Category: News
Generated link to OneDrive file generates “404 NOT FOUND” page
Hi, I’m having an issue with OneDrive – if I attempt to share a file and generate a link that can be opened by anyone and then send that link out, anyone who tries to open the link receives a “404 NOT FOUND” page. This happens for any file in my OneDrive account. I can simulate this if I copy the link and then try to open the link in an incognito or private browser where I am not signed into my OneDrive account. The permissions on the file are set to “anyone with the link can edit”. Can anyone help?
Hi, I’m having an issue with OneDrive – if I attempt to share a file and generate a link that can be opened by anyone and then send that link out, anyone who tries to open the link receives a “404 NOT FOUND” page. This happens for any file in my OneDrive account. I can simulate this if I copy the link and then try to open the link in an incognito or private browser where I am not signed into my OneDrive account. The permissions on the file are set to “anyone with the link can edit”. Can anyone help? Read More
how can i load multiple/all audio files(.wav) in matlab ? all files have different names.
i have a folder containing a number of audio files. i want to load them in a loop so that each audio signals can undergo some operations that i intend to perform.i have a folder containing a number of audio files. i want to load them in a loop so that each audio signals can undergo some operations that i intend to perform. i have a folder containing a number of audio files. i want to load them in a loop so that each audio signals can undergo some operations that i intend to perform. audio signal, loading multiple files, matlab MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Live script: Error Loading
I have created a matlab livescript file, and saved it as .mlx . When i now try to open the file i get the error:
Error Loading "path to file"
I have tried opening it in a text editor, but it is just empty, though the file is 219 kb.
What can I do?Hi
I have created a matlab livescript file, and saved it as .mlx . When i now try to open the file i get the error:
Error Loading "path to file"
I have tried opening it in a text editor, but it is just empty, though the file is 219 kb.
What can I do? Hi
I have created a matlab livescript file, and saved it as .mlx . When i now try to open the file i get the error:
Error Loading "path to file"
I have tried opening it in a text editor, but it is just empty, though the file is 219 kb.
What can I do? error, live script MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Fully Utilize SharePoint as Document Management
Hi All
I just learned about Document Sets, and got some insights for document handling
I have some plan for development:
Using document sets, we will manage all documents related to end-to-end business from quotations to invoice. Each Purchase Order Doc Set will have their related documents (invoice, approval, payment remittance, etc).
But how we can create a list that contains all the invoice, or approval, or payment (we can store or link them on sharepoint list, and then when we click, we will redirected to the related document set)
In short,
-We have document sets (contains invoice, PO, approval, remittance)
-we would like to create view based on all PO (and other properties also) and when we click, we will redirected to the related doc set
Any suggestions of article or keywords?
Hi AllI just learned about Document Sets, and got some insights for document handling I have some plan for development:Using document sets, we will manage all documents related to end-to-end business from quotations to invoice. Each Purchase Order Doc Set will have their related documents (invoice, approval, payment remittance, etc). But how we can create a list that contains all the invoice, or approval, or payment (we can store or link them on sharepoint list, and then when we click, we will redirected to the related document set)In short, -We have document sets (contains invoice, PO, approval, remittance)-we would like to create view based on all PO (and other properties also) and when we click, we will redirected to the related doc setAny suggestions of article or keywords? Read More
How to modify my MATLAB code to train a neural network with images from different directions?
I am working on a project to estimate the weight of pears using their RGB and Depth images in MATLAB. Initially, I used only front-facing images for training, but now I want to improve the accuracy by including images taken from approximately 90 degrees to the left or right of the pear, in addition to the Depth images.
I tried modifying the code to accommodate these new images, but I’m facing some issues.
I would like to change the following points.
・The pear image uses the front, an image moved approximately 90 degrees to the left or right from the front, and a Depth image.
・I want to put all my data in a datastore.
Currently, the code listed is the code that I have modified, but in this state an error occurs and it is impossible to predict.Please lend me your strength.
cd ‘RGB front file path’
folder_name = pwd;
XImageTrainFront = imageDatastore(folder_name);
cd ‘RGB side file path’
folder_name = pwd;
XImageTrainSide = imageDatastore(folder_name);
cd ‘Depth file path’
folder_name = pwd;
XDispTrain = imageDatastore(folder_name);
YTrain = [ data ]; % weight labels
YTrain = arrayDatastore(YTrain);
% Combine datasets
ds = combine(XImageTrainFront, XImageTrainSide, XDispTrain, YTrain);
dsrand = shuffle(ds);
dsVali = partition(dsrand, 10, 1);
dsTest = partition(dsrand, 10, 2);
YTest = readall(dsTest);
YTest = YTest(:,4);
YTest = cell2mat(YTest);
cd ‘path to googlenet300400_multiple.mat’
load googlenet300400_multiple.mat
miniBatchSize = 16;
options = trainingOptions(‘sgdm’, …
‘MiniBatchSize’, miniBatchSize, …
‘MaxEpochs’, 300, …
‘InitialLearnRate’, 1e-7, …
‘LearnRateSchedule’, ‘piecewise’, …
‘LearnRateDropFactor’, 0.1, …
‘LearnRateDropPeriod’, 30, …
‘Shuffle’, ‘every-epoch’, …
‘ValidationData’, dsVali, …
‘ValidationFrequency’, 50, …
‘Plots’, ‘training-progress’, …
‘Verbose’, true);
net = trainNetwork(dsTrain, lgraph_2, options);
YPredicted = predict(net, dsTest);
predictionError = YTest – YPredicted;
squares = predictionError.^2;
rmse = sqrt(mean(squares));
scatter(YPredicted, YTest, ‘+’);
xlabel("Predicted Value");
ylabel("True Value");
hold on;
plot([100 550], [100 550], ‘r–‘);
Error message that occurred during modification.
Please respond to the following error. Error using: trainNetwork (line 191)
Invalid training data. The output size of the last layer ([1 1 1]) is the response size ([1 1 360000])
does not match.
Error: newcord2 (line 93)
net = trainNetwork(dsTrain, lgraph_2, options);
Error using: nnet.cnn.LayerGraph/replaceLayer (line 300)
Layer ‘finalLayerName’ does not exist.
Error: newcord2 (line 85)
lgraph_2 = replaceLayer(lgraph_2, ‘finalLayerName’, finalLayer);I am working on a project to estimate the weight of pears using their RGB and Depth images in MATLAB. Initially, I used only front-facing images for training, but now I want to improve the accuracy by including images taken from approximately 90 degrees to the left or right of the pear, in addition to the Depth images.
I tried modifying the code to accommodate these new images, but I’m facing some issues.
I would like to change the following points.
・The pear image uses the front, an image moved approximately 90 degrees to the left or right from the front, and a Depth image.
・I want to put all my data in a datastore.
Currently, the code listed is the code that I have modified, but in this state an error occurs and it is impossible to predict.Please lend me your strength.
cd ‘RGB front file path’
folder_name = pwd;
XImageTrainFront = imageDatastore(folder_name);
cd ‘RGB side file path’
folder_name = pwd;
XImageTrainSide = imageDatastore(folder_name);
cd ‘Depth file path’
folder_name = pwd;
XDispTrain = imageDatastore(folder_name);
YTrain = [ data ]; % weight labels
YTrain = arrayDatastore(YTrain);
% Combine datasets
ds = combine(XImageTrainFront, XImageTrainSide, XDispTrain, YTrain);
dsrand = shuffle(ds);
dsVali = partition(dsrand, 10, 1);
dsTest = partition(dsrand, 10, 2);
YTest = readall(dsTest);
YTest = YTest(:,4);
YTest = cell2mat(YTest);
cd ‘path to googlenet300400_multiple.mat’
load googlenet300400_multiple.mat
miniBatchSize = 16;
options = trainingOptions(‘sgdm’, …
‘MiniBatchSize’, miniBatchSize, …
‘MaxEpochs’, 300, …
‘InitialLearnRate’, 1e-7, …
‘LearnRateSchedule’, ‘piecewise’, …
‘LearnRateDropFactor’, 0.1, …
‘LearnRateDropPeriod’, 30, …
‘Shuffle’, ‘every-epoch’, …
‘ValidationData’, dsVali, …
‘ValidationFrequency’, 50, …
‘Plots’, ‘training-progress’, …
‘Verbose’, true);
net = trainNetwork(dsTrain, lgraph_2, options);
YPredicted = predict(net, dsTest);
predictionError = YTest – YPredicted;
squares = predictionError.^2;
rmse = sqrt(mean(squares));
scatter(YPredicted, YTest, ‘+’);
xlabel("Predicted Value");
ylabel("True Value");
hold on;
plot([100 550], [100 550], ‘r–‘);
Error message that occurred during modification.
Please respond to the following error. Error using: trainNetwork (line 191)
Invalid training data. The output size of the last layer ([1 1 1]) is the response size ([1 1 360000])
does not match.
Error: newcord2 (line 93)
net = trainNetwork(dsTrain, lgraph_2, options);
Error using: nnet.cnn.LayerGraph/replaceLayer (line 300)
Layer ‘finalLayerName’ does not exist.
Error: newcord2 (line 85)
lgraph_2 = replaceLayer(lgraph_2, ‘finalLayerName’, finalLayer); I am working on a project to estimate the weight of pears using their RGB and Depth images in MATLAB. Initially, I used only front-facing images for training, but now I want to improve the accuracy by including images taken from approximately 90 degrees to the left or right of the pear, in addition to the Depth images.
I tried modifying the code to accommodate these new images, but I’m facing some issues.
I would like to change the following points.
・The pear image uses the front, an image moved approximately 90 degrees to the left or right from the front, and a Depth image.
・I want to put all my data in a datastore.
Currently, the code listed is the code that I have modified, but in this state an error occurs and it is impossible to predict.Please lend me your strength.
cd ‘RGB front file path’
folder_name = pwd;
XImageTrainFront = imageDatastore(folder_name);
cd ‘RGB side file path’
folder_name = pwd;
XImageTrainSide = imageDatastore(folder_name);
cd ‘Depth file path’
folder_name = pwd;
XDispTrain = imageDatastore(folder_name);
YTrain = [ data ]; % weight labels
YTrain = arrayDatastore(YTrain);
% Combine datasets
ds = combine(XImageTrainFront, XImageTrainSide, XDispTrain, YTrain);
dsrand = shuffle(ds);
dsVali = partition(dsrand, 10, 1);
dsTest = partition(dsrand, 10, 2);
YTest = readall(dsTest);
YTest = YTest(:,4);
YTest = cell2mat(YTest);
cd ‘path to googlenet300400_multiple.mat’
load googlenet300400_multiple.mat
miniBatchSize = 16;
options = trainingOptions(‘sgdm’, …
‘MiniBatchSize’, miniBatchSize, …
‘MaxEpochs’, 300, …
‘InitialLearnRate’, 1e-7, …
‘LearnRateSchedule’, ‘piecewise’, …
‘LearnRateDropFactor’, 0.1, …
‘LearnRateDropPeriod’, 30, …
‘Shuffle’, ‘every-epoch’, …
‘ValidationData’, dsVali, …
‘ValidationFrequency’, 50, …
‘Plots’, ‘training-progress’, …
‘Verbose’, true);
net = trainNetwork(dsTrain, lgraph_2, options);
YPredicted = predict(net, dsTest);
predictionError = YTest – YPredicted;
squares = predictionError.^2;
rmse = sqrt(mean(squares));
scatter(YPredicted, YTest, ‘+’);
xlabel("Predicted Value");
ylabel("True Value");
hold on;
plot([100 550], [100 550], ‘r–‘);
Error message that occurred during modification.
Please respond to the following error. Error using: trainNetwork (line 191)
Invalid training data. The output size of the last layer ([1 1 1]) is the response size ([1 1 360000])
does not match.
Error: newcord2 (line 93)
net = trainNetwork(dsTrain, lgraph_2, options);
Error using: nnet.cnn.LayerGraph/replaceLayer (line 300)
Layer ‘finalLayerName’ does not exist.
Error: newcord2 (line 85)
lgraph_2 = replaceLayer(lgraph_2, ‘finalLayerName’, finalLayer); prediction, multi-input network, 予測, 多入力ネットワーク MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Trouble with for loop to determine the discrete wavelet transform (DWT)
Hi, I need assistance plotting the approximation (A) and detail (D) coefficients separately for all sheets in an Excel file over a given time frame. Currently, the existing code generates the transform only for the final sheet (Sheet 8). I am uncertain how to modify the code to plot A1 and D1 separately for all sheets. I would be grateful for any guidance you may provide. Thank you for your time and help.
close all
clear all
filename = ‘s.xlsx’;
% Get the sheet names
[~, sheetNames] = xlsfinfo(filename);
for i = 1:numel(sheetNames)
% Read the data from the sheet
data = xlsread(filename, i);
% Extract the time and signal columns
t(:,i) = data(:, 1);
sig (:,i) = data(:, 2);
N = length(sig);
dt = t(3) – t(2); % sampling time
fs = 1/dt; % freq
signal = sig (:,i);
wname = ‘bior6.8’;
% Discrete Wavelet, DWT
[CA1,CD1] = dwt(signal,wname);
A1 = idwt(CA1,[],wname,N);
D1 = idwt([],CD1,wname,N);
t (:,i) = linspace(0,N,N)*(1/fs);
plot (t,A1,’k’,’LineWidth’,1.5);
title(sprintf(‘Approximation for sheet%d’, i));
set(gca,’fontname’,’Times New Roman’,’FontSize’,10)
xlabel(‘Time (secs)’)
grid on
plot (t,D1,’k’,’LineWidth’,1.5);
title(sprintf(‘Detail for sheet%d’, i));
set(gca,’fontname’,’Times New Roman’,’FontSize’,10)
xlabel(‘Time (secs)’)
grid on
endHi, I need assistance plotting the approximation (A) and detail (D) coefficients separately for all sheets in an Excel file over a given time frame. Currently, the existing code generates the transform only for the final sheet (Sheet 8). I am uncertain how to modify the code to plot A1 and D1 separately for all sheets. I would be grateful for any guidance you may provide. Thank you for your time and help.
close all
clear all
filename = ‘s.xlsx’;
% Get the sheet names
[~, sheetNames] = xlsfinfo(filename);
for i = 1:numel(sheetNames)
% Read the data from the sheet
data = xlsread(filename, i);
% Extract the time and signal columns
t(:,i) = data(:, 1);
sig (:,i) = data(:, 2);
N = length(sig);
dt = t(3) – t(2); % sampling time
fs = 1/dt; % freq
signal = sig (:,i);
wname = ‘bior6.8’;
% Discrete Wavelet, DWT
[CA1,CD1] = dwt(signal,wname);
A1 = idwt(CA1,[],wname,N);
D1 = idwt([],CD1,wname,N);
t (:,i) = linspace(0,N,N)*(1/fs);
plot (t,A1,’k’,’LineWidth’,1.5);
title(sprintf(‘Approximation for sheet%d’, i));
set(gca,’fontname’,’Times New Roman’,’FontSize’,10)
xlabel(‘Time (secs)’)
grid on
plot (t,D1,’k’,’LineWidth’,1.5);
title(sprintf(‘Detail for sheet%d’, i));
set(gca,’fontname’,’Times New Roman’,’FontSize’,10)
xlabel(‘Time (secs)’)
grid on
end Hi, I need assistance plotting the approximation (A) and detail (D) coefficients separately for all sheets in an Excel file over a given time frame. Currently, the existing code generates the transform only for the final sheet (Sheet 8). I am uncertain how to modify the code to plot A1 and D1 separately for all sheets. I would be grateful for any guidance you may provide. Thank you for your time and help.
close all
clear all
filename = ‘s.xlsx’;
% Get the sheet names
[~, sheetNames] = xlsfinfo(filename);
for i = 1:numel(sheetNames)
% Read the data from the sheet
data = xlsread(filename, i);
% Extract the time and signal columns
t(:,i) = data(:, 1);
sig (:,i) = data(:, 2);
N = length(sig);
dt = t(3) – t(2); % sampling time
fs = 1/dt; % freq
signal = sig (:,i);
wname = ‘bior6.8’;
% Discrete Wavelet, DWT
[CA1,CD1] = dwt(signal,wname);
A1 = idwt(CA1,[],wname,N);
D1 = idwt([],CD1,wname,N);
t (:,i) = linspace(0,N,N)*(1/fs);
plot (t,A1,’k’,’LineWidth’,1.5);
title(sprintf(‘Approximation for sheet%d’, i));
set(gca,’fontname’,’Times New Roman’,’FontSize’,10)
xlabel(‘Time (secs)’)
grid on
plot (t,D1,’k’,’LineWidth’,1.5);
title(sprintf(‘Detail for sheet%d’, i));
set(gca,’fontname’,’Times New Roman’,’FontSize’,10)
xlabel(‘Time (secs)’)
grid on
end dwt, plot, for loop MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Seeking assistance for MS project
Hi Team,
Can we use ‘Expected Finish’ or ‘Projected Finish’ in MS Project in a similar way to how they are used in Primavera P6?
For instance
If a Contractor or Consultant commits to completing work by a date that differs from the baseline plan, how should the project schedule be adjusted to reflect these new dates? For instance, if the building structure was originally scheduled for completion in August, but the contractor has now committed to finishing by November, what is the best way to analyze the impact of this change on the overall project timeline in MS project?
Hi Team, Can we use ‘Expected Finish’ or ‘Projected Finish’ in MS Project in a similar way to how they are used in Primavera P6?For instance If a Contractor or Consultant commits to completing work by a date that differs from the baseline plan, how should the project schedule be adjusted to reflect these new dates? For instance, if the building structure was originally scheduled for completion in August, but the contractor has now committed to finishing by November, what is the best way to analyze the impact of this change on the overall project timeline in MS project? Regards Abhishek Read More
Set up a native connection from Matlab to MySQL with SSL
I’m trying to use the native mysql interface to connect to a MySql 8.0.37 database on Azure. This database was previously deployed to a test server which didn’t require SSL and I was able to connect to it without issue. I’m also able to connect to the new Azure MySql database using DBeaver and the MySql Workbench from the same client computer, but I get the following error when I try to connect with Matlab’s mysql connector:
Error using mysql (line 49)
Connections using insecure transport are prohibited while –require_secure_transport=ON..
My connection code is as follows (where aosDbSettings is a struct containing the connection details):
conn = mysql( …
aosDbSettings.UserName, aosDbSettings.UserPassword, …
‘Server’, aosDbSettings.Server, …
‘DatabaseName’, aosDbSettings.DatabaseName, …
‘PortNumber’, aosDbSettings.PortNumber …
Having reviewed the documentation for the Native MySql Interface (specifically the mysql function), I don’t see any options related to SSL. Are there any undocumented options available to make this work? I find it surprising that there’s no mention of security options in the documentation. Am I missing something?I’m trying to use the native mysql interface to connect to a MySql 8.0.37 database on Azure. This database was previously deployed to a test server which didn’t require SSL and I was able to connect to it without issue. I’m also able to connect to the new Azure MySql database using DBeaver and the MySql Workbench from the same client computer, but I get the following error when I try to connect with Matlab’s mysql connector:
Error using mysql (line 49)
Connections using insecure transport are prohibited while –require_secure_transport=ON..
My connection code is as follows (where aosDbSettings is a struct containing the connection details):
conn = mysql( …
aosDbSettings.UserName, aosDbSettings.UserPassword, …
‘Server’, aosDbSettings.Server, …
‘DatabaseName’, aosDbSettings.DatabaseName, …
‘PortNumber’, aosDbSettings.PortNumber …
Having reviewed the documentation for the Native MySql Interface (specifically the mysql function), I don’t see any options related to SSL. Are there any undocumented options available to make this work? I find it surprising that there’s no mention of security options in the documentation. Am I missing something? I’m trying to use the native mysql interface to connect to a MySql 8.0.37 database on Azure. This database was previously deployed to a test server which didn’t require SSL and I was able to connect to it without issue. I’m also able to connect to the new Azure MySql database using DBeaver and the MySql Workbench from the same client computer, but I get the following error when I try to connect with Matlab’s mysql connector:
Error using mysql (line 49)
Connections using insecure transport are prohibited while –require_secure_transport=ON..
My connection code is as follows (where aosDbSettings is a struct containing the connection details):
conn = mysql( …
aosDbSettings.UserName, aosDbSettings.UserPassword, …
‘Server’, aosDbSettings.Server, …
‘DatabaseName’, aosDbSettings.DatabaseName, …
‘PortNumber’, aosDbSettings.PortNumber …
Having reviewed the documentation for the Native MySql Interface (specifically the mysql function), I don’t see any options related to SSL. Are there any undocumented options available to make this work? I find it surprising that there’s no mention of security options in the documentation. Am I missing something? mysql, ssl, database toolbox MATLAB Answers — New Questions
How to Curve the Lane
I want to show the straight and curved lanes on the roadrunner.
Is there a way to turn a straight lane into a curved lane?
Or is there a document or link to refer to?I want to show the straight and curved lanes on the roadrunner.
Is there a way to turn a straight lane into a curved lane?
Or is there a document or link to refer to? I want to show the straight and curved lanes on the roadrunner.
Is there a way to turn a straight lane into a curved lane?
Or is there a document or link to refer to? curve, roadrunner MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Failed to load a mesh from gptoolbox. I am missing something, what is it?
% 1. Load a Mesh
[V, F] = readOFF(‘D:Conferences and WorkshopsSG SummerMFC –’);
% 2. Display the Mesh
trisurf(F, V(:,1), V(:,2), V(:,3), ‘FaceColor’, ‘cyan’, ‘EdgeColor’, ‘none’);
axis equal;
lighting gouraud;
title(‘Original Mesh’);
% Define the number of iterations and timestep for smoothing
num_iterations = 100;
time_step = 0.01;
% 3. Mean Curvature Flow (MCF) – Explicit Method
V_explicit = V; % Copy the vertices for the explicit method
for iter = 1:num_iterations
% Compute the Laplace-Beltrami operator and mean curvature normal
L = cotmatrix(V_explicit, F);
HN = -L * V_explicit;
% Update vertex positions
V_explicit = V_explicit + time_step * HN;
% Display the smoothed mesh – Explicit Method
trisurf(F, V_explicit(:,1), V_explicit(:,2), V_explicit(:,3), ‘FaceColor’, ‘cyan’, ‘EdgeColor’, ‘none’);
axis equal;
lighting gouraud;
title(‘MCF – Explicit Method’);
% 3. Mean Curvature Flow (MCF) – Semi-Implicit Method
V_implicit = V; % Copy the vertices for the implicit method
for iter = 1:num_iterations
% Compute the Laplace-Beltrami operator
L = cotmatrix(V_implicit, F);
% Solve (I – time_step * L) * V_new = V_old
V_implicit = (speye(size(V_implicit, 1)) – time_step * L) V_implicit;
% Display the smoothed mesh – Semi-Implicit Method
trisurf(F, V_implicit(:,1), V_implicit(:,2), V_implicit(:,3), ‘FaceColor’, ‘cyan’, ‘EdgeColor’, ‘none’);
axis equal;
lighting gouraud;
title(‘MCF – Semi-Implicit Method’);
here is the link to loadmesh function:
and the readOFF: 1. Load a Mesh
[V, F] = readOFF(‘D:Conferences and WorkshopsSG SummerMFC –’);
% 2. Display the Mesh
trisurf(F, V(:,1), V(:,2), V(:,3), ‘FaceColor’, ‘cyan’, ‘EdgeColor’, ‘none’);
axis equal;
lighting gouraud;
title(‘Original Mesh’);
% Define the number of iterations and timestep for smoothing
num_iterations = 100;
time_step = 0.01;
% 3. Mean Curvature Flow (MCF) – Explicit Method
V_explicit = V; % Copy the vertices for the explicit method
for iter = 1:num_iterations
% Compute the Laplace-Beltrami operator and mean curvature normal
L = cotmatrix(V_explicit, F);
HN = -L * V_explicit;
% Update vertex positions
V_explicit = V_explicit + time_step * HN;
% Display the smoothed mesh – Explicit Method
trisurf(F, V_explicit(:,1), V_explicit(:,2), V_explicit(:,3), ‘FaceColor’, ‘cyan’, ‘EdgeColor’, ‘none’);
axis equal;
lighting gouraud;
title(‘MCF – Explicit Method’);
% 3. Mean Curvature Flow (MCF) – Semi-Implicit Method
V_implicit = V; % Copy the vertices for the implicit method
for iter = 1:num_iterations
% Compute the Laplace-Beltrami operator
L = cotmatrix(V_implicit, F);
% Solve (I – time_step * L) * V_new = V_old
V_implicit = (speye(size(V_implicit, 1)) – time_step * L) V_implicit;
% Display the smoothed mesh – Semi-Implicit Method
trisurf(F, V_implicit(:,1), V_implicit(:,2), V_implicit(:,3), ‘FaceColor’, ‘cyan’, ‘EdgeColor’, ‘none’);
axis equal;
lighting gouraud;
title(‘MCF – Semi-Implicit Method’);
here is the link to loadmesh function:
and the readOFF: % 1. Load a Mesh
[V, F] = readOFF(‘D:Conferences and WorkshopsSG SummerMFC –’);
% 2. Display the Mesh
trisurf(F, V(:,1), V(:,2), V(:,3), ‘FaceColor’, ‘cyan’, ‘EdgeColor’, ‘none’);
axis equal;
lighting gouraud;
title(‘Original Mesh’);
% Define the number of iterations and timestep for smoothing
num_iterations = 100;
time_step = 0.01;
% 3. Mean Curvature Flow (MCF) – Explicit Method
V_explicit = V; % Copy the vertices for the explicit method
for iter = 1:num_iterations
% Compute the Laplace-Beltrami operator and mean curvature normal
L = cotmatrix(V_explicit, F);
HN = -L * V_explicit;
% Update vertex positions
V_explicit = V_explicit + time_step * HN;
% Display the smoothed mesh – Explicit Method
trisurf(F, V_explicit(:,1), V_explicit(:,2), V_explicit(:,3), ‘FaceColor’, ‘cyan’, ‘EdgeColor’, ‘none’);
axis equal;
lighting gouraud;
title(‘MCF – Explicit Method’);
% 3. Mean Curvature Flow (MCF) – Semi-Implicit Method
V_implicit = V; % Copy the vertices for the implicit method
for iter = 1:num_iterations
% Compute the Laplace-Beltrami operator
L = cotmatrix(V_implicit, F);
% Solve (I – time_step * L) * V_new = V_old
V_implicit = (speye(size(V_implicit, 1)) – time_step * L) V_implicit;
% Display the smoothed mesh – Semi-Implicit Method
trisurf(F, V_implicit(:,1), V_implicit(:,2), V_implicit(:,3), ‘FaceColor’, ‘cyan’, ‘EdgeColor’, ‘none’);
axis equal;
lighting gouraud;
title(‘MCF – Semi-Implicit Method’);
here is the link to loadmesh function:
and the readOFF: gpu, gp, image processing, mesh MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Can’t connect branch with block in simulink
I made a circuit for superposition theorem in simulink with dc voltage source and the measured current is connected to the scope as an output so i can see the value.My next task is to simulate the work of this circuit. When i try to drag & connect the branch with the input of the current measurement block then it is showing red dashed line which means that i cannot connect it to my circuit.
Please someone help me solve this problem, it is a bit urgent.
Thank you!Hello.
I made a circuit for superposition theorem in simulink with dc voltage source and the measured current is connected to the scope as an output so i can see the value.My next task is to simulate the work of this circuit. When i try to drag & connect the branch with the input of the current measurement block then it is showing red dashed line which means that i cannot connect it to my circuit.
Please someone help me solve this problem, it is a bit urgent.
Thank you! Hello.
I made a circuit for superposition theorem in simulink with dc voltage source and the measured current is connected to the scope as an output so i can see the value.My next task is to simulate the work of this circuit. When i try to drag & connect the branch with the input of the current measurement block then it is showing red dashed line which means that i cannot connect it to my circuit.
Please someone help me solve this problem, it is a bit urgent.
Thank you! superposition theorem, block connection MATLAB Answers — New Questions
大发回血上岸最快的方法技巧:white_heavy_check_mark:《網:36hf. cc》【 导师 Q:8521248】【】:white_heavy_check_mark:【首丨存丨即丨送】:white_heavy_check_mark:【靠丨谱丨老丨台】:white_heavy_check_mark:【万丨人丨聊丨天丨室】:white_heavy_check_mark:【精丨准丨计丨划】:white_heavy_check_mark:【财丨运丨当丨头】:white_heavy_check_mark:【好丨运丨连丨连】:white_heavy_check_mark:【共丨创丨辉丨煌】:white_heavy_check_mark:你若信我,请坚信,我必定会带你东山再起!风险和机会共存!我需要对你负责,也不做没把握的事情,只要你准备的足够充分,我也有绝对的能力,带你赚取到你的理想金额,希望我们可以做到真正的合作共赢!【TGRsdllakbz】
大发回血上岸最快的方法技巧:white_heavy_check_mark:《網:36hf. cc》【 导师 Q:8521248】【】:white_heavy_check_mark:【首丨存丨即丨送】:white_heavy_check_mark:【靠丨谱丨老丨台】:white_heavy_check_mark:【万丨人丨聊丨天丨室】:white_heavy_check_mark:【精丨准丨计丨划】:white_heavy_check_mark:【财丨运丨当丨头】:white_heavy_check_mark:【好丨运丨连丨连】:white_heavy_check_mark:【共丨创丨辉丨煌】:white_heavy_check_mark:你若信我,请坚信,我必定会带你东山再起!风险和机会共存!我需要对你负责,也不做没把握的事情,只要你准备的足够充分,我也有绝对的能力,带你赚取到你的理想金额,希望我们可以做到真正的合作共赢!【TGRsdllakbz】 Read More
Criteria for the final SINR, CQI computation in 5G NR CSI Reporting
In 5G toolbox, specifically NR Downlink CSI Reporting Example, SINR is being calculated for all layers. I have a question, for a two-layer scenario, if SINR values vary considerably, what should be the criteria for the final SINR, CQI computation? The lowest SINR, the mean or something between? In other words, which one of these criteria should we choose, as each comes with pros and cons.
Go with lowest SINR.
Go with higher SINR and rank1.
Go between lower SINR and average SINR.
ThanksIn 5G toolbox, specifically NR Downlink CSI Reporting Example, SINR is being calculated for all layers. I have a question, for a two-layer scenario, if SINR values vary considerably, what should be the criteria for the final SINR, CQI computation? The lowest SINR, the mean or something between? In other words, which one of these criteria should we choose, as each comes with pros and cons.
Go with lowest SINR.
Go with higher SINR and rank1.
Go between lower SINR and average SINR.
Thanks In 5G toolbox, specifically NR Downlink CSI Reporting Example, SINR is being calculated for all layers. I have a question, for a two-layer scenario, if SINR values vary considerably, what should be the criteria for the final SINR, CQI computation? The lowest SINR, the mean or something between? In other words, which one of these criteria should we choose, as each comes with pros and cons.
Go with lowest SINR.
Go with higher SINR and rank1.
Go between lower SINR and average SINR.
Thanks csirs, 5g, nr, sinr MATLAB Answers — New Questions
New Mastering the Marketplace webinars available in August
More marketplace webinars available in August!
▪ Developing your virtual machine offer (8/20): a review of the required technical configurations to make virtual machine apps and how to publish virtual machines offers to the Azure marketplace. This session covers how to publish a virtual machine offer and integrate the solution from the Azure Portal tool to Partner Center; how to setup Tenants; how to create different plans to best suit your customers’ needs; and, how to use Cloud-init within the Azure Portal.
▪ Developing your container offer (8/21): learn how to set up and develop the new Azure Container Offer used to deploy containerized solutions as Kubernetes Apps from the Azure Marketplace.
▪ *NEW* ISVs – Multiparty Private Offers Campaign in a Box: Alliances, Marketing, and Sales leaders should attend this brief webinar to learn more about how to use this campaign to educate internal sales and channel teams on multiparty private offers; recruit and enable channel partners to sell with multiparty private offers; promote your marketplace capabilities to your Microsoft contacts; and, market your applications to customers through channel partners
▪ Customer Office Hours Q&A – The marketplace + Azure (8/27): Get guidance on how to align your Azure investments to the marketplace to help your organization increase efficiency and spend smarter. (This session is open to both partners and customers).
Find our complete schedule here:
More marketplace webinars available in August!▪ Developing your virtual machine offer (8/20): a review of the required technical configurations to make virtual machine apps and how to publish virtual machines offers to the Azure marketplace. This session covers how to publish a virtual machine offer and integrate the solution from the Azure Portal tool to Partner Center; how to setup Tenants; how to create different plans to best suit your customers’ needs; and, how to use Cloud-init within the Azure Portal.▪ Developing your container offer (8/21): learn how to set up and develop the new Azure Container Offer used to deploy containerized solutions as Kubernetes Apps from the Azure Marketplace. ▪ *NEW* ISVs – Multiparty Private Offers Campaign in a Box: Alliances, Marketing, and Sales leaders should attend this brief webinar to learn more about how to use this campaign to educate internal sales and channel teams on multiparty private offers; recruit and enable channel partners to sell with multiparty private offers; promote your marketplace capabilities to your Microsoft contacts; and, market your applications to customers through channel partners▪ Customer Office Hours Q&A – The marketplace + Azure (8/27): Get guidance on how to align your Azure investments to the marketplace to help your organization increase efficiency and spend smarter. (This session is open to both partners and customers).Find our complete schedule here: Read More
Extracting and Appending Data in Power Query
The report I am working on includes daily transactions, each preceded by a summary box. Part of the summary box, contains data on the deposit date. My challenge is extracting this deposit date from the summary box to append as a new column in the corresponding daily transaction list below.
The challenge is compounded by the fact that the deposit date in the summary box shares a column with transaction details. The report layout is sequential; as you scroll down, you encounter new transaction dates followed by another summary box, each containing a new deposit date. This pattern repeats throughout the document.
Despite efforts, I am struggling to figure this one out on Power Query to accurately isolate and position the deposit date. If anyone has experience or insights on how to streamline this process, I would greatly appreciate anyone’s help.
The report I am working on includes daily transactions, each preceded by a summary box. Part of the summary box, contains data on the deposit date. My challenge is extracting this deposit date from the summary box to append as a new column in the corresponding daily transaction list below.The challenge is compounded by the fact that the deposit date in the summary box shares a column with transaction details. The report layout is sequential; as you scroll down, you encounter new transaction dates followed by another summary box, each containing a new deposit date. This pattern repeats throughout the document. Despite efforts, I am struggling to figure this one out on Power Query to accurately isolate and position the deposit date. If anyone has experience or insights on how to streamline this process, I would greatly appreciate anyone’s help. Read More
How to create a pivot table to represent categorical text?
As seen in attached file (hopefully its attached)<
I have a table of 6 products showing the awareness of each product either as “aware”, “not aware” or “blank”.
I am trying to make a pivot table as seen here
Is there a way to do this as i can only seem to do it for one category at a time rather than all at once. Thanks!
– on Excel PC Version 2405
Hello,As seen in attached file (hopefully its attached)<I have a table of 6 products showing the awareness of each product either as “aware”, “not aware” or “blank”. I am trying to make a pivot table as seen here Is there a way to do this as i can only seem to do it for one category at a time rather than all at once. Thanks!- on Excel PC Version 2405 Read More
Email not showing in Outlook Inbox – but is on phone and Webmail?
Hi there… I am stumped. I am receiving email son my phone and Webmail – but my Outlook Inbox is not syncing the same. What is more weird is if I use Outlook to search for a NEW email (that is on my phone) – it actually does show up? Any help on this would be appreciated
Hi there… I am stumped. I am receiving email son my phone and Webmail – but my Outlook Inbox is not syncing the same. What is more weird is if I use Outlook to search for a NEW email (that is on my phone) – it actually does show up? Any help on this would be appreciated Read More
Finding the “center” of an extended ring
I have been experimenting with the image processing toolbox’s function "imfindcircles", and it works well. However, there is one issue: I have an extended big ring in the image where I want to recognise its "center" instead of the outer end of the ring (see attached figure, where the outer end is plotted with viscircles and the center and radius found by imfindcircles).
This is also mirrored in the data itself: both the inner and outer end of the big ring have a lower intensity than its center. Is there a way to force "imfindcircles" to use the ring of maximum intensity? (Note that I have applied a thresholding to my image, otherwise the gradient at the ring ends would not be as harsh, and imfindcircles would struggle to differentiate between the ring and artifacts neighbouring the ring.)
Or is there maybe an alternative that includes a second step? After all, the circle center is properly recognised, so I can maybe vary the radius slightly? Maybe I could add up all the values of pixels that would lie on the circle, and see where that reaches its maximum. Is there an easy way to do something like that?
openfig findcircle-test.figI have been experimenting with the image processing toolbox’s function "imfindcircles", and it works well. However, there is one issue: I have an extended big ring in the image where I want to recognise its "center" instead of the outer end of the ring (see attached figure, where the outer end is plotted with viscircles and the center and radius found by imfindcircles).
This is also mirrored in the data itself: both the inner and outer end of the big ring have a lower intensity than its center. Is there a way to force "imfindcircles" to use the ring of maximum intensity? (Note that I have applied a thresholding to my image, otherwise the gradient at the ring ends would not be as harsh, and imfindcircles would struggle to differentiate between the ring and artifacts neighbouring the ring.)
Or is there maybe an alternative that includes a second step? After all, the circle center is properly recognised, so I can maybe vary the radius slightly? Maybe I could add up all the values of pixels that would lie on the circle, and see where that reaches its maximum. Is there an easy way to do something like that?
openfig findcircle-test.fig I have been experimenting with the image processing toolbox’s function "imfindcircles", and it works well. However, there is one issue: I have an extended big ring in the image where I want to recognise its "center" instead of the outer end of the ring (see attached figure, where the outer end is plotted with viscircles and the center and radius found by imfindcircles).
This is also mirrored in the data itself: both the inner and outer end of the big ring have a lower intensity than its center. Is there a way to force "imfindcircles" to use the ring of maximum intensity? (Note that I have applied a thresholding to my image, otherwise the gradient at the ring ends would not be as harsh, and imfindcircles would struggle to differentiate between the ring and artifacts neighbouring the ring.)
Or is there maybe an alternative that includes a second step? After all, the circle center is properly recognised, so I can maybe vary the radius slightly? Maybe I could add up all the values of pixels that would lie on the circle, and see where that reaches its maximum. Is there an easy way to do something like that?
openfig findcircle-test.fig image segmentation MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Recap of Partner Insight webinar on accelerating growth with marketplace + AI!
You can now catch the highlights from last month’s Partner Insight webinar that showcased how ISVs can accelerate growth with the Microsoft commercial marketplace and AI opportunity in FY25.
Hear insights from Ryan Storgaard’s keynote in this YouTube video. Ryan, who leads marketplace growth at Microsoft, has worked extensively with ISVs to empower their success across Azure and is a veteran of the marketplace business. The Partner Insight newsletter also recapped this online event.
You can now catch the highlights from last month’s Partner Insight webinar that showcased how ISVs can accelerate growth with the Microsoft commercial marketplace and AI opportunity in FY25.
Hear insights from Ryan Storgaard’s keynote in this YouTube video. Ryan, who leads marketplace growth at Microsoft, has worked extensively with ISVs to empower their success across Azure and is a veteran of the marketplace business. The Partner Insight newsletter also recapped this online event. Read More
Employee Licence and qualifications management
I am trying to find the best way to display our trade qualifications and licences. We want to see which employee has which licence and also have triggers for reminders when the licence is up for renew.
I am considering MS Teams Planner but I think the display is a little clunky for this information. Is anyone aware of an add-on app that could be useful?
I am trying to find the best way to display our trade qualifications and licences. We want to see which employee has which licence and also have triggers for reminders when the licence is up for renew. I am considering MS Teams Planner but I think the display is a little clunky for this information. Is anyone aware of an add-on app that could be useful? Read More