and documents
For more information and examples on how to use direct line channel and direct line speech channel with your bot, you can refer to the following resources:
Connect a bot to Direct Line
Connect a bot to Direct Line Speech
Speech SDK
Web Chat samples
Direct Line Speech Client sample
How to use direct line channel with cognitive services like speech
To use direct line channel with cognitive services like speech, you need to use the Cognitive Services Speech SDK or the Web Chat Speech Services to handle the speech recognition and synthesis for your bot. You also need to handle the audio streaming and encoding between your client application and the speech service.
The Cognitive Services Speech SDK is a cross-platform library that enables you to use speech as an input and output modality for your bot. It supports various languages, voices, and speech settings. You can use the Speech SDK with any client application that can communicate with the direct line channel, such as a web, mobile, or desktop app.
The Web Chat Speech Services is a web-based service that enables you to use speech as an input and output modality for your bot. It supports various languages, voices, and speech settings. You can use the Web Chat Speech Services with any web-based client application that can embed the Web Chat component, such as a web page or a web app.
How to use direct line speech channel with cognitive services like speech
To use direct line speech channel with cognitive services like speech, you do not need to use any additional services or SDKs, as the direct line speech channel handles the speech recognition and synthesis for you. You only need to use the direct line speech channel SDK for your client application, which is available for C#, JavaScript, and Java.
The direct line speech channel SDK is a cross-platform library that enables you to use speech as the primary input and output modality for your bot. It supports various languages, voices, and speech settings. You can use the direct line speech channel SDK with any client application that can communicate with the direct line speech channel, such as a web, mobile, or desktop app.
Microsoft Tech Community – Latest Blogs –Read More
Unlocking the future of innovation: the Microsoft AI Tour
Innovation isn’t just a buzzword — it’s the heartbeat of thought leadership and a catalyst for growth. And in the past year, no innovation has changed the business landscape quite like AI. At Microsoft, we’re always looking for ways to harness emerging technology for the greater good, and it’s that desire that led to the creation of the Microsoft AI Tour.
Last year’s AI Tour gave senior business leaders and technical practitioners a platform to come together and explore the transformative potential of AI, and we couldn’t be happier with the response it received. That’s why we’re hitting the road again, and this time we’ve tripled the cities on the itinerary to ensure we can reach more of our customers and partners around the world. We hope you’ll join us.
A global movement
The Microsoft AI Tour is more than an event; it’s a global movement that will begin September 24, 2024, and span over 60 cities around the world, from Mexico City to Johannesburg, Mumbai to Sydney, Seoul to Berlin, and many more. This free, one-day and in-person experience offers AI thought leadership, sessions to help build AI skills, hands-on workshops and connection opportunities designed to inspire attendees, while providing practical approaches for using the power of AI to improve productivity and deliver solutions that drive real impact for businesses. We’ll also showcase local customer and partner stories at each stop, which makes the AI Tour a great chance for attendees to deepen their connections with local peers.
Something for everyone
Whether you’re a senior business leader or a technical practitioner, you’ll find valuable insights and actionable solutions at these events. We’ve built the Microsoft AI Tour from the ground up to be a comprehensive AI experience at no cost to you.
For technical practitioners, the Microsoft AI Tour is a platform for learning, collaborating and staying ahead of AI trends. It offers immersive workshops on the latest AI technologies, hands-on experience with Microsoft and partner experts and a vibrant community ready to exchange ideas. We’ll also provide insight into the future of AI, helping attendees stay updated on the rapidly evolving tech landscape.
For senior business leaders, the AI Tour is a unique opportunity to understand how AI can drive growth and innovation for their organizations. Through expert-led presentations, attendees will gain insights into how to best leverage AI to solve complex problems and create lasting value. Plus, dive deep into how AI fits into the Microsoft roadmap, which will help those present align their AI strategies with the latest technologies and best practices.
Learn from Microsoft leadership
During the event, attendees will have the opportunity to engage with industry-leading experts, partners and members of Microsoft’s senior leadership team. Leaders such as Satya Nadella, Chairman and CEO, and Judson Althoff, Executive Vice President and Chief Commercial Officer, will join us at select stops on the tour, where they’ll share how this new generation of AI is reshaping how people live and work.
We can’t wait for you to join us
AI innovation continues to grow, and how we conduct business and develop solutions will never be the same because of it. By joining us at the Microsoft AI Tour, you can position yourself at the forefront of that innovation and ensure you are prepared for whatever’s next on the horizon.
Ready to join this innovation revolution? Visit the Microsoft AI Tour website and request to attend the Tour when it comes to your city.
The post Unlocking the future of innovation: the Microsoft AI Tour appeared first on The Official Microsoft Blog.
Innovation isn’t just a buzzword — it’s the heartbeat of thought leadership and a catalyst for growth. And in the past year, no innovation has changed the business landscape quite like AI. At Microsoft, we’re always looking for ways to harness emerging technology for the greater good, and it’s that desire that led to the…
The post Unlocking the future of innovation: the Microsoft AI Tour appeared first on The Official Microsoft Blog.Read More
Does variation point blocks get generated for OPERATION-INVOKED-EVENT runnables ?
I have added Variation points for a runnable like below from systemdesk
<RUNNABLE-ENTITY UUID="32a97bd4-8cc3-443b-979d-8423bf9af7c1">
But once the model is created the runnable does not contain this variation pointI have added Variation points for a runnable like below from systemdesk
<RUNNABLE-ENTITY UUID="32a97bd4-8cc3-443b-979d-8423bf9af7c1">
But once the model is created the runnable does not contain this variation point I have added Variation points for a runnable like below from systemdesk
<RUNNABLE-ENTITY UUID="32a97bd4-8cc3-443b-979d-8423bf9af7c1">
But once the model is created the runnable does not contain this variation point model, simulink, matlab MATLAB Answers — New Questions
How do I assign an index value to a function output?
Using R2014b. I have a function called within a for loop which returns lots of outputs. I want to assign an index value for each output of the function as the loop runs. Something like:
for ind = 1:n
[output1(ind),output2(ind), …] = function(inputs)
This doesn’t appear to work (results in an error). Is there an easy way to code this without doing:
output1(ind) = output1;
output2(ind) = output2;
for each variable after the function call?Using R2014b. I have a function called within a for loop which returns lots of outputs. I want to assign an index value for each output of the function as the loop runs. Something like:
for ind = 1:n
[output1(ind),output2(ind), …] = function(inputs)
This doesn’t appear to work (results in an error). Is there an easy way to code this without doing:
output1(ind) = output1;
output2(ind) = output2;
for each variable after the function call? Using R2014b. I have a function called within a for loop which returns lots of outputs. I want to assign an index value for each output of the function as the loop runs. Something like:
for ind = 1:n
[output1(ind),output2(ind), …] = function(inputs)
This doesn’t appear to work (results in an error). Is there an easy way to code this without doing:
output1(ind) = output1;
output2(ind) = output2;
for each variable after the function call? function output indexing MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Help Needed: Fixing Indexing Error in MATLAB Random Name Generator Code
I am working on developing a name generator tool in MATLAB to produce random names for individuals or animals. I am inspired by the functionality of the website and aim to create a similar tool.
I have written the following MATLAB code to generate random names:
function randomName = generateRandomName()
% Define lists of name components
firstNames = {‘Alex’, ‘Jordan’, ‘Taylor’, ‘Riley’, ‘Morgan’};
lastNames = {‘Smith’, ‘Johnson’, ‘Williams’, ‘Brown’, ‘Jones’};
% Generate random indices
firstNameIndex = randi(length(firstNames));
lastNameIndex = randi(length(lastNames));
% Construct random name
randomName = [firstNames(firstNameIndex) ‘ ‘ lastNames(lastNameIndex)];
% Example usage
name = generateRandomName();
disp([‘Generated Name: ‘ name]);
However, I am encountering an issue with the code. Specifically, when I run the script, I receive an error related to the way names are indexed and concatenated.
Could you help identify and correct the mistake in the code?
Thank you for your assistance!I am working on developing a name generator tool in MATLAB to produce random names for individuals or animals. I am inspired by the functionality of the website and aim to create a similar tool.
I have written the following MATLAB code to generate random names:
function randomName = generateRandomName()
% Define lists of name components
firstNames = {‘Alex’, ‘Jordan’, ‘Taylor’, ‘Riley’, ‘Morgan’};
lastNames = {‘Smith’, ‘Johnson’, ‘Williams’, ‘Brown’, ‘Jones’};
% Generate random indices
firstNameIndex = randi(length(firstNames));
lastNameIndex = randi(length(lastNames));
% Construct random name
randomName = [firstNames(firstNameIndex) ‘ ‘ lastNames(lastNameIndex)];
% Example usage
name = generateRandomName();
disp([‘Generated Name: ‘ name]);
However, I am encountering an issue with the code. Specifically, when I run the script, I receive an error related to the way names are indexed and concatenated.
Could you help identify and correct the mistake in the code?
Thank you for your assistance! I am working on developing a name generator tool in MATLAB to produce random names for individuals or animals. I am inspired by the functionality of the website and aim to create a similar tool.
I have written the following MATLAB code to generate random names:
function randomName = generateRandomName()
% Define lists of name components
firstNames = {‘Alex’, ‘Jordan’, ‘Taylor’, ‘Riley’, ‘Morgan’};
lastNames = {‘Smith’, ‘Johnson’, ‘Williams’, ‘Brown’, ‘Jones’};
% Generate random indices
firstNameIndex = randi(length(firstNames));
lastNameIndex = randi(length(lastNames));
% Construct random name
randomName = [firstNames(firstNameIndex) ‘ ‘ lastNames(lastNameIndex)];
% Example usage
name = generateRandomName();
disp([‘Generated Name: ‘ name]);
However, I am encountering an issue with the code. Specifically, when I run the script, I receive an error related to the way names are indexed and concatenated.
Could you help identify and correct the mistake in the code?
Thank you for your assistance! matlab, matlab code MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Using Metal cylinder rod replace rectangle shape Yagi-uda antenna design
Hi I want to ask is there any ways to change the geometry shape of antenna toolbox designing yagi antenna. The default shape is in rectangle shape, and I want it to be in cylindrical form as I want to create it physically. Is there any ways to change the shape?Hi I want to ask is there any ways to change the geometry shape of antenna toolbox designing yagi antenna. The default shape is in rectangle shape, and I want it to be in cylindrical form as I want to create it physically. Is there any ways to change the shape? Hi I want to ask is there any ways to change the geometry shape of antenna toolbox designing yagi antenna. The default shape is in rectangle shape, and I want it to be in cylindrical form as I want to create it physically. Is there any ways to change the shape? antenna, simulation, emf MATLAB Answers — New Questions
List Webpart, Document Library and Dynamic Filters
Hi All.
I am trying to use a List and Dynamic filter to display documents related to the topic.
The part i don’t link (and i know it can cause confusion with most users) is that if the click on the category name – for example “DR & emergency process, it opens the items card
so we need to click the circle to see the list of pages
about 4 years ago, a colleague created something similar but that looks a lot better, and all i need to do is click on the category and it displays the list results (you can see the circle is not even there)
I can see that on the Filter list a different view was created, but even though i try and try, and even when i copy paste the format – I cannot replicate.
is this even possible or things changed that much in the last few years?
thank you
Hi All.I am trying to use a List and Dynamic filter to display documents related to the topic.The part i don’t link (and i know it can cause confusion with most users) is that if the click on the category name – for example “DR & emergency process, it opens the items cardso we need to click the circle to see the list of pages about 4 years ago, a colleague created something similar but that looks a lot better, and all i need to do is click on the category and it displays the list results (you can see the circle is not even there) I can see that on the Filter list a different view was created, but even though i try and try, and even when i copy paste the format – I cannot this even possible or things changed that much in the last few years? thank you Read More
Accessing Quiz Score in Power Automate (Forms API, Sync)
We’ve been utilizing the Forms API to download the Excel file and retrieve user scores in Power Automate, since the standard response (Get Response Details) connection doesn’t provide the user’s score. Lately, we’ve faced issues with this API; it used to operate with Power Automate but hasn’t been working for the past week.
Connection: Send an HTTP request to SharePoint
“status”: 401,
“message”: “{“error”:{“code”:”701″,”message”:”Required user login.”}”,
“source”: “”,
“errors”: []
We attempted to use the Forms synchronized Excel file from SharePoint, but it only updates with the actual form data when accessed through a browser.
We’ve been utilizing the Forms API to download the Excel file and retrieve user scores in Power Automate, since the standard response (Get Response Details) connection doesn’t provide the user’s score. Lately, we’ve faced issues with this API; it used to operate with Power Automate but hasn’t been working for the past week. Connection: Send an HTTP request to SharePoint {
“status”: 401,
“message”: “{“error”:{“code”:”701″,”message”:”Required user login.”}”,
“source”: “”,
“errors”: []
} We attempted to use the Forms synchronized Excel file from SharePoint, but it only updates with the actual form data when accessed through a browser. Read More
Stop receiving chats from meetings I need to know about but am not a part of.
Is there a way to make sure that you are not getting the chats of all the breakout rooms in a Teams Meeting that I need to be aware of, so am included as Optional, but am not an active attendee of? For instance, my employees are in a training now that I need to be aware of so it is tentative on my calendar, but I am not in the training. I am getting every breakout room chat and the meeting chats, even after leaving the conversation and trying to mute. Thanks!
Is there a way to make sure that you are not getting the chats of all the breakout rooms in a Teams Meeting that I need to be aware of, so am included as Optional, but am not an active attendee of? For instance, my employees are in a training now that I need to be aware of so it is tentative on my calendar, but I am not in the training. I am getting every breakout room chat and the meeting chats, even after leaving the conversation and trying to mute. Thanks!Brian Read More