Category: News
What is the most efficient way to implement conditional formatting?
I currently manage conditional formatting of cells that require a reasonably complex formula by placing a formula in a cell, then have the conditional formatting formula point to that cell.
My question is:
Am I sacrificing efficiency and speed by defining additional formulas in the sheet rather than configuring the formula in the conditional formatting dialogue?
For example, I have this formula in cell AG190.
or more precisely, this formula is filled across cells AG190:AO190
Elsewhere, I have a range of cells with conditional formatting that simply refer to these cells i.e.
so using this example, my question is
would my sheet be more (or less) efficient/faster/slower if I placed the formula in the conditional formatting rule? i.e. change the =AG$190 to =AND(OR(AG$172:AG$189),OR(Var1<10,Var1>18)) and just forget about using the interim calculation cells?
Hi,I currently manage conditional formatting of cells that require a reasonably complex formula by placing a formula in a cell, then have the conditional formatting formula point to that cell.My question is:Am I sacrificing efficiency and speed by defining additional formulas in the sheet rather than configuring the formula in the conditional formatting dialogue?For example, I have this formula in cell AG190.=AND(OR(AG$172:AG$189),OR(Var1<10,Var1>18))or more precisely, this formula is filled across cells AG190:AO190Elsewhere, I have a range of cells with conditional formatting that simply refer to these cells i.e.=AG$190so using this example, my question is would my sheet be more (or less) efficient/faster/slower if I placed the formula in the conditional formatting rule? i.e. change the =AG$190 to =AND(OR(AG$172:AG$189),OR(Var1<10,Var1>18)) and just forget about using the interim calculation cells?TIARedNectar Read More
Staff Contingent on Days Booked
I have a scenario where a service is offered three days of the week, but bookings need to be contingent on three staff members’ calendars the first two days and only two of those staff members the third day. Is there a way to tell it to not look at that third member calendar on the third day for availability?
I have a scenario where a service is offered three days of the week, but bookings need to be contingent on three staff members’ calendars the first two days and only two of those staff members the third day. Is there a way to tell it to not look at that third member calendar on the third day for availability? Read More
Sending Data sensor from MATLAB Simulink to firebase
I have a MATLAB Simulink model of an EV station electric with sensors such as a current sensor. I want to send the real-time sensor data to Firebase. Is there a methode to do connect MATLAB with Firebase databse?
I have a MATLAB Simulink model of an EV station electric with sensors such as a current sensor. I want to send the real-time sensor data to Firebase. Is there a methode to do connect MATLAB with Firebase databse?
Thanks, Hi,
I have a MATLAB Simulink model of an EV station electric with sensors such as a current sensor. I want to send the real-time sensor data to Firebase. Is there a methode to do connect MATLAB with Firebase databse?
Thanks, matlab, firebase MATLAB Answers — New Questions
what function for computing all subsets given an array of consecutive number?
Hi I’m a little lost looking up the function call for the task: computing all subset of this array, which has 12 consecutive numbers
So, like given we have
a = [1:12];
% need to get all 2^12 subsets [1, 2], [1, 2, 3]….
I’m trying but I don’t think combntns() could workHi I’m a little lost looking up the function call for the task: computing all subset of this array, which has 12 consecutive numbers
So, like given we have
a = [1:12];
% need to get all 2^12 subsets [1, 2], [1, 2, 3]….
I’m trying but I don’t think combntns() could work Hi I’m a little lost looking up the function call for the task: computing all subset of this array, which has 12 consecutive numbers
So, like given we have
a = [1:12];
% need to get all 2^12 subsets [1, 2], [1, 2, 3]….
I’m trying but I don’t think combntns() could work subsets MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Lorenz Attractor Animation with Frame-by-Frame Plotting
I was trying to create an animation of Lorenz Attractor. I used the following code but it did not give me the result I want like
% Parameters
sigma = 10;
rho = 28;
beta = 8/3;
% Time span
tspan = [0 50]; % Adjusted for smooth animation
% Initial conditions
y0 = [1; 1; 1];
% Lorenz system of equations
lorenz = @(t, y) [sigma * (y(2) – y(1));
y(1) * (rho – y(3)) – y(2);
y(1) * y(2) – beta * y(3)];
% Solve the system using ode45
[t, y] = ode45(lorenz, tspan, y0);
% Set up the figure for animation
h = plot3(y(1,1), y(1,2), y(1,3));
title(‘Lorenz Attractor Animation’);
grid on;
axis([-20 20 -30 30 0 50]);
hold on;
% Animate the Lorenz attractor
for i = 2:length(t)
% Update the plot data
h.XData = y(1:i, 1);
h.YData = y(1:i, 2);
h.ZData = y(1:i, 3);
% Refresh the figure
% Optional: Pause to slow down the animation if too fast
pause(0.01); % Adjust the pause time as needed
endI was trying to create an animation of Lorenz Attractor. I used the following code but it did not give me the result I want like
% Parameters
sigma = 10;
rho = 28;
beta = 8/3;
% Time span
tspan = [0 50]; % Adjusted for smooth animation
% Initial conditions
y0 = [1; 1; 1];
% Lorenz system of equations
lorenz = @(t, y) [sigma * (y(2) – y(1));
y(1) * (rho – y(3)) – y(2);
y(1) * y(2) – beta * y(3)];
% Solve the system using ode45
[t, y] = ode45(lorenz, tspan, y0);
% Set up the figure for animation
h = plot3(y(1,1), y(1,2), y(1,3));
title(‘Lorenz Attractor Animation’);
grid on;
axis([-20 20 -30 30 0 50]);
hold on;
% Animate the Lorenz attractor
for i = 2:length(t)
% Update the plot data
h.XData = y(1:i, 1);
h.YData = y(1:i, 2);
h.ZData = y(1:i, 3);
% Refresh the figure
% Optional: Pause to slow down the animation if too fast
pause(0.01); % Adjust the pause time as needed
end I was trying to create an animation of Lorenz Attractor. I used the following code but it did not give me the result I want like
% Parameters
sigma = 10;
rho = 28;
beta = 8/3;
% Time span
tspan = [0 50]; % Adjusted for smooth animation
% Initial conditions
y0 = [1; 1; 1];
% Lorenz system of equations
lorenz = @(t, y) [sigma * (y(2) – y(1));
y(1) * (rho – y(3)) – y(2);
y(1) * y(2) – beta * y(3)];
% Solve the system using ode45
[t, y] = ode45(lorenz, tspan, y0);
% Set up the figure for animation
h = plot3(y(1,1), y(1,2), y(1,3));
title(‘Lorenz Attractor Animation’);
grid on;
axis([-20 20 -30 30 0 50]);
hold on;
% Animate the Lorenz attractor
for i = 2:length(t)
% Update the plot data
h.XData = y(1:i, 1);
h.YData = y(1:i, 2);
h.ZData = y(1:i, 3);
% Refresh the figure
% Optional: Pause to slow down the animation if too fast
pause(0.01); % Adjust the pause time as needed
end ode45, differential equations, 3d plots MATLAB Answers — New Questions
why i can’t search in notes in contacts in new outlook like old outlook
what’s the point of a new outlook if it has less future than the old outlook
I can’t search in notes in contacts in new outlook like old outlook,
what’s the point of a new outlook if it has less future than the old outlook I can’t search in notes in contacts in new outlook like old outlook, Read More
Using Matlab Runge Kutta Routine
I’m having trouble with the following code. I’m trying to test it to get it to produce the final value as it proceeds through the count and increments the count, but it isn’t working. It won’t go past the first increment. I’m new to Matlab (once again). Can anyone assist me?
%Initial Conditions
pn0 = 0.0; %Initial north position
pe0 = 0.0; %initial east position
pd0 = -100.0; %initial east position
u0 =25.0; %initial velocity along body x-axis
v0 = 0.0; %initial velocity along body y-axis
w0 = 0.0; %initial velocity along body z-axis
phi0 = 0.0; %initial roll angle
theta0 = 0.0; %initial pitch angle
psi0 = 0.0; %initial yaw rate
l0 = 0; %initial moment about ib axis
m0 = 0; %initial moment about jb axis
n0 = 0; %initial moment about kb axis
p0 = 0; %initial roll rate along ib in Fb
q0 = 0; %initial pitch rate along jb in Fb
r0 = 0; %initial yaw rate along kb in Fb
Va0 = (u0^2 + v0^2 + w0^2)^0.5; %initial velocity
%Initial forces producing acceleration – fx, fy, fz
fx = 0; %Force in the ib direction.
fy = 0; %Force in the jb direciton.
fz = 0; %Force in the kb direction.
%Plane is initially aligned so that ib,jb, and kb
%correspond to x, y, z.
%Physical Parameters
mass = 11; % kg
Jx = 0.8244; %kg m^2
Jy = 1.135;
Jz = 1.759;
Jxz = 0.1204;
S_wing = 0.55;
b = 2.8956;
c = 0.18994;
Sprop = 0.2027;
rho = 1.2682;
e = 0.9;
AR = (b^2)/S_wing;
gravity = 9.81;
%Gamma Values
G = Jx * Jz – (Jxz^2);
G1 = (Jxz * (Jx – Jy + Jz))/ G ;
G2 = (Jz * (Jz – Jy) + (Jxz^2))/ G;
G3 = Jz / G;
G4 = Jxz / G;
G5 = (Jz – Jx) / Jy;
G6 = Jxz / Jy;
G7 = ((Jx – Jy) * Jx + (Jxz ^ 2)) / G;
G8 = Jx / G;
%Establish the parameters to pass to the subroutines
p = p0;
q = q0;
r = r0;
l = l0;
m = m0;
n = n0;
u = u0;
v = v0;
w = w0;
phi = phi0;
theta = theta0;
psi = psi0;
dt = 0.1;
fxone = fx;
fyone = fy;
fzone = fz;
fxtwo = 0;
fytwo = 0;
fztwo = 0;
total_time = 100; % total simulation time in seconds
time_step = 0.1; % time step in seconds
num_steps = total_time / time_step; % number of steps
for count = 1:numsteps
clear all;
%Runge Kutta 4 attempt;
%fx = 5*t/mass
mass = 10;
tstart = (count-1)*time_step;
tstop = tstart + 0.01;
tspan = [tstart,0.01,tstop];
[t,y]=ode45(@(t,y) (r*v-q*w)+5*t/mass, tspan, y0);
formatSpec = ‘The next element of the Y array is equal to %6.4f at %6.4.’;
fprintf (formatSpec,y(end,:),t(end,:));
endI’m having trouble with the following code. I’m trying to test it to get it to produce the final value as it proceeds through the count and increments the count, but it isn’t working. It won’t go past the first increment. I’m new to Matlab (once again). Can anyone assist me?
%Initial Conditions
pn0 = 0.0; %Initial north position
pe0 = 0.0; %initial east position
pd0 = -100.0; %initial east position
u0 =25.0; %initial velocity along body x-axis
v0 = 0.0; %initial velocity along body y-axis
w0 = 0.0; %initial velocity along body z-axis
phi0 = 0.0; %initial roll angle
theta0 = 0.0; %initial pitch angle
psi0 = 0.0; %initial yaw rate
l0 = 0; %initial moment about ib axis
m0 = 0; %initial moment about jb axis
n0 = 0; %initial moment about kb axis
p0 = 0; %initial roll rate along ib in Fb
q0 = 0; %initial pitch rate along jb in Fb
r0 = 0; %initial yaw rate along kb in Fb
Va0 = (u0^2 + v0^2 + w0^2)^0.5; %initial velocity
%Initial forces producing acceleration – fx, fy, fz
fx = 0; %Force in the ib direction.
fy = 0; %Force in the jb direciton.
fz = 0; %Force in the kb direction.
%Plane is initially aligned so that ib,jb, and kb
%correspond to x, y, z.
%Physical Parameters
mass = 11; % kg
Jx = 0.8244; %kg m^2
Jy = 1.135;
Jz = 1.759;
Jxz = 0.1204;
S_wing = 0.55;
b = 2.8956;
c = 0.18994;
Sprop = 0.2027;
rho = 1.2682;
e = 0.9;
AR = (b^2)/S_wing;
gravity = 9.81;
%Gamma Values
G = Jx * Jz – (Jxz^2);
G1 = (Jxz * (Jx – Jy + Jz))/ G ;
G2 = (Jz * (Jz – Jy) + (Jxz^2))/ G;
G3 = Jz / G;
G4 = Jxz / G;
G5 = (Jz – Jx) / Jy;
G6 = Jxz / Jy;
G7 = ((Jx – Jy) * Jx + (Jxz ^ 2)) / G;
G8 = Jx / G;
%Establish the parameters to pass to the subroutines
p = p0;
q = q0;
r = r0;
l = l0;
m = m0;
n = n0;
u = u0;
v = v0;
w = w0;
phi = phi0;
theta = theta0;
psi = psi0;
dt = 0.1;
fxone = fx;
fyone = fy;
fzone = fz;
fxtwo = 0;
fytwo = 0;
fztwo = 0;
total_time = 100; % total simulation time in seconds
time_step = 0.1; % time step in seconds
num_steps = total_time / time_step; % number of steps
for count = 1:numsteps
clear all;
%Runge Kutta 4 attempt;
%fx = 5*t/mass
mass = 10;
tstart = (count-1)*time_step;
tstop = tstart + 0.01;
tspan = [tstart,0.01,tstop];
[t,y]=ode45(@(t,y) (r*v-q*w)+5*t/mass, tspan, y0);
formatSpec = ‘The next element of the Y array is equal to %6.4f at %6.4.’;
fprintf (formatSpec,y(end,:),t(end,:));
end I’m having trouble with the following code. I’m trying to test it to get it to produce the final value as it proceeds through the count and increments the count, but it isn’t working. It won’t go past the first increment. I’m new to Matlab (once again). Can anyone assist me?
%Initial Conditions
pn0 = 0.0; %Initial north position
pe0 = 0.0; %initial east position
pd0 = -100.0; %initial east position
u0 =25.0; %initial velocity along body x-axis
v0 = 0.0; %initial velocity along body y-axis
w0 = 0.0; %initial velocity along body z-axis
phi0 = 0.0; %initial roll angle
theta0 = 0.0; %initial pitch angle
psi0 = 0.0; %initial yaw rate
l0 = 0; %initial moment about ib axis
m0 = 0; %initial moment about jb axis
n0 = 0; %initial moment about kb axis
p0 = 0; %initial roll rate along ib in Fb
q0 = 0; %initial pitch rate along jb in Fb
r0 = 0; %initial yaw rate along kb in Fb
Va0 = (u0^2 + v0^2 + w0^2)^0.5; %initial velocity
%Initial forces producing acceleration – fx, fy, fz
fx = 0; %Force in the ib direction.
fy = 0; %Force in the jb direciton.
fz = 0; %Force in the kb direction.
%Plane is initially aligned so that ib,jb, and kb
%correspond to x, y, z.
%Physical Parameters
mass = 11; % kg
Jx = 0.8244; %kg m^2
Jy = 1.135;
Jz = 1.759;
Jxz = 0.1204;
S_wing = 0.55;
b = 2.8956;
c = 0.18994;
Sprop = 0.2027;
rho = 1.2682;
e = 0.9;
AR = (b^2)/S_wing;
gravity = 9.81;
%Gamma Values
G = Jx * Jz – (Jxz^2);
G1 = (Jxz * (Jx – Jy + Jz))/ G ;
G2 = (Jz * (Jz – Jy) + (Jxz^2))/ G;
G3 = Jz / G;
G4 = Jxz / G;
G5 = (Jz – Jx) / Jy;
G6 = Jxz / Jy;
G7 = ((Jx – Jy) * Jx + (Jxz ^ 2)) / G;
G8 = Jx / G;
%Establish the parameters to pass to the subroutines
p = p0;
q = q0;
r = r0;
l = l0;
m = m0;
n = n0;
u = u0;
v = v0;
w = w0;
phi = phi0;
theta = theta0;
psi = psi0;
dt = 0.1;
fxone = fx;
fyone = fy;
fzone = fz;
fxtwo = 0;
fytwo = 0;
fztwo = 0;
total_time = 100; % total simulation time in seconds
time_step = 0.1; % time step in seconds
num_steps = total_time / time_step; % number of steps
for count = 1:numsteps
clear all;
%Runge Kutta 4 attempt;
%fx = 5*t/mass
mass = 10;
tstart = (count-1)*time_step;
tstop = tstart + 0.01;
tspan = [tstart,0.01,tstop];
[t,y]=ode45(@(t,y) (r*v-q*w)+5*t/mass, tspan, y0);
formatSpec = ‘The next element of the Y array is equal to %6.4f at %6.4.’;
fprintf (formatSpec,y(end,:),t(end,:));
end runge kutta MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Generated code (Embedded Coder) for Mod block generates expensive function call to rt_modf
Using the built in math function block for the mod operation generates an expensive function call in the generated code.
I am using floating points and the desire is just to produce fmodf() as the result of code generation.
Anyone have any ideas? there do not seem to be any settings for this block related to CodeGenUsing the built in math function block for the mod operation generates an expensive function call in the generated code.
I am using floating points and the desire is just to produce fmodf() as the result of code generation.
Anyone have any ideas? there do not seem to be any settings for this block related to CodeGen Using the built in math function block for the mod operation generates an expensive function call in the generated code.
I am using floating points and the desire is just to produce fmodf() as the result of code generation.
Anyone have any ideas? there do not seem to be any settings for this block related to CodeGen modulus, modulo, fmodf, rt_modf, mod MATLAB Answers — New Questions
I have to sheets one has real estate property owner info & the other has real estate property details
The one thig they share is the property address & a few columns
How can I combine them into one sheet
I have to sheets one has real estate property owner info & the other has real estate property details The one thig they share is the property address & a few columns How can I combine them into one sheet Read More
Formula to locate the date from a list of dates that is less than but closest to a specific date
I have a column of specific dates (sprint end dates). When determining delivery milestone dates for a project, I need to know which sprint a milestone date falls in. I can look it up manually but where is the fun in that?
For example: if a project estimate determines a design must be completed by 11/10, I want to know the sprint end date of the sprint it would fall into?
Data Table:SprintStart DateEnd DateOCT24-2110/9/202410/22/2024OCT24-2210/23/202411/5/2024NOV24-2311/6/202411/19/2024NOV24-2411/20/202412/3/2024DEC24-2512/4/202412/17/2024DEC24-2612/18/202412/31/2024 Milestone date:11/10/2024 Sprint End Date:11/19/2024
I have a column of specific dates (sprint end dates). When determining delivery milestone dates for a project, I need to know which sprint a milestone date falls in. I can look it up manually but where is the fun in that? For example: if a project estimate determines a design must be completed by 11/10, I want to know the sprint end date of the sprint it would fall into?Data Table:SprintStart DateEnd DateOCT24-2110/9/202410/22/2024OCT24-2210/23/202411/5/2024NOV24-2311/6/202411/19/2024NOV24-2411/20/202412/3/2024DEC24-2512/4/202412/17/2024DEC24-2612/18/202412/31/2024 Milestone date:11/10/2024 Sprint End Date:11/19/2024 Read More
Combine 2 unique row entries from a table into 1 consolidated row entry
So I’m hoping there’s a solution to this, but I’m not expert level at excel and can’t figure it out.
To give some background, I’m inputting sales data each month into a table that has thousands of different accounts. In the sales data that I’m pulling, some of the accounts have multiple locations (like a store and a warehouse) and the sales data will be separated into two separate unique rows with unique names, addresses, and account IDs.
For this example, let’s say I have two different rows that are reflected as “Account A Store” and “Account A Warehouse” (again both with unique addresses and unique account IDs with their own respective sales data).
Is there anyway to combine these two separate rows into one consolidated “Account A” row. Whether that be moving it into another Table or Pivot Table? Or can this be done with any formatting or VBA?
This example needs to be repeated, as there are numerous accounts like this, and I’m entering new sales data every month.
Thanks and I appreciate any help!
So I’m hoping there’s a solution to this, but I’m not expert level at excel and can’t figure it out. To give some background, I’m inputting sales data each month into a table that has thousands of different accounts. In the sales data that I’m pulling, some of the accounts have multiple locations (like a store and a warehouse) and the sales data will be separated into two separate unique rows with unique names, addresses, and account IDs. For this example, let’s say I have two different rows that are reflected as “Account A Store” and “Account A Warehouse” (again both with unique addresses and unique account IDs with their own respective sales data). Is there anyway to combine these two separate rows into one consolidated “Account A” row. Whether that be moving it into another Table or Pivot Table? Or can this be done with any formatting or VBA? This example needs to be repeated, as there are numerous accounts like this, and I’m entering new sales data every month. Thanks and I appreciate any help! Read More
PDF to Excel – Data Mining
Many years ago I used Monarch to perform data mining extracts from a payers 835 remittance advice into excel. We captured all elements spread throughout the PDF into single line item details. Sadly, the times have changed and what used to cost $150 for the Monarch CD to use is now totally different, costing over $5k for a yearly prescription cost.
I have attached a Mock PDF and a mock of what I want to see in excel. Any thoughts of a program that will not break my tiny little bank would be great. Or, using the data extract option in excel to work properly.
Many years ago I used Monarch to perform data mining extracts from a payers 835 remittance advice into excel. We captured all elements spread throughout the PDF into single line item details. Sadly, the times have changed and what used to cost $150 for the Monarch CD to use is now totally different, costing over $5k for a yearly prescription cost. I have attached a Mock PDF and a mock of what I want to see in excel. Any thoughts of a program that will not break my tiny little bank would be great. Or, using the data extract option in excel to work properly. Read More
Downloading Forms file
Can I download survey I created online using Microsoft forms?
I created survey online but I am unable to download it.
Silly question: Do Forms exist only online?
Can I download survey I created online using Microsoft forms?I created survey online but I am unable to download it.Silly question: Do Forms exist only online?forms Read More
[Azure Service Bus] JMS messages getting dead-lettered
The article discusses a problem where numerous messages end up in the dead letter queue (DLQ) when the JMS service bus consumer connects to the Azure Service Bus using Qpid jars. The reason for the messages being dead-lettered is that they have reached the maximum delivery count.
The fundamental issue stems from Apache Qpid’s message handling. Qpid utilizes a local buffer to prefetch messages from the Azure Service Bus, storing them prior to delivery to the consumer. The complication occurs when Qpid prefetches an excessive number of messages that the consumer is unable to process within the lock duration. Consequently, the consumer is unable to acknowledge or finalize the processing of these messages before the lock expires, leading to an accumulation of messages in the Dead Letter Queue (DLQ).
To address this problem, it is crucial to either turn off Qpid’s local buffer or modify the prefetch count. Disabling prefetching is achievable by setting jms.prefetchPolicy.all=0 in the JMS client. This configuration allows the JMS client to directly consume messages from the Azure Service Bus, circumventing Qpid’s local buffer. Consequently, the consumer can process messages at a suitable pace, guaranteeing smooth processing and issue-free completion.
Why is Prefetch not the default option in Microsoft .NET/Java/Python libs?
Microsoft Tech Community – Latest Blogs –Read More
Limit the number of Radar detections per object to one in Automated driving toolbox
I am using the Automated Driving Toolbox to collect radar data and test my algorithm. My algorithm is designed to use only one detection per object. Is there a way to configure this in the Automated Driving Toolbox? I understand that I can limit the total number of detections by radar, but I specifically need one detection per object.Hi,
I am using the Automated Driving Toolbox to collect radar data and test my algorithm. My algorithm is designed to use only one detection per object. Is there a way to configure this in the Automated Driving Toolbox? I understand that I can limit the total number of detections by radar, but I specifically need one detection per object. Hi,
I am using the Automated Driving Toolbox to collect radar data and test my algorithm. My algorithm is designed to use only one detection per object. Is there a way to configure this in the Automated Driving Toolbox? I understand that I can limit the total number of detections by radar, but I specifically need one detection per object. automated driving toolbox, radar MATLAB Answers — New Questions
How do I save the answers from a for loop that solved an equation symbolically?
I am trying to save the answers from a for loop in which I solved an equation symbolically.
T_c = 33.145; %crit temp of hydrogen (K)
P_c = 1.3e6; %crit pressure (Pa)
R = 8.314472; %universal gas constant (J/(mol*K)
a = (0.427487*(R^2)*(T_c^2.5))/P_c;
b = (0.08662*R*T_c)/P_c;
x = 0.000051473700293409386773440257598528; %V_m
for P = 2e6:2e6:70e6
syms T_g
eqn = ((8.314472*T_g)/(x-b)) – (a/(sqrt(T_g)*x*(x+b))) == P;
solx = solve(eqn,T_g,"Real",true);
solx = vpa(solx);
With this code, I only have the final answer.
I tried using the code below to save the answers from the for loop, but I could not save them and got the answer in the screenshot.
for P = 2e6:2e6:70e6
syms T_g
eqn = ((8.314472*T_g)/(x-b)) – (a/(sqrt(T_g)*x*(x+b))) == P;
solx = solve(eqn,T_g,"Real",true);
solx = vpa(solx);
T_g(:,k) = solx;
Can somebody show how to save the answers from a for loop?I am trying to save the answers from a for loop in which I solved an equation symbolically.
T_c = 33.145; %crit temp of hydrogen (K)
P_c = 1.3e6; %crit pressure (Pa)
R = 8.314472; %universal gas constant (J/(mol*K)
a = (0.427487*(R^2)*(T_c^2.5))/P_c;
b = (0.08662*R*T_c)/P_c;
x = 0.000051473700293409386773440257598528; %V_m
for P = 2e6:2e6:70e6
syms T_g
eqn = ((8.314472*T_g)/(x-b)) – (a/(sqrt(T_g)*x*(x+b))) == P;
solx = solve(eqn,T_g,"Real",true);
solx = vpa(solx);
With this code, I only have the final answer.
I tried using the code below to save the answers from the for loop, but I could not save them and got the answer in the screenshot.
for P = 2e6:2e6:70e6
syms T_g
eqn = ((8.314472*T_g)/(x-b)) – (a/(sqrt(T_g)*x*(x+b))) == P;
solx = solve(eqn,T_g,"Real",true);
solx = vpa(solx);
T_g(:,k) = solx;
Can somebody show how to save the answers from a for loop? I am trying to save the answers from a for loop in which I solved an equation symbolically.
T_c = 33.145; %crit temp of hydrogen (K)
P_c = 1.3e6; %crit pressure (Pa)
R = 8.314472; %universal gas constant (J/(mol*K)
a = (0.427487*(R^2)*(T_c^2.5))/P_c;
b = (0.08662*R*T_c)/P_c;
x = 0.000051473700293409386773440257598528; %V_m
for P = 2e6:2e6:70e6
syms T_g
eqn = ((8.314472*T_g)/(x-b)) – (a/(sqrt(T_g)*x*(x+b))) == P;
solx = solve(eqn,T_g,"Real",true);
solx = vpa(solx);
With this code, I only have the final answer.
I tried using the code below to save the answers from the for loop, but I could not save them and got the answer in the screenshot.
for P = 2e6:2e6:70e6
syms T_g
eqn = ((8.314472*T_g)/(x-b)) – (a/(sqrt(T_g)*x*(x+b))) == P;
solx = solve(eqn,T_g,"Real",true);
solx = vpa(solx);
T_g(:,k) = solx;
Can somebody show how to save the answers from a for loop? for loop, symbolic MATLAB Answers — New Questions
C++ code generation: is it possible to put struct declaration in a namespace?
I am generating C++ code using Embedded Coder in v2021b. I am able to put the generated class in my chosen namespace via the Code Interface dialog:
But in my model i am using various buses, which are translated in C++ structs, which in turn reside in the global namespace.
Is there a way to specify a namespace for these structs too?Hello,
I am generating C++ code using Embedded Coder in v2021b. I am able to put the generated class in my chosen namespace via the Code Interface dialog:
But in my model i am using various buses, which are translated in C++ structs, which in turn reside in the global namespace.
Is there a way to specify a namespace for these structs too? Hello,
I am generating C++ code using Embedded Coder in v2021b. I am able to put the generated class in my chosen namespace via the Code Interface dialog:
But in my model i am using various buses, which are translated in C++ structs, which in turn reside in the global namespace.
Is there a way to specify a namespace for these structs too? c++, embedded coder, simulink MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Saving class objects in array suddenly tanking performance
So, I have this tool I’ve developed to do some radar simulations. One small part of it is I use this class just for bundling and passing around detection data instead of a struct:
classdef Detection
% Data holder for a radar detection
time (1,1) double
snr (1,1) double
raer (1,4) double
sigmas (1,4) double
function obj = Detection(time,snr,raer,sigmas)
if nargin > 0 % Allow no args constructor to be called to make empty detections
obj.time = time;
obj.snr = snr;
obj.raer = raer;
obj.sigmas = sigmas;
These get created in one handle class then passed off to another that saves data on a given target. In that object, I save them into a (pre-allocated* array):
this.detections(i) = det;
After making some code changes yesterday, suddenly this one line went from being trivial computationally to 70% of the run-time of a basic sim run when profiled, more than tripling the run time of said sim from ~1s to ~3s for 761 detections saved. I can’t figure out how to pull out any more details about what’s suddenly making a simple operation like that so slow, or how to work around it. I’ve run into some weird behavior like this in the past when saving simple data holder objects caused bizarre performance issues, but usually I could tweak something or find a work around, here I’m just stumped as to what caused it because I didn’t even change anything about the object or how they’re saved.
*Specifically, they start with a base size and then if the sim runs long enough to outstrip that I start doubling the data arrays, just thought I’d add that in case there’s some weird potential behavior there.
Edit: I tried making this class and the Dwell class (other one mentioned in comments) handles, and that seems to have alleviated the problem (although still seems noticeably slower than saving structs), but I’m curious as to why saving value classes is seemingly so slow.So, I have this tool I’ve developed to do some radar simulations. One small part of it is I use this class just for bundling and passing around detection data instead of a struct:
classdef Detection
% Data holder for a radar detection
time (1,1) double
snr (1,1) double
raer (1,4) double
sigmas (1,4) double
function obj = Detection(time,snr,raer,sigmas)
if nargin > 0 % Allow no args constructor to be called to make empty detections
obj.time = time;
obj.snr = snr;
obj.raer = raer;
obj.sigmas = sigmas;
These get created in one handle class then passed off to another that saves data on a given target. In that object, I save them into a (pre-allocated* array):
this.detections(i) = det;
After making some code changes yesterday, suddenly this one line went from being trivial computationally to 70% of the run-time of a basic sim run when profiled, more than tripling the run time of said sim from ~1s to ~3s for 761 detections saved. I can’t figure out how to pull out any more details about what’s suddenly making a simple operation like that so slow, or how to work around it. I’ve run into some weird behavior like this in the past when saving simple data holder objects caused bizarre performance issues, but usually I could tweak something or find a work around, here I’m just stumped as to what caused it because I didn’t even change anything about the object or how they’re saved.
*Specifically, they start with a base size and then if the sim runs long enough to outstrip that I start doubling the data arrays, just thought I’d add that in case there’s some weird potential behavior there.
Edit: I tried making this class and the Dwell class (other one mentioned in comments) handles, and that seems to have alleviated the problem (although still seems noticeably slower than saving structs), but I’m curious as to why saving value classes is seemingly so slow. So, I have this tool I’ve developed to do some radar simulations. One small part of it is I use this class just for bundling and passing around detection data instead of a struct:
classdef Detection
% Data holder for a radar detection
time (1,1) double
snr (1,1) double
raer (1,4) double
sigmas (1,4) double
function obj = Detection(time,snr,raer,sigmas)
if nargin > 0 % Allow no args constructor to be called to make empty detections
obj.time = time;
obj.snr = snr;
obj.raer = raer;
obj.sigmas = sigmas;
These get created in one handle class then passed off to another that saves data on a given target. In that object, I save them into a (pre-allocated* array):
this.detections(i) = det;
After making some code changes yesterday, suddenly this one line went from being trivial computationally to 70% of the run-time of a basic sim run when profiled, more than tripling the run time of said sim from ~1s to ~3s for 761 detections saved. I can’t figure out how to pull out any more details about what’s suddenly making a simple operation like that so slow, or how to work around it. I’ve run into some weird behavior like this in the past when saving simple data holder objects caused bizarre performance issues, but usually I could tweak something or find a work around, here I’m just stumped as to what caused it because I didn’t even change anything about the object or how they’re saved.
*Specifically, they start with a base size and then if the sim runs long enough to outstrip that I start doubling the data arrays, just thought I’d add that in case there’s some weird potential behavior there.
Edit: I tried making this class and the Dwell class (other one mentioned in comments) handles, and that seems to have alleviated the problem (although still seems noticeably slower than saving structs), but I’m curious as to why saving value classes is seemingly so slow. class, objects, performance, arrays MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Power Automate Post Loop Component to Teams
I have a daily post to a teams channel that includes a link to a Microsoft Loop. I would like the daily post to include the loop component. I haven’t found a way to include the component. Suggestions?
I have a daily post to a teams channel that includes a link to a Microsoft Loop. I would like the daily post to include the loop component. I haven’t found a way to include the component. Suggestions? Read More
Running MS Teams in Kiosk Mode on a Windows 11 desktop
I have a Kiosk (Windows 11) where MS Teams needs to be autolaunched, I have set it up in Intune for the Kiosk Mode as follows:
I am not sure which one should I autolaunch here?
Microsoft Teams or Microsoft Teams Autostart
Next, should I also have the Win32 App of MS Teams defined? If so there is an issue with the MS TEAMS installation location as it is not the location what I thought it was “%localappdata%MicrosoftTeamsCurrent”
So, where is the path that MS TEAMS should be defined
Also, I am not sure where to find this in the article on the Microsoft forum that shows the location of MS Teams. I do not see anything like this on my computer: “C:Program FilesWindowsAppsMSTeams_23272.2707.2453.769_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwems-teams.exe”. Will this path keep changing with newer versions of Teams? If so, how do updates happen, and how does it work in Kiosk mode if a new version of Teams is installed? I hope I am clear in what I am trying to say here.
Launching Teams from Stream Deck / location of New Teams exe – Microsoft Community
The next issue I see is that configuration I modified and applied is showing as pending. How long does this take to be successful. I did a manual sync and multiple times through Intune on the device, but it still is in this state for more than 3 to 4 hours.
I have a Kiosk (Windows 11) where MS Teams needs to be autolaunched, I have set it up in Intune for the Kiosk Mode as follows: I am not sure which one should I autolaunch here? Microsoft Teams or Microsoft Teams Autostart Next, should I also have the Win32 App of MS Teams defined? If so there is an issue with the MS TEAMS installation location as it is not the location what I thought it was “%localappdata%MicrosoftTeamsCurrent” So, where is the path that MS TEAMS should be defined Also, I am not sure where to find this in the article on the Microsoft forum that shows the location of MS Teams. I do not see anything like this on my computer: “C:Program FilesWindowsAppsMSTeams_23272.2707.2453.769_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwems-teams.exe”. Will this path keep changing with newer versions of Teams? If so, how do updates happen, and how does it work in Kiosk mode if a new version of Teams is installed? I hope I am clear in what I am trying to say here. Launching Teams from Stream Deck / location of New Teams exe – Microsoft Community The next issue I see is that configuration I modified and applied is showing as pending. How long does this take to be successful. I did a manual sync and multiple times through Intune on the device, but it still is in this state for more than 3 to 4 hours. Read More