Category: News
how to find the bit allocation factor?
how bit allocation factor affects the quality of a video? how this factor can be used to find the quality of video? how this factors can be calculated if i have a video?how bit allocation factor affects the quality of a video? how this factor can be used to find the quality of video? how this factors can be calculated if i have a video? how bit allocation factor affects the quality of a video? how this factor can be used to find the quality of video? how this factors can be calculated if i have a video? bit allocation factor MATLAB Answers — New Questions
How to copy a built-in Data connector in Global region to China region?
A lot of Sentinel solutions/data connectors are not available in China. For example: Dynamics 365 connector. Is it possible to get the source code of a built-in data connector (like Dynamics 365 connector) and create custom data connector in China?
A lot of Sentinel solutions/data connectors are not available in China. For example: Dynamics 365 connector. Is it possible to get the source code of a built-in data connector (like Dynamics 365 connector) and create custom data connector in China? Read More
Business Central Post Deployment Offer
Hi all, 
I would like to know in this new business central deployment offer: Does the partner need to get all the licenses subscribed by customer in the very first go or the ACR is calculated based on the subscription in 1st year? In other terms the incentives for ACR is eligible when all the licenses are subscripted at first place or is it the sum total in 1st Year?
Hi all, I would like to know in this new business central deployment offer: Does the partner need to get all the licenses subscribed by customer in the very first go or the ACR is calculated based on the subscription in 1st year? In other terms the incentives for ACR is eligible when all the licenses are subscripted at first place or is it the sum total in 1st Year? Read More
How to generate Custom Bitstream for Zedboard to deploy Neural Network model?
imds = imageDatastore(‘Result_fish_images(NA)’, …
‘IncludeSubfolders’,true, …
[imdsTrain,imdsValidation,imdsTest] = splitEachLabel(imds,0.7,0.15,0.15,"randomized");
numTrainImages = numel(imdsTrain.Labels);
idx = randperm(numTrainImages,16);
for i = 1:16
I = readimage(imdsTrain,idx(i));
classNames = categories(imdsTrain.Labels);
numClasses = numel(classNames)
net = imagePretrainedNetwork("alexnet",NumClasses=numClasses);
net = setLearnRateFactor(net,"fc8/Weights",20);
net = setLearnRateFactor(net,"fc8/Bias",20);
inputSize = net.Layers(1).InputSize
pixelRange = [-30 30];
imageAugmenter = imageDataAugmenter( …
‘RandXReflection’,true, …
‘RandXTranslation’,pixelRange, …
augimdsTrain = augmentedImageDatastore(inputSize(1:2),imdsTrain, …
augimdsValidation = augmentedImageDatastore(inputSize(1:2),imdsValidation);
options = trainingOptions("sgdm", …
MiniBatchSize=10, …
MaxEpochs=6, …
Metrics="accuracy", …
InitialLearnRate=1e-4, …
Shuffle="every-epoch", …
ValidationData=augimdsValidation, …
ValidationFrequency=3, …
Verbose=false, …
net = trainnet(augimdsTrain,net,"crossentropy",options);
scores = minibatchpredict(net,augimdsValidation);
YPred = scores2label(scores,classNames);
idx = randperm(numel(imdsValidation.Files),4);
for i = 1:4
I = readimage(imdsValidation,idx(i));
label = YPred(idx(i));
YValidation = imdsValidation.Labels;
accuracy = mean(YPred == YValidation)
%%After the above we performed the quantization and saved the network in quantizedNet variable. We flashed the %%memory card with linux image for zedboard using SoC Blockset support package. We tested the communication between %%our zedboard and laptop via zynq() command and were able to retreive the IP Address of it. Now we want to deploy the %%trained model on zedboard platform using:
%%hTarget = dlhdl.Target(‘Xilinx’,’Interface’,’Ethernet’);
%%hW = dlhdl.Workflow(‘Network’,quantizedNet,’Bitstream’,’zcu102_int8′,’Target’,hTarget);
%%This should give us prediction result by performing the operation on FPGA and fetching back the result.
%%But here the pre built bit streams like zc0102 or zc706 are not available for zedboard. How to generate custom %%bitstream targetting zedboard ??imds = imageDatastore(‘Result_fish_images(NA)’, …
‘IncludeSubfolders’,true, …
[imdsTrain,imdsValidation,imdsTest] = splitEachLabel(imds,0.7,0.15,0.15,"randomized");
numTrainImages = numel(imdsTrain.Labels);
idx = randperm(numTrainImages,16);
for i = 1:16
I = readimage(imdsTrain,idx(i));
classNames = categories(imdsTrain.Labels);
numClasses = numel(classNames)
net = imagePretrainedNetwork("alexnet",NumClasses=numClasses);
net = setLearnRateFactor(net,"fc8/Weights",20);
net = setLearnRateFactor(net,"fc8/Bias",20);
inputSize = net.Layers(1).InputSize
pixelRange = [-30 30];
imageAugmenter = imageDataAugmenter( …
‘RandXReflection’,true, …
‘RandXTranslation’,pixelRange, …
augimdsTrain = augmentedImageDatastore(inputSize(1:2),imdsTrain, …
augimdsValidation = augmentedImageDatastore(inputSize(1:2),imdsValidation);
options = trainingOptions("sgdm", …
MiniBatchSize=10, …
MaxEpochs=6, …
Metrics="accuracy", …
InitialLearnRate=1e-4, …
Shuffle="every-epoch", …
ValidationData=augimdsValidation, …
ValidationFrequency=3, …
Verbose=false, …
net = trainnet(augimdsTrain,net,"crossentropy",options);
scores = minibatchpredict(net,augimdsValidation);
YPred = scores2label(scores,classNames);
idx = randperm(numel(imdsValidation.Files),4);
for i = 1:4
I = readimage(imdsValidation,idx(i));
label = YPred(idx(i));
YValidation = imdsValidation.Labels;
accuracy = mean(YPred == YValidation)
%%After the above we performed the quantization and saved the network in quantizedNet variable. We flashed the %%memory card with linux image for zedboard using SoC Blockset support package. We tested the communication between %%our zedboard and laptop via zynq() command and were able to retreive the IP Address of it. Now we want to deploy the %%trained model on zedboard platform using:
%%hTarget = dlhdl.Target(‘Xilinx’,’Interface’,’Ethernet’);
%%hW = dlhdl.Workflow(‘Network’,quantizedNet,’Bitstream’,’zcu102_int8′,’Target’,hTarget);
%%This should give us prediction result by performing the operation on FPGA and fetching back the result.
%%But here the pre built bit streams like zc0102 or zc706 are not available for zedboard. How to generate custom %%bitstream targetting zedboard ?? imds = imageDatastore(‘Result_fish_images(NA)’, …
‘IncludeSubfolders’,true, …
[imdsTrain,imdsValidation,imdsTest] = splitEachLabel(imds,0.7,0.15,0.15,"randomized");
numTrainImages = numel(imdsTrain.Labels);
idx = randperm(numTrainImages,16);
for i = 1:16
I = readimage(imdsTrain,idx(i));
classNames = categories(imdsTrain.Labels);
numClasses = numel(classNames)
net = imagePretrainedNetwork("alexnet",NumClasses=numClasses);
net = setLearnRateFactor(net,"fc8/Weights",20);
net = setLearnRateFactor(net,"fc8/Bias",20);
inputSize = net.Layers(1).InputSize
pixelRange = [-30 30];
imageAugmenter = imageDataAugmenter( …
‘RandXReflection’,true, …
‘RandXTranslation’,pixelRange, …
augimdsTrain = augmentedImageDatastore(inputSize(1:2),imdsTrain, …
augimdsValidation = augmentedImageDatastore(inputSize(1:2),imdsValidation);
options = trainingOptions("sgdm", …
MiniBatchSize=10, …
MaxEpochs=6, …
Metrics="accuracy", …
InitialLearnRate=1e-4, …
Shuffle="every-epoch", …
ValidationData=augimdsValidation, …
ValidationFrequency=3, …
Verbose=false, …
net = trainnet(augimdsTrain,net,"crossentropy",options);
scores = minibatchpredict(net,augimdsValidation);
YPred = scores2label(scores,classNames);
idx = randperm(numel(imdsValidation.Files),4);
for i = 1:4
I = readimage(imdsValidation,idx(i));
label = YPred(idx(i));
YValidation = imdsValidation.Labels;
accuracy = mean(YPred == YValidation)
%%After the above we performed the quantization and saved the network in quantizedNet variable. We flashed the %%memory card with linux image for zedboard using SoC Blockset support package. We tested the communication between %%our zedboard and laptop via zynq() command and were able to retreive the IP Address of it. Now we want to deploy the %%trained model on zedboard platform using:
%%hTarget = dlhdl.Target(‘Xilinx’,’Interface’,’Ethernet’);
%%hW = dlhdl.Workflow(‘Network’,quantizedNet,’Bitstream’,’zcu102_int8′,’Target’,hTarget);
%%This should give us prediction result by performing the operation on FPGA and fetching back the result.
%%But here the pre built bit streams like zc0102 or zc706 are not available for zedboard. How to generate custom %%bitstream targetting zedboard ?? zedboard, fpga, bitstream, neural network, alexnet MATLAB Answers — New Questions
replace sub-matrix values with zeros
I have a large matrix C, which contains a number of matrices in the format C{i}{j}(k1,k2). The size of the matrix (value of k1 and k2) are different for different i and j values. I would like to set all k1 and k2 values to zero except for a certain i and j values. For example, i=1:7, and j varies from 1 to 128 for different i values. I want to keep the values of i=1, and j=1 and replace all other values to zero. e.g. C{1,1}{1,1}. Please help me to make the loop where i can keep the original size of the matrix but replace the values with zero except the target ones.
Related information: I encountered this problem when I am using curvelet. I decomposed the image into different scales and wedges. Now I want to do an inverse curvelet transform of the original image without a particular scale and wedge. I would like to separate and visualize the variations at different scales and wedges. I wonder how I can make the matrix right.
thanks a lot in advance.
please helpHello,
I have a large matrix C, which contains a number of matrices in the format C{i}{j}(k1,k2). The size of the matrix (value of k1 and k2) are different for different i and j values. I would like to set all k1 and k2 values to zero except for a certain i and j values. For example, i=1:7, and j varies from 1 to 128 for different i values. I want to keep the values of i=1, and j=1 and replace all other values to zero. e.g. C{1,1}{1,1}. Please help me to make the loop where i can keep the original size of the matrix but replace the values with zero except the target ones.
Related information: I encountered this problem when I am using curvelet. I decomposed the image into different scales and wedges. Now I want to do an inverse curvelet transform of the original image without a particular scale and wedge. I would like to separate and visualize the variations at different scales and wedges. I wonder how I can make the matrix right.
thanks a lot in advance.
please help Hello,
I have a large matrix C, which contains a number of matrices in the format C{i}{j}(k1,k2). The size of the matrix (value of k1 and k2) are different for different i and j values. I would like to set all k1 and k2 values to zero except for a certain i and j values. For example, i=1:7, and j varies from 1 to 128 for different i values. I want to keep the values of i=1, and j=1 and replace all other values to zero. e.g. C{1,1}{1,1}. Please help me to make the loop where i can keep the original size of the matrix but replace the values with zero except the target ones.
Related information: I encountered this problem when I am using curvelet. I decomposed the image into different scales and wedges. Now I want to do an inverse curvelet transform of the original image without a particular scale and wedge. I would like to separate and visualize the variations at different scales and wedges. I wonder how I can make the matrix right.
thanks a lot in advance.
please help matrix, conversion, curvelet, matrix manipulation MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Problem with estimating PDF (ksdensity)
Attached are two sets of data and I need to estimate the Probability density function (PDF) for both of them.
The attached variable detection has 32 elements and a unit of percentages (between 0 and 100 %), and the variable in_process has 96 elements and a unit of number of days (between 0 and 212 days).
I want to estimate the PDF of both variables. For that I am using ksdenity, with the ‘support’ option, because I don’t want the values on x-axis to be negative or over 100%.
for the estimation of PDF of the detection I use the following code:
detection(detection==0)=0.0001; %data must be between the support boundaries
and for the estimation of PDF of the in_process I use the same following code:
[f,x]=ksdensity(in_process,pts,’support’,[0 212]);
My problem is that the first one looks pretty well (has similar shape as the histogram of detection and looks similar to the PDF that is produced without the support option), while the other one looks bad (creates artificial bumps at the beginning and at the end of the interval).
I don’t undestand why is this happening? Why the first one looks good and the second one doesn’t.
Is this even a good approach and does it make sense to estimate pdf of these variables?
Thank you for your help.Attached are two sets of data and I need to estimate the Probability density function (PDF) for both of them.
The attached variable detection has 32 elements and a unit of percentages (between 0 and 100 %), and the variable in_process has 96 elements and a unit of number of days (between 0 and 212 days).
I want to estimate the PDF of both variables. For that I am using ksdenity, with the ‘support’ option, because I don’t want the values on x-axis to be negative or over 100%.
for the estimation of PDF of the detection I use the following code:
detection(detection==0)=0.0001; %data must be between the support boundaries
and for the estimation of PDF of the in_process I use the same following code:
[f,x]=ksdensity(in_process,pts,’support’,[0 212]);
My problem is that the first one looks pretty well (has similar shape as the histogram of detection and looks similar to the PDF that is produced without the support option), while the other one looks bad (creates artificial bumps at the beginning and at the end of the interval).
I don’t undestand why is this happening? Why the first one looks good and the second one doesn’t.
Is this even a good approach and does it make sense to estimate pdf of these variables?
Thank you for your help. Attached are two sets of data and I need to estimate the Probability density function (PDF) for both of them.
The attached variable detection has 32 elements and a unit of percentages (between 0 and 100 %), and the variable in_process has 96 elements and a unit of number of days (between 0 and 212 days).
I want to estimate the PDF of both variables. For that I am using ksdenity, with the ‘support’ option, because I don’t want the values on x-axis to be negative or over 100%.
for the estimation of PDF of the detection I use the following code:
detection(detection==0)=0.0001; %data must be between the support boundaries
and for the estimation of PDF of the in_process I use the same following code:
[f,x]=ksdensity(in_process,pts,’support’,[0 212]);
My problem is that the first one looks pretty well (has similar shape as the histogram of detection and looks similar to the PDF that is produced without the support option), while the other one looks bad (creates artificial bumps at the beginning and at the end of the interval).
I don’t undestand why is this happening? Why the first one looks good and the second one doesn’t.
Is this even a good approach and does it make sense to estimate pdf of these variables?
Thank you for your help. #ksdensity, #pdf MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Hi, I’m in truble because I have two programs with the same variables and parameters. The main of the study is to change a value and plot the results. The problem is that I want them on the same plot but I use the same name for the variabes in the two different programs so when I use some function to join the figures togheter matlab resets the values obtained in the first program and runs only the second one.
Is there a method to avoid changing all the names of the variables in one of the two programs (because they have something like 500 lines)?Hi, I’m in truble because I have two programs with the same variables and parameters. The main of the study is to change a value and plot the results. The problem is that I want them on the same plot but I use the same name for the variabes in the two different programs so when I use some function to join the figures togheter matlab resets the values obtained in the first program and runs only the second one.
Is there a method to avoid changing all the names of the variables in one of the two programs (because they have something like 500 lines)? Hi, I’m in truble because I have two programs with the same variables and parameters. The main of the study is to change a value and plot the results. The problem is that I want them on the same plot but I use the same name for the variabes in the two different programs so when I use some function to join the figures togheter matlab resets the values obtained in the first program and runs only the second one.
Is there a method to avoid changing all the names of the variables in one of the two programs (because they have something like 500 lines)? transferred MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Selecting Tables to Sync from finance and operations | programmatically
Dears, I’ve some important questions please
Is there any option to programmatically select Tables to Sync from finance and operations, currently it’s a manual process and time-consuming task? We’re open to any tool: PowerShell, Python, Power Automate & etcIs there any option to force the sync to start without waiting the interval settings in the advanced configuration?
Dears, I’ve some important questions pleaseIs there any option to programmatically select Tables to Sync from finance and operations, currently it’s a manual process and time-consuming task? We’re open to any tool: PowerShell, Python, Power Automate & etcIs there any option to force the sync to start without waiting the interval settings in the advanced configuration? Choose finance and operations data in Azure Synapse Link for Dataverse – Power Apps | Microsoft Learn Read More
First order PID controller
I am having a bit of bother with a PID controller I am creating on MATLAB. I have the below transfer function for my system, which i’ve to incorporate a PID controller into.
clear all
% Implementing T.F G(s) = 85/(42s+1)
num = [85]; %Numerator of Transfer function (DC Gain k)
den = [42 1]; %Denominator of Transfer function (Time constant tau +1)
Gs = tf([num],[den],’InputDelay’,10) %a transfer function with a lag tim); %transfer function
u = 1; %unit step input
% plotting the graph
xlabel(‘time /s’); ylabel(‘Level’);
I have tried using the below code for the PID controller, which doesn’t seem to have the same times. Also on all controllers i’ve done the step response never got to 1 without tuning before.
% Implementing T.F G(s) = 85/(42s+1)
num = [85]; %Numerator of Transfer function (DC Gain k)
den = [42 1]; %Denominator of Transfer function (Time constant tau +1)
Gs= tf(num,den); %TF function
H=[1]; %feedback
grid on
When I add the PID controller script I no longer get anything I expect. I set Kp to 2, which does quicken the response, however I expect some overshoot. I have increased Kp bu different higher values and it only provides quicker respnses without overshoot. This is not how any of my other controllers have operated.
Kp = 2;
Ki = 0;
Kd = 0;
grid on
I know I am doing something wrong, but can’t see what. Is there anyone that can look this over and assist? I am using Matlab online as I do not have permission to download additional content on my laptop as IT won’t allow it. You may have also noticed that there is no delay added to the scripts. This is due to it not working if I do.Hi,
I am having a bit of bother with a PID controller I am creating on MATLAB. I have the below transfer function for my system, which i’ve to incorporate a PID controller into.
clear all
% Implementing T.F G(s) = 85/(42s+1)
num = [85]; %Numerator of Transfer function (DC Gain k)
den = [42 1]; %Denominator of Transfer function (Time constant tau +1)
Gs = tf([num],[den],’InputDelay’,10) %a transfer function with a lag tim); %transfer function
u = 1; %unit step input
% plotting the graph
xlabel(‘time /s’); ylabel(‘Level’);
I have tried using the below code for the PID controller, which doesn’t seem to have the same times. Also on all controllers i’ve done the step response never got to 1 without tuning before.
% Implementing T.F G(s) = 85/(42s+1)
num = [85]; %Numerator of Transfer function (DC Gain k)
den = [42 1]; %Denominator of Transfer function (Time constant tau +1)
Gs= tf(num,den); %TF function
H=[1]; %feedback
grid on
When I add the PID controller script I no longer get anything I expect. I set Kp to 2, which does quicken the response, however I expect some overshoot. I have increased Kp bu different higher values and it only provides quicker respnses without overshoot. This is not how any of my other controllers have operated.
Kp = 2;
Ki = 0;
Kd = 0;
grid on
I know I am doing something wrong, but can’t see what. Is there anyone that can look this over and assist? I am using Matlab online as I do not have permission to download additional content on my laptop as IT won’t allow it. You may have also noticed that there is no delay added to the scripts. This is due to it not working if I do. Hi,
I am having a bit of bother with a PID controller I am creating on MATLAB. I have the below transfer function for my system, which i’ve to incorporate a PID controller into.
clear all
% Implementing T.F G(s) = 85/(42s+1)
num = [85]; %Numerator of Transfer function (DC Gain k)
den = [42 1]; %Denominator of Transfer function (Time constant tau +1)
Gs = tf([num],[den],’InputDelay’,10) %a transfer function with a lag tim); %transfer function
u = 1; %unit step input
% plotting the graph
xlabel(‘time /s’); ylabel(‘Level’);
I have tried using the below code for the PID controller, which doesn’t seem to have the same times. Also on all controllers i’ve done the step response never got to 1 without tuning before.
% Implementing T.F G(s) = 85/(42s+1)
num = [85]; %Numerator of Transfer function (DC Gain k)
den = [42 1]; %Denominator of Transfer function (Time constant tau +1)
Gs= tf(num,den); %TF function
H=[1]; %feedback
grid on
When I add the PID controller script I no longer get anything I expect. I set Kp to 2, which does quicken the response, however I expect some overshoot. I have increased Kp bu different higher values and it only provides quicker respnses without overshoot. This is not how any of my other controllers have operated.
Kp = 2;
Ki = 0;
Kd = 0;
grid on
I know I am doing something wrong, but can’t see what. Is there anyone that can look this over and assist? I am using Matlab online as I do not have permission to download additional content on my laptop as IT won’t allow it. You may have also noticed that there is no delay added to the scripts. This is due to it not working if I do. pid controller MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Why isn’t the numerical value assigned by matlab verified using == function.
I have calculated the value for R using my code which has assigned 0.0094 but if I try to verify using == function , it shows logical zero.
I had used format short but evidently isn’t doing much.
what should I change here.I have calculated the value for R using my code which has assigned 0.0094 but if I try to verify using == function , it shows logical zero.
I had used format short but evidently isn’t doing much.
what should I change here. I have calculated the value for R using my code which has assigned 0.0094 but if I try to verify using == function , it shows logical zero.
I had used format short but evidently isn’t doing much.
what should I change here. logical MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Issue with Autoruns v14.11 – Offline System Registry Hives Not Unmounted
When using the Analyze Offline System option leaves registry hives mounted, risking system corruption.
Steps to Reproduce:
Open Autoruns v14.11.Use File > Analyze Offline System.Close AutoRuns.Observe that registry hives remain mounted after the process has terminated. (Regedit.exe > HKLM > / autoruns.system / autoruns.user)
Can render the offline system unbootable.Prevents you from using Analyze Offline System again as the HKLMautoruns.* mountpoints are already in use.
Workaround: Use v13.100, which works correctly.
When using the Analyze Offline System option leaves registry hives mounted, risking system corruption. Steps to Reproduce:Open Autoruns v14.11.Use File > Analyze Offline System.Close AutoRuns.Observe that registry hives remain mounted after the process has terminated. (Regedit.exe > HKLM > / autoruns.system / autoruns.user)Impact:Can render the offline system unbootable.Prevents you from using Analyze Offline System again as the HKLMautoruns.* mountpoints are already in use. Workaround: Use v13.100, which works correctly. Read More
Reply-To’ Header Being Stripped in Office 365 Emails
Hi everyone, we are experiencing an issue where the “Reply-To” header in emails sent to our Exchanged hosted email account is being stripped. This behaviour started on the 7th of August, seemingly for reasons we haven’t been able to isolate.
Our current set up is that we have one primary email address that we receive all of our customer enquiries, orders, and emails through for 15+ websites. This email address is hosted through Exchange and we have set up SMTP. Our website is a WordPress based website, and we use WP Mail SMTP to connect our Exchange account to this plugin. Then, we filter this email account through MailGuard so that we mitigate 99% of the spam sent to that address.
Originally, we thought the problem was to do with this plugin, so we rolled back a version of the plugin and the issue was still not rectified. We also reached out to MailGuard asking them if they would strip Reply-To headers before they sent the email(s) back to us, and their reply from support was:
“We will add details into the headers of an email, but that will be in regards to recording the Hops of the email, whether it has passed SPF/DKIM/DMARC checks and specific logging regarding tour processing of the email.
That all being said, MailGuard’s systems do not remove content from emails.
If the emails do not have a reply-to in them, that is how they are when we have received them.”
As mentioned, we have 15+ other websites, but only 2 of them run through an OAuth connection with Exchange through the WP Mail SMTP plugin. The other websites, use Brevo (SendInBlue) as their SMTP provider.
Thinking it was a plugin issue, we tested the enquiries being sent from those websites to our email address, to see if they were also getting their Reply-To headers stripped, however, none of them were having this issue. We use the free SMTP service through Brevo for these smaller sites, and would exceed their limit if we switched our main sites to Brevo in the meantime.
We believe we have isolated the issue down to Exchange/Office365, but admittedly, are finding it a bit of a challenge given the intricate settings and options available throughout the account.
Below is a screenshot of two enquiries sent through to our email address, but 24 hours apart. The left indicates the the Reply-To header is present as normal, but the right image, indicates a missing Reply-To header.
To add a note, it is interesting saying that the emails were not signed. We definitely have DMARC/DKIM DNS records present so I’m unsure why they would be being delivered as unsigned.
We have not changed any SMTP settings, any policy settings, mail rules or anything similar in our Exchange account. It seemingly appears to be an issue that randomly appeared overnight.
Has anyone experienced similar issues with “Reply-To” headers being stripped in Office 365? Could there be specific settings or policies in Exchange Online or Azure that might affect this behaviour? Any advice or troubleshooting tips would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance for your help.
Hi everyone, we are experiencing an issue where the “Reply-To” header in emails sent to our Exchanged hosted email account is being stripped. This behaviour started on the 7th of August, seemingly for reasons we haven’t been able to isolate. Our current set up is that we have one primary email address that we receive all of our customer enquiries, orders, and emails through for 15+ websites. This email address is hosted through Exchange and we have set up SMTP. Our website is a WordPress based website, and we use WP Mail SMTP to connect our Exchange account to this plugin. Then, we filter this email account through MailGuard so that we mitigate 99% of the spam sent to that address. Originally, we thought the problem was to do with this plugin, so we rolled back a version of the plugin and the issue was still not rectified. We also reached out to MailGuard asking them if they would strip Reply-To headers before they sent the email(s) back to us, and their reply from support was: “We will add details into the headers of an email, but that will be in regards to recording the Hops of the email, whether it has passed SPF/DKIM/DMARC checks and specific logging regarding tour processing of the email. That all being said, MailGuard’s systems do not remove content from emails. If the emails do not have a reply-to in them, that is how they are when we have received them.” As mentioned, we have 15+ other websites, but only 2 of them run through an OAuth connection with Exchange through the WP Mail SMTP plugin. The other websites, use Brevo (SendInBlue) as their SMTP provider. Thinking it was a plugin issue, we tested the enquiries being sent from those websites to our email address, to see if they were also getting their Reply-To headers stripped, however, none of them were having this issue. We use the free SMTP service through Brevo for these smaller sites, and would exceed their limit if we switched our main sites to Brevo in the meantime. We believe we have isolated the issue down to Exchange/Office365, but admittedly, are finding it a bit of a challenge given the intricate settings and options available throughout the account. Below is a screenshot of two enquiries sent through to our email address, but 24 hours apart. The left indicates the the Reply-To header is present as normal, but the right image, indicates a missing Reply-To header. To add a note, it is interesting saying that the emails were not signed. We definitely have DMARC/DKIM DNS records present so I’m unsure why they would be being delivered as unsigned. We have not changed any SMTP settings, any policy settings, mail rules or anything similar in our Exchange account. It seemingly appears to be an issue that randomly appeared overnight. Has anyone experienced similar issues with “Reply-To” headers being stripped in Office 365? Could there be specific settings or policies in Exchange Online or Azure that might affect this behaviour? Any advice or troubleshooting tips would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your help. Read More
how to plot the graph
Hello Everyone,
I have some data as attached. Then I have the code to plot the graph. But I have to convert my file to excel first.
Anyway have that I can plot grpah wothout convert my file to excel?
clear all
close all
spec=readlines(‘nema2.spe’); % read as text
whos spec
data=readmatrix(‘nema2.spe.xlsx’); %the data from point1.prn must export to excel first.
whos data
%then from excel, it can be plotted.
plot(data(:,1),data(:,2))Hello Everyone,
I have some data as attached. Then I have the code to plot the graph. But I have to convert my file to excel first.
Anyway have that I can plot grpah wothout convert my file to excel?
clear all
close all
spec=readlines(‘nema2.spe’); % read as text
whos spec
data=readmatrix(‘nema2.spe.xlsx’); %the data from point1.prn must export to excel first.
whos data
%then from excel, it can be plotted.
plot(data(:,1),data(:,2)) Hello Everyone,
I have some data as attached. Then I have the code to plot the graph. But I have to convert my file to excel first.
Anyway have that I can plot grpah wothout convert my file to excel?
clear all
close all
spec=readlines(‘nema2.spe’); % read as text
whos spec
data=readmatrix(‘nema2.spe.xlsx’); %the data from point1.prn must export to excel first.
whos data
%then from excel, it can be plotted.
plot(data(:,1),data(:,2)) digital image processing, image processing, plot, plotting MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Exchange hybrid writeback with cloud sync is enabled, but I still can’t edit attributes from 365…
I’m very familiar with Exchange hybrid mode, I did a lot of hybrid migration, and I’m waiting since very long time for Exchange Hybrid Writeback feature to be able to edit hybrid Exchange mailbox settings from Exchange Online Admin Center instead of having to connect to the on-prem hybrid server or to “Exchange Recipient Admin Center”. I did configure it with Cloud Sync, enabled Exchange Hybrid Writeback option like in the following article (Exchange hybrid writeback with cloud sync – Microsoft Entra ID | Microsoft Learn), but I still can’t edit any mailbox attributes that comes from the on-prem AD, like emails adresses (aliases), etc. I still receive the same old error message saying “ Unable to update the specified properties for on-premises mastered Directory Sync objects or objects currently undergoing migration. DualWrite (Graph) RequestId: 4c2d42fa-9c6e-4749-8d00-79e9f8041787 The issue may be transient and please retry a couple of minutes later. If issue persists, please see exception members for more information.”
Am I misunderstanding how it is supposed to work? I searched a lot on the web, and even if it seems to be a very valuable feature, not much poeple talk about it, and when they talk about it, they don’T make a demo of how to use it once it is configured.
Hi, I’m very familiar with Exchange hybrid mode, I did a lot of hybrid migration, and I’m waiting since very long time for Exchange Hybrid Writeback feature to be able to edit hybrid Exchange mailbox settings from Exchange Online Admin Center instead of having to connect to the on-prem hybrid server or to “Exchange Recipient Admin Center”. I did configure it with Cloud Sync, enabled Exchange Hybrid Writeback option like in the following article (Exchange hybrid writeback with cloud sync – Microsoft Entra ID | Microsoft Learn), but I still can’t edit any mailbox attributes that comes from the on-prem AD, like emails adresses (aliases), etc. I still receive the same old error message saying ” Unable to update the specified properties for on-premises mastered Directory Sync objects or objects currently undergoing migration. DualWrite (Graph) RequestId: 4c2d42fa-9c6e-4749-8d00-79e9f8041787 The issue may be transient and please retry a couple of minutes later. If issue persists, please see exception members for more information.” Am I misunderstanding how it is supposed to work? I searched a lot on the web, and even if it seems to be a very valuable feature, not much poeple talk about it, and when they talk about it, they don’T make a demo of how to use it once it is configured. Thanks! Read More
Unable to delete contacts in People
Trying to delete contacts from People. Checked the checkboxes on my contacts whom I want to delete from People.
Also tried to delete one by one at a time.
Then, for former way, the dust box icon is grey out.
For latter way, dust box appears, however, some particular contacts show the error message and says “Issues and cannot delete.” The screeshot of the error message is as follows.
It appeared at the event when I deleted the contact in my People.
It says that “problem happened. Due to the problem, unable to delete.” Cancel in blue highlighted
Please advise how to delete contacts in People.
Hello,Trying to delete contacts from People. Checked the checkboxes on my contacts whom I want to delete from People.Also tried to delete one by one at a time.Then, for former way, the dust box icon is grey out.For latter way, dust box appears, however, some particular contacts show the error message and says “Issues and cannot delete.” The screeshot of the error message is as follows. It appeared at the event when I deleted the contact in my People.It says that “problem happened. Due to the problem, unable to delete.” Cancel in blue highlighted Please advise how to delete contacts in People. Read More
Need Fans Blasting Cold Air to Sleep peacefully.
I am seeking assistance to troubleshoot an issue I am experiencing with my computer. I have enabled S3 sleep mode in the BIOS and restored all settings to factory defaults. Additionally, I have disabled modern standby, hibernate, and fast startup settings using various methods such as Group Policy Editor, Registry Editor, and Power Options. Despite this, the problem persists. I strongly believe it is a software-related issue. Can someone provide guidance on how to resolve this?
I am seeking assistance to troubleshoot an issue I am experiencing with my computer. I have enabled S3 sleep mode in the BIOS and restored all settings to factory defaults. Additionally, I have disabled modern standby, hibernate, and fast startup settings using various methods such as Group Policy Editor, Registry Editor, and Power Options. Despite this, the problem persists. I strongly believe it is a software-related issue. Can someone provide guidance on how to resolve this? Read More
A notification from the update center indicates that a program update is available.
I have been receiving notifications from the system regarding updates for some of my programs. For instance, yesterday, I received a notification about an update for Corel VideoStudio X10. However, when I clicked on it, the notification disappeared. How can I check which programs have updates and how can I proceed with updating them? I tried searching online but all I found were results related to Windows 11 updates, which is not what I am looking for. I specifically need guidance on updating individual programs. Thank you for your assistance.
I have been receiving notifications from the system regarding updates for some of my programs. For instance, yesterday, I received a notification about an update for Corel VideoStudio X10. However, when I clicked on it, the notification disappeared. How can I check which programs have updates and how can I proceed with updating them? I tried searching online but all I found were results related to Windows 11 updates, which is not what I am looking for. I specifically need guidance on updating individual programs. Thank you for your assistance. Read More
Using Get-WinEvent to Retrieve Events within a Specific Time Period
Does anyone know if it is possible to define a time range when using Get-WinEvent in PowerShell? It appears to work when specifying StartTime, but encounters issues when setting both StartTime and EndTime.
Working example:
Get-WinEvent -FilterHashTable @{‘LogName’ = ‘Application’; ‘StartTime’ = Get-Date “November 26, 2023 14:00:00”; }
Encountering issues:
Get-WinEvent -FilterHashTable @{‘LogName’ = ‘Application’; ‘StartTime’ = Get-Date “November 26, 2023 14:00:00”; ‘EndTime’ = Get-Date “November 26, 2023 14:01:00”}
Get-WinEvent : No events were found that match the specified selection criteria.
At line:1 char:1
+ Get-WinEvent -FilterHashTable @{LogName=’Application’;StartTime=’01/0 …
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (:) [Get-WinEvent], Exception
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : NoMatchingEventsFound,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GetWinEventCommand
Does anyone know if it is possible to define a time range when using Get-WinEvent in PowerShell? It appears to work when specifying StartTime, but encounters issues when setting both StartTime and EndTime. Working example:“`powershellGet-WinEvent -FilterHashTable @{‘LogName’ = ‘Application’; ‘StartTime’ = Get-Date “November 26, 2023 14:00:00”; }“` Encountering issues:“`powershellGet-WinEvent -FilterHashTable @{‘LogName’ = ‘Application’; ‘StartTime’ = Get-Date “November 26, 2023 14:00:00”; ‘EndTime’ = Get-Date “November 26, 2023 14:01:00”}Get-WinEvent : No events were found that match the specified selection criteria.At line:1 char:1+ Get-WinEvent -FilterHashTable @{LogName=’Application’;StartTime=’01/0 …+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+ CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (:) [Get-WinEvent], Exception+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : NoMatchingEventsFound,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GetWinEventCommand“` Read More
FAQs on Installing Windows 10 and 11 via Windows To Go on External Drives
I am seeking guidance on the installation of Windows on external devices and would appreciate any assistance you can provide. My goal is to create a universal external device that contains installations of Windows 10 and 11 with a digital license purchased for a third party, using the information provided by them such as name, mobile number, and Gmail address.
1. Is it feasible to install Windows 10 and 11 on a new external device that is associated with a digital license linked to a Microsoft account different from the one on the host device to which the external device will be connected? Can I carry out this process on my desktop PC?
2. Will these external devices function properly on the third party’s PC who has shared their details with me?
3. To clarify further, I am looking to create a commercial external device on which Windows 11 and Windows 10 will be installed with a digital license connected to a Microsoft account, using the details provided by a third party. Is it possible to set this up on my desktop PC?
4. If the answer to the above questions is negative, are there any alternative solutions for creating a universal external device, possibly utilizing a local account of the third party and activating the digital license, so that the prepared device can be sold to them with the purchased license?
5. If the solution is affirmative, will the Microsoft server check my PC details and hardware configuration instead of those of the third party?
Thank you for your attention.
Greetings, I am seeking guidance on the installation of Windows on external devices and would appreciate any assistance you can provide. My goal is to create a universal external device that contains installations of Windows 10 and 11 with a digital license purchased for a third party, using the information provided by them such as name, mobile number, and Gmail address. 1. Is it feasible to install Windows 10 and 11 on a new external device that is associated with a digital license linked to a Microsoft account different from the one on the host device to which the external device will be connected? Can I carry out this process on my desktop PC? 2. Will these external devices function properly on the third party’s PC who has shared their details with me? 3. To clarify further, I am looking to create a commercial external device on which Windows 11 and Windows 10 will be installed with a digital license connected to a Microsoft account, using the details provided by a third party. Is it possible to set this up on my desktop PC? 4. If the answer to the above questions is negative, are there any alternative solutions for creating a universal external device, possibly utilizing a local account of the third party and activating the digital license, so that the prepared device can be sold to them with the purchased license? 5. If the solution is affirmative, will the Microsoft server check my PC details and hardware configuration instead of those of the third party? Thank you for your attention. Read More
Exploring new applications and updates on Windows 11
Good day everyone! I’ve made the choice to switch from W10 to W11 due to an issue with an installation that disrupted Aquasuite’s access to my hardware. Previously, I relied on Acronis Try and Decide to evaluate installations and changes to my system in a safe environment. Unfortunately, Try and Decide is not compatible with W11. How can I effectively test product installations or updates and revert back to a previous state?
One option is to conduct a full backup and recovery.
Alternatively, are there any other suggestions or methods you recommend for achieving this?
Good day everyone! I’ve made the choice to switch from W10 to W11 due to an issue with an installation that disrupted Aquasuite’s access to my hardware. Previously, I relied on Acronis Try and Decide to evaluate installations and changes to my system in a safe environment. Unfortunately, Try and Decide is not compatible with W11. How can I effectively test product installations or updates and revert back to a previous state? One option is to conduct a full backup and recovery. Alternatively, are there any other suggestions or methods you recommend for achieving this? Read More