Category: News
Dynamic Calendar in Excel 365
I create a dynamic array formula for projects at work. It takes project start & end dates and returns a calendar where its duration is based off of those two inputs. Please let me know if there’s any errors I missed or it can be improved in any ways.
Format Cells: ‘d;d;;@’ to show date and text and hide 0Conditional Formatting:draw calendar bordersgrey out Sat and Sun dateshighlight holidays in redhighlight milestone dates in corresponding colorsCA/US Holidays: drop-down list to switch holidaysHolidays tab: refer to the attached excel file
Hi, I create a dynamic array formula for projects at work. It takes project start & end dates and returns a calendar where its duration is based off of those two inputs. Please let me know if there’s any errors I missed or it can be improved in any ways. Format Cells: ‘d;d;;@’ to show date and text and hide 0Conditional Formatting:draw calendar bordersgrey out Sat and Sun dateshighlight holidays in redhighlight milestone dates in corresponding colorsCA/US Holidays: drop-down list to switch holidaysHolidays tab: refer to the attached excel file =LET(
) Read More
Loading workspace variable contents into an array or for loop
I am new to Matlab but am well aware of the bad practice notion associated with dynamically creating workspace variables. Unfortunately, Matlab’s volumeSegmenter only allows saving of segmentations as either MAT-files or workspace variables, and the former creates far too many individual files for the amount I require.
In the next step after creating them, I need to run all the segmentations (workspace vars seg1, seg2, seg3 …) through a for loop. I am currently using who() to try and find all the needed workspace variables, but this doesn’t work as only the names are stored in cells seg_options and cannot be called as variables:
vars = who();
find = contains(vars, ‘seg’);
seg_options = vars(find);
This is part of the for loop I need to call the segmentation variables for:
for i = 1:length(seg_options);
A = double(seg_options(i));
which obviously doesn’t work properly as I need to be calling the actual variable and not just its name.
The code also needs to work for a flexible number of segmentations (ie I cannot initialize an array as a specific size). Is there a way to:
1) load the workspace variable into array, overwrite it, load the next one into the next array cell, etc. (ie saves the first segmentation as seg, loads into seg_array cell 1, saves the next segmentation as seg, load that into seg_array cell 2, and so on)
2) load all the created variables (seg1, seg2…) into an array seg_array
3) call and loop through all the workspace variables in the for loop itself – I know this is not ideal
Thanks in advance!I am new to Matlab but am well aware of the bad practice notion associated with dynamically creating workspace variables. Unfortunately, Matlab’s volumeSegmenter only allows saving of segmentations as either MAT-files or workspace variables, and the former creates far too many individual files for the amount I require.
In the next step after creating them, I need to run all the segmentations (workspace vars seg1, seg2, seg3 …) through a for loop. I am currently using who() to try and find all the needed workspace variables, but this doesn’t work as only the names are stored in cells seg_options and cannot be called as variables:
vars = who();
find = contains(vars, ‘seg’);
seg_options = vars(find);
This is part of the for loop I need to call the segmentation variables for:
for i = 1:length(seg_options);
A = double(seg_options(i));
which obviously doesn’t work properly as I need to be calling the actual variable and not just its name.
The code also needs to work for a flexible number of segmentations (ie I cannot initialize an array as a specific size). Is there a way to:
1) load the workspace variable into array, overwrite it, load the next one into the next array cell, etc. (ie saves the first segmentation as seg, loads into seg_array cell 1, saves the next segmentation as seg, load that into seg_array cell 2, and so on)
2) load all the created variables (seg1, seg2…) into an array seg_array
3) call and loop through all the workspace variables in the for loop itself – I know this is not ideal
Thanks in advance! I am new to Matlab but am well aware of the bad practice notion associated with dynamically creating workspace variables. Unfortunately, Matlab’s volumeSegmenter only allows saving of segmentations as either MAT-files or workspace variables, and the former creates far too many individual files for the amount I require.
In the next step after creating them, I need to run all the segmentations (workspace vars seg1, seg2, seg3 …) through a for loop. I am currently using who() to try and find all the needed workspace variables, but this doesn’t work as only the names are stored in cells seg_options and cannot be called as variables:
vars = who();
find = contains(vars, ‘seg’);
seg_options = vars(find);
This is part of the for loop I need to call the segmentation variables for:
for i = 1:length(seg_options);
A = double(seg_options(i));
which obviously doesn’t work properly as I need to be calling the actual variable and not just its name.
The code also needs to work for a flexible number of segmentations (ie I cannot initialize an array as a specific size). Is there a way to:
1) load the workspace variable into array, overwrite it, load the next one into the next array cell, etc. (ie saves the first segmentation as seg, loads into seg_array cell 1, saves the next segmentation as seg, load that into seg_array cell 2, and so on)
2) load all the created variables (seg1, seg2…) into an array seg_array
3) call and loop through all the workspace variables in the for loop itself – I know this is not ideal
Thanks in advance! array, cell array, variable, variables, arrays, cell arrays, image segmentation, for loop MATLAB Answers — New Questions
¿Cómo puedo hacer para obetener el valor logico si es que estou utilizando el siguiente diagrama de bloques?
Estoy realizado un este PID y quiero obtener el error maximo del PID y utilice los siguientes bloques. Pero al momento que yo lo compara el error anterior y el error actual para despues obtener un 1 logico. Sin embargo se pueden observar que las graficas se cruzan ya que le reste la tolerancia pero aun que se crucen digue saliendo 0 logico. Alguien sabe como solucionar esto por favor. Gracias de antemanoEstoy realizado un este PID y quiero obtener el error maximo del PID y utilice los siguientes bloques. Pero al momento que yo lo compara el error anterior y el error actual para despues obtener un 1 logico. Sin embargo se pueden observar que las graficas se cruzan ya que le reste la tolerancia pero aun que se crucen digue saliendo 0 logico. Alguien sabe como solucionar esto por favor. Gracias de antemano Estoy realizado un este PID y quiero obtener el error maximo del PID y utilice los siguientes bloques. Pero al momento que yo lo compara el error anterior y el error actual para despues obtener un 1 logico. Sin embargo se pueden observar que las graficas se cruzan ya que le reste la tolerancia pero aun que se crucen digue saliendo 0 logico. Alguien sabe como solucionar esto por favor. Gracias de antemano pid, simulink MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Word becomes sluggish with increasing numbers of internal hyperlinks. Suggestions? Solutions?
My Word documents become increasingly unresponsive as I add internal hyperlinks to them. This seems odd as I using a T7910 Dell Workstation with 64GB of memory.
Now I plan to create a large Word document with 300 internal hyperlinks. On past experience Word will choke on this. My document will have no images, but it will have footnotes referencing books and articles. Some of these will have external hyperlinks.
What can I do to improve Word handling of documents with large numbers of internat hyperlinks? Should I increase my Word memory allocation (how would I do that)?
I’ve looked at various webpages dealing with Word being sluggish, but I cannot find anything definitive. It seems odd that Word has trouble handling such basic tools as internal hyperlinks.
I do have a number of active add-ins: Zotero, Perfect PDF 10 Premium, Perfect PDF 12 Premium, Power User, Date, Metric Convertor and NatSpeak. Is it possible to turn these off for a single document or can you only deactivate add-ins globally?
Again it seems very odd that such a popular program with very many features like Word, seems to have such extreme limitations on document size and feature use.
My thanks in advance for your help and suggestions.
My Word documents become increasingly unresponsive as I add internal hyperlinks to them. This seems odd as I using a T7910 Dell Workstation with 64GB of memory.Now I plan to create a large Word document with 300 internal hyperlinks. On past experience Word will choke on this. My document will have no images, but it will have footnotes referencing books and articles. Some of these will have external hyperlinks.What can I do to improve Word handling of documents with large numbers of internat hyperlinks? Should I increase my Word memory allocation (how would I do that)? I’ve looked at various webpages dealing with Word being sluggish, but I cannot find anything definitive. It seems odd that Word has trouble handling such basic tools as internal hyperlinks.I do have a number of active add-ins: Zotero, Perfect PDF 10 Premium, Perfect PDF 12 Premium, Power User, Date, Metric Convertor and NatSpeak. Is it possible to turn these off for a single document or can you only deactivate add-ins globally?Again it seems very odd that such a popular program with very many features like Word, seems to have such extreme limitations on document size and feature use.My thanks in advance for your help and suggestions. Read More
Amplify stopped letting my the “from” field for the Outlook channel
Has anyone come across an issue with the Outlook distribution where you can not change the “From” account? As of today, it won’t let me change that.
When I click “Other email address…” nothing happens. I have created a new communication, logged out, restarted my laptop, tried a different browser and it has not resolved. When someone else tries to edit, it says I am still editing even though my laptop wasn’t even on. Others in my organization have tried as well and it’s doing the same thing for them.
Hello, Has anyone come across an issue with the Outlook distribution where you can not change the “From” account? As of today, it won’t let me change that.When I click “Other email address…” nothing happens. I have created a new communication, logged out, restarted my laptop, tried a different browser and it has not resolved. When someone else tries to edit, it says I am still editing even though my laptop wasn’t even on. Others in my organization have tried as well and it’s doing the same thing for them. Read More
Expanding drive in Failover Clustering
I’ve got a Storage Spaces direct cluster setup and I’ve got a volume I need to expand. It’s a volume under the file server role in the cluster. It’s an ReFS volume and I’ve tried using Windows Admin Center to expand it and it errors out, but I can expand a volume under the SoFS role with no issue. I also tried using Server manager, disk manager and diskpart with no luck.
Any suggestions?
I’ve got a Storage Spaces direct cluster setup and I’ve got a volume I need to expand. It’s a volume under the file server role in the cluster. It’s an ReFS volume and I’ve tried using Windows Admin Center to expand it and it errors out, but I can expand a volume under the SoFS role with no issue. I also tried using Server manager, disk manager and diskpart with no luck. Any suggestions? Read More
Refresh pivot table
Hi Community,
Is it possible to make it so that if I filter a database, a pivot table (originating from this database) takes the filtered data, that is, that it updates automatically taking only the visible data from the database?.
Hi Community, Is it possible to make it so that if I filter a database, a pivot table (originating from this database) takes the filtered data, that is, that it updates automatically taking only the visible data from the database?. Regards, Francisco Read More
Co sell eligibility question
Here’s a situation for a customer:
Earlier this year they set up a marketplace listing to process a transaction for a specific customer. They created this as a standard listing, with just one private plan, so it stayed private entirely – and because of this, we named it & entered content in a way specific for that customer. It was approved as IP co-sell incentivized and enrolled as qualifying toward Azure consumption commitment before they customer transacted.
We’d now like to create a generic transactable listing, which would be public (with placeholder pricing – we’d still transact all deals as private). I’ve been working with the ISV Success team – have cc’d Sofia, my main contact – on how best to do this. I’m happy to create a new listing or rename & update the existing one. However:
ISV Success team tells them for an offer to become co-sell eligible, we need to first transact 100k on that specific offer. They suspect an exception was put through for the prior transaction.
ISV Success team told them if they were to rename the existing co-sell eligible offer, the co-sell eligibility process would be restarted, and the prior transaction would then not count toward that 100k
I’m hoping you can shed some light on this, and advise on how to handle? We aren’t (at this point in time) looking to use the marketplace to drum up new business; our existing Azure customers want to use it to pay us because they have MACC. But if they can’t, they’ll pay us directly. We wouldn’t have a scenario to process a 100k transation that doesn’t qualify for MACC drawdown.
Here’s a situation for a customer:
Earlier this year they set up a marketplace listing to process a transaction for a specific customer. They created this as a standard listing, with just one private plan, so it stayed private entirely – and because of this, we named it & entered content in a way specific for that customer. It was approved as IP co-sell incentivized and enrolled as qualifying toward Azure consumption commitment before they customer transacted.
We’d now like to create a generic transactable listing, which would be public (with placeholder pricing – we’d still transact all deals as private). I’ve been working with the ISV Success team – have cc’d Sofia, my main contact – on how best to do this. I’m happy to create a new listing or rename & update the existing one. However:
ISV Success team tells them for an offer to become co-sell eligible, we need to first transact 100k on that specific offer. They suspect an exception was put through for the prior transaction.
ISV Success team told them if they were to rename the existing co-sell eligible offer, the co-sell eligibility process would be restarted, and the prior transaction would then not count toward that 100k
I’m hoping you can shed some light on this, and advise on how to handle? We aren’t (at this point in time) looking to use the marketplace to drum up new business; our existing Azure customers want to use it to pay us because they have MACC. But if they can’t, they’ll pay us directly. We wouldn’t have a scenario to process a 100k transation that doesn’t qualify for MACC drawdown. Read More
Released: SCOM Management Packs for SQL Server, RS, AS and Azure SQL MI (7.6)
For Azure SQL Managed Instance:
Enhanced the Automatic template options for monitoring SQL Managed Instances by introducing support for Managed Identity. This includes both System-assigned and User-assigned Managed Identity options
Added support for Custom query-based database monitors with two options depending on the type of query: database context or cookdown
Added new “Property Bag” step in the custom monitor setup to extend the alert context with properties from the query result
For AS MP:
Added “VertiPaq memory paging indication” monitor to observe the level of VertiPaq memory paging
Improved accessibility for the Summary Dashboard view and Monitoring Wizard template
Updated the “Product Version Compliance” monitor with the most recent version of public updates for SQL Server
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Trouble writing and saving .nii files
I have a working MATLAB code that produces 5 T1 maps for 5 different angles from an MRI data set of (512 512 170 5). When I look at them in MATLAB Figures they show the right values and look fine (see attached). However, when I try and save them using the code below, they save like the images shown in FSLeyes, where they are being split into different slices (5 x 34 slices = 170). I can’t understand why?
% Loop to save each flip angle as an individual NIfTI file
for i = 1:size(T1, 4)
% Convert the T1 data to double
Data = double(T1(:, :, :, i));
% Define voxel size
VoxSize = [0.6, 0.6, 1];
% Create a name for the NIfTI file
NameForSaving = sprintf(‘T1_Map_Angle%d.nii’, i);
% Define the file location for saving
filelocation = ‘location_hidden’;
fullpath = fullfile(filelocation, NameForSaving);
% Save the data as a NIfTI file
Nii_Saver(Data, VoxSize, fullpath);
endI have a working MATLAB code that produces 5 T1 maps for 5 different angles from an MRI data set of (512 512 170 5). When I look at them in MATLAB Figures they show the right values and look fine (see attached). However, when I try and save them using the code below, they save like the images shown in FSLeyes, where they are being split into different slices (5 x 34 slices = 170). I can’t understand why?
% Loop to save each flip angle as an individual NIfTI file
for i = 1:size(T1, 4)
% Convert the T1 data to double
Data = double(T1(:, :, :, i));
% Define voxel size
VoxSize = [0.6, 0.6, 1];
% Create a name for the NIfTI file
NameForSaving = sprintf(‘T1_Map_Angle%d.nii’, i);
% Define the file location for saving
filelocation = ‘location_hidden’;
fullpath = fullfile(filelocation, NameForSaving);
% Save the data as a NIfTI file
Nii_Saver(Data, VoxSize, fullpath);
end I have a working MATLAB code that produces 5 T1 maps for 5 different angles from an MRI data set of (512 512 170 5). When I look at them in MATLAB Figures they show the right values and look fine (see attached). However, when I try and save them using the code below, they save like the images shown in FSLeyes, where they are being split into different slices (5 x 34 slices = 170). I can’t understand why?
% Loop to save each flip angle as an individual NIfTI file
for i = 1:size(T1, 4)
% Convert the T1 data to double
Data = double(T1(:, :, :, i));
% Define voxel size
VoxSize = [0.6, 0.6, 1];
% Create a name for the NIfTI file
NameForSaving = sprintf(‘T1_Map_Angle%d.nii’, i);
% Define the file location for saving
filelocation = ‘location_hidden’;
fullpath = fullfile(filelocation, NameForSaving);
% Save the data as a NIfTI file
Nii_Saver(Data, VoxSize, fullpath);
end .nii, save MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Setting up communication via USB device with instrument
I am trying to communicate with a device via usb. When I connect the usb cable, it doesnt fall under the COM port section in my device manager but under the Universial Serial Bus Devices. How do I go about openning the port with serial command?I am trying to communicate with a device via usb. When I connect the usb cable, it doesnt fall under the COM port section in my device manager but under the Universial Serial Bus Devices. How do I go about openning the port with serial command? I am trying to communicate with a device via usb. When I connect the usb cable, it doesnt fall under the COM port section in my device manager but under the Universial Serial Bus Devices. How do I go about openning the port with serial command? serial, writeline MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Power Query, Add Column
Dear Experts ,
I have an issue where I need to extract the data between delimiters for each occurrence as below:-
but , it fetch only the first instance, I need to populate all the text between delimiters ‘ & Mhz for each occurrence, and then take sum of them.
Thanks in Advance,
Dear Experts , I have an issue where I need to extract the data between delimiters for each occurrence as below:-but , it fetch only the first instance, I need to populate all the text between delimiters ‘ & Mhz for each occurrence, and then take sum of them.Thanks in Advance,Br,Anupam Read More
Send Personal Invites question, how does it work?
There is a toggle option when creating teams’ meetings “Send Personal Invites” in the default OFF position does that mean no invites are sent to team members via email? and when it’s toggled ON does that mean invites are sent to all members via email?
Looking for clarification.
There is a toggle option when creating teams’ meetings “Send Personal Invites” in the default OFF position does that mean no invites are sent to team members via email? and when it’s toggled ON does that mean invites are sent to all members via email? Looking for clarification. Read More
Pull Data from another sheet if number matches
I’m wondering how to take the information from the Inv column in sheet 2 and add it to sheet 1 if the Loan number matches? I have 2 separate reports and need to add information to the other. I can’t just copy and paste because the one missing the info is just a portion of the total report.
I’m wondering how to take the information from the Inv column in sheet 2 and add it to sheet 1 if the Loan number matches? I have 2 separate reports and need to add information to the other. I can’t just copy and paste because the one missing the info is just a portion of the total report. Read More
Trophy for completed course missing
Dear Microsoft,
I think there is a technical issue. I noticed that the trophy for my completed teams course is not assigned. I completed every module on Kurs MS-700T00-A: Verwalten von Microsoft Teams – Training | Microsoft Learn
but the trophy is not visible in my profile:
thanks for your help!
kind regards,
Dear Microsoft, I think there is a technical issue. I noticed that the trophy for my completed teams course is not assigned. I completed every module on Kurs MS-700T00-A: Verwalten von Microsoft Teams – Training | Microsoft Learn but the trophy is not visible in my profile: thanks for your help!kind regards,Frank Read More
COmbining teams and outlook calendars
I have a work subscription to Microsoft 365. I have windows 11. I can not figure out how to download and install the teams add-in for outlook, nor can I connect my teams and outlook calendars. As a result, I have a separate set of events on my teams calendar when I have sent an invite, and a separate outlook calendar of events. How can I connect these two apps so they are one calendar to manage?
HelloI have a work subscription to Microsoft 365. I have windows 11. I can not figure out how to download and install the teams add-in for outlook, nor can I connect my teams and outlook calendars. As a result, I have a separate set of events on my teams calendar when I have sent an invite, and a separate outlook calendar of events. How can I connect these two apps so they are one calendar to manage? Read More
Teams direct routing with Azure SBC call failure
We have deployed an Azure AudioCodes SBC for use with direct routing. We randomly get failed outbound calls, or calls with one way audio. Question is, does the Azure Load Balancer need NAT rules? Or does having them in the firewall as well as the SBC all we need? We have talked to both Microsoft and AudioCodes support, they both point the finger at each other.
We have deployed an Azure AudioCodes SBC for use with direct routing. We randomly get failed outbound calls, or calls with one way audio. Question is, does the Azure Load Balancer need NAT rules? Or does having them in the firewall as well as the SBC all we need? We have talked to both Microsoft and AudioCodes support, they both point the finger at each other. Read More
SharePoint shows different date values in EditForm and actual SharePoint List
Hello everyone,
today we observed a pretty strange behavior of date columns in the new SharePoint lists (= MS Lists layout) in all of our customer tenants. The tenants are in time zone “W. Europe Standard Time” (= UTC + 1) (this is also the setting in the “Regional Settings” of each SharePoint site).
When we select a date value before 01.01.1980 and the month is one-digit “1 – 9” (January – September), it shows the date correctly in the EditForm, but in the SharePoint list itself it is displayed in UTC (which means the date is shifted 1 day to our selected date in the EditForm):
However, this only happens when the month has exactly one digit. If it has two digits (10, 11, 12 = October, November, December), the displayed date values in the EditForm and in the SharePoint list are identical, no matter which year was selected:
Even more strange is that the problem with the date differences does not occur when you select a date with a one-digit month in the years 1916, 1917, 1918, 1940 – 1949 or after 01.01.1980:
This seems to be a bug in Microsoft backend. We are able to reproduce this issue in any tenant where the regional settings of the SharePoint site are in UTC+1.
Does anyone of you has the same problem in your tenant?
Best regards,
Hello everyone, today we observed a pretty strange behavior of date columns in the new SharePoint lists (= MS Lists layout) in all of our customer tenants. The tenants are in time zone “W. Europe Standard Time” (= UTC + 1) (this is also the setting in the “Regional Settings” of each SharePoint site). When we select a date value before 01.01.1980 and the month is one-digit “1 – 9” (January – September), it shows the date correctly in the EditForm, but in the SharePoint list itself it is displayed in UTC (which means the date is shifted 1 day to our selected date in the EditForm): However, this only happens when the month has exactly one digit. If it has two digits (10, 11, 12 = October, November, December), the displayed date values in the EditForm and in the SharePoint list are identical, no matter which year was selected: Even more strange is that the problem with the date differences does not occur when you select a date with a one-digit month in the years 1916, 1917, 1918, 1940 – 1949 or after 01.01.1980: This seems to be a bug in Microsoft backend. We are able to reproduce this issue in any tenant where the regional settings of the SharePoint site are in UTC+1. Does anyone of you has the same problem in your tenant? Best regards,Stefan Read More
OneDrive for Business requiring occasional logon after migrating to using Conditional Access policie
We use OneDrive for Business very extensively. A couple of months ago, we implemented some new security policies using Conditional Access policies; the big change here was that all logins must originate from either an Azure Hybrid Joined workstation or from a compliant device enrolled in Office 365 MDM. This all worked fine.
Since implementing that, however, OneDrive occasionally will require you to sign in again in Windows. This was never an issue before. The symptoms are files saved to OneDrive in the cloud directly never sync back to our workstations. This happens when an end user saves a document from Word or Excel and chooses OneDrive as the location. It saves to cloud, but never syncs back locally. The OneDrive icon in the system tray will be perpetually showing the “Syncronizing” symbol (blue cloud with the arrows in a circle). It looks mostly normal but when you click on the OneDrive icon, it will tell you it needs to sign in. If you click Sign In it does not ask for your password; apparently seamless single sign on can supply that, but it does require answering an MFA prompt.
This doesn’t seem to happen with Teams or Outlook. Also I’d think that seamless single sign on (which we have enabled) ought to take care of this. My end users don’t really understand how OneDrive works since it’s all mostly automatic so it never, ever occurs to them to check on its status until something weird starts happening like they are missing files.
I need to get OneDrive back to normal where it can stay logged in like Outlook and Teams does. Since this seemed to become a problem once conditional access policies were implemented, I’ll detail that setup a little bit. We have a blanket policy that requires MFA for all logins. The policy targets “All cloud apps” in Target Resources. The Access Controls section, under Grant simply requires MFA. In Access Controls -> Session section, we have selected Persistent Browser Session -> Always Persistent
What other settings should I be looking at?
We use OneDrive for Business very extensively. A couple of months ago, we implemented some new security policies using Conditional Access policies; the big change here was that all logins must originate from either an Azure Hybrid Joined workstation or from a compliant device enrolled in Office 365 MDM. This all worked fine. Since implementing that, however, OneDrive occasionally will require you to sign in again in Windows. This was never an issue before. The symptoms are files saved to OneDrive in the cloud directly never sync back to our workstations. This happens when an end user saves a document from Word or Excel and chooses OneDrive as the location. It saves to cloud, but never syncs back locally. The OneDrive icon in the system tray will be perpetually showing the “Syncronizing” symbol (blue cloud with the arrows in a circle). It looks mostly normal but when you click on the OneDrive icon, it will tell you it needs to sign in. If you click Sign In it does not ask for your password; apparently seamless single sign on can supply that, but it does require answering an MFA prompt. This doesn’t seem to happen with Teams or Outlook. Also I’d think that seamless single sign on (which we have enabled) ought to take care of this. My end users don’t really understand how OneDrive works since it’s all mostly automatic so it never, ever occurs to them to check on its status until something weird starts happening like they are missing files. I need to get OneDrive back to normal where it can stay logged in like Outlook and Teams does. Since this seemed to become a problem once conditional access policies were implemented, I’ll detail that setup a little bit. We have a blanket policy that requires MFA for all logins. The policy targets “All cloud apps” in Target Resources. The Access Controls section, under Grant simply requires MFA. In Access Controls -> Session section, we have selected Persistent Browser Session -> Always Persistent What other settings should I be looking at? Read More
Database Watcher: Your perfmon in the cloud | Data Exposed
In this episode of Data Exposed, we will take a look at new cloud service that changes the game to monitor your Azure SQL Databases and Instances called Database Watcher. Lot’s of demos to show you this exciting new way to monitor SQL Chapters: 00:00 – Introduction 01:42 – Monitor all Azure SQL DB and Azure SQL Managed Instance workloads
View/share our latest episodes on Microsoft Learn and YouTube!
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