Category: News
How to set Categories consistent when using “signalMask” and “plotsigroi” ?
I want to plot using the code below with the loaded mat file attached.
For example, when "m1=200" I obtain the attached figure.
But, the issue is that, the cetegories are not the same order between two subplots.
I want the categories being the same order, e.g., "n/a", "N", "V", "A" in both subplots.
I would appreciate it if you could help me how to do it.
Thank you,
load qNa.mat
M = signalMask(tl{m1}); subplot(2,1,1);
p1 = plotsigroi(M,G2{m1});
ls = p1.Children;
for i2=1:size(ls,1)
ls(i2).LineWidth = 2.0;
srt = sprintf(‘N only w/GT, data-%d ‘,m1);
M = signalMask(pl{m1}); subplot(2,1,2);
p2 = plotsigroi(M,G2{m1});
ls = p2.Children;
for i2=1:size(ls,1)
ls(i2).LineWidth = 2.0;
srt2 = sprintf(‘N only w/Est, data-%d’,m1);
title(srt2)I want to plot using the code below with the loaded mat file attached.
For example, when "m1=200" I obtain the attached figure.
But, the issue is that, the cetegories are not the same order between two subplots.
I want the categories being the same order, e.g., "n/a", "N", "V", "A" in both subplots.
I would appreciate it if you could help me how to do it.
Thank you,
load qNa.mat
M = signalMask(tl{m1}); subplot(2,1,1);
p1 = plotsigroi(M,G2{m1});
ls = p1.Children;
for i2=1:size(ls,1)
ls(i2).LineWidth = 2.0;
srt = sprintf(‘N only w/GT, data-%d ‘,m1);
M = signalMask(pl{m1}); subplot(2,1,2);
p2 = plotsigroi(M,G2{m1});
ls = p2.Children;
for i2=1:size(ls,1)
ls(i2).LineWidth = 2.0;
srt2 = sprintf(‘N only w/Est, data-%d’,m1);
title(srt2) I want to plot using the code below with the loaded mat file attached.
For example, when "m1=200" I obtain the attached figure.
But, the issue is that, the cetegories are not the same order between two subplots.
I want the categories being the same order, e.g., "n/a", "N", "V", "A" in both subplots.
I would appreciate it if you could help me how to do it.
Thank you,
load qNa.mat
M = signalMask(tl{m1}); subplot(2,1,1);
p1 = plotsigroi(M,G2{m1});
ls = p1.Children;
for i2=1:size(ls,1)
ls(i2).LineWidth = 2.0;
srt = sprintf(‘N only w/GT, data-%d ‘,m1);
M = signalMask(pl{m1}); subplot(2,1,2);
p2 = plotsigroi(M,G2{m1});
ls = p2.Children;
for i2=1:size(ls,1)
ls(i2).LineWidth = 2.0;
srt2 = sprintf(‘N only w/Est, data-%d’,m1);
title(srt2) plotsigroi MATLAB Answers — New Questions
How to get metrics during yolov4 detector training process and how to solve data overfitting?
When i use yolov4 detector to achieve a single-class target detection tasks, i can only get training-loss and validation-loss after training process.I have tried to use "options" to get metrics ,but it made Errow, wrong use " nnet.cnn.TrainingOptions/validateDataFormatsAndMetricsAreEmpty ,trainYOLOv4ObjectDetector can’t support ‘Metrics’ training options",my code and errow are below:
Then how to get metrics during yolov4 detector training process?
Meanwhile, after fine-tuning options parameters,I have trained the detector many times, the final training loss maintains 0.1 while validation loss can only get 2.0, how can I avoid this data overfitting?I’ve tried many methods , if you can give me some suggestions , it will be very helpful .When i use yolov4 detector to achieve a single-class target detection tasks, i can only get training-loss and validation-loss after training process.I have tried to use "options" to get metrics ,but it made Errow, wrong use " nnet.cnn.TrainingOptions/validateDataFormatsAndMetricsAreEmpty ,trainYOLOv4ObjectDetector can’t support ‘Metrics’ training options",my code and errow are below:
Then how to get metrics during yolov4 detector training process?
Meanwhile, after fine-tuning options parameters,I have trained the detector many times, the final training loss maintains 0.1 while validation loss can only get 2.0, how can I avoid this data overfitting?I’ve tried many methods , if you can give me some suggestions , it will be very helpful . When i use yolov4 detector to achieve a single-class target detection tasks, i can only get training-loss and validation-loss after training process.I have tried to use "options" to get metrics ,but it made Errow, wrong use " nnet.cnn.TrainingOptions/validateDataFormatsAndMetricsAreEmpty ,trainYOLOv4ObjectDetector can’t support ‘Metrics’ training options",my code and errow are below:
Then how to get metrics during yolov4 detector training process?
Meanwhile, after fine-tuning options parameters,I have trained the detector many times, the final training loss maintains 0.1 while validation loss can only get 2.0, how can I avoid this data overfitting?I’ve tried many methods , if you can give me some suggestions , it will be very helpful . yolov4 detector, metrics, overfitting MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Simscape 2P Condenser: Fluid Temp lower than ambient air
I’m attempting to simulate a thermosiphon in Simulink using a 2P Condenser operating in ambient, moist air at 20 C. I’ve had a lot of problems with the simulation’s initial values converging, but I think I’ve been able to knock those out by adjusting the reservoir properties downstream to atmospheric temperature and pressure water.
The problem I am having is that the outlet temperature of the condenser is somehow coming back to me lower than the ambient temperature of the cooling air flowing in. It’s always been slightly lower by about 1 or 2 degrees. For 80 C water vapour (quality 1) entering the heat exchanger, the temperature of the liquid (quality 0) leaving the condenser is 18.92 C. Why is this occurring? Clearly, it isn’t physical–what in the model is breaking?
I have attached the simulink file and a photo of the T_out scope and the model as it appears after the simulation has completed.
I am not very familiar with Simulink, so please be thorough with your explanations. Thanks!I’m attempting to simulate a thermosiphon in Simulink using a 2P Condenser operating in ambient, moist air at 20 C. I’ve had a lot of problems with the simulation’s initial values converging, but I think I’ve been able to knock those out by adjusting the reservoir properties downstream to atmospheric temperature and pressure water.
The problem I am having is that the outlet temperature of the condenser is somehow coming back to me lower than the ambient temperature of the cooling air flowing in. It’s always been slightly lower by about 1 or 2 degrees. For 80 C water vapour (quality 1) entering the heat exchanger, the temperature of the liquid (quality 0) leaving the condenser is 18.92 C. Why is this occurring? Clearly, it isn’t physical–what in the model is breaking?
I have attached the simulink file and a photo of the T_out scope and the model as it appears after the simulation has completed.
I am not very familiar with Simulink, so please be thorough with your explanations. Thanks! I’m attempting to simulate a thermosiphon in Simulink using a 2P Condenser operating in ambient, moist air at 20 C. I’ve had a lot of problems with the simulation’s initial values converging, but I think I’ve been able to knock those out by adjusting the reservoir properties downstream to atmospheric temperature and pressure water.
The problem I am having is that the outlet temperature of the condenser is somehow coming back to me lower than the ambient temperature of the cooling air flowing in. It’s always been slightly lower by about 1 or 2 degrees. For 80 C water vapour (quality 1) entering the heat exchanger, the temperature of the liquid (quality 0) leaving the condenser is 18.92 C. Why is this occurring? Clearly, it isn’t physical–what in the model is breaking?
I have attached the simulink file and a photo of the T_out scope and the model as it appears after the simulation has completed.
I am not very familiar with Simulink, so please be thorough with your explanations. Thanks! simulink, simscape MATLAB Answers — New Questions
##[error]PowerShell exited with code ‘1’
When I run Newman in the pipeline if there is failure, it stop the rest of the pipeline.
##[error]PowerShell exited with code ‘1’.
When I run Newman in the pipeline if there is failure, it stop the rest of the pipeline. ##[error]PowerShell exited with code ‘1’.Finishing: Run newman I need to continue the pipeline. – task: PowerShell@2 displayName: Run newman inputs: targetType: ‘inline’ script: ‘newman run $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/test/postman_collection.json -r htmlextra –reporters cli,htmlextra,junit –reporter-junit-export $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/test/Results/junitReport.xml –reporter-htmlextra-export $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/test/report/TestReport.html’ errorActionPreference: ‘continue’ condition: succeededOrFailed() Can anyone help me on this? This runs perfectly when there is no assertion failure. Read More
Makro excel lock cell
Hi, I would like to add an option to excel to display the date and time after adding data to the cell next to it. Everything works fine through macros. The only problem is that when I protect sheet access to the date and time cells, macros do not work.
Is it possible to close editing date and time cells and at the same time make macros in them work?
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range)
If Target.Column = 4 Then
ThisRow = Target.Row
Range(“e” & ThisRow).Value = Date
Range(“f” & ThisRow).Value = Format(Time, “Long Time”)
ElseIf Target.Column = 7 Then
ThisRow = Target.Row
Range(“h” & ThisRow).Value = Date
Range(“i” & ThisRow).Value = Format(Time, “Long Time”)
End If
End Sub
Hi, I would like to add an option to excel to display the date and time after adding data to the cell next to it. Everything works fine through macros. The only problem is that when I protect sheet access to the date and time cells, macros do not work.Is it possible to close editing date and time cells and at the same time make macros in them work? Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range)If Target.Column = 4 ThenThisRow = Target.RowRange(“e” & ThisRow).Value = DateRange(“f” & ThisRow).Value = Format(Time, “Long Time”)ElseIf Target.Column = 7 ThenThisRow = Target.RowRange(“h” & ThisRow).Value = DateRange(“i” & ThisRow).Value = Format(Time, “Long Time”)End IfEnd Sub Read More
Partner verification is totally broken & not fit for purpose.
The entire system is an utter shambles. Just look at the number of posts form partners worldwide who have been partners for years yet now can no longer get verified.
I too have been a partner for over 20 years and I’ve been trying since October last year to get these issues fixed. Wasn’t an issue until I signed up to the CSP program. I truly wish I hadn’t bothered. I have been round and round and round. I have submitted every document under the sun. Articles of Incorporation, Certificate of Incorporation, Letter on headed paper, DUNS certificate, Bank Statements. I just constantly get back that “the documents do not match the information you entered for your account”
I raise support tickets, I email, they don’t read them properly, they just send a standard response back. You reply to the response email and then get an email back saying “Deleted Not Read” so they are clearly ignoring anyone’s responses to their meaningless emails. The portal doesn’t work properly, it displays conflicting information. The Fix Now buttons don’t work. I get an email stating my CSP is verified but my MPN ID isn’t. Then I check on the portal and it says both are unverified. So how can they send an email saying its verified and then the portal says it isn’t? I email and ask, they respond with “the documents do not match the information you entered for your account”
I ask them on email please be clear about what they want changing, they respond with “the documents do not match the information you entered for your account”
They are like particularly dim robots. They haven’t a clue, and they don’t care. This is what happens when you outsource.
Microsoft are happy to take your money but it seems they no longer want to have their small business partners. Why don’t they just own up and say rather than getting rid of us all by wearing us down by this method? If they cared they would engage properly and have someone from the Team involved in this forum rather than poor Jill who is not part of the verification team and has to field all these postings.
I am utterly tired of the whole thing and seriously just considering ditching the entire partner program. Who needs the constant stress and mental anguish!
The entire system is an utter shambles. Just look at the number of posts form partners worldwide who have been partners for years yet now can no longer get verified.I too have been a partner for over 20 years and I’ve been trying since October last year to get these issues fixed. Wasn’t an issue until I signed up to the CSP program. I truly wish I hadn’t bothered. I have been round and round and round. I have submitted every document under the sun. Articles of Incorporation, Certificate of Incorporation, Letter on headed paper, DUNS certificate, Bank Statements. I just constantly get back that “the documents do not match the information you entered for your account”I raise support tickets, I email, they don’t read them properly, they just send a standard response back. You reply to the response email and then get an email back saying “Deleted Not Read” so they are clearly ignoring anyone’s responses to their meaningless emails. The portal doesn’t work properly, it displays conflicting information. The Fix Now buttons don’t work. I get an email stating my CSP is verified but my MPN ID isn’t. Then I check on the portal and it says both are unverified. So how can they send an email saying its verified and then the portal says it isn’t? I email and ask, they respond with “the documents do not match the information you entered for your account”I ask them on email please be clear about what they want changing, they respond with “the documents do not match the information you entered for your account”They are like particularly dim robots. They haven’t a clue, and they don’t care. This is what happens when you outsource.Microsoft are happy to take your money but it seems they no longer want to have their small business partners. Why don’t they just own up and say rather than getting rid of us all by wearing us down by this method? If they cared they would engage properly and have someone from the Team involved in this forum rather than poor Jill who is not part of the verification team and has to field all these postings.I am utterly tired of the whole thing and seriously just considering ditching the entire partner program. Who needs the constant stress and mental anguish! Read More
Windows 11 lacks the ability to display File Explorer side by side
I’ve been searching for a solution to this question without success. In previous versions of Windows, it was simple to arrange two or more open File Explorer windows side by side with options for stacking or cascading them. You could achieve this by right-clicking the Taskbar (refer to the image below – apologies for the poor quality).
Is there a way to achieve this in Windows 11?
I’ve been searching for a solution to this question without success. In previous versions of Windows, it was simple to arrange two or more open File Explorer windows side by side with options for stacking or cascading them. You could achieve this by right-clicking the Taskbar (refer to the image below – apologies for the poor quality). Is there a way to achieve this in Windows 11? Read More
“Send page as email” doesn´t always work
Hello everyone,
I have started to use the function “Send page as e-mail” when I send out news/information within our organization. However, this function is not always available, and I have not been able to figure out why. It does not seem to depend on the length of the text. Can anyone help me figure this mystery out? Thank you in advance!
Hello everyone, I have started to use the function “Send page as e-mail” when I send out news/information within our organization. However, this function is not always available, and I have not been able to figure out why. It does not seem to depend on the length of the text. Can anyone help me figure this mystery out? Thank you in advance! Read More
错误使用 rlDeterministicActorRepresentation。Observation names must match the names of the deep neural network’s input layers.
% Create Environment
env = MYEnv();
% Define State and Action Specifications
stateSpec = env.getObservationInfo();
actionSpec = env.getActionInfo();
stateName = stateSpec.Name;
% Create Actor Network
actorNetwork = [
featureInputLayer(stateSpec.Dimension(1), ‘Name’, stateName)
fullyConnectedLayer(400, ‘Name’, ‘ActorHiddenLayer1’)
reluLayer(‘Name’, ‘ActorReLU1’)
fullyConnectedLayer(300, ‘Name’, ‘ActorHiddenLayer2’)
reluLayer(‘Name’, ‘ActorReLU2’)
fullyConnectedLayer(actionSpec.Dimension(1), ‘Name’, ‘ActorOutputLayer’)
tanhLayer(‘Name’, ‘ActorTanh’)
% Create Critic Network
criticNetwork = [
featureInputLayer(stateSpec.Dimension(1), ‘Name’, stateName)
fullyConnectedLayer(400, ‘Name’, ‘CriticHiddenLayer1’)
reluLayer(‘Name’, ‘CriticReLU1’)
fullyConnectedLayer(300, ‘Name’, ‘CriticHiddenLayer2’)
reluLayer(‘Name’, ‘CriticReLU2’)
fullyConnectedLayer(1, ‘Name’, ‘CriticOutputLayer’)
% Create Actor Representation
actorOpts = rlRepresentationOptions(‘LearnRate’, actorLearningRate);
actor = rlDeterministicActorRepresentation(actorNetwork, stateSpec, actionSpec, actorOpts);% Create Environment
env = MYEnv();
% Define State and Action Specifications
stateSpec = env.getObservationInfo();
actionSpec = env.getActionInfo();
stateName = stateSpec.Name;
% Create Actor Network
actorNetwork = [
featureInputLayer(stateSpec.Dimension(1), ‘Name’, stateName)
fullyConnectedLayer(400, ‘Name’, ‘ActorHiddenLayer1’)
reluLayer(‘Name’, ‘ActorReLU1’)
fullyConnectedLayer(300, ‘Name’, ‘ActorHiddenLayer2’)
reluLayer(‘Name’, ‘ActorReLU2’)
fullyConnectedLayer(actionSpec.Dimension(1), ‘Name’, ‘ActorOutputLayer’)
tanhLayer(‘Name’, ‘ActorTanh’)
% Create Critic Network
criticNetwork = [
featureInputLayer(stateSpec.Dimension(1), ‘Name’, stateName)
fullyConnectedLayer(400, ‘Name’, ‘CriticHiddenLayer1’)
reluLayer(‘Name’, ‘CriticReLU1’)
fullyConnectedLayer(300, ‘Name’, ‘CriticHiddenLayer2’)
reluLayer(‘Name’, ‘CriticReLU2’)
fullyConnectedLayer(1, ‘Name’, ‘CriticOutputLayer’)
% Create Actor Representation
actorOpts = rlRepresentationOptions(‘LearnRate’, actorLearningRate);
actor = rlDeterministicActorRepresentation(actorNetwork, stateSpec, actionSpec, actorOpts); % Create Environment
env = MYEnv();
% Define State and Action Specifications
stateSpec = env.getObservationInfo();
actionSpec = env.getActionInfo();
stateName = stateSpec.Name;
% Create Actor Network
actorNetwork = [
featureInputLayer(stateSpec.Dimension(1), ‘Name’, stateName)
fullyConnectedLayer(400, ‘Name’, ‘ActorHiddenLayer1’)
reluLayer(‘Name’, ‘ActorReLU1’)
fullyConnectedLayer(300, ‘Name’, ‘ActorHiddenLayer2’)
reluLayer(‘Name’, ‘ActorReLU2’)
fullyConnectedLayer(actionSpec.Dimension(1), ‘Name’, ‘ActorOutputLayer’)
tanhLayer(‘Name’, ‘ActorTanh’)
% Create Critic Network
criticNetwork = [
featureInputLayer(stateSpec.Dimension(1), ‘Name’, stateName)
fullyConnectedLayer(400, ‘Name’, ‘CriticHiddenLayer1’)
reluLayer(‘Name’, ‘CriticReLU1’)
fullyConnectedLayer(300, ‘Name’, ‘CriticHiddenLayer2’)
reluLayer(‘Name’, ‘CriticReLU2’)
fullyConnectedLayer(1, ‘Name’, ‘CriticOutputLayer’)
% Create Actor Representation
actorOpts = rlRepresentationOptions(‘LearnRate’, actorLearningRate);
actor = rlDeterministicActorRepresentation(actorNetwork, stateSpec, actionSpec, actorOpts); observation names, rldeterministicactorrepresentation MATLAB Answers — New Questions
How to export AFM image to a data matrix?
I have exported .mi file of AFM data to .jpeg format using gwyddion software. I have attached the image. In this image, each pixel contains z-axis values or surface topography values (color coded). The maximum height of particles is 18 nm and minimum is 0. I would like to export this image into a 3D data matrix which contains information about X, Y and Z-axes values. Can anyone help to find a way?I have exported .mi file of AFM data to .jpeg format using gwyddion software. I have attached the image. In this image, each pixel contains z-axis values or surface topography values (color coded). The maximum height of particles is 18 nm and minimum is 0. I would like to export this image into a 3D data matrix which contains information about X, Y and Z-axes values. Can anyone help to find a way? I have exported .mi file of AFM data to .jpeg format using gwyddion software. I have attached the image. In this image, each pixel contains z-axis values or surface topography values (color coded). The maximum height of particles is 18 nm and minimum is 0. I would like to export this image into a 3D data matrix which contains information about X, Y and Z-axes values. Can anyone help to find a way? afm, image processing, image analysis MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Problem within App Designer when selecting Label and UITable (Multiple Selection)
When selecting a Label and then a UITable (Multiple Selection) in App Designer (R2024a), Table selection does not work properly until App Designer full resart (not Matlab). Closing and re-opening the Project does not fix it.
More specifically, the Table can be selected and moved but the Properties section remains at the previously selected component.
It affects all UITable components, not only the one used for multiple selection.
This can be reproduced with a new App a UITable and a Label. See screenshots.When selecting a Label and then a UITable (Multiple Selection) in App Designer (R2024a), Table selection does not work properly until App Designer full resart (not Matlab). Closing and re-opening the Project does not fix it.
More specifically, the Table can be selected and moved but the Properties section remains at the previously selected component.
It affects all UITable components, not only the one used for multiple selection.
This can be reproduced with a new App a UITable and a Label. See screenshots. When selecting a Label and then a UITable (Multiple Selection) in App Designer (R2024a), Table selection does not work properly until App Designer full resart (not Matlab). Closing and re-opening the Project does not fix it.
More specifically, the Table can be selected and moved but the Properties section remains at the previously selected component.
It affects all UITable components, not only the one used for multiple selection.
This can be reproduced with a new App a UITable and a Label. See screenshots. app designer, uitable, label, multiple selection, bug MATLAB Answers — New Questions
How to add lineage on tableau Dashboard
Hi All
could you please help to know How to add lineage on tableau dashboard as lineage is missing after scanning tableau data sources,
Hi All could you please help to know How to add lineage on tableau dashboard as lineage is missing after scanning tableau data sources, Read More
Configure View of a List that User sees only his data
I have a big list.
The goal is to send the link of the list to users and let them view only their data.
Hello I have a big list.The goal is to send the link of the list to users and let them view only their data.RegardsJFM_12 Read More
Read Only Access to Project Schedule for another PM
Hi There!
One of our project has some dependancies with another team’s project. The other team’s Project Manager requires read-only access to Project Schedule check the project activity % complete and who is working on which activity.
How can you provide the Read Only access to other PM? We use Project Online to manage the Portfolio.
Thanks in advance.
Hi There!One of our project has some dependancies with another team’s project. The other team’s Project Manager requires read-only access to Project Schedule check the project activity % complete and who is working on which activity. How can you provide the Read Only access to other PM? We use Project Online to manage the Portfolio. Thanks in advance.Shri Read More
Edge Management Service: ‘Customization Settings’ tab / Enterprise secure AI settings confusing
In Edge Management Service when you create a new Configuration Profile, the ‘Customization Settings’ tab is available. On the ‘Enterprise Secure AI’ page of this tab, all settings are blue/checked giving the impression that these settings are enabled and active. But they are not.
For a new Configuration Profile the related settings are not available/present in the Policies tab. This gives the impression that (from the ‘Enterprise Secure AI’ perspective) the settings are enabled but in reality they are not because the policies are not present in the Policies tab. This is confusing.
This behavior-by-design could be changed, suggestion:
Check box = Grey/unchecked: Not configured = setting not in Policies tab (Edge defaults apply)Check box = Blue/unchecked: Configured = setting in Policies tab = ‘disabled’Check box = Blue/checked: Configured = setting in Policies tab = ‘enabled’
A consideration to take by the Development team for Edge Management Service.
All comments welcome 😉
In Edge Management Service when you create a new Configuration Profile, the ‘Customization Settings’ tab is available. On the ‘Enterprise Secure AI’ page of this tab, all settings are blue/checked giving the impression that these settings are enabled and active. But they are not. For a new Configuration Profile the related settings are not available/present in the Policies tab. This gives the impression that (from the ‘Enterprise Secure AI’ perspective) the settings are enabled but in reality they are not because the policies are not present in the Policies tab. This is confusing. This behavior-by-design could be changed, suggestion:Check box = Grey/unchecked: Not configured = setting not in Policies tab (Edge defaults apply)Check box = Blue/unchecked: Configured = setting in Policies tab = ‘disabled’Check box = Blue/checked: Configured = setting in Policies tab = ‘enabled’A consideration to take by the Development team for Edge Management Service. All comments welcome 😉 Read More
Acting on Real-Time data using custom actions with Data Activator
Being able to make data driven decisions and act on real-time data is important to organizations because it enable them to either avert crisis in systems that monitor product health and take other actions based on their requirements. For an example, a shipping company may want to monitor their packages and act in real-time when the temperature of the packages becomes too hot. One way of monitoring and acting on data is to use Data Activator, which is a no-code experience in Microsoft Fabric for automatically taking actions when the condition of the package temperature is detected in the data.
Let’s look at Contoso Bikes is a fictitious bike rental company that has a real-time dataset of all bikes available in the docking stations scattered across different neighborhoods in the city. They want to optimize the availability and distribution of their bikes based on the demand and supply patterns. They want to automatically trigger alerts, notifications, or workflows when certain conditions are met in the data, high or low availability of bikes in a certain neighborhood to action job requests to increase the number of available bikes at docking stations.
Using custom actions to trigger alerts with Data Activator
To achieve this, you can set up custom actions with Data Activator to trigger alerts that will enable Contoso Bikes to act on the data. Custom actions in Data Activator are reusable action templates that you can use in multiple triggers, in multiple Reflex items. A custom action defines how to call a specific external system from a Data Activator trigger using a flow
1 – Set a trigger and create a custom action
An alert needs to be already set on your data, you can follow these steps to get and set one using the sample bike data.
Inside of your alert, set the trigger condition to select the No_Bikes property from the dataset
Then set the condition to check when the number of bikes drops to less than 5, so that the trigger can run when the condition is met. This can also be filtered down further, for example you can add a filter that checks for a specific Neighbourhood.
Lastly, create a custom action by selecting Custom Action then + Create using the top navigation bar. Give your custom action a name, then add input fields which are used as input when triggering alerts. Lastly copy the connection string.
Select Create flow in Power Automate, this will navigate to Power Automate. You can add any action then save the flow so that you can come back to Data Activator.
In Data Activator, scroll to the Act section and choose your custom action then fill out the required information for properties. You can create corresponding properties by using the New Property at the top navigation bar.
Select Save.
2 – Configure a custom action in Power Automate
To trigger and send actionable alerts to Contoso Bikes employees, you can use Power Automate as a custom action. Then you will be able to have a notification that is sent to Contoso Bike with an option to mark a job request completed after the bike docking stations have been restocked.
In the Power Automate flow created after creating a custom action, update the When a Data Activator trigger fires with the connection string.
Add an action to Create Item, this will allow Contoso Bikes to receive and store job requests in a SharePoint list. Update it with the relevant fields including the ones from Data Activator, use this format to get values from the trigger triggerOutputs()?[‘body/inputFields/Bikepoint’]. You can opt to us another data source.
Add an action to Post an Adaptive Card and wait for a response in a Teams channel to alert Contoso bikes and take action. Update the message property for this action with the below JSON schema.
“type”: “AdaptiveCard”,
“$schema”: “”,
“version”: “1.2”,
“body”: [
“type”: “Container”,
“items”: [
“type”: “TextBlock”,
“text”: “Not enough bikes at the docking stations”,
“wrap”: true,
“style”: “heading”,
“id”: “lblDisplay”
“type”: “TextBlock”,
“text”: “Please see and increase number of bikes in the docking stations below”,
“wrap”: true,
“size”: “Small”,
“weight”: “Lighter”,
“color”: “Default”,
“isSubtle”: true,
“id”: “lblDescription”
“type”: “FactSet”,
“facts”: [
“title”: “Bikepoint:”,
“value”: “@{triggerOutputs()?[‘body/inputFields/Bikepoint’]}”
“title”: “Neighbourhood:”,
“value”: “@{triggerOutputs()?[‘body/inputFields/Neighbourhood’]}”
“title”: “No. of bikes:”,
“value”: “@{triggerOutputs()?[‘body/inputFields/No of Bikes’]}”
“title”: “No. of Empty docks:”,
“value”: “@{triggerOutputs()?[‘body/inputFields/Empty Docks’]}”
“title”: “Street:”,
“value”: “@{triggerOutputs()?[‘body/inputFields/Street’]}”
“title”: “Job No.”,
“value”: “@{body(‘Create_a_job_item’)?[‘Title’]}”
“type”: “ActionSet”,
“actions”: [
“type”: “Action.Submit”,
“title”: “Completed”,
“id”: “btnCompleted”
Lastly, add an action Update item to change the job request status from Not Started to Completed after the completed button on the adaptive card alert has been selected to indicate the docking stations have sufficient bikes available. Make sure to have proper naming conventions as best practice.
To sum up, by creating custom actions you can act on data in real time and across different platforms. You can also customize the actions to suit your specific needs and scenarios. With Data Activator, you can turn your data into actions and achieve your business goals.
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Microsoft Tech Community – Latest Blogs –Read More
Use Cases for Testing Restrictoutboundnetworkaccess for Speech Service
Transcribing an Audio File from a Storage Account Using the Speech Service
UseCase 1 – Azure Speech Service Outbound access not restricted
Prepare the Audio File: Upload the audio file to your storage account and note its URL. We can take sample file from here: cognitive-services-speech-sdk/sampledata/audiofiles at master · Azure-Samples/cognitive-services-speech-sdk · GitHub
Set Up the Speech Service: Obtain the API key and endpoint URL from your speech service in Azure as below reference
3. Make the GET Request: Follow below steps in Postman to make a POST request to Speech Service
Open Postman and create a new POST request.
Set the URL to https://<SpeechServiceLocation>
Add Headers:
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key: <keyOfSpeechService>
Content-Type: application/json
Set the Body to raw and select JSON format.
Then, paste the following JSON:
“contentUrls”: [
“locale”: “en-US”,
“displayName”: “My Transcription”,
“model”: null,
“properties”: {
“wordLevelTimestampsEnabled”: true,
“languageIdentification”: {
“candidateLocales”: [
“en-US”, “de-DE”, “es-ES”
The Post Request will return a status code of 201 as shown – it indicates that the request was successfully processed, and a new transcription job has been created. This status code confirms that the transcription process has been initiated
In the response body of the POST request, find the URL provided under the ‘Links’ section and make a GET request to that URL.
The response from this GET request will contain a contentUrl, which you need to use to make another request to fetch the transcribed data
Since the outbound access was not disabled, we were able to fetch the Transcribed data from speech service.
UseCase 2 – Azure Speech Service Outbound access is restricted
Repeat the steps as mentioned in UseCase1 to send POST request to Speech Service.
The request will return a status code of 403.This means that we are not allowed to access Audio File from Storage account because here we have mentioned – restrictOutboundNetworkAccess”: true, and “allowedFqdnList”: “” which means we have restricted outbound access and speech service can only access “” only.
Microsoft Tech Community – Latest Blogs –Read More
Relationship between back EMF (Ke) and maximum achievable speed
Is there a standard relationship between DC bus voltage and the maximum achivable speed, from which we can calculate the maximum achvable speed of a PMSM motor given the DC bus voltage?
Looking at this thread:
Is the formula given there a valid equation for a general FOC controller?
Eletrical frequency = (DC bus / sqrt(3))/Ke ?
We are trying to run the Motor driver from a C2000 LaunchPad (LAUNCHXL-F28379D + BOOSTXL-3PHGANINV) there a standard relationship between DC bus voltage and the maximum achivable speed, from which we can calculate the maximum achvable speed of a PMSM motor given the DC bus voltage?
Looking at this thread:
Is the formula given there a valid equation for a general FOC controller?
Eletrical frequency = (DC bus / sqrt(3))/Ke ?
We are trying to run the Motor driver from a C2000 LaunchPad (LAUNCHXL-F28379D + BOOSTXL-3PHGANINV) Is there a standard relationship between DC bus voltage and the maximum achivable speed, from which we can calculate the maximum achvable speed of a PMSM motor given the DC bus voltage?
Looking at this thread:
Is the formula given there a valid equation for a general FOC controller?
Eletrical frequency = (DC bus / sqrt(3))/Ke ?
We are trying to run the Motor driver from a C2000 LaunchPad (LAUNCHXL-F28379D + BOOSTXL-3PHGANINV) foc, pmsm MATLAB Answers — New Questions
how to save my 3d matrix in X,Y,Z coordinates
I have 134* 2d matrix (86*86 each) and they make 86*86*134 matrix.
I need to generate a point cloud of this matrix and that is why I must save the Matrix in xyz coordinates.
how can I save the matrix (I) in xyz table
my matrix (I) was generated by the following code
clear all
close all
names=dir(‘inter the name of your file*.tiff’);
for iii=1:size(names,1)
I(:,:,iii)=imread(strcat(‘inter the name of your file’,names(iii).name));
for j=1:size(names,1)
Img_3D=surface(‘XData’,[0 355;0 355],’YData’,[0 0;355 355],’ZData’,[29.85*j 29.85*j;29.85*j 29.85*j], ‘CData’ ,flipdim(im2double(I(:,:,iii)),1),’FaceColor’,’texturemap’,’EdgeColor’,’none’);
zlabel(‘z µm’)
endI have 134* 2d matrix (86*86 each) and they make 86*86*134 matrix.
I need to generate a point cloud of this matrix and that is why I must save the Matrix in xyz coordinates.
how can I save the matrix (I) in xyz table
my matrix (I) was generated by the following code
clear all
close all
names=dir(‘inter the name of your file*.tiff’);
for iii=1:size(names,1)
I(:,:,iii)=imread(strcat(‘inter the name of your file’,names(iii).name));
for j=1:size(names,1)
Img_3D=surface(‘XData’,[0 355;0 355],’YData’,[0 0;355 355],’ZData’,[29.85*j 29.85*j;29.85*j 29.85*j], ‘CData’ ,flipdim(im2double(I(:,:,iii)),1),’FaceColor’,’texturemap’,’EdgeColor’,’none’);
zlabel(‘z µm’)
end I have 134* 2d matrix (86*86 each) and they make 86*86*134 matrix.
I need to generate a point cloud of this matrix and that is why I must save the Matrix in xyz coordinates.
how can I save the matrix (I) in xyz table
my matrix (I) was generated by the following code
clear all
close all
names=dir(‘inter the name of your file*.tiff’);
for iii=1:size(names,1)
I(:,:,iii)=imread(strcat(‘inter the name of your file’,names(iii).name));
for j=1:size(names,1)
Img_3D=surface(‘XData’,[0 355;0 355],’YData’,[0 0;355 355],’ZData’,[29.85*j 29.85*j;29.85*j 29.85*j], ‘CData’ ,flipdim(im2double(I(:,:,iii)),1),’FaceColor’,’texturemap’,’EdgeColor’,’none’);
zlabel(‘z µm’)
end image-processing, 3d matrix MATLAB Answers — New Questions