Category: News
All the mail from one mail adress arrive in quarantine with an SCL = 5
All the emails sent to us by our customer (email address removed for privacy reasons) arrive in our quarantine with an SCL score of 5.
However, the email address passes the DMARC tests perfectly (test carried out with
The domain is not blacklisted, and emails from his colleagues email address removed for privacy reasons and email address removed for privacy reasons arrive with no problem.
The content of the email shouldn’t be the problem either, as an empty email is also quarantined.
What additional diagnostic work can I do to understand why the SCL for each of his emails scores 5?
All the emails sent to us by our customer (email address removed for privacy reasons) arrive in our quarantine with an SCL score of 5. However, the email address passes the DMARC tests perfectly (test carried out with domain is not blacklisted, and emails from his colleagues email address removed for privacy reasons and email address removed for privacy reasons arrive with no problem.The content of the email shouldn’t be the problem either, as an empty email is also quarantined. What additional diagnostic work can I do to understand why the SCL for each of his emails scores 5? Read More
Microsoft Sentinel & Cyberint Threat Intel Integration Guide
Microsoft Sentinel & Cyberint IOC Module Integration Guide
In today’s cybersecurity landscape, threat intelligence plays a critical role in identifying and mitigating potential threats. Microsoft Sentinel, a powerful cloud-native SIEM (Security Information and Event Management) solution, provides robust capabilities for security monitoring and incident response.
Integrating Microsoft Sentinel with Cyberint (Cyberint – Threat Intelligence & Digital Risk Protection) module enhances its ability to detect and respond to emerging threats using threat intelligence feeds.
This guide outlines the steps to integrate Cyberint’s module with Microsoft Sentinel, enabling you to leverage enriched threat intelligence data for more effective security operations.
1. Ensure you have an active Azure account with sufficient permissions to create resources
2. Active Cyberint account. (To get the API Token & URL)
This blog will guide you through the steps for integrating with Cyberint TI feeds and how to troubleshoot various issues that may arise during integration. Here is a brief summary of the steps needed
Log in to your Azure account.
Create a new Logic App
Ensure that Managed Identity for the Logic app is enabled.
Switch to Code view and paste in the JSON code
Use JSON Lint to verify and validate the Json Format.
Save the Logic App code.
Add a Switch-Case to handle HTTP action redirect status code 307.
Add steps for delay action to handle the Status code 429.
Configure the Logic App to execute daily.
Add Retry Policy if Status code 429 persists.
Grant Microsoft Sentinel Contributor Role to Logic App at the Resource Group Level.
Create a Blank logic app
1. Sign In to Azure Portal
Go to: Azure Portal
Log in with your Azure credentials.
2. Create a new Logic App
Navigate to: All services > Logic Apps
Click: + Add or + Create
Configure Basics:
Subscription: Select your Azure subscription.
Resource Group: Choose or create a new one.
Logic App Name: Enter a unique name.
Region: Choose your preferred region.
Select Type: Choose Logic App (Consumption) for pay-as-you-go pricing.
Click: Review + Create, then Create.
3. Ensure that the Logic app’s Managed Identity
Under the “Settings” section in the navigation bar, select “Identity”
Switch the “Status” slider to “On” and verify that you wish to perform this action.
You will assign role assignments later in the Blog post.
4. Switch to Code View to paste in JSON code
After activating the managed Identity, proceed to the Code view within Logic app.
Under the “Development Tools” section in the navigation bar, select “Logic app code view”
Insert the following code, making sure to substitute the elements marked in yellow with the relevant information specific to your environment.
The information you will need to gather is:
Microsoft Sentinel Subscription ID
Microsoft Sentinel Resource Group Name
Microsoft Sentinel Deployment Region
Cyberint API Token
Cyberint Environment URL
**Utilize the following code provided by CYBERINT to implement the foundational logic structure. Substitute the sections highlighted in Red with the appropriate values.
“definition”: {
“$schema”: ““,
“actions”: {
“Compose”: {
“inputs”: “@split(variables(‘input’), ‘n’)”,
“runAfter”: {
“Initialize_variable”: [
“type”: “Compose”
“Filter_array”: {
“inputs”: {
“from”: “@outputs(‘Compose’)”,
“where”: “@not(equals(item(), ”))”
“runAfter”: {
“Compose”: [
“type”: “Query”
“Follow_redirect_http”: {
“inputs”: {
“method”: “GET”,
“uri”: “@{outputs(‘HTTP’)[‘headers’][‘location’]}”
“runAfter”: {
“HTTP”: [
“type”: “Http”
“For_each”: {
“actions”: {
“Parse_JSON_2”: {
“inputs”: {
“content”: “@items(‘For_each’)”,
“schema”: {
“properties”: {
“confidence”: {
“type”: “integer”
“description”: {
“type”: “string”
“detected_activity”: {
“type”: “string”
“ioc_type”: {
“type”: “string”
“ioc_value”: {
“type”: “string”
“observation_date”: {
“type”: “string”
“severity_score”: {
“type”: “integer”
“type”: “object”
“runAfter”: {},
“type”: “ParseJson”
“Threat_Intelligence_-_Upload_Indicators_of_Compromise_(V2)_(Preview)”: {
“inputs”: {
“body”: {
“indicators”: [
“confidence”: “@{body(‘Parse_JSON_2’)?[‘confidence’]}”,
“created”: “@{utcNow()}”,
“description”: “@{body(‘Parse_JSON_2’)?[‘description’]}”,
“external_references”: [],
“granular_markings”: [],
“id”: “indicator–@{guid()}”,
“indicator_types”: [
“kill_chain_phases”: [
“kill_chain_name”: “mandiant-attack-lifecycle-model”,
“phase_name”: “establish-foothold”
“labels”: [
“lang”: “”,
“modified”: “@{utcNow()}”,
“name”: “@{body(‘Parse_JSON_2’)?[‘ioc_value’]}”,
“object_marking_refs”: [],
“pattern”: “[ipv4-addr:value = ‘@{body(‘Parse_JSON_2’)?[‘ioc_value’]}’]”,
“pattern_type”: “ipv4-addr”,
“spec_version”: “2.1”,
“type”: “indicator”,
“valid_from”: “@{body(‘Parse_JSON_2’)?[‘observation_date’]}”
“sourcesystem”: “Cyberint”
“host”: {
“connection”: {
“name”: “@parameters(‘$connections’)[‘azuresentinel’][‘connectionId’]”
“method”: “post”,
“path”: “/V2/ThreatIntelligence/@{encodeURIComponent(‘<Microsoft Sentinel workspaceid>’)}/UploadIndicators/”
“runAfter”: {
“Parse_JSON_2”: [
“type”: “ApiConnection”
“foreach”: “@body(‘Filter_array’)”,
“runAfter”: {
“Filter_array”: [
“type”: “Foreach”
“HTTP”: {
“inputs”: {
“cookie”: “access_token=<cyberint api token>“,
“method”: “GET”,
“queries”: {
“date”: “@{formatDateTime(utcNow(), ‘yyyy-MM-dd’)}”,
“detected_activity”: “cnc_server”,
“ioc_type”: “ipv4”
“uri”: “https://<cyberint environment url>/ioc/api/v1/feed/daily”
“runAfter”: {},
“type”: “Http”
“Initialize_variable”: {
“inputs”: {
“variables”: [
“name”: “input”,
“type”: “string”,
“value”: “@{body(‘Follow_redirect_http’)}”
“runAfter”: {
“Follow_redirect_http”: [
“type”: “InitializeVariable”
“contentVersion”: “”,
“outputs”: {},
“parameters”: {
“$connections”: {
“defaultValue”: {},
“type”: “Object”
“triggers”: {
“Recurrence”: {
“evaluatedRecurrence”: {
“frequency”: “Week”,
“interval”: 1
“recurrence”: {
“frequency”: “Week”,
“interval”: 1
“type”: “Recurrence”
“parameters”: {
“$connections”: {
“value”: {
“azuresentinel”: {
“connectionId”: “/subscriptions/<azure subscriptionid>/resourceGroups/<Sentinel Resource Group Name>/providers/Microsoft.Web/connections/azuresentinel”,
“connectionName”: “azuresentinel”,
“id”: “/subscriptions/<azure subscriptionid>/providers/Microsoft.Web/locations/<deployment Region>/managedApis/azuresentinel”
5. Utilize Json Lint Validator
Since you have modified the JSON code, it makes sense to double check it. In a new tab or window in your browser, go to JSON Online Validator and Formatter – JSON Lint, paste in your modified code, and then click on the green “Validate JSON” button.
Fix any errors that may show up and repeat the process until the JSON passes. Copy the modified code if you made any changes back into the Logic App.
6. Save the Logic App code
In the Logic App code view page, click on the “Save” button. The Azure portal notifications bell will show that this activity is running. You can click on that to see if any errors have occurred.
7. Implement the Switch Case Action
There is an additional Switch-Case Action required (to handle the Http Action Redirect) to be added once the above code is deployed, follow below instructions to update the above logic app
In the “Development Tools” in the navigation menu, select “Logic App designer” to switch back to the graphical view. Note: You can also get to this view by clicking on the “Edit” button in the “Overview” page.
The Switch action is to be added after the HTTP action:
Use the following steps to add the needed actions
Use Add an action:
2. Search for the “Switch” action and select it:
Add Status Code value to be fetched from previous HTTP step as:
Make sure your Switch action has the “Run After” options ‘Has Failed’ & ‘Is Successful’ checked under the “Settings” tab
3. Click on Add Case button:
Add an exact status code (307) value to Case2 as shown below:
Add new HTTP Action in the case:
Search for the “HTTP” action and select it
We need to fetch the new relocated location from our previous step into this HTTP2 action by using the following string ‘@{outputs(‘HTTP’)[‘headers’][‘location’]}’ respectively as and ensure to use GET method respectively:
Open Http 2 and add string ‘@{outputs(‘HTTP’)[‘headers’][‘location’]}’:
8. Add Additional Delay action
There may be a case where the JSON receives a status code of 429. To resolve that add a for Each loop after parse JSON 2 to resolve it
Click the Add Action button that is directly under the “Parse JSON 2” action.
Search for “Delay” and select it
Set its “Count” to 5 and change the “Unit” to “Second”
More information on the status code 429 can be found at the Official Microsoft Reference links:
1.Microsoft Sentinel – Connectors | Microsoft Learn
9. Adjust the recurrence of the Logic App
This Logic App should run daily because Cyberint produces threat intelligence feeds every day; this is a recommended practice compared to the default weekly schedule. Optionally, a specific time of day can be selected for the Logic App to execute.
Select the “Recurrence” trigger at the beginning of the Logic App”
Change the “Interview” to “1” and the “Frequency” to “Day”
If you wish to have this Logic app run at a specific time, use the “At These Hours” and “At These Minutes” fields to specify when you want the Logic App to run as shown in the image below
10. Adding Retry Policy if Status code 429 persist:
In Case if the Logic app still fails due to 429 as depicted below, we will add a retry policy
Follow the steps to add a retry policy:
1. Navigate to Logic app Designer.
2. Get to the Threat Intelligence Upload indicator of Compromise Step in Logic app.
3. Check Settings tab as depicted:
Under Networking select the Retry Policy and select Fixed Interval
Provide the count and Interval as required (the logic app currently have 4 counts 20s of interval)
11. Grant Microsoft Sentinel Contributor Role to Logic App at the Resource Group Level
To resolve the Unauthorized issue at the last step for Logic app, the Logic App’s managed identity will need Microsoft Sentinel contributor rights. Use the following steps to grant this right:
Login to Azure portal(
Go to the Microsoft Sentinel’s Resource Group.
Navigate to “Access Control (IAM)”
4. Click on the “Add” button and select “Add role assignment”
5. Select “Microsoft Sentinel Contributor” role and then click the “Next” button at the bottom of the screen
6. Select the “Managed Identity” radio button
7. Click “Select members”
8. Select the correct Subscription
9. In the “Managed Identity” drop down, select “Logic app”
10. Find the name of the Logic App and select it.
11. Click the “Select” button at the bottom of the page.
12. Click the “Review and assign” button at the bottom of the page to assign the permission
The Logic App is now ready to be run daily to ingest the Cyberint Threat Intelligence data.
The verify that the data is being ingested, you can use the KQL below to validate.
| where SourceSystem contains “Cyberint”
Microsoft Tech Community – Latest Blogs –Read More
Learn about AppJetty’s ISV Success for Business Applications solution in Microsoft AppSource
Microsoft ISV Success for Business Applications offers platforms, resources, and support designed to help partners develop, publish, and market business apps. Learn more about this offer from AppJetty:
MappyField 365: MappyField 365 is a powerful geo-mapping plugin for Microsoft Dynamics 365 that boosts business productivity with advanced features like live tracking, geographic data visualization, proximity search, auto-scheduling, auto check-ins, territory management, and heat maps. Accelerate your business across organizations with location intelligence from AppJetty.
Microsoft Tech Community – Latest Blogs –Read More
How do you save a figure with a trasparent background?
How do you save a figure with a trasparent background? I want to save a figure as a png image that has a transparent background so I can put the image into PowerPoint and the PowerPoint graphic will show through the Matlab figure.How do you save a figure with a trasparent background? I want to save a figure as a png image that has a transparent background so I can put the image into PowerPoint and the PowerPoint graphic will show through the Matlab figure. How do you save a figure with a trasparent background? I want to save a figure as a png image that has a transparent background so I can put the image into PowerPoint and the PowerPoint graphic will show through the Matlab figure. transparent backgrounf figure, png MATLAB Answers — New Questions
How to find the index of the minimum value in a matrix.
Hi everyone,
So I have a 9×21 matrix, V, and I am trying to find the index (i,j) of the minimum (closest to zero) value in that matrix. I have tried using several forms of the min function, but it keeps returning multiple indices for the the minimum values in each column. I only want one index (i,j), that of the minimum value in the ENTIRE matrix.
How would I go about doing this? Thanks!Hi everyone,
So I have a 9×21 matrix, V, and I am trying to find the index (i,j) of the minimum (closest to zero) value in that matrix. I have tried using several forms of the min function, but it keeps returning multiple indices for the the minimum values in each column. I only want one index (i,j), that of the minimum value in the ENTIRE matrix.
How would I go about doing this? Thanks! Hi everyone,
So I have a 9×21 matrix, V, and I am trying to find the index (i,j) of the minimum (closest to zero) value in that matrix. I have tried using several forms of the min function, but it keeps returning multiple indices for the the minimum values in each column. I only want one index (i,j), that of the minimum value in the ENTIRE matrix.
How would I go about doing this? Thanks! functions, matrix MATLAB Answers — New Questions
How to use global variable in MATLAB discrete-event system block (not MATLAB Function Blocks)?
I want to use global variable in a way like Resource Scheduling Using MATLAB Discrete-Event System and Data Store Memory Blocks. Like the following: After defining the parameter in a Data Store Memory block and declare the corresponding parameter in a MATLAB Discrete-Event System block, that block can access the value. But I can’t implement this feature in my project. I have looked up a lot of information, but none of it has helped. Please help me solve this problem. Thanks!
The information from the diagnostic viewer is:
Warning:System object ignores the global variable ‘BoardDataCollectionProcessBoxDatum1’ added during ‘DatumEntry’ execution. The global variable is either not declared in ‘DatumEntry’ or is declared while using the MATLAB debugger.I want to use global variable in a way like Resource Scheduling Using MATLAB Discrete-Event System and Data Store Memory Blocks. Like the following: After defining the parameter in a Data Store Memory block and declare the corresponding parameter in a MATLAB Discrete-Event System block, that block can access the value. But I can’t implement this feature in my project. I have looked up a lot of information, but none of it has helped. Please help me solve this problem. Thanks!
The information from the diagnostic viewer is:
Warning:System object ignores the global variable ‘BoardDataCollectionProcessBoxDatum1’ added during ‘DatumEntry’ execution. The global variable is either not declared in ‘DatumEntry’ or is declared while using the MATLAB debugger. I want to use global variable in a way like Resource Scheduling Using MATLAB Discrete-Event System and Data Store Memory Blocks. Like the following: After defining the parameter in a Data Store Memory block and declare the corresponding parameter in a MATLAB Discrete-Event System block, that block can access the value. But I can’t implement this feature in my project. I have looked up a lot of information, but none of it has helped. Please help me solve this problem. Thanks!
The information from the diagnostic viewer is:
Warning:System object ignores the global variable ‘BoardDataCollectionProcessBoxDatum1’ added during ‘DatumEntry’ execution. The global variable is either not declared in ‘DatumEntry’ or is declared while using the MATLAB debugger. simulink, discreate event simulation MATLAB Answers — New Questions
volume of set of points in 3d space with gap
I have a set of 3D points that represent an artery that has a bifurcation in it, so it splits from one to two branches. I am trying to find the volume. I have tried delaunay triangulation and convex hull but this results in the gap also being filled (see image). Is there any way to make the convex hull fit better to the true data set?
I have a set of 3D points that represent an artery that has a bifurcation in it, so it splits from one to two branches. I am trying to find the volume. I have tried delaunay triangulation and convex hull but this results in the gap also being filled (see image). Is there any way to make the convex hull fit better to the true data set?
thanks! Hello,
I have a set of 3D points that represent an artery that has a bifurcation in it, so it splits from one to two branches. I am trying to find the volume. I have tried delaunay triangulation and convex hull but this results in the gap also being filled (see image). Is there any way to make the convex hull fit better to the true data set?
thanks! volume, convexhull, bifurcation, 3d MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Custom views in new Outlook client gone
It appears in the new Outlook client you cannot add custom views anymore like explained in this article – is there another option in the new teams for this.
I have quite a few users now reporting this and I can’t find a MSFT documented way to get something back in place for our users.
It appears in the new Outlook client you cannot add custom views anymore like explained in this article – is there another option in the new teams for this. I have quite a few users now reporting this and I can’t find a MSFT documented way to get something back in place for our users. Read More
Function disappears after Import-Module
I have a problem with Import-Module.
I have a psm1 file which exports function “Write-FromWithinPsmFile“. This psm1 is imported into two ps1 files using Import-Module.
Also the main ps1 files calls the other ps1 file.
Now I found two cases, where calling the function “Write-FromWithinPsmFile” works fine and the other way shows some confusing result, which I cannot explain. The function “disappears” after the main script executes the second script. But only in case it executes the second script from within a function.
This is the Test.psm1 file:
function Write-FromWithinPsmFile($Text)
Write-Host “code in Test.psm1: $Text”
Export-ModuleMember -Function Write-FromWithinPsmFile
This is the script Start.ps1:
param (
Import-Module “C:tmpTest.psm1” -Scope Local -Force -ErrorAction Stop
function Invoke-ScriptFromFunction
. “C:tmpCalledScript_repro.ps1”
Write-FromWithinPsmFile “called from Start.ps1 – first time”
if ($WillFail)
# execute the script from within a function
# execute the script directly
. “C:tmpCalledScript_repro.ps1”
Write-FromWithinPsmFile “called from Start.ps1 – second time”
And this is the CalledScript_repro.ps1, which is called by the main script:
Import-Module “C:tmpTest.psm1” -Scope Local -ErrorAction Stop -Force
# do something …..
This is the successfull execution: powershell -File C:tmpStart.ps1 -Verbose
This is the failing one: powershell -File C:tmpStart.ps1 -WillFail -Verbose
It tells me:
Write-FromWithinPsmFile : The term ‘Write-FromWithinPsmFile’ is not recognized as the name of a
cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program.
Both calls will succeed, in case I change the CalledScript_repro.ps1 to this (I removed the -Force):
Import-Module “C:tmpTest.psm1” -Scope Local -ErrorAction Stop
# do something …..
Some time ago I added the -Force, because it is more convenient when debugging and writing the code.
So my question is:
What am I doing wrong? Do I need to do the Remove-Module explicitly? How should I use the Import-Module?
I have a problem with Import-Module.I have a psm1 file which exports function “Write-FromWithinPsmFile”. This psm1 is imported into two ps1 files using Import-Module.Also the main ps1 files calls the other ps1 file.Now I found two cases, where calling the function “Write-FromWithinPsmFile” works fine and the other way shows some confusing result, which I cannot explain. The function “disappears” after the main script executes the second script. But only in case it executes the second script from within a function. This is the Test.psm1 file: function Write-FromWithinPsmFile($Text)
Write-Host “code in Test.psm1: $Text”
Export-ModuleMember -Function Write-FromWithinPsmFile This is the script Start.ps1: param (
Import-Module “C:tmpTest.psm1” -Scope Local -Force -ErrorAction Stop
function Invoke-ScriptFromFunction
. “C:tmpCalledScript_repro.ps1”
Write-FromWithinPsmFile “called from Start.ps1 – first time”
if ($WillFail)
# execute the script from within a function
# execute the script directly
. “C:tmpCalledScript_repro.ps1”
Write-FromWithinPsmFile “called from Start.ps1 – second time” And this is the CalledScript_repro.ps1, which is called by the main script: Import-Module “C:tmpTest.psm1” -Scope Local -ErrorAction Stop -Force
# do something ….. This is the successfull execution: powershell -File C:tmpStart.ps1 -VerboseThis is the failing one: powershell -File C:tmpStart.ps1 -WillFail -VerboseIt tells me:Write-FromWithinPsmFile : The term ‘Write-FromWithinPsmFile’ is not recognized as the name of acmdlet, function, script file, or operable program.Both calls will succeed, in case I change the CalledScript_repro.ps1 to this (I removed the -Force): Import-Module “C:tmpTest.psm1” -Scope Local -ErrorAction Stop
# do something ….. Some time ago I added the -Force, because it is more convenient when debugging and writing the code.So my question is:What am I doing wrong? Do I need to do the Remove-Module explicitly? How should I use the Import-Module? Read More
need help transforming data
I basicly have the left table and want to create the right one but with a larger data set. Annybody knows how to do this in Excel? Does this proces have a name?
Hi, I basicly have the left table and want to create the right one but with a larger data set. Annybody knows how to do this in Excel? Does this proces have a name? Read More
Microsoft Intune agent on Linux
hi team
we enroll a Linux device successfully with Intune.
Linux os is ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS
Intune agent is Ver 1.2405.17
every time after closing the agent or restarting the os the Intune agent does not connect automatically and asks for login.
is this the normal behavior in Linux or am I missing something? 🙂
hi team we enroll a Linux device successfully with Intune.Linux os is ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS Intune agent is Ver 1.2405.17every time after closing the agent or restarting the os the Intune agent does not connect automatically and asks for this the normal behavior in Linux or am I missing something? 🙂 Read More
Outlook deeplink calendar compose ends with a blank screen on save
Recently we noticed any deeplinks we use for composing events into the outlook calendar end with a blank screen. This used to close automatically on complete.
We have an offering of our app in msTeams so this flow is very confusing for users as it’s not apparent a new tab has been opened in msteams.
We are working towards using teams specific deeplinks for calendar events but we still need the outlook deeplink to work as expected for web versions of our app.
An example of this behaviour from another thread this was mentioned in that has had no response:
Recently we noticed any deeplinks we use for composing events into the outlook calendar end with a blank screen. This used to close automatically on complete.We have an offering of our app in msTeams so this flow is very confusing for users as it’s not apparent a new tab has been opened in msteams. We are working towards using teams specific deeplinks for calendar events but we still need the outlook deeplink to work as expected for web versions of our app.An example of this behaviour from another thread this was mentioned in that has had no response: Read More
Cross-workspace incident management
Hello Techcommunity, We are looking for a solution to manage incidents in several Sentinel workspaces within the same tenant. 1. We reviewed Azure Lighthouse and it seems to be working only for cross-tenant management2. We saw the option to mark the workspaces we want to monitor and click on “View incidents”3. We also considered building the dashboard in a Workbook Could you please say if there is any other option to have a unified dashboard for managing incidents from several Sentinels within the same tenant? Read More
Issue Plotting Array in Imagesc
I am trying to plot an array as an imagesc plot. The array is full of non-zero numbers, but imagesc plots them as zero. I think the issue is with scaling, but I don’t know how to fix it. Screenshots attached to show what I mean. How do I scale my imagesc plot so that the numbers in the array are visible appropriately? Tried looking it up on the documentation but couldn’t find a clear answer for my problem.I am trying to plot an array as an imagesc plot. The array is full of non-zero numbers, but imagesc plots them as zero. I think the issue is with scaling, but I don’t know how to fix it. Screenshots attached to show what I mean. How do I scale my imagesc plot so that the numbers in the array are visible appropriately? Tried looking it up on the documentation but couldn’t find a clear answer for my problem. I am trying to plot an array as an imagesc plot. The array is full of non-zero numbers, but imagesc plots them as zero. I think the issue is with scaling, but I don’t know how to fix it. Screenshots attached to show what I mean. How do I scale my imagesc plot so that the numbers in the array are visible appropriately? Tried looking it up on the documentation but couldn’t find a clear answer for my problem. imagesc MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Kindly guide how to add the single edit field for each RLC like [0.01, …] and different time interval [10, 20, 30] in app designer and also the phase result on interfaces
Kindly guide how to add the single edit field for each RLC like [0.01, …] and different time interval [10, 20, 30] in app designerKindly guide how to add the single edit field for each RLC like [0.01, …] and different time interval [10, 20, 30] in app designer Kindly guide how to add the single edit field for each RLC like [0.01, …] and different time interval [10, 20, 30] in app designer appdesigner MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Index 3D Array with 2D logical array
I have an logical array B and an 3D array A. I wish to extract and manipulate values of A for specific , whereby the values in the first two dimensions are given by B. I was hoping something like
A(B,[1 3 5])
would give me the values specified by B for the first, third and fifth slice of A, but MATLAB doesn’t allow this kind of indexing.
In particular, I would like to switch values given by B for certain (excuse the fauly syntax) akin to
A(B,[1 3 5]) = A(B,[2 4 6])
A minimum example of what I would like to achieve would be:
% coordinate mesh
[X,Y] = meshgrid(1:n,1:m);
% logical array B
B = (X-n/4).^2 + (Y-m/2).^2 < m;
% 3d array A
A = zeros(m,n,9);
A(:,:,1:4) = 1;
A(:,:,5:8) = 2;
A(:,:,9) = 3;
% switching of slices (in fauly syntax)
A(B,[1 2 3 ] = A(B,[5 6 7])
A(B,[5 6 7 ] = A(B,[1 2 3])
I need to do this switching of specific values in the 3. dimension for different slices of A and have not been able to come up with an efficient way of doing this. Any help would be greatly appreciated!I have an logical array B and an 3D array A. I wish to extract and manipulate values of A for specific , whereby the values in the first two dimensions are given by B. I was hoping something like
A(B,[1 3 5])
would give me the values specified by B for the first, third and fifth slice of A, but MATLAB doesn’t allow this kind of indexing.
In particular, I would like to switch values given by B for certain (excuse the fauly syntax) akin to
A(B,[1 3 5]) = A(B,[2 4 6])
A minimum example of what I would like to achieve would be:
% coordinate mesh
[X,Y] = meshgrid(1:n,1:m);
% logical array B
B = (X-n/4).^2 + (Y-m/2).^2 < m;
% 3d array A
A = zeros(m,n,9);
A(:,:,1:4) = 1;
A(:,:,5:8) = 2;
A(:,:,9) = 3;
% switching of slices (in fauly syntax)
A(B,[1 2 3 ] = A(B,[5 6 7])
A(B,[5 6 7 ] = A(B,[1 2 3])
I need to do this switching of specific values in the 3. dimension for different slices of A and have not been able to come up with an efficient way of doing this. Any help would be greatly appreciated! I have an logical array B and an 3D array A. I wish to extract and manipulate values of A for specific , whereby the values in the first two dimensions are given by B. I was hoping something like
A(B,[1 3 5])
would give me the values specified by B for the first, third and fifth slice of A, but MATLAB doesn’t allow this kind of indexing.
In particular, I would like to switch values given by B for certain (excuse the fauly syntax) akin to
A(B,[1 3 5]) = A(B,[2 4 6])
A minimum example of what I would like to achieve would be:
% coordinate mesh
[X,Y] = meshgrid(1:n,1:m);
% logical array B
B = (X-n/4).^2 + (Y-m/2).^2 < m;
% 3d array A
A = zeros(m,n,9);
A(:,:,1:4) = 1;
A(:,:,5:8) = 2;
A(:,:,9) = 3;
% switching of slices (in fauly syntax)
A(B,[1 2 3 ] = A(B,[5 6 7])
A(B,[5 6 7 ] = A(B,[1 2 3])
I need to do this switching of specific values in the 3. dimension for different slices of A and have not been able to come up with an efficient way of doing this. Any help would be greatly appreciated! 3d, matrix array, indexing, index, sub2ind MATLAB Answers — New Questions
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