Category: News
Dissertation Footnotes
I need the numerical footnote reference to be a size 12 font in the body of the text and a size 10 font in the footnote at the bottom of the page. Right now, I insert the footnote at the end of the sentence and have to change each individual one to size 12. I am about to combine all of my individual chapters with over 1,000 footnotes. When I cut and paste it, I am concerned that I will need to go back and individually change every one of the numbers in the body back to size 12.
Since I will continue to produce scholarly work, I would like to know how to do set this up where these will display correctly. I am working in CMS/Turabian for the formatting of the dissertation.
I need the numerical footnote reference to be a size 12 font in the body of the text and a size 10 font in the footnote at the bottom of the page. Right now, I insert the footnote at the end of the sentence and have to change each individual one to size 12. I am about to combine all of my individual chapters with over 1,000 footnotes. When I cut and paste it, I am concerned that I will need to go back and individually change every one of the numbers in the body back to size 12. Since I will continue to produce scholarly work, I would like to know how to do set this up where these will display correctly. I am working in CMS/Turabian for the formatting of the dissertation. Read More
Sharing data with a community
Hi all,
I’m an admin for a small group of volunteers in our community. As such, we’ve signed up for Microsoft’s non profit program.
I would like to accomplish the following: create a simple sharepoint site (document library?) in which members of my organisation can upload data (leaflets, promo material etc.). This data should be public available over the internet to everyone in our community, without the need for people in the community to sign in first.
Is there any way we can accomplish this?
Thanks for your answers 🙂
Hi all,I’m an admin for a small group of volunteers in our community. As such, we’ve signed up for Microsoft’s non profit program. I would like to accomplish the following: create a simple sharepoint site (document library?) in which members of my organisation can upload data (leaflets, promo material etc.). This data should be public available over the internet to everyone in our community, without the need for people in the community to sign in first.Is there any way we can accomplish this?Thanks for your answers 🙂 Read More
Why isn’t the 5G toolbox available for students/home users?
I have recently downloaded Matlab 2021b but I am unable to download the 5G toolbox for some unknown reason.
Thanks, BettyI have recently downloaded Matlab 2021b but I am unable to download the 5G toolbox for some unknown reason.
Thanks, Betty I have recently downloaded Matlab 2021b but I am unable to download the 5G toolbox for some unknown reason.
Thanks, Betty 5g toolbox MATLAB Answers — New Questions
In the Simulink, Model settings there is no Coverage option and no Requirement option in Matlab Simulink R2023b
Firstly, In the Simulink, Model settings there is no ‘Coverage’ option for me.
Second, Under APPS Tab in Simulink, I cannot find ‘Requirement Manager’ option. Also When I want to add requirement by copying the description and right-click the subsytem to add requirement, the requirement option is faded out(not clickable).
Using Matlab Simulink R2023b (using student version).Firstly, In the Simulink, Model settings there is no ‘Coverage’ option for me.
Second, Under APPS Tab in Simulink, I cannot find ‘Requirement Manager’ option. Also When I want to add requirement by copying the description and right-click the subsytem to add requirement, the requirement option is faded out(not clickable).
Using Matlab Simulink R2023b (using student version). Firstly, In the Simulink, Model settings there is no ‘Coverage’ option for me.
Second, Under APPS Tab in Simulink, I cannot find ‘Requirement Manager’ option. Also When I want to add requirement by copying the description and right-click the subsytem to add requirement, the requirement option is faded out(not clickable).
Using Matlab Simulink R2023b (using student version). coverage, matlab, simulink, requirement MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Network Scan Agent – installation/registration error
During the installation of Network Scan Agent, after entering the device login code, the agent tries to register. The registration fails with an error:
Internal server error > AadConfiguration has unexpected empty issuer
Have you ever encountered this error , or do you have any idea what to check and where ?
I have attached a printscreen with the error.
Thank you for your help.
During the installation of Network Scan Agent, after entering the device login code, the agent tries to register. The registration fails with an error: Internal server error > AadConfiguration has unexpected empty issuer Have you ever encountered this error , or do you have any idea what to check and where ?I have attached a printscreen with the error. Thank you for your help. Read More
can you please provide matlab code for optimal coordination of overcurrent relays using linear programming?can you please provide matlab code for optimal coordination of overcurrent relays using linear programming? can you please provide matlab code for optimal coordination of overcurrent relays using linear programming? optimization MATLAB Answers — New Questions
How to find the neighbors of each element in a matrix
how I can find the neighbors of each element in a given matrix? Does such a method exist in Matlab?
Here is an example :
A=[3 4 8 6;
1 6 9 0;
2 5 7 1]
The neighbors of A(1,1) are {1, 4, 6}; The neighbors of A(1,2) are {3, 1, 6, 8, 9}; The neighbors of A(2, 1) are {3, 2, 4, 6, 5}; The neighbors of A(2, 2) are {3, 1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 9, 7}
how I can find the neighbors of each element in a given matrix? Does such a method exist in Matlab?
Here is an example :
A=[3 4 8 6;
1 6 9 0;
2 5 7 1]
The neighbors of A(1,1) are {1, 4, 6}; The neighbors of A(1,2) are {3, 1, 6, 8, 9}; The neighbors of A(2, 1) are {3, 2, 4, 6, 5}; The neighbors of A(2, 2) are {3, 1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 9, 7}
Thanks. Hi,
how I can find the neighbors of each element in a given matrix? Does such a method exist in Matlab?
Here is an example :
A=[3 4 8 6;
1 6 9 0;
2 5 7 1]
The neighbors of A(1,1) are {1, 4, 6}; The neighbors of A(1,2) are {3, 1, 6, 8, 9}; The neighbors of A(2, 1) are {3, 2, 4, 6, 5}; The neighbors of A(2, 2) are {3, 1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 9, 7}
Thanks. neighbors of each element in a matrix MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Alzheimer disease dataset using deep learning technologies
Can anyone please respond that I’m working on an project which is of Alzheimer disease prediction using deep learning technologies and I’m using i5 processor having 16gb and 512gb causing my code to run very slow In some cases days for an single program very dissatisfied for this reason so I’m trying to improve the performance of my laptop and decided to buy an new one which works very faster especially for project use. So can anyone prefer which is best for my project and the price is not at problem.Can anyone please respond that I’m working on an project which is of Alzheimer disease prediction using deep learning technologies and I’m using i5 processor having 16gb and 512gb causing my code to run very slow In some cases days for an single program very dissatisfied for this reason so I’m trying to improve the performance of my laptop and decided to buy an new one which works very faster especially for project use. So can anyone prefer which is best for my project and the price is not at problem. Can anyone please respond that I’m working on an project which is of Alzheimer disease prediction using deep learning technologies and I’m using i5 processor having 16gb and 512gb causing my code to run very slow In some cases days for an single program very dissatisfied for this reason so I’m trying to improve the performance of my laptop and decided to buy an new one which works very faster especially for project use. So can anyone prefer which is best for my project and the price is not at problem. alzheimer’s disease, matlab, deep learning MATLAB Answers — New Questions
I have missile and target data in.txt format and f-16.mat and missile.mat models for 3d animating missile and target . According to my data set missile path is in trajectory.
But when I want to 3d models for animating they are not animating only plotting is animating .I don’t what’s the issue . Can you correct the code if it’s possible
Here is my .mat files data """>> load(‘enemy.mat’);
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes
data_aam 1559×6 76947 table
data_enemy 2129×6 104305 table
end_idx 1×1 8 double
n_rows_aam 1×1 8 double
n_rows_enemy 1×1 8 double
n_steps 1×1 8 double
pAlpha 1×1 8 double
pEdge 1×3 24 double
pFace 1×3 24 double
pMatrix 1559×6 74832 double
pModel 1×8 16 char
pPath 1×2 4 char
pPathColor 1×3 24 double
pPathWidth 1×1 8 double
pScale 1×1 8 double
start_idx 1×1 8 double
trajectory_aam 1559×6 74832 double
trajectory_enemy 1559×6 74832 double
>> load(‘aam.mat’);
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes
data_aam 1559×6 76947 table
data_enemy 2129×6 104305 table
end_idx 1×1 8 double
n_rows_aam 1×1 8 double
n_rows_enemy 1×1 8 double
n_steps 1×1 8 double
pAlpha 1×1 8 double
pEdge 1×3 24 double
pFace 1×3 24 double
pMatrix 1559×6 74832 double
pModel 1×11 22 char
pPath 1×2 4 char
pPathColor 1×3 24 double
pPathWidth 1×1 8 double
pScale 1×1 8 double
start_idx 1×1 8 double
trajectory_aam 1559×6 74832 double
trajectory_enemy 1559×6 74832 double
>> % Check the contents of f-16.mat
matFileF16 = load(‘f-16.mat’);
% Check the contents of missile.mat
matFileMissile = load(‘missile.mat’);
V: [2537×3 double]
F: [4428×3 double]
C: [2537×1 double]
V: [3902×3 double]
F: [7426×3 double]
C: [3902×1 double]"""
# * bold*% Load and process the .txt files
data_enemy = readtable(‘target_2.txt’, ‘VariableNamingRule’, ‘preserve’); % Target data
data_aam = readtable(‘missile_2.txt’, ‘VariableNamingRule’, ‘preserve’); % Missile data
% Extract relevant columns: position (x, y, z) and angular data (phi, theta, psi)
trajectory_enemy = [data_enemy.tgtpos_x, data_enemy.tgt_pos_y, data_enemy.tgt_pos_z, …
data_enemy.tgt_phi, data_enemy.tgt_theta, data_enemy.tgt_psi];
% Time vector for the enemy (target) data
time_enemy = 1:size(trajectory_enemy, 1);
% Time vector for the missile data
time_aam = linspace(1, size(trajectory_enemy, 1), size(data_aam, 1));
% Interpolate missile data to match the target data size
trajectory_aam_interp = interp1(time_aam, [data_aam.Msl_pos_x, data_aam.Msl_pos_y, data_aam.Msl_pos_z, …
data_aam.Msl_phi, data_aam.Msl_theta, data_aam.Msl_psi], …
% Verify data array sizes
disp(‘Size of target trajectory:’);
disp(‘Size of interpolated missile trajectory:’);
% Save interpolated data to .mat files for use in flypath
save(‘enemy_trajectory.mat’, ‘trajectory_enemy’);
save(‘aam_trajectory.mat’, ‘trajectory_aam_interp’);
% Create 3D models with appropriate scaling
new_object(‘enemy.mat’, trajectory_enemy, …
‘model’, ‘f-16.mat’, ‘edge’, [.4 .4 .4], ‘face’, [.6 .6 .6], …
‘path’, ‘on’, ‘pathcolor’, [.3 .3 .3], ‘pathwidth’, 1, ‘scale’, 0.0005);
new_object(‘aam.mat’, trajectory_aam_interp, …
‘model’, ‘missile.mat’, ‘edge’, [.2 .2 .2], ‘face’, [.3 .3 .3], …
‘path’, ‘on’, ‘pathcolor’, [.89 .47 .0], ‘pathwidth’, 1, ‘scale’, 0.0005);
disp(‘Checking dimensions of loaded matrices…’);
flypath(‘enemy.mat’, ‘aam.mat’, …
‘animate’, ‘on’, ‘step’, 10, …
‘font’, ‘Arial’, ‘fontsize’, 12, …
‘view’, [45, 30], ‘window’, [800, 600], …
‘output’, ‘trajectory_animation.mp4’, …
‘xlim’, [-10000, 10000], …
‘ylim’, [-10000, 15000], …
‘zlim’, [-1500, 2000]);
Here is flypath function code *****%
% FLYPATH (flypath.m)
% Displays static and animated trajectories of missiles and air targets
% flypath(object_1,object_2,…,object_n,varargin)
% object_x : object data set produced by ‘new_object’ function,
% use command ‘help new_object’ to get more information
% ‘animate’ : animation on/off (‘on’,’off’ – default ‘off’)
% ‘axis’ : axes visibility (‘on’,’off’ – default ‘on’)
% ‘axiscolor’ : axes and axes font color ([R G B] – default [0 0 0])
% ‘color’ : display area color ([R G B] – default [1 1 1])
% ‘dpi’ : dpi value (75,150,300,600 – default 150)
% ‘font’ : font name (string – default ‘Times New Roman’)
% ‘fontsize’ : font size (default 12)
% ‘output’ : output file name (string – default ‘none’)
% ‘step’ : model repetition density (default 10)
% ‘view’ : camera view angles ([azimuth elevation] – default [15 30])
% ‘window’ : display area size ([width height] – default [800 600])
% ‘xlim’ : x axes limits ([min max] or ‘off’ – default ‘off’)
% ‘ylim’ : y axes limits ([min max] or ‘off’ – default ‘off’)
% ‘zlim’ : x axes limits ([min max] or ‘off’ – default ‘off’)
% trajectory = load(‘trajectory_tbm.mat’);
% new_object(‘ballistic_missile.mat’,trajectory,…
% ‘model’,’scud.mat’,’scale’,5,…
% ‘path’,’on’,’pathcolor’,[.89 .0 .27]);
% flypath(‘ballistic_missile.mat’,…
% ‘animate’,’off’,’step’,30,…
% ‘axis’,’on’,’axiscolor’,[0 0 0],’color’,[1 1 1],…
% ‘font’,’Georgia’,’fontsize’,6,…
% ‘view’,[0 0],’window’,[1800 600],…
% ‘xlim’,[-2e4 16e4],’ylim’,[-10 10],’zlim’,[0 4e4],…
% ‘output’,’tbm_example.png’,’dpi’,600);
function flypath(varargin)
objCount = 0;
% — check input parameters —
if nargin < 1
error(‘Not enough input parameters!’);
% — default input parameters —
pAnimate = ‘off’; % animation: ‘on’,’off’
pAxis = ‘on’; % axes visibility: ‘on’,’off’
pAxisColor = [ 0 0 0 ]; % axes and axes font color: [ R G B ]
pColor = [ 1 1 1 ]; % display area color: [ R G B ]
pDpi = 150; % dpi value: 75, 150, 300, 600
pFont = ‘Times New Roman’; % font name
pFontSize = 12; % font size
pOutput = ‘none’; % output filename or ‘none’
pStep = 10; % model repetition density
pView = [ 15 30 ]; % camera view angles: [ azimuth elevation ]
pWindow = [ 800 600 ]; % display area size (in pixels)
pXLim = ‘off’; % x axes limits ([min max] or ‘off’ – default ‘off’)
pYLim = ‘off’; % y axes limits ([min max] or ‘off’ – default ‘off’)
pZLim = ‘off’; % z axes limits ([min max] or ‘off’ – default ‘off’)
% — read input parameters —
i = 1;
while i <= length(varargin)
switch lower(varargin{i})
case ‘animate’
pAnimate = varargin{i+1};
i = i + 2;
case ‘axis’
pAxis = varargin{i+1};
i = i + 2;
case ‘axiscolor’
pAxisColor = varargin{i+1};
i = i + 2;
case ‘color’
pColor = varargin{i+1};
i = i + 2;
case ‘dpi’
pDpi = varargin{i+1};
i = i + 2;
case ‘font’
pFont = varargin{i+1};
i = i + 2;
case ‘fontsize’
pFontSize = varargin{i+1};
i = i + 2;
case ‘output’
pOutput = varargin{i+1};
i = i + 2;
case ‘step’
pStep = varargin{i+1};
i = i + 2;
case ‘view’
pView = varargin{i+1};
i = i + 2;
case ‘window’
pWindow = varargin{i+1};
i = i + 2;
case ‘xlim’
pXLim = varargin{i+1};
i = i + 2;
case ‘ylim’
pYLim = varargin{i+1};
i = i + 2;
case ‘zlim’
pZLim = varargin{i+1};
i = i + 2;
if exist(varargin{i},’file’) == 2
objCount = objCount + 1;
error(‘file %s does not exist!’,varargin{i});
i = i + 1;
% — object loader —
i = 1;
while i <= objCount
% — load data to tmp variable —
tmp = load(varargin{i});
% — add data to obj structure —
if size(tmp.pMatrix,1) < size(tmp.pMatrix,2)
obj(i).matrix = tmp.pMatrix’;
obj(i).matrix = tmp.pMatrix;
obj(i).face = tmp.pFace;
obj(i).edge = tmp.pEdge;
obj(i).alpha = tmp.pAlpha;
obj(i).path = tmp.pPath;
obj(i).pathcolor = tmp.pPathColor;
obj(i).pathwidth = tmp.pPathWidth;
obj(i).scale = tmp.pScale;
% — add 3d model to the structure —
tmp = load(tmp.pModel);
obj(i).v(:,1) = -1 * obj(i).scale * tmp.V(:,1);
obj(i).v(:,2) = 1 * obj(i).scale * tmp.V(:,2);
obj(i).v(:,3) = 1 * obj(i).scale * tmp.V(:,3);
obj(i).f = tmp.F;
% — increment counter —
i = i + 1;
% — check matrix sizes —
sizeCounter = 0;
maxLength = size(obj(1).matrix,1);
if objCount > 1
i = 2;
while i <= objCount
if size(obj(i).matrix,1) ~= maxLength
sizeCounter = sizeCounter + 1;
i = i + 1;
if sizeCounter > 0
warning(‘data array sizes are different!’);
warning(‘data cutted to the smallest matrix dimension’);
i = 1;
maxLength = 9e100;
while i <= objCount
if size(obj(i).matrix,1) < maxLength
maxLength = size(obj(i).matrix,1);
i = i + 1;
% — check step size —
if pStep >= maxLength
warning(‘step size is equal or greather than max length of data array!’);
warning(‘default step value used’);
pStep = 10;
% — prepare display area —
fig = figure(1);
‘Position’,[50 50 pWindow(1) pWindow(2)],…
hold on;
% — animate —
for i = 1:pStep:maxLength
% — prepare new frame for animation —
if strcmp(pAnimate,’on’) == 1
hold on;
% — draw scene —
for j = 1:1:objCount
theta = obj(j).matrix(i,4);
psi = obj(j).matrix(i,5) – pi/2;
phi = -1 * obj(j).matrix(i,6);
% — transformation matrix —
sinTheta = sin(theta);
cosTheta = cos(theta);
sinPsi = sin(psi);
cosPsi = cos(psi);
sinPhi = sin(phi);
cosPhi = cos(phi);
transformMatrix = [ …
cosPsi * cosTheta …
-sinPsi * cosTheta …
sinTheta; …
cosPsi * sinTheta * sinPhi + sinPsi * cosPhi …
-sinPsi * sinTheta * sinPhi + cosPsi * cosPhi …
-cosTheta * sinPhi; …
-cosPsi * sinTheta * cosPhi + sinPsi * sinPhi …
sinPsi * sinTheta * cosPhi + cosPsi * sinPhi …
cosTheta * cosPhi ];
vertices = obj(j).v * transformMatrix;
objectSet = [ obj(j).matrix(i,1) obj(j).matrix(i,2) obj(j).matrix(i,3) ];
delta = repmat( objectSet, size( vertices, 1 ), 1 );
vertices = vertices + delta;
objPath = patch( ‘faces’, obj(j).f, ‘vertices’, vertices );
set(objPath, …
‘EdgeColor’,obj(j).edge );
if strcmp(obj(j).path,’on’) == 1
‘Color’, obj(j).pathcolor, …
‘LineWidth’, obj(j).pathwidth, …
‘LineStyle’, ‘-‘);
% — display parameters —
if strcmp(pXLim,’off’) ~= 1
xlim( pXLim );
if strcmp(pYLim,’off’) ~= 1
ylim( pYLim );
if strcmp(pZLim,’off’) ~= 1
zlim( pZLim );
xlabel(‘x [m]’);
ylabel(‘y [m]’);
zlabel(‘z [m]’);
if strcmp(pAxis,’on’) == 1
axis on;
axis square;
grid on;
axis off;
axis square;
grid off;
lighting phong;
daspect([1 1 1]);
view( pView );
if strcmp(pAnimate,’on’) == 1
% — save the results to the gif file —
if strcmp(pAnimate,’on’) == 1
if strcmp(pOutput,’none’) ~= 1
frame = getframe(1);
im = frame2im(frame);
[A,map] = rgb2ind(im,256);
if i == 1;
if strcmp(pAnimate,’off’) == 1
if strcmp(pOutput,’none’) ~= 1
case 75
eval(sprintf(‘print -dpng -r75 %s;’, pOutput));
case 150
eval(sprintf(‘print -dpng -r150 %s;’, pOutput));
case 300
eval(sprintf(‘print -dpng -r300 %s;’, pOutput));
case 600
eval(sprintf(‘print -dpng -r600 %s;’, pOutput));
eval(sprintf(‘print -dpng -r600 %s;’, pOutput));
end**** Where I’m getting wrong please suggest me and I have given all .matfiles data . Where I’m getting issue I want 3d models animationBut when I want to 3d models for animating they are not animating only plotting is animating .I don’t what’s the issue . Can you correct the code if it’s possible
Here is my .mat files data """>> load(‘enemy.mat’);
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes
data_aam 1559×6 76947 table
data_enemy 2129×6 104305 table
end_idx 1×1 8 double
n_rows_aam 1×1 8 double
n_rows_enemy 1×1 8 double
n_steps 1×1 8 double
pAlpha 1×1 8 double
pEdge 1×3 24 double
pFace 1×3 24 double
pMatrix 1559×6 74832 double
pModel 1×8 16 char
pPath 1×2 4 char
pPathColor 1×3 24 double
pPathWidth 1×1 8 double
pScale 1×1 8 double
start_idx 1×1 8 double
trajectory_aam 1559×6 74832 double
trajectory_enemy 1559×6 74832 double
>> load(‘aam.mat’);
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes
data_aam 1559×6 76947 table
data_enemy 2129×6 104305 table
end_idx 1×1 8 double
n_rows_aam 1×1 8 double
n_rows_enemy 1×1 8 double
n_steps 1×1 8 double
pAlpha 1×1 8 double
pEdge 1×3 24 double
pFace 1×3 24 double
pMatrix 1559×6 74832 double
pModel 1×11 22 char
pPath 1×2 4 char
pPathColor 1×3 24 double
pPathWidth 1×1 8 double
pScale 1×1 8 double
start_idx 1×1 8 double
trajectory_aam 1559×6 74832 double
trajectory_enemy 1559×6 74832 double
>> % Check the contents of f-16.mat
matFileF16 = load(‘f-16.mat’);
% Check the contents of missile.mat
matFileMissile = load(‘missile.mat’);
V: [2537×3 double]
F: [4428×3 double]
C: [2537×1 double]
V: [3902×3 double]
F: [7426×3 double]
C: [3902×1 double]"""
# * bold*% Load and process the .txt files
data_enemy = readtable(‘target_2.txt’, ‘VariableNamingRule’, ‘preserve’); % Target data
data_aam = readtable(‘missile_2.txt’, ‘VariableNamingRule’, ‘preserve’); % Missile data
% Extract relevant columns: position (x, y, z) and angular data (phi, theta, psi)
trajectory_enemy = [data_enemy.tgtpos_x, data_enemy.tgt_pos_y, data_enemy.tgt_pos_z, …
data_enemy.tgt_phi, data_enemy.tgt_theta, data_enemy.tgt_psi];
% Time vector for the enemy (target) data
time_enemy = 1:size(trajectory_enemy, 1);
% Time vector for the missile data
time_aam = linspace(1, size(trajectory_enemy, 1), size(data_aam, 1));
% Interpolate missile data to match the target data size
trajectory_aam_interp = interp1(time_aam, [data_aam.Msl_pos_x, data_aam.Msl_pos_y, data_aam.Msl_pos_z, …
data_aam.Msl_phi, data_aam.Msl_theta, data_aam.Msl_psi], …
% Verify data array sizes
disp(‘Size of target trajectory:’);
disp(‘Size of interpolated missile trajectory:’);
% Save interpolated data to .mat files for use in flypath
save(‘enemy_trajectory.mat’, ‘trajectory_enemy’);
save(‘aam_trajectory.mat’, ‘trajectory_aam_interp’);
% Create 3D models with appropriate scaling
new_object(‘enemy.mat’, trajectory_enemy, …
‘model’, ‘f-16.mat’, ‘edge’, [.4 .4 .4], ‘face’, [.6 .6 .6], …
‘path’, ‘on’, ‘pathcolor’, [.3 .3 .3], ‘pathwidth’, 1, ‘scale’, 0.0005);
new_object(‘aam.mat’, trajectory_aam_interp, …
‘model’, ‘missile.mat’, ‘edge’, [.2 .2 .2], ‘face’, [.3 .3 .3], …
‘path’, ‘on’, ‘pathcolor’, [.89 .47 .0], ‘pathwidth’, 1, ‘scale’, 0.0005);
disp(‘Checking dimensions of loaded matrices…’);
flypath(‘enemy.mat’, ‘aam.mat’, …
‘animate’, ‘on’, ‘step’, 10, …
‘font’, ‘Arial’, ‘fontsize’, 12, …
‘view’, [45, 30], ‘window’, [800, 600], …
‘output’, ‘trajectory_animation.mp4’, …
‘xlim’, [-10000, 10000], …
‘ylim’, [-10000, 15000], …
‘zlim’, [-1500, 2000]);
Here is flypath function code *****%
% FLYPATH (flypath.m)
% Displays static and animated trajectories of missiles and air targets
% flypath(object_1,object_2,…,object_n,varargin)
% object_x : object data set produced by ‘new_object’ function,
% use command ‘help new_object’ to get more information
% ‘animate’ : animation on/off (‘on’,’off’ – default ‘off’)
% ‘axis’ : axes visibility (‘on’,’off’ – default ‘on’)
% ‘axiscolor’ : axes and axes font color ([R G B] – default [0 0 0])
% ‘color’ : display area color ([R G B] – default [1 1 1])
% ‘dpi’ : dpi value (75,150,300,600 – default 150)
% ‘font’ : font name (string – default ‘Times New Roman’)
% ‘fontsize’ : font size (default 12)
% ‘output’ : output file name (string – default ‘none’)
% ‘step’ : model repetition density (default 10)
% ‘view’ : camera view angles ([azimuth elevation] – default [15 30])
% ‘window’ : display area size ([width height] – default [800 600])
% ‘xlim’ : x axes limits ([min max] or ‘off’ – default ‘off’)
% ‘ylim’ : y axes limits ([min max] or ‘off’ – default ‘off’)
% ‘zlim’ : x axes limits ([min max] or ‘off’ – default ‘off’)
% trajectory = load(‘trajectory_tbm.mat’);
% new_object(‘ballistic_missile.mat’,trajectory,…
% ‘model’,’scud.mat’,’scale’,5,…
% ‘path’,’on’,’pathcolor’,[.89 .0 .27]);
% flypath(‘ballistic_missile.mat’,…
% ‘animate’,’off’,’step’,30,…
% ‘axis’,’on’,’axiscolor’,[0 0 0],’color’,[1 1 1],…
% ‘font’,’Georgia’,’fontsize’,6,…
% ‘view’,[0 0],’window’,[1800 600],…
% ‘xlim’,[-2e4 16e4],’ylim’,[-10 10],’zlim’,[0 4e4],…
% ‘output’,’tbm_example.png’,’dpi’,600);
function flypath(varargin)
objCount = 0;
% — check input parameters —
if nargin < 1
error(‘Not enough input parameters!’);
% — default input parameters —
pAnimate = ‘off’; % animation: ‘on’,’off’
pAxis = ‘on’; % axes visibility: ‘on’,’off’
pAxisColor = [ 0 0 0 ]; % axes and axes font color: [ R G B ]
pColor = [ 1 1 1 ]; % display area color: [ R G B ]
pDpi = 150; % dpi value: 75, 150, 300, 600
pFont = ‘Times New Roman’; % font name
pFontSize = 12; % font size
pOutput = ‘none’; % output filename or ‘none’
pStep = 10; % model repetition density
pView = [ 15 30 ]; % camera view angles: [ azimuth elevation ]
pWindow = [ 800 600 ]; % display area size (in pixels)
pXLim = ‘off’; % x axes limits ([min max] or ‘off’ – default ‘off’)
pYLim = ‘off’; % y axes limits ([min max] or ‘off’ – default ‘off’)
pZLim = ‘off’; % z axes limits ([min max] or ‘off’ – default ‘off’)
% — read input parameters —
i = 1;
while i <= length(varargin)
switch lower(varargin{i})
case ‘animate’
pAnimate = varargin{i+1};
i = i + 2;
case ‘axis’
pAxis = varargin{i+1};
i = i + 2;
case ‘axiscolor’
pAxisColor = varargin{i+1};
i = i + 2;
case ‘color’
pColor = varargin{i+1};
i = i + 2;
case ‘dpi’
pDpi = varargin{i+1};
i = i + 2;
case ‘font’
pFont = varargin{i+1};
i = i + 2;
case ‘fontsize’
pFontSize = varargin{i+1};
i = i + 2;
case ‘output’
pOutput = varargin{i+1};
i = i + 2;
case ‘step’
pStep = varargin{i+1};
i = i + 2;
case ‘view’
pView = varargin{i+1};
i = i + 2;
case ‘window’
pWindow = varargin{i+1};
i = i + 2;
case ‘xlim’
pXLim = varargin{i+1};
i = i + 2;
case ‘ylim’
pYLim = varargin{i+1};
i = i + 2;
case ‘zlim’
pZLim = varargin{i+1};
i = i + 2;
if exist(varargin{i},’file’) == 2
objCount = objCount + 1;
error(‘file %s does not exist!’,varargin{i});
i = i + 1;
% — object loader —
i = 1;
while i <= objCount
% — load data to tmp variable —
tmp = load(varargin{i});
% — add data to obj structure —
if size(tmp.pMatrix,1) < size(tmp.pMatrix,2)
obj(i).matrix = tmp.pMatrix’;
obj(i).matrix = tmp.pMatrix;
obj(i).face = tmp.pFace;
obj(i).edge = tmp.pEdge;
obj(i).alpha = tmp.pAlpha;
obj(i).path = tmp.pPath;
obj(i).pathcolor = tmp.pPathColor;
obj(i).pathwidth = tmp.pPathWidth;
obj(i).scale = tmp.pScale;
% — add 3d model to the structure —
tmp = load(tmp.pModel);
obj(i).v(:,1) = -1 * obj(i).scale * tmp.V(:,1);
obj(i).v(:,2) = 1 * obj(i).scale * tmp.V(:,2);
obj(i).v(:,3) = 1 * obj(i).scale * tmp.V(:,3);
obj(i).f = tmp.F;
% — increment counter —
i = i + 1;
% — check matrix sizes —
sizeCounter = 0;
maxLength = size(obj(1).matrix,1);
if objCount > 1
i = 2;
while i <= objCount
if size(obj(i).matrix,1) ~= maxLength
sizeCounter = sizeCounter + 1;
i = i + 1;
if sizeCounter > 0
warning(‘data array sizes are different!’);
warning(‘data cutted to the smallest matrix dimension’);
i = 1;
maxLength = 9e100;
while i <= objCount
if size(obj(i).matrix,1) < maxLength
maxLength = size(obj(i).matrix,1);
i = i + 1;
% — check step size —
if pStep >= maxLength
warning(‘step size is equal or greather than max length of data array!’);
warning(‘default step value used’);
pStep = 10;
% — prepare display area —
fig = figure(1);
‘Position’,[50 50 pWindow(1) pWindow(2)],…
hold on;
% — animate —
for i = 1:pStep:maxLength
% — prepare new frame for animation —
if strcmp(pAnimate,’on’) == 1
hold on;
% — draw scene —
for j = 1:1:objCount
theta = obj(j).matrix(i,4);
psi = obj(j).matrix(i,5) – pi/2;
phi = -1 * obj(j).matrix(i,6);
% — transformation matrix —
sinTheta = sin(theta);
cosTheta = cos(theta);
sinPsi = sin(psi);
cosPsi = cos(psi);
sinPhi = sin(phi);
cosPhi = cos(phi);
transformMatrix = [ …
cosPsi * cosTheta …
-sinPsi * cosTheta …
sinTheta; …
cosPsi * sinTheta * sinPhi + sinPsi * cosPhi …
-sinPsi * sinTheta * sinPhi + cosPsi * cosPhi …
-cosTheta * sinPhi; …
-cosPsi * sinTheta * cosPhi + sinPsi * sinPhi …
sinPsi * sinTheta * cosPhi + cosPsi * sinPhi …
cosTheta * cosPhi ];
vertices = obj(j).v * transformMatrix;
objectSet = [ obj(j).matrix(i,1) obj(j).matrix(i,2) obj(j).matrix(i,3) ];
delta = repmat( objectSet, size( vertices, 1 ), 1 );
vertices = vertices + delta;
objPath = patch( ‘faces’, obj(j).f, ‘vertices’, vertices );
set(objPath, …
‘EdgeColor’,obj(j).edge );
if strcmp(obj(j).path,’on’) == 1
‘Color’, obj(j).pathcolor, …
‘LineWidth’, obj(j).pathwidth, …
‘LineStyle’, ‘-‘);
% — display parameters —
if strcmp(pXLim,’off’) ~= 1
xlim( pXLim );
if strcmp(pYLim,’off’) ~= 1
ylim( pYLim );
if strcmp(pZLim,’off’) ~= 1
zlim( pZLim );
xlabel(‘x [m]’);
ylabel(‘y [m]’);
zlabel(‘z [m]’);
if strcmp(pAxis,’on’) == 1
axis on;
axis square;
grid on;
axis off;
axis square;
grid off;
lighting phong;
daspect([1 1 1]);
view( pView );
if strcmp(pAnimate,’on’) == 1
% — save the results to the gif file —
if strcmp(pAnimate,’on’) == 1
if strcmp(pOutput,’none’) ~= 1
frame = getframe(1);
im = frame2im(frame);
[A,map] = rgb2ind(im,256);
if i == 1;
if strcmp(pAnimate,’off’) == 1
if strcmp(pOutput,’none’) ~= 1
case 75
eval(sprintf(‘print -dpng -r75 %s;’, pOutput));
case 150
eval(sprintf(‘print -dpng -r150 %s;’, pOutput));
case 300
eval(sprintf(‘print -dpng -r300 %s;’, pOutput));
case 600
eval(sprintf(‘print -dpng -r600 %s;’, pOutput));
eval(sprintf(‘print -dpng -r600 %s;’, pOutput));
end**** Where I’m getting wrong please suggest me and I have given all .matfiles data . Where I’m getting issue I want 3d models animation But when I want to 3d models for animating they are not animating only plotting is animating .I don’t what’s the issue . Can you correct the code if it’s possible
Here is my .mat files data """>> load(‘enemy.mat’);
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes
data_aam 1559×6 76947 table
data_enemy 2129×6 104305 table
end_idx 1×1 8 double
n_rows_aam 1×1 8 double
n_rows_enemy 1×1 8 double
n_steps 1×1 8 double
pAlpha 1×1 8 double
pEdge 1×3 24 double
pFace 1×3 24 double
pMatrix 1559×6 74832 double
pModel 1×8 16 char
pPath 1×2 4 char
pPathColor 1×3 24 double
pPathWidth 1×1 8 double
pScale 1×1 8 double
start_idx 1×1 8 double
trajectory_aam 1559×6 74832 double
trajectory_enemy 1559×6 74832 double
>> load(‘aam.mat’);
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes
data_aam 1559×6 76947 table
data_enemy 2129×6 104305 table
end_idx 1×1 8 double
n_rows_aam 1×1 8 double
n_rows_enemy 1×1 8 double
n_steps 1×1 8 double
pAlpha 1×1 8 double
pEdge 1×3 24 double
pFace 1×3 24 double
pMatrix 1559×6 74832 double
pModel 1×11 22 char
pPath 1×2 4 char
pPathColor 1×3 24 double
pPathWidth 1×1 8 double
pScale 1×1 8 double
start_idx 1×1 8 double
trajectory_aam 1559×6 74832 double
trajectory_enemy 1559×6 74832 double
>> % Check the contents of f-16.mat
matFileF16 = load(‘f-16.mat’);
% Check the contents of missile.mat
matFileMissile = load(‘missile.mat’);
V: [2537×3 double]
F: [4428×3 double]
C: [2537×1 double]
V: [3902×3 double]
F: [7426×3 double]
C: [3902×1 double]"""
# * bold*% Load and process the .txt files
data_enemy = readtable(‘target_2.txt’, ‘VariableNamingRule’, ‘preserve’); % Target data
data_aam = readtable(‘missile_2.txt’, ‘VariableNamingRule’, ‘preserve’); % Missile data
% Extract relevant columns: position (x, y, z) and angular data (phi, theta, psi)
trajectory_enemy = [data_enemy.tgtpos_x, data_enemy.tgt_pos_y, data_enemy.tgt_pos_z, …
data_enemy.tgt_phi, data_enemy.tgt_theta, data_enemy.tgt_psi];
% Time vector for the enemy (target) data
time_enemy = 1:size(trajectory_enemy, 1);
% Time vector for the missile data
time_aam = linspace(1, size(trajectory_enemy, 1), size(data_aam, 1));
% Interpolate missile data to match the target data size
trajectory_aam_interp = interp1(time_aam, [data_aam.Msl_pos_x, data_aam.Msl_pos_y, data_aam.Msl_pos_z, …
data_aam.Msl_phi, data_aam.Msl_theta, data_aam.Msl_psi], …
% Verify data array sizes
disp(‘Size of target trajectory:’);
disp(‘Size of interpolated missile trajectory:’);
% Save interpolated data to .mat files for use in flypath
save(‘enemy_trajectory.mat’, ‘trajectory_enemy’);
save(‘aam_trajectory.mat’, ‘trajectory_aam_interp’);
% Create 3D models with appropriate scaling
new_object(‘enemy.mat’, trajectory_enemy, …
‘model’, ‘f-16.mat’, ‘edge’, [.4 .4 .4], ‘face’, [.6 .6 .6], …
‘path’, ‘on’, ‘pathcolor’, [.3 .3 .3], ‘pathwidth’, 1, ‘scale’, 0.0005);
new_object(‘aam.mat’, trajectory_aam_interp, …
‘model’, ‘missile.mat’, ‘edge’, [.2 .2 .2], ‘face’, [.3 .3 .3], …
‘path’, ‘on’, ‘pathcolor’, [.89 .47 .0], ‘pathwidth’, 1, ‘scale’, 0.0005);
disp(‘Checking dimensions of loaded matrices…’);
flypath(‘enemy.mat’, ‘aam.mat’, …
‘animate’, ‘on’, ‘step’, 10, …
‘font’, ‘Arial’, ‘fontsize’, 12, …
‘view’, [45, 30], ‘window’, [800, 600], …
‘output’, ‘trajectory_animation.mp4’, …
‘xlim’, [-10000, 10000], …
‘ylim’, [-10000, 15000], …
‘zlim’, [-1500, 2000]);
Here is flypath function code *****%
% FLYPATH (flypath.m)
% Displays static and animated trajectories of missiles and air targets
% flypath(object_1,object_2,…,object_n,varargin)
% object_x : object data set produced by ‘new_object’ function,
% use command ‘help new_object’ to get more information
% ‘animate’ : animation on/off (‘on’,’off’ – default ‘off’)
% ‘axis’ : axes visibility (‘on’,’off’ – default ‘on’)
% ‘axiscolor’ : axes and axes font color ([R G B] – default [0 0 0])
% ‘color’ : display area color ([R G B] – default [1 1 1])
% ‘dpi’ : dpi value (75,150,300,600 – default 150)
% ‘font’ : font name (string – default ‘Times New Roman’)
% ‘fontsize’ : font size (default 12)
% ‘output’ : output file name (string – default ‘none’)
% ‘step’ : model repetition density (default 10)
% ‘view’ : camera view angles ([azimuth elevation] – default [15 30])
% ‘window’ : display area size ([width height] – default [800 600])
% ‘xlim’ : x axes limits ([min max] or ‘off’ – default ‘off’)
% ‘ylim’ : y axes limits ([min max] or ‘off’ – default ‘off’)
% ‘zlim’ : x axes limits ([min max] or ‘off’ – default ‘off’)
% trajectory = load(‘trajectory_tbm.mat’);
% new_object(‘ballistic_missile.mat’,trajectory,…
% ‘model’,’scud.mat’,’scale’,5,…
% ‘path’,’on’,’pathcolor’,[.89 .0 .27]);
% flypath(‘ballistic_missile.mat’,…
% ‘animate’,’off’,’step’,30,…
% ‘axis’,’on’,’axiscolor’,[0 0 0],’color’,[1 1 1],…
% ‘font’,’Georgia’,’fontsize’,6,…
% ‘view’,[0 0],’window’,[1800 600],…
% ‘xlim’,[-2e4 16e4],’ylim’,[-10 10],’zlim’,[0 4e4],…
% ‘output’,’tbm_example.png’,’dpi’,600);
function flypath(varargin)
objCount = 0;
% — check input parameters —
if nargin < 1
error(‘Not enough input parameters!’);
% — default input parameters —
pAnimate = ‘off’; % animation: ‘on’,’off’
pAxis = ‘on’; % axes visibility: ‘on’,’off’
pAxisColor = [ 0 0 0 ]; % axes and axes font color: [ R G B ]
pColor = [ 1 1 1 ]; % display area color: [ R G B ]
pDpi = 150; % dpi value: 75, 150, 300, 600
pFont = ‘Times New Roman’; % font name
pFontSize = 12; % font size
pOutput = ‘none’; % output filename or ‘none’
pStep = 10; % model repetition density
pView = [ 15 30 ]; % camera view angles: [ azimuth elevation ]
pWindow = [ 800 600 ]; % display area size (in pixels)
pXLim = ‘off’; % x axes limits ([min max] or ‘off’ – default ‘off’)
pYLim = ‘off’; % y axes limits ([min max] or ‘off’ – default ‘off’)
pZLim = ‘off’; % z axes limits ([min max] or ‘off’ – default ‘off’)
% — read input parameters —
i = 1;
while i <= length(varargin)
switch lower(varargin{i})
case ‘animate’
pAnimate = varargin{i+1};
i = i + 2;
case ‘axis’
pAxis = varargin{i+1};
i = i + 2;
case ‘axiscolor’
pAxisColor = varargin{i+1};
i = i + 2;
case ‘color’
pColor = varargin{i+1};
i = i + 2;
case ‘dpi’
pDpi = varargin{i+1};
i = i + 2;
case ‘font’
pFont = varargin{i+1};
i = i + 2;
case ‘fontsize’
pFontSize = varargin{i+1};
i = i + 2;
case ‘output’
pOutput = varargin{i+1};
i = i + 2;
case ‘step’
pStep = varargin{i+1};
i = i + 2;
case ‘view’
pView = varargin{i+1};
i = i + 2;
case ‘window’
pWindow = varargin{i+1};
i = i + 2;
case ‘xlim’
pXLim = varargin{i+1};
i = i + 2;
case ‘ylim’
pYLim = varargin{i+1};
i = i + 2;
case ‘zlim’
pZLim = varargin{i+1};
i = i + 2;
if exist(varargin{i},’file’) == 2
objCount = objCount + 1;
error(‘file %s does not exist!’,varargin{i});
i = i + 1;
% — object loader —
i = 1;
while i <= objCount
% — load data to tmp variable —
tmp = load(varargin{i});
% — add data to obj structure —
if size(tmp.pMatrix,1) < size(tmp.pMatrix,2)
obj(i).matrix = tmp.pMatrix’;
obj(i).matrix = tmp.pMatrix;
obj(i).face = tmp.pFace;
obj(i).edge = tmp.pEdge;
obj(i).alpha = tmp.pAlpha;
obj(i).path = tmp.pPath;
obj(i).pathcolor = tmp.pPathColor;
obj(i).pathwidth = tmp.pPathWidth;
obj(i).scale = tmp.pScale;
% — add 3d model to the structure —
tmp = load(tmp.pModel);
obj(i).v(:,1) = -1 * obj(i).scale * tmp.V(:,1);
obj(i).v(:,2) = 1 * obj(i).scale * tmp.V(:,2);
obj(i).v(:,3) = 1 * obj(i).scale * tmp.V(:,3);
obj(i).f = tmp.F;
% — increment counter —
i = i + 1;
% — check matrix sizes —
sizeCounter = 0;
maxLength = size(obj(1).matrix,1);
if objCount > 1
i = 2;
while i <= objCount
if size(obj(i).matrix,1) ~= maxLength
sizeCounter = sizeCounter + 1;
i = i + 1;
if sizeCounter > 0
warning(‘data array sizes are different!’);
warning(‘data cutted to the smallest matrix dimension’);
i = 1;
maxLength = 9e100;
while i <= objCount
if size(obj(i).matrix,1) < maxLength
maxLength = size(obj(i).matrix,1);
i = i + 1;
% — check step size —
if pStep >= maxLength
warning(‘step size is equal or greather than max length of data array!’);
warning(‘default step value used’);
pStep = 10;
% — prepare display area —
fig = figure(1);
‘Position’,[50 50 pWindow(1) pWindow(2)],…
hold on;
% — animate —
for i = 1:pStep:maxLength
% — prepare new frame for animation —
if strcmp(pAnimate,’on’) == 1
hold on;
% — draw scene —
for j = 1:1:objCount
theta = obj(j).matrix(i,4);
psi = obj(j).matrix(i,5) – pi/2;
phi = -1 * obj(j).matrix(i,6);
% — transformation matrix —
sinTheta = sin(theta);
cosTheta = cos(theta);
sinPsi = sin(psi);
cosPsi = cos(psi);
sinPhi = sin(phi);
cosPhi = cos(phi);
transformMatrix = [ …
cosPsi * cosTheta …
-sinPsi * cosTheta …
sinTheta; …
cosPsi * sinTheta * sinPhi + sinPsi * cosPhi …
-sinPsi * sinTheta * sinPhi + cosPsi * cosPhi …
-cosTheta * sinPhi; …
-cosPsi * sinTheta * cosPhi + sinPsi * sinPhi …
sinPsi * sinTheta * cosPhi + cosPsi * sinPhi …
cosTheta * cosPhi ];
vertices = obj(j).v * transformMatrix;
objectSet = [ obj(j).matrix(i,1) obj(j).matrix(i,2) obj(j).matrix(i,3) ];
delta = repmat( objectSet, size( vertices, 1 ), 1 );
vertices = vertices + delta;
objPath = patch( ‘faces’, obj(j).f, ‘vertices’, vertices );
set(objPath, …
‘EdgeColor’,obj(j).edge );
if strcmp(obj(j).path,’on’) == 1
‘Color’, obj(j).pathcolor, …
‘LineWidth’, obj(j).pathwidth, …
‘LineStyle’, ‘-‘);
% — display parameters —
if strcmp(pXLim,’off’) ~= 1
xlim( pXLim );
if strcmp(pYLim,’off’) ~= 1
ylim( pYLim );
if strcmp(pZLim,’off’) ~= 1
zlim( pZLim );
xlabel(‘x [m]’);
ylabel(‘y [m]’);
zlabel(‘z [m]’);
if strcmp(pAxis,’on’) == 1
axis on;
axis square;
grid on;
axis off;
axis square;
grid off;
lighting phong;
daspect([1 1 1]);
view( pView );
if strcmp(pAnimate,’on’) == 1
% — save the results to the gif file —
if strcmp(pAnimate,’on’) == 1
if strcmp(pOutput,’none’) ~= 1
frame = getframe(1);
im = frame2im(frame);
[A,map] = rgb2ind(im,256);
if i == 1;
if strcmp(pAnimate,’off’) == 1
if strcmp(pOutput,’none’) ~= 1
case 75
eval(sprintf(‘print -dpng -r75 %s;’, pOutput));
case 150
eval(sprintf(‘print -dpng -r150 %s;’, pOutput));
case 300
eval(sprintf(‘print -dpng -r300 %s;’, pOutput));
case 600
eval(sprintf(‘print -dpng -r600 %s;’, pOutput));
eval(sprintf(‘print -dpng -r600 %s;’, pOutput));
end**** Where I’m getting wrong please suggest me and I have given all .matfiles data . Where I’m getting issue I want 3d models animation @matlab MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Word can now convert pdfs to docx online – how private/secure is this?
I’ve just noticed this new function – what service does Word use to do this and how private/secure is this?
I’ve just noticed this new function – what service does Word use to do this and how private/secure is this? Read More
Click disp() in the Icon Drawing Commands palette to add the command to the editable region.
Open the Mask Editor dialog and navigate to the Icon tab.
Click disp() in the Icon Drawing Commands palette to add the command to the editable region.
Replace the sample text with the variable from the previous task, label.
In the Property Editor at right, Change Run initialization to On.
Save the mask.Open the Mask Editor dialog and navigate to the Icon tab.
Click disp() in the Icon Drawing Commands palette to add the command to the editable region.
Replace the sample text with the variable from the previous task, label.
In the Property Editor at right, Change Run initialization to On.
Save the mask. Open the Mask Editor dialog and navigate to the Icon tab.
Click disp() in the Icon Drawing Commands palette to add the command to the editable region.
Replace the sample text with the variable from the previous task, label.
In the Property Editor at right, Change Run initialization to On.
Save the mask. display MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Rejected stereo image pairs in Stereo Camera Calibrator App
Hello all,
I’m trying to use the “Stereo Camera Calibrator App”.
I’m trying to import four pairs of images, but it only accepts one pair and rejects the other three. I followed the advice from the camera preparation page, but it didn’t do any good. I have no clue why it rejects most of the image pairs.
Please see the attached four images of each camera (left and right). The checkerboard size is 3 mm.
Thank you.Hello all,
I’m trying to use the “Stereo Camera Calibrator App”.
I’m trying to import four pairs of images, but it only accepts one pair and rejects the other three. I followed the advice from the camera preparation page, but it didn’t do any good. I have no clue why it rejects most of the image pairs.
Please see the attached four images of each camera (left and right). The checkerboard size is 3 mm.
Thank you. Hello all,
I’m trying to use the “Stereo Camera Calibrator App”.
I’m trying to import four pairs of images, but it only accepts one pair and rejects the other three. I followed the advice from the camera preparation page, but it didn’t do any good. I have no clue why it rejects most of the image pairs.
Please see the attached four images of each camera (left and right). The checkerboard size is 3 mm.
Thank you. image processing, stereo camera calibrator app MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Calculate the normal vector between two nodes in the space
Hi! I have two nodes A and B. These are positioned in space with the same value of X and Y but different Z. The normal in this case would be n=[0 0 1] (red plane parallel to the XY plane).
I would like to calculate the normal n ‘green’ in the case of nodes A and C. Is this possible?
A = [-33.24 -10.70 7.41];
B = [A(1,1), A(1,2), A(1,3)+5];
N = [A;B];
C = [A(1,1), A(1,2)+7, A(1,3)+5];
NN = [A;C];
hold on
hold off
axis equal
(YZ view)Hi! I have two nodes A and B. These are positioned in space with the same value of X and Y but different Z. The normal in this case would be n=[0 0 1] (red plane parallel to the XY plane).
I would like to calculate the normal n ‘green’ in the case of nodes A and C. Is this possible?
A = [-33.24 -10.70 7.41];
B = [A(1,1), A(1,2), A(1,3)+5];
N = [A;B];
C = [A(1,1), A(1,2)+7, A(1,3)+5];
NN = [A;C];
hold on
hold off
axis equal
(YZ view) Hi! I have two nodes A and B. These are positioned in space with the same value of X and Y but different Z. The normal in this case would be n=[0 0 1] (red plane parallel to the XY plane).
I would like to calculate the normal n ‘green’ in the case of nodes A and C. Is this possible?
A = [-33.24 -10.70 7.41];
B = [A(1,1), A(1,2), A(1,3)+5];
N = [A;B];
C = [A(1,1), A(1,2)+7, A(1,3)+5];
NN = [A;C];
hold on
hold off
axis equal
(YZ view) normal, vector MATLAB Answers — New Questions
my Simcape Electrical model does not want to wire the reference (earth ) block
As you see below the reference block desnot want to connect to the volatge source or any other block. I am using MATLAB R2023b academic version. Can someone give me a clue what I have to look atAs you see below the reference block desnot want to connect to the volatge source or any other block. I am using MATLAB R2023b academic version. Can someone give me a clue what I have to look at As you see below the reference block desnot want to connect to the volatge source or any other block. I am using MATLAB R2023b academic version. Can someone give me a clue what I have to look at r2023b MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Link to Excel on Jump Drive
I have a Word 2013 file with links to various ranges on an Excel file. I had them all on my computer, but now they are on a Jump Drive. Unfortunately with them now on a jump drive, the drive letter can change. Both files are in the same directory. Is there any way to edit the links without the full path?
That is, I want to go from
I have a Word 2013 file with links to various ranges on an Excel file. I had them all on my computer, but now they are on a Jump Drive. Unfortunately with them now on a jump drive, the drive letter can change. Both files are in the same directory. Is there any way to edit the links without the full path?That is, I want to go from F:SecretaryMinutesTables.xlsxtoTables.xlsx Read More version `GLIBCXX_3.4.29′ not found
When I run the MATLAB on my arch linux computer, I met the following issue. I am using R2021b, it works fine on this arch linux computer before. This problems happens when I change the font of matlab and reboot.
MATLAB is selecting SOFTWARE OPENGL rendering.
MESA-LOADER: failed to open radeonsi: /home/deck/matlab/bin/glnxa64/../../sys/os/g
lnxa64/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.29′ not found (required by /usr/lib/dr
i/ (search paths /usr/lib/dri, suffix _dri)
failed to load driver: radeonsi
MESA-LOADER: failed to open kms_swrast: /home/deck/matlab/bin/glnxa64/../../sys/os
/glnxa64/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.29′ not found (required by /usr/lib/
dri/ (search paths /usr/lib/dri, suffix _dri)
failed to load driver: kms_swrast
MESA-LOADER: failed to open swrast: /home/deck/matlab/bin/glnxa64/../../sys/os/gln
xa64/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.29′ not found (required by /usr/lib/dri/ (search paths /usr/lib/dri, suffix _dri)
failed to load swrast driver
Gtk-Message: 00:00:13.007: Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module"When I run the MATLAB on my arch linux computer, I met the following issue. I am using R2021b, it works fine on this arch linux computer before. This problems happens when I change the font of matlab and reboot.
MATLAB is selecting SOFTWARE OPENGL rendering.
MESA-LOADER: failed to open radeonsi: /home/deck/matlab/bin/glnxa64/../../sys/os/g
lnxa64/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.29′ not found (required by /usr/lib/dr
i/ (search paths /usr/lib/dri, suffix _dri)
failed to load driver: radeonsi
MESA-LOADER: failed to open kms_swrast: /home/deck/matlab/bin/glnxa64/../../sys/os
/glnxa64/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.29′ not found (required by /usr/lib/
dri/ (search paths /usr/lib/dri, suffix _dri)
failed to load driver: kms_swrast
MESA-LOADER: failed to open swrast: /home/deck/matlab/bin/glnxa64/../../sys/os/gln
xa64/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.29′ not found (required by /usr/lib/dri/ (search paths /usr/lib/dri, suffix _dri)
failed to load swrast driver
Gtk-Message: 00:00:13.007: Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module" When I run the MATLAB on my arch linux computer, I met the following issue. I am using R2021b, it works fine on this arch linux computer before. This problems happens when I change the font of matlab and reboot.
MATLAB is selecting SOFTWARE OPENGL rendering.
MESA-LOADER: failed to open radeonsi: /home/deck/matlab/bin/glnxa64/../../sys/os/g
lnxa64/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.29′ not found (required by /usr/lib/dr
i/ (search paths /usr/lib/dri, suffix _dri)
failed to load driver: radeonsi
MESA-LOADER: failed to open kms_swrast: /home/deck/matlab/bin/glnxa64/../../sys/os
/glnxa64/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.29′ not found (required by /usr/lib/
dri/ (search paths /usr/lib/dri, suffix _dri)
failed to load driver: kms_swrast
MESA-LOADER: failed to open swrast: /home/deck/matlab/bin/glnxa64/../../sys/os/gln
xa64/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.29′ not found (required by /usr/lib/dri/ (search paths /usr/lib/dri, suffix _dri)
failed to load swrast driver
Gtk-Message: 00:00:13.007: Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module" installation, linux MATLAB Answers — New Questions
How to enable “Snap to Tick” for a slider in App Designer?
Hi, I want to know how to make a slider move discretely rather than continuously. As an example, I want the slider to jump from 1 to 2 when I move it. In other words, I need to enable the "Snap to Tick" feature.
Thanks in advance.Hi, I want to know how to make a slider move discretely rather than continuously. As an example, I want the slider to jump from 1 to 2 when I move it. In other words, I need to enable the "Snap to Tick" feature.
Thanks in advance. Hi, I want to know how to make a slider move discretely rather than continuously. As an example, I want the slider to jump from 1 to 2 when I move it. In other words, I need to enable the "Snap to Tick" feature.
Thanks in advance. app designer, snap to tick, slider MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Utilizing Azure Storage and Runbooks for scheduled automated backups of Azure SQL Databases
In this article, we are going to provide detailed steps to create a scheduled Azure SQL Database backup to storage account using automation. This is a useful technique for maintaining regular backups of your database and storing them in a secure and accessible location. You will get an actual backup of Azure SQL Database stored in a storage account in .bacpac format, which you can restore or migrate as needed. The automation process involves creating an automation account that triggers a PowerShell script through a runbook to run the backup command and save the output to a blob container.
Azure Storage account: The storage account is needed to host the database backups. You are required to set up a container within this account to store the backups.
Azure SQL Database and Server: This is the database you will back up, along with its hosting server. Ensure that you grant Azure services permission to access the server where this database is hosted by selecting “Allow Azure services and resources to access this server” within the networking section, as illustrated in the following documentation: Network Access Controls – Azure SQL Database & Azure Synapse Analytics | Microsoft Learn
Azure Automation account and PowerShell Workflow runbook: These components are utilized to set up automatic backups and their scheduling. make sure to using a PowerShell version 7.2 or above when creating the runbook. To learn more about setting up a PowerShell Workflow runbook in Azure Automation, please check the following documentation: Tutorial – Create a PowerShell Workflow runbook in Azure Automation | Microsoft Learn
Once all the necessary prerequisites are in place, you should navigate to the runbook and click on “Edit.” Then choose the “Edit in portal” option as illustrated below:
The editor interface for the runbook will launch, displaying the runbook you created earlier. Enter the following code into the editor area:
# Connect to Azure with system-assigned managed identity
Connect-AzAccount -Identity
# set and store context
$AzureContext = Set-AzContext –SubscriptionId “*****”
# Resource group name
$resourceGroup = “*****”
# Storage account name that will have the backups
$storageAccountName = “*****”
# Storage account access key that will have the backups
$storageKey = “*****”
# Container name that will have the backups
$containerName = “*****”
# storage blob uri with the datetime
$storageUri = “https:// **********/db-$(Get-Date -UFormat “%Y-%m-%d_%H-%m-%S”).bacpac”
#Storage access key type
$storageKeyType = “StorageAccessKey”
#SQL server name
$server_name =”*****”
#Database name to be exported
$SQL_db = “*****”
#SQL Auth Username
$SQL_username = “*****”
#SQL Auth Password
$SQL_secure_secret = ConvertTo-SecureString -String “*****” -AsPlainText -Force
# Run the Export job with the required parameters
New-AzSqlDatabaseExport -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup -ServerName $server_name -DatabaseName $SQL_db -StorageKeyType $storageKeyType -StorageKey $storageKey -StorageUri $storageUri -AdministratorLogin $SQL_username -AdministratorLoginPassword $SQL_secure_secret
Ensure you fill in all the ***** with the appropriate values for the step you’ve designed, then press the “Save” button located at the top left corner. The parameters given relate to details on subscription and resource group, as well as information on the SQL database, server, and storage account. You’ll find explanations for each parameter in the code snippet provided above.
Select the test button on the toolbar, which will display the test pane allowing you to test the script prior to scheduling. Hit the start button and monitor the requests; if the run is successful, you should observe an outcome like this:
You can monitor the progress of backups and access the export history through the SQL server in the “Import/Export history” section, as illustrated below:
After the backup finishes, it will appear in the storage account with the datetime suffix provided by the script:
After verifying the script operates correctly, you may go ahead with publishing the runbook and link it to a schedule based on your requirements according to the following documentation:
Manage schedules in Azure Automation | Microsoft Learn
You can initiate the automation by pressing the start button, schedule it to run automatically, or set a webhook to trigger the process. Remember that you can only run one export job at a time. If you attempt to run two jobs simultaneously, one will not succeed and you’ll receive an error message stating that another export job is already in progress.
Establishing a routine backup schedule for a large database over an undefined timeframe can lead to substantial storage consumption and potentially significant costs. It’s important to regularly monitor your storage account and remove unnecessary backups, or consider relocating them to more cost-effective storage tiers, such as cold or archive.
It might be beneficial to consider implementing a storage lifecycle management policy to manage data within the storage account and decrease the costs associated with storing database backups. Lifecycle management can help you in creating an automated schedule to delete blobs or transition blobs to a different tier that is less expensive like cold or archive tiers based on creation date. For additional details on storage lifecycle management and instructions for configuration, please consult the provided documentation:
Configure a lifecycle management policy – Azure Blob Storage | Microsoft Learn
If you have soft delete enabled on the storage account, make sure that the retention period is set appropriately to avoid incurring additional charges for retaining soft-deleted data over an extended period.
Microsoft Tech Community – Latest Blogs –Read More
bifurcation for Fractional order
I need an example matlab code to draw a bifurcation diagram for a fractional orde system. (for parametre varying or FO q varying, as seen in figures)
I’ve done some research on the subject and found The code by @Marius-F. Danca (2023) can be found at this File Exchange link:
Matlab code for FO logistic map, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved October 24, 2023.
However, I can’t plot the bifurcation diagram for the FO case.
code for the graphical representation of the bifurcation proposed by Sam Chak
interval = [2.8 4.0];
accuracy = 0.001;
reps = 100; % number of repetitions
numtoplot = 50;
initidx = reps – (numtoplot – 1);
for r = interval(1):accuracy:interval(2)
x = 0.4;
xo = x;
for n = 2:reps
xn = r*xo*(1 – xo);
x = [x xn];
xo = xn;
plot(r*ones(numtoplot), x(initidx:reps), ‘.’, ‘MarkerSize’, 1, ‘Color’, ‘#be4d25’),
hold on
hold off
xlim([2.8 4])
title(‘Logistic Map’)
xlabel(‘itr’, ‘FontSize’, 14)
ylabel(‘itx’, ‘FontSize’, 14)
However, the fractional order need a workaround, i fond the code by @Marius-F. Danca
but I don’t know how it works, Can anyone kindly share *.m file
function [u]=FO_discrete(q,p,u0,n_max)
% Author: Marius-F. Danca 2021
u=zeros(n_max,1); % memory alocation
u(1)=u0+f(u0); % u(1) outside of the loops
for n=2:n_max; % $u(2),u(3),…,n(n_max)$
for j=2:n;
function ff=f(x); % logistic map
endI need an example matlab code to draw a bifurcation diagram for a fractional orde system. (for parametre varying or FO q varying, as seen in figures)
I’ve done some research on the subject and found The code by @Marius-F. Danca (2023) can be found at this File Exchange link:
Matlab code for FO logistic map, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved October 24, 2023.
However, I can’t plot the bifurcation diagram for the FO case.
code for the graphical representation of the bifurcation proposed by Sam Chak
interval = [2.8 4.0];
accuracy = 0.001;
reps = 100; % number of repetitions
numtoplot = 50;
initidx = reps – (numtoplot – 1);
for r = interval(1):accuracy:interval(2)
x = 0.4;
xo = x;
for n = 2:reps
xn = r*xo*(1 – xo);
x = [x xn];
xo = xn;
plot(r*ones(numtoplot), x(initidx:reps), ‘.’, ‘MarkerSize’, 1, ‘Color’, ‘#be4d25’),
hold on
hold off
xlim([2.8 4])
title(‘Logistic Map’)
xlabel(‘itr’, ‘FontSize’, 14)
ylabel(‘itx’, ‘FontSize’, 14)
However, the fractional order need a workaround, i fond the code by @Marius-F. Danca
but I don’t know how it works, Can anyone kindly share *.m file
function [u]=FO_discrete(q,p,u0,n_max)
% Author: Marius-F. Danca 2021
u=zeros(n_max,1); % memory alocation
u(1)=u0+f(u0); % u(1) outside of the loops
for n=2:n_max; % $u(2),u(3),…,n(n_max)$
for j=2:n;
function ff=f(x); % logistic map
end I need an example matlab code to draw a bifurcation diagram for a fractional orde system. (for parametre varying or FO q varying, as seen in figures)
I’ve done some research on the subject and found The code by @Marius-F. Danca (2023) can be found at this File Exchange link:
Matlab code for FO logistic map, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved October 24, 2023.
However, I can’t plot the bifurcation diagram for the FO case.
code for the graphical representation of the bifurcation proposed by Sam Chak
interval = [2.8 4.0];
accuracy = 0.001;
reps = 100; % number of repetitions
numtoplot = 50;
initidx = reps – (numtoplot – 1);
for r = interval(1):accuracy:interval(2)
x = 0.4;
xo = x;
for n = 2:reps
xn = r*xo*(1 – xo);
x = [x xn];
xo = xn;
plot(r*ones(numtoplot), x(initidx:reps), ‘.’, ‘MarkerSize’, 1, ‘Color’, ‘#be4d25’),
hold on
hold off
xlim([2.8 4])
title(‘Logistic Map’)
xlabel(‘itr’, ‘FontSize’, 14)
ylabel(‘itx’, ‘FontSize’, 14)
However, the fractional order need a workaround, i fond the code by @Marius-F. Danca
but I don’t know how it works, Can anyone kindly share *.m file
function [u]=FO_discrete(q,p,u0,n_max)
% Author: Marius-F. Danca 2021
u=zeros(n_max,1); % memory alocation
u(1)=u0+f(u0); % u(1) outside of the loops
for n=2:n_max; % $u(2),u(3),…,n(n_max)$
for j=2:n;
function ff=f(x); % logistic map
end mar MATLAB Answers — New Questions
How can i print at app designer on a Text Area box, text with hyperlinks?
How can i print in Text area box (with app designer), hyperlinks for files that located in local PC?
when im using the sprintf function rom conslue window i can see the print with hypelink, for example:
sprintf(‘<a href="matlab: winopen(”%s”)">%s</a>nn’, filepath, CurrentFileName),
but when im trying to print the same inside the text area its printing me the whole string:
How can i print hyperlink inside the text area?Hi,
How can i print in Text area box (with app designer), hyperlinks for files that located in local PC?
when im using the sprintf function rom conslue window i can see the print with hypelink, for example:
sprintf(‘<a href="matlab: winopen(”%s”)">%s</a>nn’, filepath, CurrentFileName),
but when im trying to print the same inside the text area its printing me the whole string:
How can i print hyperlink inside the text area? Hi,
How can i print in Text area box (with app designer), hyperlinks for files that located in local PC?
when im using the sprintf function rom conslue window i can see the print with hypelink, for example:
sprintf(‘<a href="matlab: winopen(”%s”)">%s</a>nn’, filepath, CurrentFileName),
but when im trying to print the same inside the text area its printing me the whole string:
How can i print hyperlink inside the text area? appdesigner, hyperlink MATLAB Answers — New Questions